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Thread: Casey : GONE.

  1. #11
    Inactive Member BamfKat's Avatar
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    eXiles is a great title IMHO. With Nocturne we have every reason in the world to expect that Kurt will leave the priesthood (and hitch up with Wanda!) Sounds like a cool arc to me!

    "Come here and pull my finger..." BAMF!


  2. #12
    Inactive Member Nocturne's Avatar
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    oh, Exiles! is there any doubt that i love it? i just hope Nocturne is not the one that bites the dust soon frown but we know it will not be Sunfire cause she is going to be on the cover of an upcoming issue, we KNOW it aint gonna be Blink, i mean come on... the series was created for her, and where would the Sabretooth sub-plot go if she dies? Mimic i would normally doubt, but the Captain America fight in the arena has me worried. Morph i highly doubt, he's the comic relief. so that pretty much leaves it a draw betwen Thunderbird and Nocturne with a slim chance of Mimic frown please oh please be Thunderbird... we need to see Nocturne whoop Mystiques ass to save Nighty!

    and on the subject of casey... well, i agree his style is different, and not ot everyones taste, with him you kninda have to read between the lines... it's not so much about the characters, as it is the world they live in. Nightcrawler was off, but he is getting better. besides, characters DO change... we may not like the new direction but it does happen, they do not stay the same forever, and Nighty lost his spark before Casey ever got his hands on him.

    as for X-Treme ugh. the last straw was the latest preview pages i saw.... Davis is now a mutant, a rather powerful teleporter... for one thing, i am all for a human hanging with the X-men, shows that Xaviers dream has hope, so i thought that kinda sucked. but my main gripe is the lame-o factor here. him being a mutant is not so bad and i love teleportation as a mutant ability, obviously.... but he SURFS thru this alternate dimension, he's got himself a surf board and he surfs from place to place... rolleyes how lame is that? and i agree, the characters are so much more paper cut outs than anything in Uncanny. all they do is constantly state things about themselves and their powers like Bishop "I'm a cop" kinda thing. ugh. I used to like Claremont, but he seriously dropped the ball here.

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    [This message has been edited by Nocturne (edited February 08, 2002).]

  3. #13
    HB Forum Owner Knight_Crawler's Avatar
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    Maybe it all comes down to a matter of taste. I agree that when Casey started, it was pretty bad...but I think the big reason people are still complaining is that he just gradually got better, instead of one issue just suddenly being fantastic. We're in a quick fix instant gratification world and we want it better NOW! biggrin

    I gave all the X-books a chance. <font color=#ffcc00>Uncanny</font>, <font color=#ffcc00>New</font>, <font color=#ffcc00>X-Treme</font>, <font color=#ffcc00>eXiles</font>, <font color=#ffcc00>X-Force</font>...and I've just since 401 started to like <font color=#ffcc00>Uncanny</font> (though I DID like 400 in parts), <font color=#ffcc00>New</font> has great writing, but it still feels weird, though it has begun to feel like X-Men again, without losing it's edge and touch (see? Even everyone's beloved Morrison had to give it a few months to find his groove), <font color=#ffcc00>X-Treme</font>...*sigh* I tried. I really did. I've read every issue up to the current one, and the dialogue is still bad. The story wasn't too bad until Lifeguard and I honestly don't mind the wordiness. That's Claremont's style and I dig. But you wanna talk about flat cardboard cutouts with powers? <font color=#ffcc00>eXiles</font> is STILL GREAT. Every story so far has had me hooked and the latest one, with the Skrull Earth is no exception. Definitely my favorite of the X-books. <font color=#ffcc00>X-Force</font> I'm not much of a fan of the book, but I must say that it is good. It's relatively original, has neat takes on mutants, has a good dose of humor, and a BIG dose of gore. All in all a good read, just not really my cup of tea (everyone who is an art fan should check out the <font color=#ffcc00>X-Force</font> 'Nuff Said issue...homages to lots of great artists!).

    Chuck Austen will be replacing Casey as <font color=#ffcc00>Uncanny</font>'s writer...and he's going to be torn apart, too. It'll take him probably a few months to get his groove, too, and in that time the raving fanboys will have torn him apart and decided in their minds exactly what his run will be like.

    My advice to EVERYONE is to pick up each issue with an open mind. Forget WHO is writing it until you're done. A lot of people still read them, but they've already decided in their mind that it's going to be bad and then, for them, it is. Of course, this can backfire if you're a fan of a particular writer, because I think the opposite is happening with <font color=#ffcc00>X-Treme</font>. People have decided in their minds that it's good, and for them it is. Which is fine for them. If you enjoy it, stick to it!

    Again, I guess it all comes down to taste.

    Oh, and <font color=#ffcc00>Sugah</font>, that was the funniest pun I've seen in a long time. biggrin I also think that having more than 6 members on a team without the rest OFFICIALLY in the background (Prof. X) is bad for writing. Sure, you get to see more characters, and if you're a fan of those characters, it's better for you, but UGH it clogs everything up. You can't really have character development without leaving half the team conspicuously out of it and fights get to be where they're an issue long if the team's against a foe that's a match for them or 1 page long because they're beating down Bob Q. Criminal for mugging an old lady. It's just bad for storytelling to have that many characters around all the time.

    [This message has been edited by Knight_Crawler (edited February 08, 2002).]

  4. #14
    Inactive Member Sugah's Avatar
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    Yeah, the power sucks big time. Luckily, it will still make him pretty worhtless in a battle. Still, someone please get rid of those two "plot-devices". I could manage Heather's life-saving powers, but this is just too much. They're ruining a book I really dug during issues 4-7 frown

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  5. #15
    Inactive Member Fasheem's Avatar
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    I've been reading Exiles every month since issue... hmmm. Dunno. Awhile. It's alright. I like it but I can't seem to get excited about it. Not excited enough to buy it anyhow. Someone is dying? When? Next issue? Not Morph, oh please not Morph. I like him the very best. smile

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nocturne:
    but my main gripe is the lame-o factor here. him being a mutant is not so bad and i love teleportation as a mutant ability, obviously.... but he SURFS thru this alternate dimension, he's got himself a surf board and he surfs from place to place... rolleyes how lame is that?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    LOL You must be kidding. That's even worse than Evan and his skateboard in Evo.

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  6. #16
    Inactive Member Nightcrawler_o63's Avatar
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    Yeah! Nightcrawler will stay in the Uncanny line-up and Austen says even more:
    "I hadn't kept up with the X-Men until recently with some of Grant's (Morrison) stuff. So I didn't know the recent history, or the changes in character. I was shocked to learn Nightcrawler was a priest in training." eek Does this mean that the priest thing might have it's days numbered? smile

    I must tell you that I didn't bought the Uncanny for 6 years and that I started to buy again with 396 (because of the cover - and maybe also because of the hype) and I hated it, I really hated 396, Nightcrawler just didn't felt right; but I insisted and waited for things to get better and they never did. I haven't read 402, but one thing I can tell you about 401, I hated it too - it made me read the script (see the Elektra issue, or even Captain Marvel 'Nuff Said issue).
    So I'm very pleased that Mr.Casey is gone and I'm hopping that Austen writes Uncanny at least as well as he draws Elektra.

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  7. #17
    HB Forum Owner Knight_Crawler's Avatar
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    <font color=#ffcc00>Nightcrawler_063</font>, please READ the thread before posting in it. We've already said that the priest business's days are numbered. Casey is dumping it before he leaves the book.

    ~~The Knight_Crawler~~

    "By four o'clock, I've discounted suicide in favor of killing everyone else in the entire world instead." - Spider Jerusalem

  8. #18
    Inactive Member BAMFCentral's Avatar
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    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Knight_Crawler:
    <font color=#ffcc00>Nightcrawler_063</font>, please READ the thread before posting in it. We've already said that the priest business's days are numbered. Casey is dumping it before he leaves the book. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Ah yes, but that was speculation, much as NC63 is speculating, by posting link to a recent interview.

    It was posted at X-Fan & NEWSarama, that Casey would be closing some of HIS plot points. But it never said which ones. So Kurt may still well be a priest when Casey leaves, and Austen might keep him that way. Only time will tell.

    As many have stated Casey's start wasn't steller, but I think he showed promise in the last few issues that came out.

    As for Kurt chiding Chamber, he has done it before. NC barked at Peter when he hurt Wisdom. He often yelled at Cap B, during the early run of Excaliber. There have even been occassions during the early adv s of the All New X-Men that NC would try and talk with Scott to get Cyc to open up and talk to him. As with all the instances, Kurt wasn't being mean, but trying to get his point across.


  9. #19
    Inactive Member BamfKat's Avatar
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    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nocturne:
    oh, Exiles! is there any doubt that i love it? i just hope Nocturne is not the one that bites the dust soon <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I HOPE NOT! My guess is T-bird is going to bite it. He seems to be out of fight and then Nocturne can angst over his loss (remember her dream?)

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nocturne:

    and on the subject of casey...'s not so much about the characters, as it is the world they live in.
    I supose that I prefer it to be about the characters...
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nocturne:
    Nightcrawler was off, but he is getting better. besides, characters DO change... we may not like the new direction but it does happen, they do not stay the same forever, and Nighty lost his spark before Casey ever got his hands on him.
    There is a diference between a character changing or taking a new direction and assassinating the character. Casey doesn't seem to have a grasp of the characters' personalities (or doesn't care). I don't mind How Kurt acts in the mini. He is essentially Kurt, Casey has little grasp on the character and to cover he has the Supreme Pontiff (or was that a supreme burrito combo) erase what little is left.

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nocturne:
    as for X-Treme ugh. the last straw was the latest preview pages i saw.... Davis is now a mutant, a rather powerful teleporter... for one thing, i am all for a human hanging with the X-men, shows that Xaviers dream has hope, so i thought that kinda sucked.
    Could not agree more! I could see it if he was just a dude. but now he warps? LAME.

    Now I gotta say Kurt is a strong willed guy. When he popped off at Jono it was from bitter personal experience. I think he could have handled it better (but then I could to when telling a first tier tech how to better handle a call or a problem). He should retain something of the humor he had tho. Casey, I guess, can't imagin it.

    BamfKat *Goes off to look at his AoA collection and dream of the direction he would have Kurt grow if he was in charge... and get a taco Hmmm, getting hungry*

    "Come here and pull my finger..." BAMF!


  10. #20
    Inactive Member Fasheem's Avatar
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    *secretly prefers T-bird to Nocturne... er, maybe not so secretly any more*

    I just find her icky on one level (Nighty sex change!) and incredibly dull on all others. It doesn't help that she is uncomfortably close to all the Mary Sue-type Kurt relatives that have been popping up at Blech. She's just too perfect.

    Casey wasn't so bad... although I did have a look at the annual. Icksome, man! It was the dreaded Scratchy Art! I just don't like it when I have to really concentrate and pay attention and make guesses as to who everyone is. Double blech.

    "Well, that's like Pauly Shore on one hand and Saskatchewan on the other I mean, how do you lose?!"

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