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Thread: Reposting of Indigo Shadows

  1. #11
    Inactive Member MoonbeamDancer's Avatar
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    LOL. Hang on. I'm writting it as I speak. (Or is that write?)

  2. #12
    Inactive Member MoonbeamDancer's Avatar
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    Okay, more new stuff, enjoy. Mild swearing on Rei's part.

    Kurt looked just as Rei readied herself to pounce on him. Kurt curled his legs up and as Rei landed, he pushed up and off so Rei wound up being thrown over his head and crashing into the night table, knocking it over, and the bed. Rei cried out as she crashed to the floor, her head striking the hardwood floor.

    Kurt moved to pin her, one arm and his tail around her chest and waist, the other arm buried in her hair, pulling her head back, to see her face.
    "Stop it." Kurt demanded, his face a few inches from hers.
    Rei growled and spit at Kurt. "Let go." she retorted, struggling to get free. Rei's tail scooped up the bracelet and she wrenched herself loose.
    "Rei, get back here!"

    Rei turned back to face Kurt, the bracelet in her hand. "And take your bracelet back!" she snarled, throwing it at him. The bracelet hit the floor and slid to a stop at Kurt's feet. "I don't need it or want it." Rei threw open the door and started to run down the hall. Kurt teleported into the hall and tackled Rei, pushing her back against the wall, using his body to trap her, pressing against her. Rei lashed out with her left hand and raked her claws across Kurt's cheek. Kurt cried out, -even through the wounds healed instantly, the blood disappearing- and slapped Rei back. She mentally yelped and gritted her fangs.
    "Change back." Kurt commanded, ignoring her pain.
    "Why the hell should I? So it's easier for you to hurt me?" Rei spat back.
    "Do it!"
    "Fuck you Kurt, I'm not changing back."

    Kurt glared at her and decided to change tactics. "What's wrong Rei?" he purred in her ear. "You scared?" Kurt slid his hands along her hips. "Or is it, you're afraid you might like it? Hmm? Is that it?"
    Yep, there it was, slight tempeture change. Even if she was pissed off at him, if he just pushed the right buttons, he could still turn her on. Rei shoved him roughly away and began to run. Kurt hissed and grabbed for her, bringing her to the ground.

    Kurt held Rei, one hand over her mouth, and said. "Don't bother yelling. I own the entire floor, no one will hear you."
    Rei mulled this over, her body slowly relaxing somewhat. Kurt slowly removed his hand and Rei changed back.
    “Are you gonna keep fighting?”
    “Are you gonna let go of me?”
    “I will if you stop fighting.”
    Rei sighed. “Any one ever tell you you’re an asshole?”
    “They ever tell you you’re a self righteous bastard?”
    “You are. They should tell you more often.” she retorted.
    “You know, as much as I love fighting with you, I’d rather be standing. Are you gonna keep fighting?”

    Kurt stood up and pulled Rei to her feet, keeping one hand on her left upper arm.
    “Thought you were gonna let go of me.”
    “I did. Now come on.” Kurt replied, steering her towards the living room and sitting her on the sofa. “Do you want anything?”
    “Yeah, I want out. And I wanna know why?”
    “Why what?”
    “Why you left, why you kidnapped me, why everything.”
    Kurt sat on the other end of the sofa “I left because I didn’t want to hurt you. As for the rest…

    Yeah, yeah, bad place to stop. But I'm out of ideas, so you guys get to help.

  3. #13
    Inactive Member MoonbeamDancer's Avatar
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    Hmm...why ask why, drink Bud Dry! Heh, heh...uh, sorry.

    LOL. I like that. [img]smile.gif[/img]

    "I left because I didn’t want to hurt you." will just piss her off more. She could jump on that, and ask him why he didn't just *ask* her if she wanted him to go away after his change. That might shock him. Why would she *not* want him to go?

    True, why wouldn't she? That would be cool, maybe I can do something with that. As to why he came back, I don't know, he just did.

    He's free of the man that made him leave her; so what if he wanted to go back to her, but was trying to find a way out of his nasty vampire state first? I see much agnst in this route, like a traditional vampire love story.

    Agnst, agnst, and more agnst. Agnst is a wonderful thing.... (We'll just make my agnst kitty happy, won't we?)

    I see much Buffy in this route.

    ~like Janet on The Brady Bunch~ Buffy! Buffy! Buffy! lol, sorry, couldn't help it.... ok, leaving now.

  4. #14
    Inactive Member Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    Hmm...why ask why, drink Bud Dry! Heh, heh...uh, sorry.

    But seriously, I still think this could go one of three ways so I'll just throw some ideas and thoughts out.

    Since her first question to him is to ask why he left her, and judging by her reaction to him when he made a swipe at seducing her -- I'd say she is still in love with him.

    As independent as she is, I imagine his answer: "I left because I didn?t want to hurt you." will just piss her off more. She could jump on that, and ask him why he didn't just *ask* her if she wanted him to go away after his change. That might shock him. Why would she *not* want him to go?

    And since he just announced he was leaving and then decided to turn up again after five years, I'd be pissed too. Why the hell did he come back?

    Going back to when he left her:

    QUOTE- Kurt's golden eyes narrowed angrily, as he stared at his sire. "I just lost the woman that I love, and that's all you have to say??" he snarled.
    Jean-Claude's hand lashed out and wrapped around Kurt's throat.
    Kurt gagged.
    "I am the one that made you." he growled pulling Kurt close. "I am your sire! It would do you good to remember that."
    Jean-Claude let Kurt go. "Let's go." he said, turning around, his long, black, curly hair swirling in the air and getting in the car.
    Kurt growled, the moonlight flashing off his fangs and got into the car.
    "Kurt look, it's better this way. You're immortal, she's not." Jean-Claude said as they drove away.
    "Right, sure. Whatever." Kurt replied. -QUOTE

    He obviously wasn't happy about leaving her, and endured a heck of a lot in the time they were separated. He's free of the man that made him leave her; so what if he wanted to go back to her, but was trying to find a way out of his nasty vampire state first? I see much agnst in this route, like a traditional vampire love story.

    Was it really a coincidence that they both ended up in San Francisco? Or did he somehow call her? Or did she unconsciously follow him?

    He hasn't had her for lunch yet, so what are his motives for the future? Is he thinking about making things right with her, or is he planning on making her like him? Does he like being a vampire asshole? If so, he's just controlling her for his own perverse ends, and she needs to off him. I see much Buffy in this route.

    That help any?

  5. #15
    Inactive Member MoonbeamDancer's Avatar
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    Okay, wrote more last night. Let me know what you think, I'll try to write more today.

    Kurt sat on the other end of the sofa “I left because I didn’t want to hurt you. As for the rest-"
    "Didn't want to hurt me? Didn't want to hurt me??" Rei shot back. "You have no idea what you did to me before and after you left! You have no clue at all. And you never thought that I would want you to stay." Rei just stared at Kurt.

    Kurt growled and grabbed Rei, shaking her. "Don't you get it? I could of killed you! Or someone else. As a matter of fact, I could still kill you. Is that what you want Rei?"
    Rei remained silent, watching the man she loved, and yet, not seeing him at all in the man that stood before her. "I would of gone with you." she whispered. "All you had to do was ask."
    Kurt let go of Rei, shocked. It had never crossed his mind that she would want him after he had been vamped, nor to take her with him.
    "I never knew." he admitted.
    "Of course not." Rei snorted. " You were gone before I could say anything."

    Kurt fell quite. Now that he thought about it, he was glad he hadn't taken Rei with him. He had left mostly out of fear of hurting the woman he loved or someone else in his family, and mostly, because Jean-Claude made him. Rei was so headstrong and stubborn, it was one of the reason he loved her then and still did now, but Jean-Claude would of killed her for it.
    "I'm glad I didn't bring you. Jean-Claude would of killed you. Or made you his concubine, or worse, thrown you to his werewolves to do with as they pleased."
    "The man who made me. My sire."
    "He sounds like a jerk."
    "He was. I helped in killing him. That's what got me banished."
    Rei gave Kurt a "huh?" look.
    "Banished is when you're thrown out of whatever city you were staying in. I was staying in New York City, Jean-Claude was Master of the City there, and got banished from there. I can't go back, ever, or they'll kill me."
    "So what happened and they who?"

    Kurt sighed mentally. He should stop right now. He shouldn't even consider telling Rei any of this, it could, and would if anyone ever found out, get her killed or embraced. Sometimes he hated being a vampire. All the damn rules gave him a headache.

  6. #16
    Inactive Member MoonbeamDancer's Avatar
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    BTW Slarti, thanks for the review on Candel Light. [img]smile.gif[/img] I think that's the first time I've made someone's computer explode. Steam up the screan, yes. Melt the moniter (sp?), yes. Make the computer explode, no. LOL. [img]tongue.gif[/img]

  7. #17
    Inactive Member MoonbeamDancer's Avatar
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    Okay, yet again, more new stuff. Could someone tell me if this is too sappy? Does it read too much like Buffy and Angel? I was watching the 2nd season end epi, the one where she kills Angel, and was wondering.

    "I shouldn't be even telling you this Rei. You have no idea how dangerous it is."
    "Don't give me that, start talking."
    "It could get you killed." Kurt stated.
    "I seriously doubt that you would care."

    Kurt growled mentally, which Rei heard and ignored, and settled himself a few inches away from her. "God Rei, I. Love. You. How many times do I have to say it?" he hissed softly, his eyes staring into hers.
    "How can you say that? The man I loved is dead, I don't even know you." Rei got off the sofa, moving towards the windows, semi realizing that Kurt was following her. "Nice view." she thought, gazing out the window at the bay.
    "I'm still here libeling. I always have been." Kurt said, standing behind her.
    "You're lying. You're not my Kurt anymore."
    "Yes I am."
    And he proved it by grabbing Rei's arm, turning her around and kissing her.
    "I'm still yours. I always have been." he whispered in her mind. "Always will be."

    It took Rei a full minute to realize what Kurt was doing. By then, he had her in his arms and was slowly lapping at her throat. She put her hands on his shoulders and began to push Kurt away. "Stop." she gritted out, repulsed at his touch and more at herself for missing and wanting it. "Stop it!" she shouted, shoving him away. Kurt stumbled back away from her.
    "Just stop it!" Rei shouted again, not noticing the tears that fell. "Please…just stop it." she whispered, dissolving into the tears she had fought for so long to keep back.

    Kurt stood still, her pain washing over him through their connection; he had never felt such raw pain before, such loneliness or grief. She still loved him, but could because she thought he was dead. He stood there for a moment longer, torn between the desire to comfort her and the instinct to stay away. Kurt decided on the former and moved to hold Rei.
    Rei shook her head. "No, stop." she mumbled, holding out her hands to push Kurt away.
    Kurt ignored her protests and folded her into his embrace.
    "You're dead." Rei whispered, sniffling, her arms folded against Kurt's chest.
    "Shh… I'm still here." Kurt whispered back, stroking Rei's hair with one hand, the other around her waist; his tail rubbing slow, gentle circles on her back, rocking back and forth.

  8. #18
    Inactive Member nghtcrwlr's Avatar
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    Awww! that last scene was sweet. And hey, don't worry, this story is coming out real nice (now to the important part of this post: So what happens next?! [img]tongue.gif[/img] )

  9. #19
    Inactive Member MoonbeamDancer's Avatar
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    I don't know. I need some ideas.

  10. #20
    Inactive Member Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    I like that section! Very agnsty, but cool. So, where's it going from here? Is she gonna whack him, or will it have a happy ending?

    And just a note: I'd watch that spell checker. He's not "libeling" her, he's calling her darling, right? :^D

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