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Thread: On The Tragedy

  1. #1
    Inactive Member Terry Moore's Avatar
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    Our family is grief stricken by the tragic events that unfolded today, our prayers go out to the victims and their families in this terrible time.


  2. #2
    Inactive Member Oz's Avatar
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    add me to the list.

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    HB Forum Owner AsIs's Avatar
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    Add me to the list, it is a sad sad day.

  4. #4
    Inactive Member Janine773's Avatar
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    myself as well; my generations' Pearl Harbor... I found myself not wanting a story like this to tell children later on.

    "Your mother let you watch 'Altered States'? The woman who said, 'Jesus never had a t.v., and neither should we?"

  5. #5
    Inactive Member Anaka's Avatar
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    It's just heartbreaking. I live in Oklahoma and when OKC was bombed i thought there was nothing worse than that... but this is worse, so much worse even tho it is farther away I felt it much more deeply. In OKC I was shocked and outraged, this... I am still stunned and in tears. My bf was in Gulf War and was near-hysterical yesterday and I had never even seen him cry before.
    Love peace and strength to all. The sympathy and prayers of all people and all religions are with us in this dark hour.


  6. #6
    Inactive Member Jadian's Avatar
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    *signs up*

  7. #7
    HB Forum Owner Oh!'s Avatar
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    My most sincere condolences to the friends, families and loved ones of the victims of yesterday's brutal attack on America's east coast.

    Over here in The Netherlands, people are shocked by the images we have been seeing the past two days. I know those images will repeat themselves over and over in my mind.

    All of a sudden, reading comics seems like such a trivial thing.

    -Olav Beemer

  8. #8
    Jaxom 27
    Guest Jaxom 27's Avatar


    Me as well.

    Before allowing drunken friend to cheat on his girl, you must attempt one
    intervention. If he is able to get on his feet, look you in the eye, and deliver
    a "F...OFF!" You are absolved of your of responsibility.

  9. #9
    Inactive Member John Clark's Avatar
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    This is what we know now. Two planes smashed into both towers. One plane crashed into the Pentagon. One plane crashed in a field. The planes that crashed into the WTC were sucesfull. The plane that crashed into the Pentagon was orignaly meant to kill the Presedent and destroy the White House. Now the plane that crashed into the field...
    A man called his wife from the plane to tell her what was happening. They confrenced the call with a 911 operator. That is when he learned of the the other kamakasi like attacks. That man told the other passangers what was going on and what was going to happen. They willingly chose to die in order to keep from being used as a weapon.
    Also. A bomb was found on the Washington brige before it went off killing untold thousands trying to get home. An attack against Air Force One failed to work; details unrevealed.
    Out of all the carnage the terrorist/monsters only succeded once. Only ONE goal was accomplished. We were very lucky yesterday people, our entire nation was almost crippled by a dozen people who were willing to die to acomplish their goals armed with one inch razor blades, and it may have been saved by one man who learned about the WTC and the people who followed him into death.
    Now the truly sad part. We are all at war. This is just the begening. The next attack can be anywhere at anytime and kill anybody. It is time to unite and stand firm. To put all, ALL, diffrences behind. If we do not stand together now and forever this can be the begening of the end of the United States of America. I actually heard people talking today where I work about moving their kids to Canada to keep them away from the draft just in case it comes back. They were ready to jump ship now, at the very beging of the coming conflict.
    I am ready to die like that man, giving my life so that our freedom stays intact. I am a natral cynic, but I do believe in the overall inner strength of Americans.

    Jeremy Glick, the man who died to prevent the terrorists from killing even more people, shold never be forgotten.

    "Beware the fury of a patient man"-John Dryden

    "What does it profit God to take the young, rending the cloth of his blessing undone?"-Griffin Silver
    "Nothing is certain but the unforeseen."-fortune cookie.

  10. #10
    Inactive Member John Clark's Avatar
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    From: Tabac (view profile)
    ID: DH2u3vSSe2k
    Date: Sep 11 2001 7:58PM
    Subject: what i just wrote is a true story, everyone should read.

    Ok, this is the most serious post i've ever made. This will also be probably the last serious post I make on COD, except the Addiction flames. This post does refer to the attacks this morning most likely by Muslim extremist terrorist groups.

    I am indian, i am hindu, if you really want to see my pic..

    Everyone is all up in arms about this, and have strong prejudice towards middle eastern/Arabic/Muslim/Palestinian people. A country did not cause the attacks; they were caused by an intricate and sophisticated plan by extremely intelligent and dangerous terrorists.
    Islam goes a lot deeper than a religion or faith; it is a pure belief that drives into ones soul. People die for beliefs; many Muslims are deeply religious, as are many Christians, Hindus, Jews, and Buddhists. The one thing about many Muslim governments and extremists is that they have a distorted, fanatical view towards their religion.
    Anyone who practices religion knows that ANY religion would condemn such actions. But people who die for there beliefs are praised (Christian martyrs, Hindu Mahatmas) Muslims who die for the sake of Islam are guaranteed a place in heaven, so said Mohammed.
    Jihad is long and confusing to explain. It is a ?legal? way to spread Islam amongst nations, anyone who dies as a result of Jihad is considered:
    - Al Kufaar (the Disbelievers)
    - Rebels (from amongst the Muslims)
    However, killing of innocents is NOT approved.
    The Qu?ran clearly states:
    "And if they incline towards peace then incline (you also) towards it."

    You probably wonder right now what I said, or even ridicule me. Let me explain that I am not Muslim, I am a devout Hindu. I believe in my religion and I practice it daily. I am also an American, and I feel a sense of pain and anger and hatred towards the events of today. The insane rambling above is to ?explain? the motives behind the attacks. Even though the US supports Israel in many issues regarding the west bank (who wouldn?t after the horrors of the holocaust) a major factor is religion.
    Many of my college friends are Muslim, by the way my friends and I dress, walk, talk, and act you couldn?t tell us apart from white or black people. We act American like we were raised. However, the ? ?prejudice? I have faced today by MANY ignorant fellow Americans deeply hurt me today.
    I went to the local mall today with some friends (also Indian) around 3 pm EST. The first comment came as soon as we got in the parking lot, some teenage girl around 15-16 shouted ?everyone run, we have terrorists!? I was shocked and appalled.
    So I just assumed it was a one time thing and was like ?!@#$%^&* it, she?s a dumb bitch? I walked in the mall and immediately got a strange look from a security guard who spoke into his little microphone thingy, I assume he requested back up because he was following us. We walked into some stores the security guard stood outside but watched us intently; a punk working in the store who usually greets people just blew us off. My friend who wanted to try on a pair of pants waited 20 minutes after he asked someone to open the fitting room, where as in the meantime the guy opened it for 2 other people.
    As we were leaving the store, a few of my friends had purchased some clothes someone shouted, ?I wonder how many bombs those sand !@#$%^&*s had to sell to buy all those clothes? I clenched my fists so I wouldn?t snap. On the way to another store at the other end of the mall I heard many comments, some discreet and others blatant?
    - ?Its people like you who ruin our country?
    - ?Was the attack because of gas prices?? (Where the !@#$%^&* this came from I don?t know)
    - ?Get out of our country?
    - ?Stupid Muslims, I?ll send you back to Mecca? (at this point a friend of mine got arrested for yelling ?!@#$%^&* you trailer trash? and the officer did nothing to reprimand the white guy, we spent 45 minutes arguing with the officer.)
    and the usual
    - ?sand !@#$%^&*? ?!@#$%^&* you? and ?get out of our country?
    When we finally got to Saks, we quickly picked out some clothes etc. that we wanted. I paid for mine with my credit card and I was asked for ID (no big deal, I get asked a lot since I wrote ?see ID? on the back) they called an officer, the officer double checked and asked me to follow him, I went into the security office and they called the police?at this point I was like ?wtf, im not over my limit? they said they weren?t sure if the ID was real. It was my !@#$%^&*ing drivers license. The police tell him that the license is valid or whatever and im allowed to go. However, on the way out, they requested to search us. We were like ?uh no, we didn?t do anything.? This sparked another 40-minute argument. When we finally left, we were piling into my car, a 2001 Lexus LS 400 (loaned from my mom, who is a successful doctor) and a cop asked us to step away from the car, it was stolen. I snapped at this point, I started screaming at the officer about how it was MY car etc.
    You know what he told me? ?!@#$%^&* you kid, no kid your age can afford a car like this. Unless you deal drugs? my heart stopped. I refused to let him search my car and he called in for backup. 4 more officers came. I still refused to let them search, what the !@#$%^&* did I do? I then called my mom who gave me our lawyer?s number. I told him where I was and if he could come, he couldn?t but he would be there in about 2 hours. After about an hour they let us go.
    its not over...
    I was pulled over by a cop, from the suburb I live in. I was in my neighborhood to drop someone off; we live in a rich, white, suburban neighborhood. I thought I might have been speeding or ran the stop sign I never stop at. Nope, I was wrong. He had the audacity to tell me ?where?d you get the car? What are you doing in this part of town?? I said, ?I live in this part of town? he then said ?Your kind can?t afford houses here, AND I don?t want to see you around here again.? Instead of getting out of my car and punching him, I politely asked him for my badge number, he wouldn?t give it to me and then quickly covered his name tag?but I wrote the license plate of the car and the exact time 6:30 pm. I then phoned my lawyer and told him of the harassment and he said he?d get right on it.

    I was very deeply hurt by what happened to me today, my fellow Americans? They not only harassed me for the color of my skin, they also assumed I was Muslim. The ignorance and prejudice I faced today for merely being ?darker? deeply disgusted me. i really feel ashamed to be an american.

    I just copied this from Vox over at Stranger than Paradise. I know that this has nothing to do with the comic but I think that Terry will forgive me. This is what the bastards wanted. If we are to survive this means that this type of attrocity has to stop imediately. I call on all of you who read this to speak up publicly and openly against all of those you see submiting to fear and ignorence. We will be harrased also, and will may be physically attacked, but we have to do everything that we can to stop this degeneration of our society IMEDIATELY! No matter the place, no matter the circumstance, no matter the person. The situation is too fragile now and evil spreads when good people do nothing.

    "Beware the fury of a patient man"-John Dryden

    "What does it profit God to take the young, rending the cloth of his blessing undone?"-Griffin Silver
    "Nothing is certain but the unforeseen."-fortune cookie.

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