So this is the result!

Fighting over crap and pressing a big red button and pretending nothing ever happened...

Why is it that in our freakin nature we always have to fight and use some form of censorship to hide it all... Why is it we could'nt just let all die and go away SINCE It'S A FREAKIN VIRTAUL WORLD AND 90% DON'T EVEN KNOW OUR VOICES! Yet we claim to be mature adults... geez fuckin yay... look whats happened... ???

First, several of us threw a fit, then we went into a judgement of people we don't know and still dragged it for a week with no result... then one fuckin week later it comes back with the lamist of stories...

But the good one is that theres a king TWAT who wants to show his power over this small world and clean our words... well done I hope your ego has gotten a boost of 3000 horse power if that is what you needed... wink

And another point is that I have got a problem in disliking hardcore drugs, hunting, gays and did I ever fight with anyone here that supports those mentioned above... NO cause it's called respect and let others live thier life by thier choice... but NOOOO here are the mature adults who go on bickering over freakin crap!

Well done, my theory that mankind will destroy itself over nothing has gained another point seeing that several of us can and preform what has happened here of recent...

With all the problems in the world like cancer, murder, rape, government exploytation and more shit that will whack you sooner or later in life... and we are creating another useless virtual war that make that evil grow more inside of us...

The problem was createdly pathetic and resolved even more pathetic, no wonder why we're still stuck on this mudball of a planet!

I'm leaving here for a long while since seeing that NAZI attitude has even hit this board!

So those who want to get hold of me at [email protected] ...

This has really has really ticked me off!

[This message has been edited by WOLFPRAYER (edited March 25, 2001).]