I pretty much have everything I need in the area of super-8 cameras. However I have always wanted a Nizo 6080. So when one came up on ebay and the seller was honest to say that it didn't work when they put batteries in it, I decided to play a hunch and bid on it. I won the camera for around 50 bucks plus shipping.

Sure enough, the camera did not work with the batteries that were in the camera. So I switched out the entire battery holder with one that I knew worked in a Nizo 2056 and, the Nizo 6080 seems to work perfectly.

I sense the person who sold the camera might be an industry type who probably didn't care one way or another. So I finally have a 6080 to go along with a couple other of the Nizo four digit model numbers that run very quietly.

Will I ever get to use these quiet cameras in a sync sound feature film situation? Since I am currently working on a silent super film that is slowly inching it's way to anywhere from 20 minutes to 60 minutes in length when it is finally edited, I guess the answer is I have all the tools now, including lighting, it's the script and a budget that are now required. And dare I say, I probably couldn't afford to work on it if the pay was not decent.