Myself and a couple of friends have formed a production company called Laughing Gravy Films. We've been filming our first feature 'Silent Partners' for about six months now.
We've been very lucky with locations so far, but seem to have hit a brick wall regarding the location for our penultimate scene.
We need a warehouse for a couple of days - dates and times negotiable.
Not a big warehouse, just a small one will do.
We really, really need it.
If, by any chance there is anyone out there who owns, has access to, or can get permission to use a warehouse in the London or Essex areas, we would very much like to hear from you.
The film isn't so much low-budget as no-budget, so we wouldn't be able to financially recompense anyone.
However, an appropriate credit would of course be made at the end of the film.
If you can help, please either post a reply or e-mail me at the address shown on my profile.
Alternatively, I can be e-mailed at
[email protected].
Thanks in advance.

P.S. No, it's not for a sub-standard Reservoir Dogs rip-off.