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Thread: Super-8 in Pearl Harbor

  1. #1
    Guest miguelito's Avatar


    I think they also shot some 16mm black and
    white. I remember seeing some very grainy
    footage POV footage during the attack scenes.
    Maybey they also shot the super-8 here.

    Miguelito (michael)


  2. #2
    8th Man
    Guest 8th Man's Avatar


    It wouldn't be a surprise if S8 had been used in Pearl Harbor since there was some in Armaggedon. I saw that movie in the theaters before I was into S8 so I don't recall how it was used or how it looked. Maybe those scenes came up while I was getting sea sick from the "cinematography."
    Can anyone tell me a film they saw in the theater that utilized S8 and how it worked on the big screen?
    I've seen a few on video but it's just not the same, you know. The documentary "American Movie" (a must see) has some and I did see it in the theater and don't remember having too much of a reaction possibly since the clips were not shining examples of what it can look like.


  3. #3
    Guest ulrichsd's Avatar


    On IMDB's site it says they used a Bell&Howell Eyemo Super8 camera. I'm pretty sure some of the footage made it into the film, the one soldier was running around filming with his super8 camera, and I remember the part where he was shot and died, and there was a POV shot from the camera grasped in his hand still filming on the ground.



  4. #4
    Guest toll's Avatar


    I was looking at all the extra features on the vista version DVD of Pearl Harbor and there's going to be some Super-8 footage that was shot for the movie, but never made it. I'm interested to see what parts that was, maybe to like like a newsreel? Well, I do remember the cameraman in the movie filming the attack. I don't know if that was what it was gonna be used for or not, but they probably just used some kind of computer program to give it grain. Funny how the good stuff never makes it. The DVD will be released on January 15 I believe.


  5. #5
    Guest cameraguy's Avatar


    Super 8 in 1942???


  6. #6
    Guest ulrichsd's Avatar


    Oh yeah... Super8 came out in the 60's, right? Maybe it was supposed to be a regular 8 camera in the movie. But, I guess the parts in the film were shot on super8. ?


  7. #7
    Guest rollemfilm's Avatar


    super 8 Eyemo? no such thing!! i think there was an write up in the american cinematographer when the film came out and indeed there was super8 footage used for the battle scenes that were intended to show newsreel footage shot by a cameraman with a "filmo". filmos were used, but the eyemo would've been a better choice for history. i might add, that that was the best part of this insulting piece of film history.


  8. #8
    Guest ulrichsd's Avatar


    Is the eyemo regular 8? Sorry for the misinfo, but the IMDB was a little confusing to me. It says it used 8mm, and I don't know if that meant super8 or regular8, but it says it used "super8 cinematographic processes". And I agree, Pearl Harbor was disapointing.



  9. #9
    Guest MovieStuff's Avatar


    The Eyemo was a spring wound 35mm camera made by Bell and Howell. The Filmo was the 16mm version of it. There was no super 8 anything before the 60's, springwound or otherwise, though there was a ton of regular 8mm stuff. Nice, too.


  10. #10
    Guest ulrichsd's Avatar


    What is the purpose of using a spring wound camera? I noticed that the Eyemo was also used in Requiem for a Dream. Wouldn't it be impossible to sync sound a spring driven camera? Is it just for effect, maybe to add a "uneven-ness" to battle scenes since Pearl Harbor used an Arri 435 and a Panavision Panaflex?


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