
I just discovered this site, and I love it! Great initiative.

Well, I just bought a carena zoomex 7610-IM-camera, and it looks really cool. But I have a few questions concerning the technicaliities.

First of all; does anybody have any experience at all with this camera? Is it any good?

Secondly; the lightmeter doesn't seem to work, and that's kind of a problem... When I bought it, the rubber eyepiece-cup had sort of melted, and I decided to try to take the whole thing out (the eyepiece), to see if it could be replaced with another one. When I took it out, a little black plate (very small - I have no idea what it is) fell out, and I couldnt seem to find out where it fitted. With the eyepiece back in place, the lightmeter didn't work...

OK, I know this sounded a bit complicated, but I'm wondering if somebody out there is technical enough to tell me what to do. Did I break the lightmeter? Can I fix it?

Greatful for ANY help!

