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Thread: Abe and friends clinic with vinnie

  1. #31
    Inactive Member Henry II's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Derek DeFields:
    lol, nice find SP. I remember telling Steve about that thread when it was only about 17 pages.

    I will give them credit though; in the early days of that thread they were having a real discussion and not attacking each other which I have never seen on any Internet board.

    Either way, this probably isn't the place as these threads never end well. Everyone go read the Virgil one if you want 50+ pages of non-drumming discussion. [img]wink.gif[/img]

    <font color="#a62a2a"><font size="1">[ December 10, 2005 12:09 PM: Message edited by: Derek DeFields ]</font></font>
    <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">You're right, they never end well on drummer forums or any forums for that matter. It's predictable that when members of one religion try to impose their beliefs on everyone else conflict will follow.

  2. #32
    Inactive Member Henry II's Avatar
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    Originally posted by VinnieFreak:
    If you or your friends have such a problem with all of this - then why didn't you take it up with Vinnie himself??? Talk to him and the other musicians about it, instead of whining to the public on a message board!!!

    I'll tell you why you and your friends didn't talk to Vinnie or any of those other guys is because you guys are wusses!!! And, you're just too stupid and filled with anger to even think that way in the first place!!! You've let your anger turn you stupid!!! You guys are too afraid to address a situation in person - you have to run off and hide behind a computer and whine and cry and post how you really feel on a message board!!!

    I don't remember Vinnie, or any of the other musicians for that matter, condemning "Catholics" or any other religion at all. They were not even mentioned!!! I don't remember any of those guys ever "implying" that anybody was "wrong" to believe in anything that they do (their religion or brand or Christianity or whatever)!!! They just talked about what they believe in personally!!! They didn't insult anybody!!!

    If you and your friends are insulted - then you should seek professional psychiatric and emotional care!!! I'm sure those officials would be just happy to take your money and hear you cry over what somebody said at a drum clinic!!!

    If you truly "don't give a rats ass about it" - then shut up!!! It shouldn't offend you to even hear about it then if you truly don't care!!! You shouldn't be bothered by what anybody has to say about anything!!! What's the problem??? Quit whining!!!

    By the way, when Vinnie asked how many of the drummers there were Christians he followed with - "Just Curious." That's all he ever said about that.

    Again, if that offends you or any of your friends so badly that you have to whine and b*tch and cry about it - then you should seriously consider seeing a "shrink" because you are obviously very disturbed. You or your friends have nothing to be offended about!!! Shut up and enjoy the show - and get on with your life!!!

    I'd expect for "believers" to do the same! If those guys had said that there was no GOD (and you happened to believe in GOD) - so the h*ll what??? How is anybody saying anything going to destroy you or what you believe in??? Quit whining and enjoy the show!!!

    Why are people so offended??? Quit whining and grow up you bunch of wusses!!!

    P.S. "That's how front teeth get knocked out, or worse." What, is somebody going to knock out Vinnie's teeth now because he's talks about his faith??? That is just so ridiculous it is unbelievable!!! You sure are a tough guy on the computer alright!!!
    <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">VinnieFreak, is that a play on words. Are you impying Jesus Freak because, apparently, Vinnie is one? And I never implied that someone should knock out VC's teeth. My comment was just an observation, based on personal experience. Nor do I think it would be any more appropriate for me to disrupt the show than it was for he and the band to spend so much time proslytizing.

    BTW, its ironic that you immediately stoop to kindergarden behavior calling others wusses and whiners when your posts really read like a crybaby's rants - all because some people reject the offensive, proslytizing nature of (what is apparently) your brand of religion.

    PS: For the other readers on this forum, please don't get me wrong. I have supreme respect for VC as a drummer and musician, even moreso having seen him play live. And again, for any who haven't seen him play straight ahead live, he can swing like a monkey on crack. I'm one of the one's who criticized his "jazz feel" based on the limited recorded playing I've heard of him playing jazz. But, I also said I'm sure he can play it any way he wants to. And he can.

    <font color="#a62a2a" size="1">[ December 10, 2005 01:06 PM: Message edited by: Henry II ]</font>

  3. #33
    Inactive Member Henry II's Avatar
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    Originally posted by S.P:

    * * *

    You know I don't know if I should say this or not, but I see christianity or religion as an old way of thinking (not saying that is bad) and people only "started" (for lack of a better word to describe how a religion starts..because i dont really know) religion as a story of how the world began and then the people who believed that theory become the religion. But I believe the reason it was created was because not knowing where we came from or how we started causes us all anxiety. Some people back in the ages tried to search for the answers, but due to lack of scientific knowledge and equipment to investigate, they came up with religion as a form of intellectualising something that they could not understand, and therefore get rid of their anxiety. Now with more modern thinking and science we starting to discover how the world started, there have been more non-religious people.

    Then again, you could say Science is a religion, in the end i think i personally have decided to repress any thoughts on how the world was started and although i am very interesting, we are not going to discover any evidence to how it did in my life time. I'm just worried about living my life and making sure that i don't leave this earth too dirty and polluted for the next generation and next hundred generations to live in. Something needs to be done about pollution or the world will suffer unrepairable damage.

    * * *

    <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">The difference between science and religion is that science is supported by evidence, and religion arises out of the lack of evidence. You are correct, humans are inherently anxious and also inherently superstitious. The phenomenon of religion arises out of both the fear of the unknown (ie: in particular the fear of death) and the desire to know.

    I have a friend who actually stated to me that the beauty in nature, the planets, stars, the universe etc. was evidence of God. I responded that the fact that he personally was unable to explain it any other way was not evidence of the existence of God.

    <font color="#a62a2a" size="1">[ December 11, 2005 08:57 AM: Message edited by: Henry II ]</font>

  4. #34
    Inactive Member Henry II's Avatar
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    One of the things that caught my eye was Vinnie's technique. He used what I would call a hyper-Moeller method with his arms and elbows literally over his head in some instances. Sometimes he would literally wind-up like a pithcher when crashing and on some occasions he would pull back in the middle of the wind-up and go in completely different direction, deaking the crowd out of their shoes and leaving them cheering.

    Perhaps it was more showmanship than technique.

  5. #35
    Inactive Member PocketPlayer's Avatar
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    I can't believe this thread isn't locked...

    VinnieFreak, you're exessive use of exclamation points make it difficult to take you seriously.

    FUNNIEST post of the month! [img]graemlins/sleepy.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/sleepy.gif[/img]
    That was so Steve man...loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. #36
    Inactive Member drumaddix's Avatar
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    Steve-Hilarious man!!!
    D.Seipel:Great post dude.
    Marx said sthg that's always struck me ever since i heard it as a kid,and didn't quite get the meaning of it.Here's how it goes in french:"La religion,c'est l'opium du peuple."
    Sthg like:"Religion is opium for the masses."

    Never showed truer than these days.

  7. #37
    Inactive Member DeSeipel's Avatar
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    Originally posted by VinnieFreak:
    Hi guys,

    I must say that I'm rather disappointed that people aren't allowed to speak whatever they want on this message board without being censored. If that's the way it's going to be than maybe the name of the message board should be changed to "Totalitarianism chat" since not everybody here believes in the freedom of speech (that includes insulting people).

    It's funny that when somebody says something that another doesn't like that they immediately want them thrown off the site (not allowed to post anymore). "Daniel Seipel" obviously wants me off! I may not have liked what "Henry II" had to say about Vinnie in Miami, but I never went as far as to say that he should be rid of or not allowed to post, etc.
    <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">I'll restate since you've posted this twice, I don't want you thrown out of here. At the same time, realize this board doesnt state,"say what you want, including insults". I think this has been posted a while back, but this board, contrary to belief, is NOT a place of "free" speech, the moderators reserve the right to censor anyone at any time. It's their board and you must respect that. With that in mind, be considerate in your posts.

    If you think it's funny that I allegedly want you thrown out for posting insult after insult, laugh at this:

    You start posting sentences that don't end in "!!!!!!!!!" only when you think you'll be kicked out. that's hilarious.

  8. #38
    Inactive Member VinnieFreak's Avatar
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    Hi guys,

    I must say that I'm rather disappointed that people aren't allowed to speak whatever they want on this message board without being censored. If that's the way it's going to be than maybe the name of the message board should be changed to "Totalitarianism chat" since not everybody here believes in the freedom of speech (that includes insulting people).

    It's funny that when somebody says something that another doesn't like that they immediately want them thrown off the site (not allowed to post anymore). "Daniel Seipel" obviously wants me off! I may not have liked what "Henry II" had to say about Vinnie in Miami, but I never went as far as to say that he should be rid of or not allowed to post, etc.

    I just wanted to add, when it came to the violence issue, that I believe most people know that many, many have been killed in the name of GOD. And, that was wrong; I think most people ("believers" included) know that too. However, times have changed. Ask yourself if you have ever had the feeling of walking home at night in fear of being lynched by a Christian because you don't believe in what they do, in this day and age? I seriously doubt it.

    And, like "JoesMechanic" pointed out earlier - how could anybody who is a fan of Vinnie or Abe Laboriel go to see them (AT A CHURCH) and expect them to NOT talk about there faith, especially when it's so widely known that they are outspoken Christians? I don't believe that Vinnie fans are that ignorant.

    And, I just don't believe that Vinnie and those guys were proselytizing. I was there; I saw and heard them. Those guys spoke from the love within their hearts. It was all very personal. How could anybody be offended by that (love)? However, I've thought about it and I feel bad for the way I attacked "Henry II" and I apologize for being rude and insulting him and his friends; and to anybody else I may have offended. I hope we can still be friends.

    I will leave you with this thought though:

    In order for life to have appeared spontaneously on earth, there first had to be hundreds of millions of protein molecules of "the ninth configuration" (.09). But given the size of mass of the planet Earth, do you know how long it would have taken for just one (1) of these protein molecules to appear entirely by chance? Roughly ten to the two hundred and forty-third power - trillions of years (for just one complete complex molecule)! And, I find that far, far more difficult to believe, that life could ever just happen by spontaneous chance, than simply believing in GOD (The Creator).

    "I pity the man who says there isn't a Supreme Being?every one who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the Universe - a spirit vastly superior to that of man, and one in the face of which we with our modest powers must feel humble. In this way the pursuit of science leads to a religious feeling of a special sort, which is indeed quite different from the religiosity of someone more naive." - Albert Einstein

    GOD Bless!!!

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