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Thread: New Update from Lana

  1. #1
    Inactive Member Disco Biscuit's Avatar
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    In fact, those charicatures are VERY damn cute [img]smile.gif[/img] Everyone will be demanding one instead of an autograph now [img]wink.gif[/img]

  2. #2
    Inactive Member Kattitude's Avatar
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    Here it is for those who dont wanna go looking


    Darren, Leonie & Robert merrily flitted off to the States recently. Yeah, they pretty much deserted me with little regard for my sanity, leaving me only with instructions to remember to dust behind the audio mixer. In subconscious retaliation, I promptly forgot how to speak. All my mouth, tongue and vocal chords could co-ordinate during their 3 week absence was a drooling action accompanied by a guttural sound peculiar to the jackal. Being locked away in solitary confinement at the studio, I?d jump with a start if so much as the telephone rang. The caller would hear heavy breathing at the other end as I nervously clutched at the receiver, hyperventilating. Thankfully, most callers invariably hung up, much to my relief. I?d then spend a considerable amount of time staring into a far off void.

    So while Darren was in Los Angeles and New York - writing, being inspired and creating something immense that will soon impact heavily upon mankind?s collective consciousness - I often stared at a wall and pined like an abandoned puppy dog. I missed Darren?s polite lunchtime demands for Sainsbury?s crispy salads accompanied by packets of processed turkey and a bottle of soft drink that shall remain nameless to avoid unwarranted product endorsement. (Although, I can confirm it was not chic-a-cherry cola).

    But as I stared at the wall, it struck me that there was something gravely important that I hadn?t yet shared with you, something that had been staring me in the face all along. Strangely, ladies and gentlemen, I?m talking about ... graffiti. You see, Darren?s pretty much been perpetrating art crimes in recent times. I guess the writing was always on the wall. I mean, after all, he?s an artist, right? But little did we know that his artistry extended beyond the musical and lyrical boundaries for which he is so renowned.

    About a month ago, as I twirled around in my broken ergonomic office chair, it stopped randomly to face Darren who stood behind me. As far as I knew, he was in the studio recording vocals, hence the chair spinning. His phantom appearance kind of scared me. It seemed he?d stealthily crept out for a break and upon closer inspection, I saw that his tongue was poking from the corner of his mouth in grave concentration, a blue marker gripped tight in his right hand, knuckles white. He was drawing on the studio wall like a silent, mischievous child.

    ?Ohmygod, Darren! What are you doing??

    I contemplated the new cleaning agents I?d soon be investing in on my next trek to Sainsbury?s.

    ?I?m drawing a self-portrait, Lanadon.?

    Lanadon, you see, is Darren?s London name for me. In San Francisco I?m known as Lan Francisco. In Milan, I?m known as Milana. In Australia, I?m known as Australilana. You get the picture.

    Anyway, this was his offering. It?s a self-portrait.

    Darrens self portrait

    While Leonie and I agreed that it was cute, we weren?t quite prepared for the evolution that followed. Not long after, Darren moved on to a portrayal of Robert Conley. And I began to grow a little jealous.

    ?Draw me! Draw me!? I begged like an immature brat.

    Darren obliged, no doubt to put an end to my petulant demands. His work in progress thus continued.

    Lanas pic

    As the days progressed, the art installation unfolded gradually, subtly. Understandably, Leonie wasn?t all that impressed, not so much by the studio wall desecration, but by how Darren depicted her as a mutant exploding with eyes and teeth.

    Leo and others

    You?ll see that the mural caricatures the following people:

    Top Row:
    Myself, Leonie Messer, George Muranyi

    Middle Row:
    Darren Hayes, Robert Conley

    Bottom Row:
    Mark Smith (bass player on recent demo recordings)

    For the record, studio graffiti aside, I?m absolutely bursting with excitement over what Darren?s been creating lately. I?m telling you, as it continues to take form, I?m convinced it?s the record we?ve all been waiting for. Still in its infancy, prepare yourselves to have your minds catapulted to another stratosphere. You?ve been warned!

    Until next time ...

    Love to you all.

    Lana Penrose

  3. #3
    Inactive Member Juliet10's Avatar
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    Thanks Kat [img]smile.gif[/img]



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