This is for U.S fans...In case you didn't know "Last Call" is a late night show that comes on after Conan.

Trust me, this show actually listens to suggestions... [img]smile.gif[/img]

Recently, I was at NBC Studios in NYC and I talked to one of the interns who worked at the show and they told me that since Last Call is fairly new, the talent coordinators rely heavily on what fans want in order to build the shows' reputation. I am CONVINCED that with enough letters we could definetly get Darren on!

Click Here!
Then select "Suggest a Guest" and tell them about Darren. Maybe mention his new album... like I said, what you say is up to you!

Please, I REALLY THINK THIS WILL WORK! Even if you aren't in the U.S, could you still maybe take five minutes and write to NBC?? Let's get Darren some exposure in the U.S.!!!! I have a good feeling about this... [img]wink.gif[/img]


BTW... if you write, PM me so I can keep track of how many people did this... [img]smile.gif[/img]