The Vines have reportedly scrapped their planned album that was due out later this year. They are instead going in a totally different direction; ?Party metal?.? This according to bass player Patrick Matthews, who discussed the band?s future plans with Britain?s NME.

?Matthews said fans can expect the ?party metal record? to be released in early 2004. They are currently recording the album with producer Rob Schnapf.?
He went on to explain why the band was changing direction: "The first record was us going into the studio straight from playing in a garage. With this record, we've been playing a lot of the songs in soundcheck or at gigs for the last year or so.

"Some of the songs have a bit more of a Pavement feeling, something that never really came across much on the first record. Saying that, it's much heavier now with Hamish [Rosser, drums] and Ryan [Griffiths, guitar] playing, there's much more of a Van Halen influence.

"At the end of the day, I feel that finally we've made our party metal record."

NME furthered their report with this juicy tidbit for fans of the band, ?Despite heavy studio security, band insiders have told NME that the new material is heavier than anything on Highly Evolved, while the ballads resemble ?early solo John Lennon?".