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Thread: DWIM!

  1. #11
    Inactive Member NecroFlash's Avatar
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    hey... butting in a bit...

    seems to me, that you're glorifying the whole, gotta have a messed up life to be an artist. well, i don't quite agree with that. although it is true for some people. it doesn't make them good artists.

    personally, i think, that if you work with your art a lot, then you'll get around to doing great things. yeah, personal experience helps, but i think the great thing of being an artist is having an active imagination to make up for a boring life...

    and i know that writing sometimes comes easy and sometimes it's really hard to make myself sit down and write. i haven't written anything substantial in a while, because i am not in connection with my "muse", and now i'm almost scared of it. but i think, even if you have a strong impulse, you need to write down everything, if it's strong or not. because the more you write down, the more chance you'll get of digging deep inside yourself for that fantastic and outstanding poem or story.

    it's kinda like taking pictures. you have to take a gazillion shots till you finally take the one shot that stands out from all the other thousands you've shot till then.

    you write crap and more crap. but only if you write lots of crap will you find the really good thing. and some people just always write good things, and i envy them, a lot.

    but yeah, it's just something we need to work at all the time, and i envy you two, because you're constantly putting out work, and i can't seem to get myself to write at the moment.

    so yeah. just my random thoughts. carry on.

    *steps off the molding soap box*

  2. #12
    Inactive Member 5Cats's Avatar
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    Psst, Necro, want a new soapbox to replace your moldy one? I got an extra...
    *climbs aboard his soapbox*
    I was told: a writer should write about what intrests him, write what you know. I'm sure if dwim or Necro or crazy a wrote about their own lives in an interesting, upbeat way, people would like it. If you like to read it, chances are others will like it too.
    I have too many bloody ideas. Plots and pictures and things race into and out of my brain far too quickly. Most are trash, and are soon forgotten, but occasionally I think of something I'd really like to write or draw (I can't draw at all, which annoys me to no end). I try to hang on to these ideas, in the hopes of actually attempting to use them.
    I'm starting to write poetry, which I generally don't like much. At least I'm writing something! And it gives me something positive to think about too.
    So do as Necro says, keep writing and something good will eventually happen smile
    *climbs back down*

  3. #13
    Inactive Member Chilimuffin's Avatar
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    I guess I think it doesn't matter as long as you keep doing it if it makes you happy. In a lot of ways, art is what you put into it, not what others get out of it, I guess. So if you're writing from the heart and it's your words coming through, yeah, you can fine-tune it, and fit it to modern or archaic standards of "good" but, in the end, it's yours, and that's your art. Just keep doing it.

    that said, I'll be the first to admit I like the appreciation of others ebcause I'm that self-centered wink. But i'd much rather have a negative critique full of new perspectives that show me somehting else than just a gushing approval, y'know?

  4. #14
    Inactive Member 5Cats's Avatar
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    What Chilli said about criticism or gushing support? I agree! Since I've been reading stuff here lately,(it's only fair, since I hope you guys read my stuff) the past few weeks, I haven't commented much. I'm no critic, and I don't want a lack of gushy support to be mistaken for not liking it.
    I too like hearing comments, good or (if neccessary) bad. But I've figured that a lack of comments is in no way a negative thing, since others probably feel the same way about commenting as I do.
    If anyone would like the role of "official critic", that person (probably using an alt name) could offer comments on each and every work, but who wants a rotten job like that? I'm just glad there's some place I can show this stuff, so if there's anything drasticly wrong with it, someone will point it out to me. I'd do the same for others.

    No will but thy will
    No law but the laws you make

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  5. #15
    Inactive Member dwim's Avatar
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    I agree about the aprroval/ok this is not right. (BTW: I'd have more respect for someone to say "this is bad and here's why" under the original name rather than some one going "this is bad" under some alt. I'm always trying to keep my ears out for someone to say that they don't like something and explaining why they don't like it. It what the artist and the poets and the writers needs to grow.
    It's like this. I have this haiku as follows:
    "The sun goes down
    the day is over"
    It's a simple thing, right in the moment, and it's 3 short lines. To me, it felt pure. Yet, some people would look at it and go, "That's not a haiku. It's not 5-7-5 form." Ok fine, he got an objection to it. Albeit, a close minded elementary look at it, brainwashed by his teacher probably. But a criticism nonetheless. He got his own idea about haiku and I told him that I find the 5-7-5 haiku to be a waste of time as I have a definite picture in my mind, I want to write the picture down as close to it as possible keeping it simple. Trying to concentrate on the syllable just threw it out of whack and I would look at my 5-7-5 haiku and it looks funny to me. So one time, I thought ok... just write it out... 3 lines.. BAM! ... genius I am and sam is I. I couldn't bring myself to change it all into 5-7-5 because it feels too perfect for me to want to change a thing. Then I started writing a bunch of them.. one after the other... they still tell me that it's not haiku, I don't care.. I know in my heart that it is haiku.
    beautiful girl
    talking on cell phone
    I didn't say hi
    How can you want to ruin something as pure as that one? If something is pure in your heart, nothing can ruin it. No criticism can ruin something that you feel in your heart, it's just another person likes and dislikes about something. It could be that they don't identify with it. It could be that they don't approve what the poem is trying to say. It could be anything.
    I welcome criticism and as a matter of fact, I look for them. So in leaving:
    Rent is paid
    with an empty wallet

    I try to be humble but this guy threw my greatness in my face! I'm trying to deny my greatness!

    "Everything belongs to me because I am poor." - Jack Kerouac Visions of Cody

  6. #16
    Inactive Member jones's Avatar
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    The 5-7-5 scheme is really only applicable to haiku written in Japanese, in which every syllable is either a vowel or a single consonant followed by a vowel. Thus, in Japanese every syllable has almost exactly the same quantity (a poetic term denoting the relative length of a syllable). For example, the second syllable of the English word "estranged" is said to have more quantity than the first. And you'll find similar examples of varying quantity regularly occuring in all indo-European languages (more so in Germanic or Slavic languages, and less in Romance languages -- but even the least quantitative indo-european language (probably Spanish) has more variation than most Oriental ones).

    So 5-7-5 for haiku doesn't lend itself well to constructions in many languages outside Japanese. It's particularly constraining in English, which often employs strings of consonants in a single syllable (the Japanese even find many English words unpronouncable -- note their transformation of the American company name "McDonald's" to "Ma-ku-do-na-du-do"). Many English speaking poets who write haiku (Gary Snyder, who has made particularly compelling use of the form, and Jack Kerouac leap to mind) ignore the scheme completely.

    ...not that this has anything to do with the main subject of this thread. I just felt like spouting. it's nothing... old data... pay it no mind, sir.

    take care


    "what Marie's not gonna do"
    new chapters in Works & Days
    a punk rock romance in words, music & art

  7. #17
    Inactive Member gollum's Avatar
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    nah, he just likes to show off....


    Sometimes i think everyone on this board is crazy. The rest of the time i'm sure. -Dan
    somehow i see [gollum] clinging to a tower and rousingly calling for a new world order. -starky

    would you forgive me
    for hanging up on you
    and crying myself to sleep

  8. #18
    Inactive Member dwim's Avatar
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    when jones speak
    dwim listen
    the jones is wise

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