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Thread: Spontaneous Combustion, by Anubisx

  1. #41
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    Spontaneous Combustion, by Anubisx

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    Re: Spontaneous Combustion, by Anubisx


    Love the location in this latest chapter of this super story.

    And I find it funny hot, that the end. Both women act like

    they just had brunch together as they went there separate

    ways. Not after fuck fighting in the rain.

    I can't wait to read more of Natasha and Melissa's love/hate

    mind games, and what situation they can find to go at

    one another again.

    And I love the crying they both do after they part.

    Are they sad that the fight ended, or that they both

    know that they have to meet up again and again?

  2. #42
    Senior Hostboard Member Anubisx's Avatar
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    Re: Spontaneous Combustion, by Anubisx

    Thanks Freeman and Dwcole. For a moment, I thought that people were bored with my story, since there was no comment. I finished the (short) Chapter 8, and now I'm writing Chapter 9. I hope you like it.
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  3. #43
    Hostboard Member obipau's Avatar
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    Re: Spontaneous Combustion, by Anubisx

    Espero continue haciendonos disfrutar de sus relatos , que son una satisfacci?n para mis sentidos. espero anhelante la continuaci?n. Conozco su obra anterior y me asombra su persistencia . Particularmente disfruto de la obra de JB y antes de la de Emery y Morton. En historias anteriores planteaba anatomias no perfectas como las de esta historia.Maravillosas mujeres las de este relato.Repito gracias por mantenerme a la espera, pero no tarde.

  4. #44
    Senior Hostboard Member Anubisx's Avatar
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    Re: Spontaneous Combustion, by Anubisx

    Quote Originally Posted by obipau View Post
    Espero continue haciendonos disfrutar de sus relatos , que son una satisfacci?n para mis sentidos. espero anhelante la continuaci?n. Conozco su obra anterior y me asombra su persistencia . Particularmente disfruto de la obra de JB y antes de la de Emery y Morton. En historias anteriores planteaba anatomias no perfectas como las de esta historia.Maravillosas mujeres las de este relato.Repito gracias por mantenerme a la espera, pero no tarde.
    ?Gracias por los ?nimos!
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  5. #45
    Senior Hostboard Member labeltornoff's Avatar
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    Re: Spontaneous Combustion, by Anubisx

    Anubisx, this is an incredible tale. The tension is exquisite. I like the interior monologues and the way you give life to the characters; they are bodies with minds, intelligent, troubled minds. The build-up toward ever more intense fights only increases my desire to read more. Please continue with this magnificent story.
    [CENTER][FONT=Georgia][SIZE=3]All my stories are posted on the web site. Come for a look, there's a lot to see.[URL=""]
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  6. #46
    Senior Hostboard Member Anubisx's Avatar
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    Re: Spontaneous Combustion, by Anubisx

    Thanks, Labeltornoff. I'm really happy with all your comments. I will keep the hard work
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  7. #47
    HB Forum Moderator Morton007's Avatar
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    Re: Spontaneous Combustion, by Anubisx

    Bring on more, Anubisx--you're on your own now that Supremacy wrapped up.

  8. #48
    Senior Hostboard Member Anubisx's Avatar
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    Re: Spontaneous Combustion, by Anubisx

    This weekend will be a new chapter
    MY SEXFIGHT E-BOOKS: Anubisx's Amazon

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  9. #49
    Senior Hostboard Member Anubisx's Avatar
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    Re: Spontaneous Combustion, by Anubisx

    New, short and mental chapter. I hope you like it

    CHAPTER 8:

    Thursday, January 18

    Blumen Women Gym
    Caroline Street, 10:02

    The leg muscles were tensed to the maximum, nearing exhaustion by intense exercise, but the girl galloped over the treadmill, waving arms in perfect sync with the rhythm of the race. Sweat jumped around from her forehead, her cheeks, her torso and her legs.

    Closing her eyes momentarily, the attractive blonde focused on her breathing, seeking to control it in the final stretch of the exercise. She inhaled, puffing her chest, and then she expired in dominated routine? over and over again.

    ?You?re fucking wet, you bitch!?

    The voice appeared abruptly in her head, as so often in the past two weeks. Immediately, she noticed how a ghostly hand grabbed her sex; a pain that wasn?t real erupted between her legs, forcing her to gasp.

    ?I?ll destroy your pussy like I destroyed it last time!?

    The threat echoed inside her, with such force that she thought someone was yelling at her at that moment. Opening her eyes to get out of trance, she looked to either side of the half empty gym, looking for something that didn?t exist.

    Suddenly, her right foot stepped wrong and the accelerating treadmill almost threw her into the air. Luckily, she managed to hold herself to the machine. Awkwardly turning the program, she could get out of it with her heart pounding, but without a scratch.

    ?Are you okay?? A worried and short red hair woman approached her. ?You almost get hurt there...?

    ?I just stumbled. But thanks for worrying.?

    ?Oh, it?s nothing, sweetheart.?

    As she saw the redhead walk away to return to her exercise routine, Natasha grabbed her towel to dry her sweaty face. ?Sweetheart,? she repeated in her head. ?Yes, everyone has always considered me a sweetheart. Friendly, charismatic and kindhearted? But what am I now??

    ?You?re a cheap hooker who thinks that being a fucking go-go dancer entitle you to wear a queen?s crown.?

    Trembling to hear the answer of the voice of her head ?the voice of Melissa?, the blonde looked at her own reflection in the numerous mirrors that covered every inch of wall of the gym. As had happened in the last days, she was dragged into a discussion where her memories spoke on behalf of her conceited nemesis.

    ?Yes, I?m go-go dancer again, so fuck you,? she said to the ghost. Days earlier, she had solved everything with Darkness? owner; that night, she would return to the stage that she should never leave. ?And yes, I?m the queen. If you have any problems with it, come back to the disco. I?m ready for another dance, you slut.?

    Seeing the hatred gesture that dominated her face with these thoughts, Natasha knew exactly what she had become? or rather, what Melissa had force her to become. Looking back to the redhead, who was working the legs alone on a machine, the blonde understood that, because of the brunette, she had lost the ability to connect with others. Her relations were reduced only to one: Melissa, and nobody else. Every morning, every evening, every night she thought of her; she had no time for friends, or to find a boyfriend. Her life revolved around the brunette, awake or asleep, especially after what happened in the park, two weeks ago.

    ?I?m hotter than you.?

    Melissa?s voice again attracted her gaze at her reflection. Or was her own voice? Both had provoked each other with the same words in their first meeting at the Lindermann?s mansion, almost a month before. ?In such a short time, everything has changed radically,? she mused, looking at her figure. ?Everything, absolutely everything comes from there,? she knew, watching her own curves. Her chest swelled, shock up and down to the rhythm of the breathing, blinking erotically under a heavy layer of sweat. Slowly bringing a finger to her tits, Natasha touched them.

    ?The heat doesn?t disappear...? she whispered to herself, in a soft gasp. ?Two weeks and still burning...?

    Her feline and green eyes traveled around the rest of her complexion; the combustion wasn?t exclusive to her breasts because her full lips, her stony ass and her juicy thighs boiled with an inextinguishable fire, causing an almost perennial sweat. In the center of this volcanic body, as propagator axis, was her unstable vagina; hungry, throbbing, burning, the sex was unable to be covered by a panty.

    Then she again felt Melissa?s fingers inside her. She gasped, while the Truth that she had felt in the park, the Truth about the depths that reached her relationship with the brunette, prowled her head, still elusive. Without delay, she ran to the bathroom, where solitude and her own fingers would calm her... for just ten minutes.

    An endless cycle?


    Madame Lingerie
    New Hall Lane, 10:44

    Melissa felt uncomfortable under all those stares, but she certainly understood the situation. A cold wave had just arrived in the city; so intense that even store?s heating was insufficient: customers kept their heavy coats, their scarves and even in some cases their caps inside Madame. However, behind the counter, she wore top and skirt? and nothing more.

    But the brunette didn?t attract attention only because the short outfit: she was sweating. Her cleavage was surrounded by numerous small beads of sweat, as well as her thighs and butt. That first morning ?the reopening of the store? had been a series of questions about it; all had been answered evasively, because she didn?t understand what was happening to her body.

    ?But I know when this started...?

    The chaotic mudfight in the park, two weeks ago, had marked a turning point. Since then, her body had become a walking eruption: her sex throbbed with its own pulse, dilating under an igneous and endless rain that forced her to avoid wearing panties. The fire spread from her crotch to her thighs, her ass, her tits; thick lips requiring constant hydration, burning in eternal flame.

    A client woke Melissa from her reverie, approaching her with a striking black lace bra. ?She has good taste,? she thought, in an attempt to focus at work, but when the woman opened her mouth, when the brunette heard her words, she flushed.

    ?You?re grabbing a cunt much bigger than yours.?

    ?Excuse me!??

    ?I was looking for a bigger bra that this one,? the customer repeated, this time with her own voice. Melissa took a hand to her forehead, noticing it hot.

    ?Are you fine??

    ?Yes, yes. Sorry, bad night.? That was true. ?What size do you need??

    ?36C,? the woman answered. Then, in front of Melissa?s eyes, her face seemed distorted. ?Mine are much bigger than yours. That?s for sure.?


    ?I said that my prettiest bras were bought in your store. That?s for sure.?

    ?Oh, thanks??

    She didn?t remember that client, something that had never happened to her before. ?Who is this blonde?? her mind stopped, realizing that the woman wasn?t blonde, but chestnut. ?She?s not blonde? And her eyes were green, not dark...?

    ?Are you sure you?re fine? You?re sweating...? The customer seemed uncomfortable under the sudden and intense gaze from Melissa.

    ?Don?t worry. Changes in metabolism?? she replied without thinking. ?I think I have that size for that model, but in purple and pink, not black.?

    ?Purple is okay.? The brunette turned, searching on the shelf behind her, when she heard: ?At this rate, your cunt will be bald in less than a minute.?

    Melissa froze. Now she was sure: it was Natasha?s voice which she hearing, it was Natasha?s image which she was seeing. But it couldn?t be real.

    ?What do you said??? she whispered weakly, not daring to look back.

    ?At this rate, your store stocks will run out in less than a minute.? Surprised, Melissa looked back: a dozen people entered Madame. ?We missed the store these days that has been closed.?

    ?Yeah, well, I was... really busy.? Leaving the violet bra on the counter, the brunette didn?t dare to look up. But the voices of recently arrived women came to her ears in the form of vicious whispers.

    ?You?re jealous.?

    ?You?re an arrogant slut, a boastful tramp who doesn?t know what her place.?

    ?Let?s fight like women, whore.?

    ?If you want a war, bitch, you?ll have a war.?

    ?What hell is wrong with me?? she finished asking herself in the brink of insanity. Her body burst into even higher flames; her sex called attention with ardor, and the girl couldn?t help but give in to her command.

    ?Sorry! I have an urgent matter to attend to. I?m really sorry, but I have to close. Come out, please. Now!? She couldn?t wait to pacify her interior, as she had done so often in recent days.

    An endless cycle?

    To be continued...
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  10. #50
    Senior Hostboard Member ckskevin's Avatar
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    Re: Spontaneous Combustion, by Anubisx

    the build up is killing me! your stories are amazing as always

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