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Thread: On The Road - new F/F Sexfight Story by Kamafight

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    On The Road - new F/F Sexfight Story by Kamafight

    Chapter 1 – A Fresh Start for Ernie Munger

    Ernie Munger opened the door to the bar and walked in. He looked fresh and dapper in a white shirt and navy blue jeans. The bath at the motel had done him good. He sat on a stool and ordered a whiskey soda. The bar was empty and the bartender looked like he wanted to go to bed. But Ernie loved small town American bars like the one he had just walked into. He had been inside many. It was a pleasure afforded by his job as a travelling manager of female wrestlers.
    Ernie took a sip of his whiskey and smiled at the bartender who looked like he didn’t want to talk much. After finishing his drink, Ernie walked out to his car, a 64 Ford Mustang. It was a beautiful evening and there was a cool breeze as he walked across the parking lot. There weren’t too many cars on the highway and it was quiet as he smelled the evening air. He looked at the bright red neon sign at the entry to the parking lot and felt good.

    It had been tough the last few years. The internet and all the free downloading had ruined the female wrestling video industry. It had affected people like him. He made a living off setting up matches for his prot?g?s with video producers. But many female wrestlers, especially the younger ones, had given up their wrestling careers and entered the porn industry in recent times. But Ernie’s heart lay in the wrestling video business. He wasn’t ready to give up. Afterall he had been in the business managing wrestlers for nearly thirty years. He had leads with two older wrestlers. It was a new start. He felt like he could make things happen. He was a man of good taste.

    Inside the car, Ernie opened the dashboard and removed two envelopes. He opened the first envelope and took out some photographs. The photographs were of a 40 year old wrestler who went by the name of Joan Russell. She was in the nude. Ernie liked her – medium height, just the right amount of muscularity, flat abs and quite buxomly with the hard tits not the saggy boobs. The photographs were said to be quite recent. Ernie had tracked down some of her older videos, mostly amateur apartment wrestling stuff. The woman looked good, she was fit and agile. And she didn’t mind doing the erotic stuff which is where the money was. The only trouble was that Joan Russell was presently in jail on an arson charge. The details were sketchy. But Ernie had paid the money to bail her out. He was going to pick her up now.

    Ernie put the photographs back in and opened the second envelope. The second envelope had another set of nude photographs. These photographs were of a 39 year old woman named Eileen Brennan. She was another amateur wrestler who was mostly active in the East coast. She also didn’t mind doing the erotic stuff. Ernie thought the two of them would make a nice pair. Like Joan, Eileen also had a nice taut body. Just the right amount of flesh and not overtly well toned. Nice legs which looked like they received regular workouts. What’s more, Joan and Eileen were about the same height. The photographs were in black and white so Ernie couldn’t really say what their skin tones were like. But hell, you couldn’t get everything right. Ernie wondered if the two women would hit it off. It would be great if they got attracted to each other. A lot of these female wrestlers were lesbians. Ernie knew because he had managed many of them. He felt excited by the prospect of travelling across the country with these two beautiful women. He put the photographs back into the envelopes and the two envelopes into the dashboard. He started the car. He was off to pick Joan Russell from jail. Eileen Brennan would arrive later by bus.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Chapter 2 – Joan

    The guard at the electronic gates checked Ernie’s papers and then placed a call to somebody inside the enormous building that was the penitentiary. He told Ernie that Joan Russell would come out in ten minutes and that he could have a coke from the machine in his office. Ernie accepted the offer.

    He leaned against his car, leisurely sipping the coke. It was a windy evening and the yew trees branches swung in the air. The air smelled of dew. It did seem like it was going to rain. Then he heard the electronic gates open.

    Ernie could only see her in the dark. She carried a small bag as she walked out of the gate. She paused for a moment on the footpath and looked towards the right and then towards the left like a little girl who was crossing a road for the first time. Then she saw him and began to walk towards him. Ernie threw the coke bottle onto the grass near the footpath. Ernie thought she looked quite confident as she walked towards him. He still couldn’t see her face.

    Joan: Are you the person who bailed me out?

    Ernie: Yes, young lady. That’s me. Ernie Munger. Pleasure to meet ya.
    Joan: It’s a pleasure.

    She had a beautiful face with clear skin and a perfect oval shape. One tends to ignore the face and focus on the body when you’re in the wrestling business. But she did look worn out and jaded, there were hints of dark circles around her eyes. Her blonde hair was unkempt. She wore a yellow round neck t-shirt and blue jeans that didn’t look like it was washed anytime recently.

    Ernie opened the door for his new prot?g? and they drove away.

    Ernie: We’re going to pick up another young lady at the bus depot. She’s gonna be travellin with us. You two are gonna be a team. Her name is Eileen. You hungry?
    Joan: Just a little. But I can wait.
    Ernie: We’ll have dinner together. If you want a drink, there is a bottle of whiskey under you seat.

    Joan smiled and her face turned pink. There was a hint of sadness in her face as if it was too much for her to smile. She felt around under her seat and took out the bottle of whiskey and looked at Ernie as if she was looking for a glass.

    Ernie: Straight from the bottle, young lady. That’s how we do it on the road.

    Joan took a hit from the bottle. She heaved a little as if in relief.

    Ernie: Drink as much as you like. How long you been in jail now?
    Joan: Would have been six months a week from now.
    Ernie: Was it OK? I know it’s a dumb question. But did you do allright in there? I mean, was it tough?

    Joan didn’t say a word for a few seconds that seemed to Ernie like minutes. Then she spoke.

    Joan: It was tough.
    Ernie: Was it your first time inside?

    Joan looked hurt as if he had thrown a stone at her face.

    Ernie: I didn’t mean it that way, young lady. I was just askin. You see we’re gonna be on the road together travelin to different places. I don’t want there to be any secrets between us. Just treat me like your friend.

    Joan didn’t say anything but just looked silently out at the road.
    Joan: Do I look like I’m a regular in jail?
    Ernie: Now now, young lady. No need to get angry with me. I was just askin you know.
    Joan: It was my first time. And I intend to make it the last.
    Ernie: I’m sure. I’m gonna put you to work. I have some nice gigs lined up for you and this Eileen who we’re gonna pick up now. Just you wait and see.
    Joan: How long have you been managing wrestlers?
    Ernie: All my life. Since I was twenty, that’s more than thirty years now. I’m proud to say that it’s the one and only job that I’ve worked my whole life.

    That brought a smile on her face. She sounded posh like she had been to school. She was definitely no trailer trash.

    Joan: You been working locally?
    Ernie: Nah! I’ve worked all over the world, but mostly the US and Eastern Europe. California Wildcats, DWW, HPC, TPC, Catfight Corner – my girls have worked for them all. I’ve worked with every major producer in the business.
    Joan: Yeah? What’s business like now?
    Ernie: It’s tough. What with the fuckin internet and all. It’s fucked everyone up. All those assholes on the internet sharing and downloadin our videos for free. Its fuckin criminal. A real pain in the ass for the whole business. No respect for our hard work. Excuse my language, young lady. But don’t you worry about anythin. I’m gonna set you up.

    Joan smiled at him. It was a genuine smile. She took another hit from the whiskey bottle. Ernie could tell that she already trusted him. He had a way with these wrestling women. Which is why he never got married and settled down like ordinary men.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Chapter 3 – Eileen

    The bus depot was empty. Ernie parked the car a fair way away from where the buses normally stopped. The bus that would bring Eileen Brennan was scheduled to arrive in ten minutes.

    Joan: Where are we exactly? I mean what part of town?
    Ernie: We are in Marfa, young lady. It’s a little town in West Texas. We’ve driven fifty kilometers from where you were arraigned. This is where they shot Giant with Liz Taylor and James Dean.
    Joan: Ok.

    She was silent again. Joan hadn’t talked much on the drive to the bus depot. Ernie had done most of the talking. Nearly half the bottle of whiskey was gone. Joan continued to look forlornly into space.

    The bus arrived in the distance. A figure got out and the bus was on its way again. The figure paused for a moment and then registered Ernie’s car. Ernie blinked his lights. The figure ran towards the car in a slow jog. The figure had a medium sized bag in her hand. As the figure came closer, Ernie saw that Eileen was wearing a tight blouse and shorts. Ernie took a peek at the well toned legs and thighs before stepping out to greet her. Eileen hugged Ernie. Ernie hugged back. Joan had slowly got out on the other side of the car. Eileen walked towards Joan and hugged her tight. Eileen had a fleshy and round face with dimples on her cheeks when she smiled. Her blonde hair was pinned tightly back in a ponytail.

    Eileen: Is that whiskey I smell on your breath?
    Joan: Yes, I’ve been drinking. A little.

    Joan looked shy.

    Eileen: Hell, I could use some of it. It’s been a long journey you know.
    Ernie: Both you ladies are gonna be drinking a lot as long as I’m your manager, I can tell you that. Now why don’t we get into the car? It’s gettin late, lets get us a bite to eat and discuss some business.
    Eileen: Hell, sure. I’m famished. Where we goin?
    Ernie: Well, Marfa ain’t the most happenin place on earth, young lady. But I know a place where they serve some humongous sumptuous beef steaks. That and beer.
    Eileen: Well, what we waitin for?

    They all got into the car. Eileen was one talkative lady. Ernie liked this because Joan was not a big talker. Opposites usually attract. He drove silently letting the ladies talk and get acquainted, interrupting occasionally.

    Eileen: Well, its nice to be with y’all. I hope we make a nice team. How long you been in this business, Joan?
    Joan: Twenty years now. How about yourself?
    Eileen: About the same. It’s the only job I ever did in my life.
    Ernie: Ha! And I say this is the best job on earth. Fuck all those assholes who work nine to five. They’re all gonna be replaced by robots in a few years time.
    Eileen: Hell, I love this job. Wrasslin and travellin around. You like it Joan?
    Joan: Its allright. It does get to you after a while. I mean, when you do something for twenty years, it does get to you. You know what I mean?
    Eileen: Yeah I know what you mean. But you know what I say? No job is easy. And hell, it’s better than workin nine to five.
    Joan: I guess so. I did work as a secretary for a while. But it wasn’t for me. So I went back to being a wrestler.
    Eileen: Hell, that’s what I’m talking about! It’s the best job on earth. Keeps you fit. We were meant to be warriors not sit in front of computers.
    Joan: I guess you do have a point.
    Eileen: I’ve seen your videos.
    Joan: I’ve seen yours too.

    There was a short silence. Ernie had not wondered about the prospects of these two women being aware of each other. They seemed to be seizing each other up.

    Eileen: You mean you’ve seen me before?
    Joan: I recognized you the moment I saw you. You’ve done some stuff that’s really a bit out there.

    Ernie thought he heard Eileen gulp in the backseat.

    Eileen: Hell, I recognized you too. You’re no Winnie the pooh yourself, if I may say so.

    Joan turned around.

    Joan: What do you mean?
    Eileen: I mean some of that amateur home video stuff that you did. My, you really let yourself go in some of them.
    Joan: Well, that’s what I would say about you as well. The videos that I have watched with you in them, you didn’t seem to be acting or anything.
    Ernie: Which videos are we talking about here? I must admit I haven’t seen that many videos starring the two of you. I hired you both based purely on the photographs that I was shown.
    Eileen: I was talkin about the videos that Joan did with a producer called The Cowboy. My, you do have a reputation Joan.
    Joan: Well, I have heard a lot about you as well, since we’re discussing reputations.
    Eileen: Ya know, I’ve always wondered why nobody cast the two of us together in a video.
    Joan: Well, its never too late I guess.
    Ernie: Well, young ladies, that’s what I’m here for. Uncle Ernie is going to make all your fantasies come true.
    Last edited by kamafight; July 15th, 2016 at 05:24 AM.

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    Re: On The Road - new F/F Sexfight Story by Kamafight

    Chapter 4 ? Dinner with the Ladies

    While Joan and Eileen spruced up in the restroom, Ernie ordered their steaks and beers. He usually liked to create mental profiles of new prot?g?s. Eileen seemed to be feisty, outgoing and aggressive. Joan?s melancholic persona had surprised him in the beginning but that could be because she was in jail. She hadn?t backed down when Eileen had a go at her about her videos. Ernie felt excited, he was sure that he had hired a couple of winners.

    The women came out of the restroom and sat down with Ernie at the table. Their steaks and beer arrived. The three of them tucked in.

    Ernie: Allright, ladies. Let?s talk some business shall we? The three of us are goin to be a team. We?re going to be travellin across America. I?ll do the managin and the two of you do the wreslin. The wreslin video industry is fucked up. So we?re going to be doing private shows for horny old men. There could be custom video requests from some video producers that I?m talking to. I have atleast five shows lined up for you two over the next three weeks. All private. I?m talking to some video producers. But nothin?s concrete as of now. So we?re going to be doing more private shows than videos. That?s the gist of it. There could be custom requests at these private shows ? these guys have some weird fantasies if you know what I mean.

    Eileen: How much money are we talkin here?
    Ernie: Well, minimum $2000 a show. So that?s $10,000 in the next three alone. We split revenue and expenses three ways. You?re going to be making 2.5k minimum after expenses. 2.5k in three weeks. Sound good to ya?
    Joan: What are these expenses?
    Ernie: Mostly food, motel rent and petrol. And the alcohol of course.
    Eileen: That?s mighty generous of you, Ernie. I have always had managers take 50% of what I make. And expenses were separate.
    Ernie: Well, Eileen honey. I do this for the love of it. I love being out there on these American roads, wheelin and deelin. I?m tellin ya, we?re gonna be makin some good money. I?ll set it all up, its upto you ladies to do a good job. You?re the performers. Those horny grandpa?s don?t pay to see my beer belly.
    Eileen: We?ll put up a good show allright. I know Joan here is some performer.

    The women glanced at each other. Ernie glanced at them glancing at each other.

    Ernie: And one more thing, ladies. The three of us are going to be sleepin together in the same room. You two on the bed and me on the couch. We need to save as much on rent as we can. The rent can kill us. I hope we?re on the same page on this. I mean, people talk about recession but we are in a depression here, ladies.

    The women were fine with it. They finished their steaks and washed it down with beer. Eileen fell asleep as they drove to their motel. Joan didn?t talk much. Ernie rolled down the windows and they silently enjoyed the breeze and the smell of dew. Ernie felt good.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Chapter 5 ? Whiskey, A Strip Show and then Some Sleep

    The fat lady at the reception was mildly quizzical about an elderly man and two middle aged women checking into the same room for the night. Ernie gave her his best smile and slipped her a couple of bucks.
    Ernie opened the door and they walked into a pleasant little room. There was a double bed with a lamp at its head, a small fridge and a couch with a small table in front of it. A little cupboard stood adjacent to the bed. The walls looked newly paneled with oak.

    Joan: This is a nice cozy place, Ernie.
    Ernie: I always like to show my girls a good time. I?m no uncle scrooge. You both are safe with me. Work hard and play hard, that?s Uncle Ernie?s motto.

    He winked at them. Eileen gave him a big mock wink. Joan smiled.

    Ernie: I?m going to pour you ladies some whiskey. You need to get some good sleep. We?re going to be up early tomorrow, driving all the way to Terlingua for a private show. That?s a tiny little town. But before that I need to see what I?m paying for.

    Eileen: Huh?
    Joan: What?
    Ernie: You heard me right. I need you ladies to strip down for me. I want to see if your bodies are as good as they looked in the photos. How about a little strip showdown for Uncle Ernie?
    Eillen: Well, sure. I don?t mind.
    Joan: Me neither.

    The women were used to shedding their clothes for agents and admirers. This was no big deal for them. Ernie took out three glasses from his suitcase and a bottle of whiskey. He filled the glasses with whiskey.
    Ernie: Come and get your drinks, ladies.

    They all drank their whiskeys down. Then Joan and Eileen looked at each other. The women were quite tipsy now what with the whiskey in the car, the beers at the steak place and more whiskey now in the room. They looked enchantingly at each other.
    Joan took off her round neck t-shirt in a flourish. She wore a light mustard bra that was almost the same color as her skin tone. A second later, Eileen suggestively removed her blouse and she had a jet black bra on her. Ernie was relieved to see that both women had matching dark cream skin tones. Joan slowly took off her jeans while Eileen removed her short skirt. Now both of them were in their bare essentials. Their bodies looked very similar. Ernie was glad to see that they were both fighting fit. The women moved seductively towards each other and put their arms around the others waists. Now Ernie got a closer look at their taut bodies as they were placed side by side.

    He noticed that their sizeable breasts covered by the bras brushed slightly against each other. They were equally matched with their well exercised bodies and their blonde hair. Their body language suggested that they were experienced. He had hired a couple of professionals.

    Eileen: Do you want us to take off our lingerie?
    Ernie: No that will do ladies. You both will get enough chances to be butt naked in the coming weeks. Put your clothes back on now. I liked what I saw.
    Joan: We are glad you did. You?ve been awful nice to us.
    Ernie: It?s my pleasure to manage a couple of respectful ladies like yourself. Now we should all get some sleep.

    The manager and his two prot?g?s retired to bed ? Ernie on the couch and the women on the double bed.

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    Re: On The Road - new F/F Sexfight Story by Kamafight

    Chapter 6 – An Early Morning Drive

    They were up early around 6 am. Sharing a toilet is not one of the pleasant things to do on a cold morning especially when you’re adults. The hangover made it worse. But they were soon in the car, driving to Terlingua. A brief stop at a roadside caf? for coffee spruced them up.

    Ernie: How you girls doing?

    Joan was riding in front with him, Eileen in the back.

    Eileen: Much better. That sure was a good coffee.
    Joan: I’m good.
    Ernie: Allright. This is what’s goin to happen today, girls. Terlingua is almost a ghost town. Population of not more than five hundred. But some really horny bastids in that five hundred. So we’re going to have this wrestling bout in some guy’s backyard. It’s going to be Ok. There could be a couple of other girls over there. Could be a tag team thing. The two of you against those two girls. Like I said, it’s going to be Ok. Just some bored harmless hillbillies in the audience. It’s nothing big. But the money is good. If any of the hillbillies act up, just come and tell me all right? I’ll sort em out.

    Eileen: Sure Ernie. So we gettin be paid in cash?
    Ernie: Yeah, sure. Cash is king man. I’ve always dealt in cash. Never trust anyone who says the check is in the mail.
    Eileen: You’ve been in the business for more than thirty years. You must have some stories ta tell. You musta seen some things in your time.

    Ernie: I’ve sure did. I remember this one time in Arkansas. It was a darn hot day. There were a bunch of us gathered in this small shed like place. A small godown with no windows. And there were these ten nude ladies who were going to do round robins all day. But they were sweating like hell. It was too hot inside. And everyone started sweating, the wrestlers and the audience and there was a terrible stink inside that place with all the smell of sweat. The wrestling ladies could hardly hold each other on account of the fact that they were sweating so much. We couldn’t open the doors or people would start peepin in. And in the end, the whole thing had to be called off. Angry men were demandin their money back. Them ladies never got paid.

    Joan: I know people who would get off on that kind of thing ….. be turned on by sweating wrestlers.
    Eileen: You would know.
    Joan: Now what’s that supposed to mean?
    Eileen: Nothin, just wonderin out aloud.
    Joan: That was a tongue in cheek comment and you know it.
    Eileen: You did act in a video called “Summer Sweat”.
    Joan: I did.
    Eileen: And in that video you and this other girl wrestled nude in the hot sun until you both got all sweaty and then you proceeded to lick the sweat off each others bodies.
    Joan: I won’t deny it. It was a custom request by some guy in India. He paid us good money for it.
    Ernie: I would love to see that video. Sounds like a great idea. Who was the producer?
    Eileen: It was an independent production. You know the mainstream producers wouldn’t attempt anything like that.
    Ernie: You can say that again, Joan. They always play safe. They’re like Hollywood.
    Eileen: I watched it back in the day, I don’t know when. Musta been years now. But it’s always stayed with me. I wanted to complement your acting in it, Joan. You were sensational.

    Joan looked back at Eileen. Ernie glanced at them and it looked like they were exchanging a cold stare. Then Joan turned around and sulked.

    Joan: How long does it take to get to where we’re going?
    Ernie: Terlingua is about a 100 kilometers from here, Joan. Think we’ll get there in an hour or so. There isn’t much traffic in these parts. Just long and beautiful American highways. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.

    The green of Marfa soon gave way to the dessert. They stopped at a gas station. There was nothing but dessert on the ground and blue skies up above. It was hot but not humid. The gas station attendant ogled at Joan and Eileen while he filled the tank. Ernie asked for directions. Joan and Eileen did some stretches. They both wore jeans and T-shirts tucked in.

    Eileen: Real nice ain’t it?
    Joan: You like these small towns?
    Eileen: Hell yeah! These highways and gas stations and cafes and their smells. This is what makes America such a great country. These small towns are the real America. Screw them city and suburban folk.
    Joan didn’t say anything and continued stretching.

    The gas station attendant walked towards them. He introduced himself. His name was Garth.

    Garth: So where you guys goin?
    Eileen: We’re geologists from Australia. We’re in search of a gold mine in this neck of the woods. You know of any gold mines around here?
    Joan suppressed a laugh.
    Garth: Hell no! You puttin me on or something?

    Ernie was standing near the car. He signaled to them that they were ready to go.
    Eileen: We ain’t got anymore time to waste in case there are other geologists who might get to the gold first. Have a nice day sir.

    The women got back into the car. They were back on the road. Garth the gas station attendant looked at them longingly as they drove away.

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    Re: On The Road - new F/F Sexfight Story by Kamafight

    Chapter 7 ? In Terlingua, the Ghost Town

    Eileen had fallen asleep in the back seat. She woke up to music coming from somewhere. She recognized the song but couldn?t place it immediately. Then it came to her. Mississippi Queen by the hard rock band Mountain. She could see something that looked like a little town in the distance. It had been desert all around when she had fallen asleep. She looked up at the clear blue sky and felt good. The air smelt clean.
    Ernie: We?re almost there ladies. Get ready!

    Joan: My god, this is the definition of Hicksville. What do you mean we?re there? There is nothing there.
    Eileen: This could be interesting.
    Joan: What if the hillbillies kidnap us, Ernie? I don?t think there would be a police station in this place. We might as well be entering another country.
    Ernie: Trust in Uncle Ernie, Joan. There is nothin to worry about. We?re going to have us some fun here.
    Joan: I hope so.
    Eileen: Cheer up Joan. It?s not like we?ve been wrasslin in Las Vegas all along. This is our life.

    Joan sulked.

    They were close to the town now. A small sign on the road welcomed them to Terlingua. When they entered the town they saw a bunch of men with large beards sipping beer from large mugs in front of what looked like a tavern. There was a large speaker near them which was blasting music. Somebody turned the music down when they saw their car coming into town.

    Joan: Jeez! This looks like a set in a Sergio Leone movie.
    Eileen: Sergio who?
    Joan: Never mind.

    There was a small store a little way away from the bar. Ernie parked the car in front of the store.

    Ernie: Allright ladies. Just follow me and do as I tell you. It?s going to be OK.

    They got out of the car. The morning had turned hot. The air was still, there wasn?t even a breeze. Joan looked at her watch. It was 8:30 am. She and Eileen looked around as Ernie went into the store. The men in front of the bar didn?t pay them any mind. There was a white church in the distance with a large cross in front of it. Apart from the bar and the store, none of the other shops on both sides of the road seemed to be open. It was an ugly and ramshackle little small town.

    Ernie walked out of the store with a short old man. He had a pleasant face. He introduced himself as Roy Sullivan.

    Roy: Howdy ladies. Welcome to Terlingua. Hope you had a nice drive.

    They said yes.

    Roy: Well, the shows gonna start in a couple of hours. Why don?t you folks follow me?
    Ernie: The wrestlin bouts are gonna take place in Roy?s backyard. It?s just behind the store. Him and his wife Gloria have a trailer with a shower for you ladies. Why don?t you get your bags?
    Roy: Its nice havin you pretty ladies here with us. I?m sure you?ll put on a good show.

    They said it was a pleasure being here. Roy looked like a nice man. The women got their bags out of the car. They walked into the store which stocked groceries and magazines in two aisles. It looked better inside than outside. Roy walked through the aisle of groceries and opened a door at the end of the aisle. The followed him into a large backyard. In front of the mat, there was a large wrestling mat placed in the centre of the yard. There were tables with beer glasses, a dozen chairs and what looked like a barbecue surrounding the mat. On the left were a couple of trailers. A house stood to the right of the wrestling mat. A door in the house opened and a woman in a loose shirt and jeans walked out towards them. She shook hands with them and introduced herself as Gloria, Roy?s wife. She didn?t look like she had taken a bath and she didn?t seem to care about her appearance.

    Roy: Gloria will take you ladies to the trailer. I think you better wait there and get acquainted with the two other girls that we have brought in for the show.
    Ernie: I think I?ll go with them to see that they are comfortable.
    Roy: Sure, why not?

    Ernie winked at them. Joan and Eileen were pleased with him. He had been a standup guy so far. They followed Gloria as she walked across the large blue wrestling mat towards one of the trailers.

    Gloria: Let?s go inside. This is where you both can change and shower.

    Gloria climbed the steps into the trailer. Ernie, Joan and Eileen followed Gloria. It was a fairly large trailer. There were two women in bathrobes sipping coffees, sitting side by side on one of the two couches that were built into the sides of the trailer.

    Gloria: Joan and Eileen, meet Batsheva and Behira. They are a couple of girls that we flew down from Israel.

    The two sets of women shook hands. Gloria turned to Ernie.

    Gloria: Ern, why don?t we let the girls get acquainted with each other? Why don?t you follow me into the house? There is a bottle of rye whiskey waiting for you there.
    Ernie: You go ahead, Gloria. I?ll just have a word with my ladies here.
    Gloria: Sure, Ern.

    Gloria left them.

    Ernie fished in his jeans pocket and came up with two medium sized bottles of Jack Daniels.

    Ernie: One each for you both. Take a swig out of them bottles before you enter the ring. You?re gonna feel good.

    Ernie turned to the two Israeli wrestlers.

    Ernie: You Israeli ladies can pour some in your coffee if you want. See you in the ring, girls. Just drop by the house if you need anything.

    Joan and Eileen hugged Ernie before he left the trailer.

    Then they turned to Batsheva and Behira. Batsheva and Behira looked at them. The two sets of wrestlers checked each other out. Batsheva and Behira in their bathrobes sipping coffees. Joan and Eileen in their jeans and tops holding whiskey bottles.

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    HB Forum Moderator Morton007's Avatar
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    Re: On The Road - new F/F Sexfight Story by Kamafight

    I just can't get interested in a F/F story that has a prominent male character. Your mileage may vary.

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    Senior Hostboard Member cc25's Avatar
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    Re: On The Road - new F/F Sexfight Story by Kamafight

    I like the buildup. The better the buildup and relationships, the better the fights

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    Hostboard Member toni 1's Avatar
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    Re: On The Road - new F/F Sexfight Story by Kamafight

    Endless possibilities as to where and how this is heading.

    I love the suspense you are creating Kamafight.

    Four thick , mature women sizing each other up is my kind of confrontation.

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    Senior Hostboard Member kamafight's Avatar
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    Re: On The Road - new F/F Sexfight Story by Kamafight

    Chapter 8 ? Batsheva and Behira

    Joan and Eileen showered one after the other. It was not that they were dirty and sweaty after the trip to Terlingua in Ernie?s car. But taking a bath and maintaining perfect hygiene before a bout was a part of the wrestler?s life. It was connected to respecting your opponent on the mat since wrestling was a contact sport where the combatant?s bodies would be closely locked together.

    They changed into the bathrobes which were on hangers in the cupboard next to the shower. The shower itself was basic and clean and wouldn?t fit more than two people at a time. Joan and Eileen made their way into the small room where Batsheva and Behira were sipping coffees. There were two cups of coffees on the couch opposite where they sat.

    Batsheva: I prepared coffees for the two of you. I hope it?s Ok.

    She spoke with a slight accent like someone who had lived in America for a while and was slowly adopting an American accent even as their original native accent receded.

    Eileen: Awww, thanks a bunch, friend. I could really use a coffee.
    Joan: We appreciate it.

    Joan and Eileen took their coffees off the couch and placed themselves opposite Batsheva and Behira on the second couch. There was a very narrow space between the two couches and Batsheva and Behira pulled back their legs a little so that Joan and Eileen had space to sit. Even then, the four women were very close together because the couches were small and a small space separated the couches on which they sat. Joan faced Batsheva while Eileen faced Behira.

    Behira: Very narrow space isn?t it?

    She had an accent similar to Batsheva?s.

    Eileen: Trust me, this ain?t so bad. I?ve been in worse trailers in my life than this one.
    Batsheva: You have lived in a trailer? It must be fun. I wish I lived in a trailer.
    Eileen: I was born in a trailer. I lived in one until I was fifteen. Trust me it ain?t all that. Depends on the company. But as they say, the grass is always greener on the other side.
    Batsheva: That is true.
    Eileen: So you guys from Israel? You flew all the way down to the USA to take part in this show in this ghost town?
    Behira: No no. We moved to New York two years ago to pursue careers in the entertainment industry. We fly to Israel every once in a while to meet our families. We work as actresses.
    Eileen: Actresses huh? What have you guys acted in?
    Batsheva: Uhhh ?.. mostly independent stuff.
    Eileen: Oh independent movies?
    Batsheva: Yeah.
    Behira: Yeah, mostly the films made by young filmmakers fresh out of film school.
    Eileen: Hmmm ok.
    Batsheva: Hmmm.

    They sipped their coffees. Like most people do when they first meet, the four wrestlers were feeling each other out. Trying to get each other?s measure. Batsheva looked tall while Behira was shorter than her. Eileen thought they both had large noble faces. They were both very pretty. The bathrobes prevented Eileen from examining them further. They would soon know anyhow.

    Behira: And what is it that you both do?
    Eileen: Oh, I have been a wrestler all my life. I?ve been doing these shows and videos.
    Joan: Same here.
    Batsheva: You don?t talk much, do you?
    Batsheva was addressing Joan.
    Joan: Er ?.. I just met you guys.
    Batsheva: I was just saying you know.
    Joan: Ok.
    Eileen: She doesn?t talk much. But she is one hell of a nice person.
    Joan smiled at Eileen for the certificate of character. Then something touched her feet. It was Batsheva?s toes. Joan stirred and looked down.
    Batsheva: Excuse me, my feet rubbed against yours.
    Joan: It?s perfectly all right.
    Behira: Such a narrow space. But what can we do?

    The women laughed politely.

    Eileen: Hey you guys want some whiskey in your coffees?
    Batsheva: Our coffees are almost gone. But I don?t mind some whiskey.

    Joan and Eileen opened their small whiskey bottles and their coffee cups were filled with whiskeys. The four of them drank heartily.

    Then Joan felt Batsheva?s feet rub up against her leg once again. This time she did not stir but coolly sipped her whiskey. Encouraged by Joan?s nonchalance, Batsheva rubbed her toes seductively across Joan?s feet. The touch of their feet and toes was electric. A moment later Joan responded by slowly lifting her feet and rubbing the palm of Batsheva?s feet with her own. Batsheva smiled at her. Joan smiled back.

    Eileen and Behira had finished their drinks.

    Eileen: Hey drink up you guys. Let?s finish these bottles before we hit the ring. We need to face those rowdy hillbillies in some time.

    The four of them giggled excitedly and filled their cups with whiskey again.

    Joan grew bolder and she raised her feet a little above Batsheva?s and slid it across the flesh of her feet. The two women exchanged seductive glances. The erotic footsie between them went unnoticed as Eileen and Behira continued to talk and they pretended to listen.

    The whiskey made them loose track of time and soon Gloria knocked on the trailer door and told them that it was time for their bouts. Eileen and Behira stepped out of the trailer followed by Joan and Batsheva. Batsheva naughtily pinched at Joan?s buttocks and Jane pinched back. Gloria led the four women towards where the mat was placed. They noticed that the short walkway between the trailer and the wrestling mat had been covered with a large blue plastic sheet to provide the wrestlers with some privacy and give the audience a measure of surprise. The four women who were about to wrestle each other could hear the hillbillies waiting impatiently as they stood in their bathrobes behind the blue plastic sheet. .

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    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: On The Road - new F/F Sexfight Story by Kamafight

    Hello Kamafight,

    I read your story - on the road - till now. I like very much that there is a plot which prepares the reader for the hot scenes to follow. It is also very well written but i knew that since the old good times we were together in the same board.

    I look forward to read more, much more soon, asap as you can.

    Be well !! Have fun !!

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    Senior Hostboard Member kamafight's Avatar
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    Re: On The Road - new F/F Sexfight Story by Kamafight

    Chapter 9 – Joan and Batsheva

    It would be an understatement to say that Joan was intoxicated. Her head was spinning by the time they made their way to the wrestling mat. Nothing much registered. She vaguely heard Gloria tell them that they were to do a little parade around the mat when their names were called out. They would have to disrobe and show off their bodies to the audience. Joan peeked out and saw that there were at least fifty people in the audience around the mat. She saw men with beer guts, men wearing cowboy hats, men sipping beer and even a few women in shorts.

    Eileen went first. Joan admired her nice tight ass when she disrobed herself. Behira went next and she was on the plumper side. Batsheva attracted the most catcalls and whistles because she really was a thick and flabby woman. Mounds of flesh hung off her body. The rednecks really loved a fleshy woman. When it was her turn, Joan walked across the mat. She could really sense the heat. The sun beat down on her. She disrobed and shook her ass at the crowd and received catcalls in return. She could smell beer and meat cooking in the air as she walked back to the area behind the blue sheet.

    Gloria: Allright, its going to be Eileen and Behira first. And then Joan and Batsheva.

    Joan and Batsheva retreated into the waiting area while Eileen and Behira made their way to the centre of the mat. As they watched the Eileen and Behira’s topless bodies meet and go down on the centre of the mat, Joan and Batsheva realized that they were alone behind the blue sheet. Alone and drunk and horny.

    Joan felt Batsheva’s hand on her butt, groping it eagerly. They turned towards each other and locked together in a tight embrace. Batsheva was taller than Joan. The women had grabbed at each other quite roughly. Their hands embraced each other’s bare backs and buttocks. Batsheva, who was taller than Joan, aggressively lowered her mouth onto Joan’s. Not to be slighted, Joan kissed back aggressively and their hot tongues tasted each other’s whiskey laced mouths. The women danced around the waiting area as they groped and kissed each other.

    Batsheva: Do you want to fuck me?
    Joan: Oh yes. Oh yes, please.
    Batsheva: You are such a wanton bitch! I could tell the moment I laid eyes on you.
    Joan: Well, then what are we waiting for? Let’s fuck each others brains out.

    They were blowing hot whiskey breaths into each others faces as they embraced tightly – breast to breast and toe to toe.

    Batsheva: You are such a slut.
    Joan: It takes one to know one.

    They kissed each other violently, tongues licked desperately at each other as they tasted each others saliva. They spat into each others mouths and called names, completely oblivious to what was going on outside.

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