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Thread: BRANDI'S OPUS, PART 13 BY BRANDI (by a.p)

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    With Denice still on top of me, I turned to look at Sandra. She smiled warmly at me, then gave me a full, soft kiss.
    “That was so wonderful to see.” she said. And she was being sincere. I got this sudden sense that I was seeing the grownup side of her. And I loved it.

    I know that I’ve spent a good portion of time criticizing these two young women who were, well, immature. No other way to say it. But I was lying naked in bed with two absolutely beautiful women. No other way to say that. And my excursion into a three girl night of hot nastiness wasn’t over yet. So far this evening Sandra retrieved a grape from between my tits with her tongue, I had given her a nipple orgasm, gotten into a spirited and incredibly hot tit fight with Denice, after semi-dry humping her gorgeous ass. Then I had my pussy eaten like never before by the best pussy licker I’ve run across in a long time, while I in turn licked Sandra’s pussy and briefly sucked her clit. All things considered, I could have done worse.

    “I’m glad you enjoyed it Sandra. But I’m sorry I couldn’t get you to cum.”
    “Well, you were kind of preoccupied.”
    “Boy, was I ever! Tell me something. Does she always eat pussy so good?”
    Sandra gave me a wicked grin.
    “Why do you think I like fighting with her so much?”
    “I think I actually understand where you’re coming from. But go on.”
    “Well it’s just that our fights are so fucking hot! And I’m sure you know how that always ends.”
    “Indeed I do.”
    “But Brandi, we both know where to draw the line. And we’ve never really hurt each other.” Sandra explained.
    “Well, that’s good to know…and…”
    “And? What?” Sandra asked.
    “…and I’m sorry that I’ve been a little tough on you two. Because I really am enjoying this.” I confessed.
    “So are we. This has been way hotter than we ever dreamed.” Denice added.

    As for Denice, she seemed pretty pleased by what she had just accomplished. And she should have been. It’s not as easy for me to cum mouth to pussy. Don’t get me wrong. I love the feel of a woman’s soft lips and skilled tongue on my pussy. And I understand that each woman’s skill level in that particular aspect of sex is different. But for my own personal taste, nothing thrills me more then when I make that incredible pussy to pussy connection with another woman. For me, there is no other physical sensation that can compare to this profound fusion of flesh. It’s something that can only be shared by two women. And by the simple fact that each woman is anatomically different in that most prized part of the female form, each pussy to pussy connection feels different. No two women feel exactly alike down there. And speaking of pussy to pussy…

    I gave Denice a soft kiss, then rolled her off of me. Then I sat up in bed on my haunches. They knew what was going on so they joined me. We all faced each other, our knees touching, in a close triangle. I was beginning to develop a distinct fondness for these under-appreciated, equilateral geometric shapes. Especially since each side of this particular triangle was sporting two phenomenal tits.

    “It’s time for the pi?ce de r?sistance, ladies.” I announced.
    “Oh yesss!”
    “Can’t wait!”

    I paused and looked at them for a couple of seconds, because I was starting to anticipate them. If I’d learned anything about these two amazing women tonight, it was that a screeching catfight was never more than a harsh word or an insult away. So, once again, into the breach…

    “I don’t suppose that you two have done anything sensible, say like having determined beforehand which one of you is going to go pussy to pussy with me FIRST?” I asked.
    “Well, I am of course.” Sandra stated confidently.
    “Wait! Just one fucking moment, bitch! What gives you the idea that you’re going first?!” Denice said in response.
    “Well, I just assumed that…hey, who you callin’ bitch, you skank whore!!!”
    “Fuck you, you bleach blond slut!!!”
    And so, it began once again. But this time I was ready.
    They rose to their knees in anger. Hands on hips, their massive tits locked as they snorted, ready to pounce on each other yet again.

    “Hold on ladies.” I rose to face them, to intervene. They both looked at me like I was their mother. In a way, it almost felt like I was. But Brandi Knowlton just isn’t your average, garden variety mom.
    “I’m flattered that the two of you are willing to fight over me…I really am.”
    “Really?” Denice seemed uncertain.
    “Yeah, really?” Sandra was also taken back by this.
    “But, since I’m the only adult in the room…”
    “OH FUCK YOU!!!” they said in unison. I smiled. Guess I had that one coming.
    “Anyway, let me proceed. I do want the two of you to fight for me…BUT…” I paused for dramatic effect.
    “Oh, get on with it Brandi.” Sandra said.
    “I want you to fight like mature women. Woman to woman, pussy to pussy. Whichever one of you fucks the other to an orgasm first gets to fuck me first. How about it?”
    “OK.” Sandra scoffed. “I’m down with that.”
    “Fine. So am I.” Denice added. “But I’d like one small addendum.”
    “I’m listening.”
    “The winner gets to decide if she wants to go first, or if she wants Sandra to go first.”
    “Fuck you bitch!” Sandra didn’t miss that cut.
    “How about it, Sandra?” I asked. “Are you ‘down with that?’”
    “I’ll fuck the whore’s cunt back in time - like I always do.”
    “In your dreams, slut!” the brunette retaliated, shoving her tits hard into the blond’s full rack,causing a spectacular double mushroom to form. It looked like balloons being crushed together- two balloons about to burst. I slapped them both on their asses.
    “OK girls. It’s on. Spread those sexy legs and get busy. Open scissors, cunt to cunt, full contact, first woman to cum is the looser…well, depending on your point of view I suppose…. Them’s the rules.”

    Sandra and Denice got down on the bed and then they really got down. I mused to myself that this was a battle these two women had no doubt had many times before. I wondered which one of them usually prevailed. They were a well matched pair, so they had to be just about even. The two rival roommates tore into each other with intensity such as I’d never before seen. If my windows had been open, I’m sure the squish of their thick cunts locking up could have been heard out in the courtyard. What a battle this was going to be. But, in my expert opinion, the way these two were locking into each other, this wasn’t going to take too long.

    I made myself comfortable alongside them on the bed, observing the heated connection between two formidable pussies with wrapped interest, and more than a little juice oozing from my own aroused pussy. Five minutes passed as two sets of thick labia became inosculated in a secretion coated fuck-duel. Ten minutes. I could now see clitorises squaring off in a thrust and parry contest. Both women’s faces were now starting to show signs of pre-orgasmic contortions as both of their chest began to heave deeply. I could see the slow onset of body tremors. For one of them, the end was in site. But they both battled gamely and fucked savagely for almost ten more minutes. And then, Sandra took me kind of by surprise with a yelping, bed spring straining fist pounding, vitriol spewing orgasm…

    “EEEEYYYYAAAAHHHH!!!!” she wailed. “Fuck you, Denice…FFFFFUUUCCKKK YOU!!!”

    She collapsed with a thud, and it was over. I could see the satisfied grin on Denice’s face. She playfully pumped her arms over her head in an end zone celebration. I couldn’t help myself. I had to laugh.
    “You won, Denice. Fair and square. Now wasn’t that better than beating the crap out of each other?” Both women agreed.
    “OK Denice. Your choice.”
    “I choose to defer. Let Sandra go first. I’ll take the pussy in the second half.”
    “Interesting tactic, Denice. But it’s not going to matter because you’re both gonna be leaving without your thongs.” I said. Let the trash talk begin!
    “Without our thongs?” the brunette didn’t understand. “Why is that?”
    “Because, whenever I defeat a woman, I keep her thong. It’s kind of a tradition. I have a rather nice collection of them now. Would you like to see them?” Now I was just being plain derisive.
    “You know, fuck you, bitch!” an angry Denice responded. “Sandy, get in there! Show this arrogant cunt what a real woman’s cunt feels like!”

    Denice exhorted her roommate trying to get her juices flowing - trying to get her psyched and ready for battle. But she and I both knew that Sandra was one orgasm short of the necessary team spirit and too physically drained to pull off a miracle. I know this may sound condescending, but I decided to go a bit easy on her. Sandra and I scooted into position then opened our legs to each other. We moved in close, but not close enough to make contact. I could already feel cunt lust surging through my pelvis.

    “Look at these two! They are so ready for each other! They’re like two thoroughbreds at the gate, waiting to charge.”
    “I’ve really been looking forward to this, Brandi.”
    “Well then, come on blondie. Bring that sweet pussy of yours right here. Let’s lock up with each other, woman to woman. You know, the way you’ve been wanting to.”

    I had to give Sandra credit. As soon as our excited pussies thrust into each other, and that delicious “squish” was heard, it became apparent to me that she was a game and spirited gal.
    Not to mention that her creamy, candy-sprinkled-with-a-maraschino-cherry-on-top cunt felt as soft and luscious as I expected it would. Her ambrosial pussy was a great match for my pussy. I was definitely going to add her to that growing list of women that I wanted to match pussies with just for the sheer pleasure of fucking them again. Our labia folded together. I could feel that exquisite suction forming between us, drawing our clitorises out and into a slithering, probing engagement with each other. We both trembled as the two shafts seemed to wrap around each other, each clit wanting to slide and stroke with as much physical contact as possible. I was feeling those excitations that only two clitorises could share - the ones that sent indescribable pleasure waves through a woman’s entire body. And under normal circumstances, this would have been a long and highly charged sexual duel. But she had been drained by that last powerful orgasm. And she was about to be fucked into another one…very soon. She matched my pelvic rotations consistently and rhythmically. The girl definitely knew how to fuck. But each time our eyes connected, there was this look that I noticed. A forlorn look. I felt an odd sensation come over me. I sat upright and beckoned her to meet me. She didn’t hesitate. Our arms wrapped around each other and her exquisite tits locked up with my two aroused breasts. We squeezed our tummies tight, both of us striving for as much body contact as possible - you know, like two women who were making love with no agenda and nothing to prove to each other. Then the thought crossed my mind - the rather discomforting thought - that perhaps this kind of closeness was the one thing that she wasn’t getting from Denice. I was about to learn that my suspicion was correct.

    “Are you two fuck-fighting? Or are you falling in love?” Denice spoke out. What an annoying bitch!
    I heard a few moans escape from Sandra as her chin came to rest on my right shoulder and we continued to pump our thick cunts into each other. I felt her body tense up into mine. Her nipples hardened against mine and I swear it felt like her tits were swelling and fastening themselves into a tight grip with mine. It was amazing! But I sensed that she didn’t have too much more gas in the tank. I caught Denice out of the corner of my eye. She had a bewildered look on her face. I suppose that she was wondering how this woman that she had knowingly set up for a fall had managed to hold on for so long.

    Then, something unexpected happened. Sandra started to grunt and moan. I knew, well, we both knew, that she was about to cum. But in between the moans and groans, the blond whispered into my ear. What she said was completely unexpected…or maybe it wasn’t…I don’t know. I realized that Sandra didn’t choose my right shoulder randomly. From the position we were in, Denice couldn’t see her face.

    Loud moan. “Uhh…ummm…ohhh…!”
    Soft whisper. “She’s good Brandi…she’s really good.”
    Louder still. “OH GOD!!!…SHIT!!!…”
    Another gentle whisper. “But not as good as you…”
    Loud cry. OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK!!!
    “You can take her…take her down…please.”

    I sighed in disbelief. Sandra and Denice…roommates, friends, fuckers, fighters, lovers, haters…these two were damn near beyond belief.

    “Is that what you want me to do, baby? You want me to make you cum?” Sandra caught on. We continued to speak in our little code.
    “YES!!! I want you to do that…make me cummmmmm.” she cried out.
    “I’m gonna do that for you, baby. Just let it go.”

    Sandra couldn’t hold off any longer. She bucked and thrusted her pelvis. I matched her rhythm and then I took over. Then she went down flat on her back to release. I decided to meet her body to body. My tits came down onto hers with a soft splat and our bellies pressed together tightly. Sandra wrapped her arms around me and held me so tightly that I thought she might crack a rib. And then came the final buck and scream of orgasmic release…and it was over. Her arms released their grip, but I stayed with her for a few seconds longer as her chest heaved into mine.

    “Are you OK Sandra?” It took a few seconds, but she eventually nodded her head and smiled.
    “Oh my God Brandi! That was amazing!”
    “Happy to be of service.” I teased as I pulled away from her.
    “That’s an impressive girlfriend you’ve got there, Denice.”
    “I know.”
    “Just a thought, Denice…Maybe you ought to consider treating her a little better. Maybe you both should start treating each other better.”
    “Or maybe you should mind your own goddamn business, Brandi.”
    I glared at her, hard. She didn’t want to pursue the matter.
    “OK then.” I acquiesced. I scooted around in bed. “It’s getting late. So let’s finish this. You and me, Denice.”
    She squared off with me, legs over and under.
    “Come get you some of this pussy, bitch.”
    “With pleasure.” Denice responded.

    Then, two busty brunettes laid into each other. I decided not to go easy on her. Maybe I’d let her get a little cocky, but not for long. I also had to remind myself that this was a sexually skilled woman. Perhaps I was the one who should not become too cocky and/or overconfident. Only time and the deep strokes of pussy on pussy would reveal truth. We both dug in. But like I’ve mentioned before, Denice and I were definitely checking each other out…looking for possible weaknesses or searching for potential advantages. We had both positioned ourselves on our elbows where we only used our pelvic rotations against each other, rolling with each other in the same direction, then rolling in an opposing direction, all for the purpose of familiarizing our pussies with each other-letting them experience each other’s lushness and complexities. Both of us used small circular movements in order to insure that labia remained in full contact. It wasn’t long before Denice and I achieved cunt to cunt inosculation. There was an instant of mutual recognition followed by unfathomable pleasure.

    “Uuuggghhh!!!” I grunted spontaneously.
    “Mmmmmmmmmm…” Denice cooed.
    “Two more please.”
    “mm.” Denice finished.

    Almost on cue, Denice and I dropped down onto our backs and pulled on each other’s opposing right leg. Leverage and full force was, for me, the best possible way for two women to couple in concupiscent union…or, in the vernacular, to fuck each other’s brains out. Denice was ready. So was I.

    “Come on, Brandi. Let’s fuck…nice and deep.”
    “As you wish, so shall it be Denice.”

    We increased the rate and depth of our fuck strokes. Denice matched me, stroke for stroke…
    “Ugh!!!” I grunted deeply.
    “Ummphh!” she grunted back.
    “I gotta admit, Denice, your pussy’s fantastic!”
    She didn’t respond. I laid a tight half circle move on her, then a straight left to right followed by a right to left. This opened her up just a bit. She copied the left/right/right/left move which opened me up to her and forced the inner flesh of our cunts into a slippery, wet union. There weren’t enough descriptives in the English language to fully describe the cunt to cunt contact that she and I had achieved. It was a bond of woman cunt meat that would have made JB57 proud.
    “Oh GAWWWD!!!” Denice exclaimed, now unable to control her emotions.

    A quick glance at Sandra revealed that she now seemed certain that I could keep my promise to her and defeat her roommate sex to sex. Denice noticed me looking at her. And when I turned back to her, she was staring at me intensely.

    “What? Can’t I look at Sandra?”
    “You’re supposed to be concentrating on fucking ME!!!”
    And there it was…the narcissist that I suspected might have been there all along.
    “Oh get a grip, Denice!” I said, as our cunts continued their thick confrontation.
    “When I’m done with you, Brandi, you won’t be able to walk for a week. Then when the girls around campus ask ‘where’s Brandi? We haven’t seen her for days’ I’m gonna tell them that you’re still recovering from the pussy to pussy beat down I laid on you tonight.”
    “Well girl, it seems to me that in order to claim those bragging rights, all you have to do here and now is to back up those words.”

    We then locked our brown eyes, concentrated fully on each other and the urgent matter between our clenched thighs, and redoubled our efforts. Our pelvic rotations became more focused and both of us now knew that it was time for our clitorises to meet and mate. Then, as though they were two distinguished theater actresses waiting for their cues to appear on stage, our clitorises emerged from behind their respective labial curtains and engaged each other in this moist melodrama. There was no fooling around here. Denice and I went after each other with a vengeance, full frontal, clit to clit. Our hard shafts became padlocked within the fleshy confines of our tightly fused twats. Almost simultaneously we both cried out over this exquisite copulation.

    “Fuck you Brandi!!! You incredibly hot slut!!!”
    “Eat my cunt Denice!!!”
    “I already did you fucking whore!!!”
    “Maybe later then?”
    “Maybe…but right now I’m gonna fuck your cunt into tomorrow.”
    “You don’t stand a fucking chance against me…you fucking wannabe!! You looser!!!”
    “Suck my pussy, Brandi!!!” Denice screamed.
    “Maybe later.”
    “Let’s just fuck it out, slut!”
    “Bring it Denice. If you’re woman enough.”

    Whatever we said over the next few minutes was garbled and unintelligible because it was swathed in grunts and groans and laced with vitriol. But it didn’t matter. We were two bitches locked deeply into each other’s anatomy in a battle of attrition. Nevertheless, I had made a promise to Sandra that I intended to keep. Denice was a great fuck…AN ABSOLUTELY AMAZING FUCK. So much so, that I was forced to dig really deep. I had to concentrate, because at this point this could have gone either way.

    “Sit up Brandi.” she demanded. “I want to look into your eyes while I fuck your cunt. I want to see the expression on your face when you realize that you’ve been bested.”

    Well now. One very important rule of a closely contested match is to never give yourself the false impression that you’re going to win. The reason the match is so close in the first place is that you are up against an opponent who’s skills are just as good and, possibly even better than yours.

    “He who is prudent and lies in wait for an enemy who is not, will be victorious. Sun Tzu. The Art Of War.”

    Denice looked at me questioningly. “What the hell is that supposed to mean, Brandi?”

    “Oh, nothing. Just a quote. Shall we get on with this?”

    Now with both of us in tripod position, with our arms supporting our torsos, we went at it with a combination of pelvic rotations and close in thrusts. Lying flat on our backs, pulling on each other for leverage and power, Denice was really good. But, as I sensed earlier, pelvis to pelvis she wasn’t quite as formidable. I waited for the precise moment when her thick folds penetrated my cunt. Then I used the squeezes and strokes of my musculature to thrill her. My clitoris was now at a slight angle to hers and I stroked her clit with mine, up and down, rhythmically and relentlessly. The tremors of pleasure emanating from her cunt and her rapidly approaching climax were so strong that they were being transmitted to my body by way of my cunt. This was going to be epic! The eye contact between us that she had demanded, hoping it would be an advantage, was now becoming an intimate betrayal. Denice was loosing to me and she knew it. Worse yet, she knew that I knew it. It took a bit of self restraint for me not to be a cold bitch. I watched the increased heaving of her chest. The fire that was in her eyes earlier was now subsiding.

    “Let it go, Denice.”
    “No No No you bitch!!!!”
    “Relax and let it go, Denice. It’s almost over.”
    “Fuck…OH FUCKKK!!! Fuck me Brandi!!! Fuck me!!!!

    She sat up, imploring me to meet her tit to tit. So I did. We embraced hard and kissed even harder. Our tongues twisted and snaked. Our mouths chewed each other. Our bellies slapped and pressed. And then she cried out so loudly that I thought for sure someone would pound on the walls telling us to keep it down. She bucked furiously into me as her cunt erupted into mine. Volley after volley of her cum covered our conjoined cunts…about thirty seconds later, I returned the favor. With her arms still wrapped around me tightly, Denice pulled me down on top of her. I used the rhythmic undulations of our bodies and the persistent stroking of my cunt into hers to squeeze every last bit of cum from my body.

    Denice had been defeated, and I was completely exhausted. Sandra had stretched out along side of us and was embracing the two of us.

    The next thing I knew, it was morning.

    I had purposely set up my Friday class schedule to start early AM and end early in the afternoon. My first class was at 8 AM. My last class at 1 PM. I did it this way in order to stretch my weekend time. There was stuff to do around town, but you never know. Since Boston was a little over 35-40 minutes away, depending on traffic, I always wanted to leave that option open.

    However, somewhere in the back of my mind I had alway sensed that structuring my Friday classes in this way would someday come back to bite me on my gorgeous ass. Today was that someday.

    On this particular Friday morning as I opened my eyes I felt my head swoon from “Oh, sure I’ll have just one more glass of wine.” That one more that I should NOT have had. And as I started to move, I felt every mother-fucking muscle in my body aching from “oh sure, I’ll have just one more thunderous orgasm.” You know…That one more thunderous, total body spasm orgasm I probably should have declined. Well, maybe not. Think of the calories I burned!

    I glanced at the clock on my nightstand that digitally announced 7:22 AM. OH SHIT!!! I extricated myself from the tangled mass of female anatomy that had spent the night with me. Two sharp slaps on their respective asses brought them back to life instantly.

    “What the hell?” Sandra complained.
    “Uuuggghhh!” grunted Denice. And then she farted. How dainty, I thought.
    “Ladies! Up! Up! Time to move! To the shower! Now!”

    Once full awareness of morning hit us all, we crammed into the shower together, giggling, laughing, rubbing against each other and then lathering and rinsing. But considering that it had been several sleep laden hours since any of us had had an orgasm, we all exercised remarkable restraint. No doubt because we all had to get to our classes.

    At the door, both Sandra and Denice gave me brief but passionate hugs and kisses. Sandra joyously handed over her panties. Denice was a bit more reluctant to give hers up. But she was pleasant about it.

    “You fucking bitch, Brandi.” she said as she smiled at me then placed her bunched up thong into my hand.
    “Oh come on Denice. Both of you, admit it. You had a good time.” Both of them smiled at me. But it was Denice who showed surprising grace.
    “Everything I heard about you is true, Brandi. You are one hot bitch!”
    “I’ll second that!” Sandra added enthusiastically. I thought for a second. And then I made an offer that I hoped I wasn’t going to regret.

    “Tell you what, ladies. If you’re both interested, I would definitely be open to another three way session. But non-competitive. Pleasure as the only motivation.”
    “So, just fucking and fucking and more fucking?” Sandra asked.
    “And after that, more fucking?” Denice added.
    “Well I wouldn’t mind having you eat my pussy again. That was amazing!!! And yes, I’d like the two of you to come back for an entire night of fucking, fucking and more fucking.”
    “You are ON!” Denice enthusiastically agreed.
    “I’m down with that!” Sandra seemed “down” for just about anything.
    “And by the way, Denice. My pussy and I like the way you dine.”
    “In that case, I’ll bring the wine.” she wisecracked.
    As frustrating as these two women were, I was beginning to like them.

    Last edited by apenman; October 20th, 2016 at 08:41 AM. Reason: corrected sentence structure error

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    Re: BRANDI'S OPUS, PART 13 BY BRANDI (by a.p)

    Quote Originally Posted by apenman View Post


    With Denice still on top of me, I turned to look at Sandra. She smiled warmly at me, then gave me a full, soft kiss.
    ?That was so wonderful to see.? she said. And she was being sincere. I got this sudden sense that I was seeing the grownup side of her. And I loved it.

    I know that I?ve spent a good portion of time criticizing these two young women who were, well, immature. No other way to say it. But I was lying naked in bed with two absolutely beautiful women. No other way to say that. And my excursion into a three girl night of hot nastiness wasn?t over yet. So far this evening Sandra retrieved a grape from between my tits with her tongue, I had given her a nipple orgasm, gotten into a spirited and incredibly hot tit fight with Denice, after semi-dry humping her gorgeous ass. Then I had my pussy eaten like never before by the best pussy licker I?ve run across in a long time, while I in turn licked Sandra?s pussy and briefly sucked her clit. All things considered, I could have done worse.

    ?I?m glad you enjoyed it Sandra. But I?m sorry I couldn?t get you to cum.?
    ?Well, you were kind of preoccupied.?
    ?Boy, was I ever! Tell me something. Does she always eat pussy so good??
    Sandra gave me a wicked grin.
    ?Why do you think I like fighting with her so much??
    ?I think I actually understand where you?re coming from. But go on.?
    ?Well it?s just that our fights are so fucking hot! And I?m sure you know how that always ends.?
    ?Indeed I do.?
    ?But Brandi, we both know where to draw the line. And we?ve never really hurt each other.? Sandra explained.
    ?Well, that?s good to know?and??
    ?And? What?? Sandra asked.
    ??and I?m sorry that I?ve been a little tough on you two. Because I really am enjoying this.? I confessed.
    ?So are we. This has been way hotter than we ever dreamed.? Denice added.

    As for Denice, she seemed pretty pleased by what she had just accomplished. And she should have been. It?s not as easy for me to cum mouth to pussy. Don?t get me wrong. I love the feel of a woman?s soft lips and skilled tongue on my pussy. And I understand that each woman?s skill level in that particular aspect of sex is different. But for my own personal taste, nothing thrills me more then when I make that incredible pussy to pussy connection with another woman. For me, there is no other physical sensation that can compare to this profound fusion of flesh. It?s something that can only be shared by two women. And by the simple fact that each woman is anatomically different in that most prized part of the female form, each pussy to pussy connection feels different. No two women feel exactly alike down there. And speaking of pussy to pussy?

    I gave Denice a soft kiss, then rolled her off of me. Then I sat up in bed on my haunches. They knew what was going on so they joined me. We all faced each other, our knees touching, in a close triangle. I was beginning to develop a distinct fondness for these under-appreciated, equilateral geometric shapes. Especially since each side of this particular triangle was sporting two phenomenal tits.

    ?It?s time for the pi?ce de r?sistance, ladies.? I announced.
    ?Oh yesss!?
    ?Can?t wait!?

    I paused and looked at them for a couple of seconds, because I was starting to anticipate them. If I?d learned anything about these two amazing women tonight, it was that a screeching catfight was never more than a harsh word or an insult away. So, once again, into the breach?

    ?I don?t suppose that you two have done anything sensible, say like having determined beforehand which one of you is going to go pussy to pussy with me FIRST?? I asked.
    ?Well, I am of course.? Sandra stated confidently.
    ?Wait! Just one fucking moment, bitch! What gives you the idea that you?re going first?!? Denice said in response.
    ?Well, I just assumed that?hey, who you callin? bitch, you skank whore!!!?
    ?Fuck you, you bleach blond slut!!!?
    And so, it began once again. But this time I was ready.
    They rose to their knees in anger. Hands on hips, their massive tits locked as they snorted, ready to pounce on each other yet again.

    ?Hold on ladies.? I rose to face them, to intervene. They both looked at me like I was their mother. In a way, it almost felt like I was. But Brandi Knowlton just isn?t your average, garden variety mom.
    ?I?m flattered that the two of you are willing to fight over me?I really am.?
    ?Really?? Denice seemed uncertain.
    ?Yeah, really?? Sandra was also taken back by this.
    ?But, since I?m the only adult in the room??
    ?OH FUCK YOU!!!? they said in unison. I smiled. Guess I had that one coming.
    ?Anyway, let me proceed. I do want the two of you to fight for me?BUT?? I paused for dramatic effect.
    ?Oh, get on with it Brandi.? Sandra said.
    ?I want you to fight like mature women. Woman to woman, pussy to pussy. Whichever one of you fucks the other to an orgasm first gets to fuck me first. How about it??
    ?OK.? Sandra scoffed. ?I?m down with that.?
    ?Fine. So am I.? Denice added. ?But I?d like one small addendum.?
    ?I?m listening.?
    ?The winner gets to decide if she wants to go first, or if she wants Sandra to go first.?
    ?Fuck you bitch!? Sandra didn?t miss that cut.
    ?How about it, Sandra?? I asked. ?Are you ?down with that???
    ?I?ll fuck the whore?s cunt back in time - like I always do.?
    ?In your dreams, slut!? the brunette retaliated, shoving her tits hard into the blond?s full rack,causing a spectacular double mushroom to form. It looked like balloons being crushed together- two balloons about to burst. I slapped them both on their asses.
    ?OK girls. It?s on. Spread those sexy legs and get busy. Open scissors, cunt to cunt, full contact, first woman to cum is the looser?well, depending on your point of view I suppose?. Them?s the rules.?

    Sandra and Denice got down on the bed and then they really got down. I mused to myself that this was a battle these two women had no doubt had many times before. I wondered which one of them usually prevailed. They were a well matched pair, so they had to be just about even. The two rival roommates tore into each other with intensity such as I?d never before seen. If my windows had been open, I?m sure the squish of their thick cunts locking up could have been heard out in the courtyard. What a battle this was going to be. But, in my expert opinion, the way these two were locking into each other, this wasn?t going to take too long.

    I made myself comfortable alongside them on the bed, observing the heated connection between two formidable pussies with wrapped interest, and more than a little juice oozing from my own aroused pussy. Five minutes passed as two sets of thick labia became inosculated in a secretion coated fuck-duel. Ten minutes. I could now see clitorises squaring off in a thrust and parry contest. Both women?s faces were now starting to show signs of pre-orgasmic contortions as both of their chest began to heave deeply. I could see the slow onset of body tremors. For one of them, the end was in site. But they both battled gamely and fucked savagely for almost ten more minutes. And then, Sandra took me kind of by surprise with a yelping, bed spring straining fist pounding, vitriol spewing orgasm?

    ?EEEEYYYYAAAAHHHH!!!!? she wailed. ?Fuck you, Denice?FFFFFUUUCCKKK YOU!!!?

    She collapsed with a thud, and it was over. I could see the satisfied grin on Denice?s face. She playfully pumped her arms over her head in an end zone celebration. I couldn?t help myself. I had to laugh.
    ?You won, Denice. Fair and square. Now wasn?t that better than beating the crap out of each other?? Both women agreed.
    ?OK Denice. Your choice.?
    ?I choose to defer. Let Sandra go first. I?ll take the pussy in the second half.?
    ?Interesting tactic, Denice. But it?s not going to matter because you?re both gonna be leaving without your thongs.? I said. Let the trash talk begin!
    ?Without our thongs?? the brunette didn?t understand. ?Why is that??
    ?Because, whenever I defeat a woman, I keep her thong. It?s kind of a tradition. I have a rather nice collection of them now. Would you like to see them?? Now I was just being plain derisive.
    ?You know, fuck you, bitch!? an angry Denice responded. ?Sandy, get in there! Show this arrogant cunt what a real woman?s cunt feels like!?

    Denice exhorted her roommate trying to get her juices flowing - trying to get her psyched and ready for battle. But she and I both knew that Sandra was one orgasm short of the necessary team spirit and too physically drained to pull off a miracle. I know this may sound condescending, but I decided to go a bit easy on her. Sandra and I scooted into position then opened our legs to each other. We moved in close, but not close enough to make contact. I could already feel cunt lust surging through my pelvis.

    ?Look at these two! They are so ready for each other! They?re like two thoroughbreds at the gate, waiting to charge.?
    ?I?ve really been looking forward to this, Brandi.?
    ?Well then, come on blondie. Bring that sweet pussy of yours right here. Let?s lock up with each other, woman to woman. You know, the way you?ve been wanting to.?

    I had to give Sandra credit. As soon as our excited pussies thrust into each other, and that delicious ?squish? was heard, it became apparent to me that she was a game and spirited gal.
    Not to mention that her creamy, candy-sprinkled-with-a-maraschino-cherry-on-top cunt felt as soft and luscious as I expected it would. Her ambrosial pussy was a great match for my pussy. I was definitely going to add her to that growing list of women that I wanted to match pussies with just for the sheer pleasure of fucking them again. Our labia folded together. I could feel that exquisite suction forming between us, drawing our clitorises out and into a slithering, probing engagement with each other. We both trembled as the two shafts seemed to wrap around each other, each clit wanting to slide and stroke with as much physical contact as possible. I was feeling those excitations that only two clitorises could share - the ones that sent indescribable pleasure waves through a woman?s entire body. And under normal circumstances, this would have been a long and highly charged sexual duel. But she had been drained by that last powerful orgasm. And she was about to be fucked into another one?very soon. She matched my pelvic rotations consistently and rhythmically. The girl definitely knew how to fuck. But each time our eyes connected, there was this look that I noticed. A forlorn look. I felt an odd sensation come over me. I sat upright and beckoned her to meet me. She didn?t hesitate. Our arms wrapped around each other and her exquisite tits locked up with my two aroused breasts. We squeezed our tummies tight, both of us striving for as much body contact as possible - you know, like two women who were making love with no agenda and nothing to prove to each other. Then the thought crossed my mind - the rather discomforting thought - that perhaps this kind of closeness was the one thing that she wasn?t getting from Denice. I was about to learn that my suspicion was correct.

    ?Are you two fuck-fighting? Or are you falling in love?? Denice spoke out. What an annoying bitch!
    I heard a few moans escape from Sandra as her chin came to rest on my right shoulder and we continued to pump our thick cunts into each other. I felt her body tense up into mine. Her nipples hardened against mine and I swear it felt like her tits were swelling and fastening
    I themselves into a tight grip with mine. It was amazing! But I sensed that she didn?t have too much more gas in the tank. I caught Denice out of the corner of my eye. She had a bewildered look on her face. I suppose that she was wondering how this woman that she had knowingly set up for a fall had managed to hold on for so long.

    Then, something unexpected happened. Sandra started to grunt and moan. I knew, well, we both knew, that she was about to cum. But in between the moans and groans, the blond whispered into my ear. What she said was completely unexpected?or maybe it wasn?t?I don?t know. I realized that Sandra didn?t choose my right shoulder randomly. From the position we were in, Denice couldn?t see her face.

    Loud moan. ?Uhh?ummm?ohhh?!?
    Soft whisper. ?She?s good Brandi?she?s really good.?
    Louder still. ?OH GOD!!!?SHIT!!!??
    Another gentle whisper. ?But not as good as you??
    Loud cry. OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK!!!
    ?You can take her?take her down?please.?

    I sighed in disbelief. Sandra and Denice?roommates, friends, fuckers, fighters, lovers, haters?these two were damn near beyond belief.

    ?Is that what you want me to do, baby? You want me to make you cum?? Sandra caught on. We continued to speak in our little code.
    ?YES!!! I want you to do that?make me cummmmmm.? she cried out.
    ?I?m gonna do that for you, baby. Just let it go.?

    Sandra couldn?t hold off any longer. She bucked and thrusted her pelvis. I matched her rhythm and then I took over. Then she went down flat on her back to release. I decided to meet her body to body. My tits came down onto hers with a soft splat and our bellies pressed together tightly. Sandra wrapped her arms around me and held me so tightly that I thought she might crack a rib. And then came the final buck and scream of orgasmic release?and it was over. Her arms released their grip, but I stayed with her for a few seconds longer as her chest heaved into mine.

    ?Are you OK Sandra?? It took a few seconds, but she eventually nodded her head and smiled.
    ?Oh my God Brandi! That was amazing!?
    ?Happy to be of service.? I teased as I pulled away from her.
    ?That?s an impressive girlfriend you?ve got there, Denice.?
    ?I know.?
    ?Just a thought, Denice?Maybe you ought to consider treating her a little better. Maybe you both should start treating each other better.?
    ?Or maybe you should mind your own goddamn business, Brandi.?
    I glared at her, hard. She didn?t want to pursue the matter.
    ?OK then.? I acquiesced. I scooted around in bed. ?It?s getting late. So let?s finish this. You and me, Denice.?
    She squared off with me, legs over and under.
    ?Come get you some of this pussy, bitch.?
    ?With pleasure.? Denice responded.

    Then, two busty brunettes laid into each other. I decided not to go easy on her. Maybe I?d let her get a little cocky, but not for long. I also had to remind myself that this was a sexually skilled woman. Perhaps I was the one who should not become too cocky and/or overconfident. Only time and the deep strokes of pussy on pussy would reveal truth. We both dug in. But like I?ve mentioned before, Denice and I were definitely checking each other out?looking for possible weaknesses or searching for potential advantages. We had both positioned ourselves on our elbows where we only used our pelvic rotations against each other, rolling with each other in the same direction, then rolling in an opposing direction, all for the purpose of familiarizing our pussies with each other-letting them experience each other?s lushness and complexities. Both of us used small circular movements in order to insure that labia remained in full contact. It wasn?t long before Denice and I achieved cunt to cunt inosculation. There was an instant of mutual recognition followed by unfathomable pleasure.

    ?Uuuggghhh!!!? I grunted spontaneously.
    ?Mmmmmmmmmm?? Denice cooed.
    ?Two more please.?
    ?mm.? Denice finished.

    Almost on cue, Denice and I dropped down onto our backs and pulled on each other?s opposing right leg. Leverage and full force was, for me, the best possible way for two women to couple in concupiscent union?or, in the vernacular, to fuck each other?s brains out. Denice was ready. So was I.

    ?Come on, Brandi. Let?s fuck?nice and deep.?
    ?As you wish, so shall it be Denice.?

    We increased the rate and depth of our fuck strokes. Denice matched me, stroke for stroke?
    ?Ugh!!!? I grunted deeply.
    ?Ummphh!? she grunted back.
    ?I gotta admit, Denice, your pussy?s fantastic!?
    She didn?t respond. I laid a tight half circle move on her, then a straight left to right followed by a right to left. This opened her up just a bit. She copied the left/right/right/left move which opened me up to her and forced the inner flesh of our cunts into a slippery, wet union. There weren?t enough descriptives in the English language to fully describe the cunt to cunt contact that she and I had achieved. It was a bond of woman cunt meat that would have made JB57 proud.
    ?Oh GAWWWD!!!? Denice exclaimed, now unable to control her emotions.

    A quick glance at Sandra revealed that she now seemed certain that I could keep my promise to her and defeat her roommate sex to sex. Denice noticed me looking at her. And when I turned back to her, she was staring at me intensely.

    ?What? Can?t I look at Sandra??
    ?You?re supposed to be concentrating on fucking ME!!!?
    And there it was?the narcissist that I suspected might have been there all along.
    ?Oh get a grip, Denice!? I said, as our cunts continued their thick confrontation.
    ?When I?m done with you, Brandi, you won?t be able to walk for a week. Then when the girls around campus ask ?where?s Brandi? We haven?t seen her for days? I?m gonna tell them that you?re still recovering from the pussy to pussy beat down I laid on you tonight.?
    ?Well girl, it seems to me that in order to claim those bragging rights, all you have to do here and now is to back up those words.?

    We then locked our brown eyes, concentrated fully on each other and the urgent matter between our clenched thighs, and redoubled our efforts. Our pelvic rotations became more focused and both of us now knew that it was time for our clitorises to meet and mate. Then, as though they were two distinguished theater actresses waiting for their cues to appear on stage, our clitorises emerged from behind their respective labial curtains and engaged each other in this moist melodrama. There was no fooling around here. Denice and I went after each other with a vengeance, full frontal, clit to clit. Our hard shafts became padlocked within the fleshy confines of our tightly fused twats. Almost simultaneously we both cried out over this exquisite copulation.

    ?Fuck you Brandi!!! You incredibly hot slut!!!?
    ?Eat my cunt Denice!!!?
    ?I already did you fucking whore!!!?
    ?Maybe later then??
    ?Maybe?but right now I?m gonna fuck your cunt into tomorrow.?
    ?You don?t stand a fucking chance against me?you fucking wannabe!! You looser!!!?
    ?Suck my pussy, Brandi!!!? Denice screamed.
    ?Maybe later.?
    ?Let?s just fuck it out, slut!?
    ?Bring it Denice. If you?re woman enough.?

    Whatever we said over the next few minutes was garbled and unintelligible because it was swathed in grunts and groans and laced with vitriol. But it didn?t matter. We were two bitches locked deeply into each other?s anatomy in a battle of attrition. Nevertheless, I had made a promise to Sandra that I intended to keep. Denice was a great fuck?AN ABSOLUTELY AMAZING FUCK. So much so, that I was forced to dig really deep. I had to concentrate, because at this point this could have gone either way.

    ?Sit up Brandi.? she demanded. ?I want to look into your eyes while I fuck your cunt. I want to see the expression on your face when you realize that you?ve been bested.?

    Well now. One very important rule of a closely contested match is to never give yourself the false impression that you?re going to win. The reason the match is so close in the first place is that you are up against an opponent who?s skills are just as good and, possibly even better than yours.

    ?He who is prudent and lies in wait for an enemy who is not, will be victorious. Sun Tzu. The Art Of War.?

    Denice looked at me questioningly. ?What the hell is that supposed to mean, Brandi??

    ?Oh, nothing. Just a quote. Shall we get on with this??

    Now with both of us in tripod position, with our arms supporting our torsos, we went at it with a combination of pelvic rotations and close in thrusts. Lying flat on our backs, pulling on each other for leverage and power, Denice was really good. But, as I sensed earlier, pelvis to pelvis she wasn?t quite as formidable. I waited for the precise moment when her thick folds penetrated my cunt. Then I used the squeezes and strokes of my musculature to thrill her. My clitoris was now at a slight angle to hers and I stroked her clit with mine, up and down, rhythmically and relentlessly. The tremors of pleasure emanating from her cunt and her rapidly approaching climax were so strong that they were being transmitted to my body by way of my cunt. This was going to be epic! The eye contact between us that she had demanded, hoping it would be an advantage, was now becoming an intimate betrayal. Denice was loosing to me and she knew it. Worse yet, she knew that I knew it. It took a bit of self restraint for me not to be a cold bitch. I watched the increased heaving of her chest. The fire that was in her eyes earlier was now subsiding.

    ?Let it go, Denice.?
    ?No No No you bitch!!!!?
    ?Relax and let it go, Denice. It?s almost over.?
    ?Fuck?OH FUCKKK!!! Fuck me Brandi!!! Fuck me!!!!

    She sat up, imploring me to meet her tit to tit. So I did. We embraced hard and kissed even harder. Our tongues twisted and snaked. Our mouths chewed each other. Our bellies slapped and pressed. And then she cried out so loudly that I thought for sure someone would pound on the walls telling us to keep it down. She bucked furiously into me as her cunt erupted into mine. Volley after volley of her cum covered our conjoined cunts?about thirty seconds later, I returned the favor. With her arms still wrapped around me tightly, Denice pulled me down on top of her. I used the rhythmic undulations of our bodies and the persistent stroking of my cunt into hers to squeeze every last bit of cum from my body.

    Denice had been defeated, and I was completely exhausted. Sandra had stretched out along side of us and was embracing the two of us.

    The next thing I knew, it was morning.

    I had purposely set up my Friday class schedule to start early AM and end early in the afternoon. My first class was at 8 AM. My last class at 1 PM. I did it this way in order to stretch my weekend time. There was stuff to do around town, but you never know. Since Boston was a little over 35-40 minutes away, depending on traffic, I always wanted to leave that option open.

    However, somewhere in the back of my mind I had alway sensed that structuring my Friday classes in this way would someday come back to bite me on my gorgeous ass. Today was that someday.

    On this particular Friday morning as I opened my eyes I felt my head swoon from ?Oh, sure I?ll have just one more glass of wine.? That one more that I should NOT have had. And as I started to move, I felt every mother-fucking muscle in my body aching from ?oh sure, I?ll have just one more thunderous orgasm.? You know?That one more thunderous, total body spasm orgasm I probably should have declined. Well, maybe not. Think of the calories I burned!

    I glanced at the clock on my nightstand that digitally announced 7:22 AM. OH SHIT!!! I extricated myself from the tangled mass of female anatomy that had spent the night with me. Two sharp slaps on their respective asses brought them back to life instantly.

    ?What the hell?? Sandra complained.
    ?Uuuggghhh!? grunted Denice. And then she farted. How dainty, I thought.
    ?Ladies! Up! Up! Time to move! To the shower! Now!?

    Once full awareness of morning hit us all, we crammed into the shower together, giggling, laughing, rubbing against each other and then lathering and rinsing. But considering that it had been several sleep laden hours since any of us had had an orgasm, we all exercised remarkable restraint. No doubt because we all had to get to our classes.

    At the door, both Sandra and Denice gave me brief but passionate hugs and kisses. Sandra joyously handed over her panties. Denice was a bit more reluctant to give hers up. But she was pleasant about it.

    ?You fucking bitch, Brandi.? she said as she smiled at me then placed her bunched up thong into my hand.
    ?Oh come on Denice. Both of you, admit it. You had a good time.? Both of them smiled at me. But it was Denice who showed surprising grace.
    ?Everything I heard about you is true, Brandi. You are one hot bitch!?
    ?I?ll second that!? Sandra added enthusiastically. I thought for a second. And then I made an offer that I hoped I wasn?t going to regret.

    ?Tell you what, ladies. If you?re both interested, I would definitely be open to another three way session. But non-competitive. Pleasure as the only motivation.?
    ?So, just fucking and fucking and more fucking?? Sandra asked.
    ?And after that, more fucking?? Denice added.
    ?Well I wouldn?t mind having you eat my pussy again. That was amazing!!! And yes, I?d like the two of you to come back for an entire night of fucking, fucking and more fucking.?
    ?You are ON!? Denice enthusiastically agreed.
    ?I?m down with that!? Sandra seemed ?down? for just about anything.
    ?And by the way, Denice. My pussy and I like the way you dine.?
    ?In that case, I?ll bring the wine.? she wisecracked.
    As frustrating as these two women were, I was beginning to like them.

    One of yiur best a.p
    It had my favorite trib, i am pleased for that . But it had a lot of other " goodies " as well.

    Humor again. I LOVE the way you refer to other writers , You angel, now JB57.

    It had a variety. Friendly sexfight of two kinds : tender and sexually agressive / competitive.

    It was tender in genral, especially between sandra and brandi. It showed feelings. I will not be surorised if brandi and sandra find something more than a pleasant sexfight and fucking. Or maybe brNdi will help sandra and denise to learn how to love each other ?

    Any way... awesome ! It was not hot erotic story. You teach erotic literature !

  3. #3
    Senior Hostboard Member Angel Dawn's Avatar
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    Re: BRANDI'S OPUS, PART 13 BY BRANDI (by a.p)

    Damn. I think I need a cigarette... and I don't smoke! Brandi, Denise and Sandra were scorching hot! .. let me say it again ... 'Damn.' Your command of the English language amazes me. I feel like a school kid sitting at the feet of the master. A brilliant piece of erotic literature... blazing hot sex.. humor... trash talk ..a perfectly written plot. .. Everything you could hope for in a tribbing story. (Standing and clapping) Bravo A.P.

  4. #4
    Senior Hostboard Member calla242's Avatar
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    Re: BRANDI'S OPUS, PART 13 BY BRANDI (by a.p)

    i didn't read it yet but i know this part will be totally awesome. i love you apenman

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