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Thread: BSQ Chapter 5 Mothers and Daughters - part 2

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    BSQ Chapter 5 Mothers and Daughters - part 2

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    BSQ Chapter 5 Mothers and Daughters - part 2

    Well, I promised Part 2 would be posted pretty soon - and here it is!

    Chapter 5 Links
    BSQ Chapter 5 Mothers and Daughters - part 1
    BSQ Chapter 5 Mothers and Daughters - part 3
    BSQ Chapter 5 Mothers and Daughters - part 4

    All the characters and their names in the following story are fictional and over 18. I hope you enjoy reading the Boarding School Queen titfighting and sexfighting series. ? Ragnar0k

    Chapters 1 through 4 are all available under my pen name here:

    The HUGE list of female rivalry's erotic stories


    Amazons of Mars: new illustrated story series!

    ...and if you enjoy my style of writing why not check out my Amazons of Mars series here: Self Publishing, Book Printing and Publishing Online - Lulu

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    BSQ Chapter 5 Mothers and Daughters - part 2

    As both heavy sets of mammaries slammed together, Sharon Walkerburn wasted no time in wrapping her strong arms around the small of Amelia Turner's back and pulling her in close, as the redhead quickly reciprocated. A shiver went down each woman's spine as she felt her opponent's firm flesh and stiff nipples pushing into her own. No matter how many times each had locked up like this in the past, the first touch was always special: a moment of truth as battle commenced and she was able to start getting the true measure of the forces ranged against her own positions. Knowing that her single-minded purpose from that point on was to defeat and ultimately to subjugate her rival's proud breasts, while inflicting maximum pain and humiliation along the way.

    The two adversaries were so close now that they were standing on each others toes and they quickly kicked their heels off, standing in their stocking feet to get a better purchase on the varnished wooden floor. "Ready bitch?" Sharon hissed as they began to squeeze hard; staring aggressively into each others eyes, gritting their teeth as the first painful jolts of compression assailed their opposing breasts. Having moved marginally faster in locking up, the buxom blonde had a slight advantage with Amelia's arms locked on the outside hers; and she was determined to use the leverage created to put maximum pressure on her adversary's perfectly-shaped orbs.

    The redhead immediately began feeling the strain as the blonde tightened her grip so that her big tits worked under Amelia's complaining rack, forcing the bulging titflesh upwards and outwards. "Hunhh! Uuunnggghhh!" The trapped teacher gasped as her opponent squeezed even harder and she was forced up on tiptoes, her breasts painfully compressed from front and beneath by Sharon's monumental rack.

    "Nggaahh! - like it as intimate as this, d'you?" the hot MILF grunted at her. The last thing Amelia needed was her adversary trash talking in her face right now but, with the air steadily being crushed out of her, she was forced to fight back hard, pressing down on the blonde forehead to forehead and breast-to-breast while grapevining one shapely leg around her opponent's. Both women were panting now, open-mouthed as the pressure on their straining mammary glands grew intolerable until, straining with all her might, Amelia was finally able to loosen Sharon's grip enough to get her feet flat on the floor again and then, by mutual consent they broke apart, chests heaving as they sucked badly needed air back into their lungs.

    "Not bad - for a beginner..." Sharon Walkerburn grunted as both women examined their breasts briefly for damage. Both sets had already swollen to their full fighting weight as the flow of blood increased due to the erotic pressure they had been under.

    Amelia was in no mood for small talk however and as they squared up again she moved in swiftly to attack, dipping her shoulders and Amelia lunging forward to drive her tits into the undersides of her opponents breasts. The uppercut-like blow landed with a loud smack, shaking Sharon's larger mammaries and forcing a pained groan. Straightening up the teacher then swung her shapely boobs across her opponent's, rocking the unmissable targets from side to side.

    "Owww! Ahhh - that's the spirit. Now let's see what my girls can do!" As she spoke, Sharon twisted sideways and sent her own pendulous orbs flying back to intercept Amelia's next strike. The redhead squawked loudly as the heavy mass of her opponent's jugs smashed into her own tits from the left side then swung back and hit her from the right. Grasping each other by the shoulders they both moved in and began laying into each other some more, their heavy tits slamming together in alternating directions. Although it soon became apparent that Sharon's bigger tits were displacing Amelia's for now the MILF was failing to press her advantage home and it seemed both women were absorbing the pain in equal measure as their boobs continued to redden and show the first signs of bruising.

    Resetting their grips slightly, the two combatants pulled each other into a crushing mutual bearhug again as they fought to gain the upper hand quickly at this stage in the contest. Both women began pivoting their torsos in alternate directions now, grinding their breasts side-to-side so that their ample titflesh slid over, as well as squishing deep inside each other's cleavage. Although they were damp with sweat by now, the abrasive friction created by the tight squeezing movements made their breasts burn and feel raw. Stumbling back and forth, they fought silently now to save energy, the intense grinding action punctuated only by gasps of pain that were slowly but steadily getting louder. Amelia felt a qualified satisfaction with her 'ladies' performance so far; although looking increasingly red and bloated, her perfect breasts were still maintaining their shape and firmness despite all of Sharon's attempts to crush them with her heavier tits. The contest was starting to descend into a long, grinding war of attrition, which suited the redhead fine: she was sure that her youthful stamina would deliver victory in the end.

    The more experienced blonde had other ideas however and abruptly, without any warning, she broke the hold and took half a step back, re-positioning her hands around Amelia's neck as she brought her pendulous tits up into the redhead's rack with an almighty slap. Stunned momentarily by the impact, Amelia was caught with her defences down, allowing her opponent to pivot from the waist and repeat the blow again, only more forcefully this time. The impact caused them both to cry out in pain but it was apparent to both fighters that Amelia's breasts had been shaken more badly than Sharon's on impact.

    Sensing her rival preparing a third deadly strike, Amelia twisted her torso so that her own breasts swung round, whipping them into Sharon's full force as they arrived. This time the massive head-on collision of titflesh was like a thunderclap and caused both women throw their heads back and howl in pain and anguish. As the teacher's wounded mammaries wobbled in disarray, the MILF took her opponent into another tight, grinding embrace, trapping Amelia's displaced breasts against her own in a dangerous vice. Both sets of tits were reddened and swollen by now and the pain suffered by both fighters was of an altogether higher order than either had experienced earlier in the match. But the advantage was now firmly with the more experienced older woman as she closed with her quarry and squeezed again, directing her attack into the tender undersides of Amelia's breasts, drilling into them with her stiff nipples.

    As the tough blonde pressed the attack home the redhead found herself taking one step backwards, then another, as the mounting pain in her tortured rack threatened to overwhelm her. Staring into her opponents slightly glazed eyes, Amelia saw how much Sharon was enjoying dominating her, and knew she would have to find some hidden reserves quickly, or the fight would soon be over. But with her swollen boobs straining beneath the crushing pressure her opponent was exerting, and her back arching in pain, Amelia was forced to retreat. Better to make a tactical withdrawal than to hold position in defeat, someone had once told her and now she put this dictum to work, bringing both palms under Sharon's chin and pushing back hard. Taken by surprise, the MILF could only bear the strain on her neck for a matter of seconds before she was forced to arch backwards herself and release the hold.

    Gasping and sweating profusely the women separated and took the opportunity to shed their skirts which were hanging down, impeding their movement.
    Amelia was glad to break apart, if only for a few brief moments, as her bruised breasts were aching, as well as scratched where Sharon's hard nipples had dragged and scraped across them. But there was no time for rest as both women turned to face each other again dressed simply now in their thongs, suspenders and stockings.

    Although breathing heavily, with sweat running in rivulets down her body and into her deep cleavage, Sharon Walkerburn still looked remarkably fresh and composed at this stage of the contest. Her opponent's demeanour reminded Amelia for all the world of an experienced big game hunter taking a well-earned break while secure in the knowledge that they have almost run their prey to ground.

    "You think that was rough, do you Amelia? Well, let me tell you I've hardly begun on you yet. It's still not too late to surrender though... before you get too hurt."

    "I told you already that I've fought stronger women than you and this battle won't be over until my superior breasts have soundly beaten yours."

    "Well... have it your way then!" But as the blonde rushed forward, impatient to lock up again to finish her opponent off, Amelia was waiting for her. Neatly sidestepping Sharon's charge, she grabbed her adversary by the elbow and shoulder, using the forward momentum to splash her down tit first on top of the big wide desk.

    "Owww - what the fuck?!"

    But ignoring the protest, Amelia simply pushed Sharon face down in the ink blotter with one hand while yanking the MILF's damp thong high up her crotch with the other.

    "Aaaggghhh - That's... not... fair!" The helpless blonde yelped in discomfort as Amelia began pulling the material in a rhythmic sawing motion, attacking her thick pink labia which were swelling up and growing juicier by the second.

    "I don't remember anyone stating that wasn't in the rules," Amelia said, somewhat disingenuously but she finally relented, if only to use her commanding grip on Sharon's thong to turn her opponent on her back, abruptly mounting the MILF as she lay draped over the desk, panting, eyes blazing defiantly.

    "So you want to play like that do you?"

    Amelia laughed harshly, grinding down and enjoying the satisfying erotic rippling effect as her thick pussy lips spread against Sharon's "Why not - there's more than one way to skin a cat!"

    Although Amelia's dramatic raising of the stakes took her by surprise initially, Sharon Walkerburn was actually no slouch when it came to fuck-fighting either. The blonde began flexing her powerful crotch muscles and fought back strongly as she felt her opponents weight bearing down on her cunt and an all-out war began to discover which woman could dominate her opponent sexually. Both combatant's twisted thongs had been drawn deeper inside their cunts in the heat of battle and the blonde used this to her advantage now, grabbing the material between the redhead's grinding buttocks and yanking hard enough to make rear up in alarm. As Sharon forced Amelia off both women fell to the floor, rolling over and over in a catball until they landed, on the soft pile rug by the fireplace snarling like a pair of jungle cats.

    Locked on their sides, both women quickly re-established their crushing mutual bearhug while slamming their well-matched cunts into each other with equal force. Pain and sexual tension were definitely taking their toll as each attempt to climb on top but found herself held back by her straining opponent. Amelia found her arms had the inside advantage this time as they thrust and ground their bloated mammaries together with brutal intensity. Time and again the blonde's larger breasts mushroomed around the redhead's, threatening to engulf them, but the smaller, firmer pair still held their own for now and the focus of the battle shifted inevitably to their battling crotches once more.

    Gasping at the intense pain in their trapped breasts, the two women fucked harder and harder, their conjoined pussies making intense slurping noises as their opposing labia spread apart.

    'Ohhhhhhhhhhh! FUCK!' Amelia gasped, feeling her pussy begin to tremble as their big clits emerged from their protective sheaths and dueled head-to-head.

    'Ohhhhhhh!! MY GOD!!' the blonde moaned seconds later as the redhead's superbly conditioned pussy finally sealed itself around her straining fuck lips and began to take control of her straining cunt.

    It was apparent that the balance between the two struggling women had shifted decisively in Amelia's favour for the first time as she rolled Sharon on her back and landed heavily on top with cruel deliberation, slamming her aching, swollen tits down so that the blondes big, pale orbs pancaked out to the sides, crushed under the weight of Amelia's resurgent tit flesh. The renewed breast-on-breast impact was agonizing for both women but as their massively aroused cunts continued to batter against each other they were almost beyond caring.

    Establishing sexual control finally, Amelia raised her torso and punished Sharon with several powerful breast slams, but the coup de grace came suddenly as she pressed down again, enjoying the indescribable feeling as her own cunt smothering the other womans completely.

    'Uuuuhhh!!! Aaaaahhhhh!!!'

    Amelia threw her head back in triumph as the defeated MILF started to buck beneath her, screaming in ecstasy as she ejaculated forcefully into Amelia's victorious vagina. "Well, that doesn't sound much like a woman making a formal complaint to me," Amelia laughed as she slammed her rejuvenated tits down on Sharon Walkerburn's yielding pair again several times for good measure.

    End of part 2
    Last edited by Ragnar0k; November 22nd, 2017 at 02:07 PM.

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    Senior Hostboard Member Augur's Avatar
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    Re: BSQ Chapter 5 Mothers and Daughters - part 2

    I called it, I fucking called it!

    Of course, a titfight evolving into a sexfight in what is essentially a sexfighting series isn't all that unexpected, is it?

    Now that Mrs Walkerburn's little parental complaint has been addressed appropriately, I'm eager to see where the events will lead us next. Could we be so lucky as to get a glimpse of the hot and humid Caribbean climate already in part 3?

    Also, I can't help but feel a bit curious about Susan's words of (gleeful) warning in the previous episode... ?I wouldn?t stand up against with my mother if I were you? her breasts would utterly crush even a pair as perfect and lovely-looking as yours?? Might that have been experience talking? Has the young, busty blonde faced her mother's bountiful jugs herself - and lost?

    Great job once again!

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    BSQ Chapter 5 Mothers and Daughters - part 2

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    Re: BSQ Chapter 5 Mothers and Daughters - part 2

    Quote Originally Posted by Augur View Post
    I called it, I fucking called it!

    Of course, a titfight evolving into a sexfight in what is essentially a sexfighting series isn't all that unexpected, is it?

    Now that Mrs Walkerburn's little parental complaint has been addressed appropriately, I'm eager to see where the events will lead us next. Could we be so lucky as to get a glimpse of the hot and humid Caribbean climate already in part 3?

    Also, I can't help but feel a bit curious about Susan's words of (gleeful) warning in the previous episode... “I wouldn’t stand up against with my mother if I were you… her breasts would utterly crush even a pair as perfect and lovely-looking as yours…” Might that have been experience talking? Has the young, busty blonde faced her mother's bountiful jugs herself - and lost?

    Great job once again!
    Ahaa! Thanks Augur

    Now, you might have to ask yourself... did I call it... or did I promote it lol.
    Remember this was the fastest piece of writing Raggy has ever produced - largely thanks to the howls of anguish from you and brother Giannis that I left it hanging over the edge of another goddamn cliff. Clearly Amelia had to find a solution to being outgunned by Momma Walkerburn in the chest department, and what better strategy than falling back on what she does best?

    As for the young busty blonde facing her mother's bountiful jugs, that's a great idea and might well be explored in a future instalment!

    Turning to the Caribbean lastly, I may have flagged this a little early as its unlikely to surface before Chapter 6. Our next port of call will be Lochgarroch Hall in fact, the Brodie family’s ancestral home near Inverness, to watch Helen's mother's long-awaited rematch with Diana Symington, the rival she defeated all those years ago to win Hector's hand in marriage. Just to spice things up a little, Helen and her half-sister Laura will also be watching and may find it necessary to join in the with the festivities.

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    Re: BSQ Chapter 5 Mothers and Daughters - part 2

    Hot !! Veeeeeeeeery hot !!!

    Now we all wait for ch. 3 !!

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    Re: BSQ Chapter 5 Mothers and Daughters - part 2

    My sincere apologies for my absence on this board, however, it was a very busy summer. Regardless, I am extremely pleased to see that the high quality of stories on the board has not vanished in a summer haze. The weather may be cooling off but the action in this story really takes the sting out of the fall air. Excellent story! I expected as much from a talented wordsmith who continually creates smoldering hot tales of female v. female combat. I really enjoyed the blistering verbal jabs between the rivals that punctuated the hot action! Thanks for posting.

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    BSQ Chapter 5 Mothers and Daughters - part 2

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    Re: BSQ Chapter 5 Mothers and Daughters - part 2

    Hey fett,

    Its great to find you back in these parts again and thanks for commenting on the latest story.

    Like you, I had a busy summer and a break from posting any new stories. But, as you say, with the weather cooling off we really need to start stoking up the action on Hostboard again!


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    Re: BSQ Chapter 5 Mothers and Daughters - part 2

    Love this, can't wait for the rest.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragnar0k View Post
    Well, I promised Part 2 would be posted pretty soon - and here it is!

    Establishing sexual control finally, Amelia raised her torso and punished Sharon with several powerful breast slams, but the coup de grace came suddenly as she pressed down again, enjoying the indescribable feeling as her own cunt smothering the other womans completely.

    'Uuuuhhh!!! Aaaaahhhhh!!!'

    Amelia threw her head back in triumph as the defeated MILF started to buck beneath her, screaming in ecstasy as she ejaculated forcefully into Amelia's victorious vagina. "Well, that doesn't sound much like a woman making a formal complaint to me," Amelia laughed as she slammed her rejuvenated tits down on Sharon Walkerburn's yielding pair again several times for good measure.

    End of part 2

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    Re: BSQ Chapter 5 Mothers and Daughters - part 2

    Quote Originally Posted by underdweller View Post
    Love this, can't wait for the rest.
    Thanks underdweller,

    I'm working on the next episode and hope to post in the next few days. And its fair to say that the 'mother and daughters' theme of this chapter is set to continue in a big way.

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    Re: BSQ Chapter 5 Mothers and Daughters - part 2

    Another great installment... Can't wait to see how the rest of the adventure goes. As always good work R.

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    BSQ Chapter 5 Mothers and Daughters - part 2

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    Re: BSQ Chapter 5 Mothers and Daughters - part 2

    Quote Originally Posted by sm0397 View Post
    Another great installment... Can't wait to see how the rest of the adventure goes. As always good work R.

    Hey thanks sm, really appreciate it.

    As for the rest of the adventure things are set to hot up pretty soon and, taking a leaf out of the esteemed Augur's book, I thought I might post a little taster to whet the appetite for Part 3...

    Chapter 5 Mothers and Daughters - part 3 PREVIEW

    Hector Brodie kissed his wife dutifully and gave his adorable daughter an affectionate squeeze before leaving for the airport that morning en route to a business meeting in Mumbai. As Rachel had taken the unusual measure of giving the entire staff two days paid leave, Rannoch Hall became preternaturally quiet afterwards: almost the only audible sounds being the chimes of antique clocks in the hallways, and the chirps of squabbling sparrows nesting under the stately home?s ancient eaves.

    But, belying the quiet exterior calm, resolute and determined activity was taking place in the well-fitted gym as Rachel and Helen spent the next hour and a half perfecting the yoga stretches and vaginal strengthening exercises that mother and daughter had been practicing diligently for the last few weeks in preparation for the arrival of two very special guests.

    As she paused from her exercises, Helen remembered vividly the torrid sex duel fought with Laura Symington-Bailey in that Edinburgh hotel room just two months before: a marathon contest that ended inconclusively after the beautiful half-sibling rivals discovered simultaneously that they shared an extreme sensitivity to anal penetration. The raven-haired teen began to feel moist between her legs recalling the indescribable feeling as overstimulated clits crushed head to head, penetrating fingers starting to ream their tight back passageways, culminating in overpowering shock waves of pure ecstasy burning through their luscious bodies that ultimately caused them both to pass out on the bed in a rare example of a sexfight double KO.

    Coming to her senses the next morning, Helen had found the scribbled note Laura left while making a hasty departure, and the next piece of the jigsaw had fallen revealingly into place:

    So, it?s au revoir for now, my beautiful bitch of a half-sister.

    Much as I?d have enjoyed staying behind to finish our little feud, I?m off to catch a plane today. Mother and I are spending the rest of les vacances on the Riviera, at the Negresco in Nice. I?ll try to remember to send a postcard.

    Oh, by the way, Diana wanted me to let you know that she?s very much looking forward to catching up with your mother and picking up where they left off when we get back. The terms of the legal agreement between them expired when you and I reached the age of eighteen. That means that Hector ? and your most undeserved birthright ? are still very much up for grabs.



    So, the real reason Rachel Adelman had been able to marry Hector despite the challenge of a strong love rival in Laura?s mother was a legal contract, signed in pussy juice by Diana Symington-Bailey after her defeat by Rachel, agreeing to step aside. But now that both daughters had reached the age of maturity it was open season again, and Helen felt sure that even after all these years Diana would be keen to renew the duel: to gain sweet revenge for the outcome of that fateful night in room 513 of the Edinburgh Hamilton hotel almost two decades ago.

    Later that afternoon, a throaty roar announced the Symington-Baileys? arrival in a flamboyant red sports roadster which the older of the two blondes had driven quite recklessly down the narrow leafy lanes, barely squeezing past as the odd agricultural vehicle hurtled towards them.

    With no staff on hand to greet or park the car, mother and daughter stood waiting as Rachel and Helen arrived at the front door and paused at the top of the steps. Helen noticed how both visitors were attired in designer raincoats while sporting the dark sunglasses and fashionable head scarfs that had shielded them from the elements in the open-top car. The older woman reminded Helen a little of a picture she had once seen of the film star Grace Kelly. Having only had time to change into a plain blouse and skirt combination herself, Helen felt upstaged by the elegance of their guests and wished she and her mother had dressed up for the occasion even though she knew the clothes would be coming off soon in any case.

    Looking radiant and rosy cheeked from the journey, Helen?s half-sister Laura fell into step beside her mother as the tall blondes retrieved their overnight bags and strode purposefully up the steps to where the Brodies stood waiting for them.

    ?My, my ? I hadn?t realized that Rannoch Hall was such a Scottish baronial pile,? Diana laughed, gazing up at the crenellated battlements looming above them. ?You have done well for yourself ? and your daughter ? Rachel dear.?

    ?Oh, spare the bullshit Diana!? Rachel Brodie?s arms were folded under her large breasts and her jaw set firmly as she replied vehemently. ?We both know I won Hector?s hand in marriage ? and all of this ? fair and square. And, although the contract between us may have lapsed, I?m not going to let you take all this away from me and my daughter Helen ? however hard you try today.?

    ?Ahahaha,? the blonde laughed theatrically. ?Did you really think I wouldn?t come here fully prepared to destroy and humiliate you this time? To avenge the wrong that you did to me and my daughter Laura back then??

    ?Well you?d better come in then ? no use arguing on the doorstep when we can finish this discussion inside." Rachel's tone was icy but controlled.

    Even as she wondered what preparations her mother?s rival might have taken to assure herself of victory this time, Helen became more preoccupied with the stare down she was having with Laura. It had already been agreed that the two daughters would resolve their earlier inconclusive duel after the contest between the mothers had been decided. And, although naturally feeling nervous given the high stakes for all involved, Helen felt so thoroughly aroused at the prospect by now that she could hardly wait for battle to commence.

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