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Thread: Brandi's opus, part 20

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    Brandi's opus, part 20

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    Brandi's opus, part 20

    Dear Board,

    Here’s another long chapter. I can’t seem to write anything short these days.

    It’s a dialogue heavy tale. The story unfolds mostly through the mouths and minds of the lovely protagonists and various other characters.

    And, as the illustrious Ragnar0k might say, in this chapter I am once again “mixing the sacred with the profane,” which, by the way, is a lot of fun!

    SO ONCE AGAIN BE ADVISED. IF YOU’RE NOT A FAN OF HUMOR/SATIRE AIMED AT RELIGION, (with lots of sexy dialogue and innuendo leading up to the inevitable hot sex scene), YOU SHOULD PROBABLY SKIP THIS CHAPTER.

    Anyway, this fun exercise in deviance is necessary because the saga of Jackie versus the Sisters Of Mary’s Indulgences is not yet fully told. And although recent chapters of this tome have been usurped by the professor, the ultimate goal is to return dear Brandi Knowlton to the lead in her own, self titled “Brandi’s Opus.” Once that happens, the plan is for the sexy professor to spin off into a series of her own adventures. This definitely includes a Jackie-Zara hookup. But that’s all in the future and story lines have not yet fomented in my deviant mind.

    A couple of new characters are introduced, including a new adversary for the professor.

    Finally, except for a brief cameo, God sits this one out. But be mindful of the fact that he knows and sees everything we do.


    For the sake of continuity, here’s a link to part 19.
    Brandi's opus part 19
    I hope i did that right.



    Something was terribly wrong. Brandi sensed that Jackie was traumatized, and she was pretty sure that she knew the reason why. As a lover and a friend, she had to help her. She quickly made herself presentable, then ran full speed over to faculty housing. She located Jackie’s apartment and pounded on the door.

    “What?” The professor’s voice clearly did not sound right.
    “It’s me. Open the door, Jackie!”
    “Go away!!!” Jackie yelped.
    “No! I will NOT go away. Open the fucking door, professor! NOW!!!”
    “I don’t want to talk to you, Brandi!”
    “Why not?”
    “You know exactly why not!”
    “Jackie, I’m not entirely sure what happened, but I think you’re blaming yourself for something that clearly was not your fault - something that was inevitable, with or without you.”

    Something told Brandi to try the door. It was open, but for some reason, the chain lock was in place. All it would take was a firm shoulder push and Brandi would be in.

    “Do you really want me to bust this fucking chain lock, Jackie?”

    Jackie sighed, then acquiesced. As confused as she was about this development, she could not justify being angry with her beloved Brandi. The door closed momentarily, the sound of the sliding chain lock could be heard, then it opened wide. Brandi didn’t need to, but she pushed her way in assertively. But all it took was a quick assessment of Jackie’s face and her heart melted in sympathy.

    “Oh geez. You’ve been crying.”
    “Does that surprise you?”
    “Well…yes.” Brandi hesitated.
    “I seriously fucked up, Brandi.”
    “NO NO NO! You did not fuck up! Remember? Grace was not a nice person.”
    “Well, that’s what I thought too, until I got to know her.”
    “Oh, so now you empathize with her?” Brandi was puzzled.
    “Of course I empathize with her…I…”
    “Why, Jackie? The woman was about to blow the whistle on you and us for her own selfish ends. She would have cost you your job, your reputation.. and you could kiss your doctorate goodby.”
    “You don’t know anything like that for sure, Brandi.”
    “Oh BULLSHIT! She was an evil bitch!”

    Brandi then tensed up in real fear as she saw the pure anger flash in Professor Taylor’s eyes. Uh-oh. This so called help session was not going well. She had crossed a line that she didn’t know was there.

    “Brandi.. I’m about THIS close to telling you to GET THE FUCK out of my apartment and out of my life!”

    They locked eyes. The not-at-all pleasant tension was incredibly thick. Brandi made the wise decision to apologize.

    “You’re absolutely right, Jackie. I don’t know anything. I don’t know the real story. I was way out of line, and for that I apologize.”

    Jackie sighed deeply, turned her head to the side and started to shake a bit as tears began to flow freely from her eyes. Brandi started to feel tears well up.. tears for Jackie.

    “What?” Jackie snapped.
    “Can I offer you a big warm hug?”

    She didn’t have to ask twice. A split second after the word “hug” left her lips, Jackie literally leapt into her arms. Brandi squeezed her as tightly as she thought was appropriate, rubbing her hands up and down her back in comforting strokes. But as important as it was to not think of this tender moment as sexually charged, for both women there could be no escaping the almost overwhelming thrill of their braless breasts crushing tightly together. And without any concern for the mood of this tender moment, both pairs of nipples completely ignored decorum as they stiffened and struggled to get at each other.

    Then, to the delight of every nerve ending in her body, Brandi felt the tingling sensation of Jackie’s warm breath and soft lips at her neck as she whispered.. “Brandi, I need you. I want you bad.”

    Brandi had to push herself away, knowing in her heart that taking advantage of this situation would be wrong. She didn’t break off completely from her, but she moved in such a way as to defuse the potentially explosive entanglement.

    “Yes Jackie.. you need me. But not in that way. Not right now. Apparently, you’ve got some healing to do. My job as a friend and lover is to help you do just that. Once that happens, once your mind is right with this, I’ll be more than glad to fuck the ever-loving shit out of you.. understand?”
    “You’re awfully wise for your tender years, Miss Brandi Knowlton.”
    “Well.. I don’t wanna brag or anything…”
    “And awfully sexy, too.”
    “Well, I don’t want to brag…”
    “Bitch, shut up!”

    Then Jackie cracked a partial smile, as she pulled Brandi into her arms once again. The beautiful professor then embraced her so tightly that Brandi thought their tits might explode from the pressure. Although she certainly didn’t mind, because even through the thin fabric their evenly matched breasts still seemed to have this lustful affinity for each other. But before she lost her focus, Brandi gave Jackie a soft kiss on the cheek and gently broke off the embrace.

    Her worried mind flashed on the night that Angel came to her room to console her after Ingrid left unexpectedly. In so many ways, Angel had given so much of herself to Brandi. She drew from that experience.

    “I’ve been lucky enough to have a wise and wonderful friend - an Angel - to help me through distressing times. Now, I guess that it’s my turn. Come on girl.”
    Brandi guided them to the couch. They both sat down.

    “Spill it.”
    “Spill what?”
    “All the details. Help me to understand what you’re feeling. It’s the only way I can help.”
    “Well, you already know most of the sordid details.”
    “Kind of. You got into a brawl with her. You started pushing and shoving and slapping and yanking each other’s hair.”
    “And before long, the clothes came off.”
    “Bathrobes. We were both wearing these terrycloth robes that the hotel provided. They were really nice.”
    “Oh myyyyyy! How convenient.” Brandi teased.
    “Oh shut up!” Jackie snapped. Then she chortled.
    “So, the both of you, worked up and angry and seriously aroused…well…then things REALLY heated up. Right?”
    “Not quite.”
    “What do you mean ‘not quite?’”
    “I mean it took a little convincing.”
    “Yes. Despite all the heavy breathing and the skin on skin, Grace was struggling with the idea. She seemed determined to fight her predilections.”
    “Her sexual attraction to other women that she’d been denying for years.”
    “Ahh.. I see. So she couldn’t reconcile the idea that she just might be, or perhaps always has been a lesbian.”
    “Exactly. She fought hard against it.”
    “All while her tongue was probing the depths of your mouth, her tits were mashed against yours and her legs were wrapped with yours like four earthworms mating.”
    “Exactly. Wow Brandi! It seems my star student has the makings of a decent writer. You should consider doing that.”
    “Actually, Jackie, after I graduate and get settled into my life and career, I’m considering writing an Opus.”
    “Really? How cool!” The English professor in Jackie was delighted to hear this. “Tell me more.”
    “Well It’ll be about my life in college and life after graduation.”
“It’ll be mostly an introspective work..”
    “I’ll tackle lots of deep, philosophical questions and take on some of the more important current issues/events. All of which will be pondered and discussed at length.”
    “ANNNDDD?” Jackie insisted.
    “Excellent!!! Will I be in it?”
    “Hell yes! I could dedicate an entire chapter to that amazing ass of yours! Maybe two.”
    “Ohhh! I can’t wait to read it!” Jackie giggled.
    “But let’s not go off point here. What happened next between you and Grace Marie?”
    “Eventually I broke down her defenses. After that, it was a scene that you know all too well.”
    “You’re right. But I still wouldn’t mind hearing more details.”
    “What can I say? We fucked. And then we fucked some more. We pretty much fucked all night long.”
    “You bitch!”
    “That was supposed to be MY fuck.. our fuck.”
    “But I am impressed that my girl got out there on her own and fucked a bitch.”
    “Yeah well, I’m not.”
    “Why Jackie?”
    “It was wrong. I never should have let it go that far.”
    “Why on earth do you say that?”
    “I pushed her over the edge, Brandi. Why can’t you see that?”
    “Oh, no no no! All you did was push her where she wanted to go.. where she needed to go.”
    “Perhaps. I don’t know.”
    “Look, Jackie. This may seem like a callous thing to say, but if it wasn’t you, it would have been somebody else. Personally I think Grace was lucky that it was you.”
    “Well that’s nice, but it’s also complete nonsense.”
    “No. It’s not, Jackie.”
    “YES! It is, Brandi.”
    “Alright then.. explain to me why it’s nonsense.”
    “Because. It’s one thing to finally realize who and what you are. But it’s something else altogether to find out who you are then, on only slightly more than a whim, throw away everything you’ve worked so hard for. She quit, Brandi. EVERYTHING!!! She abandoned every safety net she had and took off into a world that she really doesn’t understand. A world that could potentially harm her.”
    “Jackie. Sometimes that kind of thing is necessary.”
    “What do you mean necessary?”
    “Sometimes you have to take that risk; to throw it all away; to stand naked against the world and say ‘bring it on.’”
    “Oh, I don’t know about that.”
    “Grace is a big girl.. a full grown woman. From what you’re saying, it sounds like Grace made an important, indeed necessary life decision.”
    “I’m just worried that she’ll be disillusioned and hurt.”
    “And I think that you’re worrying needlessly. She’s smart. She’ll figure things out. She’ll have a few bad experiences perhaps…but overall, she’ll be fine.”
    “Once again I must disagree with you, Brandi.”

    Brandi wanted to be contrary, but she had to cede to Jackie’s amazing intelligence.

    “All Grace Marie has ever known is the cloistered life.”
    “So? You were sheltered. You turned out just fine.”
    “Thanks. But I didn’t have it nearly as bad as Grace did.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “I was protected, yes. But I was allowed to think, indeed, encouraged to think. I wasn’t brow beaten with years of twisted ideology. Understand?”
    “I’m starting to get it.” Brandi admitted.
    “What’s going to happen to that poor, naive girl? I’m really worried. And I can’t help feeling responsible.”
    “Now I don’t know what to tell you, professor. Other than to hope for the best. I also have to reiterate that this sounds like something that truly needed to happen.”
    “Maybe. I don’t know. It’s confusing. I’m glad that I have you, dear Brandi. But somehow that only makes me feel slightly better.”

    Jackie allowed her body to melt into Brandi’s arms. Yet the tenderness of Brandi’s loving hands softly rubbing her back could only placate her for a short period of time. She pushed away suddenly. Brandi’s excited eyes widened as the professor peeled off her W.C.C. T-top in a split second and turned in to her.

    “What are you doing, Jackie?”
    “I need to feel the comfort of your tits against mine, Brandi. Can I at least have that?”

    Brandi looked off into the distance and thoughtfully stroked her chin. She spoke to the room.

    “Hmmm. Now, in this situation, what would Angel do?”

    Jackie giggled, and then she softly gasped as Brandi peeled off her top and tossed it across the room…because that’s what Angel would have done.

    “Come here, baby. Let Brandi’s tits comfort you.”

    Jackie turned in, eagerly, and the two women managed to mash their naked, aroused tits together as best they could in a couch sitting position. Both women moaned softly. In a gesture of pure womanly comfort, Brandi’s nipples instantly hardened in order to give comfort to Jackie’s hard nipples. It was the least they could do for two dear friends.

    Jackie smiled, sighed and rested her worried head on Brandi’s shoulder. For the moment, at least, Jackie found the contentment she needed in the healing softness of Brandi’s tits. If only she could control the burning desires of her nipples. Suddenly, she stood up and grabbed Brandi’s hand.

    “Come with me, Brandi.”

    The two topless women headed into Jackie’s bedroom, hand in hand. Standing alongside the bed, Brandi gave Jackie a look of playful suspicion. She then tilted her head in a gesture.

    “Is that a bed?”
    “Why, yes. It is.”
    “I’ve heard about those things.”
    “Would you like to try it out?”
    “Oh my goodness.. YES!”

    Brandi then leapt onto the bed and playfully bounced up and down. The bed springs joyously creaked.

    “This is FUN!!!” she said as she bounced and giggled like a teen on a trampoline.

    Jackie followed with a playful leap. It wasn’t long before she bounced into Brandi and wrestled her on to her back and stretched out fully on top of her young freshman mentor. Brandi welcomed Jackie into her arms. The astute professor gathered her breasts and matched them meticulously to the full measure of Brandi’s welcoming knockers. The piercing and poking of their nipples and the prickly scraping of pebbled areolae drew a gasp and a groan from deep inside Brandi’s chest. But the immediate proximity of their covered cunts brought forth a gentle warning from Brandi. She looked Jackie directly in the eyes.

    “Remember. NO fucking!”

    As difficult as it was, Brandi held firm to her stance that Jackie should get her mind right before they went at it again like two overheated lesbian sluts. This caused Jackie to sigh even deeper, locking big, full tits into big, full tits.

    “I know. I just need to feel your skin against mine and to snuggle.”
    “Now that we can do.”

    Several minutes of warm silence passed. The two bare breasted, close friends softly breathed into each other, tit to tit. Brandi’s tits were in a full surrender to Jackie’s tits. The wise nineteen year old seemed to know that this is what Jackie needed. This non sexual, bare breasted contact continued for several minutes. Yet, even in this defined, purely comfort mode, the soft, rhythmic motion of their breathing made it feel as though their naked tits were making love.

    “Oh my word, Brandi. Your tits feel soooo good.”
    “So do yours. Relax and enjoy them, baby girl. I’m here for as long as you need me.”

    A few more quiet moments passed. Jackie’s eyes were closed and her thoughts were focused on the full roll and press of their bare breasts. It was so luxurious!

    Then, amazingly, Jackie began to feel a gradually building tension.

    “OH!!!” she gasped. “OH!! OH!!” she gasped even louder.

    Jackie felt herself slipping uncontrollably into a vortex. Her nipples grew to incredible size and stiffness, which made Brandi’s eyes widen in surprise. Brandi’s nipples responded reflexively. Jackie’s breath became irregular and labored. Her body started to tremble as she suddenly realized that an unplanned orgasm was coming down upon her. There could be no stifling of it; no holding back. This surprise visitor just would not be denied. It was as if she was a teenage girl again, lying in her bed alone at night, thinking those pleasantly nasty thoughts that would cause her body to stiffen and explode and inevitably soiled the bed sheets. But this was no regular climax. Suddenly…

    “Uggghhhh…owww…unghhhh!!!” Jackie cried out.
    “Are you fucking serious???” An astonished Brandi realized what was happening.
    “Yesss!!! Oh Yesss!!! UUUmmmppphhh!!! Ahhhhhh!!! I can’t.. I can’t stop it!!!” Jackie screamed.
    “Don’t even try, girl. Let it go! Let it happen!”

    Brandi then crushed her in an even tighter embrace. This prolonged the intense pleasure that Jackie was experiencing.

    “Ohhhh…Ffffffuuuucccckkkkk!!!!” Jackie screamed in delight.

    As her pent up anxieties exploded, the professor sealed her hungry mouth to Brandi’s until the unplanned orgasm subsided. Brandi didn’t deny her the passion she needed. It was a short kiss, but it was full of fervor. Drained and satiated, the professor’s body went limp. Brandi lovingly rubbed Jackie’s smooth as silk back.

    “Oh gosh Brandi! That felt amazing!”
    “You obviously needed that, Jackie.”
    “You’re right. I did. But I’ve never…”
“So happy to be of service to that sexy pussy of yours.”
    “No no, Brandi. Not my pussy. Look!” Jackie proclaimed. She rolled her still throbbing tits into Brandi’s beauties, then pushed away in order to display the creamy white goo on her nipples.
    “Geee Zuzz!!! Jackie!”
    “You gave me a nipple orgasm, Brandi!”
    “Damn!!! My titties are GOOOOD!!!” Brandi playfully bragged. But then a sudden surge of disappointment overtook her. Jackie sensed something.

    “Well.. you see.. I’ve never had a nipple orgasm.” Brandi hesitated. She was thinking about her promise to Angel.
    “Well, we could try for one, right now? I mean, as long as I’m in the neighborhood.”
    “NO. NO. That would push me over the edge, Jackie. Then I’d want the whole enchilada. I’m here as a loving, caring friend. I’m here for you, not the other way around. Remember?”

    Jackie sighed. Then she came back down, carefully reuniting her tits to Brandi’s tits, resting her head onto Brandi’s shoulder

    “Can I ask you a question,Brandi?”
    “Of course you can.”
    “How long will it be before we fuck again?”
    “I can’t give you an exact time, but seven days, nine hours, twenty-two minutes and thirty-nine seconds. But that’s just a rough estimate. ”

    Jackie sighed again, even deeper. This forced her smooth as satin tit flesh even tighter to Brandi’s reassuring breasts.

    “Angel once told me about ‘sticky, gooey nipple cum. I guess it’s real.”
    “Can I ask you another question, Brandi?”
    “Ask away.”
    “Who is Angel?”

    Brandi’s eyes widened in disbelief. She rolled Jackie onto her back, pushed slightly away from the professor in order to look her in the eyes. She then asked, astonished.

    “Are you kidding me?”
    “No. Is she a student? Perhaps a friend of yours?”
    “Is a friend of mine and WAS a student here. And not only that; Miss Angelica Johansen, second year criminology student was THEE single most amazing woman to have ever graced the Westlake campus.”
    “Wow! I don’t know how I missed her.”
    “Oh, you didn’t. You couldn’t have. THINK, professor. Tall, blonde, gorgeous blue eyes.. almost indescribably sexy..and…”
    “OH!!! OH!!! Oh myyy Goddd!!!” Jackie gasped so deeply upon recognition that she had to pull Brandi back into her arms in order to calm herself down. Four loving tits crushed together once again. Brandi recognized the familiar scent of Jackie’s arousal.

    “Sexy Southern drawl? Knockers to absolutely DIE for? That was Angel?”
    “I only knew her as Miss Johansen.. in my sophomore English class.”
    “That was Miss Angelica Johansen, the tall Texas bombshell.”
    “Right. Angel. How could I not have known?”
    “So…you and Angel were close friends?”
    “She came to comfort me in my time of need; when my beloved roommate Ingrid returned to Sweden. We remained close ever since.”
    “Hmm…how close?”
    “Well, professor. That’s none of your business.”
    “I know it’s none of my business…So, how close? Did you and Angel ever lock pussies?”

    Brandi smiled and shook her head. She knew Jackie wasn’t going to let her off the hook.

    “Lips, tongues, tits and tummies. But never twats. Something always managed to come between our pussies. For one reason or another, we never sealed the deal.”
    “What a shame, Brandi!”
    “Yeah. Tell me about it.”
    “Wow, Brandi! Angel was one amazing hunk of woman. I would’ve given her a roll in the hay anytime!”

    Brandi pushed away and glared at Jackie. Her jealousy was fake. She smiled inside, recalling her last phone call with Angel. As she suppressed the grin beneath the glare, Brandi remembered what Angel had said about Jackie and her ass, and how Angel had confessed to wanting to fuck the succulent professor.

    “You surreptitious slut!” Brandi said, still faking jealousy.
    “Well…hell! Who in their right mind wouldn’t want to get naked with a woman like Angel?”

    Jackie then pulled Brandi back into her arms and enthusiastically mashed her tits into her sweet mentor’s tits. Both women moaned.

    “But then again, you’re kinda sexy too, Brandi.” The professor teased.

    Brandi closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensations of Jackie’s tits sticking to hers in a coating of Jackie’s nipple cum. With visions of Angel’s body and colossal tits in her mind she drifted off into an amazing daydream of three naked women frolicking in bed together; one blond, one brunette and one redhead.

    “Oh my God!” she silently mused. “What would that three-way bitch battle be like?”

    Her thoughts melded into a delicious scene of her and Angel, cursing, squealing and screaming, rolling back and forth and back and forth, locked in a furious body wrestle for the right to ride Jackie’s sweet ass.

    “She’s MINE!! BITCH!!!” Brandi screams.
    “She’s gonna be MINE now…BITCH!!!” Angel screams.

    They wrestle and wrestle and wrestle. But with no winner. And then it dawns on them that Jackie’s bulbous butt could easily handle both of them. And so, with Jackie’s eager consent, the two hot and horny cowgirls mount up, cunt to cheek and cunt to cheek and ride Jackie’s magnificent mare off into the western sunset to the familiar cowboy anthem “Happy Trails.”

    Yee Haww!!!

    Brandi never left. She spent the night with Jackie in her bed, just like Angel had done with her; totally naked and in each other’s loving arms ‘til the dawn’s early light.


    For the next few days, a sad and confused Professor Taylor managed to show up for her classes and conduct them in her customary relaxed, yet professional style. On the surface, it seemed like business as usual. But Jackie was hurting. Not for herself, but for Grace. When she returned to her apartment Wednesday afternoon, she saw a note under her door. She picked up the sealed envelope and carefully examined it for any potential terrorist threats, deemed that it was safe and then opened it.

    The note read:
    “I pulled a few strings.. twisted a few arms.. called in a favor.. made a few threats.. collected an overdue debt.. licked a couple of important pussies.. all for you, Jackie. Dial these numbers…267-555-9675…Love, Brandi.”

    The B in Brandi had been carefully crafted in the shape of two large tits, nipples included. Cute.

    Then, on Friday after her last class, she was summoned to Sister Marie Dominique’s office for an “informal chat.” But before she went to the chancellor’s office, she took the time to call and chat with Brandi. She explained her situation

    “Well, you probably could have assumed this was coming.” Brandi observed.
    “I suppose. What do I do?”
    “I’m worried. How do I handle this?” Jackie asked.
    “I don’t know why you’re worried, or even what you’re worried about, Jackie.”
    “Meaning what, Brandi?”
    “You have truth, justice and the American way on your side.”
    “Well, there’s that.”
    “Hell, I’d be willing to bet that even God is on your side.” Brandi joked.
    “Girl, you have no idea.” Jackie replied, recalling the French toast incident.
    “It’s a long story. I’ll explain it sometime.”
    “Um.. OK.”
    “So what should I do? How do I handle this?”
    “I’ll tell you what you DON’T do…panic.”
    “I don’t understand.”
    “Oh for fuck sake girl!!! You’re smarter than any six of them. STOP WORRYING!”
    “I’m certain they’re going to ask me if I know why Grace quit.”
    “Well actually, you do know why she quit.”
    “Of course I do. She was questioning her life choices; even questioning her beliefs; not to mention her sexuality.”
    “True. Until you came along and gave her the fuck of her life.”
    “Well, I don’t wanna brag or anything…” Jackie gloated.
    “Oh shut up, bitch!”
    “Ha, ha! It WAS a really good fuck, though.”
    “You’re turning into a cheap lesbian floozy, Jackie.”
    “Yeah. But YOU love it!”
    “OH HELL YES!!!”

    Jackie sighed. “Brandi, they’re going to ask if anything happened. Or if I did or said anything to influence her decision to quit the nunnery.”
    “Hmm…that one could be tricky.”
    “Ay, dear Brandi. There’s the ‘rub.”
    “Who was that, Robert Frost?” Brandi teased the professor of English.

    Jackie felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.

    “If I could reach through this phone right now and choke the living shit out of you, I would.”
    “Just kidding professor. I know Walt Whitman when I hear him.”
    “UGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!” Jackie groaned through frayed nerves.
    “Dominus vobiscum, Jackie.”
    “Et cum spiritu tuo, Brandi.”
    “Call me when it’s over. Kisses and hugs, girl.”
    “Send those to somebody else. WHEN are we gonna FUCK again?”

    Brandi laughed out loud then ended the call without answering Jackie’s horny question. But then she felt a sudden, intense shiver course through her cunt. She knew that another round of cunt to cunt with Jackie was absolutely necessary. It was what her hungry cunt craved. She reached down and gently stroked her pussy in order to placate it. But that didn’t help much.

    “Easy girl…it won’t be too much longer.”



    Friday afternoon, 4PM. One hour later.

    “Knock, knock, knock!” Jackie thought that, in this case, it would be best to put her knocks in quotation marks. Then she heard Dominique’s voice call out from inside.

    “Come in, Professor Taylor.”

    Jackie entered the chancellor’s office with a casual elegance. Dominique smiled at her warmly as she entered. She had never disguised her fondness for Jackie.

    “Welcome, Professor Taylor.” Dominique greeted her cheerfully.
    “Chancellor Dominique.” Jackie nodded respectfully.
    “I noticed that you put your knockers in quotation marks, Jackie.” Dominique observed.
    “Did you like my knockers?” Jackie teased.
    “I’ve always admired your knockers, professor, with or without quotation marks.” Dominique replied without flinching.
    “Have a seat, please.” Dominique gestured to the empty chair directly facing her desk.

    There were two other women in the room. This did not surprise her. One of them was older. The other was roughly her age. The elder was in traditional nun garb while the very attractive young woman was in street clothes. Jackie guessed that she was also a nun of some standing. She didn’t recognize either of them, but she knew.

    “Here they are. The out of town ‘muscle’ - the ‘interrogators.’” She thought to herself as she assessed both women. The fact that these two nuns were here sent up a red flag of suspicion in Jackie’s mind. She was expecting to face off with Dominique and, perhaps, one of the other college administrators. Something was up. Word had obviously come down from above. Otherwise Dominique would have dealt with the resignation of Grace Marie herself. This was a bit disconcerting.


    A few words of explanation are in order here. Ever since the young and naive Professor Taylor joined the faculty Of Westlake Christian, her relationship with the College’s body of nuns, both faculty and administration, had been tense and antithetical. The strain and suspicion also extended upward into the ranks of Dominique’s superiors. None of them were ever comfortable with the idea of having a staff professor at their beloved Catholic college with no discernible religious beliefs - a professed non-believer - GOOD LORD! AN ATHEIST!!!

    The nuns among Dominique’s charge were consistently unsettled by her passive rejection of Catholicism; indeed and her lack of any structured of belief system. To them it was simply “Shameful!!!” And, perhaps it was Jackie’s personal paranoia asserting itself, but the deepest recesses of her mind always entertained a persistent fear that they were always on the lookout for a bogus reason to fire her because she was not willing to surrender to blind faith. Indeed, had her secluded weekend with Grace Marie LeBlanc gone as planned, Jackie would have been updating her resum?. Now, in the form of two out of town, authoritarian nuns, her suitability for the position of tenured professor at a Catholic College would be questioned once again. This time, however, they were armed with more potent ammunition; Grace Marie’s resignation. She suspected that they would not hesitate to use this against her.

    None of this small-minded nonsense ever bothered Dominique. Jackie’s personal beliefs, or lack of them, never concerned her. She understood that down deep, the professor was a good and decent soul. She was kind, caring and concerned about all the girls. And Jackie was a gifted teacher. She possessed the ability to make her students interested in and excited about learning; a quality that was so rare these days.

    Then there was that “other thing” that regularly troubled them. It seemed that when the professor wasn’t in the classroom setting, she tended to wear clothing that would “brazenly flaunt her assets; her glorious preponderance of posterior for all to see.


    Yet, they could not bring themselves to look away.

    Far less bothered by such things, the chancellor had no problem with that either. Indeed, Sister Marie Dominique considered Professor Taylor’s ass as proof of the existence of God. With the possible exception of a Michelangelo, who else could have crafted such perfection? Truth be told, Dominique had occasionally imagined what it might be like to take a pleasure-filled junket on the professor’s callipygian caboose. Jackie was smart, kind, skilled at teaching and just a beautiful woman! If it became necessary, Sister Marie Dominique would go to the wall for her; she would speak in her defense.


    Not knowing exactly what was in store for her, Jackie had dressed slightly up for the occasion hoping to make a good impression. She donned a pair of dark grey pin striped slacks which, although understated, still lovingly caressed the contours of her abundant assets. She matched them with a modest, loose fitting powder blue blouse that displayed no cleavage but still could not conceal the size and fullness of her breasts. She had also chosen to put her deep red hair up in a conservative bun and wear her dark-rimmed glasses. The idea was to present her prim and proper, intelligent and professorial persona. Or, as Brandi called it, her “nerdy intellectual come fuck me look.” Just the slightest amount of makeup smoothed out her lovely face without covering the oh so sexy freckles. A shade of soft red lipstick gently accentuated her full lips. But despite the “librarian” look, Jackie looked absolutely gorgeous. Jackie looked like the kind of woman who could make someone loose their religion! This vision of pulchritude did not go unnoticed by the young and highly attractive woman sitting to Dominique’s left.

    Formal introductions were then made.

    “Professor Taylor, this is Mother Mary Marie, our East Coast Regional Director from Seattle. And to your right is Sister ShaRee Marie, from our San Antonio convent.”

    Slightly stiff but proper nods of acknowledgement made the rounds. It all seemed so pretentious. Jackie mused to herself that “ShaRee” sounded more like someone who could be found twirling around a pole in a g-string with tasseled pasties on her nipples.

    “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mother Mary.” she respectfully greeted the elder nun first, then turned her attention to the hot young thing.
    “And it’s also nice to meet you, Sista Sherrie.” Jackie accidentally (on purpose) mispronounced the name.
    “It’s pronounced SHA REE!” the slightly irritated young nun responded.
    “Oh! I beg your pardon, SHA REE.”

    There was an instantaneous and rather tense eye lock between her and the young nun. This lasted several seconds until Jackie noticed the young brunette woman’s eyes soften and the corners of her mouth relax into a fleeting smile. Jackie felt an unexpected titillation when she observed ShaRee’s luscious, pouty mouth with a lower a lip that had that sexy split down the middle.

    Then her mind began to work. Hmm. Want to knock someone off their game? Wanna make someone break under pressure? Wanna squeeze information from them? What better way to do it than to send in a hot woman. Bring in the HOT BITCH and let her do what she does best - melt a potential adversary into submission; throw them off their game. But this was no ordinary adversary. This was the extremely hot Jaqueline Cara Taylor. If this was going to be a test of hotness, Jackie was down with it.

    This brief exchange was not lost on Dominique. The forty-eight year old chancellor was more than familiar with the intimacies of woman to woman challenge and ultimate woman to woman seduction. A confirmed lesbian since her teenage years, Dominique had indeed engaged in numerous bawdy, two-girl naked tussles and even the occasional multi-girl orgy of lesbian lust.

    Alas, those days were over for Dominique. She had re-dedicated herself to serve the lord in the field of women’s education. Still, the almost immediate tension between these two attractive, busty females sent an all too familiar jolt of arousal through Dominique’s now stagnant cunt. The once sexually promiscuous chancellor’s mind drifted off into a brief scenario in which she locked her office door and directed the two truculent women to strip naked and settle things woman to woman, body to body. And then reality returned.


    Jackie quickly studied the older nun. She concluded that Mary Marie was there more for a show of pomp then actual purpose. The young and attractive Sister ShaRee Marie would be
    asking all the questions; trying to find out what happened.

    The good Mother Mary Marie was an older woman, perhaps in her mid seventies, who did not appear to be in good health. Judging from an occasional upper airway wheeze and swollen ankles, Jackie assessed congestive heart failure. The good Mother spoke first.

    “And it’s a joy to finally make your acquaintance, Professor Taylor. Your reputation precedes you.” the old nun gushed.
    “My reputation?” Jackie asked, both surprised and flattered.
    “Yes. Dominique has spoken of you often and with much admiration.”

    Jackie flashed a warm smile at Dominique. If she had an ally in this inquisition, it was Dominique. Not just because the chancellor liked her, but because she had been aware for quite some time that there was no love lost between Dominique and the former Sister Grace Marie. Mother Mary Marie then got things started.

    “Dear Professor Taylor…”
    “Oh please, call me Jackie.”
    “Alright then, Jackie. Do you know why Sister ShaRee and I are here?”
    “And what we wish to speak to you about?” the young nun added.
    “Of course I do.”

    Jackie did not want to seem evasive, so she decided to use a direct approach. She also felt that this would be what they least expected. Indeed, a surprised ShaRee Marie’s eyes widened slightly and she glanced at Mary Marie.

    Jackie took a few seconds to assess this lovely young woman. She did not know why, but she was pretty sure that this gorgeous young nun was not randomly selected for this assignment. The beautiful, well proportioned brunette wore a pair of snug fitting black slacks and a pleated teal green blouse that buttoned all the way up to her lovely neck. Absolutely no cleavage was on display. But Jackie could read a woman’s body. There was no doubt in her mind that underneath that lovely, conservative top there were two Texas-sized tits that would be most receptive to a naked, nipple-stiffening bounce in the cool night air of New England. Once again, Jackie and ShaRee locked in a glare. But it was a look of two women on tenterhooks trying to get a read on each other.

    “Well then, Professor Taylor. Perhaps I should just get to the point.” ShaRee's voice oozed with serpentine slime. But if this bitch wanted to get down and dirty in the mud and muck, Jackie was more than willing to accommodate her.
    “Yes, Sister ShaRee..DO get to the point.”

    DEAR GOD IN HEAVEN! Underneath her nun’s garments, Dominique’s nipples stiffened with the simmering hostility between these two hot women.

    ShaRee collected her thoughts, then continued.

    “As I’m sure you know, professor, Grace Marie LeBlanc has resigned from the order of the Sisters Of Mary’s Indulgences.”
    “Yes. I was recently informed of this.”
    “You attended the most holy Beatitudes conference with Sister Grace, right?”
    “That’s right.”
    “Which means that you were the last person to spend any significant time with her.”
    “I believe that’s accurate.”
    “Did you and Grace talk about anything?”
    “We were together for two whole days. We talked about a lot of things.”
    “Do you have any idea what might have made a devout and promising young nun like Grace Marie suddenly abandon her consecrated life?”
    “Yes. I do.” Jackie stated bluntly.

    Once again the young nun was taken back by the professor’s straightforward response. Again, she glanced at Mother Mary, as if for some clue as to how to proceed. But the older nun was a couple of nods away from an afternoon nap. No help to her.

    “Well then, dear professor.. perhaps you would be kind enough to enlighten us.” There was condescension in ShaRee’s voice.
    “Well Sister, perhaps I can inform you. But I doubt that I can ‘enlighten’ you.” Jackie responded with caustic wit.

    Dominique’s eyebrows raised. The tension between these two women was now the consistency of sludge. It was as if they were two back alley cats, circling each other.. taunting each other.. just before locking in a territorial battle. No, this wasn’t going to be settled in her office. These two were going to have to meet privately. Woman to woman. She recognized the signs. She only hoped that Jackie could handle herself in this type of confrontation. She also wished that she could be the proverbial fly on the wall when they came together.

    ShaRee was now sensing that this wasn’t going to be as easy as she had expected.

    “Let’s cut to the chase, professor.”
    “Yes, let’s do that.”
    “Did you and Grace Marie speak intimately?”
    “We did.”
    “Would you kindly elaborate?”
    “No. I will not.
    “I want to know exactly what you two talked about.” ShaRee’s tone was now getting pushy.
    “What Grace Marie and I talked about is personal.”

    ShaRee now rose to her feet and stood over Jackie in an attempt to assert dominance; to intimidate her.

    “Professor Taylor. I demand to know exactly what was discussed between you and Grace Marie!”

    Mistake. You don’t get in Professor Jaqueline Taylor’s face and make demands. The old Professor Taylor might have taken this crap. But this was the new, self-assured Jackie. No bitch was gonna diss her!!!

    Jackie rose to meet ShaRee. They both moved forward, neither willing to back down. Dominique’s jaw dropped as Jackie met ShaRee chest to chest. ShaRee pushed hard. Jackie pushed back harder. Even through their bras, Jackie noticed hardening nipples under ShaRee’s blouse. A telltale sign. Yet there was nothing she could do to prevent her own nipples from stiffening in response. Four massive tits were now locked in a confrontation right there in Dominique’s office. The chancellor was now certain that she was experiencing her first spontaneous clitoral erection in years. Her mind was in a swirl of lesbian imagery.

    But then, ShaRee’s modesty alert kicked in. The young nun realized that she was breast to breast with Professor Taylor, and that the professor’s breasts were just fabulous! Slightly flushed, she backed off. Yet, Jackie’s amazingly full tits had imprinted hers.

    “Let me repeat, professor. What did you and Grace Marie talk about?”
    “Repeat yourself all you want to, sister. What Grace and I talked about is none of your damn business!”
    “Why are you being so hostile to me, Professor?”
“Why are YOU being so hostile to me, Sister?”
    “I’m trying to understand what was going through Grace’s mind. I’m trying my best to figure out why Grace Marie would do something like this.” her tone softened a bit.
    “I understand, ShaRee. But like I said, Grace was troubled.”
    “And I am trying to find out what was troubling her! You spent two full days with Grace Marie. I have no doubt that Grace revealed things to you; things that would be very helpful.”

    Then, Jackie’s sharp mind kicked in. “Or, perhaps Grace revealed some things to me that would be very harmful; things that could be very damaging to the hierarchy.” Perhaps that is the real reason for this visit from the higher-ups. Jackie now began to put things together in her mind and to strategically organize her position on the board. A strong middle and a powerful end game were formulated.

    “I don’t understand why you are being so vague.. so evasive.”
    “Because I have serious doubts about your intentions.”

    Dominique’s mind applauded Professor Taylor’s astuteness. She herself had suspected from the moment she learned of this visit that motives were ulterior. She determined that, at some point in the future, to sit down with Jackie and ask what actually transpired in that hotel room in Cambridge.

    The professor’s next move was as obvious as a discovered check on the opposing King. They were the same age. It just made sense.

    “You went through your training with Grace, didn’t you?”
    “Yes, I did. Grace and I were friends.” ShaRee seemed wistful. “I haven’t heard from her in over three years, since the day we both took our final vows and went our separate ways.”
    “I’m sorry, ShaRee.” Jackie acquiesced. “Look, your friend Grace was troubled and confused.”
    “About what?”
    “About everything in general. About her life in particular.”
    “What exactly does that mean?” It didn’t take long for the edge in ShaRee’s voice to return.
    “It means exactly what it sounds like.” Jackie was just as quick to tense up again.

    ShaRee was attempting to cross an invisible line. Jackie wasn’t going to allow it. And then, things became heated once again.

    “And what, pray tell, does THAT mean?” ShaRee was now visibly angry.
    “Exactly what don’t you understand, ShaRee? Your friend Grace was troubled. And as far as I can tell, none of you made any attempt to intervene.”
    “How could we possibly know? Nothing was ever mentioned to us!”

    This was a colossal mistake.

    “Excuse me?” Dominique interrupted. She then opened a desk drawer and removed a file named “Grace Marie LeBlanc” and tossed it on her desk. ShaRee read the name on the folder.
    “What’s this?”
    “Grace Marie’s file. In it, there are photocopies of six letters I myself wrote to headquarters. In each letter I stated that, in my opinion, Grace Marie was troubled and that she needed help. In each of them I requested, in fact begged that she be transferred immediately.”

    ShaRee seemed completely caught off guard.

    “Were you aware of these letters, Mother Mary Marie?” ShaRee asked the elderly nun.

    An uncomfortable silence fell over the room as the young nun realized she’d been put into a very difficult situation. ShaRee now found herself in a dilemma. To confront Mother Mary Marie, who obviously knew about the letters and just as obviously chose to ignore them, would be like confronting the Holy Father himself. It was just something you did not do. Her back was against a figurative wall. But rather than do the noble thing and ease up on Jackie, she chose to continue down the path of eschewing any personal responsibility for the Holy Order, and find a way to make this entirely Jackie’s fault.

    “Professor Taylor. What did you and Grace Marie talk about?”
    “I beg your pardon?” Jackie asked, once again surprised at the impertinence.
    “I demand to know what you and Grace talked about.”
    “Because I’m certain that it’s relevant.”
    “Oh. So you think that something I said to Grace Marie might have influenced her decision to quit the order? Is that what you’re suggesting?”
    “I believe something you said or something that you DID caused Grace to quit. Whether or not you intended this outcome, I have yet to determine.”
    “You’re grasping at straws, ShaRee. You may even be delusional.”
    “Am I? Well then, can I ask why you and Grace didn’t attend the Sunday conferences?”
    “That’s simple. Have you ever attended The Beatitudes Conference, ShaRee?”
    “Well, no I haven’t”
    “To put it as delicately as I can, the subject matter isn’t exactly scintillating.”
    “I find the word of Jesus to be quite fascinating.”
    “Well, each to his own taste, I suppose.” Jackie said, blandly, then continued.
    “And, despite the fact that they cut back day one to just over six hours, those were still six of the most yawn-inducing hours of my young and otherwise vibrant life.”
    “Well then, you must have coerced Grace into skipping the Sunday session.”
    “That’s not entirely accurate.”
    “What does that mean?”
    “It was Grace’s idea to skip the Sunday session.”
    “That’s preposterous! Grace would NEVER do that! She would never skip the word of Jesus!”
    “And yet, she did.”

    Jackie’s mind flashed back to that Sunday morning when, after a long night of spirited fucking, she made several attempts to get out of bed, only to have Grace pull her back and lustfully pounce on her. She recalled Grace’s repeated invocation of the almighty father and his son (bow your head) Jesus, each time their naked cunts met in scissor lock. And how she screamed out in lust crazed gratitude to the almighty with each subsequent, thunderous orgasm. Yes…thanks to Jackie’s luscious pussy, the former Sister Grace Marie spent most of that Sunday morning singing in praise of God the Father and his son (bow your head) Jesus. She smiled inwardly.

    ShaRee continued to press. She was determined to break Jackie. One way or another, she would find out what happened in that hotel room.

    “I know Grace Marie. She would never have passed on the holy word. Not unless something or SOMEONE convinced her to do so.”
    “And you know this how?”
    “Like I said, Grace and I were close friends.”
    “Ah, yes. Close friends who haven’t spoken to each other in three years.”

    ShaRee sighed in frustration. She looked to Dominique and then to Mary Marie. No help was coming from either of them.

    “I have one more question, Professor Taylor.”

    Dominique interjected. “Make it one last question, Sister ShaRee. We’re about to adjourn for the day.”

    ShaRee then snapped.

    “I’m not done with my interrogation! I’ll decide when it’s time to adjourn!!!”

    HUGE mistake! Dominique’s face turned a shade of red that had never been seen on any color spectrum. Jackie was concerned that she might have a stroke any second. When her face returned to a more normal color, she aimed a glare of imminent death at ShaRee who looked at her, then wisely looked away. But she could not avoid her wrath.

    “Um…er…yes, Sister Dominique.” ShaRee’s voice cracked.
    “Yes, Dominique.”
    ‘ARRREEE WEEE CLEAR?” Dominique shouted.
    “Crystal clear.” The young nun said, sheepishly.
    “Good. It’s getting near suppertime. It’s been a long day, and I’m looking forward to a nice meal and a glass of sacristy wine. Ask your question Sister ShaRee.”
    “I agree with Sister Dominique. Dinner sounds good, right about now.” Elderly Mother Mary Marie interjected.
    “And by the way. From now on, you will BOTH have the courtesy to refer to me as Chancellor Dominique. I’m pretty sure I’ve earned it. I will NOT be disrespected in my own house!”

    Unafraid of either the young nun or the regional director, Dominique laid down the law. Both nuns nodded agreement. Jackie was impressed. Now, back to the thrilling action.

    “Ask away, Sister ShaRee.” Jackie said, a bit sarcastically.
    “Did you and Grace have some sort of physical confrontation?”
    “I beg your pardon?!!!”
    “A fight! Did you and Grace get into a physical fight?”
    “A physical fight? What the hell are you getting at?”
    “A woman fight, professor.. a hair-pulling, face-slapping, clothes-ripping roll-around fight that became very heated.. a fight that perhaps, escalated into something much, much more..and you know very well what I’m getting at, Professor Taylor.”
    “Have you lost your goddamn mind, ShaRee?!?!” Jackie snapped.
    “Professor Taylor!!! Did you and Sister Grace Marie get into a sweaty, writhing, naked brawl? ANSWER THE QUESTION!!!”

    Dominique had had enough.

    “You don’t have to answer that, Jackie.” The Chancellor offered.
    “I’ll answer the question.” Jackie said belligerently.
    “You want the truth?”
    “I think I’m entitled to it.”
    “You want the truth?”
    “I want the answers!!!”

    “YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE ANSWERS!!! Jackie screamed. She then stood up defiantly, paused for dramatic effect, then continued.

    “Nun.. we live in a world that has chapels. And those chapels have bells.. bells that have to be rung. And quite often there are dangerous old staircases that have to be climbed in order to get to those bells. And yet, those bells must be rung every Sunday morning in praise of your God.. whether in the searing heat of summer or the bitter cold of winter. Who’s gonna do it? You, ShaRee? You, Mother Mary Marie? You weep for Grace and you curse me. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know.. hell, even I don’t know whatever it is I’m supposed to know!But what I do know is that Grace Marie Le Blanc’s resignation, while tragic, probably was the best thing for her.

    You friggin’ people. You sit in your fancy San Antonio high-rise, living the good life while nuns like Grace Marie do the scut work. You don't want the answers because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want Grace in that old, bat-infested tower.. you need Grace on that bell! But Grace isn’t here anymore, is she? So, rather than question me, I suggest that you pick up a bible and grab your rosary beads and go stand a post.. go climb a set of stairs.. go ring a bell. Either way, I don’t give a damn what you think you’re entitled to.”

    The office went silent. Dominique’s jaw was agape. ShaRee sat back down in her chair and buried her face in her hands. Never before had she been so thoroughly bested; so completely humiliated. The old nun’s facial expression was complete shock and dismay. A string of spittle had formed on the corner of her mouth. The chancellor broke the silence.

    “OK. We’ll reconvene here, tomorrow at, say 1PM?” Dominique suggested. There was tacit agreement from both ShaRee and Mary Marie. Dominique helped the old nun get up. She handed her off to ShaRee. They quietly left the office with Mary Marie on ShaRee’s arm for support. Dominique patiently waited, then closed the door behind them. She turned to Jackie…

    “My word, Professor Taylor!!! That was…that was…BRILLIANT!!!”
    “Thank you, Dominique. And thanks for being in my corner.”
    “Absolutely my pleasure, Jackie.”
    “Well, let’s not get comfortable just yet. I don’t think we’ve heard the last of ShaRee Marie. I’m almost certain that she has something up her sleeve.”
    “I expect that you’re right about that.”

    Jackie moved to the door, opened it and was stopped.

    “Oh, Jackie. Can I say something…well…personal?”
    “Of course.” .
    “If I was twenty-five years younger…”
    Jackie smiled warmly at her, then cut her off. “I get the idea, Dominique.”

    The chancellor’s heart sank when Jackie closed the door behind her.



    Five Thirty PM. Jackie sat in her Westlake College campus apartment mulling over the events of the last hour while sipping a glass of red wine. She needed an idea, something with leverage.

    With her legs stretched out and her bare feet on the coffee table, she set her wine down on an end table, sighed and rested her head on the back of the couch, closing her eyes. She needed to relax. She needed to think. Within seconds, it hit her like a bolt of lightning. Why hadn’t this occurred to her before? She leapt from the couch, grabbed her wine and moved quickly to her office. Once there, she opened up her laptop, got on the internet and began to search. Fifteen minutes passed. Twenty minutes…she entered search parameter after search parameter, changing the wording, again and again and…nothing! She even tried different search engines…again.. nothing. Well, at least nothing so specific as what she was looking for. It didn’t help that so many of the sites were the bogus kind that promised what she was looking for and then took her in a completely different direction. Jackie closed down her laptop, feeling exasperated. She needed help. She needed guidance. She needed someone with amazing skills. She needed…

    “Buenas tardes. Esto es Penelope Gonzalez.. diosa de todas las cosas tecnol?gica.”
    “Hmm…well, I understood good afternoon and Penelope Gonzalez. Everything else went over my head.” Jackie said, confused.
    “Oh! Oh! Oh dios mios!!! Professor Taylor? Sigue siendo, mi coraz?n!!!”
    “Penelope!!! Could you please speak English?”
    “Sorry. I’m just so amazed that you are calling me, Professor Taylor.”
    “How did you?…oh never mind!”
    “Oh PLEASE!!! Please!!! Please tell me this is the call that I’ve dreamed of getting from you for almost three years!” Penelope could not suppress her excitement over this totally unexpected phone call from her long time teacher/girl crush.
    “I beg your pardon, Penelope. I don’t understand. What call?” a confused Jackie asked.
    “Oh Professor Taylor! You know.. the call where you invite me over for a glass of wine and we sit and talk about nerdy, smart stuff because we’re both nerdy, smart gals. And we’re having so much fun that a glass of wine eventually turns into a couple bottles of wine and then…THEN.. one thing leads to another and next thing you know we’re rolling around all naked and rasslin’ and then the baby oil comes out and we end up in an oily ass to ass wrestle.. and that gets us so hot that we end up in your bed where we spend the entire night ravaging each other’s bodies!!! THAT phone call!” Penelope meticulously explained. Jackie was taken aback, in a rather pleasant way.

    “Oh my! Um..well…” Jackie hesitated. “I’m sorry Penelope. This isn’t THAT phone call. I’m calling to ask a favor. Make that a really big favor.”
    “Awww frumph! Once again, the geeky girl is frustrated.”
    “Poor Penelope.” Jackie felt kind of sad. “Always the bridesmaid, never the bride, huh?”
    “Something like that. But it was such a nice fantasy while it lasted. Sigh…OK professor. I’m at your service.”
    “I need your extraordinary computer skills. Please?”
    “How can I help you.”
    “Can I come by. This requires an in person.”
    “I’ll be here.”

    In her hour of dire need, Jackie was enlisting the aid of one Penelope Maria Gonzalez. The geeky but lovely third year Computer Science major was an absolute computer wizard. But apart from her technological brilliance, Penelope was the only woman on campus who’s ass could come close to matching Jackie’s ass. And, for her entire time at Westlake, she had harbored clandestine fantasies of matching her own bountiful butt against the red-headed English professor’s prodigious posterior in an all out, no holds barred, oily, slip ’n’ slide ass on ass battle. Oh, how she dreamed of matching her large, lovely assets against Professor Taylor’s. How profound would such an encounter be?

    Jackie was completely unaware of Penelope’s erotic fantasy. In a way, it was a little discomfiting. Yet, in another way it was quite flattering and more than a little tantalizing.

    Ten minutes later, in Penelope’s apartment:

    Situated at the young genius’s desk with Penelope seated in her chair, directly in front of her seventeen inch screen laptop, Jackie leaned in over her shoulder…

    “Umm…Professor Taylor…”
    “What, Penelope?”
    “Do you think that you could situate yourself so that your amazing hotness isn’t quite so close to poor, vulnerable me?”
    “I beg your pardon?” Jackie didn’t understand.
    “Can you please MOVE YOUR TITS!!! Before I do something I might regret!!!”
    “Oh, uh…sorry.” Jackie pulled up a chair and sat down next to Penelope.
    “OK, give me some search parameters.”

    Nervously, Jackie told her what she hoped to find.

    “Oh my GOD!!! Are you kidding me???”
    “No, I’m not. Can you find it?”
    “We’ll see. This could take a few minutes.”
    “Work your magic girl.”
    “I must say, professor, I’m rather impressed by your level of deviation. Who knew?” Penelope teased.
    “Just search, please.”

    Jackie watched in utter fascination as the young computer virtuoso did her thing. Her fingers seemed to fly over the keyboard at lightening speed. Ten minutes passed. The search yielded no results. Penelope was hitting a number of dead end websites.

    “My goodness! These websites a pure bullshit!”
    “I ran across the same problem when I tried to search earlier.”
    “This must be for an exclusive audience.”
    “That’s what I thought. And I didn’t know how to get by the security.”
    “Well Jackie, you’ve come to the maestro of sneaking around security. Let me try something.”

    Jackie watched with rapt attention as the third year computer science major did her thing, as cloak-and-dagger as it might have been. Then, suddenly…Jackpot!!!

    “Oh my god, Penelope! I think that’s it! YES!!! That’s it! Can you pause that? Good. Now zoom in.”

    Jackie studied the screen carefully. The video was a few years old, but she knew.

    “YES!!! This is what I’m looking for! You ROCK, you nerdy girl!!!” Jackie cried out jubilantly.
    “So, now what?” Penelope asked, a bit confused.
    “Well, I might need to use this later tonight. Will you be able to retrieve it later?”
    “Downloading it right now would be a lot easier. Just on the remote chance these fools might have someone on hand smart enough to know they’ve just been hacked. Then we’ll have it when you need it.”
    “Do your thing, Penelope!” Jackie said excitedly, looking at the laptop screen as the download quickly progressed.
    “Done!” Penelope announced.
    “Excellent! You’re the best, Penelope Gonzalez!”
    “I know, I know.” she paused. “So, dear Professor Taylor. Now that I’ve hacked this website and completed this illegal download for you, what next?”
    “What’s next is for you to ‘drop by’ my apartment with your laptop at around ten-thirty tonight. That is, if you’re willing to do that.”
    “Or, I could just send it to your computer. That might be easier.” Penelope suggested.
    “Easier, sure. But then you’d miss out on the fun part.” Jackie teased.
    “The fun part?” Penelope was intrigued.
    “You seem like a gal that might like to have a little devious fun, Penelope.”
    “Oh my goodness, YES!”
    “Then come by my place at ten-thirty. We’ll have some fun.” Jackie said, enticingly.
    “I will be there!”
    “But I must warn you, Penelope.. this is a risky mission. There could be danger…there could be…INTRIGUE.”
    “I live for intrigue! I eat danger for breakfast!” Penelope played along.
    “I knew I could count on you. Thanks so much. See you later.”

    At Penelope’s apartment door, Jackie paused, turned back and offered another slight tease.

    “Oh, and Penelope?”
    “About that ‘other thing.’ I’m gonna give that some serious thought.”

    Jackie then quickly left, closing the door behind her to the sounds of Penelope squealing in joyful excitement.


    Guest housing. Westlake Christian College for Women. Approximately 7:45 PM.

    Mother Mary Marie and Sister ShaRee Marie had opted to dine in their guest housing. They needed to talk in private. They needed to discuss the events that transpired in the chancellor’s office. It was not a casual, pleasant dinner chat. Indeed, the longer she stewed in those events, the less sheepish ShaRee became about confronting the elderly nun who was, supposedly, a revered person in the Order Of Mary’s Indulgences. She felt that she had been wronged; justifiably so. And she was livid.

    “You could have told me about those letters, Mother Mary! It would have saved me a great deal of embarrassment! I felt like a damn fool!” ShaRee Marie said angrily to her superior, as the two women sipped herbal tea after dinner.

    “Now, now, ShaRee. Calm down. No good can come from anger.” The old nun tried to placate ShaRee. But ShaRee wasn’t having it.
    “Don’t patronize me, Mother Mary! Right now Dominique and her godless harlot professor are having a good laugh at my expense. I will NOT calm down!”
    “What was I supposed to do? They told me to ignore the issue.”
    “NONSENSE!!! What you were SUPPOSED to do was stand up to them. Show some backbone for Christ’s sake! You’re seventy-six years old, Mary. You’ve been a nun for over fifty years of your life.”
    “What is that supposed to mean?”
    “It means that after all this time, you should have figured out that THEY are not always right! And THEY are not always honorable. It means every so often, when the situation calls for it, you stand up to the goddamn monkeys that run the zoo!!!”

    ShaRee was starting to become unhinged. She had to take a deep breath and reign in her flailing tentacles of thoughts.

    “Be careful, Sister ShaRee Marie.” the old nun sternly warned. “You are dangerously close to insubordination.”
    “And YOU, Mother Mary Marie, are dangerously close to loosing a second nun by resignation; a high profile nun at that. Two nuns quitting in one week. Try explaining that to the high mucky-mucks!; you know, the ones you don’t have the backbone to ever question!”
    “I beg your pardon Sister ShaRee!!! The old nun raised her voice in objection. I…”

    ShaRee had the sense to catch herself and back off. She didn’t want to exacerbate any of the good Mother’s health issues.

    “Oh…the hell with this!!! And the hell with you too!”

    The beautiful young nun stormed off to her room, leaving the elderly matriarch speechless. Off in the distance, the shower water could be heard running. Fifteen minutes later, ShaRee Marie emerged from the bedroom, dressed in an outfit that screamed “fuck me! fuck me! fuck me!!!” into the cool New England night. She nodded, without saying a word, to Mother Mary Marie, who had ensconced herself in a recliner in front to the TV set. The old woman looked at her and sighed.

    “What will you do?” she asked, timidly.
    “Whatever is necessary.” ShaRee said blankly.
    “I didn’t mean for you to have to do this, Sister ShaRee.”
    “Don’t concern yourself, mother. I’m going to enjoy putting this atheist bitch in her place.”
    “She’s a formidable, highly intelligent woman…with a fine body, I might add.” The old nun observed, surprisingly.
    “So, Dear Mother of the Order Of Mary’s Indulgences.. am I.”
    “Will you be out late, ShaRee?
    “I’m likely going to be back late.”
    “Godspeed, ShaRee.”

    ShaRee stopped at the door, feeling a twinge of pity. She turned to give instructions to Mother Mary Marie.

    “Don’t forget to put your oxygen on when you go to bed! Set it at two.”
    “I will. Thank you ShaRee.

    The old nun heard the door slam as she turned back to the TV set. It was almost time for ‘Final Jeopardy.’”


    Eight twenty PM. Two close groupings of assertive, almost angry sounding knocks came on Professor Taylor’s apartment door. She counted eight, a slight pause, then eight more. The tempo and pitch of all sixteen knocks were remarkably consistent. Jackie sauntered to the door and opened it.

    “Good evening, ShaRee. I’ve been expecting you.”
    “Hummph!!!” ShaRee grunted, then pushed her way past Jackie.

    Jackie closed the door, locked it, then turned off the outside light. Whimsically, she wished that she had a sign to hang on the outside door that read “SEXFIGHT IN PROGRESS. DO NOT DISTURB!” She smiled to herself, then caught up with ShaRee in her living room. The dark haired woman from the lone star state stood in the middle of the room, looking around, checking things out.

    “You have an eye for decor, professor. This place is lovely.”
    “Grace thought so, too.” Jackie taunted the formidable woman.
    “You unholy tramp!”
    “Speaking of tramps, may I say that it’s really nice to see SO MUCH MORE of you, you sanctimonious slut!” Jackie sneered.
    “Fuck you, you godless whore!!!”
    “So, is this the kind of outfit you god-fearing strumpets wear to conduct an ‘official interrogation?’” Jackie taunted.

    The sister from San Antonio was decked out in an outfit that could have stopped traffic on a deserted road. Standing in the middle of the room, ShaRee had tossed a short leather jacket onto the couch. She faced Jackie wearing a skin tight skirt that was well above mid thigh, showing off a set of amazing, perfectly shaped legs. She also had on a u-neck tank top that barely had enough material to make a respectable handkerchief. Cleavage was overflowing, and it was impressive. A bare, muscled midriff was partly exposed. ShaRee flashed Jackie a hateful look.

    “Hummph!” she grunted once again. “Let’s get down to it, shall we professor?”
    “I’m down with that!” Jackie replied.

    With a mix of scorn and awe, Jackie watched as ShaRee peeled off her clothes and revealed a body that was damn near physical perfection. She faced Jackie and smiled sarcastically, like a woman who was supremely confident; like a woman who knew just exactly how sexually hot her body was. Her hands were on her hips, her head was slightly cocked as she stood in naked, womanly challenge. All Jackie could do was lick her lips and try to control her escalating arousal. She knew deep down inside that she was going to be in for it tonight. This was one hell of a woman with one seriously hot body!

    But Professor Jacqueline Cara Taylor came with her own awesome array of sexual battle gear; an extraordinary arsenal of anatomical ammunition. She was fully loaded and ready to rumble. After a few deep, cleansing breaths, she composed herself and slowly reached for the sash of her robe. She watched ShaRee’s eyes.

    “Do you like this robe, ShaRee?”
    “Yes, it’s a nice robe, Jackie. Now take it the fuck OFF!” ShaRee demanded.

    Jackie slowly pealed the robe off of her shoulders, then tossed it to ShaRee. She looked it over.

    “Wow! It’s so soft! I really like it.”
    “It was a complimentary gift from the Cambridge Inn, where Grace and I stayed for the Beatitudes Conference. It’s really nice, isn’t it?”

    ShaRee’s face turned beet red. She was absolutely livid! She then flung the robe hard at Jackie who caught it out of the air, then quickly braced herself for impact.


    At the last split second, Jackie twisted her body to lessen the impact and give herself time to adjust and time for something else. ShaRee bounced off of her and stumbled past, struggling to regain balance.

    “You bitch!”
    “Oh calm down slut. I’m respecting Grace’s memory.”
    Jackie then tenderly folded the cherished robe and gently set it down on the coffee table.

    “You didn’t respect Grace. You ruined her!” ShaRee stated with certainty.
    “Well, that all depends on your perspective.”

    The two naked adversaries slowly moved to each other. It seemed neither of them were interested in a hard charge. The tenor of the room felt different somehow.

    They were the same height. Their breasts were exactly the same size and perfectly matched in their proportions of fullness and roundness. Jackie reached out and filled her hands with ShaRee’s beautiful tits and gently caressed them.

    “Very nice, ShaRee. My tits can’t wait to meet these two tits.”
    “Your tits don’t stand a chance against these two beauties.’

    Jackie then closed her eyes and moaned softly as ShaRee helped herself to her tits, filling her hands and kneading them like bread dough, then teasing her nipples to an almost painful hardness.

    “Admit it, ShaRee. Those are some sweet tits you’ve got in your hands right now.”
    “Very nice indeed, Jackie. But no match for my girls.” ShaRee replied confidently.

    Removing their hands, they slowly moved in close to each other, each savoring the prurient thrill of knowing that their voluptuous bodies would soon devour each other. Perhaps it was because of the nearly immediate understanding of what would happen; that spark of recognition between them that they would meet privately to match body against body that Jackie had never felt such a fierce need before. Indeed, for close to four hours, both Jackie and ShaRee endured the most lascivious cravings in their bodies. Each woman wanting this. Each woman knowing that there was no way this wasn’t going to happen. Their forward motion stopped when four aroused nipples met in a searing initial encounter. The sweet scent of each other’s womanly arousal tickled their nostrils. Moist pudenda quivered. Suddenly, Jackie pulled away.

    “What?” ShaRee was puzzled.
    “I’ll be right back.”

    As she watched the professor walk away, ShaRee was offered her first really good look at Jackie’s bountiful backside. The mere sight of it caused her to take in a quick, sharp breath. Sweet Jesus! Such abundance! Such shapeliness! Such sweet perfection!

    A few minutes later, the professor returned from the kitchen with two glasses of red wine. ShaRee observed the playful bounce of Jackie’s fulsome breasts. Despite what she had just said, she knew that her own breasts were in for an awesome tussle. All she could manage was a sigh. She accepted a glass.

    “What are you up to, Professor Taylor?”
    “Well, believe it or not, I had a sudden urge for a glass of Napa Vally Cabernet Sauvignon. Relax and enjoy it, Sister ShaRee. I’m not up to anything.”

    Jackie held up her glass, offering a toast. ShaRee allowed her guard to drop as she clinked her glass to Jackie’s glass. Then they both took a sip.

    “Oh my! This is wonderful Cabernet!” ShaRee observed.
    “Glad you like it.” They clinked and sipped again.

    ShaRee then marveled at the irony of two women, one a religious, the other a godless heathen, both standing naked and facing each other while sipping a glorious Napa Valley Cabernet in anticipation of what would no doubt be an earth-shattering sexual encounter.

    “And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the spirit..” Ephesians 5:18. ShaRee stated, smugly.
    “Yee, thou who imbibe-eth the finest wine will so engage-eth in ungodly hot fucking.. eth.” JackieTaylor 11:9.”
    “You fucking slut!” ShaRee said, extending her glass for yet another toast. Jackie smiled and accepted. Again, the two women sipped the delicious wine.

    “I thought it might be nice to chill for a few minutes, ShaRee.” Jackie said, sipping more wine.
    “I’ll bet that sexy mouth of yours tastes pretty good right about now.” ShaRee stated.
    “Would you care to find out for yourself?” Jackie offered.

    She then tilted her wine glass and dipped her luscious tongue into the wine, licked her lips and opened her mouth in the sexiest invitation ShaRee had ever received. The woman from San Antonio set her wine glass down on the coffee table then gathered the professor into her arms.

    “Yes, I would.”

    With their wanton bodies pressed together for the first time, ShaRee sealed Jackie’s mouth with hers. Jackie had evenly coated every corner of her mouth with succulent juice of the grape. On her lips, ShaRee noted rich, concentrated wine with soft tannins. Inside Jackie’s mouth she noted a multi-dimensional mouthfeel that had a long, rich finish displaying well-integrated acidity, tannin, alcohol and wood. She then snaked her tongue with Jackie’s to maximize the fleshy contact and utilize all of her taste buds. Here she noted ultra-concentrated, silky blackberry flavors and a touch of black pepper, cocoa and curry spices leading to the lush, lingering and focused finish.

    “Mmmmmmmmmmmm!” ShaRee observed, after breaking off the kiss. “That’s one tasty mouth, professor!”
    “Thank you!” Jackie tittered, as she rolled her tits into ShaRee’s soft tits.
    “But, I don’t understand why you went to the trouble.”
    “Well, you didn’t think you were just going to sashay in here, have your way with me then sashay out, did you?”
    “Well…yes.. of course I did.”
    “Oh no. You’re mistaken ShaRee. I’m not just a piece of meat, you know. I have a mind, too.”
    “Hmmm. And here i thought you were just a piece of tasty, mouth-watering meat. Apparently, I was wrong.” ShaRee quipped. This made Jackie laugh. She had always enjoyed sarcasm.

    "The wine is delicious, and I appreciate it. But I came here to exact the truth from you.” ShaRee said with certainty.
    “Humph!” Jackie scoffed. “You couldn’t get anything out of me in Dominique’s office. Admit it, bitch. I took you to the cleaner’s. I outsmarted you, BADLY!” Jackie gloated.
    “I’ll admit to that. Word for word, mind to mind, you got the better of me.” ShaRee agreed.
    “Damn right I did!” Jackie proclaimed, wanting to turn the screws of humiliation as much as possible.
    “However Jackie, we’re now naked and alone. And I’ve brought my best weapons to this woman to woman interrogation. I’m taking you down, you godless harlot!”

    ShaRee then tightened her grip around Jackie’s waist, compressing her belly and her enormous tits into Jackie’s fulsome tits.

    “Oh, damn!” Jackie blurted out. “Your body feels fantastic, ShaRee!”
    “Fantastic is a good word.” ShaRee teased.
    “But, guess what, slut?” Jackie then squeezed back. “You ain’t all that! My tits can handle those deflatable bags.”
    “Yeah? Well fuck you, slut. It’s about more than just tits.”

    Sister ShaRee then lowered her hands in order to get her first feel of Satan’s promised land. She spread her fingers and filled her hands up to capacity with Jackie’s gigantic hemispheres of gluteus. Then, it was Jackie’s turn to draw in a sharp breath, an uncontrolled gasp of hedonistic delight. With one very smooth, highly skilled thrust, ShaRee planted her plush pussy into Jackie’s quivering quim. A good amount of pre-cum on both cunts sweetened their first naked kiss.

    “Oh! Ohhhh!” Jackie cried out. ShaRee felt her body tremble in her arms.
    “Like I said, Professor Taylor, it’s not just about breasts.” the nun from Texas sneered.

    “So I see!” Jackie said as she began to respond to the slow, deliberate cunt strokes.
    “It’s gonna come down to your womanhood against mine. And my holy pussy is going to fuck the arrogance out of your profane pussy. My cunt will destroy your cunt, you godless whore!”
    “Well, ShaRee, may I say unequivocally, that your sanctimony is only exceeded in it’s repugnance by your hypocrisy.”
    “Fuck you, Jackie!”
    “Why, Sister ShaRee!!! Such unbecoming language for a ‘religious!’” Jackie mocked.
    “Let’s finish our wine and get down to the reason that I’m here.”
    “As you wish. So shall it be, ShaRee.”

    They separated completely. The two naked combatants clinked their glasses one more time and emptied them.

    “Lead the way, Jackie.”

    The two women then casually made their way to Professor Taylor’s bedroom, hand in hand. With each leisurely step came escalating arousal. By the time they stood wrapped in each other’s arms alongside the bed, they were breathing hard, chest to chest. Their cunts sought each other out and made a juicy connection once again. Squish!

    “Ungghhh!!!” ShaRee cried out.
    “Ughhh!!!” Jackie responded.

    Succulent labia stroked in a coating of female juices. Both women felt as though they might explode as they stood up and humped each other hungrily, anticipating the sins of the flesh that awaited them in Professor Taylors bed.

    “And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. Peter 2:2” ShaRee cried out.
    “Thine sanctimony be hypocritical, slut. Let’s blaspheme!!! Jackie: 13:7.”
    “Let us pray, Jackie!”
    “Let us FUCK, ShaRee!”
    “Praise be! Let us fuck! Let us gloriously fuck, in HIS name!”
    “Whatever, bitch!”

    The two opposing forces then grappled themselves into bed. They came down hard, immediately locking in a full bodied roll-around. Loud shrieks became muffled as they mashed their hungry mouths in a full open kiss. From the initial collision of bodies, the relatively inexperienced Professor knew she was up against a woman who possessed the skill of a woman of far more experience than her years. The way that ShaRee used her body; the way that she molded her body to Jackie’s body seemed to bring every sexually charged nerve ending in Jackie’s flesh to a popping, electrically-charged attention. Jackie knew she was up against a woman who had, no doubt, been in many, many sexual battles with other women. As she managed to pin Jackie down, with her arms outstretched above her head and every part of her luscious body undulating in an exquisite sensual rhythm, Jackie’s succulent flesh seemed to respond in soft, eager submission. The sexy redhead opened her legs in prurient invitation. ShaRee then guided her cunt like a virtuoso into the thick folds of Jackie’s hungry cunt. The two adversarial women trembled in self-indulgence. Thick labia folded and slotted as ShaRee Marie fucked Professor Taylor the way she had been longing to fuck Professor Taylor since four o’clock that afternoon. The gorgeous professor responded with the release of desire that had been simmering in her loins, also since four o’clock that afternoon. It was finally on!

    “Ooooh fuck!!!” Jackie groaned.
    “You’re mine now, bitch!” ShaRee said, with a satisfied smirk on her face.
    “I’m yours. Do what you gotta do, you skank bitch.”

    Jackie sneered. But she couldn’t mask the pleasure that her body was feeling. The realization that she was up against a woman who really knew how to fuck another woman made her feel like a candle that had been left out in the hot sun. She was melting. Her body was a malleable slave to the skilled, lush body that was locked to hers. Her breasts were in a state of total surrender to ShaRee’s magnificent tits. Her belly rubbed and slapped with ShaRee’s firm belly in a thin sheen of their mutual sweat. Their navels sucked and popped in release, then sucked again. All the while, ShaRee’s opulent cunt stroked and sucked and fucked her cunt. The embers of two long-smoldering cunts, cunts that had been starving for thick, wet fusion and ultimate release, had now burst into a four alarm blaze.

    Jackie freed her arms from ShaRee’s grip and wrapped them tightly around the Texas twister who was pounding such excruciating pleasure deep into her cunt.

    “Give me that fucking clit!!! Give it to me ShaRee!!! Now! Now!! Now!!!”

    For the first time since they met, Sister ShaRee Marie felt that she was finally in a position of dominance over this godless bitch of a woman; a woman who had peaked her most prurient desires the second she laid eyes on her. But this was also the woman who had shamed her earlier. And though she understood that Jackie was not entirely responsible for the cluster fuck that took place in the chancellor’s office earlier, a sweet taste for revenge was in her mouth and in her cunt. And it was just too good not to exploit. So, she set about to exploit her advantage before this astute woman beneath her found a way to turn the tables on her. ShaRee knew they were both close to an orgasm. But while she could maintain, she knew that Jackie was about to explode. ShaRee then startled Jackie by separating completely from her.

    “What the FUCK?!” Jackie cried out in frustration. “What are you doing, ShaRee?!!”
    “Oh my! A little frustrated are we, Professor Taylor?” ShaRee taunted Jackie.
    “YES!! You can’t just stop in mid fuck like that. It’s frustrating!”
    “Well well. It seems that I have the once formidable Professor Jacqueline Taylor at a slight disadvantage.”
    “You fucking devious slut!” Jackie spat out in dire need.

    ShaRee scooted around and got into position at the head of the bed. She then stretched out her long, perfect legs and spread them in an open provocation. Jackie’s keen senses told her that this wasn’t just an invitation to a “Cunt fight In The O.K. Corral.” Moving into position at the foot of the bed, she opened her legs to ShaRee.

    “What’s your game, ShaRee?”
    “It’s simple, Jackie. If you want this clit, you’re going to have to come and get it. Are you woman enough? Can you handle all this pussy?” ShaRee taunted.
    “You can’t intimidate me, bitch. My pussy can handle that cowgirl cunt of yours.”
    “You think so? You arrogant slut!”
    “I know so.” Jackie showed belligerence, knowing that she was walking into a trap. Or was she?

    The two women scooted forward, scissoring their legs. ShaRee closed her eyes for a few seconds, trying but failing to suppress the sensations she felt deep in her thighs as they became enmeshed with Jackie’s silken skinned thighs. This was the moment that she had been anticipating since their first eye to eye glare earlier that day in the chancellor’s office. Whilst ShaRee was thrilling, Jackie took this opportunity to glance at the clock on her nightstand. Nine fifteen PM. She would be cutting it close. Snapping back into the moment, ShaRee held up her hand.

    “Oh for fuck’s sake, ShaRee! Can we stop this bullshit and let our cunts settle this?” Jackie said, exasperated.

    ShaRee then offered the challenge she knew that Jackie wouldn’t be able to refuse.

    “Our cunts are going to settle this. But why don’t we make this interesting, Jackie?”
    “What do you mean, ‘interesting?’”
    “A wager, of course.”
    “I’m listening.”
    “You better listen really well, professor. I’m not talking about a small wager.” ShaRee stated, confident that she was now in control.
    “Oh get on with it, bitch.”
    “Alright. Here it is. If you think that pussy of yours can take my pussy in a straight up sex duel, then you should be willing to accept my terms.”
    “What are your FUCKING terms?”
    “If you win, I will leave town with Mother Mary… no harm, no foul. All records expunged. None of this ever happened.”
    “And if you win?” Jackie was cautiously interested.
    “Well, if I win, then YOU will leave town.”
    “That’s it? I just leave town?”
    “Not quite. First of all tomorrow, in front of witnesses in Chancellor Dominique’s office, you will admit that you are responsible for what happened to Grace; that it was solely your fault that she made the ill-advised decision to leave the Holy Order Of Mary’s Indulgences and run off to live a life of sin and debauchery. And THEN, you will resign from your post as professor of English here at Westlake Christian College for Women. My investigation will then be concluded, and I will return to my luxurious San Antonio high rise apartment, satisfied that I have accomplished what I came here to do and secure in the knowledge that I sent you, a Godless lesbian trollop on your way to eternal damnation in the fires of HELL!”

    But Professor Jaqueline Cara Taylor was no longer the shrinking violet she was a couple of weeks ago. A multi-faceted woman, she was not only beautiful, she was a genius! And she was undergoing the most wonderful metamorphosis of her life. This evolution from a shy woman with no self confidence to a strong, confident, self-aware and bursting with female power and desire woman was exquisite! She would, in her new manifestation, accept any and all challenges; especially those of another woman; particularly those that matched naked flesh against naked flesh! She was woman…one could almost hear her roar!

    “OK, slut. I accept your challenge. But I have one addendum, if you’re confident enough to accept. Well, let me put it this way. If you refuse my terms, there’s no deal.. no wager.”
    “Oh FUCK YOU! Name it, heathen!” ShaRee scoffed.
    “If I win, you and Mother Mary leave town. No harm no foul, like you said. BUT when you get back to San Antonio, YOU tender YOUR resignation. You will quit the so called holy order of Mary’s Indulgences, you unholy cow.”

    This took ShaRee by surprise.

    “But.. but.. you’re the one who ruined Grace Marie’s life. Your addendum makes no sense!” ShaRee objected.
    “Oh no, sister. You’ve proposed a wager that’s completely one-sided. And that’s bullshit! I’m taking all the risks. If you win, I’m publicly shamed.. I loose my job and my life is in shambles. But if I win, then you just leave and go back to your comfortable life with no negative repercussions? Absolutely no fucking way!!! If you want me to agree to such a risky proposition, then you must be willing to take a risk of equal proportion and potential devastation should you loose.”

    ShaRee glared at Jackie. “You unscrupulous bitch!”
    “There’s nothing unscrupulous about that ShaRee. If you want me to put up my life and my career, and you aren’t willing to take an equal risk, then you’re the only Machiavellian slut in this room. The offer stands. Take it or leave it. But know this. If you leave it, then you can just pull up your panties and get the fuck out of my bed and out of my home. And if you do that, you’ll never know what you so desperately need to know.”

    Jackie was clearly regaining the intellectual advantage. And ShaRee knew that she was no match for this bitch of a professor intellectually. This pissed her off. Her back was now against the proverbial wall. Her only recourse was her pussy. Jackie knew this, and it annoyed her even more. What if, by some miracle, the red haired whore managed to defeat her cunt to cunt? The professor then offered a taunt.

    “What’s the matter, skank? Not quite so sure of that pathetic cunt of yours anymore?”
    “FUCK YOU! I’m more woman than you are now and FUCK YOU, I’m more woman than you’ll ever be!”
    “Then prove it, you overblown hypocrite!” Jackie dared her.
    “Fine. I’ll prove it. I accept your addendum. You’re gonna seriously regret this, Jackie. I’m gonna destroy you! Woman to woman.. cunt to cunt! Let’s get it on!!!”

    Jackie nodded. They extended their hands to shake on the deal. The die was cast.. the battle was on!



    Jackie and ShaRee locked eyes. Smiles of lust combined with scorn adorned both lovely faces. The heat in both women’s loins was building. Jackie was already halfway to an explosive orgasm from the skilled fucking she had received from the nun from the lone star state. But ShaRee had stopped in order to scissor up with her and bring her Texas sized pussy to the good professor in a wet, full on challenge. Jackie took a few seconds to assess the formidable looking twat with which her own pussy would soon be engaged. It gave her pause for concern. Smooth and clean shaven like Jackie’s pussy, with full and rounded lips that seemed to beg for the stroke of a woman’s tongue or the lush kiss of another woman’s cunt. And since Jackie already knew how well ShaRee handled herself body to body, she wondered if she might be getting in over her head. But, she was not about to back down. She was too deep into it now. Besides, she wasn’t going to let this bitch, as incredibly hot as she was, get the better of her.

    The moment was at hand. The fate of one seriously hot professor of English at a mid-sized Northeastern College hung in the balance. But Jackie wasn’t just fighting for her own self preservation. The good professor was launching her thick pudenda into a battle for good. As she saw things, she was defending truth, justice and the American way.

    “God bless America! She declared as she thrust forward, finally locking cunt to cunt with Sister ShaRee Marie.

    The two heated bitches groaned loudly as their thick folds of labia slotted and meshed deeply; each woman trembling at the thrill of her anatomy sinking deeply into another woman; each lusty competitor shivering, absorbing the nearly overwhelming sensations as twat sucked twat. Strong, engorged clitorises sprung to full erection almost immediately. Jackie wasted no time sending her clit on it’s noble quest to engage it’s adversary. ShaRee was more than eager to engage. Her strong and experienced clit met and mated fully with Jackie’s impressive warrior.

    “Agghhh!!! To the fires of hell with your godless pussy and your heathen clitoris!!!” ShaRee cried out, now feeling a sense of superiority. She plunged her erect girl cock deep into Jackie.

    The staunch professor dug in. She knew that she was now locked in pussy to pussy sexual combat with a formidable opponent. It was thrilling and a bit unnerving. Jackie reached out with her right arm. ShaRee knew immediately what to do. She wrapped her hand around Jackie’s forearm, just above the wrist and felt a sudden sensation of intimate bonding as Jackie’s hand grasped her forearm. Their eyes locked immediately.

    “Well now, it seems the professor has a bit of familiarity with woman to woman customs.” ShaRee observed with a tinge of sarcasm.
    “I’ve gotten busy a time or two.” Jackie boasted.
    “Mark my words professor, I don’t care how much you know, you’re still going down in a blaze of infamy….you atheist whore.”
    “You’re the one who’s gonna go down in disgrace Sister. You sham of a nun! You’re nothing more than a plaster saint.”
    “Tell me professor. Among your ‘vast’ experience, would that include one Grace Marie LeBlanc?” ShaRee asked.
    “Oh, I get it. You couldn’t defeat me with your words and your wits. So now you’re plan is to fuck me all the way to the confessional?
    “Exactly! And you will confess!”
    “Pretty confident in that skank, smelly pussy of yours, aren’t you?”
    “This pussy is going to destroy that sorry pussy of yours, Jackie. And it DOES NOT smell!”
    “It’s a shame that you’ll be leaving here tomorrow without an answer to that burning question, you lame excuse for a religious. And your pussy DOES smell.” Jackie scoffed and lied.
    “Fuck you, bitch. I’m very hygienic down there. But let’s talk about your pussy for a moment.”
    “What about my oh so hot pussy?” Jackie wanted to know.
    “Oh, just that it’s already getting weak. I can feel it.” ShaRee mocked.

    But the two women were now dealing with having to spew their insults through the increased heaving of their chests.
    “When I’m through with you…” pant… “you’ll be ready to step into Sister ShaRee Marie’s special confessional booth.”
    “What confessional booth…” Pant.. gasp… “is that?”
    “Me, sitting on your…”…huff…puff… “face as you confess your disgusting sins directly to my…” gasp…wheeze… “victorious, holy cunt. Alleluia!” a not so confident ShaRee declared.
    “Oh shut up and fuck, slut!” Jackie scoffed.
    “Careful what you ask for, professor.”

    And then things seriously heated up.

    Jackie matched her pelvic rhythm to ShaRee in a lock stroke. The two women plowed into each other and locked in a clockwise rotation, marrying their lush labia in a pre-cum soaked kiss. ShaRee’s formidable pussy began to coax every molecule of excitement from Jackie’s sex-hungry twat. No doubt this bitch knew how to satisfy a woman. But the professor held her own. She called upon the pussy to pussy skill’s she had learned from Brandi and slowly applied them to ShaRee’s lusty cunt. ShaRee noticed immediately.

    “Oh my!. It seems the philistine professor has some pussy skills. This could get interesting.” she observed.

    Then she “grinned wickedly” as she applied all the knowledge that her sweet meat had gained in her many scissor-locked battles with other women; women who mistakenly thought they could out fuck her. The two conjoined women were building a house of cards together in this vengeful, enthusiastic and soon to get out of control fuck.

    Jackie began to buck and stroke, keeping her horny pussy in full contact with the succulent cunt from San Antonio.

    “You’re a cunt, ShaRee. But you’re one damn fine cunt. Oh, baby…” Jackie moaned as she matched ShaRee, stroke for stroke.

    Sister ShaRee Marie from Texas now began to feel a sense of vindication swelling in her chest and her mind. ShaRee was building to her next move, hoping to end this quickly.. well.. kind of quickly.. well maybe, not that quickly…

    “Oh.. OH!!! JESUS!!!” ShaRee cried out uncontrollably.
    “What’s the matter, your sluttishness? Am I starting to get to you?” Jackie goaded.
    “Hell no! I’m not even breaking a sweat!” ShaRee responded to this fucking bitch who was, once again, proving to be better than she anticipated.
    “HA! I knew it! Denial is the first sign! This fine New England clam is getting to that tight Texas twat. Admit it, bitch!”
    “The only thing I’ll admit is that you’ve got some hot pussy, too. But YOU are going down.”
    “Not likely.”
    “You know what? I’m tired of playing with you. I’m about to suck the juice out of that squishy, tasty clam of yours. Get ready to explode, bitch!”
    “Bring it, ShaRee!!!” Jackie dared the bitch to back up her words.

    ShaRee then brought it. She shifted her pelvis in a move that opened up Jackie’s pussy. This slight adjustment created suction that seemed to pull the two cunts even tighter together. Jackie’s entire body shivered as she anticipated ShaRee’s next move. The brunette then sunk her turgid clitoris, skillfully guiding it past Jackie’s thick lips, reuniting it with Jackie’s clit. The professor’s willing sex-horn responded instantly. Jackie squared her clitoris with ShaRee’s and the two women began to slowly rub the hard shafts against each other. Both of their bodies stiffened as their clits slid together deep inside their melded pudenda. The sexy Texan then applied all of her skill and knowledge into this one intense, and very important cunt to cunt encounter. Important because this bitch, she was certain, ruined her friend’s life.. important because this bitch was one of the hottest women she’d ever met. ShaRee simply would not allow herself to be sexually defeated by this evil, yet incredible woman. She had been mercilessly thrashed by this faithless harlot in their battle of minds earlier, a battle she expected to win easily. And now, here she was, locked in a duel of naked pussies with her, attempting to save face and vindicate the memory of Grace Marie LeBlanc. She would not loose to this woman! She would exact her revenge!

    Sister ShaRee Marie from San Antonio, TX now poured it on. She took a tight hold of the professor’s right leg and leveraged her torrid cunt ever deeper into Jackie’s now vulnerable, gaping twat. Deep inside, her labia minora met and mated with Jackie’s inner folds.

    “Uuugggghhh!!!” Jackie screamed at this most intimate incursion. She then grabbed ShaRee’s right leg and pulled hard, hoping to regain some positional advantage in this thick, slotting, sucking and inosculate duel of cunts.

    Now sliding up and down and side to side in short, deliberate swipes while keeping as much wet sucking contact as possible between the two dueling pussies, Jackie and ShaRee shifted into high gear. The two angry women increased the pace. They were now humping at an accelerated pace. Both of them were sweating and panting as they pounded into each other, fucking their cunts furiously.

    “AHHHGGGGHHH!!!” Jackie’s grunts escaped her heaving chest.
    “Unnnhggghhhh!!!” ShaRee’s low groans followed.

    Then, ShaRee somehow found another gear that she didn’t know she had. She began to pour it on and bring both the pain and the intense pleasure.

    “Fuck you Jackie!!! I’m winning!!! My cunt is winning!!!” She loudly declared.
    “NO NO NO!!! You’re not winning!!! YOU…pant…ARE NOT…pant, pant…WINNING!!!” the professor cried out in denial. Yet now, she wasn’t so certain.

    Now flat on her back, writhing almost out of control, Jackie found herself at the event horizon of the orgasm that would suck her into a black hole. She cried out in the anguish of extreme pleasure and imminent defeat. She was a microsecond away from becoming a collapsed star when…


    “Ahem!! Excuse me Professor Taylor.. but what are you doing?” the soft voice came down from the ceiling tiles directly above Jackie.
    “Aw, Jesus Christ! What do you want now?” Jackie asked, somewhat annoyed.
    “Not Jesus. He’s on vacation. That Beatitudes Conference wore him out. It’s me…God the dad.”
    “I know that! Why are you here, bothering me AGAIN?!”
    “Aw.. c’mon Jackie. I’m here because I like you.” God said to the totally hot, naked professor.
    “Yeah, I’m deeply flattered…get to the point.” She responded in sarcastic thought.
    “Like I said, what in MY green earth do you think you’re doing?” the image on the ceiling tiles asked again.
    “Well, Goddammit!! I’m OBVIOUSLY having a sex fight with this bitch. I’m busy. Go away!!!”
    “Well OBVIOUSLY I know that. My point is that YOU ARE NOT WINNING!”
    “Excuse me, your almighty holiness dude. But I know that. Do you have any more all-knowing insights to share with me?”
    “YES! Here’s one very profound insight. You SHOULD be winning!”
    “I beg your pardon?”
    “Don’t play me Professor Taylor. You can take this bitch; mentally AND physically.”
    “I know that, too.”
    “So the question then becomes, WHY are you loosing?”
    “Look…” Jackie replied. “..we’ve known each other for a while, right?”
    “Yes…quite a while…a full seven days now. And I must say, Professor Taylor, the more I see you naked, the more fond of you I become.” God teased.
    “Yeah, well, to me it feels like an eternity. And hey!”
    “Am I ever gonna get to fuck a bitch WITHOUT you poking your nose in to get your jollies, oh almighty one?”
    “OK OK. This will be the last time. I promise.”
    “Now, tell me what’s going on here. Why are you loosing to this hypocritical bitch?”
    “Look, God, I’ve got this covered. Will you please get the fuck out of here before I loose my concentration? JEEZUZ!!!”
    “Well…alright I guess. But I just don’t understand WHY you are loosing to this evil woman when you can easily beat her.”
    “You’re the omniscient one. Figure it out!!! And leave me alone. I gots bid’nez to take care of.”
    “OH!!! I understand now! Oh, Jackie! You gorgeous crusader for justice and truth!”
    “Now would you please leave me and her holiness alone, so we can fuck this out?”
    “I’ll make myself invisible, but I’m staying for the big finale.” the maker of the universe said.
    “Whatever!” Jackie said.
    “Do you wanna know why I like you so much, Jackie?”
    “OK, almighty all-knowing all seeing not all-powerful ONE.. why do you like me?” Jackie asked, frustrated.
    “Because you’re not afraid of me…because you talk back to me…because you got SASSSS!!!”

    And then as HE disappeared into the ceiling tiles, God left one final observation. “And because you’ve got a great ASS!!!”

    Back in the real world, Sister ShaRee Marie was firing on all cylinders. And Jackie was loosing control.

    OH!!! FUCK YOU SHAREE!!! You goddamn whore!!! Oh fuckkkkk!!!” Jackie’s body was writhing and flailing.

    ShaRee was in a zone. She was fucking with all she had, and her expertise was paying off. This red-headed tramp who took her down intellectually was now about to go down in flames!

    “My pussy is superior! You’re finished, Professor!”
    “Mother fucker!!! Goddamn you ShaRee! You fucking lesbian whore!!! Fuck you ShaRee!!!”

    The surge of orgasm in Jackie’s loins was burgeoning like a snowball rolling downhill. It kept building and growing.

    “Is this what you did to Grace Marie, you fucking atheist cunt? Answer ME!!!” ShaRee screamed at Jackie while pounding her cunt into submission.
    “No! No!” Jackie cried out, slipping ever closer.
    “I’m gonna fuck you like you fucked my friend. I’m gonna ruin your life, just like you ruined hers!”
    “GODDAMN YOU!!!” Jackie was now wailing and near tears.
    “Confess!!! You heathen!” ShaRee demanded.
    “No! No! No!”
    “Tell me!!!” ShaRee insisted, forcing her engorged girl cock ever deeper into Jackie.
    “STOP!!! OH GOD…OH GOD!!! STOP!!!” Jackie begged.
    “You don’t believe in HIM. So, He can’t help you, Jackie.”
    OK!!! I can’t take any…Oh OH!!! EEEAAGGGHHHH!!!!.. AGGHHHHHHH!!!!”

    Jackie’s body now convulsed.. she pounded her fists hard into the mattress. But before she could say the words ShaRee wanted to hear, Jackie exploded in a devastating orgasm. Waves of cum sprayed out from between the two locked cunts, drenching the sheets and the lower parts of both women. She screamed and bucked and cried and then her body convulsed so violently that ShaRee actually became concerned.

    “Stop…please stop…” Jackie pleaded, weakly. And then she went limp.

    ShaRee noted that she had opened her eyes halfway and her breathing seemed about right for a woman who just had an explosive climax. She relaxed her pace, still grinding the professor’s vanquished cunt with her victorious cunt. She took an ego boosting victory lap, fucking the vanquished redhead for another minute. Then…

    “It’s time for you to come to Sister ShaRee Marie’s cunt-fessional booth.”

    The nun from San Antonio separated herself from Jackie. As she did, and the two pussies finally separated, you could hear a delicious “pop” as air once again entered the vacuum that had been formed by the two fused cunts. ShaRee scrambled around the bed and positioned herself, in a straddle position over Jackie’s lovely face. She looked down to see that Jackie was recovering.

    “What do you want, bitch?” Jackie asked, weak and spent and now humbled.
    “You know what comes next. Eat my pussy until I cum. And between licks, you tell me what you did to Grace…in other words, confess to me here in private. That’s what I want. And then tomorrow, you do it again, in front of Mother Mary and that bitch chancellor…EAT!! EAT BITCH!!!” ShaRee demanded.
    “I’ll do my best. But I’m not very experienced at licking pussy.” Jackie admitted.
    “You aren’t very good at fucking pussy either, whore.” ShaRee lied.

    Jackie was a very good fuck. Whoever taught her, taught her well. The fuck fight could have gone either way. But ShaRee could not resist the opportunity to mock the defeated professor and gloat in her victory. After all, the brazen slut had embarrassed her earlier. It was payback time. She lowered her still horny pussy onto Jackie’s face.

    “Ummph!” Jackie grunted into an oozing mound of cunt meat.
    “Eat, Jackie. Lick my pussy!” ShaRee demanded.

    Having made a bet and lost, Jackie did as she was told. She sunk her tongue into the folds of the Texas pussy and then went to town. She carefully worked ShaRee’s female lushness with all the skill that dear Brandi had taught her. Starting slow, she worked her tongue around, exploring every prominent and every hidden area of ShaRee’s luscious twat, teasing her to near ecstasy, yet purposely avoiding the clit…


    Jackie then laid the flat of her tongue on the simmering pussy lips, tasting the leftovers of her own salty cum mixed with ShaRee’s juices. She then licked and slurped at the pussy before her like someone licking a plate clean. ShaRee moaned in appreciation.

    “I must say professor, you’ve got a real knack for gourmet dining.”
    “Too bad the only thing on the menu is the McFish sandwich.”
    “Fuck you, loser! EAT!!!”

    Jackie continued her oral assault on the young nun’s pussy, building slowly to a crescendo. ShaRee began to gently roll her hips in response and with increasing arousal. With her continued effort, Jackie could feel the slightest of tremors in ShaRee. She knew that she was close. ShaRee dropped down as far as she could without smothering Jackie. Her moans and gasps increased, as did her animated breathing.

    “Confess your sins, Professor Taylor!” the triumphant nun demanded. “Admit what you did!”

    As ShaRee lost control, Jackie also found herself in a near orgasmic state. She didn’t understand how, but the mere act of submitting to this woman and voraciously licking and sucking her pussy was bringing her to an orgasm as well. She decided not to resist. But first, she had a debt to pay.

    “Confess your sins, Jackie!!!” ShaRee demanded. Jackie honored their bet. But she still had a dollop of sarcasm in her.

    “I confess! I did it! I fucked Grace Marie! I fucked her all night long and all day Sunday!!! And she loved it! You hear me? She couldn’t get enough! I turned the once pious and confused Grace Marie LeBlanc into a seething lesbian.. a godless, scarlet woman!”
    “You mother fucking whore!!!” ShaRee shot back in anger.

    And then Jackie sucked ShaRee’s rock hard clit out from folds of her woman flesh. ShaRee screamed and then stifled herself, not wanting to be heard by any neighbors. But when Jackie clamped down on her twitching girl cock with her teeth and gently bit and chewed, ShaRee exploded.


    Jackie then twisted and sucked and bit the clit from Texas, until the expected gush of cum sprayed her face.
    “FUUUUCCCCKKKK!!!!! OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK. YOU GODDAMN WHORE!!! C..C..C..CUMMMINNNGGG AGAIN!!! ShaRee screamed in agony and ecstasy, no longer caring if anyone heard her as a second volley of cum erupted from her cunt onto Jackie’s already drenched face. A split second later, Jackie exploded in her own climax. And then, the orgasmic nun collapsed, falling away from Jackie and onto the bed. The vanquished and humiliated professor grabbed a handful of sheets and dried her face. Yet a residual of ShaRee’s salty stickiness clung to her lips and her nostrils. It wasn’t entirely unpleasant.

    Jackie glanced at the clock. Ten fifteen PM. They had battled for a full hour.

    ShaRee was coming to. Both women sat up in bed and glared at each other. ShaRee then jumped out of bed gingerly and went to retrieve her clothes. Jackie fetched a gown from her closet and caught up with the slut nun in the living room. She had taken the robe from the Cambridge in.

    “I’ll be taking this with me, Jackie. You don’t deserve it.” She scoffed.
    “As you wish, Sister ShaRee.” Jackie replied, tacitly.
    “Guess I’ll be taking my leave now.” the nun stated, with an annoying smugness.
    “As you wish.” Jackie said, feigning sheepishness.
    “Don’t forget, professor. Tomorrow at one, in Dominique’s office.”
    “I know. I’ll be there.”

    But, to rub sand into Jackie’s wounded pride, the smug nun continued.

    “You’ll confess openly to your part in causing Grace Marie’s resignation. AND, you will then proffer your own. ARE WE CLEAR?”
    “Good girl. See you then.”
    “Before you go, Sister, I have a few questions. Got a minute?”
    “I suppose.” ShaRee huffed impatiently.
    “That’s the least you can do for me, ShaRee. Besides, why pass up another chance to gloat?”
    “Bitch, ask your damn questions!”
    “OK. This is just a hypothetical…but suppose I had won the sexfight?”
    “That’s very hypothetical, Jackie. You’re no match for me. You never had a chance.” ShaRee condescended.
    “I know, I know. And I bow to your sexual superiority, you miserable fucking cunt.. but just humor me.”
    “Whatever, bitch. What’s your point?”
    “My point is this.. if by some miracle I had beaten you, would you have honored your end of the bargain? Would you have resigned from the Sisters of Mary’s Over Indulgences?”

    ShaRee paused for a second, as if to ponder. But her answer needed no contemplation.

    “No.. absolutely not.”
    “Why not? We agreed to certain terms. Tendering your resignation would be the honorable thing to do.”
    “Because, Jackie, you’re the one who sinned with Grace Marie, thereby messing up her life. So, once again, NO. I wouldn’t honor that bet.. there would be no reason to do so.”
    “So then, what you’re saying is, being honorable wouldn’t serve you, and it certainly wouldn’t have brought Grace back.. correct?”
    “Pretty much…yes.. correct.”
    “So this was never about honor.. about, as you insisted, getting to the truth. This was about revenge?”
    “Yes! I thought you had figured that out. Guess you’re not so smart after all, professor.”
    “Oh, I’m smart. In fact, I knew that you’d respond like this.”
    “Well, everything is a moot point now. I’m satisfied. I got my revenge.”

    Jackie was getting a bit nervous. Penelope was late. It was almost ten-forty. Where the hell was that girl?

    “You know, ShaRee, Confucius said, ‘Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.’”
    “Oh, please! Spare me the bullshit Zen moment! I’m outta here, bitch.”


    “You have company, Jackie.”
    “Not JUST company, ShaRee.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “I mean, that’s the sound of the second grave.. you know.. the one you should have dug for yourself before you came here seeking revenge.”

    Jackie pushed past the nun and answered her door.

    “Come on in Penelope. I was worried that you weren’t going to come. Glad that you made it.”
    “I know, I know.. I’m late.” a nervous Penelope said. “But you turned your damn outside light off! Since I’ve never been here before, I had to knock on a few doors to find out which apartment was yours.”
    “Oh, I’m sorry baby girl. I didn’t think.. it was dumb.. oh, just come on in.”

    Still a bit intimidated by where she was and who she was with, Penelope anxiously advanced to the living room. She stopped in her tracks when she saw another woman.

    “I’m sorry. I didn’t know that you had company.” She gasped in surprise.
    “It’s not a problem. ShaRee will be leaving in a few minutes. Then we can set up the chess board and sip a glass.”
    “Actually, I’m leaving now. Nice to meet you.. whoever you are.” ShaRee addressed Penelope.
    “Oh, forgive me once again. Penelope Gonzalez, allow me to introduce you to the honorable Sister ShaRee Marie from San Antonio, Texas.”

    Both women nodded politely. Then ShaRee stated once again that it was nice to meet Penelope, and that she had to leave. But, just as one final insult…

    “Don’t forget about tomorrow, Professor Taylor.”
    “I’ll be there. Unlike you, sister, I intend to honor my part of our bargain.”
    “I’ll be soooooo looking forward to our little gathering. And good evening to both of you.”

    Penelope’s keen senses picked up the sarcasm in ShaRee’s voice and she noted the tension in the air. Something profound had just occurred here. She had an idea what it might have been. But good sense told her to not say anything. She knew one thing for sure. This Sister ShaRee was NOT a nice person.

    “Not so fast ShaRee. My good friend and computer genius has brought something that you definitely need to see. It’s a real eye-opener. You could say, it’s a revelation.”

    Jackie instructed Penelope to set up her laptop on the coffee table.

    “What are you talking about, bitch?” ShaRee scoffed.
    “I’m offering you the whole package, bitch!” Jackie scoffed right back.
    “Meaning what?”
    “Meaning, I confessed to having gotten busy with Grace…but…”
    “Get on with it, please! This is starting to bore me.”
    “Earlier today, in Dominique’s office, you demanded to know what Grace and I talked about.”
    “Yeah, so?”

    Jackie then made an offer she knew ShaRee couldn’t possibly decline.

    “Are you still interested in the answer to that question?”
    “Well, not that I need to, but I’ll play along.”
    “Excellent! Come join us on the couch. I think you’ll enjoy this.” Jackie said, confidently.

    As the two women approached, the better lighting in the living room gave Penelope a chance to study the nun’s beautiful face. Her fingers covered her gaping mouth in surprise and her keen mind put all the pieces together. If she had interpreted the situation correctly, a few hours earlier in her apartment, the genius professor had set in motion a brilliant, albeit devious plan. The internet search was simply the beginning. Now, in Jackie’s apartment, Penelope was about to be witness to the denouement. This was going to be epic! All Penelope could do was to smile inwardly and wait for the clever stratagem to unfold. And, oh my! Did it ever unfold!

    “Let’s get comfortable, shall we? How about another glass of wine?”
    “No thanks.” ShaRee grunted, disdainfully.

    A somewhat reluctant yet still rather smug ShaRee then plopped her ass down on the couch to Penelope’s left. Jackie sat to her right.

    “What’s this about, bitch?”
    “Well, ShaRee, earlier this evening, before you came here seeking revenge, my girl and I did a rather exhaustive internet search.”
    “And guess what WE found?” Penelope, now getting into it, chirped.

    She had time stamped the video so that she could go directly to the “good” parts. A deft finger point hit the play button. In the video were six very naked and wet women, some lathered, some rinsed and glistening; all of them enthusiastically fucking like dogs in heat. The moaning and screaming was of course, enhanced by one of those ridiculous overdubs so often used in porn movies that looked like a lip sync that had gone horribly wrong. You could see the women screaming with their mouths closed. It was, in true porn fashion, a “classic.”

    “This is from a hidden gem…”
    “Make that a VERY hidden gem.” Penelope offered.
    “That’s right. My girl had to call upon all her skills to locate and download this classic video.”
    “How the fuck?” ShaRee stammered.
    “This beauty is from the poignantly beautiful series ‘Nuns In Heat.’ This particular gem is called ‘Nuns In Heat: The Shower Brawls.’”

    Penelope was beside herself with glee because Jackie seemed to be lowering the boom on the sluttish-looking nun with the nasty, condescending attitude. It seemed to her that whatever game she was trying to play on Jackie, it involved some kind of threat; likely a nasty one. And this video was definitely Jackie’s payback. It thrilled her.

    Like the proverbial moth to the flame, ShaRee’s eyes were drawn to the screen of Penelope’s laptop computer.

    The camera zoomed in, alternately showing the ecstatic faces of the women, then panning back out to show all of them on the floor of the shower room, locked in open scissor position, moaning, screaming and fucking like savages.

    “Take a close look, ShaRee. Do you see anyone you recognize? How about that hot brunette with the phenomenal set of tits?”

    “What the FUCK?!!!” ShaRee exclaimed, seemingly in shock at seeing herself for the first time on video. She stood up, angrily, then sat back down again to continue viewing the video on Penelope’s laptop that was revealing her sordid past; the video that had been made of her and five other postulates and novitiates feverishly going at it in a nude shower brawl that ended up on the shower floor in an all out tribadism orgy.
    “Wow! This is HOT!” exclaimed Penelope.
    “This is on the internet?!!! You fucking bitch!!!” ShaRee screamed at Jackie.
    “I think that your anger might be misdirected, ShaRee.”

    Despite how angry she was at Professor Taylor, she knew that Jackie was right. Her rage was indeed misdirected. How could this have happened? And why? ShaRee was about to find that out.

    Jackie reached over and paused the video, then turned to ShaRee. Feeling a bit awkward sitting in between them, Penelope rose gracefully and moved to a nearby chair. She paid close attention because she knew something profound was about to happen.

    “ShaRee. We did not post that video. We merely located it.”
    “She’s right, Sister ShaRee. Judging from the date stamp, that video has been on the net for about four years.” Penelope explained.
    “If I’m correct, that means they posted it just after you took your final vows. Rather interesting timing.” Jackie said.
    “This is un-fucking believable!!!”
    “Well, if it’s any consolation ShaRee, this video was posted for a select audience. It’s not out there for general consumption.. it was very hard to find.” Penelope tried to assuage ShaRee’s emotional wounds.
    “But still, it’s out there.. and so am I.. a fucking star in an online porn movie. UN-FUCKING BELIEVABLE!!!”

    It was now obvious to Jackie that Sister ShaRee Marie had no idea what had gone on.. that those hot shower fights between nuns in training that always ended in blisteringly hot sex fights.. those fights which, for some reason, the good sisters never broke up, were being secretly recorded by the holy order of Mary’s Indulgences and posted on the internet for, no doubt, a tidy little profit.

    “You wanted to know what Grace and I talked about? Well, we spoke of a number of things. But mostly this was it.”

    Jackie was now in a bit of a quandary. Her original intent was to, if necessary, take ShaRee down, hard. Now, she found herself feeling sorry for the disillusioned woman before her.

    ShaRee now seemed emotionless. She was now just in a state of mild shock. She then found the wherewithal to speak from her heart.

    “Whatever you might think of me, Professor Taylor, and I know pretty much what that is, I came for Grace’s sake. Indeed, I requested this assignment for Grace’s sake.” ShaRee recalled her angry lecture to Mother Mary about standing up to bullshit. “I know that I should have strenuously objected at the suggestion of making you the scapegoat…but I was weak.. afraid of loosing status. But mostly it was about Grace. As I’m sure you’ve figured out, I was in love with her.”

    Jackie reached across and gently caressed ShaRee’s hand. She chose her words carefully.

    “You may recall a young and innocent Grace Marie LeBlanc, unwilling to take part in those sordid shower sessions.”
    “Dear, poor Grace Marie.. so young, so innocent, so frightened.”
    “Last weekend she opened up to me about the stuff that went on in the convent during her training. Those shower orgies were the main thing she revealed to me.”
    “She was so sweet and innocent…” ShaRee’s voice tapered into sadness.
    “And she remained ‘pure’ didn’t she?”
    “That’s right. She never took part in these lesbian sex orgies.”
    “But she was always fascinated and, quite often, aroused by them, ShaRee.” Jackie said.
    “Yet she remained pure, until she spent a weekend of sin with you, learning how to be a lesbian.. you fucking whore!!!”
    “Oh stop it with the sanctimony, sister! You were dying to fuck Grace Marie!” Jackie reminded the nun.
    “How I longed to feel our naked bodies pressed together!” Sister ShaRee admitted.
    “Besides, Grace is the one who started swinging first. She picked a fight with me. And then, as you so rightly suspected, once we got into it things got way out of hand. We both got so hot and bothered that the robes came off and we finished things, woman to woman.”
    “So, that’s it? That’s how things went? Truthfully, Jackie?”
    Jackie silently nodded yes.

    Sister ShaRee Marie of the Holy Order of Mary’s Indulgences then rose to her feet and moved to the door.

    “Goodnight, ladies.” And just like that, she was gone…


    “WOW! That was awesome!” Penelope stated, after hearing the door to Jackie’s apartment close.
    “I guess it was.” Jackie responded, not really certain if what had just transpired was quite as splendid as Penelope thought it was.
    “I’ve never seen anyone taken down like that! It was.. it was..” Penelope paused, now not so sure she should be jubilant. “What’s the matter, professor?”
    “That should have felt good. But it didn’t. I should feel great. But I don’t.”

    Penelope then cautiously moved to the couch and sat down next to Jackie. She reached out and took Jackie’s right hand into her left.

    “Dear professor. Might I suggest a possible reason that you don’t feel good about what just happened?” Penelope offered.
    “What? Why, Penelope?”
    “Because you are an actual human being with deep feelings who cares about other humans. Not like that automaton that just left.”
    “Thanks, but I don’t quite get your meaning.”
    “Well, here’s my take on what just happened. Stop me at any time if I’m wrong. OK?”

    Jackie nodded yes.

    “You two had some sort of a bet, right?”
    “That’s correct.” Jackie agreed.
    “And the whole thing was settled.. well..” Penelope hesitated…“in a fuck fight. Which, by the way is something way too hot for me to even think about.”
    “Ha ha! You’re right. We settled pussy to pussy. And I lost.”
    “BUT! You won because you had that video. And you had that video because you knew instinctively that ShaRee was a scoundrel who would not have honored her part of the bargain had she lost to you, pu…puss…pu..pu…” Penelope stuttered.
    “Pussy to pussy.” Jackie said, smiling broadly.
    “Yes.. what you just said.”
    “Well Penelope.. I must say that your assessment is right on. I’m impressed.”

    Jackie then went to the kitchen and came back with the remaining wine and two glasses. She poured, and then the two women toasted.

    “Thank you for this delicious wine, Jackie.”
    “No, Penelope. I should thank you! You were a great help to me tonight.”


    The following afternoon, Jackie politely knocked on Chancellor Dominique’s office door.

    “Come in, Jackie.” Dominique’s voice chimed out whenever she heard Professor Taylor’s recognizable knock.

    Jackie walked in with her customary grace, acknowledged Dominique and sat down directly across the desk from her. She then scanned the immediate area with a puzzled look on her face.

    “Is something wrong, professor?” Dominique asked. She had a pleasant smirk on her face.
    “There’s no other chairs. Or maybe you just haven’t moved them in close yet.”
    “Well, dear Jackie, that won’t be necessary today.”
    “And why is that, dear chancellor?”
    “Because I received notification that Mother Mary and the lovely Sister ShaRee Marie won’t be joining us. In fact, shortly after breakfast they packed their rental car and left for Logan Airport.”
    “Really? Oh my! Did they say why?”
    “They did indeed. They said that they carefully considered all the evidence, testimony and contributing factors and had absolved you of any wrong doing in the case of the former Sister Grace Marie. I found that simply fascinating! Congratulations, Jackie!”
    “Well thank you, chancellor. But.. couldn’t you just have called me and given me the good news over the phone? You could have saved me a trip over here.” a puzzled Jackie asked as she stood up, intending to leave.
    “Now why on God’s green earth would I do that and pass up an opportunity like this? Sit down, Jackie.”
    “What’s in that devious brain of yours, chancellor?”
    “One simple question, professor.”
    “What in the world did you do to that psycho bitch from hell last night?” Dominique asked with a not-so-convincing glare. Jackie’s quick mind assessed that this was not a Spanish style inquisition. Dominique could barely mask her delight.

    Jackie nodded, with a sly grin..

    “How much time do we have?”

    Last edited by apenman; November 19th, 2017 at 11:57 AM. Reason: word change

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    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: Brandi's opus, part 20

    My dear friend,

    I fully enjoyed the latest chapter of your novel.
    While reading it i had the feeling that i was reading a bold erotic story written by a well known writer.
    Humor, a wonderful story plot, a building tension, hot erotic descrptions, ... all in a blender to finally offer a LITERARY PERFECT masterpiece !!
    You are or you should be a well known writer my friend, not only for erotic stories. You have the gift, there is no doubt about it.
    You write for broad minds who are delighted to read sexfight stories enriched by many literary figures.

    However i have to "scold" (LOL) you friendly because :

    - You "killed" Grace ! You Kicked her out of the story. I wish to offer one more chapter to her. At least !
    - You said that in the future Jackie will hook up with Zara. Fine !! I can hardly wait. But... what about all the rest who hit on her in ch. 19 ?
    - You let Penelope to be in Jackie's appartment full of expectations for a trib fest ! After Sheere left i was hoping that Jackie will show how she appreciated Penelope's help.
    Nada ! You let Penelope to need a cold shower !
    - I love the shoking way you handle the libido of some nuns . More please !! Much more !!
    I wish your unforgetable ch.19 to show you how to go on to that nasty / shoking but definitely extremely hot path !!
    - IDEA : Brandi is a sexfight expert. Sheere is also a sexfight expert. Let them meet. Brandi must get a revenge because her friend was defeated by that so hot and so expert in sexfights nun.

    I understand that your main character is Brandi and i more than OK with this.
    But you opened "many doors" my friend as we say here. And i am delighted by the view behind these doors !!
    Not my fault to ask you all these. You started it !! LOL

    Be well !! Have fun !!

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    Re: Brandi's opus, part 20

    A.P.- . No need to apologise about the length of this chapter - its worth every penny!
    Really enjoyed the build-up dialogue and scene-setting; and the battle when it finally arrived was awesome. Loved the forfeits they agreed in the pre-fight negotiations, the 'wine-tasting', the final unexpected twist when it came.


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    Re: Brandi's opus, part 20

    Quote Originally Posted by Giannis-CB View Post
    My dear friend,

    I fully enjoyed the latest chapter of your novel.
    While reading it i had the feeling that i was reading a bold erotic story written by a well known writer.
    Humor, a wonderful story plot, a building tension, hot erotic descrptions, ... all in a blender to finally offer a LITERARY PERFECT masterpiece !!
    You are or you should be a well known writer my friend, not only for erotic stories. You have the gift, there is no doubt about it.
    You write for broad minds who are delighted to read sexfight stories enriched by many literary figures.

    However i have to "scold" (LOL) you friendly because :

    - You "killed" Grace ! You Kicked her out of the story. I wish to offer one more chapter to her. At least !
    - You said that in the future Jackie will hook up with Zara. Fine !! I can hardly wait. But... what about all the rest who hit on her in ch. 19 ?
    - You let Penelope to be in Jackie's appartment full of expectations for a trib fest ! After Sheere left i was hoping that Jackie will show how she appreciated Penelope's help.
    Nada ! You let Penelope to need a cold shower !
    - I love the shoking way you handle the libido of some nuns . More please !! Much more !!
    I wish your unforgetable ch.19 to show you how to go on to that nasty / shoking but definitely extremely hot path !!
    - IDEA : Brandi is a sexfight expert. Sheere is also a sexfight expert. Let them meet. Brandi must get a revenge because her friend was defeated by that so hot and so expert in sexfights nun.

    I understand that your main character is Brandi and i more than OK with this.
    But you opened "many doors" my friend as we say here. And i am delighted by the view behind these doors !!
    Not my fault to ask you all these. You started it !! LOL

    Be well !! Have fun !!
    Giannis my friend,

    Thank you so much for your kind words! Always appreciated.

    Your "scold" raises some thoughts as to whether you can, in fact, read my mind.

    First, I considered a "sendoff" chapter for Grace (before she ultimately settles down in Angel's world and finds comfort in her loving "arms"). It was supposed to end this chapter. Unfortunately, I couldn't include it because it involved a character from another writer and I have not yet received their permission.

    Second, I did indeed start to write a sex scene with Penelope, but I didn't like the way it read. Maybe I'll rewrite it in the future, as "cold showers"are rather unpleasant.

    Finally, if I can ever finish Brandi's Opus, Jackie will take the lead in her own series of adventures and you'll be personally escorted to view what is behind those "many doors."


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    Re: Brandi's opus, part 20

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragnar0k View Post
    A.P.- . No need to apologise about the length of this chapter - its worth every penny!
    Really enjoyed the build-up dialogue and scene-setting; and the battle when it finally arrived was awesome. Loved the forfeits they agreed in the pre-fight negotiations, the 'wine-tasting', the final unexpected twist when it came.


    Thank you, my "sophisticated" fellow writer. I had a feeling you might spot the "wine tasting" because you didn't even flinch when I mentioned Claret. That's "Bond Cool" my friend!

    As far as the rest, well, I simply find the need to add little things to sexfight stories (likely for my own amusement) too strong to resist. Were you aware that God himself is a sexfight aficionado?

    And, by the way, I certainly hope that you didn't spend a single "penny" of your vast fortune (I have a friend who has a friend who knows someone who knows you, so this infromation is reliable) on this drivel.


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    Re: Brandi's opus, part 20


    Naturally it only took a matter of moments to see through your cunning stratagem of using a superhot sexfight to mask your predilection for promoting the merits of fine wine-tasting. A veritable Trojan Horse approach if ever I saw one.

    Incidentally, perhaps it's time to consider reimagining the Trojan War myths to introduce radical new elements that possibly failed to cross Homer's mind at the time. Imagine if an entire company of Greek sex-fighting warrior maidens had inveigled themselves inside the wooden horse to be opposed by their Trojan opposite numbers once they breached the walls of Troy... but perhaps I digress.

    Turning to the question of God briefly. Without even debating whether or not he exists, one may deduce that He must at a minimum condone sexfighting or the physical paraphernalia supporting this noble pastime surely would not exist.

    Finally, let me assure you that since 'spending a penny' means something different altogether in England, my 'vast fortune' remains satisfyingly intact.

    I look forward to raising a glass of claret in future to a certain redheaded professor and her well-endowed mentor as they continue on their very exciting and revealing adventures.

    All the best,


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    Re: Brandi's opus, part 20

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragnar0k View Post

    Naturally it only took a matter of moments to see through your cunning stratagem of using a superhot sexfight to mask your predilection for promoting the merits of fine wine-tasting. A veritable Trojan Horse approach if ever I saw one.

    Incidentally, perhaps it's time to consider reimagining the Trojan War myths to introduce radical new elements that possibly failed to cross Homer's mind at the time. Imagine if an entire company of Greek sex-fighting warrior maidens had inveigled themselves inside the wooden horse to be opposed by their Trojan opposite numbers once they breached the walls of Troy... but perhaps I digress.

    Turning to the question of God briefly. Without even debating whether or not he exists, one may deduce that He must at a minimum condone sexfighting or the physical paraphernalia supporting this noble pastime surely would not exist.

    Finally, let me assure you that since 'spending a penny' means something different altogether in England, my 'vast fortune' remains satisfyingly intact.

    I look forward to raising a glass of claret in future to a certain redheaded professor and her well-endowed mentor as they continue on their very exciting and revealing adventures.

    All the best,


    Having a difficult time right this moment controlling my LOL, LMAO, and ROFLMAOs right now...
    You humor made my night!


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    Re: Brandi's opus, part 20


    Why would you start this chapter with "There but the Grace of God?"
    And the introduction...... another religious person being sullied with hot fiery sex!!!!!!
    Now I really intrigued!
    I haven't read it yet, because I need to make sure I'm alone with no pending businesses so I can read it slow!


    We going ta hell Dr. Penman....
    AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT......................or not!


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    Re: Brandi's opus, part 20

    Quote Originally Posted by shak7 View Post

    Why would you start this chapter with "There but the Grace of God?"
    And the introduction...... another religious person being sullied with hot fiery sex!!!!!!
    Now I really intrigued!
    I haven't read it yet, because I need to make sure I'm alone with no pending businesses so I can read it slow!


    We going ta hell Dr. Penman....
    AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT......................or not!


    Shak my good friend,
    I feel its only fair to warn that you may have only more 'pending businesses' to attend to after reading Mr AP's latest hot, fiery work.

    A.P. -

    I'm glad my response was able to tickle your ACRONYMS at least before HB fell over a few days ago. I had sent you a PM at the same time the site went down and was unsure if you would have received so have taken the precaution of resending.

    All the best from this side of the pond.


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    Re: Brandi's opus, part 20

    Quote Originally Posted by shak7 View Post

    Why would you start this chapter with "There but the Grace of God?"
    And the introduction...... another religious person being sullied with hot fiery sex!!!!!!
    Now I really intrigued!
    I haven't read it yet, because I need to make sure I'm alone with no pending businesses so I can read it slow!


    We going ta hell Dr. Penman....
    AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT......................or not!


    I hope you've got a decent supply of..." tea" on hand.


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