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Thread: Kath vs. Kil, Parts I and II - New Story by JB57

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    Kath vs. Kil, Parts I and II - New Story by JB57

    Dear Board,

    OK, I just wasted a half hour trying to post this story using Firefox. It kicked me out, something I only realized after I finished all the spacing needed for the story, so I'm really irritated right now. This time, I'm using Explorer, so it should work.

    (PS - there is some kind of glitch that is screwing up the punctuation in this story. I don't think it is a major problem. I assume it is somehow connected to the reboot of hostboard. If so, something else to fix. Sorry about that, but I can't do anything to fix this.)

    Anyway, this is a new story with a bit of a back story. It is based on the work of Richard Corben, a comic writer/artist who is best known for his work on "Den," a series published in Heavy Metal (then later in independent books) in the 1970s. I don't have the whole series and the Wikipedia page describing the plot doesn't shed much light on it. There is a whole backstory here that I don't understand but, for the purposes of my story, most of it does not matter.

    To provide some context (some of this is addressed in my story): Den is a human man who is transported to a fantasy world called "Neverwhere." When he arrives, he has a perfect male body, completely hairless. He tends to travel around mostly nude. He quickly meets a number of nude women and various monsters. For some reason that is never explained, the women are hairless too, except for the hair on their heads. Den rescues a blonde woman named Kath. She is being sacrificed by another blonde woman named Kil, the Red Queen. For reasons that are never explained in the first two series, Kath and Kil are exact doubles of each other. This actually is explained in later stories, but the explanation does not matter for my purposes. Kil and Den have some kind of relationship that he does not remember.

    To help people envision the women in the story below, I've included a gallery on Imagebam of Corben's work, mostly pages from Den. I've chosen the pages because they show the women's naked bodies to best advantage. Sorry, some of the images are violent, but they also contain some really great pictures of the Red Queen, so I've included them. More of the pictures are of the queen, but since she and Kath are doubles, you can just imagine they show both women. I've also included a couple of Corben's more generic pictures of naked women whom you can imagine are Kath and the Queen.

    Here is the gallery:

    Fast, Free Image Hosting - ImageBam

    This story is complete. It consists of four parts and an epilogue. However, I think that the effect of the story is best felt if I put it up a bit at a time. So, I'm posting parts I and II today. I will post part III and part IV over the next two nights.

    As always, feedback appreciated. I hope everyone enjoys the story.


    Kath vs. Kil: A Neverwhere Adventure, Part I

    The naked woman moved slowly, carefully, up the side of the rock tower. The stone structure rose high over the arid plain, as if carved out of the rocky cliff on which it stood. The ancient stones were slick and smooth, sculpted by age and burnished by the storms and heat of thousands of years. The woman’s bare feet had difficulty finding purchase on the smooth surface. The danger did not dissuade her. Over her years in the realm of Neverwhere, she had trained and honed her magnificent body until her physical strength and skill matched her outward perfection. She had climbed sheer rock surfaces many times as part of her training as a warrior. So long as she was careful, so long as she moved only when she was sure of her grip, she was confident that she would make her way to the top of the stone tower and gain the chamber there. She was carrying a dagger, sheathed in a scabbard, attached to a strap looped over her shoulder and crossing her chest. This was the only weapon she could carry easily.

    On another world, her name had been Katherine Wells, but here, in Neverwhere, she usually went by “Kath.” In the year 1892, Katherine had lived in London. She was a writer with some small success. She had left the city and gone for a vacation in the countryside, searching for the time and quiet she needed to write. One evening, she had been out for a walk on the marshes when a will o’the wisp appeared. She followed it to a glowing portal that opened in front of her. The coruscating light called to her, mesmerizing her. Katherine stepped into the light; it enveloped her, warmed her, filled her with a soothing heat. She lost consciousness. When she regained her senses, Katherine found herself in a different world. She was lying on the sandy ground, completely naked. The sun was beating down on her body. She got to her feet, too disoriented, for a moment, to fully comprehend her naked state or to sense the enormous changes in her body, except to register that she seemed full of energy and that her body’s weight and proportions felt wrong. She was in a quarry of some kind; a steep path spiraled out of the quarry to the desert floor above. She was facing a wall of clear, glass-like stone. The stone was shaded, so it took her a moment to detect the movement in the clear surface and another moment to realize that the stone was acting like a mirror. It took yet another moment to realize that the nude beauty staring back at her was herself.

    In England, she had been a slight, sickly woman in her late 30s. Now, somehow, she had transformed. She was a perfect specimen of extravagant womanhood. Kath studied her reflection in the mirror-like mineral. She was awed by what she saw. Her nude body was completely hairless, except for the shoulder-length blonde locks atop her head. Her breasts were incredible; thick and heavy, taut and round, topped by coffee-brown nipples and large, perfectly circular areola.. Her torso was magnificent, beautifully muscled, her abs and the muscles running down her hips were tightly defined. Her hips were wide and inviting. Her legs were long and powerful. Her pussy was perfect beyond words, her vulva lips strong and thick, her hairless pubis smooth and tight. Kath felt powerful and beautiful in a raw, primal way she had never felt before.

    Kath climbed out of the spiral pit and into a desert landscape. She walked directly into a trap; a troop of ravening trolls was waiting for her. They bound her hand and foot and carried her to the same tower that she was climbing now. There, in a massive throne room, she met the Red Queen for the first time. The Red Queen sat upon a stone throne, wearing a crimson cape and hood. Otherwise, the beautiful woman was totally, magnificently nude. Her body was every bit as spectacular as Kath’s new body. The Englishwoman did not realize it, but the Red Queen was her double, her perfect doppelganger. At the time, Kath only knew that she was confronting an incredible nude woman who seemed to be expecting her. It would be a few years before Kath would learn, with certainty, that the Red Queen had sent the will o’the wisp to entice Kath into the portal and bring her to Neverwhere. The Red woman had been Kath’s enemy long before Kath even knew the other woman existed.

    The queen ordered the bound Kath wrapped in a cloth sack. The Red woman and her entourage left the palace, walking across the desert for what seemed liked hours. The queen’s men carried Kath. The small party eventually reached a massive, crumbling temple, containing a stone altar built over a deep pool of fetid water. Kath found that she could understand what the Queen and her men were saying to each other. She soon realized that the queen intended to offer her as a sacrifice to some kind of being that lived in the water. Though Kath did not know it, the queen’s entourage included another human sacrifice, a man , also bound and gagged and wrapped up in a cloth sack.

    Standing on the altar over the water, the queen intoned a solemn ritual. The ritual ended. The queen gave an order. Her guards threw the bound, wrapped man into the pool. Kath, lying on the hard, stony altar, heard the splash. She heard the sounds of water boiling, as whatever lived in the murky pool seized its prey. Kath wriggled, desperately trying to free herself. Moments later, she heard a man’s deep voice crying out for the queen to “stop!” and the sounds of physical battle, flesh against flesh. Kath felt a bare foot in her side – she later learned the foot belonged to the queen herself – and, suddenly, she was falling through space. An instant later, she was in the water, choking, drowning, her limbs bound, the wet bag closing around her face, sealing off her air. For long moments, she thrashed in fear, struggling for air, struggling to save herself, aware that, at any moment, some kind of ravenous creature might tear into her flesh. She felt strong hands grab her underwater, she felt herself pulled through the roiling brine. She was passing out, panic and the lack of air robbing her of awareness.

    A rush of water, the impact of her voluptuous body on sand, drew her back to consciousness. Someone pulled the bag off her head. She felt the ropes around her ankles and wrists loosen. Someone was untying her. She opened her eyes and beheld a powerfully muscled, nude man. He was completely hairless, from his head to his feet. The next thing that caught her attention was his exposed manhood. She was a 19th century British woman; she was not used to seeing completely naked men in public. This man’s cock was enormous. It hung between his legs like a thick sausage, at least 8 inches of meat. He helped her to her feet. Together, the naked man and woman escaped on the back of a giant bat, a creature scavenging on the edges of the pit in which they had found themselves. The bat deposited them in an oasis a considerable distance from the temple. There, they introduced each other.

    The man’s name was Den. They quickly established that they were both from Earth, but from different times. Den had awakened on this world in a new body; he had come across the queen’s entourage marching across the desert, followed it, then intervened after the queen had sacrificed the first victim. He had jumped into the water to save Kath and had managed to find an underwater drain pipe that released them from the pool.

    Kath offered her magnificent new body to Den as a reward for his bravery. She was eager to test her new body, to explore her new possibilities. Her sexual appetites powerfully awakened in the presence of the nude man and she felt the overwhelming need to satisfy them. He gladly accepted her offer. They fell into each other’s arms, eagerly rubbing their naked flesh against the other, exploring the other person’s incredible form with hands and tongues, bites and kisses. Soon, Den’s enormous cock had swelled up to a terrifying size and Kath’s naked cunt was as wet as a lake, hungry to devour his massive shaft of meat. Den penetrated her to the hilt, driving into her tight, hot twat with a powerful thrust that spread her, filled her, caused her to shriek in absolute ecstasy. Kath and Den moaned and bucked together in shared pleasure. They fucked hard, for hours, enjoying each other’s magnificent bodies and the power and sexual hunger that came with them.

    Den and Kath had been together ever since. They had many adventures, usually together, often apart. Kath explored the new world of Neverwhere, acquiring new confidence and new skills as she went along. She did not want to be bound to any man. She and Den loved each other, though there was an imbalance in their mutual affection, with Den being far more dependent on Kath than the reverse. Yet, no matter how far Kath traveled, she always found her way back to her mate.

    Many of their adventures involved conflict with the Red Queen. Kath and Den eventually discovered that the woman’s name was Kil, though they did not learn if she had any connection to Earth. Kath never discovered why she and the other woman looked so much alike, though she did have theories. The Red Queen never stopped trying to seize Kath and use her as a human sacrifice. The Red woman also began her pursuit of Den. Early in their relationship, Kath found that Den and the Red Queen were connected in some way that even he did not understand. The woman’s lust for him was enormous. A number of times, over the years, she had succeeded in capturing him and forcing him to sexually service her.

    Kath had been away, traveling for a few weeks. She returned to the home she shared with Den in the floating city of Zegium to discover that Den was missing. Her friends informed her that the queen’s forces had captured Den when he was on an expedition in the desert. Kath immediately left to reclaim her mate. She decided that she was finally going to end the threat of the Red Queen. The woman had been a thorn in the side of both her and Den for too long.

    Now, Kath found herself clinging precariously to the outer wall of the Queen’s tower. At the top of the rock structure was the queen’s bed chamber. Kath had no doubt that was where she would find the Red Queen and Den.

    When she was 5 or 6 meters from the top of the tower, Kath began to hear sounds coming from the chamber, traveling clearly in the still evening air. Groans and gasps, moans and cries of pleasure, reached her ears. Most of the sounds were distinctly feminine, but she could also hear the occasional deep moan of a masculine voice. She immediately recognized Den’s voice; she had heard those exact moans many times when they were locked together in sex, their firm bodies writhing and slapping, their hips jerking and thrusting, their limbs twined and locked. The sounds of intense sex coming from the chamber above aroused Kath, even as they fed her rage. She had to resist quickening her pace; she needed to make sure that her anger did not make her careless. The last thing she needed was to lose her life because of jealous anger. She forced herself to slow down. She used her anger to fuel her determination to get to the top.

    It took her another 15 minutes, but she reached the edge of one of the huge windows ringing the chamber. All of the windows were open to the air; there was no glass. She climbed carefully onto the ledge, being sure not to let her dagger scrape on the rock surface and give away her presence. She slipped into the massive bed chamber as quietly as possible. Only when she was safely crouched on the floor inside the window did she pause to get her bearings.

    The chamber was huge, a massive circle with enormous windows ringing the entire room, looking out onto the surrounding desert in all directions. There was a door at the far end of the room; Kath noted that a bolt was thrown into place, barring unwanted entry. The floor of the room was solid stone, but covered in a variety of furs and rugs. In the center of the room was a large firepit. The fire was dead, but the coals were glowing with heat, warming the room and casting a gentle orange light. A huge, circular bed was directly adjacent to the firepit, halfway across the room from where Kath had entered, giving her a sideview of the bed.

    Two figures were on the bed. One was Den. He was tied to the support posts, spread out like an “X,” his ankles and wrists secured to the massive wooden bedframe by strong ropes. Straddling him, fully impaled on his enormous cock, was a gorgeous, naked woman, the Red Queen. Her hands were on Den’s muscled chest, her hips and ass were moving, slow and hard, as she rode her prisoner’s monstrous shaft. The woman’s short blonde hair bobbed, her massive, perfect tits bounced deliciously, as she moved up and down on the man’s enormous prick. Kath could see that the woman’s belly was rippling, a sure sign that she was using her deep vaginal muscles to work and massage Den’s rock-hard shaft. Sweat and other womanly secretions dripped from the tips of the Red woman’s engorged, erect nipples. The woman’s eyes were closed, her head was thrown back, her beautiful face wore an expression of ecstatic pleasure. She was moaning, her cries of pleasure growing louder and more insistent, heralding the arrival of a powerful orgasm. Under her, Den was groaning in erotic agony, trying to resist the incredible pleasure that the woman was giving to him. Suddenly, he cried out, a choking groan of raw pleasure. He clenched his teeth, moaned loudly, then went stiff with a powerful orgasmic release, his hips jerking spasmodically. The woman riding him screamed out in ecstasy, reached up to run her hands over her spurting breasts and through her hair, and jerked her hips as she came in concert with her reluctant lover. For almost two minutes, the two incredible figures on the bed convulsed in unison, their bodies going stiff with pleasure then releasing, again and again. The smell of sex, of hot cum and slick sweat, came wafting to Kath across the room. She inhaled it deeply and immediately felt her body burn even hotter, responding both to the hormones she was taking in as well as the erotic tableau on the bed.

    “Ahhhh, that was so good,” the queen purred, stretching her fingers over Den’s pectoral muscles and squeezing, sinking her fingers into the firm flesh. “You’re such a good fuck, my love.”

    “I am not yours, Kil,” Den grunted, using the queen’s name. “I love Kath. Let me go!”

    “Hmmmm,” the queen smiled. She lay down on Den, pressing her thick, huge tits into his bare chest, rubbing her breasts around and around on Den’s meaty pectorals. Involuntarily, the man groaned as Kil’s hard nipples ground into his skin. The queen sat up. Her belly began to ripple again. “Can Kath do this to you, my beautiful buck?” she grinned.

    Den moaned, his cry a gasp of sexual agony. He was fighting enormous pleasure. Whatever the queen was doing to his cock with her pussy was more than he could stand. He found himself getting as hard a rock, once again.

    “I’ll do things to you that you can’t imagine, my love,” the queen promised, her eyes glowing with lust. “When I’m done with you, you won’t remember that woman’s name. The only name you’ll be screaming will be mine!”

    Kath unsheathed her dagger from its scabbard and slipped the scabbard and its belt from around her neck, lowering them to the floor beside the window. Carrying only the dagger, she tiptoed across the room, moving silently on her bare feet, moving slowly, keeping just out the queen’s line of sight. The bed was huge; to get at the queen, she needed to crawl up on the padding. She moved into place, behind the queen. The incredibly erotic scent of cum and sweat was much more intense. The queen was working her ass, moving her hips, trying to get Den back into full erection, when Kath reached around and placed the point of the dagger on the woman’s throat, just under her jaw. With her free hand, Kath grabbed Kil’s hair and jerked her head back. The queen froze instantly, with a sudden, startled intake of breath. Kath pressed her naked body into the nude woman’s back. Her thick nipples throbbed with tension.

    “Get your dirty cunt off of my man, you fucking whore,” Kath breathed into the other beautiful blonde’s ear.

    “Kath!” Den cried out, in happy surprise.

    “I’ll be right with you, lover,” Kath murmured, keeping her voice low. She did not know if there were guards outside the door, who might come rushing in. “First, I’m going to deal with this whore.”

    Kath turned her attention back to the queen. The woman was a powerful sorceress; Kath was not going to give her any chance to use her magics. “Back off of Den. Do it slowly, cunt. If I see the slightest twitch, the slightest sign of magic, I’m going to slice your throat open.”

    Slowly, the queen rose up, lifting her cunt off of Den’s body. His massive shaft sucked free of her tight, hot pussy. A gush of cum and cunt juice ran onto his cock and splashed onto his belly from the queen’s overloaded twat. A thick strand of semen connected the tip of his cock to the queen’s sopping cunt. It broke as they moved apart. The woman retreated slowly, Kath’s dagger pricking her throat. Kath led her captive, slowly backing off the padding, until they were both standing on the fur rug at the foot of the bed. The queen stood with her back to Kath, her arms at her side. She made no sudden moves.

    “Turn around,” Kath said.

    The Red Queen turned around, Kath’s sharp dagger dictating her speed. The two beautiful women glared at each other, both immediately conscious of how similar they were. Except for the length of their hair, Kath’s blonde locks a bit longer, the women were virtually identical in every other way. They could easily be twin sisters.

    Kath lowered the dagger from the queen’s throat to her chest. She pushed the point into the spot just above the woman’s heart, directly between the queen’s taut, meaty tits, which hung and quivered on her chest like juicy melons.

    “I’m tired of you taking my man and threatening me, you bitch,” Kath breathed. “This is the last time you’ll ever bother us.” She pressed harder with the dagger, eliciting a gasp from the gorgeous woman opposite her. “You’re going to swear on your dark gods to never bother us again, or I’m going to shove this thing into you until it comes out the other side.”

    “I can swear such an oath,” the queen replied, her voice silky. “But before I do, I want you to consider something.”

    “What is that?” Kath shifted impatiently. Her body was getting hot and horny and she desperately wanted Den’s cock up between her legs. She had already decided she was going to tie the queen up and make the bitch watch Den fuck her, to get back at the woman for what she had forced Kath to watch.

    “From now on, every time Den shoves his prick up your dirty little twat, he’ll be thinking of me.”

    “What do you mean?” Kath asked sharply.

    “I’ve done things to him…I’ve given him pleasure with my cunt and my body… that you can’t begin to match. He’s going to fuck you, but he’s always going to know what he’s missing. He’s going to know that he could be getting it much, much better from me. When he fucks you, he will be dreaming of my pussy.”

    Kath barely restrained herself from shoving the point of the blade deep into the queen’s chest. “You bitch,” Kath snarled. “Are you saying you’re a better fuck that I am?”

    “Oh, you know that I am, little whore,” the queen snapped back. “You’ve got a good body, but I’ve got experience and practice that you won’t have in a million years. I can do things with my pussy that you’ve never even imagined. Your cunt is no match for mine and we both know it.”

    Kath glared at her doppelganger, rage burning in her eyes. She knew that the other woman had caught her. In the future, even if Den assured her that she was a better fuck than this Red bitch, she knew that she could not be certain. Kath was confident in her sexual power and abilities. It was true that she had far fewer sexual partners than the Red sorceress. But she and Den had fucked each other relentlessly since the day they had met, and they were both sexually inexhaustible. They had tried everything they could think of on each other and she was sure that what she lacked in variety of partners she made up for in practice. But Kath knew that the doubt would dog her forever, that it could destroy her relationship with Den, unless she knew for certain if she or the queen was the better fuck. She knew that there was only one way to settle this question. As the thought of what she had to do entered her mind, her body seemed to explode with sexual desire. Her juicy cunt lubricated powerfully, her nipples swelled to fleshy spikes, her massive tits grew thicker, hotter, and started to throb with every beat of her quickening heart.

    “Let’s just see who has the better cunt,” Kath said to the queen, her voice low and dangerous. “We settle this woman to woman, you whore,” she continued. “Cunt to cunt. Tit to tit. Clit to clit. We fuckfight until we both know.”

    The queen’s eyes burned with excitement and desire. She licked her lips, her hunger radiating off of her in waves. As Kath watched, the other woman’s already aroused body grew even hornier. Her tits swelled up before Kath’s eyes; the queen’s nipples became throbbing spikes. She saw the trickle of lubrication run down the Red woman’s inner thighs.

    “Yes,” the Red Queen panted, her voice quivering with excitement. “Yes, we must fuck each other raw, to see who has the better cunt.”

    “No sorcery,” Kath said. Her dagger was still pressed into Kil’s chest. “You do this without cheating.”

    The queen snorted. “Why would I cheat, little bitch? I don’t need sorcery to beat you. And if I did use sorcery, I would know that I cheated. That would hardly be a satisfying victory.”

    “No sorcery,” Kath insisted. “Swear it, on your gods.”

    Kil smiled lazily. She knew that she had Kath exactly where she wanted her. “I swear to use no sorcery when we fuckfight. I swear it on the deepest, darkest gods of my faith.”

    Kath pressed the dagger into Kil’s chest again. “We fuck until one of us submits or can’t go on. Agreed?”

    “Agreed,” the queen replied. She continued “If you win, you can leave here with Den and I’ll never bother you again. But if I win, then you leave Den. You won’t deserve him.”

    Kath hesitated, but only for a moment. She knew that if she lost this fight, she would not be able to stay with Den anyway. Her pride as a woman would not allow it.“I agree.”

    “Kath, no!” Den shouted. He had been watching the entire exchange from the bed. His enormous cock had already swelled back up to full size. “You have nothing to prove! You are the better fuck! I swear to the gods!”

    The queen gave him a nasty smirk. Kath smiled at him. “I’m sorry, my love, but I need to know that for myself.”

    Den genuinely feared for his lover. He knew from experience exactly how much pleasure could be found between the legs of the Red Queen, the amazing things she could do with her pussy, with her body. But he also knew, intimately, of Kath’s incredible sexual talents. He honestly did not know which of the women was more skilled or who had given him more pleasure. He had no idea which of these two incredibly voluptuous and erotic women was the more powerful sexual warrior. He knew that, if the women were as evenly matched as he feared, this battle could easily go against the woman he loved. But he also understood why Kath needed to match her body against that of the queen and meet the woman clit to clit.

    “We are agreed, then?” the queen asked. “We fuckfight. The woman who can make the other submit or who can overpower the pussy of the other is the winner. If I win, you leave Den; if you win, you take him and I bother you no more.”

    Slowly, Kath nodded. “Yes,” she said, her voice a low, throaty growl. Her body was burning, throbbing in all of her erogenous zones. She lowered the knife from between the queen’s breasts. With a flick of her wrist, she threw it away. It clattered on the stone floor and slid under the bed.

    The nude women glared at each other, just an arm’s length apart. Their eyes locked. They waited, letting the tension between them build, letting their incredible, voluptuous bodies grow more and more aroused with the building anticipation. Their massive tits heaved as their breath grew faster, deeper. Their nipples ached with tension. Their pussies burned with desire and grew wet and began dripping cunt juice to the fur rug at their feet. Their naked cuntlips engorged with blood and heat. Both women glanced down and saw the other’s thick, hot clit swelling up from the other’s smooth, pulsating cunt.

    Kath felt the butterflies in her stomach. She was putting everything on the line. The future depended on her ability to give this woman, her hated enemy, more sexual pleasure than the woman’s incredible body could bear. But it also depended on Kath’s ability to resist raw ecstasy, to take everything the queen could give to her and still, somehow, be able to walk away – or even crawl away- when it was all over. She had never had a fuckfight before but, if she was honest with herself, she knew that she had fantasized about this moment from the first time she had seen the queen. The Red Queen had always presented a sexual challenge to her. She was a woman who was identical to Kath, whose body was just as magnificent, who possessed enormous self-confidence and incredible sexual power. She was a woman who was constantly challenging and belittling Kath’s sexuality by trying to take Kath’s man for herself. She realized that she and the queen had been working towards this confrontation for years. They had been circling each other like two sexual predators, aching for a battle to decide which of them was the more powerful animal. Now, finally, they were going to decide their unspoken rivalry.

    Very similar thoughts were racing through the mind of Kil, the Red Queen. Now that she was standing mere feet away from Kath’s magnificent, naked body, preparing to meet the blonde bitch in a fuck to the finish, she realized that this was something she had always wanted, something she had been goading Kath towards, for years. The way her body was reacting, the incredible lust and tension boiling inside of her, told her that this was something she had anticipated, desired, craved for a very long time. She realized she had to prove, to herself, to Den, to Kath, that she was the superior woman, that her body, her sexual power, was greater. She could not tolerate the challenge posed to her by Kath’s body, by Kath’s very existence, by the fact that Kath was her twin, by what that implied about Kath’s sexuality and desirability. She had brought Kath to Neverwhere to sacrifice her to the dark gods. Now, she wondered if she had really brought the woman here to be her rival, to challenge her, to be her greatest conquest.

    “I’m going to destroy you, you fucking whore,” Kil breathed. She stepped forward, reaching for Kath.

    “I’m going to fuck you dry, you cunt,” Kath replied, sliding her hands onto the queen’s smooth hips, slipping her arms around the woman’s narrow, muscled waist. “I’m going to make you beg me to stop.”

    The queen slipped her hands under Kath’s arms, grasping the other woman’s upper back.The women pulled each other in, both aiming their burning, throbbing nipples directly at each other. They were panting in heat and excitement.

    “I’m going to make you beg me not to stop, cuntlicker,” the queen gasped.

    The gorgeous, naked women’s rock-hard nipples came together. Instantly, their milk holes latched to each other, forming a burning suction. A bolt of erotic electricity arced through the mating women, filling their throbbing tits with heat before pouring down their bellies and into their enflamed pussies. Kath and Kil shrieked in unison, both women completely unprepared for the unbelievable sexual pleasure that came with this first contact. Simultaneously, their pussies contracted, then gushed, spraying cunt juice all over the other woman’s lower body, coating their own thighs with wetness, wetting the fur rug.

    “Aaaaahhhhh,”Kath cried out, stunned at the pleasure.

    “Unnnnngggghhh,” the queen screamed, her head jerking back with the sudden shock.

    The women struggled to bring their voluptuous bodies under control. Gritting their teeth, pressing their beautiful faces together, nose to nose, forehead to forehead, they glared into the other’s blue eyes, their emotions caught between intense hatred and incredible lust for the other woman.

    “Fucking cunt,” Kath whispered viciously at her fuck rival.

    “Dirty twat,” Kil replied, her eyes burning with lust.

    The women gathered themselves, grabbed each other by the shoulders and pulled each other in. Their massive tits were already compressed between their upper arms as they came together; both women thrust out with their powerful chests, ramming their massive, meaty mounds of tit together with all the force they could muster. They screamed in mutual rage and pleasure as their nipples crushed each other back into their dense tits, as their areola sizzled and burned with electricity as they fused together. Their titmeat mashed, the taut, dense flesh resisting and throbbing with sensuality as each pair of boobs struggled for sexual supremacy. The women wrapped their arms around each other’s backs and squeezed with all their strength, trying to crush the other woman’s tits flat, trying to squash the other woman’s perfect breasts into her chest. Instead, their incredible tits compacted into tight, pulsing balls of meat that resisted further compression. The women gasped and snarled at each other as they rolled their backs, grinding and grinding their tits into each other, struggling to wear each other down. They struggled to inflict more pleasure on the other woman than she could bear, but they also desired to take the pleasure the other was giving. Their tits grew slick with sweat and the clear, lubricating liquid that managed to squeeze out from their interlocked nipples. The women rested cheek to cheek as they gasped and snarled. Kath bit into Kil’s shoulder; the queen nibbled and bit at Kath’s neck. Their bites of lust and hate soon led them to glare at each other nose to nose. Their tongues lashed out and stroked each other. With a crying moan the women’s tongues tangled, then their mouths sealed and locked on each other. They groaned deep in their throats as their spitty tongues twisted into a knot, as they pushed and shoved and scoured the other woman’s mouth. Kath and Kil sucked back each other’s spit, but it was not long before drool began to overflow from their mouths, drip down their chins, and string down to their struggling cleavages.

    The women’s tits wrestled for supremacy, each delicious mound of titmeat grinding and sliding and rippling against its counterpart. The women’s nipples remained locked, burning and throbbing, the center around which their dense meat rippled and surged. The women’s erotic moaning, stifled within their locked mouths, grew louder and louder as they titfucked their way up the pleasure curve. Their burning chests fed heat directly into their twitching clits, their fat, wet pussylips. Every tit to tit thrust fed the fire between their legs, fed their bodies’ need to fuck and fight.

    Kath reached up and pulled hard on Kil’s hair, pulling the queen out of their kiss. The queen snarled, and yanked hard at Kath’s long hair, causing the other woman to grunt in pain. The pain seasoned and intensified the immense pleasure the women were inflicting on each other. Their bare bellies slapped and slid, their deep, narrow navels sucked and released. They felt the incredible heat between their legs, they sensed the waves of heat, of erotic power, radiating off the other woman’s engorged clit.

    Kath slipped her hands down Kil’s sweaty back and seized the queen’s round, rippling ass. She instantly felt the queen’s hands on her ass, the woman’s powerful fingers sinking into Kath’s firm, flexing muscle. The women spread their legs a bit more, and tilted their pelvises forward. They locked their mouths together again, tongues twisting and shoving, struggling for dominance within their hungry maws. Their naked flesh rubbed and writhed against each other, both women almost crazy with lust, with the desire to mate and merge their naked bodies completely.

    Kath and Kil brought their swollen, rock-hard clits together. The sex nubs licked and slid along each other, sending a shockwave of unbearable ecstasy roaring through the battling women. Kath and Kil shrieked into each other’s locked mouths. Their bodies shuddered, they both began to silently cry as the intensity of the erotic contact pushed both women to the edge of orgasm. Their hungry, aching cunts gushed again, spraying each other, spraying their inner thighs. Quivering, shuddering, the women brought their clits back together again, slowly corkscrewing the incredibly sensitive nerves, wrapping them together, fencing with them, their hips moving in microscopic thrusts, their asses flexing and thrusting in tiny, hard movements, as clit rubbed and ground on clit. The women screamed and screamed into their locked mouths, their faces wet with tears of unbearable pleasure as they fucked on and on.

    Kath had never felt anything like this in her life. All of the delightful sexual pleasure she and Den had given to each other could not compare with the delicious agony of rubbing the most exquisitely sensitive part of her body into its counterpart on her enemy’s body. The women were destroying each other with sheer ecstasy, they were torturing each other with pleasure, and neither wanted it to end. Hands firmly fixed to each other’s rippling asses, bare feet firmly planted, mouths locked, tits crushed and throbbing, grinding together, nipples burning and sucking, bare bellies slapping and sliding, the women fought clit to clit, forcing unbearable erotic sensations on each other. Their tongues licked and lapped in imitation of the battle going on between their legs, with other mouths and tongues. Cunt juice poured down their legs. Their erotic moaning grew louder, deeper, more desperate. Their perfect, sex-saturated bodies quaked with barely-contained erotic power. Both women were lost on a sea of animal lust; both wished to completely devour the other. Dimly, lost in the haze of raw, pure pleasure, Kath realized it was possible that she and Kil could fuck each other to death.

    The women fucked and fucked and fucked, their powerful bodies surging and shuddering, slicked with sweat and shining in the orange glow of the firepit. From the bed, Den watched his lover and his would-be mistress fuck each other senseless, so lost in the ecstasy of the fuckfight that they were unaware of anything but the body of the other woman striving against their own. Den’s erection was enormous; the tip of his shaft glistened with pre-cum. He had not seen anything so erotic in his life. The scents and sounds of the women’s battle, the appealing aroma of hot pussy, the wet sound of flesh slapping and sucking, the deep moans of indescribable pleasure, fed his arousal.

    For more than an hour, Kath and Kil fucked each other mercilessly, their powerful, perfect bodies quivering on the edge of an orgasmic explosion greater than anything either woman had ever felt. They were both crying openly, constantly, tears of pleasure streaming down their faces. Their need for breath forced them to break their sucking kiss. Cheek to cheek, panting hard, they sobbed uncontrollably, continuing to work their clits against each other. Their sex nubs felt like they were ten times bigger than they were, their breasts felt like they had merged into one throbbing flesh, their bodies felt like they were flowing in and out of each other, voluptuous flesh merging and melting.

    The women were on the edge of devastating orgasmic release. Kath knew she could not contain this unbelievable pleasure much longer. She pulled her face back and rested nose to nose, lip to lip, with Kil. The women touched tongues, then sank into another deep, passionate kiss, another fight for domination.

    They broke the kiss at the same moment, throwing back their heads, spit flying, their beautiful faces masks of sexual agony. Both women tightened their grips on the other woman’s ass, pulling their rival in even tighter.

    “Oh gods, you whore, you fucking whore!” Kath moaned, almost screamed. She knew she could not last a moment longer. She was going to lose this opening battle in this fuckwar.

    “You cunt! You filthy cunt!” the queen screamed. She clenched her teeth in agony.

    At exactly the same instant, the beautiful women shrieked and erupted in powerful, simultaneous orgasms that rocked them to the very core of their beings. Their pussies gushed, spraying hot cum like fire hoses; soaking their battling cunts, drowning their quims in ejaculate. Their massive tits ejaculated powerfully, directly into each other, their gooey nipple cum squirting out from between their massive, mashed cleavage when the pressure became too great. They bucked their hips, slamming their cunts, slapping their bellies together, screaming and sobbing as they kept grinding their clits, kept fucking wave after wave of orgasms out of each other. Sobbing, gasping, they slowly fell to their knees, clinging to each other as their perfect bodies shuddered in orgasmic release.

    The queen suddenly surged forward, grabbing Kath’s hair, pulling on it, overbalancing the blonde beauty just enough to slowly push her onto her back. The queen followed Kath down, mounting her. Kath did not resist; she was too lost in orgasmic ecstasy to really care. She spread her thighs eagerly. The queen slipped between her legs and continued grinding, rolling her hips, working her ass, rubbing and squashing her thick lipped pussy down into Kath’s wet, yielding fuckmeat. As their cunts sucked and merged, the queen pushed down with her hips, trying to crush Kath’s clit beneath her own. Kath thrust up with her hips, matching the pressure. The women screamed and screamed as their clits fused and melted together, an explosion of ecstasy so intense that neither women could stand it. Their cries of sexual joy harmonized; Kath pulled hard on the queen’s ass, the queen pulled viciously on Kath’s hair. They injected shot after shot of hot cum into each other, their ejaculate mixing into a sexual froth, filling both women with their combined emissions. With shared, pulsating moans, the women collapsed in each others’ arms, sprawled on the floor, lying in a pool of mixed cum and sweat, too spent to move.

    To be continued:

    Kath vs. Kil: A Neverwhere Adventure, Part II

    For some time, neither woman stirred. They lay twined together, their hearts pounding into each other, bulging tit crushed against bulging tit, cheek to cheek, their breath coming in hot pants. Their pulsing clits throbbed, pressed tight, feeding the erotic heat in their lush bodies. Naked flesh lay hot and wet against naked flesh.

    Kath slowly regained her senses. She considered what had just happened. She and the queen had inflicted unbelievable pleasure on each other. Their sexual union had given her raw pleasure that was exponentially greater than anything she had ever felt with Den. She knew that there was something going on, some added element that she did not understand, that was transporting her and her sexual rival to a level of erotic sensation that was mind-blowing in its intensity. Maybe it had something to do with the fact they were virtually doubles. Maybe it was just the added excitement and anticipation of a long-desired rivalry finally coming to fruition. She put these thoughts out of her head. What mattered in this moment was her need to do it again, to regain the exquisite pleasure she had just experienced, and use it to conquer and humiliate her enemy.

    Kath wrapped her arms around the nude woman on top of her and rolled their wet, hot bodies. Kil grunted and resisted. For a moment, the naked women rocked back and forth on their sides, their magnificent bodies pressed tight, their bare legs thrashing, pressed forehead to forehead. Kath’s legs were already around the queen’s hips, which gave her a slight advantage. She succeeded in rolling the blonde bitch over onto her back. The queen stopped fighting. Instead, she eagerly spread her legs and tilted her pelvis, offering her succulent, hot cunt to Kath. Kath slipped her lower body between the queen’s legs. The Red woman reached down and filled her hands with Kath’s perfect, round ass, and pulled Kath down on her. Kath leaned forward, putting all her weight on their mashed tits, and reached down and under Kil to grip the queen’s magnificent ass in return. The women gasped in unison as their wet pussies came together. Kath began to slide her slick, naked pussy lips up and down Kil’s equally slick, wet cunt. The sensation was delicious, unbearably erotic. Nose to nose, watching each other through half-closed eyes, sharing the deep intimacy of their mutual hate and lust, the women moved their asses and their hips in concert. The incredible pleasure of wet, hot fuckmeat searing and melting into wet, hot fuckmeat overwhelmed their senses. Their engorged clits licked and crushed, grinding and jousting, sending waves and waves of incredible pleasure arcing through their slowly fucking bodies. Their taut, heavy tits rolled and throbbed, their bare bellies flattened to each other, their abs rippled, their navels sucked.

    Gasping into each other’s beautiful faces, Kath and Kil fucked and fucked, both enjoying the incredible sensations too much to want to stop. Kath opened her legs a bit more, spreading the queen a bit more, making it harder for Kil to roll their humping bodies. The women’s erotic moaning, their gasps of untold pleasure, grew louder and louder, more and more frantic. The pleasure in their cunts grew unbearable, until it filled their bodies, until every ounce of their voluptuous flesh was burning with sexual heat, until every muscle was vibrating with sexual tension. They moaned and screamed into each other’s faces, sharing hot breath, fucking and fucking and fucking, until their writhing bodies could not take any more.

    Kil reached up and grabbed the back of Kath’s head. She pulled Kath’s face to hers and locked her rival into a lustful, passionate kiss, one Kath returned with equal fervor. Their legs twined, their muscles strained, and the women shrieked into each other, their muscles locking and churning against each other as they bucked and heaved through another series of devastating orgasms. Their nipples exploded in thick cum, their pussies erupted and sucked cum back and forth as their bodies convulsed. Orgasms wracked their writhing, grinding flesh. The women broke their kiss. Pressed cheek to cheek, moaning and sobbing, gasping and crying, they rode each other into sexual bliss. Their hands squeezed at rippling asses and clawed at smooth backs. They pulled each other’s hair. They squeezed every drop of cum out of each other that they could.

    Once again, the two sexual warriors lay sprawled in each other’s arms on the fur-covered floor. After a time, Kath rolled off her rival and lay beside the queen on the drenched fur. The women’s tits jiggled enticingly as they gasped for breath. Their bodies were soaked in sweat and cum. Thick strands of nipple cum and pussy cum strung between their throbbing tits and their red, hot genitals. The looping strands gradually sagged down to the floor and were absorbed into the rug.

    Kath felt herself gaining her second wind. Despite the incredible erotic pleasure she and queen had given each other, despite the incredible number of orgasms they had already forced from each other, she felt ready – indeed, desperate – for more. So far, their sexual combat had not depleted her; if anything, it had fed the hunger in her loins, the heat in her burning tits. She was absolutely determined to fuck the queen into the ground, to destroy the whore once and for all. Her anger fed her lust. She felt her body charge up with sexual power.

    The Red Queen stirred beside her, then sat up. Kath instantly sat up, too, ready for anything. The queen turned towards Kath then slid back on her ass, putting a bit of space between herself and her blonde rival. Placing one hand behind her back, bracing herself, the Red Queen spread her thighs wide, and presented her dripping, red cunt to Kath. She reached down with her free hand and pressed on her pussy lips, opening her cunt, displaying her pink core to Kath. The queen smiled and began stroking her pussy lips, teasing her swelling clit.

    Kath looked into her rival’s perfect twat and almost gushed with lust. She licked her lips and resisted the urge to lean forward and bury her face, her tongue, her nose, in Kil’s succulent fuckmeat and eat and eat and eat. She shuddered. She had never had feelings like this before, but she was enjoying them. She knew that it was only a matter of time before she would have her chance to eat, to taste, to devour Kil’s delicious pussy with her mouth and her tongue.

    Smiling feverishly, Kath sat back, braced herself, and began stroking and teasing her pussy and clit in reply to the Red Queen’s provocative move. The women smiled at each other, smug, vicious grins of mutual hate and desire. They presented their cunts to each other, the tools each warrior intended to use to destroy and humiliate the other. They masturbated vigorously, each woman stoking her fires, preparing for the third round of their fuckfight. Soon, they were both dripping, cunt juice trickling into their ass cracks. Their slick twats were burning with sensation, their nipples were like studs and their tits were swollen with tension. Their massive breasts heaved with their pants. They were both ready, more than ready, to begin again.

    “Bring that little twat over here, you fucker,” the queen purred, gesturing with her wet hand. “Let’s fuck this out.”

    “Gladly, you bitch,” Kath grunted. She slid across the rug, her legs spread wide, her juiced up, hot cunt aimed directly at the delicious fuckmeat between Kil’s luscious legs. Kath felt herself going almost crazy with desire. Her need to mate with the other woman, to suck and grind cunt into cunt, clit into clit, to give and take all the pleasure she could stand, had her burning with incredible lust. Kil’s eyes were also glowing feverishly, bright with desire. She slid down to meet Kath, the need to take the other woman overpowering any strategy she might have.

    The women slid into the fork of the other’s legs. Their hot, drooling cunts slapped together with the sound of wet meat. They grunted, both women bracing their bodies with their arms, pushing into each other with all the strength of their hips and asses, spreading each other’s pussy lips, penetrating each other. They worked their bare, slick pussies around and around, drilling into each other. Their nova-hot clits met head to head, rubbing and sliding, grinding and sending shockwaves of raw electricity racing through the voluptuous women’s bucking bodies. Kath and Kil moaned in harmony as the delicious sensations of fuckmeat sealing and sucking into fuckmeat filled their senses, as the unbearable contact of clit grinding on clit caused them to writhe and scream in ecstasy. They turned their hips, slotting their muscular cunts together, driving themselves into each other, spreading and penetrating the other’s juicy cunt, locking together in a meaty, cunt to cunt grip. Both women grabbed the other woman’s sweaty, powerful thigh with one hand and used it for leverage as they worked their hips and asses in small, hard circles, grinding and grinding into each other, fucking and fucking and fucking, insane with lust and the desire to fuck the other woman into submission. Their grunts and cries soon become screams and snarls of rage and unbearable pleasure. Their pussies poured with cunt juice, soaking their interlocked quims. The wet sounds of slick flesh sliding and slapping on slick flesh filled the room.

    “You dirty, filthy fuck!” Kath groaned, her hatred for the queen never greater, her desire to completely consume the other woman at a fever.

    “Filthy fucking cunt!” the queen shot back. She worked her hips harder, determined to fuck Kath into a coma, determined to force her rival into a screaming, bucking, writhing orgasmic surrender. Kath matched her thrust for thrust, bringing their body to body war back to stalemate. The women’s tits bounced exuberantly, spraying sweat and nipple-juice.

    Kath squeezed Kil’s pussy with all the power of her cunt, using her deep vaginal muscles to pull and suck at her enemy’s pussy. Kil groaned and squeezed back, pulled back with her vagina. They gasped in unspeakable pleasure as they struggled to suck each other’s juices back and forth, as their muscular cunts wrestled to see which was more powerful, which could summon the stronger suction. They squeezed at their grinding clits, adding another level of tension and pleasure to their contest. As their pussies wrestled for domination, Kil reached for one of Kath’s massive, bouncing tits and kneaded the taut flesh, twisting and stroking the nipple.

    “Aw, god!” Kath cried. She returned the grip, grasping one of the queen’s magnificent tits and mauling it. For long minutes, the women tortured each other’s tits even as they fucked each other more and more desperately.

    Humping, bucking, driving at each other in a frenzy of sexual lust and hate, Kil and Kath fucked relentlessly, fucked mercilessly, until their voluptuous bodies were shuddering with sexual tension and pleasure, until they were both crying and sobbing with the intensity of the erotic sensations wracking their bodies. For more than an hour, they fucked each other to higher and higher heights of pure sexual ecstasy, until they felt like erotic nuclear bombs, on the verge of devastating explosions. Their bodies were so aroused, so filled with electricity and tension, so tightly joined, their red hot pussies so tightly fused, that neither woman knew where she stopped and her hated rival began. Their massive clits vibrated with tension; they had knotted together, swollen and melted into one core of unbearable pleasure. Their incredible bodies were dripping with sweat. Pussy juice coated their inner thighs, their bouncing tits sprayed sweat and pre-cum.

    Feeling the end coming, knowing they could not resist much longer, Kath and Kil reached for each other, pulled each other in tight, spreading their legs until they were tit to tit, belly to belly, and nose to nose. Their nipples burned and fused, their titmeat crushed. The women were too overwhelmed with pleasure to speak. They could only stare deeply into each other’s half-closed eyes, sharing hate and unalloyed desire. They both wanted to let the other woman know how much they despised each other, how much they wanted to destroy each other, how much they loved violating the other and being violated in turn. They both wanted to see the moment when the other woman surrendered, when her body could finally take no more of the pleasure her enemy was inflicting on her. They could say none of this; they could only glare into each other and exchange hot pants and whimpers of erotic joy as they fucked to the point of devastation. Gasping, they touched tongues, then sank into a hungry, desperate, consuming kiss. They pulled each other’s hair savagely. Moments later, they exploded as one, detonating in a series of orgasms of unbearable intensity.

    The women threw back their heads, tightened their grips on each other’s convulsing bodies, and choked out screams of pleasure. Their pussies soaked each other, mixed cum sucked back and forth between their contracting vaginas. Nipple cum squirted out, soaking their tits, squeezing out in a gush from between their mashed boobs, splattering their faces and getting in their hair, or streaming down their sweaty bellies to join the pussy cum soaking their lower bodies. Kath and the queen released each other; they fell flat on their backs and arched their spines, driving into each other, their hips and asses bucking, trying desperately to fuck each other to death, to fuck the other into absolute submission. Their pussies gushed, their bodies bucked and heaved, their tits shook. Nipple cum sprayed into the air, falling back on the women’s writhing bodies, splattering their chests, their bellies, their faces. Finally, after several minutes of unbroken orgasms, they collapsed onto the soaked fur rug, panting, moaning, their tits heaving, their bodies gleaming and drenched in sweat and cum. Interlocked, slotted together in a meaty seal at their juicy cunts, the women struggled to regain their senses. They had fucked each other’s brains out.

    Kath and Kil lay flat on their backs, exhausted, panting, their bodies slick and hot. The women drifted in and out of consciousness, both conserving their strength, waiting for the other woman to make the next move. The heat and wet within their locked pussies grew hotter and wetter, but neither woman moved to act. Finally, the queen reached down their locked bodies and placed her hands on Kath’s muscled hips. Holding Kath, she pushed herself away. The women’s cunts sucked apart with a thick “popping” sound. Their cunts gushed; thick ropes of cum stringing between their gorgeous pussies. The women continued to feel the heat from the other’s cunt, warming their inner thighs. Finally, the queen groaned and slowly, agonizingly, turned over, onto her stomach. Kath did not move; she wanted to see what the other woman had planned.

    The queen got onto her hands and knees. Kath started lustfully at the other woman’s perfect ass and considered getting up and sinking her teeth into that beautiful, round, tanned meat. The queen began backing up over Kath’s prone body. Kath immediately understood what the other woman wanted to do. She groaned with pleasure and anticipation and spread her tired legs wider. She reached out and began running her hands around and around the queen’s round, thick ass, her fingers exploring the crevasse between the other woman’s buttocks. With her middle finger, she probed the queen’s asshole; the beautiful blonde woman moaned uncontrollably and, a moment later, Kath felt her own tight asshole invaded, violated, by the queen’s curious fingers. Kil’s ass was getting ever closer to Kath’s face, the queen’s tongue was lapping at Kath’s cum-streaked inner thighs, working her way up Kath’s body. Kath looked down at the succulent pussy, the delicious asshole approaching her and could not wait an instant longer. Groaning, she slid her body down, wrapped her arms around Kil’s hips, and spread her hands on the queen’s rippling buttocks. She raised her head, spread the queen’s ass cheeks with her hands, and eagerly buried her face between the woman’s legs. Her tongue probed, sliding up and down the queen’s slick, naked cuntlips, slipping into the labia, before thrusting up to lick at the queen’s wet asshole. Kath sucked hard. The queen shrieked. Kath felt the woman’s hands gripping her ass, she felt the queen’s tongue inside of her asshole, then sliding up into her pussy. She moaned with unbearable pleasure, then turned her attention to giving head as good as she was getting. This was a contest of sexual skill and endurance; she refused to lose.

    The women’s bodies settled; thick tits crushed into muscular abs. The undersides of both women’s breasts squashed together, burning the other with delicious sensations. The women buried their faces and tongues in each other’s fuckmeat and sucked, licked and tongued each other ferociously, ravenously. Kath and Kil wrapped their lips around the other’s oversized clit and sucked and licked, using tongues to stroke and lap at the exquisitely sensitive bud. They used their teeth to scrape and stimulate agonizing pleasure out of their enemy’s swollen, twitching clit. The women used their fingers, shoving them up tight assholes and pussies, rubbing and thrusting, violating each other intimately and enjoying it too much to stop. Kath slowly worked her hand up into Kil’s tight asshole, balling her fist when she was all the way in, enjoying the sensation of the queen’s tight ass closing around her fist, of the Red woman’s body shuddering and shaking with passion. Kath cried out in pleasure as Kil’s fist twisted inside Kath’s tight, hot cunt, stretching the sensual flesh. Involuntarily, she contracted her vaginal muscles around the intruder. With groans of pure lust, Kath and Kil rolled onto their sides, wrapped their sweaty thighs around the other woman’s head, and ate each other alive, devouring each other with insatiable hunger.

    “Yes, oh yes,” Kath cried out in her head. Her moans of erotic joy grew louder, more desperate, as the pleasure building in her cunt radiated out, filling her entire body, overwhelming her sweating, bucking flesh with incredible sensations. She struggled to give back just as good as she was getting. She felt Kil’s body shuddering, shaking, against hers, and she knew she was driving the other woman insane with pleasure and lust. But she did not know which of them would go off first, which of them would succumb more quickly to the other’s erotic skills and power.

    The room filled with the women’s moans and grunts, the song of their sexual warfare harmonizing. The sounds of wet lips smacking, of fingers and fists moving in and out of tight, wet orifices, of spitty, sucking kisses on drenched, aching pussy lips, accompanied the struggling women’s cries of ecstasy. The pungent scents of two bodies locked together in sex wafted through the great room.

    On the bed, Den watched the women’s erotic duel, his massive cock throbbing with need. He had ejaculated a few times already, during the course of the evening’s combat. His swollen member was slicked with his cum. He could feel another powerful climax building as he watched Kath and Kil, locked together on the rug beside the bed, their hands filled with the other woman’s ass, their thighs wrapped around the other’s head, their lush bodies trembling together in near-orgasmic bliss. Den’s cock was burning; he wished desperately he could rub his prick, but he could feel the tension getting the point where it would explode, even without direct stimulation.

    After nearly 30 minutes of relentlessly eating each other, Kath found she could take no more. With a whooping cry, her voluptuous body went rigid in a series of exploding orgasms. She ejaculated with incredible force, her pussy cum ejecting into Kil’s hungry mouth. The Red Queen covered as much of Kath’s erupting pussy with her mouth as she could, eagerly sucking and drinking back the hot liquids, using them to replenish her parched body. Kath screamed and quaked. In desperation, she fastened her mouth over the queen’s hot cunt and sucked, then gently bit, into the woman’s pulsing clit. The queen shrieked, throwing back her head, allowing Kath’s viscous liquids to gush into her face, her hair. The queen shuddered in orgasmic release. Her pussy exploded with cum. Kath sobbed as she sucked back on the delicious liquids, tears streaming down her face, even as the queen resumed guzzling back Kath’s discharge. The women’s tits, mashed into their bellies, ejaculated again and again, slicking their bellies with creamy emissions. The women writhed in shared sexual agony, their bodies trembling as orgasm after orgasm chained through them. On the bed, Den cried out, his hips jerking, as his prick shot a fountain of jizz into the air. It splattered onto his stomach and the bed.

    The battling women’s orgasms finally passed. Kath and Kil lay together, on their sides, tightly grasping the other’s ass, gasping for a few minutes, struggling to regain their strength. Kath finally locked her lips around Kil’s clit and began sucking once again; she pushed with her hips and succeeded in rolling the queen onto her back. The queen did not resist. She raised her head to Kath’s pussy and began to feast. The women’s low, powerful moans filled the chamber again.

    For the next two hours, the struggling women rolled back and forth, onto their sides, or one or the other gaining the top position. The ceaselessly ate each other until they were convulsing in orgasmic ecstasy, sucking back every drop of cum that they could from the other woman’s erupting cunt. They slapped each other’s round, sweaty asses like drums. They shoved fingers and fists up tight cunts, up even tighter assholes, violating each other as deeply, as intimately as they could. They bit and licked each other’s inner thighs, they scratched the other woman’s back, they pulled hair and thrashed in unbearable pleasure. They fed off each other, drinking from each other, feasting on each other, until their sobs and screams grew hysterical, until their bodies were pulsing with irresistible electricity.

    Finally, screaming and gasping, Kath and Kil released each other and rolled apart.

    Panting, gasping, their bodies dripping with sweat and cum, the women lay sprawled on the drenched fur rug, their bodies pointed in opposite directions. Kath finally forced herself up, bracing her body on her elbows. She glared hatefully at Kil, her eyes lighting on her opponent’s heaving, sex-slicked tits.

    “You fucking, dirty, cunt-eating whore,” Kath rasped.

    “Fucking, slutty, cunt-sucking bitch,” the queen snarled back. She pushed herself up to face Kath.

    Driven by their mutual hate, their shared desire to completely sexually destroy the other, the two women got to their hands and knees and crawled towards each other, both determined to keep fuckfighting to the finish. Kath stood up on her knees and reached for Kil’s massive, perfect tits. Kil did the same. The women filled their hands with their enemy’s tits and began to squeeze, knead and massage the thick, taut meat. Their nipples swelled, their areola thickened and grew, the pebbled flesh growing more excruciatingly sensitive with every heartbeat. Kath squeezed the queen’s left nipples between her thumb and forefinger; the queen stroked Kath’s right nipple, pinching it hard. The women glared into each other’s eyes, their eyelids fluttering, both women gasping, as their ministrations to the other woman’s tits fed the incredible tension building in their sexual organs. Their pussies leaked, cunt juice trickling down their inner thighs.

    The women glared into each other’s eyes, as they manipulated, stroked and stimulated each other’s tits. Their breasts burned with sensations, feeding the delicious heat between their legs. Kil slowly released Kath’s tits, then reached up and pulled Kath’s hands from her breasts. Kath did not resist. She knew what Kil wanted. Eyes still locked, Kil slowly lowered her head to Kath’s succulent tits. She licked, slowly, teasingly, at Kath’s engorged nips. Kath inhaled sharply, groaning with the incredible sensations. She did not resist as Kil slowly slipped her lips around the hard, thick nub and began to suck, suck, her tongue licking and stroking. With her free hand, she kneaded Kath’s other tit. A hot quiet descended on the room, broken only by the sounds of sucking and the gasps and moans of the woman being sucked. When Kath’s nipple was burning, throbbing with need, when Kil could taste the pre-cum on her tongue, she moved her mouth over to Kath’s other tit and began again, suckling and biting, her hand working on the tit she had just abandoned. Kath’s eyes fluttered, her body boiled with heat and need, but she allowed the queen to keep eating her, sucking her nip, sucking at her juices. When her body was thrumming with electricity, when she was so aroused she feared she might gush at any moment, Kath twined her fingers into Kil’s thick blonde hair and pulled the other woman’s head back, twisting it up, pulling Kil’s hair painfully, gradually forcing Kil to release her massive tit.

    “It’s my turn to suck you, you dirty whore,” Kath breathed at her enemy. Kil sneered at Kath, but did not resist as Kath took her turn, sucking, nibbling, biting, working over Kil’s luscious tits with her teeth, tongue and lips, massaging and squeezing Kil’s free tit with her skillful hand. It was not long before Kil’s pussy was flowing, her head thrown back, moans of unbearable pleasure pouring from her mouth. Finally, when she was trembling with need, Kil twisted Kath’s head back, freeing her tit.

    The panting women glared at each other, their blue eyes shining with immeasurable lust. Without a word, both women lowered their heads and buried their faces in the right tit of their enemy. Kath and Kil slipped their free hands between the other’s woman’s legs, and began stroking her aching, dripping cunt. They ran their fingers along slick, hot pussy lips, before they began to caress and tease the other’s swollen clit. They shoved probing fingers deep into tight, wet cunts and finger-fucked viciously. All the while, their mouths, tongues and teeth worked hard on their rival’s succulent tit. They sucked and tongued the taut, bulging meat. They pulled hard with their teeth, with their lips, on distended, rock-hard nipples. They sucked each other as hard as they could, both women pulling for milk. They bit into the thick, juicy meat and chewed hungrily. Their stifled moans of ecstasy grew louder and louder as they fingerfucked, as they sucked, fucking each other to the point of no return. Their luscious bodies quaked with repressed sexual tension as they fought to force the other to submit.

    “Mmmmmm, mmmmmmmmm,”the women groaned in unison, their cries of delight and lust muffled within the luscious titmeat of the other. They trembled uncontrollably, feeling the incredible tension in their bodies building to the point of detonation. Tears poured down their gorgeous faces as they struggled to control themselves, to hold out just a bit longer than their voluptuous rival, as their luscious bodies were wracked with unbearable pleasure. They came almost simultaneously, both women shrieking into the other’s tit, both biting down on the delicious meat, as their pussies erupted, contracting and releasing, ejecting shot after shot of viscous cum. Their hands were soaked with the ejaculate. At the same moment, their tits came hard, thick, gooey tit cum exploding into their mouths. Kath and Kil had expected this. Both women kept themselves from swallowing. Instead, they let their mouths fill with the sticky, creamy ejaculate. Their other tit, the one not covered with their enemy’s mouth, shot blast after blast of cum onto their bodies, streaking their chests and splattering up to their necks and chins. The women sucked and sucked, their bodies shuddering as orgasms flowed through them, their mouths filling with hot cum. The rival vixens savored the tangy taste.

    Finally, when their bodies stopped shuddering with orgasmic release, the women pulled their faces back from the other’s dripping tit. Strands of cum connected their lips to the other’s nipple. Kath and Kil glared at each other, pushed their heavy tits together. Their aching nipples cried out in pain and pleasure as they fused, then sank into the thick titmeat. The women pushed nose to nose, staring into each other in challenge. They slipped their noses past and touched lip to lip, their tongues coming out to caress, their mouths locking into a deep, passionate, all-consuming kiss. The women sucked and slopped the shared, gooey cum back and forth in their mouths, working it into a thick, spitty mass of liquid. Thick drool trickled down their chins, strings of spitty cum hung down to their sweaty, wrestling tits, dripping into the crevasse of their shared cleavage. The women wrapped arms around each other and kissed, deep and hard, sloppy and wet, sucking and exchanging the cum back and forth, their tongues twisting and twining, wrestling in the slimy discharge, gradually swallowing it back until there was almost nothing left.

    Kath and Kil slowly broke the kiss, licking each other’s lips as they retreated. Nose to nose, eyes half-closed, heavy with lust and desire, the women stared into each other. They were standing on their knees, their bare, sweaty thighs pressed tight, their identical bodies perfectly aligned. They felt the other’s tits throbbing into their own, they could sense the heat, the need, pouring off the other’s distended, twitching clit.

    “It’s time to end this, Kath,” the queen murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. “It’s time for me to fuck your brains out.”

    Kath’s voice was low and savage, trembling with desire. “I’m going to fuck you to death, you whore.”

    “Yes,” the queen moaned, rubbing her nose to Kath’s, sliding her tongue along Kath’s lips. “We fuck until one of us is completely destroyed.”

    Without pulling away from each other, the kneeling women slid down to sit on their asses. They spread their legs wide and quickly arranged their bodies, right legs over lefts, tits crushed tight, belly flat to belly. They slid their hands around the other’s hips and gripped each other’s round, taut asses. Nose to nose, panting with lust, the women slowly tilted their pelvises forward and presented their naked, hungry cunts to each other. Heat poured out of their enraged twats, wetness spread from their soft, juiced-up labia.Their genitals matched as perfectly as the rest of their bodies, the thick-lipped “v” of their cunts eclipsing each other, the pressure crushing their cuntlips, spreading their pussies, allowing their soft, fleshy labia to merge and mesh. They contracted their vaginas, creating a powerful suction, sucking and slurping at each other’s twats. The women shuddered as their engorged, enraged clits slid together, caressing, rubbing head to head, flicking side to side, sending shockwaves of unbearable pleasure rocketing through their bodies. The women screamed in unison, then clenched their teeth and struggled to control the incredible sensations. Their naked pussies lubricated hard.

    The sexual rivals smiled at each other viciously. Both were absolutely determined to sexually annihilate the other. Slowly, moving their hips and torsos carefully, belly rubbing on belly, sweaty navel sucking at sweaty navel, they slid their slick, hot cuntlips back and forth, up and down, teasing and stimulating, torturing each other clit to clit, until they hooked their swollen, pulsating clits together, sealing their sex nubs in an excruciating bond.

    Kath and Kil gritted their teeth, they choked back screams of ecstasy, as the most unbearably sensitive, the most erotically powerful, parts of their bodies locked in combat. Their clits burned and seared against each other, fused and melted into one sizzling point of pure ecstasy. The contact made their engorged clits swell even more, aroused beyond all measure, growing to a size that made it impossible for them to disengage, unless one clit or both softened and shrank. The women smiled at each other through their tears of ecstasy. They both knew that this would decide their rivalry. The woman to extricate herself from this impossible grip would be the one who could exhaust the other, whose sex could prove itself stronger, who could drain the other of her sexual power and force the loser’s clit into humiliating defeat and sexual submission.

    “Yes,” Kath whispered, pressing her face to Kil’s, her eyes burning with lust. “Yes.”

    “You whore,” Kil whispered back. “You fucking whore.”

    Moaning with unbelievable pleasure, the women sank into a deep, tongue-thrusting, probing kiss. They gripped the other woman’s ass tight and hard, sinking powerful fingers into taut assmeat. Kath shoved both of her index fingers up Kil’s tight asshole; Kil grunted within their locked mouths and eagerly returned the grip. Their legs spread wide, inner thighs pushed together, their lower legs twined. The women moved their hips and asses, rocking and thrusting. Slowly, powerfully, their intertwined clits pulled and flexed against each other, sending waves of indescribable pleasure rolling through their flesh, burning their bodies with a consuming fire. Tears flowed down their faces, their perfect bodies shuddered in ecstasy. The women swallowed each other’s screams and moans. Kath and Kil fucked and fucked and fucked, forcing more pure ecstasy on the other woman’s body than any human could stand. Lost together in indescribable erotic pleasure, the women gave everything they had to each other, struggling to force the other into sexual submission. Their clits radiated heat and electricity, they burned with a fire that filled their aching flesh. Their wet, hot, hungry fuckmeat fused and melted into one, until both women felt like woman-sized genitals, slipping and sliding into and out of each other, eating, devouring each other with pleasure. It was just too much for either woman to endure, but still they kept fucking and fucking and fucking, sobbing and crying as they rode each other relentlessly, fucking the other into oblivion.

    For more than 30 minutes, the women fucked each other to higher and higher levels of unbearable pleasure until, finally, they could take no more. Shrieking, screaming into each other’s locked mouths, their bodies shaking and shuddering, their cunts convulsing, squeezing, squeezing each other like vises, they shot blast after blast of hot ejaculate into each other, drowning each other quims in pussy juice. The tits flowed with molten cum, splattering out under pressure, soaking their bellies and upper tits. The women sank their fingers into each other’s asses and held on, desperately, as they rode each other’s cunts mercilessly. Their bodies rocked in concert for more than five minutes as multiple orgasms roared through them, as their sexual power clashed in an effort to overpower and consume the sex of the other woman.

    Clinging together, Kath and Kil broke their kiss. They panted and gasped into the other’s ear, beautiful, sweaty faces pressed cheek to cheek.

    “Oh gods, you fuck, you filthy, cunt-sucking whore,” Kil moaned into Kath’s ear. She bit at Kath’s neck.

    “Dirty, fucking slut,” Kath gasped in reply. She shoved her tongue into Kil’s ear and twirled it around, before biting at the queen’s jawline.

    The women pulled back, pressed their faces together, nose to nose, forehead to forehead. Their fevered eyes locked, delirious with lust and pleasure. Smiling at each other savagely, the women thrust their hungry mouths together violently, their tongues pushing and shoving, twisting and licking. Their bodies began to rock, their hips jerked, as they resumed their all-out fuckwar.

    For the next three hours, Kath and the queen fucked and fucked and fucked, their magnificent bodies undulating and straining, sweat and cum flowing and mixing, flesh sliding on slick flesh. Their massive tits burned and throbbed as they rubbed and mashed together relentlessly, constantly massaging each other to new levels of sexual sensation. Their bellies rippled together, navels constantly sucking and releasing, then sucking again. Their engorged clits merged into one searing nerve of pure ecstasy, the swollen organs choking each other, wrapped into an unbreakable, unbearable knot. The women’s hungry pussies sucked and pulled at each other, juicy pussy lips sliding and sizzling against each other. The women’s hands kneaded and squeezed at the other woman’s magnificent, clenching ass as they exchanged thrust after thrust, as they rode each other relentlessly. Both women had ceased thinking long before. The only thoughts that either woman could hold onto were the need for more pleasure, the need to take all the ecstasy she could from the other’s body, and the need to destroy the other completely in the process. Every 30 minutes, the women’s bodies writhed and bucked through a string of devastatingly powerful orgasms, that left them gasping and sobbing in sexual ecstasy. Each set of orgasms grew stronger and lasted longer than the set before. Deep in their minds, the women realized they were building towards something unbearable in its intensity.

    Groaning and sobbing, Kath and Kil clung to each other as their incredible bodies shuddered and quaked through another set of multiple orgasms. Kath cried uncontrollably, her face wet with tears, as she buried her face in Kil’s hair and held on to the queen’s sweat-drenched ass, desperately riding her rival’s cunt, enduring the unbearable sensations to their end.

    As she sobbed into the other blonde’s powerful, bare shoulder, Kath heard a groan from the bed. She glanced over and saw Den, his body jerking as he came again, his cum shooting high into the air. For an instant, Kath had a moment of clarity. She remembered where she was and why she was locked in a fuckfight to the death with her greatest enemy. Seizing on that moment, before the understanding was lost to her on a wave of pure sexual pleasure, she reached up with both hands, grabbed Kil’s hair, and pulled hard. At the same time, she pushed forward with her body. Slowly, agonizingly, Kil rolled over onto her back. Kath moved with her, joined tight to the queen’s body by their interlocked clits.

    Moaning, Kath mounted the other woman; Kil spread herself wide, then wrapped her powerful legs around Kath’s pumping hips. She sank her fingers even deeper into the thick meat of Kath’s round, succulent ass, pulling Kath down onto her writhing body. Kath pumped slow and hard, every movement pulling on their intertwined, burning clits, every thrust feeding the excruciating heat and pleasure radiating out from between their legs, filling their bodies with electricity. The women did not kiss, but panted mouth to mouth, their hot breath mixing, their moans and sobs of pleasure forming a symphony of ecstasy. Kath moved her back, rubbing and grinding her massive tits down onto Kil’s matching rack. The women’s nipples burned like small stars as their titmeat massaged each other, adding to their erotic joy. The raging inferno between their legs filled their bodies. Their muscles trembled with sexual tension, from the core of their grinding bodies down to their toes. The women stared into each other, their blue eyes glazed with pleasure, delirious with lust. Even through the haze of their erotic ecstasy, the women felt the need to destroy the other, to see the other woman submit in sexual defeat. The heat and tension building in their locked cunts built to an explosive end. Choking on their screams of ecstasy, Kath and Kil came together in devastating climax.

    Their bodies jerked as wave after wave of hot cum squirted between their bodies, soaking their quims, coating their lower bodies and inner thighs. Their tits ejaculated powerfully, in time with their spurting cunts. The women’s shuddering muscles locked and strained, their bodies quivered with tension, then released, then locked again. The orgasms would not stop; each was more intense, more excruciatingly unbearable, than the one before. The women were silent. The only sounds that came from them were choked moans of pure, unbelievable pleasure, their desperate gasps for air, as their bodies merged completely. Tears streamed down their beautiful faces, their teeth clenched in sexual agony. Their clits were pounding, each wave saturating their bodies with more and more heat, more and more pleasure, more than any human could stand. Their cunts squeezed and spasmed in concert, joined in a perfect union.

    The women looked deep into each other’s eyes. Even through their streaming tears, they could see their enemy teetering on the edge of the precipice of consciousness, their minds fighting to stay awake, to not succumb to the unbelievable pleasure they were taking from the other. Finally, a roaring wave of ecstasy, too much to endure, washed through the rivals’ straining bodies, filling them to the brim, to overflowing, setting every nerve inside their bodies on fire. From a great distance, Kath watched the queen’s eyes roll up into her head, she felt the tension in the woman’s voluptuous body, wrapped so tightly with her perfect form, spasm powerfully, then flow away. As the queen passed out from the sheer pleasure, Kath had a moment of exultation. She had won; her cunt had defeated the cunt of her doppelganger. She had proved to both of them that she was the better fuck, the better woman. A moment later, her mind gave out and she collapsed on top of the queen, her mind shutting down, protecting itself from the unbearable sensations flowing through every nerve ending like an electrical current.

    Some time later, Kath awoke. She heard someone calling her name. “Kath! Kath!” Den cried from the bed. “Wake up! Wake up!”

    Slowly, the blonde beauty regained her senses. She remained locked in her sweaty, cum-soaked embrace with the queen. Their throbbing clits were still locked. The sexual nubs had softened a bit in the aftermath of the fuckfight, but they remained swollen into one pulsating nerve. Kath pushed herself up just enough to reach down between their bodies and carefully, agonizingly, unhook her clit from that of her defeated foe. The manual manipulation of her clit almost caused her to explode in another orgasm. Kath rolled off of the queen. For a few minutes, she lay gasping beside the other woman’s body. Strands of cum linked their tits and pussies. Their naked bodies shone with sweat, glistening in the light of the new dawn now coming over the horizon.

    Kath rolled onto her hands and knees and crawled towards the bed. She found her dagger under the bed and then pulled herself onto the thick mattress.

    “Quick, Kath,” Den encouraged her. “Cut me free! We have to leave here as fast as we can. The queen’s servants will come to check on her when they realize they cannot hear anything coming from the room.”

    Kath regained her second wind. She smiled at Den as she crawled up to him. “Not just yet, baby,” she said. “I think I get to claim my prize.” She reached down and stroked his massive cock, which had grown a bit flaccid since his last ejaculation. Den groaned. Kath seized the thick meat and licked at the tip, then wrapped her lips around the cock’s head and sucked, nibbled, hard. In an instant, Den’s shaft was as hard as a rock, throbbing with tension. Kath continued licking and sucking at the massive prick, running her mouth up and down the shaft until it was slick with spit. Gently, teasingly, she took each of his balls in her mouth and sucked carefully. Den gasped with the incredible sensations. His prick grew even harder. When it was ready, Kath raised herself up over Den’s prone body, then lowered her dripping, aching cunt down onto the man’s monstrous shaft. She groaned in bliss as Den’s cock slid, thick and hard, all the way up into her vaginal core, forcing its way up into her tight, hot twat. Her cunt completely devoured the ten-inch rod. She placed her hands on Den’s chest and rocked up and down, working the cock inside of her body, squeezing and massaging it with her deep vaginal muscles, rubbing her swollen clit against his lower belly. Den and Kath cried out in shared erotic passion. It was not long before Den came, his hips jerking, lifting Kath off the bed, his molten cum erupting deep inside her luscious body like a subterranean volcano. Kath squeezed him mercilessly, milking his cock for every drop. She ran her hands through her hair, threw back her head, and groaned in ecstasy and victory as she bucked her way through a delicious orgasm.

    Finally, Kath picked up the sharp dagger from where she had left it on the bed and cut Den’s bonds. Instantly, he rolled her onto her back and began to pump his enflamed prick, working it back and forth, deep in her body. Kath laughed and grabbed her lover’s rippling ass, pulling him onto her even harder. Their bodies had only just started to slap together in rhythm when there was a bell at the door.

    “Are you alright, my queen?“ came a voice from outside the portal. “It is time for breakfast. Should we bring it in?”

    “Quick,” Den whispered to Kath. “Your voice sounds like hers. Tell them to go away.”

    “I do not want breakfast this morning,” Kath called out, trying to sound imperious. “I am too busy. Do not disturb me again until the noon hour meal.”

    “Yes, my queen,” said the voice from outside. Den and Kath waited, immobile, breath held, to see if the servants would enter anyway. They did not.

    “We have to leave, right now,” Den murmured. He tried to withdraw from Kath’s cunt, but discovered that she had him in a vise-like grip. “Kath, let me go,” he whispered.

    “No, Den,” Kath explained. “Listen to me. I am too weak to climb down the tower wall. You are going to have to carry me. But I am also too weak to hold onto your back. You need to climb this way. If your cock is all the way inside me during our descent, it will be enough to hold me in place.” She smiled. “And I will make sure that I have a good, hard grip.”

    Den smiled at Kath tenderly and kissed her. They rolled to the edge of the bed, Den sheathed balls-deep inside of Kath’s succulent pussy. When they got to the edge of the bed, Den was on the bottom. He sat up. Kath wrapped her thighs around his hips. He stood up, gripping Kath by her powerful ass. She tightened her legs, wrapped her arms around his neck, and squeezed hard with her inner vaginal muscles. She could feel Den growing even harder inside of her, his massive shaft effectively nailing their bodies together. Den walked to the window and looked over the edge.

    “Hold on tight,” the man said. Kath replied by squeezing his cock even harder, eliciting a moan. Den climbed over the edge and began the dangerous descent, Kath’s luscious body pressed into the wall. Den climbed by holding himself as far off from the wall as possible, trying to keep from scraping Kath against the rock as much as he could. While they descended, Kath concentrated on working her lover’s massive prick with all of her vaginal skills, massaging and teasing and rippling her inner muscles against his shaft, keeping him fully stimulated and erect. Her massive tits pressed tightly into his chest, her nipples stabbed into his hard pectorals.

    About a third of the way down, Den suddenly groaned, gripped the stones of the wall tightly, and closed his eyes. His body spasmed, his hips jerked, and he pressed Kath’s ass and back hard into the cold stone behind her. She could feel the release of his hot cum deep inside of her body. She squeezed and massaged him even harder, milking him. She shuddered as a sympathetic orgasm rippled through her body – nothing too intense, but enough to give her a jolt of pure pleasure.

    Den and Kath smiled at each other, panting, then continued the descent.

    Nearly 45 minutes later, they reached the ground. Den slipped out of Kath, but she was still too tired to run. He scooped her up in his arms, took a moment to nibble and suck at one of her jutting nipples, then ran into the desert. Kath gave Den directions for how to find the flyer that she had used to come for him. It took nearly an hour to find the airship. It was concealed in a small valley. They decided it would not be safe to take to the air during the day. They found a cave in the side of the valley wall in which to rest, that could protect them from the heat of the day. Den and Kath stretched out beside each other, their nude bodies aligning. Kath felt her energy coming back, and with it her insatiable sex drive. Den mounted her, desperate for more of her body. Eagerly, she spread her legs. Den shoved his monstrous cock all the way up her tight slit. The lovers fucked hard for the rest of the day, until twilight allowed them to gain the ship. Finally, they were on their way back to the floating city of Zegium, their home.

    As the flyer drifted up into the night sky, Kath looked back at the Red Queen’s tower in the distance. Lights shone brightly in the chamber at the top of the tower. Kath wondered if the queen was looking out, right at that moment, watching them speed away into the night. Kath shivered. A vision of the queen’s succulent cunt suddenly assaulted her senses. She remembered exactly what that gorgeous, hairless pussy looked like up close, how it tasted, how it smelled, how the queen’s swollen clit felt in her mouth as she sucked and licked and buried her face in the succulent fuckmeat. For a moment, she was lost in a vivid image, a lucid memory, of the sensations, the sweat, the heat, the spit and cum, of her body locked and moving with the queen’s body, muscles straining against muscles, clit twisted around clit, tits mashing and throbbing, nipples burning like coals. Kath shuddered and opened her eyes. Her nipples were long and stiff, her pussy was hot and wet, pussy juice was leaking down her inner thighs. Kath knew that her war with the queen was not over. She had won a battle, but not the war. She shivered with pleasure and anticipation.

    “We will meet again, you whore,” she whispered under her breath, looking back at the tower. “The next time, my clit will destroy yours, my tits will crush your little bags. This is not over.” She almost imagined she heard an answering challenge on the wind.

    To be continued:
    Last edited by JB57; November 4th, 2017 at 11:48 AM.

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    Re: Kath vs. Kil, Parts I and II - New Story by JB57

    I've copied my story and I haven't yet copied it back, because as you can see, the threads only go back a few weeks. As of now, in exchange for losing posts of last week, we've gained less what we had before the restart, so methinks it will be another restart in which case you should save this story for re-upload.

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    Re: Kath vs. Kil, Parts I and II - New Story by JB57

    I'm still not sure what's happening with HB. I put this story up because I saw that most of the posts seemed to be from a week or more ago, so I assumed the reloading had been done. If I need to repost this later, I will do so. I just hope the problem with the punctuation marks is fixed soon.


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    Re: Kath vs. Kil, Parts I and II - New Story by JB57

    Quote Originally Posted by JB57 View Post
    I'm still not sure what's happening with HB. I put this story up because I saw that most of the posts seemed to be from a week or more ago, so I assumed the reloading had been done. If I need to repost this later, I will do so. I just hope the problem with the punctuation marks is fixed soon.

    The problem on this board was reported to the Help Desk, however replies to them still don't show up, even though I've signaled that the pro style board is also unchanged, so, yes, the reloading has happened but it was less than successful, hence why I don't repost my story.

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    Senior Hostboard Member calla242's Avatar
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    Re: Kath vs. Kil, Parts I and II - New Story by JB57

    A little bit remastered. I didn't read it yet but thanks a lot jb57! I bet its another masterpiece.
    Kath vs. Kil: A Neverwhere Adventure, Part I

    The naked woman moved slowly, carefully, up the side of the rock tower. The stone structure rose high over the arid plain, as if carved out of the rocky cliff on which it stood. The ancient stones were slick and smooth, sculpted by age and burnished by the storms and heat of thousands of years. The woman?s bare feet had difficulty finding purchase on the smooth surface. The danger did not dissuade her. Over her years in the realm of Neverwhere, she had trained and honed her magnificent body until her physical strength and skill matched her outward perfection. She had climbed sheer rock surfaces many times as part of her training as a warrior. So long as she was careful, so long as she moved only when she was sure of her grip, she was confident that she would make her way to the top of the stone tower and gain the chamber there. She was carrying a dagger, sheathed in a scabbard, attached to a strap looped over her shoulder and crossing her chest. This was the only weapon she could carry easily.

    On another world, her name had been Katherine Wells, but here, in Neverwhere, she usually went by Kath. In the year 1892, Katherine had lived in London. She was a writer with some small success. She had left the city and gone for a vacation in the countryside, searching for the time and quiet she needed to write. One evening, she had been out for a walk on the marshes when a will o?the wisp appeared. She followed it to a glowing portal that opened in front of her. The coruscating light called to her, mesmerizing her. Katherine stepped into the light; it enveloped her, warmed her, filled her with a soothing heat. She lost consciousness. When she regained her senses, Katherine found herself in a different world. She was lying on the sandy ground, completely naked. The sun was beating down on her body. She got to her feet, too disoriented, for a moment, to fully comprehend her naked state or to sense the enormous changes in her body, except to register that she seemed full of energy and that her body?s weight and proportions felt wrong. She was in a quarry of some kind; a steep path spiraled out of the quarry to the desert floor above. She was facing a wall of clear, glass-like stone. The stone was shaded, so it took her a moment to detect the movement in the clear surface and another moment to realize that the stone was acting like a mirror. It took yet another moment to realize that the nude beauty staring back at her was herself.

    In England, she had been a slight, sickly woman in her late 30s. Now, somehow, she had transformed. She was a perfect specimen of extravagant womanhood. Kath studied her reflection in the mirror-like mineral. She was awed by what she saw. Her nude body was completely hairless, except for the shoulder-length blonde locks atop her head. Her breasts were incredible; thick and heavy, taut and round, topped by coffee-brown nipples and large, perfectly circular areola.. Her torso was magnificent, beautifully muscled, her abs and the muscles running down her hips were tightly defined. Her hips were wide and inviting. Her legs were long and powerful. Her pussy was perfect beyond words, her vulva lips strong and thick, her hairless pubis smooth and tight. Kath felt powerful and beautiful in a raw, primal way she had never felt before.

    Kath climbed out of the spiral pit and into a desert landscape. She walked directly into a trap; a troop of ravening trolls was waiting for her. They bound her hand and foot and carried her to the same tower that she was climbing now. There, in a massive throne room, she met the Red Queen for the first time. The Red Queen sat upon a stone throne, wearing a crimson cape and hood. Otherwise, the beautiful woman was totally, magnificently nude. Her body was every bit as spectacular as Kath?s new body. The Englishwoman did not realize it, but the Red Queen was her double, her perfect doppelganger. At the time, Kath only knew that she was confronting an incredible nude woman who seemed to be expecting her. It would be a few years before Kath would learn, with certainty, that the Red Queen had sent the will o?the wisp to entice Kath into the portal and bring her to Neverwhere. The Red woman had been Kath?s enemy long before Kath even knew the other woman existed.

    The queen ordered the bound Kath wrapped in a cloth sack. The Red woman and her entourage left the palace, walking across the desert for what seemed liked hours. The queen?s men carried Kath. The small party eventually reached a massive, crumbling temple, containing a stone altar built over a deep pool of fetid water. Kath found that she could understand what the Queen and her men were saying to each other. She soon realized that the queen intended to offer her as a sacrifice to some kind of being that lived in the water. Though Kath did not know it, the queen?s entourage included another human sacrifice, a man , also bound and gagged and wrapped up in a cloth sack.

    Standing on the altar over the water, the queen intoned a solemn ritual. The ritual ended. The queen gave an order. Her guards threw the bound, wrapped man into the pool. Kath, lying on the hard, stony altar, heard the splash. She heard the sounds of water boiling, as whatever lived in the murky pool seized its prey. Kath wriggled, desperately trying to free herself. Moments later, she heard a man?s deep voice crying out for the queen to stop! and the sounds of physical battle, flesh against flesh. Kath felt a bare foot in her side she later learned the foot belonged to the queen herself and, suddenly, she was falling through space. An instant later, she was in the water, choking, drowning, her limbs bound, the wet bag closing around her face, sealing off her air. For long moments, she thrashed in fear, struggling for air, struggling to save herself, aware that, at any moment, some kind of ravenous creature might tear into her flesh. She felt strong hands grab her underwater, she felt herself pulled through the roiling brine. She was passing out, panic and the lack of air robbing her of awareness.

    A rush of water, the impact of her voluptuous body on sand, drew her back to consciousness. Someone pulled the bag off her head. She felt the ropes around her ankles and wrists loosen. Someone was untying her. She opened her eyes and beheld a powerfully muscled, nude man. He was completely hairless, from his head to his feet. The next thing that caught her attention was his exposed manhood. She was a 19th century British woman; she was not used to seeing completely naked men in public. This man?s cock was enormous. It hung between his legs like a thick sausage, at least 8 inches of meat. He helped her to her feet. Together, the naked man and woman escaped on the back of a giant bat, a creature scavenging on the edges of the pit in which they had found themselves. The bat deposited them in an oasis a considerable distance from the temple. There, they introduced each other.

    The man?s name was Den. They quickly established that they were both from Earth, but from different times. Den had awakened on this world in a new body; he had come across the queen?s entourage marching across the desert, followed it, then intervened after the queen had sacrificed the first victim. He had jumped into the water to save Kath and had managed to find an underwater drain pipe that released them from the pool.

    Kath offered her magnificent new body to Den as a reward for his bravery. She was eager to test her new body, to explore her new possibilities. Her sexual appetites powerfully awakened in the presence of the nude man and she felt the overwhelming need to satisfy them. He gladly accepted her offer. They fell into each other?s arms, eagerly rubbing their naked flesh against the other, exploring the other person?s incredible form with hands and tongues, bites and kisses. Soon, Den?s enormous cock had swelled up to a terrifying size and Kath?s naked cunt was as wet as a lake, hungry to devour his massive shaft of meat. Den penetrated her to the hilt, driving into her tight, hot twat with a powerful thrust that spread her, filled her, caused her to shriek in absolute ecstasy. Kath and Den moaned and bucked together in shared pleasure. They fucked hard, for hours, enjoying each other?s magnificent bodies and the power and sexual hunger that came with them.

    Den and Kath had been together ever since. They had many adventures, usually together, often apart. Kath explored the new world of Neverwhere, acquiring new confidence and new skills as she went along. She did not want to be bound to any man. She and Den loved each other, though there was an imbalance in their mutual affection, with Den being far more dependent on Kath than the reverse. Yet, no matter how far Kath traveled, she always found her way back to her mate.

    Many of their adventures involved conflict with the Red Queen. Kath and Den eventually discovered that the woman?s name was Kil, though they did not learn if she had any connection to Earth. Kath never discovered why she and the other woman looked so much alike, though she did have theories. The Red Queen never stopped trying to seize Kath and use her as a human sacrifice. The Red woman also began her pursuit of Den. Early in their relationship, Kath found that Den and the Red Queen were connected in some way that even he did not understand. The woman?s lust for him was enormous. A number of times, over the years, she had succeeded in capturing him and forcing him to sexually service her.

    Kath had been away, traveling for a few weeks. She returned to the home she shared with Den in the floating city of Zegium to discover that Den was missing. Her friends informed her that the queen?s forces had captured Den when he was on an expedition in the desert. Kath immediately left to reclaim her mate. She decided that she was finally going to end the threat of the Red Queen. The woman had been a thorn in the side of both her and Den for too long.

    Now, Kath found herself clinging precariously to the outer wall of the Queen?s tower. At the top of the rock structure was the queen?s bed chamber. Kath had no doubt that was where she would find the Red Queen and Den.

    When she was 5 or 6 meters from the top of the tower, Kath began to hear sounds coming from the chamber, traveling clearly in the still evening air. Groans and gasps, moans and cries of pleasure, reached her ears. Most of the sounds were distinctly feminine, but she could also hear the occasional deep moan of a masculine voice. She immediately recognized Den?s voice; she had heard those exact moans many times when they were locked together in sex, their firm bodies writhing and slapping, their hips jerking and thrusting, their limbs twined and locked. The sounds of intense sex coming from the chamber above aroused Kath, even as they fed her rage. She had to resist quickening her pace; she needed to make sure that her anger did not make her careless. The last thing she needed was to lose her life because of jealous anger. She forced herself to slow down. She used her anger to fuel her determination to get to the top.

    It took her another 15 minutes, but she reached the edge of one of the huge windows ringing the chamber. All of the windows were open to the air; there was no glass. She climbed carefully onto the ledge, being sure not to let her dagger scrape on the rock surface and give away her presence. She slipped into the massive bed chamber as quietly as possible. Only when she was safely crouched on the floor inside the window did she pause to get her bearings.

    The chamber was huge, a massive circle with enormous windows ringing the entire room, looking out onto the surrounding desert in all directions. There was a door at the far end of the room; Kath noted that a bolt was thrown into place, barring unwanted entry. The floor of the room was solid stone, but covered in a variety of furs and rugs. In the center of the room was a large firepit. The fire was dead, but the coals were glowing with heat, warming the room and casting a gentle orange light. A huge, circular bed was directly adjacent to the firepit, halfway across the room from where Kath had entered, giving her a sideview of the bed.

    Two figures were on the bed. One was Den. He was tied to the support posts, spread out like an X, his ankles and wrists secured to the massive wooden bedframe by strong ropes. Straddling him, fully impaled on his enormous cock, was a gorgeous, naked woman, the Red Queen. Her hands were on Den?s muscled chest, her hips and ass were moving, slow and hard, as she rode her prisoner?s monstrous shaft. The woman?s short blonde hair bobbed, her massive, perfect tits bounced deliciously, as she moved up and down on the man?s enormous prick. Kath could see that the woman?s belly was rippling, a sure sign that she was using her deep vaginal muscles to work and massage Den?s rock-hard shaft. Sweat and other womanly secretions dripped from the tips of the Red woman?s engorged, erect nipples. The woman?s eyes were closed, her head was thrown back, her beautiful face wore an expression of ecstatic pleasure. She was moaning, her cries of pleasure growing louder and more insistent, heralding the arrival of a powerful orgasm. Under her, Den was groaning in erotic agony, trying to resist the incredible pleasure that the woman was giving to him. Suddenly, he cried out, a choking groan of raw pleasure. He clenched his teeth, moaned loudly, then went stiff with a powerful orgasmic release, his hips jerking spasmodically. The woman riding him screamed out in ecstasy, reached up to run her hands over her spurting breasts and through her hair, and jerked her hips as she came in concert with her reluctant lover. For almost two minutes, the two incredible figures on the bed convulsed in unison, their bodies going stiff with pleasure then releasing, again and again. The smell of sex, of hot cum and slick sweat, came wafting to Kath across the room. She inhaled it deeply and immediately felt her body burn even hotter, responding both to the hormones she was taking in as well as the erotic tableau on the bed.

    Ahhhh, that was so good, the queen purred, stretching her fingers over Den?s pectoral muscles and squeezing, sinking her fingers into the firm flesh. You?re such a good fuck, my love.

    I am not yours, Kil, Den grunted, using the queen?s name. I love Kath. Let me go!

    Hmmmm, the queen smiled. She lay down on Den, pressing her thick, huge tits into his bare chest, rubbing her breasts around and around on Den?s meaty pectorals. Involuntarily, the man groaned as Kil?s hard nipples ground into his skin. The queen sat up. Her belly began to ripple again. Can Kath do this to you, my beautiful buck? she grinned.

    Den moaned, his cry a gasp of sexual agony. He was fighting enormous pleasure. Whatever the queen was doing to his cock with her pussy was more than he could stand. He found himself getting as hard a rock, once again.

    I?ll do things to you that you can?t imagine, my love, the queen promised, her eyes glowing with lust. When I?m done with you, you won?t remember that woman?s name. The only name you?ll be screaming will be mine!

    Kath unsheathed her dagger from its scabbard and slipped the scabbard and its belt from around her neck, lowering them to the floor beside the window. Carrying only the dagger, she tiptoed across the room, moving silently on her bare feet, moving slowly, keeping just out the queen?s line of sight. The bed was huge; to get at the queen, she needed to crawl up on the padding. She moved into place, behind the queen. The incredibly erotic scent of cum and sweat was much more intense. The queen was working her ass, moving her hips, trying to get Den back into full erection, when Kath reached around and placed the point of the dagger on the woman?s throat, just under her jaw. With her free hand, Kath grabbed Kil?s hair and jerked her head back. The queen froze instantly, with a sudden, startled intake of breath. Kath pressed her naked body into the nude woman?s back. Her thick nipples throbbed with tension.

    Get your dirty cunt off of my man, you fucking whore, Kath breathed into the other beautiful blonde?s ear.

    Kath! Den cried out, in happy surprise.

    I?ll be right with you, lover, Kath murmured, keeping her voice low. She did not know if there were guards outside the door, who might come rushing in. First, I?m going to deal with this whore.

    Kath turned her attention back to the queen. The woman was a powerful sorceress; Kath was not going to give her any chance to use her magics. Back off of Den. Do it slowly, cunt. If I see the slightest twitch, the slightest sign of magic, I?m going to slice your throat open.

    Slowly, the queen rose up, lifting her cunt off of Den?s body. His massive shaft sucked free of her tight, hot pussy. A gush of cum and cunt juice ran onto his cock and splashed onto his belly from the queen?s overloaded twat. A thick strand of semen connected the tip of his cock to the queen?s sopping cunt. It broke as they moved apart. The woman retreated slowly, Kath?s dagger pricking her throat. Kath led her captive, slowly backing off the padding, until they were both standing on the fur rug at the foot of the bed. The queen stood with her back to Kath, her arms at her side. She made no sudden moves.

    Turn around, Kath said.

    The Red Queen turned around, Kath?s sharp dagger dictating her speed. The two beautiful women glared at each other, both immediately conscious of how similar they were. Except for the length of their hair, Kath?s blonde locks a bit longer, the women were virtually identical in every other way. They could easily be twin sisters.

    Kath lowered the dagger from the queen?s throat to her chest. She pushed the point into the spot just above the woman?s heart, directly between the queen?s taut, meaty tits, which hung and quivered on her chest like juicy melons.

    I?m tired of you taking my man and threatening me, you bitch, Kath breathed. This is the last time you?ll ever bother us. She pressed harder with the dagger, eliciting a gasp from the gorgeous woman opposite her. You?re going to swear on your dark gods to never bother us again, or I?m going to shove this thing into you until it comes out the other side.

    I can swear such an oath, the queen replied, her voice silky. But before I do, I want you to consider something.

    What is that? Kath shifted impatiently. Her body was getting hot and horny and she desperately wanted Den?s cock up between her legs. She had already decided she was going to tie the queen up and make the bitch watch Den fuck her, to get back at the woman for what she had forced Kath to watch.

    From now on, every time Den shoves his prick up your dirty little twat, he?ll be thinking of me.

    What do you mean? Kath asked sharply.

    I?ve done things to him I?ve given him pleasure with my cunt and my body that you can?t begin to match. He?s going to fuck you, but he?s always going to know what he?s missing. He?s going to know that he could be getting it much, much better from me. When he fucks you, he will be dreaming of my pussy.

    Kath barely restrained herself from shoving the point of the blade deep into the queen?s chest. You bitch, Kath snarled. Are you saying you?re a better fuck that I am?

    Oh, you know that I am, little whore, the queen snapped back. You?ve got a good body, but I?ve got experience and practice that you won?t have in a million years. I can do things with my pussy that you?ve never even imagined. Your cunt is no match for mine and we both know it.

    Kath glared at her doppelganger, rage burning in her eyes. She knew that the other woman had caught her. In the future, even if Den assured her that she was a better fuck than this Red bitch, she knew that she could not be certain. Kath was confident in her sexual power and abilities. It was true that she had far fewer sexual partners than the Red sorceress. But she and Den had fucked each other relentlessly since the day they had met, and they were both sexually inexhaustible. They had tried everything they could think of on each other and she was sure that what she lacked in variety of partners she made up for in practice. But Kath knew that the doubt would dog her forever, that it could destroy her relationship with Den, unless she knew for certain if she or the queen was the better fuck. She knew that there was only one way to settle this question. As the thought of what she had to do entered her mind, her body seemed to explode with sexual desire. Her juicy cunt lubricated powerfully, her nipples swelled to fleshy spikes, her massive tits grew thicker, hotter, and started to throb with every beat of her quickening heart.

    Let?s just see who has the better cunt, Kath said to the queen, her voice low and dangerous. We settle this woman to woman, you whore, she continued. Cunt to cunt. Tit to tit. Clit to clit. We fuckfight until we both know.

    The queen?s eyes burned with excitement and desire. She licked her lips, her hunger radiating off of her in waves. As Kath watched, the other woman?s already aroused body grew even hornier. Her tits swelled up before Kath?s eyes; the queen?s nipples became throbbing spikes. She saw the trickle of lubrication run down the Red woman?s inner thighs.

    Yes, the Red Queen panted, her voice quivering with excitement. Yes, we must fuck each other raw, to see who has the better cunt.

    No sorcery, Kath said. Her dagger was still pressed into Kil?s chest. You do this without cheating.

    The queen snorted. Why would I cheat, little bitch? I don?t need sorcery to beat you. And if I did use sorcery, I would know that I cheated. That would hardly be a satisfying victory.

    No sorcery, Kath insisted. Swear it, on your gods.

    Kil smiled lazily. She knew that she had Kath exactly where she wanted her. I swear to use no sorcery when we fuckfight. I swear it on the deepest, darkest gods of my faith.

    Kath pressed the dagger into Kil?s chest again. We fuck until one of us submits or can?t go on. Agreed?

    Agreed, the queen replied. She continued If you win, you can leave here with Den and I?ll never bother you again. But if I win, then you leave Den. You won?t deserve him.

    Kath hesitated, but only for a moment. She knew that if she lost this fight, she would not be able to stay with Den anyway. Her pride as a woman would not allow it.I agree.

    Kath, no! Den shouted. He had been watching the entire exchange from the bed. His enormous cock had already swelled back up to full size. You have nothing to prove! You are the better fuck! I swear to the gods!

    The queen gave him a nasty smirk. Kath smiled at him. I?m sorry, my love, but I need to know that for myself.

    Den genuinely feared for his lover. He knew from experience exactly how much pleasure could be found between the legs of the Red Queen, the amazing things she could do with her pussy, with her body. But he also knew, intimately, of Kath?s incredible sexual talents. He honestly did not know which of the women was more skilled or who had given him more pleasure. He had no idea which of these two incredibly voluptuous and erotic women was the more powerful sexual warrior. He knew that, if the women were as evenly matched as he feared, this battle could easily go against the woman he loved. But he also understood why Kath needed to match her body against that of the queen and meet the woman clit to clit.

    We are agreed, then? the queen asked. We fuckfight. The woman who can make the other submit or who can overpower the pussy of the other is the winner. If I win, you leave Den; if you win, you take him and I bother you no more.

    Slowly, Kath nodded. Yes, she said, her voice a low, throaty growl. Her body was burning, throbbing in all of her erogenous zones. She lowered the knife from between the queen?s breasts. With a flick of her wrist, she threw it away. It clattered on the stone floor and slid under the bed.

    The nude women glared at each other, just an arm?s length apart. Their eyes locked. They waited, letting the tension between them build, letting their incredible, voluptuous bodies grow more and more aroused with the building anticipation. Their massive tits heaved as their breath grew faster, deeper. Their nipples ached with tension. Their pussies burned with desire and grew wet and began dripping cunt juice to the fur rug at their feet. Their naked cuntlips engorged with blood and heat. Both women glanced down and saw the other?s thick, hot clit swelling up from the other?s smooth, pulsating cunt.

    Kath felt the butterflies in her stomach. She was putting everything on the line. The future depended on her ability to give this woman, her hated enemy, more sexual pleasure than the woman?s incredible body could bear. But it also depended on Kath?s ability to resist raw ecstasy, to take everything the queen could give to her and still, somehow, be able to walk away or even crawl away- when it was all over. She had never had a fuckfight before but, if she was honest with herself, she knew that she had fantasized about this moment from the first time she had seen the queen. The Red Queen had always presented a sexual challenge to her. She was a woman who was identical to Kath, whose body was just as magnificent, who possessed enormous self-confidence and incredible sexual power. She was a woman who was constantly challenging and belittling Kath?s sexuality by trying to take Kath?s man for herself. She realized that she and the queen had been working towards this confrontation for years. They had been circling each other like two sexual predators, aching for a battle to decide which of them was the more powerful animal. Now, finally, they were going to decide their unspoken rivalry.

    Very similar thoughts were racing through the mind of Kil, the Red Queen. Now that she was standing mere feet away from Kath?s magnificent, naked body, preparing to meet the blonde bitch in a fuck to the finish, she realized that this was something she had always wanted, something she had been goading Kath towards, for years. The way her body was reacting, the incredible lust and tension boiling inside of her, told her that this was something she had anticipated, desired, craved for a very long time. She realized she had to prove, to herself, to Den, to Kath, that she was the superior woman, that her body, her sexual power, was greater. She could not tolerate the challenge posed to her by Kath?s body, by Kath?s very existence, by the fact that Kath was her twin, by what that implied about Kath?s sexuality and desirability. She had brought Kath to Neverwhere to sacrifice her to the dark gods. Now, she wondered if she had really brought the woman here to be her rival, to challenge her, to be her greatest conquest.

    I?m going to destroy you, you fucking whore, Kil breathed. She stepped forward, reaching for Kath.

    I?m going to fuck you dry, you cunt, Kath replied, sliding her hands onto the queen?s smooth hips, slipping her arms around the woman?s narrow, muscled waist. I?m going to make you beg me to stop.

    The queen slipped her hands under Kath?s arms, grasping the other woman?s upper back. The women pulled each other in, both aiming their burning, throbbing nipples directly at each other. They were panting in heat and excitement.

    I?m going to make you beg me not to stop, cuntlicker, the queen gasped.

    The gorgeous, naked women?s rock-hard nipples came together. Instantly, their milk holes latched to each other, forming a burning suction. A bolt of erotic electricity arced through the mating women, filling their throbbing tits with heat before pouring down their bellies and into their enflamed pussies. Kath and Kil shrieked in unison, both women completely unprepared for the unbelievable sexual pleasure that came with this first contact. Simultaneously, their pussies contracted, then gushed, spraying cunt juice all over the other woman?s lower body, coating their own thighs with wetness, wetting the fur rug.

    Aaaaahhhhh,Kath cried out, stunned at the pleasure.

    Unnnnngggghhh, the queen screamed, her head jerking back with the sudden shock.

    The women struggled to bring their voluptuous bodies under control. Gritting their teeth, pressing their beautiful faces together, nose to nose, forehead to forehead, they glared into the other?s blue eyes, their emotions caught between intense hatred and incredible lust for the other woman.

    Fucking cunt, Kath whispered viciously at her fuck rival.

    Dirty twat, Kil replied, her eyes burning with lust.

    The women gathered themselves, grabbed each other by the shoulders and pulled each other in. Their massive tits were already compressed between their upper arms as they came together; both women thrust out with their powerful chests, ramming their massive, meaty mounds of tit together with all the force they could muster. They screamed in mutual rage and pleasure as their nipples crushed each other back into their dense tits, as their areola sizzled and burned with electricity as they fused together. Their titmeat mashed, the taut, dense flesh resisting and throbbing with sensuality as each pair of boobs struggled for sexual supremacy.
    The women wrapped their arms around each other?s backs and squeezed with all their strength, trying to crush the other woman?s tits flat, trying to squash the other woman?s perfect breasts into her chest. Instead, their incredible tits compacted into tight, pulsing balls of meat that resisted further compression. The women gasped and snarled at each other as they rolled their backs, grinding and grinding their tits into each other, struggling to wear each other down. They struggled to inflict more pleasure on the other woman than she could bear, but they also desired to take the pleasure the other was giving. Their tits grew slick with sweat and the clear, lubricating liquid that managed to squeeze out from their interlocked nipples. The women rested cheek to cheek as they gasped and snarled. Kath bit into Kil?s shoulder; the queen nibbled and bit at Kath?s neck. Their bites of lust and hate soon led them to glare at each other nose to nose. Their tongues lashed out and stroked each other. With a crying moan the women?s tongues tangled, then their mouths sealed and locked on each other. They groaned deep in their throats as their spitty tongues twisted into a knot, as they pushed and shoved and scoured the other woman?s mouth. Kath and Kil sucked back each other?s spit, but it was not long before drool began to overflow from their mouths, drip down their chins, and string down to their struggling cleavages.

    The women?s tits wrestled for supremacy, each delicious mound of titmeat grinding and sliding and rippling against its counterpart. The women?s nipples remained locked, burning and throbbing, the center around which their dense meat rippled and surged. The women?s erotic moaning, stifled within their locked mouths, grew louder and louder as they titfucked their way up the pleasure curve. Their burning chests fed heat directly into their twitching clits, their fat, wet pussylips. Every tit to tit thrust fed the fire between their legs, fed their bodies? need to fuck and fight.

    Kath reached up and pulled hard on Kil?s hair, pulling the queen out of their kiss. The queen snarled, and yanked hard at Kath?s long hair, causing the other woman to grunt in pain. The pain seasoned and intensified the immense pleasure the women were inflicting on each other. Their bare bellies slapped and slid, their deep, narrow navels sucked and released. They felt the incredible heat between their legs, they sensed the waves of heat, of erotic power, radiating off the other woman?s engorged clit.

    Kath slipped her hands down Kil?s sweaty back and seized the queen?s round, rippling ass. She instantly felt the queen?s hands on her ass, the woman?s powerful fingers sinking into Kath?s firm, flexing muscle. The women spread their legs a bit more, and tilted their pelvises forward. They locked their mouths together again, tongues twisting and shoving, struggling for dominance within their hungry maws. Their naked flesh rubbed and writhed against each other, both women almost crazy with lust, with the desire to mate and merge their naked bodies completely.

    Kath and Kil brought their swollen, rock-hard clits together. The sex nubs licked and slid along each other, sending a shockwave of unbearable ecstasy roaring through the battling women. Kath and Kil shrieked into each other?s locked mouths. Their bodies shuddered, they both began to silently cry as the intensity of the erotic contact pushed both women to the edge of orgasm. Their hungry, aching cunts gushed again, spraying each other, spraying their inner thighs. Quivering, shuddering, the women brought their clits back together again, slowly corkscrewing the incredibly sensitive nerves, wrapping them together, fencing with them, their hips moving in microscopic thrusts, their asses flexing and thrusting in tiny, hard movements, as clit rubbed and ground on clit. The women screamed and screamed into their locked mouths, their faces wet with tears of unbearable pleasure as they fucked on and on.

    Kath had never felt anything like this in her life. All of the delightful sexual pleasure she and Den had given to each other could not compare with the delicious agony of rubbing the most exquisitely sensitive part of her body into its counterpart on her enemy?s body. The women were destroying each other with sheer ecstasy, they were torturing each other with pleasure, and neither wanted it to end. Hands firmly fixed to each other?s rippling asses, bare feet firmly planted, mouths locked, tits crushed and throbbing, grinding together, nipples burning and sucking, bare bellies slapping and sliding, the women fought clit to clit, forcing unbearable erotic sensations on each other. Their tongues licked and lapped in imitation of the battle going on between their legs, with other mouths and tongues. Cunt juice poured down their legs. Their erotic moaning grew louder, deeper, more desperate. Their perfect, sex-saturated bodies quaked with barely-contained erotic power. Both women were lost on a sea of animal lust; both wished to completely devour the other. Dimly, lost in the haze of raw, pure pleasure, Kath realized it was possible that she and Kil could fuck each other to death.

    The women fucked and fucked and fucked, their powerful bodies surging and shuddering, slicked with sweat and shining in the orange glow of the firepit. From the bed, Den watched his lover and his would-be mistress fuck each other senseless, so lost in the ecstasy of the fuckfight that they were unaware of anything but the body of the other woman striving against their own. Den?s erection was enormous; the tip of his shaft glistened with pre-cum. He had not seen anything so erotic in his life. The scents and sounds of the women?s battle, the appealing aroma of hot pussy, the wet sound of flesh slapping and sucking, the deep moans of indescribable pleasure, fed his arousal.

    For more than an hour, Kath and Kil fucked each other mercilessly, their powerful, perfect bodies quivering on the edge of an orgasmic explosion greater than anything either woman had ever felt. They were both crying openly, constantly, tears of pleasure streaming down their faces. Their need for breath forced them to break their sucking kiss. Cheek to cheek, panting hard, they sobbed uncontrollably, continuing to work their clits against each other. Their sex nubs felt like they were ten times bigger than they were, their breasts felt like they had merged into one throbbing flesh, their bodies felt like they were flowing in and out of each other, voluptuous flesh merging and melting.

    The women were on the edge of devastating orgasmic release. Kath knew she could not contain this unbelievable pleasure much longer. She pulled her face back and rested nose to nose, lip to lip, with Kil. The women touched tongues, then sank into another deep, passionate kiss, another fight for domination.

    They broke the kiss at the same moment, throwing back their heads, spit flying, their beautiful faces masks of sexual agony. Both women tightened their grips on the other woman?s ass, pulling their rival in even tighter.

    Oh gods, you whore, you fucking whore! Kath moaned, almost screamed. She knew she could not last a moment longer. She was going to lose this opening battle in this fuckwar.

    You cunt! You filthy cunt! the queen screamed. She clenched her teeth in agony.

    At exactly the same instant, the beautiful women shrieked and erupted in powerful, simultaneous orgasms that rocked them to the very core of their beings. Their pussies gushed, spraying hot cum like fire hoses; soaking their battling cunts, drowning their quims in ejaculate. Their massive tits ejaculated powerfully, directly into each other, their gooey nipple cum squirting out from between their massive, mashed cleavage when the pressure became too great. They bucked their hips, slamming their cunts, slapping their bellies together, screaming and sobbing as they kept grinding their clits, kept fucking wave after wave of orgasms out of each other.

    Sobbing, gasping, they slowly fell to their knees, clinging to each other as their perfect bodies shuddered in orgasmic release.
    The queen suddenly surged forward, grabbing Kath?s hair, pulling on it, overbalancing the blonde beauty just enough to slowly push her onto her back. The queen followed Kath down, mounting her. Kath did not resist; she was too lost in orgasmic ecstasy to really care. She spread her thighs eagerly. The queen slipped between her legs and continued grinding, rolling her hips, working her ass, rubbing and squashing her thick lipped pussy down into Kath?s wet, yielding fuckmeat. As their cunts sucked and merged, the queen pushed down with her hips, trying to crush Kath?s clit beneath her own. Kath thrust up with her hips, matching the pressure. The women screamed and screamed as their clits fused and melted together, an explosion of ecstasy so intense that neither women could stand it. Their cries of sexual joy harmonized; Kath pulled hard on the queen?s ass, the queen pulled viciously on Kath?s hair. They injected shot after shot of hot cum into each other, their ejaculate mixing into a sexual froth, filling both women with their combined emissions. With shared, pulsating moans, the women collapsed in each others? arms, sprawled on the floor, lying in a pool of mixed cum and sweat, too spent to move.

    To be continued:

    Kath vs. Kil: A Neverwhere Adventure, Part II

    For some time, neither woman stirred. They lay twined together, their hearts pounding into each other, bulging tit crushed against bulging tit, cheek to cheek, their breath coming in hot pants. Their pulsing clits throbbed, pressed tight, feeding the erotic heat in their lush bodies. Naked flesh lay hot and wet against naked flesh.

    Kath slowly regained her senses. She considered what had just happened. She and the queen had inflicted unbelievable pleasure on each other. Their sexual union had given her raw pleasure that was exponentially greater than anything she had ever felt with Den. She knew that there was something going on, some added element that she did not understand, that was transporting her and her sexual rival to a level of erotic sensation that was mind-blowing in its intensity. Maybe it had something to do with the fact they were virtually doubles. Maybe it was just the added excitement and anticipation of a long-desired rivalry finally coming to fruition. She put these thoughts out of her head. What mattered in this moment was her need to do it again, to regain the exquisite pleasure she had just experienced, and use it to conquer and humiliate her enemy.

    Kath wrapped her arms around the nude woman on top of her and rolled their wet, hot bodies. Kil grunted and resisted. For a moment, the naked women rocked back and forth on their sides, their magnificent bodies pressed tight, their bare legs thrashing, pressed forehead to forehead. Kath?s legs were already around the queen?s hips, which gave her a slight advantage. She succeeded in rolling the blonde bitch over onto her back. The queen stopped fighting. Instead, she eagerly spread her legs and tilted her pelvis, offering her succulent, hot cunt to Kath. Kath slipped her lower body between the queen?s legs. The Red woman reached down and filled her hands with Kath?s perfect, round ass, and pulled Kath down on her. Kath leaned forward, putting all her weight on their mashed tits, and reached down and under Kil to grip the queen?s magnificent ass in return. The women gasped in unison as their wet pussies came together. Kath began to slide her slick, naked pussy lips up and down Kil?s equally slick, wet cunt. The sensation was delicious, unbearably erotic. Nose to nose, watching each other through half-closed eyes, sharing the deep intimacy of their mutual hate and lust, the women moved their asses and their hips in concert. The incredible pleasure of wet, hot fuckmeat searing and melting into wet, hot fuckmeat overwhelmed their senses. Their engorged clits licked and crushed, grinding and jousting, sending waves and waves of incredible pleasure arcing through their slowly fucking bodies. Their taut, heavy tits rolled and throbbed, their bare bellies flattened to each other, their abs rippled, their navels sucked.

    Gasping into each other?s beautiful faces, Kath and Kil fucked and fucked, both enjoying the incredible sensations too much to want to stop. Kath opened her legs a bit more, spreading the queen a bit more, making it harder for Kil to roll their humping bodies. The women?s erotic moaning, their gasps of untold pleasure, grew louder and louder, more and more frantic. The pleasure in their cunts grew unbearable, until it filled their bodies, until every ounce of their voluptuous flesh was burning with sexual heat, until every muscle was vibrating with sexual tension. They moaned and screamed into each other?s faces, sharing hot breath, fucking and fucking and fucking, until their writhing bodies could not take any more.

    Kil reached up and grabbed the back of Kath?s head. She pulled Kath?s face to hers and locked her rival into a lustful, passionate kiss, one Kath returned with equal fervor. Their legs twined, their muscles strained, and the women shrieked into each other, their muscles locking and churning against each other as they bucked and heaved through another series of devastating orgasms. Their nipples exploded in thick cum, their pussies erupted and sucked cum back and forth as their bodies convulsed. Orgasms wracked their writhing, grinding flesh. The women broke their kiss. Pressed cheek to cheek, moaning and sobbing, gasping and crying, they rode each other into sexual bliss. Their hands squeezed at rippling asses and clawed at smooth backs. They pulled each other?s hair. They squeezed every drop of cum out of each other that they could.

    Once again, the two sexual warriors lay sprawled in each other?s arms on the fur-covered floor. After a time, Kath rolled off her rival and lay beside the queen on the drenched fur. The women?s tits jiggled enticingly as they gasped for breath. Their bodies were soaked in sweat and cum. Thick strands of nipple cum and pussy cum strung between their throbbing tits and their red, hot genitals. The looping strands gradually sagged down to the floor and were absorbed into the rug.

    Kath felt herself gaining her second wind. Despite the incredible erotic pleasure she and queen had given each other, despite the incredible number of orgasms they had already forced from each other, she felt ready indeed, desperate for more. So far, their sexual combat had not depleted her; if anything, it had fed the hunger in her loins, the heat in her burning tits. She was absolutely determined to fuck the queen into the ground, to destroy the whore once and for all. Her anger fed her lust. She felt her body charge up with sexual power.

    The Red Queen stirred beside her, then sat up. Kath instantly sat up, too, ready for anything. The queen turned towards Kath then slid back on her ass, putting a bit of space between herself and her blonde rival. Placing one hand behind her back, bracing herself, the Red Queen spread her thighs wide, and presented her dripping, red cunt to Kath. She reached down with her free hand and pressed on her pussy lips, opening her cunt, displaying her pink core to Kath. The queen smiled and began stroking her pussy lips, teasing her swelling clit.

    Kath looked into her rival?s perfect twat and almost gushed with lust. She licked her lips and resisted the urge to lean forward and bury her face, her tongue, her nose, in Kil?s succulent fuckmeat and eat and eat and eat. She shuddered. She had never had feelings like this before, but she was enjoying them. She knew that it was only a matter of time before she would have her chance to eat, to taste, to devour Kil?s delicious pussy with her mouth and her tongue.

    Smiling feverishly, Kath sat back, braced herself, and began stroking and teasing her pussy and clit in reply to the Red Queen?s provocative move. The women smiled at each other, smug, vicious grins of mutual hate and desire. They presented their cunts to each other, the tools each warrior intended to use to destroy and humiliate the other. They masturbated vigorously, each woman stoking her fires, preparing for the third round of their fuckfight. Soon, they were both dripping, cunt juice trickling into their ass cracks. Their slick twats were burning with sensation, their nipples were like studs and their tits were swollen with tension. Their massive breasts heaved with their pants. They were both ready, more than ready, to begin again.

    Bring that little twat over here, you fucker, the queen purred, gesturing with her wet hand. Let?s fuck this out.

    Gladly, you bitch, Kath grunted. She slid across the rug, her legs spread wide, her juiced up, hot cunt aimed directly at the delicious fuckmeat between Kil?s luscious legs. Kath felt herself going almost crazy with desire. Her need to mate with the other woman, to suck and grind cunt into cunt, clit into clit, to give and take all the pleasure she could stand, had her burning with incredible lust. Kil?s eyes were also glowing feverishly, bright with desire. She slid down to meet Kath, the need to take the other woman overpowering any strategy she might have.

    The women slid into the fork of the other?s legs. Their hot, drooling cunts slapped together with the sound of wet meat. They grunted, both women bracing their bodies with their arms, pushing into each other with all the strength of their hips and asses, spreading each other?s pussy lips, penetrating each other. They worked their bare, slick pussies around and around, drilling into each other. Their nova-hot clits met head to head, rubbing and sliding, grinding and sending shockwaves of raw electricity racing through the voluptuous women?s bucking bodies. Kath and Kil moaned in harmony as the delicious sensations of fuckmeat sealing and sucking into fuckmeat filled their senses, as the unbearable contact of clit grinding on clit caused them to writhe and scream in ecstasy. They turned their hips, slotting their muscular cunts together, driving themselves into each other, spreading and penetrating the other?s juicy cunt, locking together in a meaty, cunt to cunt grip. Both women grabbed the other woman?s sweaty, powerful thigh with one hand and used it for leverage as they worked their hips and asses in small, hard circles, grinding and grinding into each other, fucking and fucking and fucking, insane with lust and the desire to fuck the other woman into submission. Their grunts and cries soon become screams and snarls of rage and unbearable pleasure. Their pussies poured with cunt juice, soaking their interlocked quims. The wet sounds of slick flesh sliding and slapping on slick flesh filled the room.

    You dirty, filthy fuck! Kath groaned, her hatred for the queen never greater, her desire to completely consume the other woman at a fever.

    Filthy fucking cunt! the queen shot back. She worked her hips harder, determined to fuck Kath into a coma, determined to force her rival into a screaming, bucking, writhing orgasmic surrender. Kath matched her thrust for thrust, bringing their body to body war back to stalemate. The women?s tits bounced exuberantly, spraying sweat and nipple-juice.

    Kath squeezed Kil?s pussy with all the power of her cunt, using her deep vaginal muscles to pull and suck at her enemy?s pussy. Kil groaned and squeezed back, pulled back with her vagina. They gasped in unspeakable pleasure as they struggled to suck each other?s juices back and forth, as their muscular cunts wrestled to see which was more powerful, which could summon the stronger suction. They squeezed at their grinding clits, adding another level of tension and pleasure to their contest. As their pussies wrestled for domination, Kil reached for one of Kath?s massive, bouncing tits and kneaded the taut flesh, twisting and stroking the nipple.
    Aw, god! Kath cried. She returned the grip, grasping one of the queen?s magnificent tits and mauling it. For long minutes, the women tortured each other?s tits even as they fucked each other more and more desperately.

    Humping, bucking, driving at each other in a frenzy of sexual lust and hate, Kil and Kath fucked relentlessly, fucked mercilessly, until their voluptuous bodies were shuddering with sexual tension and pleasure, until they were both crying and sobbing with the intensity of the erotic sensations wracking their bodies. For more than an hour, they fucked each other to higher and higher heights of pure sexual ecstasy, until they felt like erotic nuclear bombs, on the verge of devastating explosions. Their bodies were so aroused, so filled with electricity and tension, so tightly joined, their red hot pussies so tightly fused, that neither woman knew where she stopped and her hated rival began. Their massive clits vibrated with tension; they had knotted together, swollen and melted into one core of unbearable pleasure. Their incredible bodies were dripping with sweat. Pussy juice coated their inner thighs, their bouncing tits sprayed sweat and pre-cum.

    Feeling the end coming, knowing they could not resist much longer, Kath and Kil reached for each other, pulled each other in tight, spreading their legs until they were tit to tit, belly to belly, and nose to nose. Their nipples burned and fused, their titmeat crushed. The women were too overwhelmed with pleasure to speak. They could only stare deeply into each other?s half-closed eyes, sharing hate and unalloyed desire. They both wanted to let the other woman know how much they despised each other, how much they wanted to destroy each other, how much they loved violating the other and being violated in turn. They both wanted to see the moment when the other woman surrendered, when her body could finally take no more of the pleasure her enemy was inflicting on her. They could say none of this; they could only glare into each other and exchange hot pants and whimpers of erotic joy as they fucked to the point of devastation. Gasping, they touched tongues, then sank into a hungry, desperate, consuming kiss. They pulled each other?s hair savagely. Moments later, they exploded as one, detonating in a series of orgasms of unbearable intensity.

    The women threw back their heads, tightened their grips on each other?s convulsing bodies, and choked out screams of pleasure. Their pussies soaked each other, mixed cum sucked back and forth between their contracting vaginas. Nipple cum squirted out, soaking their tits, squeezing out in a gush from between their mashed boobs, splattering their faces and getting in their hair, or streaming down their sweaty bellies to join the pussy cum soaking their lower bodies. Kath and the queen released each other; they fell flat on their backs and arched their spines, driving into each other, their hips and asses bucking, trying desperately to fuck each other to death, to fuck the other into absolute submission. Their pussies gushed, their bodies bucked and heaved, their tits shook. Nipple cum sprayed into the air, falling back on the women?s writhing bodies, splattering their chests, their bellies, their faces. Finally, after several minutes of unbroken orgasms, they collapsed onto the soaked fur rug, panting, moaning, their tits heaving, their bodies gleaming and drenched in sweat and cum. Interlocked, slotted together in a meaty seal at their juicy cunts, the women struggled to regain their senses. They had fucked each other?s brains out.

    Kath and Kil lay flat on their backs, exhausted, panting, their bodies slick and hot. The women drifted in and out of consciousness, both conserving their strength, waiting for the other woman to make the next move. The heat and wet within their locked pussies grew hotter and wetter, but neither woman moved to act. Finally, the queen reached down their locked bodies and placed her hands on Kath?s muscled hips. Holding Kath, she pushed herself away. The women?s cunts sucked apart with a thick popping sound. Their cunts gushed; thick ropes of cum stringing between their gorgeous pussies. The women continued to feel the heat from the other?s cunt, warming their inner thighs. Finally, the queen groaned and slowly, agonizingly, turned over, onto her stomach. Kath did not move; she wanted to see what the other woman had planned.

    The queen got onto her hands and knees. Kath started lustfully at the other woman?s perfect ass and considered getting up and sinking her teeth into that beautiful, round, tanned meat. The queen began backing up over Kath?s prone body. Kath immediately understood what the other woman wanted to do. She groaned with pleasure and anticipation and spread her tired legs wider. She reached out and began running her hands around and around the queen?s round, thick ass, her fingers exploring the crevasse between the other woman?s buttocks. With her middle finger, she probed the queen?s asshole; the beautiful blonde woman moaned uncontrollably and, a moment later, Kath felt her own tight asshole invaded, violated, by the queen?s curious fingers. Kil?s ass was getting ever closer to Kath?s face, the queen?s tongue was lapping at Kath?s cum-streaked inner thighs, working her way up Kath?s body. Kath looked down at the succulent pussy, the delicious asshole approaching her and could not wait an instant longer. Groaning, she slid her body down, wrapped her arms around Kil?s hips, and spread her hands on the queen?s rippling buttocks. She raised her head, spread the queen?s ass cheeks with her hands, and eagerly buried her face between the woman?s legs. Her tongue probed, sliding up and down the queen?s slick, naked cuntlips, slipping into the labia, before thrusting up to lick at the queen?s wet asshole. Kath sucked hard. The queen shrieked. Kath felt the woman?s hands gripping her ass, she felt the queen?s tongue inside of her asshole, then sliding up into her pussy. She moaned with unbearable pleasure, then turned her attention to giving head as good as she was getting. This was a contest of sexual skill and endurance; she refused to lose.

    The women?s bodies settled; thick tits crushed into muscular abs. The undersides of both women?s breasts squashed together, burning the other with delicious sensations. The women buried their faces and tongues in each other?s fuckmeat and sucked, licked and tongued each other ferociously, ravenously. Kath and Kil wrapped their lips around the other?s oversized clit and sucked and licked, using tongues to stroke and lap at the exquisitely sensitive bud. They used their teeth to scrape and stimulate agonizing pleasure out of their enemy?s swollen, twitching clit. The women used their fingers, shoving them up tight assholes and pussies, rubbing and thrusting, violating each other intimately and enjoying it too much to stop. Kath slowly worked her hand up into Kil?s tight asshole, balling her fist when she was all the way in, enjoying the sensation of the queen?s tight ass closing around her fist, of the Red woman?s body shuddering and shaking with passion. Kath cried out in pleasure as Kil?s fist twisted inside Kath?s tight, hot cunt, stretching the sensual flesh. Involuntarily, she contracted her vaginal muscles around the intruder. With groans of pure lust, Kath and Kil rolled onto their sides, wrapped their sweaty thighs around the other woman?s head, and ate each other alive, devouring each other with insatiable hunger.

    Yes, oh yes, Kath cried out in her head. Her moans of erotic joy grew louder, more desperate, as the pleasure building in her cunt radiated out, filling her entire body, overwhelming her sweating, bucking flesh with incredible sensations. She struggled to give back just as good as she was getting. She felt Kil?s body shuddering, shaking, against hers, and she knew she was driving the other woman insane with pleasure and lust. But she did not know which of them would go off first, which of them would succumb more quickly to the other?s erotic skills and power.

    The room filled with the women?s moans and grunts, the song of their sexual warfare harmonizing. The sounds of wet lips smacking, of fingers and fists moving in and out of tight, wet orifices, of spitty, sucking kisses on drenched, aching pussy lips, accompanied the struggling women?s cries of ecstasy. The pungent scents of two bodies locked together in sex wafted through the great room.
    On the bed, Den watched the women?s erotic duel, his massive cock throbbing with need. He had ejaculated a few times already, during the course of the evening?s combat. His swollen member was slicked with his cum. He could feel another powerful climax building as he watched Kath and Kil, locked together on the rug beside the bed, their hands filled with the other woman?s ass, their thighs wrapped around the other?s head, their lush bodies trembling together in near-orgasmic bliss. Den?s cock was burning; he wished desperately he could rub his prick, but he could feel the tension getting the point where it would explode, even without direct stimulation.

    After nearly 30 minutes of relentlessly eating each other, Kath found she could take no more. With a whooping cry, her voluptuous body went rigid in a series of exploding orgasms. She ejaculated with incredible force, her pussy cum ejecting into Kil?s hungry mouth. The Red Queen covered as much of Kath?s erupting pussy with her mouth as she could, eagerly sucking and drinking back the hot liquids, using them to replenish her parched body. Kath screamed and quaked. In desperation, she fastened her mouth over the queen?s hot cunt and sucked, then gently bit, into the woman?s pulsing clit. The queen shrieked, throwing back her head, allowing Kath?s viscous liquids to gush into her face, her hair. The queen shuddered in orgasmic release. Her pussy exploded with cum. Kath sobbed as she sucked back on the delicious liquids, tears streaming down her face, even as the queen resumed guzzling back Kath?s discharge. The women?s tits, mashed into their bellies, ejaculated again and again, slicking their bellies with creamy emissions. The women writhed in shared sexual agony, their bodies trembling as orgasm after orgasm chained through them. On the bed, Den cried out, his hips jerking, as his prick shot a fountain of jizz into the air. It splattered onto his stomach and the bed.

    The battling women?s orgasms finally passed. Kath and Kil lay together, on their sides, tightly grasping the other?s ass, gasping for a few minutes, struggling to regain their strength. Kath finally locked her lips around Kil?s clit and began sucking once again; she pushed with her hips and succeeded in rolling the queen onto her back. The queen did not resist. She raised her head to Kath?s pussy and began to feast. The women?s low, powerful moans filled the chamber again.

    For the next two hours, the struggling women rolled back and forth, onto their sides, or one or the other gaining the top position. The ceaselessly ate each other until they were convulsing in orgasmic ecstasy, sucking back every drop of cum that they could from the other woman?s erupting cunt. They slapped each other?s round, sweaty asses like drums. They shoved fingers and fists up tight cunts, up even tighter assholes, violating each other as deeply, as intimately as they could. They bit and licked each other?s inner thighs, they scratched the other woman?s back, they pulled hair and thrashed in unbearable pleasure. They fed off each other, drinking from each other, feasting on each other, until their sobs and screams grew hysterical, until their bodies were pulsing with irresistible electricity. Finally, screaming and gasping, Kath and Kil released each other and rolled apart.

    Panting, gasping, their bodies dripping with sweat and cum, the women lay sprawled on the drenched fur rug, their bodies pointed in opposite directions. Kath finally forced herself up, bracing her body on her elbows. She glared hatefully at Kil, her eyes lighting on her opponent?s heaving, sex-slicked tits.

    You fucking, dirty, cunt-eating whore, Kath rasped.

    Fucking, slutty, cunt-sucking bitch, the queen snarled back. She pushed herself up to face Kath.

    Driven by their mutual hate, their shared desire to completely sexually destroy the other, the two women got to their hands and knees and crawled towards each other, both determined to keep fuckfighting to the finish. Kath stood up on her knees and reached for Kil?s massive, perfect tits. Kil did the same. The women filled their hands with their enemy?s tits and began to squeeze, knead and massage the thick, taut meat. Their nipples swelled, their areola thickened and grew, the pebbled flesh growing more excruciatingly sensitive with every heartbeat. Kath squeezed the queen?s left nipples between her thumb and forefinger; the queen stroked Kath?s right nipple, pinching it hard. The women glared into each other?s eyes, their eyelids fluttering, both women gasping, as their ministrations to the other woman?s tits fed the incredible tension building in their sexual organs. Their pussies leaked, cunt juice trickling down their inner thighs.

    The women glared into each other?s eyes, as they manipulated, stroked and stimulated each other?s tits. Their breasts burned with sensations, feeding the delicious heat between their legs. Kil slowly released Kath?s tits, then reached up and pulled Kath?s hands from her breasts. Kath did not resist. She knew what Kil wanted. Eyes still locked, Kil slowly lowered her head to Kath?s succulent tits. She licked, slowly, teasingly, at Kath?s engorged nips. Kath inhaled sharply, groaning with the incredible sensations. She did not resist as Kil slowly slipped her lips around the hard, thick nub and began to suck, suck, her tongue licking and stroking. With her free hand, she kneaded Kath?s other tit. A hot quiet descended on the room, broken only by the sounds of sucking and the gasps and moans of the woman being sucked. When Kath?s nipple was burning, throbbing with need, when Kil could taste the pre-cum on her tongue, she moved her mouth over to Kath?s other tit and began again, suckling and biting, her hand working on the tit she had just abandoned. Kath?s eyes fluttered, her body boiled with heat and need, but she allowed the queen to keep eating her, sucking her nip, sucking at her juices. When her body was thrumming with electricity, when she was so aroused she feared she might gush at any moment, Kath twined her fingers into Kil?s thick blonde hair and pulled the other woman?s head back, twisting it up, pulling Kil?s hair painfully, gradually forcing Kil to release her massive tit.

    It?s my turn to suck you, you dirty whore, Kath breathed at her enemy. Kil sneered at Kath, but did not resist as Kath took her turn, sucking, nibbling, biting, working over Kil?s luscious tits with her teeth, tongue and lips, massaging and squeezing Kil?s free tit with her skillful hand. It was not long before Kil?s pussy was flowing, her head thrown back, moans of unbearable pleasure pouring from her mouth. Finally, when she was trembling with need, Kil twisted Kath?s head back, freeing her tit.

    The panting women glared at each other, their blue eyes shining with immeasurable lust. Without a word, both women lowered their heads and buried their faces in the right tit of their enemy. Kath and Kil slipped their free hands between the other?s woman?s legs, and began stroking her aching, dripping cunt. They ran their fingers along slick, hot pussy lips, before they began to caress and tease the other?s swollen clit. They shoved probing fingers deep into tight, wet cunts and finger-fucked viciously. All the while, their mouths, tongues and teeth worked hard on their rival?s succulent tit. They sucked and tongued the taut, bulging meat. They pulled hard with their teeth, with their lips, on distended, rock-hard nipples. They sucked each other as hard as they could, both women pulling for milk. They bit into the thick, juicy meat and chewed hungrily. Their stifled moans of ecstasy grew louder and louder as they fingerfucked, as they sucked, fucking each other to the point of no return. Their luscious bodies quaked with repressed sexual tension as they fought to force the other to submit.

    Mmmmmm, mmmmmmmmm,the women groaned in unison, their cries of delight and lust muffled within the luscious titmeat of the other. They trembled uncontrollably, feeling the incredible tension in their bodies building to the point of detonation. Tears poured down their gorgeous faces as they struggled to control themselves, to hold out just a bit longer than their voluptuous rival, as their luscious bodies were wracked with unbearable pleasure. They came almost simultaneously, both women shrieking into the other?s tit, both biting down on the delicious meat, as their pussies erupted, contracting and releasing, ejecting shot after shot of viscous cum. Their hands were soaked with the ejaculate. At the same moment, their tits came hard, thick, gooey tit cum exploding into their mouths. Kath and Kil had expected this. Both women kept themselves from swallowing. Instead, they let their mouths fill with the sticky, creamy ejaculate. Their other tit, the one not covered with their enemy?s mouth, shot blast after blast of cum onto their bodies, streaking their chests and splattering up to their necks and chins. The women sucked and sucked, their bodies shuddering as orgasms flowed through them, their mouths filling with hot cum. The rival vixens savored the tangy taste.

    Finally, when their bodies stopped shuddering with orgasmic release, the women pulled their faces back from the other?s dripping tit. Strands of cum connected their lips to the other?s nipple. Kath and Kil glared at each other, pushed their heavy tits together. Their aching nipples cried out in pain and pleasure as they fused, then sank into the thick titmeat. The women pushed nose to nose, staring into each other in challenge. They slipped their noses past and touched lip to lip, their tongues coming out to caress, their mouths locking into a deep, passionate, all-consuming kiss. The women sucked and slopped the shared, gooey cum back and forth in their mouths, working it into a thick, spitty mass of liquid. Thick drool trickled down their chins, strings of spitty cum hung down to their sweaty, wrestling tits, dripping into the crevasse of their shared cleavage. The women wrapped arms around each other and kissed, deep and hard, sloppy and wet, sucking and exchanging the cum back and forth, their tongues twisting and twining, wrestling in the slimy discharge, gradually swallowing it back until there was almost nothing left.

    Kath and Kil slowly broke the kiss, licking each other?s lips as they retreated. Nose to nose, eyes half-closed, heavy with lust and desire, the women stared into each other. They were standing on their knees, their bare, sweaty thighs pressed tight, their identical bodies perfectly aligned. They felt the other?s tits throbbing into their own, they could sense the heat, the need, pouring off the other?s distended, twitching clit.

    It?s time to end this, Kath, the queen murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. It?s time for me to fuck your brains out.

    Kath?s voice was low and savage, trembling with desire. I?m going to fuck you to death, you whore.

    Yes, the queen moaned, rubbing her nose to Kath?s, sliding her tongue along Kath?s lips. We fuck until one of us is completely destroyed.

    Without pulling away from each other, the kneeling women slid down to sit on their asses. They spread their legs wide and quickly arranged their bodies, right legs over lefts, tits crushed tight, belly flat to belly. They slid their hands around the other?s hips and gripped each other?s round, taut asses. Nose to nose, panting with lust, the women slowly tilted their pelvises forward and presented their naked, hungry cunts to each other. Heat poured out of their enraged twats, wetness spread from their soft, juiced-up labia. Their genitals matched as perfectly as the rest of their bodies, the thick-lipped v of their cunts eclipsing each other, the pressure crushing their cuntlips, spreading their pussies, allowing their soft, fleshy labia to merge and mesh. They contracted their vaginas, creating a powerful suction, sucking and slurping at each other?s twats. The women shuddered as their engorged, enraged clits slid together, caressing, rubbing head to head, flicking side to side, sending shockwaves of unbearable pleasure rocketing through their bodies. The women screamed in unison, then clenched their teeth and struggled to control the incredible sensations. Their naked pussies lubricated hard.

    The sexual rivals smiled at each other viciously. Both were absolutely determined to sexually annihilate the other. Slowly, moving their hips and torsos carefully, belly rubbing on belly, sweaty navel sucking at sweaty navel, they slid their slick, hot cuntlips back and forth, up and down, teasing and stimulating, torturing each other clit to clit, until they hooked their swollen, pulsating clits together, sealing their sex nubs in an excruciating bond. Kath and Kil gritted their teeth, they choked back screams of ecstasy, as the most unbearably sensitive, the most erotically powerful, parts of their bodies locked in combat. Their clits burned and seared against each other, fused and melted into one sizzling point of pure ecstasy. The contact made their engorged clits swell even more, aroused beyond all measure, growing to a size that made it impossible for them to disengage, unless one clit or both softened and shrank. The women smiled at each other through their tears of ecstasy. They both knew that this would decide their rivalry. The woman to extricate herself from this impossible grip would be the one who could exhaust the other, whose sex could prove itself stronger, who could drain the other of her sexual power and force the loser?s clit into humiliating defeat and sexual submission.

    Yes, Kath whispered, pressing her face to Kil?s, her eyes burning with lust. Yes.

    You whore, Kil whispered back. You fucking whore.

    Moaning with unbelievable pleasure, the women sank into a deep, tongue-thrusting, probing kiss. They gripped the other woman?s ass tight and hard, sinking powerful fingers into taut assmeat. Kath shoved both of her index fingers up Kil?s tight asshole; Kil grunted within their locked mouths and eagerly returned the grip. Their legs spread wide, inner thighs pushed together, their lower legs twined. The women moved their hips and asses, rocking and thrusting. Slowly, powerfully, their intertwined clits pulled and flexed against each other, sending waves of indescribable pleasure rolling through their flesh, burning their bodies with a consuming fire. Tears flowed down their faces, their perfect bodies shuddered in ecstasy. The women swallowed each other?s screams and moans. Kath and Kil fucked and fucked and fucked, forcing more pure ecstasy on the other woman?s body than any human could stand. Lost together in indescribable erotic pleasure, the women gave everything they had to each other, struggling to force the other into sexual submission. Their clits radiated heat and electricity, they burned with a fire that filled their aching flesh. Their wet, hot, hungry fuckmeat fused and melted into one, until both women felt like woman-sized genitals, slipping and sliding into and out of each other, eating, devouring each other with pleasure. It was just too much for either woman to endure, but still they kept fucking and fucking and fucking, sobbing and crying as they rode each other relentlessly, fucking the other into oblivion.

    For more than 30 minutes, the women fucked each other to higher and higher levels of unbearable pleasure until, finally, they could take no more. Shrieking, screaming into each other?s locked mouths, their bodies shaking and shuddering, their cunts convulsing, squeezing, squeezing each other like vises, they shot blast after blast of hot ejaculate into each other, drowning each other quims in pussy juice. The tits flowed with molten cum, splattering out under pressure, soaking their bellies and upper tits. The women sank their fingers into each other?s asses and held on, desperately, as they rode each other?s cunts mercilessly. Their bodies rocked in concert for more than five minutes as multiple orgasms roared through them, as their sexual power clashed in an effort to overpower and consume the sex of the other woman.

    Clinging together, Kath and Kil broke their kiss. They panted and gasped into the other?s ear, beautiful, sweaty faces pressed cheek to cheek.

    Oh gods, you fuck, you filthy, cunt-sucking whore, Kil moaned into Kath?s ear. She bit at Kath?s neck.

    Dirty, fucking slut, Kath gasped in reply. She shoved her tongue into Kil?s ear and twirled it around, before biting at the queen?s jawline.

    The women pulled back, pressed their faces together, nose to nose, forehead to forehead. Their fevered eyes locked, delirious with lust and pleasure. Smiling at each other savagely, the women thrust their hungry mouths together violently, their tongues pushing and shoving, twisting and licking. Their bodies began to rock, their hips jerked, as they resumed their all-out fuckwar.

    For the next three hours, Kath and the queen fucked and fucked and fucked, their magnificent bodies undulating and straining, sweat and cum flowing and mixing, flesh sliding on slick flesh. Their massive tits burned and throbbed as they rubbed and mashed together relentlessly, constantly massaging each other to new levels of sexual sensation. Their bellies rippled together, navels constantly sucking and releasing, then sucking again. Their engorged clits merged into one searing nerve of pure ecstasy, the swollen organs choking each other, wrapped into an unbreakable, unbearable knot. The women?s hungry pussies sucked and pulled at each other, juicy pussy lips sliding and sizzling against each other. The women?s hands kneaded and squeezed at the other woman?s magnificent, clenching ass as they exchanged thrust after thrust, as they rode each other relentlessly. Both women had ceased thinking long before. The only thoughts that either woman could hold onto were the need for more pleasure, the need to take all the ecstasy she could from the other?s body, and the need to destroy the other completely in the process. Every 30 minutes, the women?s bodies writhed and bucked through a string of devastatingly powerful orgasms, that left them gasping and sobbing in sexual ecstasy. Each set of orgasms grew stronger and lasted longer than the set before. Deep in their minds, the women realized they were building towards something unbearable in its intensity.

    Groaning and sobbing, Kath and Kil clung to each other as their incredible bodies shuddered and quaked through another set of multiple orgasms. Kath cried uncontrollably, her face wet with tears, as she buried her face in Kil?s hair and held on to the queen?s sweat-drenched ass, desperately riding her rival?s cunt, enduring the unbearable sensations to their end.

    As she sobbed into the other blonde?s powerful, bare shoulder, Kath heard a groan from the bed. She glanced over and saw Den, his body jerking as he came again, his cum shooting high into the air. For an instant, Kath had a moment of clarity. She remembered where she was and why she was locked in a fuckfight to the death with her greatest enemy. Seizing on that moment, before the understanding was lost to her on a wave of pure sexual pleasure, she reached up with both hands, grabbed Kil?s hair, and pulled hard. At the same time, she pushed forward with her body. Slowly, agonizingly, Kil rolled over onto her back. Kath moved with her, joined tight to the queen?s body by their interlocked clits.

    Moaning, Kath mounted the other woman; Kil spread herself wide, then wrapped her powerful legs around Kath?s pumping hips. She sank her fingers even deeper into the thick meat of Kath?s round, succulent ass, pulling Kath down onto her writhing body. Kath pumped slow and hard, every movement pulling on their intertwined, burning clits, every thrust feeding the excruciating heat and pleasure radiating out from between their legs, filling their bodies with electricity. The women did not kiss, but panted mouth to mouth, their hot breath mixing, their moans and sobs of pleasure forming a symphony of ecstasy. Kath moved her back, rubbing and grinding her massive tits down onto Kil?s matching rack. The women?s nipples burned like small stars as their titmeat massaged each other, adding to their erotic joy. The raging inferno between their legs filled their bodies. Their muscles trembled with sexual tension, from the core of their grinding bodies down to their toes. The women stared into each other, their blue eyes glazed with pleasure, delirious with lust. Even through the haze of their erotic ecstasy, the women felt the need to destroy the other, to see the other woman submit in sexual defeat. The heat and tension building in their locked cunts built to an explosive end. Choking on their screams of ecstasy, Kath and Kil came together in devastating climax.

    Their bodies jerked as wave after wave of hot cum squirted between their bodies, soaking their quims, coating their lower bodies and inner thighs. Their tits ejaculated powerfully, in time with their spurting cunts. The women?s shuddering muscles locked and strained, their bodies quivered with tension, then released, then locked again. The orgasms would not stop; each was more intense, more excruciatingly unbearable, than the one before. The women were silent. The only sounds that came from them were choked moans of pure, unbelievable pleasure, their desperate gasps for air, as their bodies merged completely. Tears streamed down their beautiful faces, their teeth clenched in sexual agony. Their clits were pounding, each wave saturating their bodies with more and more heat, more and more pleasure, more than any human could stand. Their cunts squeezed and spasmed in concert, joined in a perfect union.
    The women looked deep into each other?s eyes. Even through their streaming tears, they could see their enemy teetering on the edge of the precipice of consciousness, their minds fighting to stay awake, to not succumb to the unbelievable pleasure they were taking from the other. Finally, a roaring wave of ecstasy, too much to endure, washed through the rivals? straining bodies, filling them to the brim, to overflowing, setting every nerve inside their bodies on fire. From a great distance, Kath watched the queen?s eyes roll up into her head, she felt the tension in the woman?s voluptuous body, wrapped so tightly with her perfect form, spasm powerfully, then flow away. As the queen passed out from the sheer pleasure, Kath had a moment of exultation. She had won; her cunt had defeated the cunt of her doppelganger. She had proved to both of them that she was the better fuck, the better woman. A moment later, her mind gave out and she collapsed on top of the queen, her mind shutting down, protecting itself from the unbearable sensations flowing through every nerve ending like an electrical current.

    Some time later, Kath awoke. She heard someone calling her name. Kath! Kath! Den cried from the bed. Wake up! Wake up!

    Slowly, the blonde beauty regained her senses. She remained locked in her sweaty, cum-soaked embrace with the queen. Their throbbing clits were still locked. The sexual nubs had softened a bit in the aftermath of the fuckfight, but they remained swollen into one pulsating nerve. Kath pushed herself up just enough to reach down between their bodies and carefully, agonizingly, unhook her clit from that of her defeated foe. The manual manipulation of her clit almost caused her to explode in another orgasm. Kath rolled off of the queen. For a few minutes, she lay gasping beside the other woman?s body. Strands of cum linked their tits and pussies. Their naked bodies shone with sweat, glistening in the light of the new dawn now coming over the horizon.

    Kath rolled onto her hands and knees and crawled towards the bed. She found her dagger under the bed and then pulled herself onto the thick mattress.

    Quick, Kath, Den encouraged her. Cut me free! We have to leave here as fast as we can. The queen?s servants will come to check on her when they realize they cannot hear anything coming from the room.

    Kath regained her second wind. She smiled at Den as she crawled up to him. Not just yet, baby, she said. I think I get to claim my prize. She reached down and stroked his massive cock, which had grown a bit flaccid since his last ejaculation. Den groaned. Kath seized the thick meat and licked at the tip, then wrapped her lips around the cock?s head and sucked, nibbled, hard. In an instant, Den?s shaft was as hard as a rock, throbbing with tension. Kath continued licking and sucking at the massive prick, running her mouth up and down the shaft until it was slick with spit. Gently, teasingly, she took each of his balls in her mouth and sucked carefully. Den gasped with the incredible sensations. His prick grew even harder. When it was ready, Kath raised herself up over Den?s prone body, then lowered her dripping, aching cunt down onto the man?s monstrous shaft. She groaned in bliss as Den?s cock slid, thick and hard, all the way up into her vaginal core, forcing its way up into her tight, hot twat. Her cunt completely devoured the ten-inch rod. She placed her hands on Den?s chest and rocked up and down, working the cock inside of her body, squeezing and massaging it with her deep vaginal muscles, rubbing her swollen clit against his lower belly. Den and Kath cried out in shared erotic passion. It was not long before Den came, his hips jerking, lifting Kath off the bed, his molten cum erupting deep inside her luscious body like a subterranean volcano. Kath squeezed him mercilessly, milking his cock for every drop. She ran her hands through her hair, threw back her head, and groaned in ecstasy and victory as she bucked her way through a delicious orgasm.

    Finally, Kath picked up the sharp dagger from where she had left it on the bed and cut Den?s bonds. Instantly, he rolled her onto her back and began to pump his enflamed prick, working it back and forth, deep in her body. Kath laughed and grabbed her lover?s rippling ass, pulling him onto her even harder. Their bodies had only just started to slap together in rhythm when there was a bell at the door.

    Are you alright, my queen? came a voice from outside the portal. It is time for breakfast. Should we bring it in?

    Quick, Den whispered to Kath. Your voice sounds like hers. Tell them to go away.

    I do not want breakfast this morning, Kath called out, trying to sound imperious. I am too busy. Do not disturb me again until the noon hour meal.

    Yes, my queen, said the voice from outside. Den and Kath waited, immobile, breath held, to see if the servants would enter anyway. They did not.

    We have to leave, right now, Den murmured. He tried to withdraw from Kath?s cunt, but discovered that she had him in a vise-like grip. Kath, let me go, he whispered.

    No, Den, Kath explained. Listen to me. I am too weak to climb down the tower wall. You are going to have to carry me. But I am also too weak to hold onto your back. You need to climb this way. If your cock is all the way inside me during our descent, it will be enough to hold me in place. She smiled. And I will make sure that I have a good, hard grip.

    Den smiled at Kath tenderly and kissed her. They rolled to the edge of the bed, Den sheathed balls-deep inside of Kath?s succulent pussy. When they got to the edge of the bed, Den was on the bottom. He sat up. Kath wrapped her thighs around his hips. He stood up, gripping Kath by her powerful ass. She tightened her legs, wrapped her arms around his neck, and squeezed hard with her inner vaginal muscles. She could feel Den growing even harder inside of her, his massive shaft effectively nailing their bodies together. Den walked to the window and looked over the edge.

    Hold on tight, the man said. Kath replied by squeezing his cock even harder, eliciting a moan. Den climbed over the edge and began the dangerous descent, Kath?s luscious body pressed into the wall. Den climbed by holding himself as far off from the wall as possible, trying to keep from scraping Kath against the rock as much as he could. While they descended, Kath concentrated on working her lover?s massive prick with all of her vaginal skills, massaging and teasing and rippling her inner muscles against his shaft, keeping him fully stimulated and erect. Her massive tits pressed tightly into his chest, her nipples stabbed into his hard pectorals.

    About a third of the way down, Den suddenly groaned, gripped the stones of the wall tightly, and closed his eyes. His body spasmed, his hips jerked, and he pressed Kath?s ass and back hard into the cold stone behind her. She could feel the release of his hot cum deep inside of her body. She squeezed and massaged him even harder, milking him. She shuddered as a sympathetic orgasm rippled through her body nothing too intense, but enough to give her a jolt of pure pleasure.

    Den and Kath smiled at each other, panting, then continued the descent.

    Nearly 45 minutes later, they reached the ground. Den slipped out of Kath, but she was still too tired to run. He scooped her up in his arms, took a moment to nibble and suck at one of her jutting nipples, then ran into the desert. Kath gave Den directions for how to find the flyer that she had used to come for him. It took nearly an hour to find the airship. It was concealed in a small valley. They decided it would not be safe to take to the air during the day. They found a cave in the side of the valley wall in which to rest, that could protect them from the heat of the day. Den and Kath stretched out beside each other, their nude bodies aligning. Kath felt her energy coming back, and with it her insatiable sex drive. Den mounted her, desperate for more of her body. Eagerly, she spread her legs. Den shoved his monstrous cock all the way up her tight slit. The lovers fucked hard for the rest of the day, until twilight allowed them to gain the ship. Finally, they were on their way back to the floating city of Zegium, their home.

    As the flyer drifted up into the night sky, Kath looked back at the Red Queen?s tower in the distance. Lights shone brightly in the chamber at the top of the tower. Kath wondered if the queen was looking out, right at that moment, watching them speed away into the night. Kath shivered. A vision of the queen?s succulent cunt suddenly assaulted her senses. She remembered exactly what that gorgeous, hairless pussy looked like up close, how it tasted, how it smelled, how the queen?s swollen clit felt in her mouth as she sucked and licked and buried her face in the succulent fuckmeat. For a moment, she was lost in a vivid image, a lucid memory, of the sensations, the sweat, the heat, the spit and cum, of her body locked and moving with the queen?s body, muscles straining against muscles, clit twisted around clit, tits mashing and throbbing, nipples burning like coals. Kath shuddered and opened her eyes. Her nipples were long and stiff, her pussy was hot and wet, pussy juice was leaking down her inner thighs. Kath knew that her war with the queen was not over. She had won a battle, but not the war. She shivered with pleasure and anticipation.

    We will meet again, you whore, she whispered under her breath, looking back at the tower. The next time, my clit will destroy yours, my tits will crush your little bags. This is not over. She almost imagined she heard an answering challenge on the wind.

  6. #6
    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: Kath vs. Kil, Parts I and II - New Story by JB57

    Calla, doing this was way beyond the call of duty. Thanks very much. I started correcting the punctuation glitches in the original post, then I stopped - spending all that time fixing it when it could be lost tomorrow doesn't make much sense to me. I am going to wait to see what happens with the board. At this point, there is a lot of uncertainty.

    I am also going to hold off posting the rest of the story until the board is confirmed fixed. Again, it doesn't make much sense to spend a lot of time fixing something if it is going to be gone the next day.

    Thanks again,


    PS - I note that the punctuation in this note is fine. It is possible the board has fixed the glitch. I'm going to try reposting parts I and II of the story later today to see if the new post goes up without the glitches.

  7. #7
    Guest MaskedSuperstar's Avatar

    Re: Kath vs. Kil, Parts I and II - New Story by JB57

    Well this certainly looks like a lot of words. -- J. Peterman


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    Re: Kath vs. Kil, Parts I and II - New Story by JB57

    I've managed to repost the story in the original post with all of the correct punctuation. Part III will be up over the next few days.


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    Senior Hostboard Member catfightlover40's Avatar
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    Re: Kath vs. Kil, Parts I and II - New Story by JB57

    Quote Originally Posted by JB57 View Post
    Calla, doing this was way beyond the call of duty. Thanks very much. I started correcting the punctuation glitches in the original post, then I stopped - spending all that time fixing it when it could be lost tomorrow doesn't make much sense to me. I am going to wait to see what happens with the board. At this point, there is a lot of uncertainty.

    I am also going to hold off posting the rest of the story until the board is confirmed fixed. Again, it doesn't make much sense to spend a lot of time fixing something if it is going to be gone the next day.

    Thanks again,


    PS - I note that the punctuation in this note is fine. It is possible the board has fixed the glitch. I'm going to try reposting parts I and II of the story later today to see if the new post goes up without the glitches.
    Also, and you're not obliged to take my advice, as I looked at the end of Part II, words she imagines to herself as thoughts as opposed to actual talking should be in bold letters, considering it's a long story. As for the rest, I agree, my own stories pile up too but there has to be a solution from the administration given other boards miss threads too, so our copying them back is of no use.

  10. #10
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    Re: Kath vs. Kil, Parts I and II - New Story by JB57

    Bold-lettering thoughts? I've never done that before and I don't really see any reason to start now. Yes, it's a long story, but I'm not sure why that matter. Moreover, this is not nearly as long as many other's I've done. The parts that I've posted come to about 24 pages. Parts III and IV are significantly shorter.

    I'm hopeful that the board's problems are fixed. If not, I'd be grateful if someone in the know could let us know. I'll hold off on posting the next part of the story for the next few days. However, now that I know that I can post the story without the glitches, it makes reposting much easier, if necessary.


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