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Thread: A Quiet Affair Part 4

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    Senior Hostboard Member kingofdapirates1's Avatar
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    A Quiet Affair Part 4

    Part 4

    She reached the door and opened it. The sign on it said breakroom. As Maggie entered she hit the lights and could tell no one had been in here in months. It was an average sized carpeted room with a couch on one end. A well sized Table with a few seats in the middle and a water jug/mini fridge that both looked like they hadn?t been used in a while near the door. Maggie walked in making her way to the open space between the table and couch. She turned back to face the door just as Amber walked in. The blonde took a second making a mental note of the room before turning her focus back to Maggie. She slammed the door and walked to the open area where Maggie was waiting.

    ?I am going to destroy you Maggie for getting in my way.? Amber stated standing there in her white tank top, plaid skirt, and black heel boots.
    ?No, I am going to destroy you Amber for threatening me with your bullshit.? Maggie responded standing there in her red sundress and red heel sandals. Both woman getting a slight thrill hearing the other use her name in such a tense situation.

    The girls once again were finally alone and ready to begin whatever they were going to do. The break room was incredibly quiet even during the day. The sound proof walls meant unless someone was pressed against the door, they could barely hear what was going on inside. Their slaps outside at the desk caused them to breathe heavy with anger but otherwise they felt fresh.

    With a scream of anger and frustration Amber jumped forward and reached for Maggie?s hair. Amber?s blank nails gripped the red curls as Maggie; instead of defending herself launched her own red nails at Amber?s hair. Both girls groaned as they began a growling hair pulling catfight. It was on. They pulled each around for about minute keeping their bodies? way from each other. They ended up in a trying to pull each other down the opposite way. Maggie?s red sundress flowing with each pull the opposite direction of Amber?s short plaid skirt. Each time a girl had a good pull the flow of their dress and skirt would run up showing a small piece of ass. Their large tits not close but clearly jiggling in their bras with the cleavage showing.

    ?I am going to ripe your fucking curls out of your scalp!?, Amber groaned as she tried to pull Maggie to the right and with a sudden surge began to get Maggie to move. Maggie screamed as Amber had a stronger hold on her hair than she could grab the blondes. Maggie gave up the resistance and continued to scream as Amber dragged her by the hair around the small room. Amber prepared to use her arms to throw Maggie down, she turned her head but at the exact wrong time. She felt Maggie?s resistance stop and the blonde turned as Maggie?s open hand slap landed directly on her face. The slap was a loud crack and Amber stumbled back on her for the second time on heels. Dazed for a second to long she felt Maggie gripping her blonde silky hair and she now screamed as Maggie attempted to rip each hair out with her hands

    Amber screamed again, yelling ?LET ME GO!?, as Maggie began to pull her towards the couch but was forced to release as Amber swung her leg attempting to kick her. Maggie dodged and they began to circle each other hissing like cats as they looked for an opening. Maggie went in for a slap but Amber blocked it with her arm and this led to a slapping catfight as the girls launched a flurry of slaps at each other. The slaps rang out as they mostly hit arms and hands like bells in the room along with their heels clicking each step. They yelled out obscurities at each other with each shot.

    ?BITCH?, Maggie groaned as more slaps began to sting.

    ?FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU?, Amber growled back as she attempted a new tactic. She lowered her shoulder and went for a spear like tackle into Maggie?s stomach which hit with full affect.

    ?UGHHH? Maggie groaned as Amber pushed and slammed her back to the wall. Amber?s torso was parallel to the wall as she had slightly pinned Maggie. Amber relived the pressure slightly before slamming back into Maggie digging her shoulder again into Maggie?s belly.

    ?FUCK!? Maggie groaned again. All she could do was slap at Amber?s back but that was having little affect. She then grabbed Amber?s white tank top and pulled covering Amber?s eyes. Amber went for another dive relieving the pressure once more but Maggie acted. She threw her knee up attempting to hit Amber in the nose but missed and only took out an arm. If Amber could have seen through her tank top, she would have gotten close look at Maggie?s red thong as her dress hiked up with the knee. Amber didn?t get a strong slam onto Maggie with her hand falling and the redhead used that moment to pull the tank top higher and pull it to the right with Amber in tow. Amber desperately wailed around as her head was trapped in the cloth. She swung her leg and hit Maggie in the leg with the red head hissing in pain but she held onto the cloth. Amber decided she was going to have to sacrifice her top to get out of this predicament. She stopped resisting and slid out as Maggie pulled off the top off separating the girls.

    They were both breathing heavy as they took this separation as a chance to catch their breath.

    Amber spoke first after a minute. ?Give me my fucking top, I have a show to go to after I kick your ass,? now standing in her pink bra and skirt.

    Maggie didn?t respond, but gave Amber an evil grin. She held the white top and using her nails created a small tear before ripping it open. Maggie laughed as she did so but didn?t get the reaction she wanted. She thought Amber would attack wildly but Amber?s eyes narrowed and she began to move forward with a more determined focused face now taking a boxing pose. Maggie moved to match her striking a similar stance. They moved in close once again circling each other. Maggie threw a small punch but Amber brushed it off. They traded a few quick jabs. Neither girl had any boxing experience but they continued this dance for several minutes aiming for each other?s faces every shot. As they got closer Maggie missed a punch on Amber?s face but as Amber covered her cheek; Maggie hit her slightly in the tit. It wasn?t the intent but it opened a new tactic. Now they aimed solely for each other?s massive breasts but still besides the slight glance from Maggie, neither girl could get a good hit. Maggie tried a new move and feigned Amber?s swing, and swung low. It hit Amber in the stomach and Maggie, for a second, thought she had a strong hit before getting hit herself on the side of her head with Amber?s elbow. It was not a strong hit to do any damage but enough to knock Maggie towards the table.

    Maggie stumbled and put her hands on the table to stabilize but Amber was not about to let her rest. She came up behind Maggie and with pushing her bra covered tits into the redhead?s back, she attempted to put the girl in a full nelson. The punk girl tried to lock her hands at Maggie?s back but Maggie struggled like a wild animal. She lifted her leg and used the toned muscles to push off the table putting all her weight on Amber. The blonde fell back pulling the red head with her. They landed with a thud as Amber felt Maggie?s weight on top of her. Maggie thrashed trying to get away and Amber had to let go to not get hit from the girls flailing arms. As Maggie tried to roll away Amber got a grip of the back of the red sundress missing the bra strap by a millimeter. Maggie rolled but with a loud rip. The straps had easily popped and the back tore of Maggie?s dress. The girls had separated again as Amber sat up on her ass her legs slightly open. Maggie had rolled away but as she pushed herself up her dress fell past her boobs and left it only half on holding at her waist, her red bra and tits now open in display matching Amber.

    Maggie looked down infuriated that her dress had been torn and Amber noticed the fury.

    ?What?s the matter nerd? Mad your dress couldn?t handle the heat?? Amber taunted getting on her hands and knees and crawling towards Maggie. Maggie?s dress was now scrunched up near her stomach after the back had been ripped leaving her bra covered breasts mashing with Ambers? whose white tank top was left torn on the side leaving them in their shoes, bras, thongs, and a skirt, dress.

    Maggie crawled as well to meet her but before they came together they turned and began circling each other. The skirt and dress were not long enough to cover the full ass of either girl as they moved around each other following the ass they had swayed to taunt earlier. They got glimpses of the power muscle cheeks as it became clear that their opponent was wearing a thong. After two minutes of stalking, hissing and of course ass taunting with them swaying and even pausing for a second making the other girl see her opponent?s full fat ass. The girls then dove at each other but for once they did not go towards the hair or face. They attacked each other?s legs clearly trying to remove the final pieces of non-underclothing as humiliation became a priority.

    Neither girl was using any sort of defense for their remaining clothes or shoes. In less than a second all four shoes had torn laces and buckles and tossed away. Then they went for the real prize. Maggie griped Amber?s plaid skirt and began to pull it down while Amber attempted to pull down the red dress. It dawned on both girls that whoever lost their skirt would be the first in her thong and bra as the fight got more savage to get her opponent down to her underwear, humiliation still on their minds. Still laying opposite they attempted to kick each other?s face but couldn?t get any momentum as their arms had a good lock around the legs.

    RIP. Maggie heard the sounds as Amber had given up trying to pull the dress off of the redhead and was now just tearing at it as she had done the top of the sundress. Maggie followed suit and started to shred the skirt as they almost stopped everything else but focused on removing the clothes.

    Amber suddenly realized that she had succeeded in tearing the dress off the redhead. She rolled away suddenly hoping her skirt held but no luck. Maggie had torn the skirt of her body and was holding it. This left them in only their bras and thongs as Amber rolled away. They now laid 6 feet apart. Maggie rolled onto her stomach and turned her head to look back at Amber. To her surprise her brown eyes locked to the blue of Amber who was already staring at her. They both now got a full glance on how big the other woman?s thighs, legs and of course their strong ass was.

    Maggie was about to push herself up but then an urge came over that she couldn?t stop. She went down into a downward dog position with her shoulders and tits on the ground and ass in the air. Amber got the fullest view of Maggie?s ass she had seen along with the red pantie thong. Maggie wasn?t sure what caused her to do this, expect the ass swaying had led them to this moment? .Amber clearly accepted the challenge and went into her own downward dog showing Maggie? her own huge ass and pink thong. Their eyes remained locked as much as they could but they kept glancing at the muscle they had only had glimpses of and been taunted with. For some reason it was important for Maggie to show and prove her behind was better than Ambers while Amber felt the same.

    ?Not much of an ass you have there?, Maggie lied following the pink line with her eyes.

    ?Bigger and stronger than yours?, Amber hissed back. They glared for a second but the moment passed though and they pushed themselves up moving towards each other bra covered tits leading the way.

    As they faced off on their knees Maggie went in for a slap that Amber grabbed. Maggie tried using her other hand and as Amber grabbed that hand as well it put their bras in contact. They both noticed and in an instant Amber released her hands and tried to wrap them around Maggie as the librarian did the same.

    The woman had locked in a bear hug as each girl had wrapped their arms around each other?s back and was trying to squeeze the other out. Red and pink bras covered their nipples but the tops breasts was mixing as both woman tried to get hers on top and weigh down the other girl. Amber suddenly released her hold and Maggie thought she her crushed but was completely wrong. Amber had her claws unsheathed and was about to dig them into Maggie?s face. Maggie yelped and was able to get her hands up having Amber wrap her fingers around the red heads wrists. The girls began another muscular struggle as Maggie forced her way to stand up and Amber followed in turn.

    ?Fuck you!! DITRY BITCH!!? Maggie spat as her and Amber moved around the room one strong step at a time. Their thong covered asses and legs flexing with power each step one gained.

    ?You?re THE FUCKING SLUT? Amber growled right back at her. Anytime one girl got close to the wall with her back she would surge forward desperately to ensure they did not get pinned. As both knew to get pinned could be dangerous situation for herself. A gleam of sweat had long broken out on the girls but a new sheen was rising causing one of Amber?s hands to slip and the sudden loss of contact caused them to stumble and Maggie reached out to stop herself from falling. She gripped the only thing she could in front of her, Amber?s bra. The fancy bra already had a huge amount of weight from the massive jugs of Amber and Maggie falling was too much. Amber released Maggie?s other hand as the bra ripped down the middle of the string and to stop herself from falling with Maggie; Amber wiggled out of it as Maggie feel to her hands and knees with Amber?s now torn bra in her hand.

    Amber looked down at the girl, ?You bitch! That was fucking expensive!!? she yelled. She had the opportunity to kick Maggie near her face but just seeing her favorite pink bra in the hands of the red head made her only want one thing.

    ?You want to rip even more clothes huh?! FINE!? she reached down and grabbed the back of Maggie?s bright red bra. Maggie?s huge boobs much like Ambers? had put a lot of strain on the hooks. Amber did not know this and using a massive pull the hooks snapped easily but Amber had pulled way to strong thinking the bra would have held for a little longer.

    ?AHH? Amber yelped falling back with the broken nice red bra in hand as Maggie had adjusted to pull slipping off her bra and letting Amber fall. She fell on her ass a few feet away breathing hard and now staring as Maggie looked up and they locked eyes again. But as Maggie pushed herself up to her knees and Amber took a similar pose feet away neither could stop themselves from their eyes seeing the huge firm tits in front of them. Two things made both girls gasp slightly. First one the size of their opponents tits. Neither Amber nor Maggie had ever seen in person another woman possess globes like outside of a mirror. Suddenly a new question had arisen in their minds?who was bigger, firmer, and knew how to use them better but this was a question the girls did not expect to answer.

    The second was something that the girl?s bras? had hidden well. The erectness of their nipples. Both woman nicely sized areola and nipples were in display. Maggie?s slightly pink to Amber?s slightly brown. This was something both woman had not noticed during the aggressive style of their catfight but seeing their opponent?s sharp nipples pointing at them made them take notice of their own body?s reactions. Neither girl considered herself bi currently now but both had had lesbian relationships in their past; with Maggie fucking her college petite roommate as a ?practice? at first but led to more almost the whole year. Amber enjoyed getting drunk at raves and had gone home with a few woman and even dated one a few months. Needless to say both woman knew how to pleasure woman and at the same time feel attraction to the fairer sex, their bodies slightly betraying their actions. Both woman showed signs of clear arousal but the aggression allowed them to ignore it.

    Maggie felt her tits allowing her hands to fill up with her fat globes. She felt her hard nipples pointing directly to a pair that could match them. Amber gripped her own tits and gave big squeeze showing Maggie how full they were.

    ?That is a pathetic pair of tits you have their bimbo?, Maggie taunted again shaking her girls and giving them one more squeeze.

    Amber gave her a sarcastic look and retorted the second time that night ?Bigger and firmer than yours you fucking loser and I know how to use them.? She replied shaking her own girls with her blond hair moving in rhythm before making a big squeeze like a tit fuck.

    For a solid minute the stayed a few feet apart, taunting each other and commenting on the other?s inferior tits and lack of blowjob titfucks skills. In their minds however it was worrying. Both girls realized that the other had tits that now bare clearly could match her own. Feeling ready the both released their own tits and went into a crouch like stance slightly standing.

    They leapt at each other with their near nude bodies but their bodies failed to crash as their shoulders met first leaning into each other and they fell right back to their knees. Amber locked her fingers into Maggie?s and brought them down to their waist. Their nipples somehow not touched but a millimeter from another. But Maggie had another plan she leaned back and crushed her magnificent tits right into Ambers. The slap of tit flesh sounded like a clap as the four giant jugs met nude for the first time and the hard nipples dug into them. They groaned in tune as Amber leaned back and slammed her tits right back into Maggie?s?. Amber had never felt her tits crush into a pair so similar and this added a flair of anger and jealousy as Maggie?s tits met hers again and again without fault. The girl?s hands filed with each other?s hair but the focus was solely on their tits as the swung them into each other. Their nipples sometimes would flick each other directly. As they grabbed each other?s forearms they locked their tits between them and the fight focused on them slapping them when their hands would get free and pushing them into each other.

    A few minutes into the tit bashing and rubbing Amber realized that neither girl was making any progress crushing her opponent?s tits. She would never admit it but she enjoyed feeling her girls meet a pair to match them?but she would have to win to keep that feeling. Amber went low and gave a big upper boob smash into Maggie causing both pairs to jiggle as they grunted with effort.

    ?GET ON YOUR BACK? Amber yelled as she surged forward pushing Maggie back. They began an almost wrestling like battle rolling around on the floor and attempting to put each other in holds. They screamed and wiggled out every time the other would get a good grab and force a submission.

    The wrestling match continued. When one woman was on top, the bottom would scratch and slap her opponent?s back until she succeeded in changing holds or getting on top.

    At the moment the nearly nude Amber was sitting on top pining Maggie?s arms with her knees with the redhead on her stomach. Amber?s toned ass on top of Maggie?s lower back and red thong. The blond had gripped both her hands on Maggie?s hair and was pulling hard.

    ?SCREAM YOU SLUT? Amber yelled as she gave a harder pull. Maggie unwillingly obliged, screaming as her curly red hair was in the hands of the blonde. Maggie groaned more and more as she found her hot body underneath Amber. Amber pulled again lifting Maggie?s torso from the ground. Amber released her right hand from the hair. She leaned forward a bit and from behind sunk her claw into Maggie?s fat right tit feeling her hard nipple in the mound of flesh. Maggie groaned louder and Amber growled into the librarian?s ear, switching hands and clawing Maggie?s left tit.

    ?Say, I quit slut!?, Amber growled again at Maggie leaning forward to say it directly into red heads ear.

    ?No!? Maggie growled back getting another clawing for her refusal but Amber had leaned to far forward. Maggie using her powerful ass lifted her hips after Amber had leaned off of the redheads back. Their two full asses? bumped and Amber fell forward as Maggie slid underneath her pushing herself up. The blonde had to let go of Maggie?s tits and hair to catch herself and suddenly found herself in a doggie like position with Maggie behind her. Maggie had the view of a lifetime that men would die to see, Amber facedown with her pink thong covered as in the air. The librarian could have mounted the punk rock girl and take a similar position that the punk girl had her but the pain in her tits made her only want two targets. She grabbed Amber?s side leaning over the girl and rolled her onto her back. Maggie quickly sat down right on top of Amber and before the blonde could do anything, Maggie used her red claws and dove into the two huge breasts in front of her. Amber screamed from Maggie?s intense attack as Maggie?s nails dug in and her palms rested on Amber?s erect nipples. Amber struggled to retaliate and just tried to defend herself after a few seconds trying to grab Maggie?s hands and pry them away from her tits. Amber succeeded due to the sweat on both girl?s hands and her own tits, forcing Maggie?s hands to interlace with hers but Maggie wasn?t done. She quickly laid down flat with their hands forced out to the sides and brought their near full nude bodies in contact.

    Maggie pinned Amber with their massive tits mushrooming each other, their hands still locked as Maggie wrapped her legs around and spreading them full eagle taking Amber?s legs with them. Maggie?s big toned ass flexing as it pushed her thong covered pussy onto Ambers? both gasping at the contact. A long struggle endured as Maggie focused all her strength to keep the punk girl pinned while Amber did everything to get the librarian unloaded. Every muscle in Maggie?s body ached as she tried to use the weight of her chest to keep the blond down. But the focus switched to their asses as they flexed their proud muscle to force the other girl into the position they wanted. The issue was each squirm from Amber caused both of their pussies to hump the other as Maggie tried to readjust. This was causing both girls to heat up in more ways than one.

    After 3 minutes both girls stopped squirming and seemed to try to take a break but the contact between them had taken their toll. Unbeknownst to their opponent a sticky wet spot had appeared on each girl?s thong. They could feel the sharpness of the nipples that had dug into each other which had been there before but now the sweat allowing them to slide erotically against each other as their tits fought their own battle.

    They locked eyes as they pushed their foreheads together.

    ?I have you bitch. Give up? Maggie breathed heavily at Amber from both muscle exhaustion and arousal.

    ?Never?. Amber breathed back but she knew she had to think of something. She knew she was wet and was had started to feel slightly horny during the intense thong wrestling the girls had partaken in. She could feel Maggie?s hard nipples and for some reason she just knew Maggie was in a similar position in terms of how her body was reacting to the fight. Amber in a moment of desperation and arousal decided to bring out another weapon. She turned her head making Maggie?s go with it but before the redhead could react Amber used her tongue and licked Maggie across the cheek.

    ?What the fuck?!? Maggie pulled back but her words of disgust were betrayed by her body. Right as Amber had licked her; Maggie felt her pussy get wetter soaking her thong a bit more. Amber saw her chance and rolled the girls as Maggie had let too much weight off the blonde. Now Amber pinned Maggie in a similar fashion that she had found herself in just seconds before but both girls were already tired and could not struggle as much. Maggie?s mind was running? ?This slut wants to lick huh? Fine!? Maggie brought out her own tongue and licked Amber?s face. Amber was more prepared though and even though she too felt her thong soak a bit more; she kept the pressure on Maggie to stop any chance of getting rolled over. This did not deter Maggie though and she soaked her tongue with spit and began wetter licks on Amber? face. Amber realized she had to retaliate in the only way she could as her body got hornier and hornier from each lick, like little shocks into her loins.

    She wet her own tongue and started licking Maggie back just as wetly. Suddenly the only sound in the room was the smacking of the tongues in their mouths before leaving trails of wet spit on the faces of the girls. Amber?s tongue running over Maggie?s freckles as Maggie left long lines of saliva on Amber?s unblemished skin. Both girls desperately avoided the others tongue and mouth while still trying to get more on her than she had on herself. Amber had released Maggie?s hands as shift of the battle turned to the tongues. Maggie?s hands snaked down Amber?s back where they had focused their slaps and scratching. But this time her hands continued this time not stopping at the back and moved further down. Her fingers passed the thin pink string as the girls continued their licking fight.

    SLAP. Maggie had raised her hand and brought it down spanking Amber?s ass which slightly jiggled from the impact.

    Amber groaned in a little pain but way more in pleasure releasing pressure of her hips and giving Maggie a chance to roll back on top.

    Amber found herself on the bottom again as Maggie tried to lock their fingers to ensure the blonde could not retaliate but it was too late. Amber?s hands reached Maggie?s strong, pale, big ass kneading the big muscle for a second before spanking it just as hard as Maggie had done to her.

    Maggie moaned clearly aroused as her own ass gave the slight jiggle as Ambers? had; her thong getting wetter and wetter.

    ?Fucking dyke? Maggie growled as Amber rolled them again after a second slap of Maggie?s ass that had prompted another moan from the redhead.

    ?You?re the fucking dyke?, Amber growled back even as the she moaned deeply as she felt Maggie?s hands rub her muscular ass and the redheads tongue get a good lick on her neck. Her pink g-string thong close to being fully wet as her pussy continued to drip.

    They rolled a few more times easily as both their hands were now resting on the ass off the other woman. Each girl getting a good spanking from her rival along with a wet licking while on top. The top girl would moan and slightly hump the girl on bottom until they rolled again. Their boobs had also been crushed together the whole time which was just another as their areola and nipples would flick and rub making it just another battleground of a newly developing war.

    Maggie found herself on top again with Amber basically massaging her ass like no one had ever before. Both girls eyes were closed as their tongues danced around each other but as Amber gave another squeeze Maggie groaned but didn?t roll trying to keep Amber on the bottom. Amber growled and wet her tongue again for a sloppy lick reaching up while Maggie wet her own and went down. They tried to go across the face of the other but this time they were on a direct path. Their tongues touched causing the biggest shock yet to their loans and nipples. Their eyes shot open while they gasped from the sensation and again as they saw the string of spit that had connected them break. Though they were more aroused than ever the spit swap snapped them slightly out of the trance they had found themselves in. Amber still on the bottom grabbed Maggie?s hair and pulled her slightly off then used her strong legs to lift up and knee Maggie in the stomach. Maggie fell to the side holding her side as Amber sat up. Amber took a second to feel her body and realized she couldn?t remember being this horny. She looked at Maggie and felt another surge of arousal but also mixed with more rage than ever. A feeling like she could rip the redhead to shreds but then fuck what was left. She needed more time to understand and plan out her next move. She jumped up to her feet as Maggie looked up just in time.

    Amber ran from the room still only wearing her wet pink thong. Maggie yelled, ?GET BACK HERE BITCH?, as she jumped up and pursued her also only in her own damp red thong amazed how horny she was watching Amber?s ass in front of her for a few seconds. Maggie knew the layout of the library but struggled as Amber had a good head start. With the many turns and she lost sight of Amber after a few seconds. Maggie slowed and got into a crouch now preparing for Amber to jump out at her from behind the many doors and corners. She knew the blonde was not running from the fight, she was simply changing tactics and after the licking that had just occurred; both girls were trying to gather themselves. As she continued her eyes caught the sight of a door closing. She quickly turned and walked to the door. ?Employee?s only? was the sign on top. Maggie knew what was behind the door. It was a big room with a bunch of old book shelves that were set in an almost labyrinth look and with no natural lights or lighting; it was the oldest part of the library. It was beyond pitch black in there and she knew if Amber had known that.

    She reached to push open the door but something else caught her eye. A small pink thong was to the right of door. Her breathing hitched as she reached down and felt the small damp cloth which was clearly not just sweat. She felt her own pussy, the warmth and clearly the similar wetness. The message was clear from Amber. Do you dare strip your thong off and meet me in the darkness?nude. The sexual implications continuing from their struggle moments ago were very apparent and Maggie didn?t hesitate. She hooked the sides of the last remaining piece of her clothes. She straight legged removed it letting her wet pussy feel air for the first time that night and her ass fully bear. She felt like Amber was watching which is why she removed it sexually even though she knew the door was the only exit to the room and no one could see her. She picked up her own thong and tossed it next to the pink one she had already put back down. She took a deep breath and opened the door entering the dark maze, hunting a blond slut while also being hunted by her.

    Hope you enjoyed. Can't lie the next part is a bit a ways away. Thanks again for the likes and comments. ummmm yeah glad the fights underway and till next timeish.

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: A Quiet Affair Part 4

    Just saw this! It looks like this may be the last part. Really looking forward to reading this!

    20 minutes later:

    I just read this. This is absolute torture, made even moreso by your comment that the next part is a bit away. I don't know if I can wait! ;-)

    Once again, you've done an absolutely fantastic job of building the story to yet another crescendo, ending on an incredibly erotic cliffhanger. The challenge of the wet, discarded thong is absolute genius and totally mind-blowing for your readers.

    I can only imagine what will happen when Maggie and Amber get together in the oldest part of the library, both totally nude and in obvious sexual challenge. Here's hoping for a long, wet, hot, multi-orgasmic fight. ;-)

    Great work! It's been a long time since I've looked forward to a story with this much anticipation. Please don't keep us waiting too long!


    Last edited by JB57; March 31st, 2018 at 05:02 PM.

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    Senior Hostboard Member catfightlover40's Avatar
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    Re: A Quiet Affair Part 4

    This was a superb followup, and I absolutely get the need for time. I'm also hoping they get it too as the dynamic turned over to them, mirroring their fight, making even them oblivious to the fact that, win or lose, gain pleasure, both will walk out without spare clothes neither of them has prepared
    The home of my multi-part work: [URL][/URL]

    The place where I can be commissioned: [URL][/URL]

    What I use to "feed my birds": [URL="http://""][/URL]

    Finally, the one where I'll post my e-books: Lulu, once I post the complete first episode of my story

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    A Quiet Affair Part 4

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    Re: A Quiet Affair Part 4

    Catfight turn sexfight - hell yes.
    Huge tits and fat assess getting it on, yes again.
    To me, these two wanted this to turn in to a tit fight,
    all along. And hopefully ass to ass at some time too.

    Like JB57 said, what a cliffhanger this chapter had, ha.
    With BOTH women leaving their thongs outside the door,
    kind of like a prize for the woman who out fucks the other,
    and gets to them first - wow.

    Wish I was in Wayne's shoes when Maggie and Amber are done
    tit/sex fuck fighting each other - threesome.
    Last edited by dwcole; April 1st, 2018 at 08:15 PM.

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    Senior Hostboard Member animefreak's Avatar
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    Re: A Quiet Affair Part 4

    Omg I'm so glad you're back. Amazing work

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    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: A Quiet Affair Part 4

    Good story ! I like it even if violence/pain/catfights are not my cup of tea.
    I guess and i hope that the next chapters will be EXTRA HOT !

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    Re: A Quiet Affair Part 4

    This is reading like a classic. Can't wait to read the future chapters. Keep up the good work. Please don't make us wait too long.

  8. #8
    Guest MaskedSuperstar's Avatar

    Re: A Quiet Affair Part 4

    The first 3 parts was some of the most realistic fetish writing I've ever seen. This was corny/cheesy like a Benny Hill skit.

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    Re: A Quiet Affair Part 4

    The slow building eroticism is wonderful. Nice job!


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