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Thread: What sparked your interest in Titfighting and Sexfighting?

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: What sparked your interest in Titfighting and Sexfightin

    Quote Originally Posted by Gradius View Post
    Fair enough, it was an unnecessary low blow. However I never understood the need for the UN to "declare" anything, much less an obvious right. The only way it'd be necessary is in countries where women and children are openly in not the West (despite what many try to make you believe). But either way lets agree to disagree and stop derailing a simple thread on a simple question.
    Sorry, but it's absolutely ludicrous to claim that women and children are not abused in the West. The overwhelming, unequivocal evidence is that this is not true. In some ways (speaking specifically of women) they have more opportunities and are "better-treated" in the West than elsewhere, but the foundation of discrimination on which it is built is rock-solid.

    Similarly, I don't think that you can make generalizations about the Middle East and Christianity without a lot more consideration. The modern ME would not exist in its current form without the reality of enormous Western intervention that has absolutely distorted the region's development. It is worth remembering that a lot of the knowledge and advancements that the West built on (Greek philosophy, mathematics, etc.) was passed on to it by the Islamic world. It was not that long ago that the Islamic world was clearly far more advanced, in every way, than the Western world. I won't say much about Christianity other than to note that Christianity has, ironically, spread the most violence in the world than any other religion/culture. Again, the evidence on this is unequivocal. The European colonization of the world, particularly (and most brutally) in the Americas was rationalized, in part, on the basis of spreading Christianity. More than 100 million people died as a result.

    Anyway, that's all I'm going to say about this. I'm not looking to argue about these points, but I think that these points need to be made.



  2. #22
    Senior Hostboard Member catfightlover40's Avatar
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    Re: What sparked your interest in Titfighting and Sexfightin

    Dear JB,

    In spite of our recent and different disagreement, I have mad respect for the effort you've taken to be familiar with a subject, as a good writer should. I've just read about the robotics term uncanny valley, and how a robot seem less human, but programmed to philosophically emulate one generates more empathy, than a very lifelike one, which we may view as competition. I have a central theme for an upcoming series, placed predominantly in Chinese communities, that is both about our very human indifference to cultures vastly different from ours as well as about programs identifying content but failing to grasp meaning (The Chinese Room Thought Experiment). In my strict personal view, people like Musk have nothing to fear, as machines would likely care little for our idiosyncrasies outside the realm of pure logic. In fact, they'd fail to understand how a chain of cosmic random events too complex for a supercomputer to model accurately can create a world where unique creatures cannot value their own uniqueness on the same level that they invest into sniffing after who uses their junk for what purpose. The word I'm looking for is ridiculous.

    So, again, in my view, any person whose interest only extends to things they like and collaborates with others to maintain what Stephen Colbert coined as wikiality, the phenomenon of shared reality where the only things real are the ones we say they are, is more akin to a program, than, say, Deep Blue is one. The longer we have peace the faster we forget why the last war was waged, and tools of being a human become relative, subservient to a dominant group. I don't look for excuses in regards of my past ignorance, but one force driving me to change was others not owning up to what they truly believed, rather tried to convince everyone their actions serve a common good (and some of them had prior convictions for assault, so, sure, good guys). I can't in good conscience form an opinion on a subject superfluously that directly affect some people here, much less could I create a character without being familiar with motivations. Were this a fairer world, we'd and should argue about the color of that damned dress, and not what its maker chooses to do consensually behind closed doors.
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    Junior Hostboard Member BrigidD's Avatar
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    Re: What sparked your interest in Titfighting and Sexfightin

    Quote Originally Posted by catfightlover40 View Post
    Ah yes, I do recall the immortal words of Thomas Jefferson for there being a need for a bathroom bill in the Carolinas... that's the first misconception. It can be only considered history, if sexual minorities will be ascended to acts, bills and laws protecting their civil rights, up until then it remains contemporary. The second misconception comes from calling subjects politics, when it's somebody else's life. How did we all take part in it, even if you reject the notion? That's a typical where to begin question... People outside the widely known heterosexual norm did not sprung up overnight, they have always existed. Just to be clear, being something on it's own isn't that big a virtue, so it's not about Mr. or Mrs. X belonged to this group, while (s)he invented/introduced that famous thing. It's about not neglecting that we are not the only ones contributing.

    Yes, the original musing was where the whole thing started, and it definitely wasn't a violent act. Kama Sutra has but categorized things already in existence, and yet from a lot we don't hear about. That's because of a dual sin of both dispatching the ones doing it and for erasing them from history. As for having changed... not everywhere. 27 states still refuse to disallow marriages to children as young as 12 if they get pregnant, in a country that's supposedly leads everyone else in separating from church.

    I'm a warm blooded man, so yes, I do have a thing for erotic competition between women, which puts me in a minority. About 15 years ago on a different site a guy said that even in today's world a mayor of a major city can openly admit of being gay, but fans of such fights will not likely to come out as it would lead to universal condemnation. I don't have a switch, I don't pretend just because I'm a straight guy I'm like the rest of them in every aspect. In fact, people preceding us have been hunted by the feds for simply reading smut, a sentiment only changed due to expanding civil rights. Irving Klaw destroyed a lot of his material before that, finally giving up. You might personally not like it, but we have way more in common with fellow fetishists than with fellow straight guys, so at the bare minimum, we should act as a member of the community.

    A nonviolent confrontation like a sexfight isn't just serviceable to be part of an experiment, rather to know one's own body. It wasn't until the 1990s that the first bra was produced that provided comfort for women, and it continues to be a phenomenon that even women themselves are unaware of the correct cup size and what influences it due to lack of organized education on the matter. As a kid, I liked the books of a Wild West author, but it wasn't until I became an adult that I learned translations have omitted quite a bit about German supremacy and Native submissiveness (thereby totally changing the message). Similarly, authors like Burroughs, Doyle and Kipling wrote fantasy about yet to be explored regions, not because everything was discovered, rather because all lacked the willingness to explore other people around them, a grave sin in my eyes for an author. Women compare each other mentally, at times verbally, rarely on the physical plane. If and when they do, it's even rarer that sex organs play a significant role, so unless they're not bi or lesbians, there's good reason (mostly money) for doing so, and it's a motivation worth exploring, and definitely not just from our view, as that was the only we've known for a long time. They're as people as we're, so they deserve to be as authentic a character as well.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I don't share that view. Sexuality for women, outside wartime, has not been much of an act of pleasure before the freedom of contraceptives and the derivative choices coming from the sexual revolution. So much in fact, that when the first department store catalogues came around, the first electric thing advertised was a motorized vibrator, predating fridges by a decade.

    There's a difference between fighting another person and bringing sensitive body parts into the mix, especially considering how both genders where only taught sex is for procreation, and where the eggplant emoji goes. Breasts being the weapon (mostly as foreplay) is more likely to be around since lesbians and bisexual women exist, but as confrontational ones... probably not with the first two women, even if they did not know what cancer or breast cancer was, they still did know that lacerations, lesions to sensitive areas lead to internal bleeding and highly likely, death, at a time before antibiotics, or any other disinfectant.

    Plus the ongoing debate is way more about the importance of inclusion (treating tit- and sexfighters as humans and not just pleasure bots for our amusement) than about correctly pinpointing something known mostly from apocryphal sources.
    I am straight and I titfight irl, not for money (although two girls wanted to put money on our fight) I admit that men have helped me set up some of my fights. I do this because I love the competition, I don?t see much value in beating each other up in a fight. Winning a titfight is different for me, we both put our womanhood on the line. I want all my titfights to be fair and even for both, that way when it?s over we both know whoever won it was a fair fight,

  4. #24
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    Re: What sparked your interest in Titfighting and Sexfightin

    Dear BrigiD,

    I have to admit I owe you thanks for correcting a previous oversight I made by not talking about why and how men can be involved in such fights. It's not so much news to you, but cultural teachings can be so deeply ingrained that certain activities out of the norm may scare some members of the fairer sex, mainly as to why they do it (if it's not for sex or money). There's an element of reservedness that an opponent may have a hidden perversion or enjoys inflicting pain to the level of sadism, thus the need for rules.

    Actions like yours either come from defying norms or it was encouraged in the first place (in which case that type of freedom applies to other aspects of life as well). Even with rules, it's still a physical fight fueled by courage (or, in a few cases wanting to impress a potential mate) as most don't go beyond visual comparison. Anyhow, stay safe out there and good luck in your fights!
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  5. #25
    Junior Hostboard Member BrigidD's Avatar
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    Re: What sparked your interest in Titfighting and Sexfightin

    Quote Originally Posted by catfightlover40 View Post
    Dear BrigiD,

    I have to admit I owe you thanks for correcting a previous oversight I made by not talking about why and how men can be involved in such fights. It's not so much news to you, but cultural teachings can be so deeply ingrained that certain activities out of the norm may scare some members of the fairer sex, mainly as to why they do it (if it's not for sex or money). There's an element of reservedness that an opponent may have a hidden perversion or enjoys inflicting pain to the level of sadism, thus the need for rules.

    Actions like yours either come from defying norms or it was encouraged in the first place (in which case that type of freedom applies to other aspects of life as well). Even with rules, it's still a physical fight fueled by courage (or, in a few cases wanting to impress a potential mate) as most don't go beyond visual comparison. Anyhow, stay safe out there and good luck in your fights!
    I was encouraged to have my first fight by a male, I went to him to ask his advice. Once he knew I wanted to do this he then offered to help. I saw my cousin fighting another girl this way and was mesmerized by the site. They were hurting each other and yet they had to work together to fight this way(rules).fighting this way for me is the best way to prove to her who is the better between us(my fights have simple rules, we kneel and bear hug then we grind our boobs together until one gives. It a fair fight for both of us, and I think a true test of our boobs.

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    Senior Hostboard Member catfightlover40's Avatar
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    Re: What sparked your interest in Titfighting and Sexfightin

    Quote Originally Posted by BrigidD View Post
    I was encouraged to have my first fight by a male, I went to him to ask his advice. Once he knew I wanted to do this he then offered to help. I saw my cousin fighting another girl this way and was mesmerized by the site. They were hurting each other and yet they had to work together to fight this way(rules).fighting this way for me is the best way to prove to her who is the better between us(my fights have simple rules, we kneel and bear hug then we grind our boobs together until one gives. It a fair fight for both of us, and I think a true test of our boobs.
    Even back in the day Kinsey was of the opinion that sexual identity and orientation is a sliding scale, a notion later verified by neuroscience. Whereas it's understandable that you discovered the thrill of competition, one deeper tied to the fight or flight response, and thanks to our independence from mating seasons, way less sexual in origin than fighting for mates, I still have to loud your courage and luck in finding a man whose first instinctive response wasn't to exploit and sexualize you. That kind of trust is what most straight guys (myself included) wishes to achieve, save it for those, who bill a woman a sl*t if she doesn't grant that by default. The second act of bravery comes from the open grinding of a sex organ with a person you're not attracted to (as most straight women aren't), and the third comes from living with the sore that comes even if you win. Exhilarating, but imaginably it also has to be taxing. The way you describe it, this is a duel of a nonviolent nature.
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  7. #27
    Junior Hostboard Member BrigidD's Avatar
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    Re: What sparked your interest in Titfighting and Sexfightin

    Quote Originally Posted by catfightlover40 View Post
    Even back in the day Kinsey was of the opinion that sexual identity and orientation is a sliding scale, a notion later verified by neuroscience. Whereas it's understandable that you discovered the thrill of competition, one deeper tied to the fight or flight response, and thanks to our independence from mating seasons, way less sexual in origin than fighting for mates, I still have to loud your courage and luck in finding a man whose first instinctive response wasn't to exploit and sexualize you. That kind of trust is what most straight guys (myself included) wishes to achieve, save it for those, who bill a woman a sl*t if she doesn't grant that by default. The second act of bravery comes from the open grinding of a sex organ with a person you're not attracted to (as most straight women aren't), and the third comes from living with the sore that comes even if you win. Exhilarating, but imaginably it also has to be taxing. The way you describe it, this is a duel of a nonviolent nature.
    Well it?s a fight, we do hurt each other, I would not be honest if I didn?t say when our boobs first touch it does feel good but also very challenging to me. Once we start grinding our boobs together it starts to hurt both of us. I have been very lucky with the male friends that have helped me, most all have not tried to take advantage of me.
    I know girls that have had titfights over guys!
    I think most titfights have males involved. Either setting it up or asking the female to do it for him. No matter what the females have to want to do this, up until now all my fights have been just the two of us there. Some girls do fight for and in front of their guys.

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    Senior Hostboard Member catfightlover40's Avatar
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    Re: What sparked your interest in Titfighting and Sexfightin

    Quote Originally Posted by BrigidD View Post
    Well it?s a fight, we do hurt each other, I would not be honest if I didn?t say when our boobs first touch it does feel good but also very challenging to me. Once we start grinding our boobs together it starts to hurt both of us. I have been very lucky with the male friends that have helped me, most all have not tried to take advantage of me.
    I know girls that have had titfights over guys!
    I think most titfights have males involved. Either setting it up or asking the female to do it for him. No matter what the females have to want to do this, up until now all my fights have been just the two of us there. Some girls do fight for and in front of their guys.
    To be fair I only said it's nonviolent, not that it doesn't hurt I'm honestly wonky as to what extent onlookers try not to take advantage of you as we still live in an age where if it do happens, most often it will be loudly proclaimed to be your fault, 'cause personal responsibility and all... having said that, a well oiled and adequately discreet community out of sheer self interest will generate men who respect established boundaries, if for nothing else, but continued enjoyment. In a parallel fashion, women of a young age are more prone to be risk takers (the falling for bad guys trope), so sure, it can happen that they choose titfight as opposed to the more painful catfight to decide who gets the D vitamin.

    The problem, especially with the high speed internet generation is a selective acceptance of reality, where even female fights become consumer products (like the Miller Lite commercial), and while that's understandable in a consumer society, trying to shape non-participants into the fantasy as part of sexual gratification is not.
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  9. #29
    Hostboard Member clash11's Avatar
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    Re: What sparked your interest in Titfighting and Sexfightin

    Quote Originally Posted by BrigidD View Post
    Well it?s a fight, we do hurt each other, I would not be honest if I didn?t say when our boobs first touch it does feel good but also very challenging to me. Once we start grinding our boobs together it starts to hurt both of us. I have been very lucky with the male friends that have helped me, most all have not tried to take advantage of me.
    I know girls that have had titfights over guys!
    I think most titfights have males involved. Either setting it up or asking the female to do it for him. No matter what the females have to want to do this, up until now all my fights have been just the two of us there. Some girls do fight for and in front of their guys.
    It`s always interesting to have a female post on the site who has had a tit fight. Can i ask is it always bear hugs and grinding, never slamming tits together? I do understand it would hurt like hell irl. One of the girls posted on here about two guys slamming cocks and balls together, i thought at the time they could probably only slam a couple of times before the pain was to much.

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