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Thread: MOVING Forum to Google Groups / Testing Phase

  1. #11
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    MOVING Forum to Google Groups / Testing Phase

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    Re: MOVING Forum to Google Groups / Testing Phase

    Quote Originally Posted by apenman View Post
    I live with the nagging fear that one day I'll be at a gathering with my Italian-American and still way too Catholic family and some cousin will blurt out "so, cousin, I hear that you're writing porn on the internet these days!"
    But I guess that's the price one pays when one is an artist/fetishist...
    Lol, I beg to report that I'm part of the way down that slippery slope already!

    As I've been fortunate enough to cut back on my working hours over the last year or two, folks naturally ask what I devote my spare time to (I don't play golf).
    My stock reply is... "Erm, well many things... travel, literature, cookery,... and I dabble in a bit of writing as well."
    To which, the obvious question becomes: "Well, what sort of stuff do you write?"
    I usually finesse this by going on about the great novel I plan to write some day, but if, I know the person well enough, I sometimes tell them that I've been practising writing in different 'genres'. I might then expand to say that I've published some small sci fi works online (without necessarily elaborating that its the sexy wrestling type of sci-fi stuff.)
    If I really trust the person enough I might expand the categorization to include the term 'erotica'. After all, that's what most people surf the net for, isn't it? So they can hardly be surprised that someone needs to be out there writing content!

    Anyway, word tends to get out and my better half's sister-in-law asked recently where she could get hold of some of my stuff to read. Rather sensibly, the subject was changed rapidly!


  2. #12
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    MOVING Forum to Google Groups / Testing Phase

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    Re: MOVING Forum to Google Groups / Testing Phase

    Hello everyone

    Unfortunately I won't be going to googlegroups. I barely figured out how to use this one, so maintaining anonymity with a new group is out of the question. My old brain likes familiarity, besides I have way too many things I'm doing to figure out how to work another group. But I am on my last chapter of making Dezerai a Novel. I added 100 new pages, all with hetero-sexual contacts between the family members. I've made the stories R-rated erotica and not X-rated. I may post that, but all of the nasty stuff I like doing....... well I think I'll keep that to myself. Oh and Dr. dinners with my African-American family members....they can't say nothing, cuz their nastier than me (though they would never admit to it!). Anyway I will be doing a lot of traveling, so if we don't talk much in the future, be well and keep the stories coming....both kinds!


  3. #13
    Senior Hostboard Member catfightlover40's Avatar
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    Re: MOVING Forum to Google Groups / Testing Phase

    Quote Originally Posted by XP View Post
    I absolutely understand people's concerns about personal information, privacy, and apprehension about Google. I had those myself prior to moving the forum over. I've spent months looking for an alternative to Hostboard and Google Groups, in my personal opinion, is the most viable long-term location.

    Now, in case anyone is wondering, I checked a bunch of people's profiles on new forum. I used both a test account and my main account as owner/admin. I also went into my admin panel and looked at the admin version of those people's profiles. So far, all I see in all cases is information about Group activity and nothing else. I don't see any real names. I don't see any other Google information. I don't see anything outside of what one does on Google Groups. It's actually similar to your Hostboard accounts. I can see which forums you go to on Hostboard, what topics you posted in, and whether you created any threads. It's the same over on Google Groups.

    I understand if some members decide not to come over to the new forum location. I would just like those members to know that I've tried my best to find a new home for this forum. I honestly don't see a better location at this time.
    I don't even know, where to begin... so here are a few things not yet mentioned by others. Much like administrators of fan pages on Facebook, you're allowed to see what you can moderate, and that doesn't equal to what the site itself can moderate. Suppose one does make a secondary, let's call it dummy account, and exactly for that reason there'll be a two step verification. Only problem is though, that step will happen every time as the system will interpret it as 2 users. Extra funny is, that if the same phone is used, be assured, Gooogle won't forget who you are.

    Okay, but say, that's the worst case scenario. There's a different issue, which concerns European users more, namely that websites need to comply with the binding privacy regulations. I'm guessing this wasn't your first priority to look into, but failure to comply involves a not so insignificant fine. So, no, it totally won't be like here.

    For my part, I've moved to FCF too, after I've saved my stories. To be fair, as I still owe barata77 two installments of the Western catfight saga, I'd be okay with sending you the story via e-mail which you could then publish in the group.
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    The place where I can be commissioned: [URL][/URL]

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    Finally, the one where I'll post my e-books: Lulu, once I post the complete first episode of my story

  4. #14
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    Re: MOVING Forum to Google Groups / Testing Phase

    Hi all. It was recently noted on the Google Group that Hostboard is now functioning well. I'm out of the country on hotel wifi, which is stupidly slow, so it took me a while to get on here. I can't tell if it's them or us, but I'm hoping it's purely them.

    Anyway, I just wanted mention that should Hostboard be working fine for a long while, I intend to keep making backups and posting them publicly, and I also intend to keep the Google Group running as a backup in case things go south for Hostboard again. I'll continue to upload stories to it and keep the Index updated, too. With how many times in the past year Hostboard has had issues, I'm not willing to take any chances.

    Check out the Titfighting and Sexfighting Forum at [url][/url]

  5. #15
    Senior Hostboard Member Augur's Avatar
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    Re: MOVING Forum to Google Groups / Testing Phase

    Quote Originally Posted by XP View Post
    Hi all. It was recently noted on the Google Group that Hostboard is now functioning well. I'm out of the country on hotel wifi, which is stupidly slow, so it took me a while to get on here. I can't tell if it's them or us, but I'm hoping it's purely them.

    Anyway, I just wanted mention that should Hostboard be working fine for a long while, I intend to keep making backups and posting them publicly, and I also intend to keep the Google Group running as a backup in case things go south for Hostboard again. I'll continue to upload stories to it and keep the Index updated, too. With how many times in the past year Hostboard has had issues, I'm not willing to take any chances.

    Indeed, it makes sense to 'stay vigilant' and not take anything for granted...

    That said, I sincerely hope Hostboard's newfound stability is here to stay, and we'll no longer need a replacement. Aside from the recent technical issues, HB has provided a very valuable forum and meeting place for like-minded authors, readers and other enthusiasts. The difficulties we faced in trying to find/create a new platform, and the obvious flaws of all the suggested alternatives, have only increased my appreciation of Hostboard's long and faithful service.

    I'll still continue to post my stories on the other sites as well, but hopefully things can now begin to return to 'normal'.


    P.S. I'm on a laptop and accessing the internet via my phone, and the connection seems to be working just fine. At last!!!

  6. #16
    Senior Hostboard Member catfightlover40's Avatar
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    Re: MOVING Forum to Google Groups / Testing Phase

    Quote Originally Posted by XP View Post
    Hi all. It was recently noted on the Google Group that Hostboard is now functioning well. I'm out of the country on hotel wifi, which is stupidly slow, so it took me a while to get on here. I can't tell if it's them or us, but I'm hoping it's purely them.

    Anyway, I just wanted mention that should Hostboard be working fine for a long while, I intend to keep making backups and posting them publicly, and I also intend to keep the Google Group running as a backup in case things go south for Hostboard again. I'll continue to upload stories to it and keep the Index updated, too. With how many times in the past year Hostboard has had issues, I'm not willing to take any chances.

    As a matter of fact, you need not worry about knowing how dysfunctional the European People's Party faction is, 'cause just like them, interlinked communication seems to be scarce. Due to a lack of uneven funding, Steven did a big reset, which does provide stability, and that's a good thing. However, being not the only board on the page, if you venture to visit Activity, you'll see that the guys over at Altec still debate, in which condition if they should buy the site from Steven.

    Sure, there's no rule that specifies unconnected boards needing to share information, but it's advisable. I can't and therefore won't speak for others, but based on my experience previous sites going down, "familiar faces" don't come back and the community gets fractured.
    The home of my multi-part work: [URL][/URL]

    The place where I can be commissioned: [URL][/URL]

    What I use to "feed my birds": [URL="http://""][/URL]

    Finally, the one where I'll post my e-books: Lulu, once I post the complete first episode of my story

  7. #17
    Junior Hostboard Member cthusky01's Avatar
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    Re: MOVING Forum to Google Groups / Testing Phase

    stability is nice and all, however it apparently came with a cost of having even LESS threads visible than before. 39 pages is a far cry from what used to be here.

  8. #18
    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: MOVING Forum to Google Groups / Testing Phase

    Quote Originally Posted by XP View Post
    Hi all. It was recently noted on the Google Group that Hostboard is now functioning well. I'm out of the country on hotel wifi, which is stupidly slow, so it took me a while to get on here. I can't tell if it's them or us, but I'm hoping it's purely them.

    Anyway, I just wanted mention that should Hostboard be working fine for a long while, I intend to keep making backups and posting them publicly, and I also intend to keep the Google Group running as a backup in case things go south for Hostboard again. I'll continue to upload stories to it and keep the Index updated, too. With how many times in the past year Hostboard has had issues, I'm not willing to take any chances.

    Dear XP,

    Hi! Thanks! I think that this is most advisable. I will continue to post my stories to the Google group; when you get back, I hope you won't be overwhelmed by adding them all to the index page! When my stories are posted, I will add other writers' stories. We should end up with a good repository to draw on that will be consistently available. As I mentioned in another thread, in the future I plan to post my stories to the HB but, at the same time, to the Google group.

    Thanks again,


  9. #19
    Senior Hostboard Member Johannesdk's Avatar
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    Re: MOVING Forum to Google Groups / Testing Phase

    Hi all

    I've just posted my old story "The Adventures of Xara (part I) at Google Groups. Actually I've deleted and reposted a couple of times because cut/paste from LibreOffice had the consequence that single blank lines in LibreOffice showed up at two blank lines - but not on the page I pasted into. It only showed the double blank lines after saving the story.

    I had to remove the single blank line between each paragraph i LibreOffice (which then looked too compact and difficult to read) - when pasting into the Group it looks ok now.

    A bit annoying ;=)

    Take care

  10. #20
    Senior Hostboard Member Johannesdk's Avatar
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    Re: MOVING Forum to Google Groups / Testing Phase

    Oh, forgot to mention that it looks that postings in our Google Group can't be edited, only deleted.

    Lack of possibility to correct minor mistakes is a bit annoying


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