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Thread: Who Do You Prefer: Hero or Villain?

  1. #11
    Senior Hostboard Member catfightlover40's Avatar
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    Re: Who Do You Prefer: Hero or Villain?

    Quote Originally Posted by Anubisx View Post
    Hey guys! I'm glad to see we can now post normally on the forum.

    I've always preferred stories where there isn't a good girl and a bad girl; I like more the journey of two good girls turning bad as they "woke up" in the sexfight world.

    Even so, if a story features a heroine and a villain, I always encourage the good girl
    On that note, it seems Mayans MC starts to gain on the idea I shared with you in terms of an interregional conflict. If you'll ever have spare time, I'm still up to write the catfight version of it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ragnar0k View Post
    I can appreciate many of the points that have been made already, and my own take on this is that, irrespective of the consideration of whether I prefer hero or villain, the fiction I write needs to contain sufficient drama to reward the reader as well as stimulate me, the writer, sufficiently to devote substantial hours and days of my time to creating the finished piece.

    I do get the point that many will root for either heroes or villains in an erotic story, however, I generally aim to write more nuanced characters, so that the demarcation is not always as clear as this. In the feedback to my original BSQ series, I found it interesting that the vast majority rooted for Helen over her rival Mhairi, who seemed to acquire villain status even though that was not necessarily my original intent. I guess the way I wrote the tale loaded it that way, and its true to say that Helen was - and remains - my favourite, even though she was not fated to win all of her matches. To my mind, predictability is the enemy of dramatic effect, and I will always focus on plot and story rather than going for an outcome based on the idea that either a hero or villain will win.

    Just my 2c.

    I've recently gotten around to watch the second season of Luke Cage, and I was in a bit of a shock to discover how Alfre Woodard, whose talent is perhaps is only rivaled by Viola Davis, has never won a Tony for her work (in fact, wasn't even nominated). I won't spoil it for anyone who's yet to see it, but she gives a powerhouse performance in a very demanding role. Chief among them is conveying how she became a monster whilst perpetually claiming to be a savior, but it's undeniable she persevered through some serious stuff that would drive many to suicide. It was almost tangible how she balanced the pre-traumatic teenager she once was with the cunning persona she is, bound to hide things that'd show her as weak. In fact, she's just one of the villains with enough lifelike nuance that you can relate to their point of view.

    That brings me to another related thing, the fabricated nuance in the judgment of addiction. I'm sure you're aware recently Robin Wright claimed we should give a shot to Spacey at redemption as in other ways they couldn't change and reform. "Slight" problem is... the destructive addiction of my old man taught me addicts lie. They go into rehab promising the world, and many relapses soon. They're the not sober version of villains who think and feel to be the hero of their own story without whom the world would stand still. In other words, our choice is also influenced by how much of an enabler we are or can be, with a special focus on how much you care about your own community and the world in general.

    Now, certainly, I don't have designs to expect people to write with that in mind, but I do find such a moral framework to be essential. First and foremost because we had two big funerals last week, one for a former POW, who held high values about what democracy should be and another for a self-appointed separatist president who was the opposite of him in every way, including his daydream about conquering Britain.

    I can only share Rivals uncomfortableness of writing stories which depict bigots as heroes, for the simple reason that it portrays antievolutionary, nonbeneficial behavior as a to be followed example. In the past few years, thanks to advertising tied to consumerism, few things previously thought to be a faux pas publicly are now the supposed norm. Very loud, often trollish people appeared who claim this (being an a**hole) not to be a choice but a hard-wired feature. They use the same peer pressure cheerleaders use (no offense meant to actual benevolent cheerleaders) when they ostracize girls for "not falling in line". In turn, such peer pressure villains can have a redemption arc, provided the community doesn't endorse it (unlike those, who smash their iPhones or burn their Nikes).
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    Hostboard Member rusty73's Avatar
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    Re: Who Do You Prefer: Hero or Villain?

    I actually like when the line between hero and villain is blurred.

  3. #13
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    Who Do You Prefer: Hero or Villain?

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    Re: Who Do You Prefer: Hero or Villain?

    To me, if two women get in to a catfight / sexfight. Or a catfight turn sexfight, out
    of the blue. Ya know, not planed, or did not know one another much, or even at all.

    I would want the villain or bad girl to win or to cum out on top - so to speak.
    But these two, hate each other so much, that the hero or good girl wants to go at it again with
    the bad girl.
    Only this time, it's a closer or even a down to the wire winner a draw.

    Now it's more of a mind game for yet another cat/sex fight.
    Does the good girl stay a good girl. Or does she turn into a bad girl to cum out on top.
    Making it a villain vs villain nock down drag out dirty nasty - but hot - cat/sex fight.

    Just my thoughts.

  4. #14
    Senior Hostboard Member Garren's Avatar
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    Re: Who Do You Prefer: Hero or Villain?

    I'm not sure i have preference. Its generally more story and maybe even looks based.

  5. #15
    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: Who Do You Prefer: Hero or Villain?

    My personal preference is to have the "hero" win. However, as I've said before, the stories that I appeal to me are between two women who are evenly matched and where either one could conceivably defeat the other in a rematch. So, from time to time, I let the "villains" win, knowing that a return engagement is always possible, to even the score.

    Of course, this only applies in stories that are written as "hero vs. villian." Most of my stories, I think, are not - the characters are in competition, but neither is necessarily heroic or villainous.


  6. #16
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    Re: Who Do You Prefer: Hero or Villain?

    Being a bigot, or some other kind of villain, doesn't make someone a lesser fighter. While it should factor into the equation of a story, especially if there's a multi-part story arc, it shouldn't be the deciding factor. In the story in question, I was pleasantly surprised to see Katie win after being so dominant for most of the fight. She was the aggressor, she did the most damage, and honestly the way the story was written she needed to be the winner. It would be nice to see someone (not Riya) take her down a few pegs, maybe after a few more fights, but only if you want to continue with the character.

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    Junior Hostboard Member gxswager's Avatar
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    Re: Who Do You Prefer: Hero or Villain?

    Quote Originally Posted by rusty73 View Post
    I actually like when the line between hero and villain is blurred.
    yes i do agree with this its just to me it just depends on who the author wishes to see win sence its his or her story.

  8. #18
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    Re: Who Do You Prefer: Hero or Villain?

    The heroine is defeated first time by the villainese, but the heroine win the revenge because the 'good' girl become more rough, dirty and nasty than the villainese.
    In a mixed match, the hero win the first rounds but the villainese win the battle and rape the guy.

  9. #19
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    Who Do You Prefer: Hero or Villain?

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    Re: Who Do You Prefer: Hero or Villain?

    Hi there
    Fewer classifications better in sexfight stories in my opinion
    Hoy saint vs Pure evil, Americans vs Rusian, big and fat vs small and skinny
    Best is put simple two magnificent and beautiful woman in conflict

  10. #20
    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: Who Do You Prefer: Hero or Villain?

    Quote Originally Posted by rivals_rapture View Post
    recently i?ve received a lot of feedback across my various contact points about people either being super into katie winning in my recent story parent-teacher confluence, or conversely, wishing riya, the hero of the tale, would have one.

    Now katie was a bigot, so it?s probably a little more difficult to cheer her on. But as this is a question i?ve had debated on almost all of my stories, i was wondering what the rest of you feel in general.

    Do you prefer stories where the hero wins? Or where the villain does?
    Quote Originally Posted by catfightfactory View Post
    hi there
    fewer classifications better in sexfight stories in my opinion
    Best is put simple two magnificent and beautiful woman in conflict
    i can sign this !!
    Exactly what i think !!
    A sexfight story must have an interesting plot (if possible), a building erotic tension between the two women who keep the prime roles and hot erotic scenes.
    If it also has some shades of humor, some adventurous/thrilling moments, even better. But these are not necessary. We are not here to be nominated for a prize in literature ! LOL
    Reading a sexfight story i do not focus if the women are good or villain.
    I mostly focus on how hot they look to be
    Just my two cents
    Last edited by Giannis-CB; July 29th, 2019 at 10:22 AM.

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