I think it depends on how you define "friendly." I, personally, find violent catfights/sexfights to be repellent. I don't find anything stimulating at all in reading about women physically harming each other. On the other hand, I do think that overly friendly bouts, where it is just about women who like or even love each other testing each other sexually can be too tame, though I can think of a number of stories like this (mostly A. Penman's) that work really well. To me, the element of competition is greatly enhanced if the women involved see each other as real enemies and are acting accordingly. This doesn't mean that some kind of mutual affection cannot be part of the mix, but the sense that something really meaningful (at a personal level) is at stake adds an element of danger to the story that really matters. To me, really "friendly" sexfights tend to be boring.

An example of a story that sort of straddles the line is A. Penman's "Beth and Sandra Get Closer to Jehovah." I love that story. The women in it are friends but they are also in a genuine competition with each other and they see it as such. Other examples: the original "Club Wars" had two women who were in a real battle to see who would stay in town. No physical harm done but no love lost between the two main characters either.

Hm. In reading this, I'm not sure I'm being that consistent. I guess what I am saying is that I like/prefer stories where the characters are battling with a real sense of mutual hate to spice things up. But, clearly, I also can like much "friendlier" bouts as well. Just keep the violent stuff away from me.