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Thread: A Professional Dispute Part 2

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    Senior Hostboard Member kingofdapirates1's Avatar
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    A Professional Dispute Part 2

    A Professional Dispute Part 2

    The next day Bianca arrived at the library 30 minutes early as she had since the first day of her start. Being the first person was essential to her persona and signing in first was just another way she showed she was the best for this job opening. She was one of the youngest professional?s in the school administration history, but she would never let her age hold her back. This job of bringing the library under her control was ticket up the ladder at the university, and now it seemed it was easily in her grasp. Her bun was extra tight today and her sharp square glasses and full business attire made her seem like a woman on a mission, 2-inch heels clicking on the pavement. Everything with her plan was on schedule as the workers in the library were starting to fall in line with the changes. No one else had stepped up their professionalism or joined the job search and that is the exact way Bianca liked it, she even wondered if she needed the extra plan with the Director. If he stopped resisting her soon, it could speed up the process more and she could have him and the President just announced she would lead the library from the administration team.

    The only one that had given her any pause was the nerdy redhead Maggie. The Director had spoken in higher esteem about her than anyone else in the building and Bianca had taken note right away. She secretly targeted Maggie even before her first day, ?accidentally? forgetting to include her on the big meeting notice and sending a second email an hour before they were due to meet. That plan did not work as expected with Maggie somehow getting there in time, but it was fine because the redhead issue seemed to be easily beaten. She had not done anything thus far and Bianca?s notes against her were adding up. 2 weeks in and the Director was starting to take the notes seriously; bringing the ginger?s stock down little by little. The seeds of doubt that the redhead was professional enough for the role was building momentum everywhere, ?That stupid woman may have been the only one who could have caused me any issue and she wasted it?, she thought happily with an almost skip in her step.

    The redhead was so nice and not willing to do what was needed. ?And she never even tried to compete with me, hmm I guess she was smart in that aspect?. Not many people dared compete with Bianca mentally, professionally, and even more so physically. Bianca was hot in every which way, and she knew it. All of her body would cause people at the office to check her out twice, and yet she enjoyed teasing more than anything. Her huge pale tits she only let out on rare occasions, but still would be tight shirts that had people guessing. Her toned ass and legs she pumped at the gym defined even extra with the heels she wore so frequently. The few friends she had always said she should have been an Instagram star wearing tiny string bikinis and gaining millions of followers, but her heart had always been with business and administration, it was her natural calling. Plus, she enjoyed wearing her business attire, teasing her body when she needed using it to get ahead in the game.

    She reached the door pulling out her keys but stopped suddenly seeing the lights on already in the front. ?What the hell?, this had never happened before. As she pushed the door she confirmed it was already unlocked, ?Who got here before me?? she wondered. She cocked an eyebrow as she pushed it open without issue; her eyes adjusted quickly and widened at the sight. There at the desk was the redhead Maggie, the very same woman that Bianca had just been thinking about. But the freckled ginger looked different than before and as Bianca got closer she understood why. Her short bright red hair was also up in a tight bun, a sharp black business skirt with white stockings and white buttoned business shirt is done up to the top was her attire. She had on a pair of round glasses that framed her face well with the small amount of makeup she used. She stood up as Bianca approached standing up in her work heels. They were the same height give or take half an inch, their clothes made their bodies looking like clones below the neck.

    ?Miss Reynolds, I am surprised to see you here so early.? Trying but not succeeding to keep her tone pleasant. Even as she now took in the sight of Maggie?s fancy white stockings showing more well-defined legs than she had expected, another thing Bianca added to her mental notes.

    ?Hello, Miss Marshal? The redhead pleasantly replied without a hint of irony in her voice using Bianca?s last name as Bianca had done to her the last 2 weeks. At age 25 and age 24 respectively this seemed just another way to grate on each other?s nerves. ?Yes, well I thought it was a good time for me to really step up my game. Help this place run like clockwork as the Director and President would like.?

    ?Yes, that is what everyone is looking for...?, Seemingly more to herself than to Maggie digesting this new information. Just one minute ago her plan seemed perfect, now this bitch was up to something. Bianca wasn?t sure if she could control this new situation but would try and if she put her mind to it she wasn?t worried. She noted both Maggie?s smile and choice of style assuming that the redhead was taunting her.

    ?Well I?m glad to see it Miss Reynolds, but I?m sure you know that meeting the dress code is only a small part of running an organization such as this library. It takes someone who is incredibly detail ordinated with clear organization skills?.

    Maggie gave the businesswoman a very fake smile. ?Oh, I?m not worried, Miss Marshall. I am quite up for the job and know I meet all of the requirements.? She had taken up her own clipboard and made a few checks. ?Oh, and please don?t forget to sign in, you can put your name under mine.? Bianca's eyes narrowed even more so at the comment, now she knew Maggie was taunting her and that a game had just begun between them. She moved forward to the desk and signed her name in the lower box for the first time, getting angrier than ever seeing it below Maggie?s neat signature and start time.

    Her entire trip over had been thinking about how great her plan was working, now in the matter for a minute she knew it had changed and she would have to double her tactics. ?Oh, I will be the judge of who has the requirements and trust me, Miss Reynolds, I will be monitoring very very closely.?

    Things were deteriorating between them rather quickly and both women felt it. The fake pleasant smiles were already starting to wane in this conversation and Maggie could tell she had Bianca where she wanted her. This woman was not used to having another match her, not in her own game and domain. But Maggie knew she could match her, and they would find out who the most professional woman between them was with the winner taking the prize they both desired.

    ?I understand Miss Marshall but be aware that I will be monitoring just as close.?

    Bianca?s eye twitched and for a second Maggie felt the similar sensation of when she and Amber first fought. A breakdown of communication and a physical struggle begging to be started. She almost found herself hoping the pale bitch would launch herself over the desk and they could settle things differently with their claws. Ripping each other?s tight clothes and tearing each other?s hair buns down. She wanted to pin what she could only assume was Bianca?s inferior body with her own big tits until the pale bitch submitted.

    ?No, stop thinking like that?, Maggie told herself, that was not going to happen as it should be in normal life. Not every woman that Maggie confronted was going to want to settle things with body and sex. It was sometimes hard to not to remember that after what Amber and she had done was crazy. Amazing, terrifying, and addicting were other words to define it, but still very crazy.

    Yet she still glared at the other woman who was glaring back just as harshly, and Maggie wondered what was going thru her new-found rival?s head. If she had known, Maggie may not have let her guard down by an inch. For a second Bianca did want to tackle Maggie and fight the redhead, ?it would be easy? she thought thinking of stripping the clearly inferior woman?s body nude and sitting on her face until she cried out in surrender. ?But this woman would report me, and I can?t risk it.? The type of people who played Bianca?s game was rare and clearly, this redhead didn?t have the body to compete with hers.

    From the outside, it looked like an awkward silence, but in reality, both women were just lost in their thoughts of physically and sexually dominating each other. The moment passed without incident, both girls not taking any action. It was clear they were both letting their imaginations get the best of them, and now they had less time prior to opening. Bianca picked up her clipboard from the desk still staring at Maggie who continued to stare back, their glasses fully focused looking for flaws in each other?s faces.

    ?Well then Miss Reynolds?, Bianca now said with clear sarcasm in her voice. ?I?m glad you are finally coming on board with our new direction. I?m interested to see if you could turn around your less than satisfactory performance thus far.?

    Now Maggie?s eyes narrowed as they continued their sharp barbs at each other.

    ?I?m not worried at all Miss Marshal. I think we will both see that my performance will be the most satisfactory of anyone here from today onward.?

    Bianca didn?t replay and simply gave her a cold smile before turning away walking towards the office. Maggie watched her go, her breath slightly increased due to the adrenaline of their comments. Her green eyes followed Bianca going slightly wider because if she didn?t know any better from her experience in these kinds of games, she could have sworn that Bianca was swaying her hips a little extra as her heels clicked along.

    One week passed and the game had turned into high gear with Maggie now matching Bianca word for word and action for action as they desperately worked to one-up each other in this professional duel. Both women were now getting to the library an hour early (the earliest the parking lot opened) walking in together side by side and signing their name in the same box, but never touching or instigating contact as if it was taboo, something Maggie noted mentally. She was sure if they did it would break what little civility they had to each other.

    They came to every meeting and discussion sitting far apart and asking tough questions to the room and each other. Both now had clipboards in which they made marks and lists against each other in which was reported directly to the Director. He seemed very pleased that Maggie had joined in on the new process, but it was clear some damage in the contest had been done. Her and Bianca were tied in the process and everything counted towards the third goal. Their work heels clicking was the sign that goofing off was over as they made their rounds through the shelves of books and rooms. They passed each other often but never acknowledged each other except for curt nods if the Director happened to be watching them. Though some of the other employees understood what Maggie was doing and played along she took the role very seriously knowing that the only way was to play the game right.

    After two more weeks in which seemed like a stalemate, they began to attack each other indirectly with more than just words and reports. It started with meetings moved around last minute as they played a game of wills and smarts seeing who would make a bigger error first. Bianca struck first making Maggie 15 minutes late to a very important conference by switching out her morning notes. Maggie?s face went red as she walked in knowing what had happened whilst the Burnette was smirking the entire time. But the redhead quickly had her revenge when the raven-haired woman found her files relocated minutes before her big presentation. She had to ask for assistance from IT delaying it by almost 20 minutes, she stood up there blushing in embarrassment as Maggie noted the waste of time. Back and forth their attacks got dirtier and dirtier, yet the library was functioning better than ever. But for the two young professionals, it was clear that the war between the pale goddesses was reaching a breaking point.

    Bianca learned during that time that the redhead?s tactics were working, and the Director had commented on how he was excited to see Maggie acting so professionally. This was not acceptable, ?I can?t let her beat me, I?m getting this job?, she decided it was time to act on her alternative phase of the plan.

    The next day Bianca set a private meeting with the Director that she was so eager to get to see accidentally left purse at the front desk. She entered at exactly at 9 AM and he looked up from his notes.

    ?Hello Bianca, glad we could meet 1 on 1. What do you wish to discuss??

    Bianca locked the door and turned towards the man moving with a flair in her hips.

    She was smiling at him sexually; his eyes went slightly wide as she made her way over and moved around the desk.

    ?Bianca, I am confused?? but he was cut off by the now very close brunette.

    ?I can tell you have been really stressed?would you like me to relieve that? I bet I can get you off faster than you ever have been??. She fell to her knees in front of the stunned man unzipping his trousers quickly not allow him time to protest and allowing his nicely sized dick to appear already hard and wanting to be sucked.


    ?Just relax?it?s just a little bit of fun.? As Bianca began working on the rod with her superior skills. She ran her tongue up the full length of his dick sucking in the head into her mouth. She sucked hard causing to groan from the feeling. While she bobbed up and down she started to undo the buttons on her shirt revealing a navy-blue bra.

    ?Holy fuck. Bianca?your tits?.

    ?Yeah, you like them? There fun to look at, but I know how to use them?? She slipped the now wet dick under her bra and into the cleavage. She looked up at him smiling enjoying the look of shock on his face. To double down she used her one free hand to lift up her skirt ensuring that her heart the shaped ass was in view, a tiny blue thong it's only cover.

    ?Try to hold on?but no pressure if not. I have a feeling you need this,? she smiled as he laid his head back.

    She decided to end it quickly due to shortness of her meeting time and proving her skill by crushing the rod with her tits and sucking the head simultaneously. 3 pumps from Bianca?s chest and the suction from her mouth were all it took as the cum began to flow out and into her mouth where she swallowed it easy. The Director shook slightly as he came before his muscles untensed. Bianca cleaned him up easy, impressed with her time and how efficient they were.
    As the man caught his breath Bianca stood up pleased with her work. ?Hope you enjoyed that?because I sure did.?

    ?I don?t know what to say?Bianca this is?oh god.? He shook his head as Bianca looked at him questionably. He still hesitated until he found his voice looking slightly distraught.

    ?You know I can?t?I?I?I?m not going to let this dictate who gets the role, Bianca. You must understand what you and Maggie did these last two meet??

    ?Wait. Did she do this too?? ?Now that is interesting?so she doesn?t have any problem with using her body? Bianca thought annoyed the redhead had gotten there first again messing with Bianca?s well laid out plans.

    The Director went pale and he realized he had been caught.

    Wait?no, umm. Okay listen, yes that happened. Thank you for the meeting, Bianca, it was quite interesting and yes it had been on my mind, but this can?t happen again. I said the exact same thing to Maggie after she?nevermind as I am getting back with my ex-wife, so no more of this from either of you. So, let?s go back to just being professional. You both aren?t getting ahead in the reports with this.?

    ?Ahh, of course not Sir, it didn?t even cross my mind? she lied easily. ?This was just something I had been thinking about for a while, did you enjoy it?? He stared at her before giving a slight nod of the head. She gave him a flutter of her eyebrows. ?Good, that?s all that matters, and don?t worry; I and I'm sure Miss Reynolds does as well, understand that this little stuff is just for fun. It should only depend on our performance of running the library.?

    The Director seemed exhausted and unsure what to do, he could get fired if one or hell both of them accused him over bias or exploited him over the sexual details. Bianca seemed to read his thoughts. He wished he had said no to both women, but hell they were both so hot. He never would have believed Maggie or Bianca?s tits were so big and full, it was just too hard to say no. ?Not like they gave me a chance?, he thought as Bianca replied.

    ?Don?t worry sir, I won?t tell if you don?t tell, Miss Reynolds and I will, I?m sure to be able to figure this out. Thank you for the taste though, it was quite delicious.? She gave a light wink and laugh as she left the office as the Director bumbled some response, but as soon as the door closed; her mind began to race.

    She couldn?t help getting hornier thinking that less than a day ago, that slut Maggie had been in this same spot giving out her own taboo blowjob. ?It seems I have slightly underestimated how far she was willing to go. I will need to think of a better plan thus far.? Another part of her wondered who was better at the particular contest they had just gone into? The Director didn?t say anything, but she would have given anything to find out between them who gave out a more efficient bj.

    She went to the toilets fixing her clothes and adjusting everything back to place. ?Well that was a waste of time?, was her initial thought but she also couldn?t help but think of some positives. It didn?t get her ahead but at least she got a better understanding that Maggie wasn?t some shy innocent virgin girl and new tactics could be available. She also did enjoy the dick in her mouth as it had been a while since she had shown practised her skill. ?Could she have gotten him off that fast too, we can?t be that close?? went through her head wondering how the Director had reacted to the questions. She made her way back to the desk but paused seeing her phone outside of her purse. ?That?s weird.? But she didn?t have time to investigate with her next meeting minutes away.

    It was early morning the next day and Bianca was parking her car; with her blue eyes were seeing red. She stepped out and was rushed towards the library door at the fastest speed she could in heels. The unthinkable had happened for Bianca and now she was running 30 minutes late for the first time. She knew someone somehow had changed her morning alarm; well she knew the someone. ?How the hell did she get in my phone. Damn it. This is the last fucking straw, I?m dealing with her now and fuck the consequences.?

    She pushed open the door aggressively and marched her way to the desk where Maggie was leaning against making marks on her notes. She looked up at the sound of Bianca?s heels quickly approaching a small smirk on her lips. ?Oh Miss Marshall, you are quite late today? What hap?HEY!? Bianca had grabbed the clipboard from Maggie?s hands and slammed it down on the desk right next her. The redhead stood from her leaning position quickly as they glared at each other thru their glasses. Two sexy business women who had finally come to one to many differences.

    They had again dressed incredibly similarly starting at the bottom, with their sharp black 2-inch heels, Bianca had chosen fancy black stockings to Maggie?s exotic white, and dark purple and dark skirts respectively. Their completely buttoned done up white shirts showed no cleavage but each mid-button by their tits looked ready to pop out, the linen stretched to the near limit. Their hair was in tight buns and their eye?s saw red through Bianca?s black square glasses and Maggie?s brown round ones. Their light makeup felt more like war paint as they looked to engage each other now and for nearly 5 AM they looked so well put together for their huge meeting today. But for now, their business was each other and only each other. They continued to glare at each other seeing if one would back down, give up and admit they were the copy, an inferior professional and a fraud. After the click of a minute had passed Bianca broke the uneasy silence.

    ?Well...Miss Reynolds, it seems our little game has gotten out of hand, I think its best we look to finish it.?
    ?For once we agree Miss Marshall. I think we really need to find out how to get to the bottom of our differences.?

    A predatory grin appeared on their red lips showing pearly white teeth as the two young women let all fa?ade of the friendless drop. There were nothing and no one to stop them from finding a way to settle it.

    Now their voices became laced with venom. ?I tried letting you just fade back, but you just don?t know your place, do you?? Bianca hissed a sudden change in tone tapping her fingers on the desk in a threating manner. ?I can tell you want to be me, but trust me, you are not in my league in ANY aspect.?

    ?Oh, I agree that I?m not in your league because I?m above you in EVERY aspect.?
    ?You shouldn?t say such obviously false statements, Miss Reynolds!? Bianca?s tone getting angrier.
    ?I only deal with facts, Miss Marshall!? Maggie?s tone matching it.
    ?Prove it.?

    Bianca and Maggie moved closer coming eye to eye as the tension became unbearable, ready to prove anything they needed to. Their shallow breathing brought in the perfume of their rival, and feeling the intensity and adrenaline caused their muscles to tense. Reporting each other had not done anything and from the Director they were still neck in neck in the selection process even after their little blowjob side path. He was worthless going forward and dealing directly with each other was the only path.

    ?Your behavior has been absolutely unacceptable this last few weeks Miss Reynolds.? Bianca spat taking again a better than you tone. They could feel the heat from the other woman?s body as they stood in their aggressive poses.

    ?Coming from you Miss Marshall, that is pretty thick.? Maggie huffed moving in an inch closer trying to get the other woman to flinch. Bianca didn?t move back and their bodies came even closer to touching ?How did the director's dick taste?? Maggie rose the stakes admitting she had seen their little meeting, but her victory was so short-lived as Bianca simply continued smiling.
    ?You tell me.? Bianca breathed sensually taking a glance at Maggie?s red lips. The redhead didn?t allow a flicker of shock to go across her face. It was only natural that they had learned about each other?s little side quest. They had been monitoring each other?s schedules like hawks and she wondered if Bianca had watched her own performance as she had watched hers.

    ?I guess we just evened the playing field?, Maggie smiled dangerously remembering the Directors dick crushed between her tits. ?Well, ?even? might be the wrong word. I think it was more me getting ahead.? Another insult and one Bianca did not take kindly. Her nostrils flared slightly, but she kept her even tone.

    ?Oh really? You think you outperformed me in that department?? Bianca sighed as if she was bored with this conversation shaking her head slightly as if she didn?t want to give Maggie even the time of day. But her words betrayed her tone, ?I can promise you, you are sorely mistaken.?

    ?I very much doubt that I am.? Maggie stole a quick glance at Bianca?s red tight lips as well, it gave her a surge of pleasure knowing that their lips had shared a dick and competed indirectly in a battle of sex. ?I have all the assets to perform at the highest level of efficacy and I used them to peak performance and speed.?

    Their breathing had increased and under their bra?s 2 pairs of pink nipples started to harden. Neither would admit that this aggressive professional talk was turning them on, but their bodies couldn?t lie. Bianca and Maggie were horny, and the sexual undertones were becoming more and more apparent in their game of words. The memory of their first small confrontation when Maggie started matching her came flooding back and the idea of a physical showdown started to be an option.

    Now Bianca moved even closer to Maggie until there was no personal space between them and their shirts brushed. They still had not had any true physical contact, but the itch to touch was growing every second, their blue and green eyes locked thru their lenses daring the other to act first. The blue orbs scanned the feckless taking in every inch of Maggie as if seeing and understanding exactly what she was dealing with now. Perhaps the redhead was the type of woman to settle thing?s Bianca?s way, with the heat between them had raised to a boiling point. It was clear that this one-upping and backhand comments game was over, and a new one was starting.

    Bianca broke their eye contact seeing her clipboard on the desk directly behind Maggie on the desk. She smiled as she reached around Maggie who refused to move and give the businesswoman any space unless she backed down. The brunette moved slowly ready if the green-eyed girl attacked finally breaking the unspoken rule as their chests touched moving forward. The redhead?s breathing sped up as Bianca?s blue eyes again locked with Maggie?s green as her black nails griped her clipboard. As she pulled it off the desk, she allowed it to lightly slap onto the freckled girl?s ass like a light little paddling. ?Whoops?, the blue-eyed girl hissed sarcastically. Maggie couldn?t help narrowing her eyes as Bianca seemed to drag it slowly across the redhead?s behind until it was brought around her hips up and between them. The clipboard now in between the woman even as they were still looking at each other and not the notes on it. All of the unspoken rules had been thrown out the window the moment her ass was slapped. Maggie could still feel the paddle as if it was a lot more than physical, it was an open invitation to start something. ?This bitch will not get away with that?.

    ?Well Miss Marshall, I think it is well overdue we set up a 1 on 1 meeting soon to discuss our next reports?? There it was; Maggie had laid out the challenge; an open invitation to Bianca to meet and settle things in private where anything could happen. She doubled down by leaning forward and pushing her tits into the other woman?s chest. Bianca gave her a taunting smile letting the words hang in the air. Both women?s breathing had increased as their bodies seemed to sense the impending conflict approaching rapidly.

    ?If you want a full 1 on 1 review comparing our?? she paused backing up slightly and openly taking a full look at Maggie?s body, ??assets and performance Miss Reynolds, why delay it?? The challenge was accepted but the businesswoman had added the dare of meeting right now. Maggie was more than ready; even thrilled there would be no delay. Comparing their assets could lead them down many different paths, but Maggie was now getting more confident that she was not the only one between them that had experience in whatever was about to happen.

    ?Yes, I think our asset review should be done as soon as possible, and I can confirm both our schedules are completely clear until 7. So?? She paused giving Bianca a full look up and down, ??how about we schedule it right now Miss Marshall??

    ?Perfect, come with me Miss Reynolds, I think a private room would be best, no?? Bianca didn?t wait for a replay turning from Maggie and walking briskly towards one of the back-end offices heels clicking with a purpose. Maggie didn?t hesitate for a second, picking up her own clipboard as she followed the brunette closely her body ready for whatever happened next. She couldn?t help but think of Amber and what the blonde would think of her fighting Bianca, but she pushed it out. ?No, it?s time to focus on this bitch and my job I can't be distracted?, her body showing signs it was ready. Her garter belt, thong and bra felt tight as the two women moved towards the private space where anything could happen between them.

    --------------------------------To be continued.

    Part 2 YEAH! Well this one was fun to write. I think there will be one more long part or two kind of long ones haha. Only issue is I need to go away for a week or sooooo hopefully you all can relish in the build up a little longer haha. That said....yeah hope you all enjoyed and I think that's all I got for this part. Till next time.

    To JB- Will Amber appear?...guess you will have to keep reading and find out hahaha
    To Giannis- Haha! Glad to surprise you, hopefully you will enjoy the rest.

  2. #2
    Guest WriteThisWay's Avatar

    Re: A Professional Dispute Part 2

    Excellent. Hopefully Bianca handily beats Maggie, making the Maggie/Amber dynamic more unsure going forward.

  3. #3
    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: A Professional Dispute Part 2

    Great work! Looking forward to the next part and I'm happy that the women are going into their confrontation so soon. I hope that Maggie establishes herself as the dominant woman and manages to gain herself some security. One of the themes that has played out in your Maggie stories and that you really emphasize here is how much she loves her job and her place in the library. It would be a real shame to have her lose all of that. By contrast, this battle with Bianca is a chance for us to see how Maggie relationship with Amber, and the sexual feelings it has released, are changing her character and giving her more confidence.

    Keep up the great work!


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    A Professional Dispute Part 2

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    Re: A Professional Dispute Part 2

    Beautiful story
    Thank you !

  5. #5
    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: A Professional Dispute Part 2

    it's very good till now, i like it.
    More action is highly expected!

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