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Thread: The Adventures of Ebba and Maja - Chapter 2

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    Senior Hostboard Member kamafight's Avatar
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    The Adventures of Ebba and Maja - Chapter 2

    Ebba was sleepy and distracted at work the next day. She had stayed up the night, reading the small nameless blue book written by Professor Burr. She looked forward to the evening where she would perform partner exercises with Maja. The day passed slowly for her and she was relieved when the crowd at the hamburger joint thinned out after lunch. She left the joint in a hurry at 4:30 (thirty minutes earlier than she would normally leave) and walked home briskly.

    She took an elaborate bath, washing away the hamburger grease and smells of the kitchen off her body, to prepare for her session with Maja. She put on a top and a tight shorts but did not bother to wear a brassiere. They would have to come off soon anyway, she thought to herself.

    Her flat was a bit of a mess with empty beer cans strewn all over the floor. She collected them and put them in the kitchen. She moved some of the furniture and a table to make a large space where she and Maja could work out together. They were two big women and would need a lot of space.
    Ebba also placed fresh towels on the sofa.

    Maja arrived a little after 5:30 and she let her in.

    ?Had a good day at work??, asked Maja. Ebba thought she seemed like a nice sort. She had a tiny feminine voice that was at odds with her gigantic stature. She had on a jeans and a tight top that accentuated her large breasts. Her nipples pierced through the top. She was not wearing a brassiere, Ebba told herself.
    ?It was allright. I?ve been looking forward to working out with you all day?, the truth just gushed out of her.

    ?Me too?, said Maja and they smiled at each other.

    Maja looked the house over.

    ?I see that you made some room for us. Cool,? said Maja sounding impressed.

    ?Didn?t want us to bump into anything and injure ourselves,? she said.

    They faced each other awkwardly for a few seconds.

    ?Can I get you anything to drink? A beer? Black coffee??, asked Ebba eagerly.

    ?No I am allright. Why don?t we get down to it?? asked Maja shyly.

    ?Sure. Why don?t we??

    They paused for a moment before they began to undress. Tops came off to reveal their large breasts. Maja took off her jeans under which she was wearing tight shorts just like Ebba. When she turned around to place her jeans and top on the floor, Ebba got a peak of Maja?s large fleshy buttocks that were accentuated by her tight shorts.

    Maja walked towards where Ebba stood and the two big women appraised each other.

    ?It?s a good thing you got diagnosed early. Your breasts don?t look atrophied at all. They are nice and full,? said Maja appreciatively.

    ?Your breasts seem to be in good shape too. I am sure these exercises will help us get over this disease.?

    Ebba took a step towards Maja and they both raised their arms. Fingers entwined. Ebba realized that they both had large hands and their long fingers locked perfectly together. Maja gripped her fingers tightly and Ebba returned the tight grip. Their upper bodies crashed against each other and big breasts jostled. Ebba gasped at the rubbing of soft flesh against flesh.

    She smelt fresh soap and shampoo on Maja. They struggled with fingers entwined tightly, their arms were lined up together, just like their breasts. Neither woman gave an inch as their breasts squeezed together. Gasps and grunts escaped both women as they struggled. Neither woman was been able to dislodge the other by even an inch.

    ?My, you are one strong woman,? Maja gasped as they fought.

    ?Gosh, I guess we are kind of equally matched,? said Ebba.

    ?We?ll see about that,? said Maja in mock challenge.

    Ebba felt her nipples harden as their breasts pummeled each other. Their foreheads butted into each other and both women laughed.

    ?I think my breasts are tougher?, Maja whispered under her breath.

    ?Ha! Don?t push it, partner?, said Ebba.

    Ebba felt Maja pushing harder with her entwined fingers. She pushed back with equal fervor.

    Her breasts were beginning to hurt now. Maja adjusted herself slightly and their nipples rubbed against one another. Ebba couldn?t help herself and moaned.
    ?Feels good doesn?t it??, taunted Maja.

    Ebba, a bit embarrassed, did not reply but continued to push hard with her breasts. She looked into Maja?s face, their eyes pierced into each other. Maja?s face was red. She was smiling. They had been struggling for atleast three minutes now, thought Ebba. But neither women had moved an inch.

    ?How long are you going to keep this up?? grunted Maja.
    ?As long as you do?, replied Ebba.
    ?It seems like this one is a stalemate?
    ?Are you giving up??
    ?No way.?

    Ebba adjusted herself and pushed sideways with her breasts and their nipples rubbed against each other again. This time Maja moaned.

    ?I think you are liking this?, Ebba giggled.
    Maja did not reply but smiled shyly.

    They stared at each other intently, slight smiles on their faces, hands clasped together, breast to breast.

    ?Who do you think has the larger breasts?? asked Maja in a taunting tone.
    ?Definitely not you? said Ebba.

    They pushed at each other with renewed intensity and panted into each other?s faces. Maja?s breath was sweet as if she had been chewing gum. Their entwined fingers were leading their arms in crazy angles as they struggled.

    The large mounds of flesh were red with struggle. Slowly, Ebba felt herself gaining an upper hand as Maja began to tire. She pushed with the last vestiges of her strength and finally Maja took a step back and broke her grip on Ebba?s fingers.

    ?Gosh, that was fun!? said Ebba excitedly.
    ?Well, you won that round?, said Maja sounding disappointed.
    ?So who has the larger breasts??, asked Ebba tauntingly.
    ?Why don?t we find out? You got a mirror in here??
    ?I got one in the bedroom. You want to go there??
    ?Sure, let?s settle this.?

    Ebba lead Maja to her bedroom which had a large mirror. The two of them lined up side by side. Their breasts were still red. Ebba thought their breasts were equal in size. They both had rather large pointed nipples as well.

    ?I think our breasts are about the same size?, said Maja.
    ?That?s what I was thinking too,? said Ebba.
    ?You have really large nipples,?
    ?So do you.?

    They turned towards each other.

    ?Hey. Its allright that you lost the last bout between us. I mean I hope that doesn?t turn you off me. I am a competitive girl. But you are as big as I am and I am sure you will beat me in a few of our partner exercises,? said Ebba, comforting Maja.

    ?That?s ok. We are working class Viking women. Don?t feel bad.?
    ?It?s great that you are taking it sportingly.?
    ?I hope you don?t mind my trash talking,? said Maja.
    ?No I enjoy it. I think we should continue talking trash while we work out together.?
    ?Allright. I am glad we agree on this.?

    They took a step towards each other.

    ?Ready for the next exercise?? asked Maja.
    ?You bet,? said Ebba eagerly.
    ?Let?s embrace each other like we did in Dr.Parikh?s clinic,? suggested Maja.
    ?I would like that. But let?s make sure our nipples are rubbing together. Professor Burr insists in her book that our nipples should be rubbing against each other while we embrace.?
    ?I read that too. We?ll make sure they are rubbing together?, said Maja.

    The two women looked at each other both competitively tempered by a longing. They closed the gap between them and locked together in a tight embrace. Their large arms wrapped around each other?s bodies. They looked down at each other?s breasts and lined their nipples opposite each other. When their nipples rubbed, both women let out low moans.

    To be continued .....

  2. #2
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    The Adventures of Ebba and Maja - Chapter 2

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    Re: The Adventures of Ebba and Maja - Chapter 2

    I like the slow build up. But it makes me want more. Nicely done!

    A. Penman

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    Hostboard Member finglock's Avatar
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    Re: The Adventures of Ebba and Maja - Chapter 2

    Keep doing what you're doing.


  4. #4
    Senior Hostboard Member kamafight's Avatar
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    Re: The Adventures of Ebba and Maja - Chapter 2

    thank you for the like and replies. i am working on part 3. thank you.

  5. #5
    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: The Adventures of Ebba and Maja - Chapter 2

    Hot !! Very hot !!

    The escalating building tension between the two women is outstanding !!

    Let's see how this tension will lead them to the so expected high peak !!

    YOU KNOW to write hot erotic stories. You have the needed talent for this.

    Go on !!

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