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Thread: An old story

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    Junior Hostboard Member darkil's Avatar
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    An old story

    Hello. I am looking for a story called The Wall by Morton (I believe). The premise is a young woman goes to The Great Wall of China as part of a tour and gets involved in a titfight with one of the guides there. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: An old story

    Quote Originally Posted by darkil View Post
    Hello. I am looking for a story called The Wall by Morton (I believe). The premise is a young woman goes to The Great Wall of China as part of a tour and gets involved in a titfight with one of the guides there. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    That premise sounds familiar, but I don't think it's Morton. If it is, I don't have it and I thought I had all of Morton's stories.

    Anyway, sorry, I don't have that.


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    Hostboard Member barata77's Avatar
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    Re: An old story

    I believe the story was written by DeepOgre, but sadly I don?t have it.

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: An old story

    Quote Originally Posted by barata77 View Post
    I believe the story was written by DeepOgre, but sadly I don?t have it.

    Now that Barata gave us the right author, I checked - I do have that! Unfortunately, the file appears a bit corrupted but complete. I'll need to clean it up. I'll post it later today or tomorrow, unless someone else beats me to it first!


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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: An old story

    Here is the story by DeepOgre. I hope you enjoy it!


    The Great Wall-Part 1

    Cody Maddox gazed in awe at her first glimpse of the Great Wall of China. She had read about it, studied it and wanted to see if for so long. And now she sat in a tour bus only a quarter of a mile away from a winding section of it in the Chinese countryside. It loomed high above, snaking mightily along the rolling landscape as far as the eye could see. Cody was from the badlands of Montana, an impressive natural scenery; but nothing like the Great Wall, so long and unbroken, twisting through the lofty hills, was unique in the world. She was thrilled to see it at last
    Cody was an impressive natural wonder herself. The golden blonde, blue-eyed beauty with smooth, tawny skin was fit, shapely and well proportioned; except for her huge, firm breasts. They definitely overpowered her five foot six inch frame, jutting out in profile and over-filling her athletic chest with their broad, oval largess. People always stared; but Cody had become accustomed and managed to ignore the attentions of men and most women, and the unblinking awe that her huge, firm breasts inspired.

    Cody was not immune to staring herself at someone who made her jealous. And she was jealous of other big breasts, as well as any woman sexy enough to rival her in looks and sexuality. She had eagerly and willingly fought other girls, breasts on breasts, sex into sex; anything two feminine rivals could consider would define them against each other. Cody had no qualms about stepping naked into a jealous, erotic rival and fighting to the finish with her in some sexual struggle. Cody loved to fight; and she loved the mutual pain of sexual struggle. Intense and even agonizing sexual fights were a thrill that Cody often sought as part of her sexual life.

    As the tour bus reached the wall and stopped, people began to debark. They would tour the wall in the afternoon, and then stay the night in the quaint town. When Cody entered the tour center she looked around at the people milling and shopping. Cody had not seen any real breast rivals since she came to China on this trip; and did not expect any. She had seen a few sexy young women with whom she would have gladly gone to bed with and rubbed their fleshy genitals to fight, ground their hairy mons ,or just had endless sex. But no opportunity had presented itself. And certainly She did not expect to see someone who's breasts could rival her own. Not in China.

    But Cody was mistaken. To her right as she entered the large pavilion, stood a young, Chinese beauty of her own height, with long, straight, glossy black hair and dark eyes, a shapely body; and breasts equally as huge and broad as Cody's. She was wearing a uniform of a blue skirt and vest over a white blouse; and she was directing people towards the gate to the wall. A name tag pinned to her impressive chest told that her name was Suzi. Cody and Suzi saw each other almost simultaneously, and both women reacted. Their eyes seemed to lock together and they both flushed with sudden jealousy and surprise. They were not five feet apart, and the equality of their heavy breasts was undeniable. Both beauties' flushed and crimson faces belied the jealousy that drives women together to fight. Both bosomy beauties knew they wanted to see each others' breasts; up close and bare. They wanted to show, and compare them and know who was bigger, who was shaped better; and if necessary, who was firmer and better. They knew all that in an instant as their jealous eyes met.

    Before Cody could take in the situation, the Chinese girl smiled knowingly. Her eyes narrowed and she raised her eyebrows to Cody. She had Cody's eye and she motioned slightly with her head to a hallway behind her. Cody hesitated for a moment but she could not pass this bosomy Chinese girl by. Cody could not walk away from her without knowing who was better. She brushed past Suzi, who softly said, ?The last door on the right.? in an accented but clear voice. Cody ambled slowly down the hallway. She was boiling inside, with jealousy and the insecurity that so suddenly encountering a bosomy rival stirs within her. She knew she wanted to see Suzi's breasts bared with her own, and know who was bigger, better.

    Just as Cody turned the doorknob, Suzi was behind her pushing it open. She quickly closed and locked the door and the two jealous women stood facing each other, arching and looking into each others' eyes.

    ?Two girls like us can't just pass each other by; can we?? Suzi said in a thickly accented voice. She was already slipping off her vest and starting to unbutton her blouse. ?What's your name, blondie??

    ?I want to see, just like you do.? Cody agreed. I'm Cody.? She pulled her sweater over her head.

    A taut urgency permeated the air as the two bosomy beauties prepared to see each others' huge breasts. They stared at each other as they unbuttoned their blouses. They arched proudly as they unhooked their bras and let their massive mammaries spring out and fall onto their athletic chests. An audible gasp passed between the jealous nymphs. Each proud woman knew instantly that she had met a rival who could well out point her; if not in size and shape, perhaps in firmness.

    It was quickly obvious that the opposing breasts were equal in size overall. Suzi's breasts were broad and poured off her chest in firm, convex arcs tapering to thick, brown nipples that pointed just slightly down, accenting the weight and mass of her firm udders.

    Cody's beasts were equally broad, but without the points. Her breasts did not jut out quite as far as Suzi's but they were slightly deeper, more round; and her tanned nipples pointed straight out.

    So the dilemma that both women had anticipated, had some to pass. They turned slightly and pressed the side of Suzi's left breast against Cody's right breast. They rolled them around until the nipples pressed; just to confirm their equal size. Then they lightly pressed both girls' breasts together and watched them spread and flow. The thumb-sized nipples throbbed firmly against each other and the jealous women glared defiantly. Both women knew that their huge breasts were equal in mass, and they seemed equal in firmness.

    Suzi broke the spell by shoving her breasts against Cody's. ?Cody, we have to fight.? she said.
    There was an urgency to her voice. I love to fight western girls and beat them.?

    ?Yes, we have to fight.? Cody agreed. We'll see who gets beaten, Suzi. How can we do it??

    ?I can give you a special, night time tour of the wall if you want.? Suzi smiled. ?There is a good place up there where we can do it.?

    ?I'm totally ready for that.? Cody accepted. She was hot with desire and jealousy.

    ?Come back here at 9 PM.? Suzi instructed. ?There is a full moon tonight so there will be light. I will be here waiting and we can fight on the wall.?

    ?Fight with our breasts; only breasts.? Cody said.

    ?Only breasts.? Suzi confirmed. ?That is what matters to us.? The jealous girls slapped their huge breasts together hard once, and smiled knowingly.

    The two fantastic women hurriedly donned their tops again and Cody went off on her tour. The wall was impressive, everything she had imagined. But now Suzi and her heavy breasts dominated Cody's thoughts. Nothing else would really matter to her until she and the Chinese beauty had fought with their massive udders and knew who was better. Knowing that Suzi wanted to fight Cody made her more anxious for the night to fall. She checked into her room and took a shower. She hefted and caressed her huge, dense udders, wondering if they would stand up against Suzi's or if she would meet her bosomy demise in their brutal, mammary duel. Suzi's breasts were heavy, and dense like Cody's own. Their boob bashing bout would undoubtedly be won by the woman who's breasts were denser and firmer. Neither woman would surrender unless she was beaten up too much to continue. One proud beauty would be broken forever in this naked affair. But thought Cody had doubts, she would fight.

    Just before 9 PM Cody wiggled up to the entrance gate to the wall tour. She was wearing her black shorts and pink T-shirt, and pink, slip on flats. She had a bra in her bag. Suzi stepped out of the shadows. Cody could see from the way Suzi's huge breasts bounced and rolled under her T-shirt that she was bra-less too. She was in blue shorts and a light blue top. The eager beauties deftly smacked their heavy breasts together, beneath their T-shirts. It was a hard enough blow to let them both know what was coming between the firm dugs.

    ?We will go through the back door.? Suzi said softly, taking Cody's hand. Cody followed Suzi and they entered the wall area through a small door. Once inside, Suzi used a small light to illuminate their path. Cody could smell Suzi's perfume, mingled with her succulent female scent and it aroused her. They ascended the stairs as Cody had done on her tour but then turned left and went through a tunnel that came out to a part of the wall she had not seen. It was a level area below the towers that Cody had toured. It was secluded and away from the main village around the wall. The side walls came up to Cody's shoulders.

    Just as the two eager rivals came out onto the wall, a full moon started to rise. It quickly and subtly illuminated the arena, and spread a pale light on the two anxious rivals. Suzi and Cody quietly drew their shirts over their heads and stepped out of their shorts and shoes. They stood naked together, inches apart and drank in each others' bounteous sexuality. They wanted to leap together and crush their huge breasts into each other. And momentarily they would.

    ?I have oil.? Cody said.

    ?So do I.? Suzi answered. ?But let us not use it just at first. Let us cling to each other at first, and we can use the oil when we go further.

    ?That's good for me.? Cody agreed. She instantly imagined her thick, pink nipples sticking to Suzi's brown ones. She imagined from experience the skin of their breasts clinging and wrinkling as they mashed and rolled them.

    Both bosomy women took deep breaths, sighed and stepped together. They carefully pressed their breasts so that their thick, distended nipples mashed. They made sure that they liked how their breasts were fitted together, then they leaned into each other and their lithe arms slid down around their slender waists. Their grips tightened, their massive udders mashed and squashed together, spreading and swelling against each other. They were trapped between the wild girls' arms and flowed upward as they mashed. The two, eager rivals' gleaming eyes met in the moonlight and both women knew that both of them would leave this encounter forever changed. Pressing their smooth foreheads, the two naked gladiators rolled their shoulders and mashed their pulpy juggs tight. They exhaled under the pressure and crushed the taut mammaries together. The contending glands spread and swelled until their smooth skin was taut and their inner structures were crushing together hard.

    Both naked women felt their breasts swelling with arousal. It was sexual, but also jealous arousal. Their already huge udders were engorging and tightening as they crushed together. Their thick, distended nipples mashed firmly, deep within the fleshy masses of their contending mammaries. They bent each other over and rubbed as the eager nymphs rolled and squashed their massive breasts. Cody felt Suzi's breasts swell against hers, inside. The distorting glands flowed, rippled, crushed, into each other as both willing rivals slowly pumped and squashed them together. Cody knew that her firm udders were meeting Suzi's heavy dugs evenly. She wondered if the weight and density of her rival's massive bags would overwhelm her own thick juggs in the end. Suzi's immense breasts sloshing into her own resisting teats, intimidated the usually confident blonde. Here she was facing an exotic, unknown beauty. Cody knew nothing of Asian women and she wondered what to expect from this arrogant, almost inscrutable beauty.

    Suzi felt Cody's heavy breasts resisting her own. The huge boobs flattened together evenly, swelled out and up as they refused each others' advances. Suzi had fought several bosomy occidentals and beaten them; but she knew Cody had breasts to rival her own. Her total confidence made the realization a thrill, and Suzi reveled in the fight between her breasts and Cody's firm glands. Still, the blonde's breasts were as heavy and dense as Suzi had felt, and she was cautious, in no hurry to press the fight towards a conclusion. She was willing to feel out this blonde's breasts with her own and determine how to best defeat her.

    The sweaty, surging bags clung to each other and the girls' thick, distended nipples pressed each other flat within the contending masses of flesh piling together. The skin of their inosculated udders , where it met, stuck and wrinkled as the two bold beauties rolled and squashed their breasts. As the huge glands mashed into each other, more and more skin folded together. The sexual effect of so much contact was intense. Each woman, in her confidence and experience, felt herself throbbing with intense arousal. Their clits were swollen and thick. These two violent beauties would never have sex, but they were bringing each other to sexual desire as they painfully crushed their huge breasts together. The night air carried the mingled, sexual scents of the excited beauties to their discerning noses. The naked duel between their heavy udders was a thrill like no other they could experience. Despite the pain and doubt, neither beauty wanted to be anywhere else at that moment. They eagerly, patiently plied their fleshy boobs together in brutal comparison.

    The Great Wall-Part 2

    The pale, full moon bathed their naked, writhing forms in a cold, neutral light. But the night air was sultry and warm. Suzi and Cody were completely comfortable as they pressed their naked bodies and breasts. They absently pushed their faces together, nose by nose. Their firm, smooth cheeks pressed and rubbed in their exertions. Their hot, urgent breath gushed onto each others' lovely faces. Their thighs, bellies, hips pushed together; their lithe arms tightened and relaxed together as they squeezed to crush breasts against breasts. They were intimate in the totally casual way of women who are accustomed to fighting naked and sexually. Yet both squirming nymphs were aware of every moment and point of contact throughout their supple bodies. Each stroke of their thighs made them more jealous. Rubbing bellies as they writhed in mutual combat aroused them, and made their breath like hot winds into each others' faces. They rolled their foreheads together and moaned, as much in sexual urgency as in an effort to fight.

    But most of all, their firm, massive swollen breasts crushed and mashed into each other. Their taut nipples stroked and ground together as points of reference between their surging, flowing mammary masses. The thick bags spread each other evenly, and after over ten minutes of skillfully plying them together, both women knew they had to offer each other more pain and increased violence to bring this bosomy duel to any eventual conclusion.

    So much between two, sexual rivals can remain unspoken. They feel each other; they sense what is happening between them; and they know without words what to do. Suzi and Cody released each other on some silently perceived signal and stepped back. They instinctively, absently, hefted their breasts, massaging them gently, then letting them fall back onto their chests. They also glared into each others' jealous eyes, and knew this first contact had been merely an overture. They knew that much more brutal fighting was coming. At that time, both women wanted it. They wanted to fight, naked and wild until one of them had to surrender in humiliated defeat as her breasts met their betters. Cody knew that at that moment she wanted to be nowhere else.

    Suzi turned and walked over to her bag. She lifted out a bottle of clear oil and brought it back to Cody. Cody arched and Suzi squirted copious amounts of the liquid onto the blonde's breasts. Cody leaned over and Suzi squirted more under Cody's hanging bags. Then Cody gave Suzi a similar treatment. They bosomy beauties' breasts gleamed in the soft flight. Both women rolled their huge glands back and forth to spread the oil under them, and show off to each other. Now they were going to launch a mutual, mammary assault upon each other that would surely culminate in the total defeat of one of them as her breasts failed against her rival's firmer teats. Their breath came in hot gulps as they moved out to the center of the wall and prepared to duel with their huge breasts in even greater violence.

    Suzi and Cody knew they had each met a rival who could possibly win this fight. Neither beauty had ever lost a boobfight; but that reality welled within their minds. Their first breast blows together increased their doubts. The naked foes made a few tentative slaps of their heavy bags before they could muster the courage to really slam them together. But within a minute they were smashing their thick mammaries into each other with powerful, timed impacts. The massive glands clapped together, nipples on nipples, and shocked each other with brutal, smashing collisions. Both women knew that in a boobfight there is no defense; only offense, and they willingly pounded their treasured breasts into each other with timed, well aimed blows. They lunged together from an angle, slammed first one and then the other opposing teats into each other and then set themselves again, repeating the effective, painful moves.

    The heavy, structured udders slammed together repeatedly and rolled past each other. Harder and harder the naked nymphs beat their huge mammaries into each other. The impacts were loud as flesh flowed into flesh, impacted broadly, spread each other painfully and then surged back and forth in waves of recoil. Often there would be double impacts as the firm jugs bounced off each other and then flowed back together, swelling and surging ; waves of flesh. The heavy, round glands smashed, collapsed and crushed each others' firm structures without pause. The two naked, sexy rivals plunged breasts into breasts with increasing violence. The opposing, seven pound bags sloshed together with brutal, stunning impacts, shocking each other from the weight and momentum of so much soft, thick flesh colliding.

    Cody felt her swollen breasts resisting Suzi's pounding boobs. She was relieved in a way because she had been so worried that her breasts could not stand up to the Chinese beauty's heavy bags. Cody's nipples were still taut and distended in obligatory arousal from the violent contact with Suzi's nipples. She began to have hopes of smashing the Oriental beauty to defeat.

    Suzi was stunned that this blonde beauty's breasts were equaling her own in the pounding. She had expected to feel her weighty glands start pushing into their rivals as their boob bashing duel developed. But the fleshy udders were meeting evenly; flattening and crushing in a brutal deadlock; equally massive walls of flesh surging together with tidal impacts. Suzi was not nonplussed, just surprised. She had every confidence that she would beat this western, bosomy gladiator as she had all the others.

    The naked beauties dueled with their treasured breasts under the pale moon. They knew that time would reveal the difference in their contending teats and they clapped the huge glands together with the patience of experience . They moaned and squealed in pain as their paired bags slammed together in steady repetition. The hollow, fleshy impacts of the womens' huge, surging breasts echoed along the wall and into the darkness. The nude nymphs' onrushing udders slammed together, bouncing off each other and flowing together again. Agonized, guttural groans escaped the angry beauties' shapely lips. Their sweaty, supple forms danced gracefully in their efforts to heave their massive breasts into each other harder. They sought only to hurt each other more. Their glistening eyes bored into each other, and glanced at their massive udders colliding, so that they could hit them together accurately. Neither woman wanted her breasts to get hit at a bad angle. Whenever that happened, one or both of them would bow over and squeal, then angrily leap at her opponent again, smashing flesh into flesh.

    The huge, rival mammaries smashed, flattened, swelled and crushed each other ceaselessly. The jealous strangers, from worlds apart, heaved them together relentlessly, feeling them pile up against each other in futile attempts to crush each other more. Each concerned beauty watched her fleshy boobs pound and smack and slide together with her rivals heavy teats, seeking any signs that her own were winning the fight; even slightly. Neither arrogant, naked woman would yield an inch to the other in this violent, bosomy battle, and they finally stopped and stood gasping, at their limits of pain and exhaustion for the moment.

    But anger and envy exploded anew. Suzi reacted first. She heaved her huge breasts at Cody's from the side. Cody responded and the heavy bags slammed into and past each other. Then the wild girls heaved them back in the other direction and immediately set up a rhythm of flailing their flopping breasts back and forth. They set themselves flatfooted and tried to beat each other down as each swung fourteen pounds of surging breasts against the other. The impacts repeatedly knocked both women back and they ended up in a chaotic, graceful dance together on the Great Wall, as they slammed their swollen breasts back and forth. Their supple bodies arched in the moonlight, their legs flexed and balanced them. Their angry eyes locked on each other and sneers of cat hate and fear played across their faces. Their treasured breasts had met rivals that made both women doubt their own superiority; and that made the fight more brutal and desperate.

    The frantic beauties instinctively raised the level of their bosomy violence, flinging their massive breasts against each other harder, faster. Suzi's black, straight hair and Cody's golden, flowing hair flailed back and forth as their heads followed their undulating bodies in repetitious arcs. Yet their huge, heavy udders still resisted each other evenly and crushed past each other in a painful, fleshy stalemate. Repeatedly the naked nymphs fought until pain and exhaustion stopped them. Each time, they stood for a moment, heaving and gasping, then resumed their violent, bosomy duel. Their naked, gorgeous, sweating bodies hurled breasts into breasts to no advantage for either desperate woman. Fatigue and pain combined to finally bring them to a frustrated halt. They stood gasping and glaring balefully at each other. Nearly half an hour of squashing and banging breasts together had brought them to an agonizing deadlock.

    Yet there was no pause in the spite and jealousy binding the two naked rivals together on the Great Wall of China. They could not simply stand and stare. And neither woman would accept a draw, or walk away while she could fight. Cody felt jealous rage well within her again and she lunged at Suzi. She wrapped her arms up high around the China beauty's neck and Gripped hard. Suzi was quick to retaliate and suddenly the jealous nymphs found themselves leaning together, pressing their firm, soft cheeks tightly; their bodies locked in a vicious embrace. Cody thrust her breasts at Suzi's and the bosomy Asian sylph thrust back equally hard. The massive udders, slightly hanging free, clapped loudly and solidly together. Both women moaned in agony but thrust again, and again, setting up a slow, rhythmic pace of slamming their broad breasts brutally against each other. The determined goddesses had death grips on each other and were not going to let go. Their breasts smashed together, nipples still taut and meeting to rub and flatten within the contending structures of their equally huge, opposing dugs. Both women felt their nipples chafed and raw from the constant rubbing.

    Cody felt her legs wobble with each violent impact of her breasts on Suzi's. They knew she was wearing down. Her breasts were taking a brutal pounding and she wondered how long she could resist. Suzi felt her breasts spreading and distorting against Cody's. She felt her knees weaken with every blow of the quivering glands. She had never been this far in a fight and she began to wonder how long she could take this pounding from her hated rival. Yet both women slammed their breasts into each other for another ten minutes; slow, brutal impacts that echoed fleshy, hollow impacts of massive mammaries into the still night.

    As they drove their yielding, resisting breasts together, the two naked beauties found themselves forehead to forehead, cheek to cheek, even ear to ear, pressing and rubbing their lovely faces in agony and anger. They gushed hot, desperate breath onto each other. They laid their noses side to side, and rolled their foreheads back and forth in pain. Their strong, lithe arms gripped each others hair and locked the writhing beauties together while their huge udders smashed against each other with relentless impacts. They sobbed in agony as they battered breasts into breasts. They whimpered in pain and groaned in anger and finally bowed over together, still gripping each other, but unable, for the moment, to beat their breasts into each other. They briefly hung together, gasping in pain. Their equally huge udders also hung down, swollen taut, quivering and swaying with every breath. Their shapely legs wobbled. Finally they released each other, realizing that neither would yet surrender. They straightened up, massaged their throbbing breasts and glared hatefully into each others' angry eyes.

    Suzi knew what she had to do. And she was willing. ?Swing!? she commanded, patting her left breast. ?Here!?

    Cody realized it was down to swinging their heavy, left breasts together to resolve this fight. She knew it would be the final confrontation between them. One of them would go down from the brutal impacts of their massive left jugs in mid air. The unbelievable violence of two, seven pound breasts smashing together so hard, would end the fight. But Cody knew she had to take this affair with Suzi all the way. And she was willing. Win or lose, she knew it wouldn't last long.

    The frightened, naked, young gladiators faced each other. Each took a step to the right and twisted her body away from her rival. Their eyes played on each other and at some silent signal, both lithe beauties swung back into each other. Their heavy, swollen teats lifted off their chests and smashed together side to side. They flattened, shuddered, surged against each other, recoiled and fell back to the naked womens' chests. The first blow was just to get the aim right. So was the second, and the third. They heavy udders smacked together, but not too hard.

    Both desperate nymphs moaned, but they knew this was only the overture. But once they had made a few blows, they ramped up their courage and swung the huge glands together harder. The swings were vicious and powerful. Their oval udders lofted into the air, flung themselves together and collided violently. The impacts were dual and loud. First there was the thud of the taut teats smacking and then the fleshy impact as they spread and collapsed against each other, flattening and crushing brutally. The sounds of the collapses were loud and echoed along the wall. The agonized screams of the naked rivals followed. Both women bowed in agony but swung again, and again. Each time their heavy structured udders collapsed into each other, both girls felt their knees almost buckle. They gasped and groaned and glared at each other, vainly seeking any weakness.

    Each blow was significant to the opposing breasts. Each impact did more damage and caused more pain as the structured udders crushed and flattened each other. Neither desperate woman could feel what she desired; her rival's breast yielding to her own. The equally huge, heavy teats still seemed to collapse against each other evenly. Only the knowledge that there was some difference between the contending jugs kept the two beauties going now. They were at their limits, but each frantic woman still wanted to believe that her breasts were firmer, better; that she would prevail in this desperate, bosomy duel.
    Cody sensed the end was upon her. She was meeting each of Suzi's breast blows but she was weakening more with every brutal collision of their dueling udders. Her breasts throbbed with a sickening pain and she knew she was almost finished. Suzi just kept swinging her relentless breasts into Cody's. Cody could see the utter agony in Suzi's face and the desperation in her eyes. But she just could not lay this gorgeous, hateful creature down with her own breasts.

    Cody determined to go down fighting. She determined to hit Suzi as hard as she could, one more time. A tension built in the air as both women paused. Both let their final courage well up within them to make the next, likely their last, swing. Cody felt it would be her finale and she determined to hurt her Chinese rival as much as possible as she went down.

    Then it happened. Both women got the signal and flung their massive left breasts together, side into side. The huge udders nailed each other, a direct, perfect hit. They smashed together, collapsed loudly, pancaked into each other; the hardest impact of the entire fight. Cody heard herself scream; she heard Suzi squeal and exhale hoarsely. She saw only red, and felt herself stumble back and strike the wall. She grasped the stone to steady herself and as her head cleared and her vision returned she realized she was still standing. A few feet away, Suzi lay inert on the stones, on her belly, curled up. She was heaving and moaning. Cody stared unbelieving. ?Good god I beat her.? she thought.

    Then Cody thought for a moment Suzi might have hit her head. She was frantic. She stumbled over, squatted down and, grasping Suzi's shoulders, gently turned her over. Suzi reacted by covering her breasts and moaning, ?No more. No more.? Cody realized that she really had beaten her Chinese tormentor; with her final blow of the fight.

    Suzi looked up at Cody. ?You win.? she confessed. ?I knew your breast was beating mine as we hit them. I thought I could keep fighting and hurt you so much that you would surrender. But you did not.? Suzi looked at Cody's hanging breasts, so near to her face. She impulsively cupped Cody's left breast and sucked for a moment on her nipple. Nothing could have felt better at that moment to Cody than that kiss. All the pain in her breasts disappeared as she savored victory. Suzi turned away and sobbed.

    Cody stood up, staggered to her clothes, carefully donned her bra and slipped on her other things. She knew she could not walk without the bra. She knew that Suzi was not hurt other than in her breasts, so she quietly walked away, leaving her defeated rival to accept her humiliation. Cody worked her way gingerly down the stairs and staggered back to her hotel room. Despite the throbbing pain in her breasts she was euphoric; on cloud nine. She buoyed her bruised, swollen udders in a hot bath, then packed ice on them for an hour. She could not sleep. Pain and excitement, reliving the brutal fight with Suzi, kept her away for hours.

    The next day, Cody boarded the bus and sat down in her seat. She looked out the window, thinking perhaps to see Suzi, but the defeated beauty did not appear. Cody knew she would never meet Suzi again. But she had come a world away and met a rival to beat all rivals she had known. And Cody has won. She heard one of the men on the bus say to another. ?Look at that. I think her boobs are even bigger than they were yesterday.? He was right. But he would never know why her breasts were swollen. And Cody could revel quietly, knowing she had pounded a proud, sexual rival into submission on the Great Wall. No memory of her trip would approach her night on the wall with Suzi.

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