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Thread: A Night Alone

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    Senior Hostboard Member kingofdapirates1's Avatar
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    A Night Alone

    I know, I know, another new story? Why not finish the other ones first you lazy fuck! Yeah, that is a fair comment haha. Ok, well this is just a short story that is actually fully complete. I will explain more at the end, sooooo I hope you all enjoy it.

    A Night Alone==========================

    Marissa Keeling and Isabella Sanz were not friends. The fact that they knew each other at all was the random fate of a computer that mis-assigned them as roommates entering their first year in college when they had both requested single living dorm rooms. That was strike one, and it was neither of theirs fault though they blamed each other. Their first meeting was cordial as they setup their dorm room on day 1, but the spark of friendship didn’t ignite and though they were civil, both thought the other one wasn’t trying hard enough to help build that wonderful college roommate relationship you always saw on T.V. That was strike 2. The room they had to share was in the simplest terms, compact. You would walk in and be facing a window with two small desks side by side in front of it. There were two twin beds on each side of the room with about four feet in between them and that was it. Simple and modest, and neither Isabella nor Marissa liked it.

    Where did the tension rise from? Well, personality wise, they were both very hot blooded when things did not go their way or people would get on their nerves. Marissa was better at hiding it, and the overly bubbly girl was super friendly with everyone she met in college. She was generally well liked especially by the boys but when she and Isabella argued, another side of her came out and it always got spicy. Isabella was colder who took warming up to before she would let herself relax or let people in. This was a direct contrast to her roommate, and they struggled to communicate well as they settled in living together which led to some very passive aggressive comments. Over the course of the first few weeks however, things started to heat up.

    The first real dispute they had was a simple question of who got to use the mirror Monday morning. They kept their voices level, but the girls did have a bit of a standoff about who would move first and wait to do their makeup second. Neither backed down and somehow, they ended up sharing the mirror while bumping each other’s hips ‘accidently’ multiple times throughout the morning. That led to the who got to do their laundry first argument, and that led to the next and next until they had enough. They set a schedule about which of them would be in on specific nights and as they discussed the calendar their voices did not stay as level raising a few tones. Another thing that started to really eat at them was the comparisons of their bodies that they received from the first day of college. Multiple good-looking guys would stop by their room to complement and get numbers from the two girls, “Wow!” The guys would say, followed by something like, “The two hottest girls on the floor and they are sharing a room. That’s awesome.”

    Saying they were both hot would be an understatement. The room quickly became a fantasy in the minds of all the first-year guys, who would walk by hoping the door might be open to catch a glimpse of the sexy occupants. This led them to a new annoyance about each other when they were both invited to a fraternity party. It was their last attempt to build a friendship between them and they went together trying to have small talk. It was ruined by a comment by the vice-president of the fraternity and sorority who were drunkenly passing by and stopped to talk to the girls. The sorority who was at the party’s vice president was a jaw dropper that both Isabella and Marissa had to take another glance at. She looked half Japanese with some sort of European or Australian mixed in. Her tits looked huge, and her ass was out of this world in the tight black jeans that went high on her thin waist. Both Isabella and Marissa realized that there was other woman at this school who could compete in the best body contest with themselves. The conversation had moved towards another sorority that was not present tonight.

    “Really Hina? You and Lucy still don’t get along”. The guy asked with a slight laugh.

    “I think despise is a better word, and now she has that Olivia chick running around for her. The two blonde bimbos I call them.”
    “Olivia is nice, and I swear, you and Lucy are a lot more alike than you either give yourselves credit for.”

    “Whatever, I don’t want to talk about them.” The hot vice president said flipping her long straight black hair to the side.

    “Alright alight, but hey, maybe you guys should just fuck? Let that tension out.”
    Hina punched him lightly, but she did laugh. “You know, maybe your right. I’m sure we could settle our differences in bed.” Isabella noted that Hina’s black eyes seemed to flash at the suggestion, but the look was gone as fast as it came.
    The guy laughed, “Well, I would pay to watch that!” The convo about the sorority ended and they turned back to the new girls. Hina smiled at both of them, “I do hope you would consider joining my sorority, you both are gorgeous.”

    “Thanks!” Marissa said with a smile and she quickly started talking about their outfits and some random anime she had watched. Isabella only gave a light smile, already looking around for other people to talk too. When her ears picked up the final bit of the convo. “Roommates, right? Hina asked, “Do you guys share clothes or is one of your chests and ass bigger than the others?” This led to side eye glance between the roommates. They didn’t answer and the convo moved on. They left the party hours later, both realizing that no matter how hard they tried, they would not be friends. The comment also rang in their ears, the comparisons between their bodies, the jealousy began to fester between them.

    Marissa was a lightly tanned blonde girl who loved being a little eccentric in both her personality and looks. She wore super short skirts and shorts and would occasionally watch anime and loved to cosplay. Her hair was almost always down with two blonde pig tails and she had a way of bouncing around when she walked to the joy of people who got to watch. She liked to color her hair though for her first month she reverted back to her natural yellow. She wore colorful bright lipstick and her choice of bikini’s and lingerie were neon more often than not. Her friends called her overly bubbly and it helped that she had an incredible body. She loved to show it off in outfits and any other fun uniforms she could find. Her womanly chest was barley contained by the many tie up white shirts she would normally where when doing a little schoolgirl gimmick. And the skirts only would cover an inch or two down her thighs because her ass was so well toned and built.

    Isabella was a different look and personality but had all the assets that Marissa did. She was of Spanish Mexican descent and her long curly black hair went all the way to her mid back. She had sharp features in which she brought out with dark red lipstick and nails on most days, her dark skin as if she had tanned for months everyday worked well with the dark clothes and bikinis she liked to wear. She was also very much aware of how amazing her body was, her large chest and her Latina built booty made men do a triple glance. She had no problem showing it off and used it for any advantage she could.

    In the end, maybe that was the real reason that they couldn’t get along. Because for the first time in their lives they had to share a space with a woman who they would begrudgingly admit only to themselves might be in their league body wise.

    It would only take a small spark for the woman to lose it at each other completely, and a simple misunderstanding on a normal Friday evening was that spark that lit the fire. Only one month in of living together and both women were at their breaking point dealing with the other beauty sharing their living space. They no longer were speaking to each other and had a sign sheet of the nights they would be in and out. The calendar was law and even when they would glare at each other walking down the hall, they respected the sheet and nights the other would book for her alone as the last thing holding their room apart. They claimed every night of the week and made sure the other was out of her hair.

    On this particular Marissa had booked Friday out to her great delight. She needed a night home in the dorms that would surely be empty to relax and recover from the party filled weekends and long week of schoolwork. She and Isabella had both been in the last 5 days due to extra tests and she had enough of her busty roommate. The girl thought she had just this perfect set of tits and juicy ass, but Marissa knew hers were better. How she was going to prove that to her roommate, she wasn’t really sure, but she really wanted Isabella to know it. But that was something she would worry about another night. She had the night planned perfectly when she got a call from her boy toy that she should come out for a night of parties.
    She wavered when he begged, and she begrudgingly wrote a small note on the sheet that she was out. She did some extra makeup and put on a sexy little schoolgirl skirt white-shirt that did not hide the bright neon pink bra she was wearing underneath. It did match her nails, and of course the sexy lace pink thong that boys would try to see when her skirt would flow up once she was drunk at the party. She still had one more late-night class in both circumstances and left a few minutes later to attend.

    Isabella came home from her interview and decided to look at the sheet for the one in a million chance her big breasted roommate had moved her night. Her brown eyes lit up as she saw the note and felt such a relief after the week she had. The room would be hers tonight and that meant some self-love, both figuratively and literally. She had been hoping that she would get this since Monday, but the annoying roommate beat her to it. Now it didn’t matter, and she quickly grabbed her keys to run to the store for some supplies to really enjoy her night of relaxation.

    A minute after she left, Marissa returned, a bunch of relief on her face as well. The last class of the day was cancelled, and the party night was off after a text that the guy had a rush event. She quickly checked the sheet and did a little jump of happiness that Isabella had not marked her name into the Friday slot and that meant her night plans were still on. She crossed out her little note and left the room to do some errands planning on coming back once she had what she needed.

    Isabella was still as excited as she came back to the dorm thinking of how lucky she was and how much she was going to enjoy this night. She quickly stripped off her interview clothes she had picked for the waitress job at the Meza. The owner seemed distracted by her body most of the time during the meeting, but she didn’t care, it always meant better tips when it came to serving food. She replaced her underwear and pulled on a sexy little black thong that made her feel incredible. She enjoyed looking sexy, even on nights where she would be alone. She admired her body in the mirror and snapped the black thong to her hip. One part of her relaxation was lounging nude or in minimal clothing all the time and was why she had wanted a single room to herself. It was only 10 PM but the rest of dorm seemed fully quiet. All prepped with Netflix open, some ice cream in the freezer down the hall, and an avocado facemask for later. Isabella still dressed only in the lace thong sat down on her bed and put her back on the wall incidentally facing Marissa’s bed. She widened her legs and let her hand drift down between them when her head snapped towards the door as she heard the doorknob turn.

    Just a minute prior to Isabella beginning her little play time, Marissa was walking back to the dorm with a smile as she too now had everything she needed for a relaxing night. A little Netflix, some chocolate, and most importantly, a hot long time of playing with herself. She was planning to give herself one really good orgasm, because sometimes self-love was the best love. She loved nights in and would spend all night teasing herself before giving one big finale with her own fingers, or maybe a dildo or vibrator if she was feeling a little extra cheeky. She never needed those extra stuff, but she liked to keep things interesting. She had been looking forward to this all week and nothing, nothing was going to ruin this.

    She turned the key to see the light in her room was not off, even though she was sure it was when she had left. Weird she thought, but as she pushed it open, she found the state of her dorm room even more surprising. Isabella’s face turned in a flash, as Marissa looked at her nearly nude roommate. From the position, the look of shock, and state of dress, Marissa knew she had just walked in on Isabella doing the very action she had planned for this evening.

    “Get out and shut the door!” Isabella yelled as she watched her annoying blonde roommate stand at the entrance of the room with an equal look of shock on her face, “What the fuck are you doing here?” She said again before the blonde had a chance to react, the black-haired woman gripped a blanket to cover her sexy almost nude body in fear of someone walking by behind the blonde and looking into their room. Marissa found her voice after the initial shock wore off and the emotion that came to her voice was one of extreme annoyance and anger.

    “Me? What the fuck are you doing here!? It’s my night on the sheet!” Marissa said back as she shut the door but with her still in the room. She pointed at the sheet on the door and to the specific Friday that had her name on it. Now that the door was closed Isabella sat up onto her knees and let the blanket fall showing off her massive tits that made Marissa roll her hazel eyes in annoyance. Isabella was indeed showing off her bare tits and body at Marissa and being in an extremely small, lace black thong that that held onto her hips tightly helped in the presentation. Her dark red lips and nails looked freshly painted and her dark skin smooth. Marissa felt a spark of competitiveness to how incredible her roommates’ body was and even more annoyance she wasn’t able to show off her body right back. The dark brown eyes followed Marissa’s finger to the sheet but there was more than just the blondes name on the paper.

    “No! You wrote you were out! I checked before I left.” Isabella hissed as she also pointed to sheet on the door.

    “I crossed it out an hour ago before I left!” Marissa said, pointing also to the door and the small mark that had crossed out the note.

    “What? You can’t do that, that’s way too short of notice! Get out, it’s my time in the room.” Isabella hissed with her hands on her hips.
    “No, you need to leave. That’s the deal! You didn’t update the sheet, so this night is still mine.” Marissa hissed back, crossing her arms in front of her impressive chest.

    “No! We never agreed to that, and I’m already in now, so just get out.” The Spanish beauty responded, but neither girl moved from their current stance.

    Marissa and Isabella both seethed as they disagreed on what to do in their different states of dress. Marissa would not take this, and in her mind, Isabella was being completely unreasonable and against the code of what they had set. While still looking at Isabella she dropped her backpack onto the floor in defiance of what the Spanish girl wanted. Isabella looked like she was going to scream out in anger, holding it in by the tiniest of margins. Marissa put her hands on her hips and leaned forward so that her own massive tits showing off their deep cleavage to make sure Isabella knew she was not intimated by the girl’s body one bit.

    “From my point of view, you are in on my night, and I need my time alone. That means I’m staying in this room.”
    Isabella seethed even more while also leaning forward and made up her mind that she was in the right, and this was the final straw. She would not back down to this bitch. “Well, I’m not going anywhere either, you said you were out, and I need MY time alone too.”

    “So, you can do what? Fucking masturbate?” Marissa said as she gave a little nod down to the tiny black thong that Marissa had walked in on her wearing. Isabella felt the blood rush right to her cheeks, but she knew her roommate would only say that because she was planning the same. “Oh, like you weren’t going to do that. Every night after you have your alone time, this room smells like fucking sweat and sex. And I know it’s not some guy, you left your vibrator and dildo out the last few times.” Isabella said pointing to the drawer in which she knew her roommate kept her toys. Marissa’s glare intensified as if this bitch dared bring up her sex toys. Luckily for the blonde, when searching for a lost shirt she found an interesting box under the Spanish girl’s bed just a few days ago.

    “Ha! Isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black? I can smell the same thing after your nights alone! And you have the same amount and type of toys I do!” Marissa growled right back, pointing to under the bed, where Isabella did indeed have a bunch of her own sex toys.

    They glared at each other, neither able to deny that they were intense masturbaters and what they were planning on doing tonight. They also ignored they had a similar taste when it came to sex toys, including size, shape and freakiness. After a few more seconds of glaring, Isabella gave a huff.

    “Get out, I’m not going to ask again.” Isabella threatened as she and her roommate eyed each other further, comparing bodies, wondering what the next step was if neither backed off. Then Marissa smiled with her bright white teeth and bright pink lips at her nearly nude roommate which was anything but friendly.

    “I told you, I’m not leaving and I’m not letting you ruin this evening.”
    Marissa was still wearing her tied white shirt and with one pull of the knot it flew off. Isabella glanced down and noted her roommate was wearing a puffy pink bra and how large Marissa’s tits looked in it.

    “What are you doing?” Isabella asked as she watched her roommate begin to undress and clearly was not planning on leaving like she was told too.

    “Getting comfortable for MY night.” Marissa said nonchalantly as she took a few more steps into the room in front of her own clean yellow sheeted bed. She turned to face Isabella’s where the Spanish girl watched her with infuriation. Marissa reached to the front and unclicked the front part of her pink bra while still glaring at Isabella. Her tits nearly popped out free without any help, Marissa now flaunting their size and firmness on her chest. Isabella pushed her chest a bit more forward as th equally sized and full breasts came to face each other nude. They had never directly compared but had looked at each other’s bra sizes in secret. To their disappointment they were the same bust cup from each maker and the similarities only looked more apparent with them presenting them to each other.

    Marissa wasn’t done however; she reached to her left hip and unclicked the two buttons that held up her schoolgirl skirt. Even with the button’s undone, it didn’t fall off her body right away, her ass was too bubbly and firm to let it drop that easy. She gave a little wiggle and a tug, as the skirt fell down her well-toned thighs and then calves before ending at her feet. She also kicked off her shoes but kept her knee-high white socks on. To annoy Isabella even more, she took one small step in towards Isabella’s bed and turned around, showing off her amazing ass.

    The roommate had thrust her tits out first, so she was happy to show off her own goods. The Spanish beauty got the closest look she had ever gotten of her roommates’ glutes as it was presented in front of her. The lightly tanned booty was in a neon lace pink thong that matched the now discarded bra. The muscle itself looked as firm and juicy as it looked in the booty shorts the blond wore often, and Isabella felt the need to turn around and show off her own bubble ass but resisted the urge for now. The triangle back of the pink thong covered only the size of a small fist but was still just a few centimeters more coverage than the black one on Isabella.

    Then doubling down, the blonde leaned over making sure that Isabella got a good look at the sting in between her cheeks as she picked up her clothes that she had discarded. Her goal was to make her roommate as uncomfortable as possible and this was how she was going to do it. She stood back up and ran her hand up her hip, snapping her own thong as she took the two steps to her side and placed her clothes away in the drawer. She then turned and leaned up onto her bed facing Isabella once again. The darker skinned girl hadn’t said anything during the little strip show she had just received but was very aware that they now were dressed in near equal fashion. Their tiny thongs left little to the imagination and seemed to only increase the very quickly building sexual tension in the room.

    “I don’t know what the fuck you are thinking, but I’m not stopping.” Isabella threatened tossing the blanket fully off her bed and sitting back down in the same position she had been found in. She brought her hand back to her cunt and waited to see what the bitch would do. The blonde might have been slutty enough to strip down with her, but she wouldn’t dare stick around if she just started doing what she wanted.

    The blonde’s hazel eyes narrowed at the now sitting Isabella while still leaning on the yellow bed. If her roommate was willing to double down, so was she. “Sure, but like I said, I’m not having you ruin my night, so I won’t be stopping either.” Marissa said with determination to get her roommate out.

    She hopped up onto her bed, her tits jiggling enthusiastically on the bounce. She shifted back slightly till she rested on the wall and widened her own legs in the exact same pose as Isabella was now in herself.

    Isabella had not yet started playing with herself and was watching the blonde with a look that said, you think that will scare me off. Their legs were open, pussies hidden by the smallest of clothes, their tits free as they looked at each other with disdain and now a little curiosity about each other. Were they really about to do this?

    A half of breath passed when Marissa smiled mischievously again as she brought her hand down to the pink cloth and slowly began to rub, grinning at the Spanish girl who looked almost stunned, as the blonde openly played with herself. “What’s the matter? Embarrassed now? Don’t mind me. I’m just going to enjoy my night in the room.”
    So that was her plan, Isabella thought, but she was absolutely not going to back down if her roommate wanted to scare her off with her body.

    “Not at all, I just hope you enjoy the view because I’m going to enjoy my night even if you decide to stick around.” Isabella said back as she sat back and brought her hand back to the lace black thong that was covering her pussy lips. She also began to slowly rub up and down in the same motion as the blonde, smiling back at the pink thong wearing girl wickedly. Marissa gave a little huff, annoyed her plan to scare her roommate out failed, but she was more than willing to do this. She would go as far as Isabella was willing to do and more, even in the weird sex thing they were doing now.

    They eyed other as they watched their roommate begin to pleasure herself in front of them. Marissa reached slightly with her free hand and dimmed their lamp, lowering the light to a low sexy glow. In her mind this was to ensure that from the outside of their window or door, their room would look empty and dark. There would be no interruption while they faced each other in this state and the only way for it to end was one of them would have to leave.

    They continued to smile at each other as if they didn’t have a care in the world, but there was no friendliness on those red and pink lips. Their eye contact finally broke as their orbs flickered down to where the action was on their hot bodies. First, they watched the other’s large full breasts jiggle slightly from every arm motion they used. Second, they continued down to the sexy strong thighs and hamstrings they had trained at the college gym. Finally, third was where their hands played with the cloth between their legs, still moving slowly up and down, teasing lightly. They had seen each other nearly this nude before in quick glances but never like this. Not this vulnerable, and open for inspection from the position that they each were in. Isabella and Marissa never would have thought they would ever get the chance to really compare bodies, but as they glared at each other from their beds, it did seem inevitable that something like this would happen between them.

    The two immensely fuckable coeds masturbated themselves in front of each other, trying to scare the other off in their unique showdown. They had started by rubbing just the front of the small pieces of cloth they wore on their hips, neither going into the thong yet. But as the minutes ticked by, they were slowing turning themselves on more and felt the urge to go in. The girls took in every detail of their rival roommate, Isabella’s black nailed fingers matched her thong’s color while Marissa’s white nails worked well with the pink thong she had chosen. Their nipples were nickel sized, Isabella’s brown like her tits, Marissa’s pink against her paler but lightly tanned ones, though they couldn’t tell whose rubbery points were longer or better shaped from where they sat.

    Every detail seemed to drive them crazier with the comparisons and how equal they seemed. They didn’t talk much as they rubbed themselves, letting the unsaid sexual tension build between them, seeing who would back down first in this erotic game they played. Their toned muscles of their legs gave off light shadows and their skin, especially around their groins looked incredibly smooth and soft. After 5 minutes, the sound of distinct wetness started to fill in the silence while they still rubbed on the outside of their thong. Involuntary tiny pants of desire escaped their mouths as they each rubbed a little harder and continued to watch the show in front of them.

    Marissa did love to play with herself, a trait that she and Isabella shared. She knew how to draw out her own bodies pleasure and prolong by holding it back for an explosive ending. As she watched the dark girl continue to rub, and she could tell that her roommate was not an armature when it came to this type of foreplay and prolonging the pleasure. She figured she was going to need to be a bit freakier and dirtier to get Isabella to back off. She took her left hand off the wall, and Isabella’s brown eyes followed the new movement of the free limb, wondering what the blonde was up too on her yellow bed. The hazel eyed girl brought the hand to her chest and squeezed her large left tit.

    She couldn’t fit the whole boob into her palm and her fingers sunk into the hot womanly fat like a sandbag. She squeezed it once more feeling her nipples get harder at the sensation and attention. She glanced up to ensure that Isabella was watching her, which she was. Showing off her breasts size and firmness, she used her free left hand to lift up her tit and brought one of her pink nipples to her mouth. Her pink lips wrapped around the nipple and gave it a little suck all the while looking at her rival on the other bed. She cocked an eyebrow that said, ‘can you do this?’. Isabella had not moved, and Marissa took it as a good sign, so she began to suck her own nipple like a bottle making sure the Spanish beauty could hear the spit and slurping sound. Isabella watched boiling that Marissa had again doubled down and taken the initiative. Well, if this bitch thought that getting a bit freakier would end this, she was very mistaken. Isabella quickly duplicated the move with her own left tit filling her hand with the meat and bringing her brown nipple up to her dark red lips. She made sure Marissa’s hazel eyes were on her now, as she began licking the nipple playfully before she too began to suck it wetly. Isabella cocked her own eyebrow that said, ‘Yes, I can.’ They scowled at each other again, while simultaneously sucking their own left nipples and rubbing their dampening thongs.

    Isabella then released her nipple and took her right hand away from her cunt. For a second Marissa thought she might have scared her rival off, but as Isabella put her left hand down to replace it below and used her now free right hand to lift up the other tit to her mouth. She began sucking her right nipple equally as hard as she had the left, showing off to Marissa that both her tits were equally as intimidating. This time Marissa copied Isabella, not to be out done in the tit department and they both admired and hated that their rivals endowed chest proved to be as big and firm as their own. They played with their own nipples harder, tongues slicking the rubber hard enough to almost bend them. All the times they had stood next to each other in the mirror in their bras or wore low cut shirts had built up a deep unsaid rivalry of each other’s boobs. With a loud pop that signified how hard she had been sucking, Isabella removed her red lips from her brown nipple and allowed both of her breasts back down. She switched hands again using her right hand down her body to her cunt as she flipped her long black curly hair back.

    She smiled at Marissa again who was watching her while still sucking one of her pink nipples erotically. “You better just backdown now, because I can go all night doing this.” Isabella taunted as she moved her hand side to side on her lacy thong. The black cloth was now clearly wet like her breasts but with a different substance. Marissa popped her own nipple out of her mouth with a long drool of spit connecting the bright pink lips to the hot pink nipple while she flipped her blonde pig tails back. “Oh, I think you will be finished way before me. I like to take my time.” She said as she reached down back to her pink thong and began rubbing in equal fashion as Isabella was with her own right hand. The silence descended again except for humming and light moans they let escape their lips.

    After another minute of this, Isabella decided this time she would be the one to up it on the blonde and start to see just how far she would really go. She took her hand off her cunt ensuring that Marissa was watching. She didn’t move it far however, as she slid it up her to her navel, then down to the top edge of her thong. She paused as the blonde stopped her rubbing and her hazel eyes seemed to narrow at what the darker woman was doing. Isabella winked at Marissa and slid her fingers into her thong, smiling at the sensation of touching her bare labia and running past the hood of her clit. She started to finger herself with her pointy finger and grinned wider at the wet the sounds from her cunt.

    Marissa frowned at the wink and sudden boldness of her roommate trying to take charge. She brought her own hand to the top of her pink thong and slid in, feeling the smooth soft skin of her folds. Isabella’s smile slightly faded as Marissa fingered herself seconds later to the same squishy sound of a very soaked pussy. Both girls had made their cunts nice and wet form the tit sucking and rubbing, but who was wetter was a question on both their minds. For roughly a minute, they fingered themselves in front of each other, but the actual act was still frustratingly hidden by their thongs. Isabella sneered at Marissa who stuck her tongue out at her rival as the fingering got a little bit faster.

    “You sound kind of dry, you might want to spit on your fingers to help yourself out.” Marissa said after another few seconds trying to throw off her roommate.

    Isabella let out a fake laugh, “I do love to spit, but I’m already so wet, the sound of my pussy is drowning yours out.”

    “That’s funny, because I can’t even hear your dry pussy from over here, it’s like you’re not even in this room.” Marissa shot back.
    A small amount of cum was trickling down their lower hamstrings towards their asshole in this position. The room seemed to go up a few degree’s in temperature as the girl’s continued for another long minute.
    “You really don’t know how to take a hint. Do you?” Marissa asked with frustration clear in her voice.
    “No, I got your little hint, but I also get that you won’t be able to last as long as me. So, I’ll just take my time.” Isabella huffed, letting her own frustration leak out like her pussy was.

    “You’re dreaming, I will last longer than you.” Marissa said with more authority as the girl’s breathing picked up from the arguing and sexual pleasure.
    “No, you won’t.” Isabella snarked back with. “You are going to regret starting this with me.” She added on.
    “What? You started this when you wouldn’t leave!” Marissa growled.
    “No, you started it!”

    “No, you did!”



    The two beauties stopped playing with themselves and stood up off their bed in a fluid motion. They were tired of being matched action for action and the sexual tension between them was starting to get very spicy. Their cheeks were flushed red and their panting heavy as they each stook a small step forward and came face to face in the space between their two beds. Marissa was nearly ready to tackle the other woman to the floor and just fight it out in their underwear. If she had known that Isabella was thinking the same, that just might have happened. Up even closer now, they could smell the sex and sweat dripping out of their rivals’ pores. Their heavy tits stood nipple to nipple three inches apart from touching, and the deep breaths brought them even closer. Long drips of cum were moving down their thighs, leaking from the soaked thongs that couldn’t handle another drop. At the exact same height and build, their bodies looked like mirrors of different shades with large humps in all the right places. They both fake smiled at each other for how far they had gone, but there was still quite a bit more on their minds.

    “I would get out of here now bitch. I’m about to take my panties off and I don’t think you could handle the sight of a real woman.” Isabella whispered, while snapping the side of her black lace thong sexually.

    “It’s funny, I was about to tell you the exact same thing.” Marissa whispered back moving an inch closer to her rival and snapping her pink thong at the hip in retaliation. They had never both been fully nude in front of each other even as roommates and the sexual tension somehow doubled in the room from those words.

    “Oh really?” Isabella said sarcastically as she also took an inch forward, their nipples were only now an inch apart, the glean of spit visible in the low light. “Well don’t let me stop you. I wouldn’t want you to feel uncomfortable in your own room.” Isabella said mockingly.

    Marissa sarcastically smiled back. “That’s nice, but I just wanted to give you one last chance to back off and get out.”

    “I’m not going anywhere.” Isabella said as she brought her hands to her hips and the strings of her black lace ready to strip down to nothing in order to win.
    “Well neither am I”. Marissa said doing the same pose as her sexy rival. A few long seconds passed, each waiting for the other to back down from this threat. Neither moved or released her thong strings and 5 seconds later, they simultaneously hooked their own thongs with their thumbs and began to push down slowly. They peeled down the pink and black cloth in front of each other, upping the game and adding another level of sexuality. Long strings of gooey white cum hung onto the cloth as it even made its way down their mid thighs before breaking right above their knees. Their faces came closer as they pushed the cloth down further until their noses were less than a centimeter away and their lips a just a few more than that. They waited for the other one in this position for about 10 seconds, until Marissa smiled and stood up, nearly pushing her breasts into Isabella’s face as she did so.

    “Shall we continue?” Marissa said without waiting for an answer from her fully nude roommate.

    She took a step back and sat down on her bed leaving a wet spot where her cunt touched the yellow sheets. Isabella was almost more annoyed the blonde didn’t initiate some sort of physical fight instead of just having nearly been motor boated. She took her own seat, leaving her own trail as she scooted back to the wall. Marissa’s long white socks the were last bit of clothing on their bodies as they both smiled evilly at each other. They re-widened their legs now showing their fully revealed pristine pussies for each other and it was quite a sight. Their beauty and womanhood on full display, and without saying anything they began to masturbate yet again in front of each other fully nude. Now their fingers entered themselves without constraint easily and this time they began to openly pant from the self-stimulation. They could see and watch their rival’s technique and it turned them more on as they compared it to their own. They also did another quick round of nipple sucking before really focusing on their cunts, one finger, then two, back to one, as they gave each other an erotic show, that her pussy looked better, was wetter, and could take more. The minutes passed by and yet, neither showed any sign of finishing nor backing down.

    “How about you finish like the little girl you are and let me continue.” Isabella said, now panting more openly from the show and skill she possessed and watching her roommate do the same.

    “I told you baby, I can go all night, so you should just cum and go to sleep, or even better cum and get the fuck out.” Marissa growled back playing with her tits and having two fingers in herself.

    “I can hear and see how wet you are! I know you are fucking close.” Isabella huffed back.

    “Oh, now you can hear it huh. Bitch, you are literally dripping cum onto your sheets. You must be barley holding on.” Marissa said as she watched a specific drop go off Isabella’s finger and down her towards her ass.
    “Ditto bitch, I can see just as much cum dripping down your groin.” Isabella replied.

    They kept pumping themselves and Isabella let out the first moan. Marissa sneered at her, even though she couldn’t help moaning 10 seconds later as their thumbs found their clits which had unfolded from their respective hoods. Another round of spit covered tit sucking came next to give their clits a few seconds of relief. They had been going for almost 25 minutes of nearly non-stop masturbation besides the 2 minutes they took taking off their thongs in each other’s faces. The small room was now heating up faster and larger beads of sweat started to drip down their foreheads, chest and stomachs. It was apparent they were in a bit of stand still, neither wanted to be the first to cum, but to stop or look as though you weren’t rubbing as hard as the other woman would be the equivalent of giving up.

    “You will not last as long as me.” Marissa hissed breaking the silence again as she discovered her clit would pulse even when she was sucking her nipples. She was saying out loud what they were clearly both thinking. Isabella gave a huff and a little moan, “The only reason you have lasted this long is because you aren’t rubbing and fingering yourself as hard as I am.”

    Marissa stopped and glared at her rival at those words, in her opinion the most offensive statement so far in the night. “Fuck you! I have been rubbing my clit twice as hard as you and I’m twice as wet.”

    “No way. I’ve been going at it harder, wetter, and still will last longer!” Isabella said back.

    “I’ve been watching you this whole time, and I’m not impressed by your body or your fingers.” Marissa said, and before Isabella could respond continued with a grin.

    “You must be so jealous to see my nude body and see that I’m better at this in you. Never forget roomie, you aren’t in my league body wise, and pleasuring wise.” Marissa said with venom.

    That was the last straw that broke whatever string of patience that Isabella had with her roommate. To insinuate that she didn’t know how to masturbate, that they were in different leagues. Isabella was going to make her regret that statement.

    “Not in your league huh? Fine! I’ll show you myself how its fucking done.” Isabella growled, taking her white cum covered hand away from her own pussy. For a second, Marissa thought she had succeeded in scaring her roommate off as she watched Isabella scoot forward once and quickly jumped off the bed. She didn’t turn for the door however, and instead took two small steps to Marissa’s side of the room. “What the fuck are you doing?!” Marissa hissed as Isabella put a knee on her bed and moved closer. Her question was answered as Isabella’s still cum covered hand went down to Marissa’s cunt giving a hard rub to it to the surprise of the blonde. “What?!” Marissa yelled at the sudden new sensation that racked her body.

    “I’m going to teach you how to masturbate slut.” Isabella hissed as she got slightly more onto the yellow bed while her cum soaked middle finger slipped into Marissa easily.

    Marissa’s legs shot closed and her hands shot out to her rival’s shoulders and pushed her away roughly.

    Isabella’s finger slipped out of the hot wet pink pussy of Marissa as she fell back off the bed and onto her feet just. Marissa pushed herself up and off the bed in one fluid motion to come to her feet, just as Isabella moved forward again. A light slap rang as their fantastic large chests not only touched but compressed into each other as they crushed together body on body. Isabella had the momentum from the buildup, and they fell as one back onto Marissa’s bed with their legs hanging off the sides. Their breasts squished together as their skin clashed in tone as their sexy lightly toned stomachs rubbed, mixing more sweat between them.

    “Get off me!” Marissa hissed as her hard-pink nipples slid sexually into Isabella’s brown ones and the large tits created a small pool as they jostled for position. They were both so horny from their little show contest that being pressed so tightly into their sweaty roommate was doing them little favors in reducing their sexual heat.

    “Not until you learn your lesson!” The Spanish beauty got her wrist free from the blondes grasp and shot it right back down between Marissa’s legs. She didn’t hesitate and began rubbing her own cum into her rival’s cunt. Marissa hissed but instead of pushing Isabella away, this time she put her own cum covered right hand down between the hot legs of Isabella and used her left arm to pull her tighter into her body.

    “Ok, pay attention sweetie and I will show you what masturbation really is.” Marissa growled as she pushed her sweaty forehead into Isabella’s who pushed back as the brown and hazel eyes narrowed.

    Their hands moved up and down each other’s folds, teasing each other clit as they now glared at each other with more intensity, face to face. The tits they had challenged and threatened with were now pressed hotly together looking to settle their secret feud. What had been just a contest of trying to scare the other off with their sex appeal, now was a full sexual challenge about who could get the other off first with her superior skills. They lightly rocked back and forth all the while finger fucking each other; wrestling to get into the best position in which to bring her roommate to a satisfying and devastating orgasm. They didn’t come right out and say that was the final goal just yet, but as they rubbed their roommate’s cunt harder and with more authority, it was clear to the two combatants that forcing the other to sexual satisfaction would be needed for one of them to win.

    Marissa rolled their hot bodies, taking the top spot and pushing her increasingly sweaty tits into her rivals’ big pair. “If you wanted to see who could get the other off first, you should have just said so.” Marissa huffed, her hot minty breath hitting Isabella’s face.

    “I’m just looking to help my little roommate find out what an orgasm is.” Isabella growled back as they slipped their cum covered fingers into each other, mixing their gooey substances while moaning into each other’s faces.

    From the view of Isabella’s bed, both girl’s asses and pussies were fully exposed, their hands in-between their legs and ass cheeks. The back of their hands touched as they continued to finger each other. Isabella rolled them again each girl moaning as they traded the top position and used the gravity to push their tits in harder into the other pair.

    They were both soaked down below and would leave small blotches of cum whenever their ass was pushed down into the bed in the bottom position. Marissa again tried to roll them, but this time Isabella resisted, and their eyes seemed to narrow even further as their glute muscles seemed to be in direct challenge and this turned the little finger fuck into a more physical struggle. Marissa pushed up with her tits and the buxom girl’s growled as they aggressively began to wrestle and adjust themselves all the while their fingers pumped each other up and down. Marissa got out from under her rival, and they got to their knees. Their bodies came together as they wrapped their left arm around each other’s thin waist and their right hand went back down below. They rocked back and forth trying to throw the other down with their fingers still inserted in each other. Marissa threw Isabella to the left and off the bed, but Isabella held onto her rival and pulled the hazel eyed girl with her.

    They fell off the yellow bed in a tumble to the white carpeted floor. The landing caused their fingers to slip out of each other with loud pops as they ended up separated on the ground.

    They were panting hard from the sudden finger fucking and wrestling, and they both knew a powerful orgasm was building in their core. If they locked up again neither was sure she would be able to hold it down. Isabella didn’t have time to fully consider as Marissa jumped onto her pushing her onto her back. The white girl stuck three fingers into Isabella’s wide-open cunt as she rotated on top to get better access. Isabella moaned as they ended up laying on each other like a plus sign with their stomachs being the cross point. Her own three fingers shot into the pussy of Marissa, as they masturbated each other in this position, squealing and moaning when a they found their rival’s g-spot. With the blonde on top, her hot juicy ass was up in the air and Isabella remembered the bitch leaning in front of her bed wearing that pink thong earlier in the night.

    Isabella slapped the toned large ass of her roommate with a spanking she timed with her thrust of her fingers. She then squeezed the muscle hissing internally that it felt like her own buns. Marissa moaned at the spanking and massaging she was getting to be on top. She rotated her body on top of Isabella getting her cunt and ass free of her roommates’ sticky fingers. As she finished turning, her face didn’t end up in front of Isabella’s, instead she found herself looking at the dark tits of her roommate. With her fingers still in the black-haired woman, she now decided to return the favor of the extra stimulation as the masturbation turned hotter and sweatier.

    Marissa licked Isabella’s brown nipples and the bottom girl moaned in satisfaction while grabbing the blonde hair to pull her off. They both really enjoyed having their nipples sucked apparently and Marissa brought the whole nipple and as much tit into her mouth as possible. She covered it with spit and drawing out he Spanish beauty’s pleasure as she writhed on the ground as she sucked harder. Isabella pulled the blonde locks harder and popped her tit out of Marissa’s mouth. But a good thrust on her clit caused Isabella to lose her grip and Marissa latched onto the other slightly drier tit. This made Isabella moan louder in pleasure. She focused her next hair pull trying to ignore the flicking of her clit. Pop. Her tit came free and she rolled them over on the ground. Marissa came to her back and lashed out to reach for Isabella’s hair, but the brown girl had only one target. Scooting down the girl’s body, Isabella’s red lips locked onto Marissa’s pink right nipple and began to suck on it hard, returning the sexy favor. She could taste the sweat and blondes’ own spit from when she had sucked her own nipples. Marissa moaned in pleasure before pulling the curly black hair away with a loud pop after only a second. Isabella tried to dive back in but wasn’t able to get there as their faces came side by side and the tits crushed. She hissed in frustration she didn’t get more time sucking the tasty tits of her rival like hers had been. She reached up and took hold of the two blonde pig tails beginning a light hairpulling contest as Marissa pulled back in anger. They pulled each other back and forth on the ground hissing like cats for only a few seconds. Then hazel met dark brown eyes and they gave each other the sex look that could make anyone, including their roommate drool. They knew what they wanted and how it would be finished. The girls released the locks wanting to continue the sexual aspect of their fight and getting nowhere with their hair.

    They rolled apart just a few feet away, Marissa’s back towards the door and Isabella’s back facing the blinded covered window. They took a few breaths trying to control the sexual wave that was threatening to overwhelm their bodies. They eyed each other disdain, neither girl had cum yet after almost 30 minutes of foreplay and 10 minutes of their little fuck contest. They pushed themselves up to their knees and watched as cum dripped out of their rival and onto the white carpet. Each girl did a light stretch, feeling up their own body, and getting to get on and into each other once again.

    They didn’t say anything as they looked at each other taking in every detail of their sexy roommate, from their tits, face and ass. Marissa smiled as she ran her own right hand on her cunt, giving it another coat of her own cum. She then held up the same pointy finger with the goo on it and gave Isabella the come-hither motion. Isabella smiled back, as she too covered her own finger with her cum and began to crawl at Marissa and the blonde moved to meet her till, they were face to face on their hands and knees. Isabella then moved past to the left and licked Marissa’s cheek till her red lips came to into Marissa’s ear.
    “Last chance to get out before I embarrass you, roomie.” Isabella said, licking Marissa’s cheek again wetly before going back to her rival’s ear.
    “Bring it on…slut” Marissa hissed back putting her own wet tongue into Isabella’s ear and nipping on the lope almost playfully.

    “Oh, it’s been on since day one.” Isabella whispered back, as she removed her tongue and went up to her knees being just a foot away from her rival. Marissa got in the same position, as each pushed their clashing colored hair back and squeezed their own tits in in a sexy display for each other. Marissa gave herself one more round of hot spit tit sucking to make sure her nipples were as erect and wet as possible. Isabella did the same, and as she released her red lips from the tit, both her brown nipples were literally dripping in spit. It was going to be a meeting of very wet tits.

    They came together on their knees in near identical positions. Their large tits met with a loud slap as spit and sweat seemed to explode off their meshing skin. Their hard-rubbery nipples speared each other’s fat tit flesh as their spit mixed, allowing them to slide erotically on each other and mold. Their left hands got a good grip of each other woman’s muscular right ass cheek, feeling and massaging the bubble butt of her rival, and ensuring they kept each other close. Their right hands once again dove inside of each other, pushing their own cum inside and deep into their rival’s sloppy cunts.

    They went in with two fingers, a thumb on each other’s clits and their pinky teasing the ass of the other, using their own cum as lube. They went from confident to shocked at how fast the spiked in this showoff as they pumped each other like a piston. They couldn’t stop the whimpering sounds as they would lean their asses away from each other for milliseconds to relieve some of the pressure. A hot spanking or a good clawing of their glutes would force them back skin to skin. They could feel the heat coming off their rival’s cunt and they pushed even closer for more to break the other. They started really focusing on their rivals’ clit, working it with their thumbs as Isabella whimpered and Marissa groaned in heat. The orgasm was coming, but who would scrub first to the dirty desires was still to be determined by the sexual gladiators.

    Marissa squeezed Isabella’s ass to draw her closer and felt the answering squeeze on her own buns. This was the longest she had ever held in an orgasm, every bit of her will was thrown into holding her cum back. She could feel Isabella’s legs shaking, they were both so close, it seemed they would just break at the same time. They sank their teeth into each other’s necks, tasting the sweat and trying to break the other’s dam. They screamed into each other’s skin as more and more cum leaked out of the wall that held back the torrent of pleasure. They pressed each other’s clits down, holding the love numbs down for an extra-long second. At the same time, they found each other’s g-spots and rubbed the slightly rougher flesh. Marissa felt her damn crack as she and Isabella released and started pumping again. She sucked in a large gasp of air and her hand stopped moving in Isabella who herself was seconds away. She bit her pink lip as Isabella gave Marissa two more pumps, the dark girl’s own cunt relived of the pleasure from the blondes just enough for Isabella to push down the overwhelming sensation down one last time.

    Marissa began to cum with a despaired moan as her pussy tightened involuntarily on the deep tanned fingers inside of her. The white painted fingernails slipped out of Isabella as Marissa tried to push her away with no luck. The black-haired girl slapped their tits together again hotly and succeeded in pushing Marissa down to the ground, and onto her back as the orgasm began in full. She slid down Marissa’s body slightly while on top of her and latched back onto Marissa’s right tit with her red lips, tasting their mixed spit and pulling as boob as she could into her mouth with a hard suck. She kept rubbing the blonde’s clit, sucked her right and left nipple and squeezed her juicy ass as they were locked together in the catball of sex.

    Marissa moaned throughout the orgasm, cum dripping out of her pussy in tune with the pumps and chewing of her nipple. Her whole pussy and lower body seemed to convulse as the wave of pleasure travelled up and down her body. Her white socked legs wrapped around Isabella’s body and her hands filled with her enemy’s hair but didn’t try to pull her off. She did not seem to be in control of her movements any longer. The long orgasm lasted 15 seconds until Isabella felt the incredible smooth and strong thighs of her roommate slowly release her as she came down from the intensity of the high. Isabella smiled as she released Marissa’s tits from her wet mouth. She felt she had won whatever they had set out to do and for about a minute they laid together on the floor as the room became quiet. About 20 seconds later, Isabella slowly sat up, careful not to move to fast or rub up on Marissa in fear of cumming herself. She slowly lifted her face off of her roommates’ breasts, peeling their sticky hot skin apart, the smell of sex dominating the room.

    Isabella ran her tongue up Marissa’s chest to her neck where she gave a light bite into the soft skin. She then put her hands-on Marissa’s fat tits and pushed herself up mounting the hazel eyed girl by the hips. This brought their dripping cunts a few inches away from each other.

    Isabella’s hand was covered in Marissa’s delicious cum that had poured out of her rival and she planned to use the free lube. Her own cunt was pulsating, and she knew she had been a few pumps away from losing, but that didn’t matter now. She wanted to make sure the blonde felt the shame of cumming, and make her regret staying in the room. She slid her wet pussy up Marissa’s sweaty body leaving a trail of cum on her path. The blonde glared, her rage not diminished in the slightest, but she didn’t resist, letting the darker skinned woman bring her pussy up to the middle of her tits. As they looked at each other eye to eye, Isabella began to play with herself. She pinched her clit and lifted her left tit to her mouth to suck on it lightly. Cum dripped out of her onto Marissa’s chest as the blonde watched the Spanish beauty play. Only 10 seconds into the show, Isabella began to cum in a torrent. Disappointment and regret filled Marissa’s chest as she watched her sexy roommate cum in front and on top of her. It should have been her in that position, on top of Isabella, cumming onto her roommate in victory. Isabella’s pleasure reached its peak and she moaned loudly; the orgasm being stronger and longer than she had ever experienced. The cum dripped out of her like a faucet onto her rival’s beaten body. The goo pooled in the space above the white girl’s sternum and between her bountiful chest as Marissa watched Isabella’s tits bounce up and down as she was given this humiliation. The room’s temperature was like a sauna and it smelt more like sex than it ever had, a combination of their scents that seemed to cover every object. Isabella finally finished, her legs still shaking and her breathing horse from the intensity. She was amazed how well the blonde had gotten her turned on but would never admit that to her now defeated rival.

    She moved back and rested her full ass onto Marissa’s sexy hips, and flipped her long curly black hair back sending some flicks of sweat onto Marissa and around the room.

    “That’s how you masturbate bitch.” She said with authority wanting to make sure her roommate didn’t forget it. Marissa glared as the frustration spiked in her core. She would not be submissive to her roommate even after what had just happened, because this was not over. “Fuck you bitch.” Marissa spat at the winner.

    Isabella scowled harshly; this was not how a bitch who just got out masturbated should act. It looked like she needed a bit more humiliation before Isabella got off her. She smiled with a dark look and brought her hands up the blonde’s body to where the cum had gathered. She began to rub the pool of her cum up and around Marissa’s hot breasts, spreading her substance over her rival’s chest. She rubbed the cum in all the while looking Marissa in the eyes. The blonde did not look away, letting the cum get spread on her body while seething in anger. Isabella concentrated her thumbs on the pink nipples teasing them slightly, and only once she was satisfied that the tits were evenly covered, she stopped. She gave the hot chest a good squeeze, sinking her fingers into the fat before finally releasing them for good.

    With that done Isabella stood up and off of Marissa. She stood there over her, showing off her sexy body as she still dripped some last bit of cum from her cunt onto her defeated rival.

    She then leaned over to make sure Marissa also got a good look at her toned bubble butt as she picked up both thongs. She looked down again at the still laying girl on the ground and held the pink cloth by the string of her middle finger, “This is mine now.” She said as she tossed the pink thong and her own black one onto her bed and without another word crawled onto it. She didn’t say anything, but heard the blonde get up and crawl into her bed on the other side of the room. Even though she had won, she felt that something had been broken or awoken between them and that this was nowhere near over. She was right. Marissa was lying in her own bed, feeling the cum on her tits. No shower or wiping off for either of them letting the sweat and cum stain their sheets. The blonde wanted the feeling of her rival’s cum on her chest. It made her angrier, that her roommate had started this by coming in on her night. But it was fine, she and Isabella were not done, not by a long shot. And next time, she was going to use more than just her fingers until Isabella was the one on her back cum covered.

    In truth, Isabella and Marissa’s college sex rivalry had only just begun.

    =========The end

    That’s the end, and I hope you enjoyed! Cause it was very fun to write. Let me know your thoughts and if you like it or hated it or anything else.
    Well explanation time for other questions that maybe no one wants an answer too, but ima post it anyway. So, for those waiting for the Indecent Heatwave, I can say it is done, like its actually fully done which is awesome. BUT the issue is with the grammar, fuck its bad. I have to go line by line fixing it and listening to it over and over which is the hardest part for me. BUT again, it’s done so that’s good news and should be posted soon.

    The Perfect Ingredient is also being worked on. Now some might not be happy to hear it, but it’s kina going through a bit of re-write. (Cleaning up the grammar firstly). And the story is very much the same, but the fight (mainly), and personalities, timeline (and some looks on Paige and a little on Teagan) are just slightly changing. There fighting near a kitchen, so I wanted to make the fight itself a bit more…I guess the best word would be MESSY. Hopefully that will be out in the next few months.

    So why this story? Well, both of these characters have a role to play in another story I’m working on. I needed them to have experience in sexfighting, and as I was writing the bigger story, I was like, I might as well explain how these two got introduced. I think this story also might be part of its own sequel cause these girls were hot to write about. ALSO, rivals posted an old ass story of mine on their website (the sorority girls) which was a flash from the past. I was re-reading it and was like wtf I wrote this haha, why did I go away from these girls. The scene with Hina makes a bit more sense if you have read that and it did motivate me to brining Lucy and Olivia back in some form or another.

    Let’s see, the other one-off story I’m kinda working on is a ski trip, where two women have some good titfighting, titfucking action in their long ski underwear. Classic story of two busty hot girls who have a thing for nipple stimulation and circumstance that leads them to a head on or tit on confrontation. Only a few pages in but the action has been fun to write, and I’ve never written one like it, so different on how they target each other with mostly their tits. (If this interests people, let me know as I’m not sure if I’m going to continue it)

    Finally! And yes, this is the story that Isabella and Marissa both have a role to play is the next part of Maggie and Amber’s story. That’s actually pretty far along, but damn it’s a lot to write with a lot of fucking pieces and characters that I just keep adding on too. I think it’s going to be longer than the showtime one which was hella long on it’s on. But it’s coming along and is so far, pretty hot if I do so say myself. (though I don’t want it to become stale with the fights so I’m trying to balance it out and trim it down, I’m not really sure haha)

    OK, wow, I have never written so much not part of the story. For anyone still reading thanks for all the support. Uhh yeah, ok cool talk to you all later.

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: A Night Alone

    King -

    Wonderful surprise and a really great story. The two women are incredible and will certainly be worthy rivals/partners to Amber and Maggie! I'm a bit disappointed that their fight did not go to the next level here, but (as always) you are an expert tease - you've set this up, really created a powerful desire to read more, and then ended the story, leaving your readers on the edge! Great work, if frustrating. The possibilities of two voluptuous, sexually voracious women who absolutely hate each other, stuck together in the same small room, are absolutely endless! I hope that you write more about Isabella and Marissa really soon.

    I'm gratified to read that the next Maggie/Amber story is so far along and, in your view, very hot! I trust your self-evaluation! I am also happy to hear about "The Perfect Ingredient", though a bit puzzled. Are you re-writing the story or are you going to add to the existing parts the changes that you mention? The women are currently fighting in the store room, so I guess you could move them to a kitchen, but I wonder if you are changing the store room for the kitchen?

    Finally, I'm happy to see that you are bringing back Olivia and Lucy! I think that I sent "The Sorority House" to Rival's Rapture so she would have a complete collection of your stories - I'm glad that it inspired you to do something more with the characters.

    Again, really great work! This was a fantastic masturbation contest/catfight and it certainly opens the door on a lot more to come! I'm already hoping that you have more Isabella/Marissa stories in your back pocket.

    Take care,


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    Re: A Night Alone

    That was a fantastic fight! I can't wait to see these two clash again. Keep up the good work, I always love reading your stories.


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    Hostboard Member obipau's Avatar
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    [QUOTE = kingofdapirates1; 1999743] Ya s?, ya s?, ?otra nueva historia? ?Por qu? no acabar con los dem?s primero, vago? S?, ese es un comentario justo jaja. Ok, bueno, esta es solo una historia corta que en realidad est? completamente completa. Explicar? m?s al final, as? que espero que todos lo disfruten.

    Una noche sola ==========================

    Marissa Keeling e Isabella Sanz no eran amigas. El hecho de que se conocieran fue el destino aleatorio de una computadora que los asign? err?neamente como compa?eros de cuarto al ingresar a su primer a?o en la universidad cuando ambos hab?an solicitado dormitorios individuales. Ese fue el primer strike, y no fue culpa de ellos, aunque se culparon el uno al otro. Su primer encuentro fue cordial ya que configuraron su dormitorio el d?a 1, pero la chispa de la amistad no se encendi? y, aunque eran corteses, ambos pensaron que el otro no se estaba esforzando lo suficiente para ayudar a construir esa maravillosa relaci?n de compa?ero de cuarto de la universidad. Siempre vi en la televisi?n Eso fue strike 2. La habitaci?n que ten?an que compartir era en los t?rminos m?s simples, compacta. Entrar?as y estar?as frente a una ventana con dos peque?os escritorios uno al lado del otro frente a ella. Hab?a dos camas individuales a cada lado de la habitaci?n con aproximadamente cuatro pies entre ellas y eso era todo. Sencillo y modesto, y ni a Isabella ni a Marissa les gust?.

    ?De d?nde surgi? la tensi?n? Bueno, en cuanto a personalidad, ambos eran muy apasionados cuando las cosas no sal?an como quer?an o la gente se pon?a de los nervios. Marissa era mejor para ocultarlo, y la chica exageradamente alegre era s?per amigable con todos los que conoc?a en la universidad. En general, era muy querida, especialmente por los chicos, pero cuando ella e Isabella discut?an, sal?a otro lado de ella y siempre se pon?a picante. Isabella era m?s fr?a que antes de que se permitiera relajarse o dejar entrar a la gente. Esto fue un contraste directo con su compa?era de cuarto, y lucharon por comunicarse bien mientras viv?an juntos, lo que llev? a algunos comentarios agresivos muy pasivos. Sin embargo, en el transcurso de las primeras semanas, las cosas comenzaron a calentarse.

    La primera disputa real que tuvieron fue una simple cuesti?n de qui?n pod?a usar el espejo el lunes por la ma?ana. Mantuvieron el nivel de voz, pero las chicas ten?an un poco de enfrentamiento sobre qui?n se mover?a primero y esperar?a a maquillarse en segundo lugar. Ninguno de los dos retrocedi? y, de alguna manera, terminaron compartiendo el espejo mientras se golpeaban las caderas 'accidentalmente' varias veces durante la ma?ana. Eso llev? a qui?n tuvo que lavar la ropa su primera discusi?n, y eso llev? a la siguiente y la siguiente hasta que tuvieron suficiente. Establecieron un horario sobre cu?l de ellos estar?a en noches espec?ficas y mientras discut?an el calendario sus voces no se mantuvieron tan niveladas subiendo algunos tonos. Otra cosa que realmente comenz? a devorarlos fueron las comparaciones de sus cuerpos que recibieron desde el primer d?a de la universidad. Varios chicos guapos pasaban por su habitaci?n para complementar y obtener n?meros de las dos chicas, "?Guau!" Los chicos dec?an, seguido de algo como, ?Las dos chicas m?s calientes en el piso y comparten una habitaci?n. Eso es genial."

    Decir que ambos estaban calientes ser?a quedarse corto. La habitaci?n se convirti? r?pidamente en una fantas?a en las mentes de todos los chicos de primer a?o, que pasaban esperando que la puerta estuviera abierta para echar un vistazo a los sexys ocupantes. Esto los llev? a una nueva molestia el uno por el otro cuando ambos fueron invitados a una fiesta de fraternidad. Fue su ?ltimo intento de construir una amistad entre ellos y fueron juntos tratando de tener una peque?a charla. Se arruin? por un comentario de la vicepresidenta de la fraternidad y hermandad de mujeres que pasaban borrachos y se detuvieron a hablar con las chicas. La hermandad de mujeres que estaba en el vicepresidente de la fiesta fue una sorpresa a la que tanto Isabella como Marissa tuvieron que echar otro vistazo. Parec?a mitad japonesa con una especie de europeo o australiano mezclado. Su polla se ve?a enorme, y su culo estaba fuera de este mundo con los ajustados jeans negros que le llegaban hasta la cintura. Tanto Isabella como Marissa se dieron cuenta de que hab?a otra mujer en esta escuela que pod?a competir en el mejor concurso de cuerpo con ellas mismas. La conversaci?n se hab?a movido hacia otra hermandad que no estaba presente esta noche.

    ??De verdad Hina? Lucy y t? todav?a no os llev?is bien ?. Pregunt? el chico con una leve risa.

    ?Creo que despreciar es una palabra mejor, y ahora tiene a esa chica Olivia corriendo por ella. Las dos rubias tontas las llamo ".
    "Olivia es agradable, y lo juro, usted y Lucy son mucho m?s parecidos de lo que se creen".

    "Como sea, no quiero hablar de ellos". Dijo la sexy vicepresidenta moviendo su largo cabello negro y liso hacia un lado.

    ?Est? bien, pero bueno, ?tal vez ustedes deber?an simplemente follar? Deja que esa tensi?n salga ".
    Hina le dio un ligero pu?etazo, pero se ri?. ?Sabes, tal vez tengas raz?n. Estoy seguro de que podr?amos resolver nuestras diferencias en la cama ". Isabella not? que los ojos negros de Hina parec?an destellar ante la sugerencia, pero la mirada desapareci? tan r?pido como apareci?.
    El chico se ri?, "?Bueno, pagar?a por ver eso!" La conversaci?n sobre la hermandad termin? y se volvieron hacia las nuevas chicas. Hina les sonri? a ambos, "Espero que consideres unirte a mi hermandad, ambos son hermosos".

    "?Gracias!" Marissa dijo con una sonrisa y r?pidamente comenz? a hablar sobre sus atuendos y algunos animes al azar que hab?a visto. Isabella solo sonri? levemente, ya buscando a otras personas para hablar tambi?n. Cuando sus o?dos captaron la ?ltima parte de la conversaci?n. ?Compa?eros de cuarto, ?verdad? Hina pregunt?: "?Ustedes comparten ropa o uno de sus pechos y su culo es m?s grande que los dem?s?" Esto llev? a una mirada de reojo entre los compa?eros de cuarto. No respondieron y la conversaci?n sigui? adelante. Salieron de la fiesta horas despu?s, y ambos se dieron cuenta de que, por mucho que lo intentaran, no ser?an amigos. El comentario tambi?n son? en sus o?dos, las comparaciones entre sus cuerpos, los celos empezaron a enconarse entre ellos.

    Marissa era una chica rubia ligeramente bronceada a la que le encantaba ser un poco exc?ntrica tanto en su personalidad como en su apariencia. Llevaba faldas y pantalones cortos s?per cortos y ocasionalmente ve?a anime y le encantaba el cosplay. Su cabello casi siempre estaba suelto con dos colas de cerdo rubias y ten?a una forma de brincar cuando caminaba para la alegr?a de las personas que llegaban a mirar. Le gustaba te?irse el cabello, aunque durante el primer mes volvi? a su amarillo natural. Llevaba un l?piz labial de colores brillantes y su elecci?n de bikini y lencer?a eran ne?n la mayor?a de las veces. Sus amigos la llamaron demasiado burbujeante y ayud? que tuviera un cuerpo incre?ble. Le encantaba lucirlo con atuendos y cualquier otro uniforme divertido que pudiera encontrar. Su pecho femenino era cebada contenida por las muchas camisas blancas que normalmente se ataba cuando hac?a un peque?o truco de colegiala.

    Isabella ten?a un aspecto y una personalidad diferentes, pero ten?a todas las ventajas que ten?a Marissa. Ella era de ascendencia espa?ola mexicana y su largo cabello negro y rizado llegaba hasta la mitad de la espalda. Ten?a rasgos afilados que resaltaba con l?piz labial rojo oscuro y u?as la mayor?a de los d?as, su piel oscura como si se hubiera bronceado durante meses todos los d?as funcionaba bien con la ropa oscura y los bikinis que le gustaba usar. Tambi?n era muy consciente de lo incre?ble que era su cuerpo, su gran pecho y su trasero de constituci?n latina hac?an que los hombres miraran tres veces. No tuvo ning?n problema en presumirlo y lo us? para cualquier ventaja que pudiera.

    Al final, tal vez esa fue la verdadera raz?n por la que no se llevaron bien. Porque por primera vez en sus vidas ten?an que compartir un espacio con una mujer que, a rega?adientes, admitir?an que solo ellos mismos podr?an estar en su liga en cuanto al cuerpo.

    Solo se necesitar?a una peque?a chispa para que la mujer se perdiera por completo, y un simple malentendido en una noche normal de viernes fue esa chispa que encendi? el fuego. Solo un mes despu?s de vivir juntas y ambas mujeres estaban en su punto de ruptura lidiando con la otra belleza que compart?a su espacio vital. Ya no se hablaban y ten?an una hoja de firmas de las noches en las que entrar?an y saldr?an. El calendario era la ley e incluso cuando se miraban el uno al otro caminando por el pasillo, respetaban la hoja y las noches el otro reservaba solo para ella como lo ?ltimo que separaba su habitaci?n. Reclamaron todas las noches de la semana y se aseguraron de que la otra estuviera fuera de su cabello.

    En este particular, Marissa hab?a reservado el viernes para su gran deleite. Necesitaba una noche en casa en los dormitorios que seguramente estar?an vac?os para relajarse y recuperarse de los fines de semana llenos de fiestas y la larga semana de trabajo escolar. Ella e Isabella hab?an estado en los ?ltimos 5 d?as debido a pruebas adicionales y estaba harta de su tetona compa?era de cuarto. La chica pens? que ten?a este conjunto perfecto de sexo y sexo jugoso, pero Marissa sab?a que los suyos eran mejores. C?mo iba a demostrarle eso a su compa?era de cuarto, no estaba realmente segura, pero realmente quer?a que Isabella lo supiera. Pero eso era algo de lo que se preocupar?a otra noche. Ten?a la noche perfectamente planeada cuando recibi? una llamada de su juguete para que saliera para una noche de fiestas.
    Ella vacil? cuando ?l le suplic?, y de mala gana escribi? una peque?a nota en la hoja que estaba fuera. Se maquill? un poco m?s y se puso una sexy falda de colegiala, una camiseta blanca que no ocultaba el sujetador rosa ne?n brillante que llevaba debajo. Coincid?a con sus u?as y, por supuesto, con la sexy tanga rosa de encaje que los chicos intentar?an ver cuando su falda se subiera una vez que estuviera borracha en la fiesta. Todav?a ten?a una clase m?s tarde en la noche en ambas circunstancias y se fue unos minutos m?s tarde para asistir.

    Isabella lleg? a casa de su entrevista y decidi? mirar la hoja en busca de la posibilidad entre un mill?n de que su compa?era de habitaci?n de grandes pechos se hubiera mudado la noche. Sus ojos marrones se iluminaron cuando vio la nota y sinti? un gran alivio despu?s de la semana que tuvo. La habitaci?n ser?a de ella esta noche y eso significaba algo de amor propio, tanto en sentido figurado como literal. Ella hab?a estado esperando recibir esto desde el lunes, pero la molesta compa?era de cuarto se le adelant?. Ahora no importaba, y r?pidamente agarr? sus llaves para correr a la tienda por algunos suministros para disfrutar realmente su noche de relajaci?n.

    Un minuto despu?s de que se fue, Marissa regres?, con un mont?n de alivio en su rostro tambi?n. La ?ltima clase del d?a fue cancelada y la noche de la fiesta termin? despu?s de un mensaje de texto que dec?a que el chico ten?a un evento urgente. R?pidamente revis? la hoja e hizo un peque?o salto de felicidad porque Isabella no hab?a marcado su nombre en el espacio del viernes y eso significaba que sus planes nocturnos a?n estaban en marcha. Tach? su peque?a nota y sali? de la habitaci?n para hacer algunos recados planeando regresar una vez que tuviera lo que necesitaba.

    Isabella todav?a estaba tan emocionada cuando regres? al dormitorio pensando en lo afortunada que era y cu?nto iba a disfrutar esta noche. R?pidamente se quit? la ropa de la entrevista que hab?a elegido para el trabajo de camarera en el Meza. La due?a parec?a distra?da por su cuerpo la mayor parte del tiempo durante la reuni?n, pero no le importaba, siempre significaba mejores consejos a la hora de servir la comida. Reemplaz? su ropa interior y se puso una sexy tanga negra que la hizo sentir incre?ble. Disfrutaba lucir sexy, incluso en las noches en las que estaba sola. Admir? su cuerpo en el espejo y se abroch? la tanga negra a la cadera. Una parte de su relajaci?n fue descansar desnuda o con ropa m?nima todo el tiempo y por eso hab?a querido una habitaci?n individual para ella. Eran solo las 10 de la noche, pero el resto del dormitorio parec?a completamente silencioso. Todo preparado con Netflix abierto, un poco de helado en el congelador del pasillo y una mascarilla de aguacate para m?s tarde. Isabella todav?a vestida solo con la tanga de encaje se sent? en su cama y, por cierto, puso su espalda en la pared frente a la cama de Marissa. Abri? las piernas y dej? que su mano se deslizara hacia abajo entre ellas cuando su cabeza gir? hacia la puerta cuando escuch? el pomo girar.

    Justo un minuto antes de que Isabella comenzara su peque?o tiempo de juego, Marissa caminaba de regreso al dormitorio con una sonrisa ya que ahora ella tambi?n ten?a todo lo que necesitaba para una noche relajante. Un poco de Netflix, un poco de chocolate y, lo m?s importante, mucho tiempo jugando consigo misma. Ella planeaba darse un buen orgasmo, porque a veces el amor propio era el mejor amor. Le encantaba pasar la noche en casa y pasaba toda la noche bromeando antes de dar un gran final con sus propios dedos, o tal vez con una polla o un vibrador si se sent?a un poco m?s descarada. Nunca necesit? esas cosas extra, pero le gustaba mantener las cosas interesantes. Hab?a estado esperando esto toda la semana y nada, nada iba a arruinarlo.

    Gir? la llave para ver que la luz de su habitaci?n no estaba apagada, aunque estaba segura de que era cuando se hab?a ido. Extra?o pens?, pero cuando la abri?, encontr? el estado de su dormitorio a?n m?s sorprendente. El rostro de Isabella se volvi? en un instante, mientras Marissa miraba a su compa?era de cuarto casi desnuda. Por la posici?n, la mirada de sorpresa y el estado de la vestimenta, Marissa supo que acababa de entrar en Isabella haciendo la misma acci?n que hab?a planeado para esta noche.

    "?Sal y cierra la puerta!" Isabella grit? mientras ve?a a su molesta compa?era de habitaci?n rubia parada en la entrada de la habitaci?n con una expresi?n de sorpresa en su rostro, "?Qu? demonios est?s haciendo aqu??" Dijo de nuevo antes de que la rubia tuviera la oportunidad de reaccionar, la mujer de cabello negro agarr? una manta para cubrir su sexy cuerpo casi desnudo por temor a que alguien pasara por detr?s de la rubia y mirara hacia su habitaci?n. Marissa encontr? su voz despu?s de que la conmoci?n inicial se disip? y la emoci?n que lleg? a su voz fue de extrema molestia e ira.

    "?Yo? ??Qu? diablos est?s haciendo aqu? !? ?Es mi noche en la s?bana! " Marissa respondi? mientras cerraba la puerta pero a?n con ella en la habitaci?n. Se?al? la hoja de la puerta y el viernes espec?fico que ten?a su nombre. Ahora que la puerta estaba cerrada, Isabella se sent? sobre sus rodillas y dej? caer la manta mostrando su enorme polla que hizo que Marissa rodara sus ojos color avellana con molestia. Isabella de hecho estaba mostrando su cuerpo desnudo y su cuerpo a Marissa y estar en una tanga negra de encaje extremadamente peque?a que sosten?a sus caderas con fuerza ayud? en la presentaci?n. Sus labios y u?as rojo oscuro parec?an reci?n pintados y su piel oscura suave. Marissa sinti? una chispa de competitividad por lo incre?ble que era el cuerpo de sus compa?eras de cuarto y a?n m?s molestia porque no pudo mostrar su cuerpo de vuelta.

    "?No! ?Escribiste que estabas fuera! Lo comprob? antes de irme ". Isabella sise? mientras tambi?n se?alaba la s?bana en la puerta.

    "?Lo tach? hace una hora antes de irme!" Dijo Marissa, se?alando tambi?n la puerta y la peque?a marca que hab?a tachado la nota.

    "?Qu?? ?No puedes hacer eso, eso es muy corto de aviso! Sal, es mi tiempo en la habitaci?n ". Isabella sise? con las manos en las caderas.
    ?No, tienes que irte. ?Ese es el trato! No actualizaste la hoja, as? que esta noche sigue siendo m?a ". Marissa sise? en respuesta, cruzando los brazos frente a su impresionante pecho.

    "?No! Nunca estuvimos de acuerdo con eso, y ya estoy dentro ahora, as? que vete ". La belleza espa?ola respondi?, pero ninguna de las dos se movi? de su postura actual.

    Marissa e Isabella estaban furiosas al no estar de acuerdo sobre qu? hacer en sus diferentes estados de vestimenta. Marissa no tomar?a esto, y en su mente, Isabella estaba siendo completamente irrazonable y contra el c?digo de lo que hab?an establecido. Mientras segu?a mirando a Isabella, dej? caer su mochila al suelo desafiando lo que quer?a la chica espa?ola. Isabella parec?a que iba a gritar de ira, reprimiendo el m?s m?nimo margen. Marissa se puso las manos en las caderas y se inclin? hacia adelante para que su propia polla enorme mostrara su profundo escote para asegurarse de que Isabella supiera que el cuerpo de la chica no la intimidaba ni un poco.

    ?Desde mi punto de vista, est?s en mi noche y necesito mi tiempo a solas. Eso significa que me quedar? en esta habitaci?n ".
    Isabella se enfureci? a?n m?s mientras se inclinaba hacia adelante y decidi? que ten?a raz?n, y esta fue la gota que colm? el vaso. Ella no se echar?a atr?s ante esta mierda. "Bueno, yo tampoco ir? a ninguna parte, dijiste que estabas fuera, y yo tambi?n necesito MI tiempo a solas".

    ?Entonces, ?puedes hacer qu?? ****En g **********?" Dijo Marissa mientras asent?a levemente hacia la diminuta tanga negra que Marissa hab?a entrado usando. Isabella sinti? la sangre correr directamente a sus mejillas, pero sab?a que su compa?era de cuarto solo dir?a eso porque estaba planeando lo mismo. ?Oh, como si no fueras a hacer eso. Todas las noches, despu?s de tener tu tiempo a solas, esta habitaci?n huele a sudor y sexo. Y s? que no es un tipo, dejaste tu vibrador y te cagaste las ?ltimas veces ". Isabella dijo se?alando el caj?n en el que sab?a que su compa?era de cuarto guardaba sus juguetes. La mirada de Marissa se intensific? como si esta perra se atreviera a sacar a relucir sus juguetes sexuales. Por suerte para la rubia, al buscar una camiseta perdida encontr? una caja interesante debajo de la cama de la espa?ola hace apenas unos d?as.

    "?Decir ah! ?No es esa la olla que llama negra a la tetera? ?Puedo oler lo mismo despu?s de tus noches a solas! ?Y tienes la misma cantidad y tipo de juguetes que yo! " Marissa gru?? en respuesta, se?alando debajo de la cama, donde Isabella s? ten?a un mont?n de sus propios juguetes sexuales.

    Se miraron el uno al otro, sin poder negar que eran intensos *********** rs y lo que estaban planeando hacer esta noche. Tambi?n ignoraron que ten?an un gusto similar cuando se trataba de juguetes sexuales, incluido el tama?o, la forma y la rareza. Despu?s de unos segundos m?s de mirar furiosa, Isabella resopl?.

    "Fuera, no voy a volver a preguntar". Isabella amenaz? mientras ella y su compa?era de cuarto se miraban m?s el uno al otro, comparando cuerpos, pregunt?ndose cu?l ser?a el siguiente paso si ninguno retroced?a. Entonces Marissa sonri? con sus dientes blancos y brillantes y labios rosa brillante a su compa?era de cuarto casi desnuda, que era todo menos amigable.

    "Te lo dije, no me ir? y no dejar? que arruines esta noche".
    Marissa todav?a vest?a su camisa blanca atada y con un tir?n del nudo sali? volando. Isabella mir? hacia abajo y not? que su compa?era de cuarto llevaba un sujetador rosa hinchado y lo grande que se ve?a el pene de Marissa en ?l.

    "?Qu? est?s haciendo?" Pregunt? Isabella mientras ve?a a su compa?era de cuarto comenzar a desvestirse y claramente no planeaba irse como le dijeron a ella tambi?n.

    "Ponerme c?modo para MI noche". Marissa dijo con indiferencia mientras daba unos pasos m?s hacia la habitaci?n frente a su propia cama limpia con s?banas amarillas. Se volvi? para mirar a Isabella, donde la espa?ola la miraba con enfado. Marissa extendi? la mano hacia el frente y desabroch? la parte delantera de su sost?n rosa mientras segu?a mirando a Isabella. Su polla casi sali? libre sin ninguna ayuda, Marissa ahora haciendo alarde de su tama?o y firmeza en su pecho. Isabella empuj? su pecho un poco m?s hacia adelante cuando los pechos del mismo tama?o y llenos se enfrentaron desnudos. Nunca hab?an comparado directamente, sino que hab?an mirado en secreto las tallas de sost?n del otro. Para su decepci?n, eran la misma copa de busto de cada fabricante y las similitudes solo parec?an m?s evidentes cuando se las presentaban entre s?.

    Sin embargo, Marissa no hab?a terminado; alcanz? su cadera izquierda y desabroch? los dos botones que sosten?an su falda de colegiala. Incluso con el bot?n desabrochado, no se cay? de su cuerpo de inmediato, su culo estaba demasiado burbujeante y firme para dejarlo caer tan f?cilmente. Dio un peque?o meneo y un tir?n, mientras la falda ca?a por sus bien tonificados muslos y luego por las pantorrillas antes de terminar a sus pies. Tambi?n se quit? los zapatos, pero mantuvo puestos los calcetines blancos hasta la rodilla. Para molestar a Isabella a?n m?s, dio un peque?o paso hacia la cama de Isabella y se dio la vuelta, mostrando su incre?ble culo.

    La compa?era de cuarto hab?a sacado su polla primero, por lo que estaba feliz de mostrar sus propios bienes. La belleza espa?ola obtuvo la mirada m?s cercana que jam?s hab?a tenido de los gl?teos de sus compa?eros de cuarto cuando se present? frente a ella. El bot?n ligeramente bronceado estaba en una tanga de encaje rosa ne?n que combinaba con el sost?n ahora descartado. El m?sculo en s? se ve?a tan firme y jugoso como se ve?a en los pantalones cortos de bot?n que el rubio usaba a menudo, e Isabella sinti? la necesidad de darse la vuelta y mostrar su propia burbuja, pero resisti? el impulso por ahora. La parte trasera triangular de la tanga rosa cubr?a solo el tama?o de un peque?o pu?o, pero todav?a ten?a solo unos cent?metros m?s de cobertura que la negra de Isabella.

    Luego, doblando la cabeza, la rubia se inclin? para asegurarse de que Isabella pudiera ver bien el escozor entre sus mejillas mientras recog?a la ropa que hab?a descartado. Su objetivo era hacer que su compa?era de cuarto se sintiera lo m?s inc?moda posible y as? era como lo iba a hacer. Se puso de pie y se pas? la mano por la cadera, rompiendo su propia tanga mientras daba los dos pasos a su lado y guardaba la ropa en el caj?n. Luego se volvi? y se inclin? sobre su cama de cara a Isabella una vez m?s. La chica de piel m?s oscura no hab?a dicho nada durante el peque?o espect?culo de striptease que acababa de recibir, pero estaba muy consciente de que ahora estaban vestidas casi de la misma manera. Sus diminutas tangas dejaban poco a la imaginaci?n y parec?an aumentar la tensi?n sexual que se acumulaba muy r?pidamente en la habitaci?n.

    "No s? qu? demonios est?s pensando, pero no me detendr?". Isabella amenaz? con tirar la manta por completo de la cama y volver a sentarse en la misma posici?n en la que la hab?an encontrado. Se llev? la mano a la polla y esper? a ver qu? har?a la polla. La rubia podr?a haber estado lo suficientemente jodida como para desnudarse con ella, pero no se atrever?a a quedarse si empezaba a hacer lo que quer?a.

    Los ojos color avellana de la rubia se entrecerraron ante la ahora sentada Isabella mientras segu?a apoyada en la cama amarilla. Si su compa?era de cuarto estaba dispuesta a doblarse, ella tambi?n. "Claro, pero como dije, no quiero que arruines mi noche, as? que tampoco me detendr?". Marissa dijo con determinaci?n para sacar a su compa?era de cuarto.

    Ella salt? a su cama, su polla movi?ndose con entusiasmo en el rebote. Se movi? un poco hacia atr?s hasta que se apoy? en la pared y abri? sus propias piernas en la misma pose que Isabella estaba ahora en s? misma.

    Isabella a?n no hab?a empezado a jugar consigo misma y estaba mirando a la rubia con una mirada que dec?a, crees que eso me asustar?. Sus piernas estaban abiertas, las tetas ocultas por la ropa m?s peque?a, su polla libre mientras se miraban con desd?n y ahora un poco de curiosidad el uno por el otro. ?Estaban realmente a punto de hacer esto?

    Pas? medio suspiro cuando Marissa volvi? a sonre?r con picard?a mientras bajaba la mano a la tela rosa y lentamente comenz? a frotar, sonriendo a la chica espa?ola que parec?a casi aturdida, mientras la rubia jugaba abiertamente consigo misma. "?Qu? pasa? ?Avergonzado ahora? No me hagas caso. Voy a disfrutar de mi noche en la habitaci?n ".
    As? que ese era su plan, pens? Isabella, pero no iba a retroceder en absoluto si su compa?era de cuarto quer?a asustarla con su cuerpo.

    "Para nada, solo espero que disfrutes la vista porque voy a disfrutar mi noche incluso si decides quedarte". Isabella dijo de nuevo mientras se sentaba y llev? su mano de nuevo a la tanga de encaje negro que cubr?a sus labios. Ella tambi?n comenz? a frotar lentamente hacia arriba y hacia abajo en el mismo movimiento que la rubia, sonri?ndole con malicia a la chica que usa tanga rosa. Marissa resopl? un poco, molesta, su plan de asustar a su compa?era de cuarto fall?, pero estaba m?s que dispuesta a hacerlo. Ir?a tan lejos como Isabella estuviera dispuesta a hacer y m?s, incluso en la extra?a cosa sexual que estaban haciendo ahora.

    Miraron al otro mientras ve?an a su compa?era de cuarto comenzar a darse placer frente a ellos. Marissa extendi? ligeramente su mano libre y atenu? la l?mpara, bajando la luz a un brillo bajo y sexy. En su mente, esto era para asegurarse de que desde el exterior de su ventana o puerta, su habitaci?n se viera vac?a y oscura. No habr?a ninguna interrupci?n mientras se enfrentaran en este estado y la ?nica forma de que terminara era que uno de ellos tuviera que irse.

    Continuaron sonri?ndose el uno al otro como si no les importara nada en el mundo, pero no hab?a simpat?a en esos labios rojos y rosados. Su contacto visual finalmente se rompi? cuando sus orbes parpadearon hacia donde estaba la acci?n en sus cuerpos calientes. Primero, vieron los grandes pechos llenos del otro moverse ligeramente por cada movimiento de brazo que usaban. En segundo lugar, continuaron hasta los muslos fuertes y sexys y los tendones de la corva que hab?an entrenado en el gimnasio de la universidad. Finalmente, el tercero era donde sus manos jugaban con la tela entre sus piernas, todav?a movi?ndose lentamente hacia arriba y hacia abajo, burl?ndose ligeramente. Se hab?an visto casi as? de desnudos antes en miradas r?pidas, pero nunca as?. No tan vulnerable y abierto a la inspecci?n desde la posici?n en la que se encontraban. Isabella y Marissa nunca hubieran pensado que alguna vez tendr?an la oportunidad de comparar cuerpos de verdad.

    Las dos alumnas inmensamente malditas se follaron una frente a la otra, tratando de asustar a la otra en su enfrentamiento ?nico. Hab?an comenzado frotando solo la parte delantera de los peque?os trozos de tela que llevaban en las caderas, sin entrar todav?a en la tanga. Pero a medida que pasaban los minutos, se estaban volviendo m?s lentos y sintieron la necesidad de entrar. Las chicas se dieron cuenta de cada detalle de su compa?era de cuarto rival, los dedos con u?as negras de Isabella coincid?an con el color de su tanga, mientras que las u?as blancas de Marissa combinaban bien con el rosa. tanga que hab?a elegido. Sus tetas eran del tama?o de una moneda de cinco centavos, el marr?n de Isabella como su polla, el rosa de Marissa contra sus m?s p?lidos pero ligeramente bronceados, aunque no pod?an decir qu? puntos gomosos eran m?s largos o ten?an mejor forma desde donde estaban sentados.

    Cada detalle parec?a volverlos m?s locos con las comparaciones y lo iguales que parec?an. No hablaron mucho mientras se frotaban, dejando que la tensi?n sexual no dicha aumentara entre ellos, viendo qui?n retroceder?a primero en este juego er?tico que jugaban. Los m?sculos tonificados de sus piernas emit?an sombras claras y su piel, especialmente alrededor de sus ingles, se ve?a incre?blemente suave y tersa. Despu?s de 5 minutos, el sonido de una clara humedad comenz? a llenar el silencio mientras todav?a se frotaban la parte exterior de su tanga. Peque?os jadeos involuntarios de deseo escaparon de sus bocas mientras cada uno se frotaba un poco m?s fuerte y continuaba viendo el espect?culo frente a ellos.

    A Marissa le encantaba jugar consigo misma, un rasgo que ella e Isabella compart?an. Sab?a c?mo sacar el placer de su propio cuerpo y prolongarlo reteni?ndolo para un final explosivo. Mientras observaba a la chica morena continuar frotando, se dio cuenta de que su compa?era de cuarto no era una armadura cuando se trataba de este tipo de juegos previos y prolongar el placer. Pens? que iba a necesitar ser un poco m?s rara y sucia para que Isabella se echara atr?s. Retir? la mano izquierda de la pared y los ojos marrones de Isabella siguieron el nuevo movimiento de la extremidad libre, pregunt?ndose qu? estar?a haciendo la rubia tambi?n en su cama amarilla. La chica de ojos color avellana llev? la mano a su pecho y apret? su gran trasero izquierdo.

    No pod?a caber toda la polla en su palma y sus dedos se hundieron en la grasa femenina caliente como un saco de arena. Ella lo apret? una vez m?s sintiendo que su co?o se endurec?a por la sensaci?n y la atenci?n. Mir? hacia arriba para asegurarse de que Isabella la estaba mirando, y as? era. Mostrando el tama?o y la firmeza de sus senos, us? su mano izquierda libre para levantar su trasero y se llev? una de sus tetas rosadas a la boca. Sus labios rosados ​​se envolvieron alrededor del co?o y le dieron una peque?a chupada mientras miraba a su rival en la otra cama. Ella arque? una ceja que dec?a, '?puedes hacer esto?'. Isabella no se hab?a movido, y Marissa lo tom? como una buena se?al, por lo que comenz? a chupar su propio co?o como una botella asegur?ndose de que la belleza espa?ola pudiera escuchar el sonido de la saliva y el sorber. Isabella vio hirviendo que Marissa se hab?a vuelto a doblar y tomado la iniciativa. Bien, si esta idiota pens? que ponerse un poco m?s raro terminar?a con esto, estaba muy equivocada. Isabella repiti? r?pidamente el movimiento con su propio culo izquierdo llenando su mano con la carne y llevando su co?o marr?n hasta sus labios rojo oscuro. Se asegur? de que los ojos color avellana de Marissa estuvieran fijos en ella ahora, mientras comenzaba a lamer el co?o juguetonamente antes de que ella tambi?n comenzara a chuparlo h?medo. Isabella arque? su propia ceja y dijo: "S?, puedo". Se miraron con el ce?o fruncido de nuevo, mientras se chupaban simult?neamente el co?o izquierdo y se frotaban las correas humedecidas. cuando comenz? a lamer el co?o juguetonamente antes de que ella tambi?n comenzara a chuparlo h?medo. Isabella arque? su propia ceja y dijo: "S?, puedo". Se miraron con el ce?o fruncido de nuevo, mientras se chupaban simult?neamente el co?o izquierdo y se frotaban las correas humedecidas. cuando comenz? a lamer el co?o juguetonamente antes de que ella tambi?n comenzara a chuparlo h?medo. Isabella arque? su propia ceja y dijo: "S?, puedo". Se miraron con el ce?o fruncido de nuevo, mientras se chupaban simult?neamente el co?o izquierdo y se frotaban las correas humedecidas.

    Isabella luego solt? su co?o y tom? su mano derecha lejos de su pene. Por un segundo, Marissa pens? que podr?a haber asustado a su rival, pero cuando Isabella baj? su mano izquierda para colocarla debajo y us? su mano derecha ahora libre para levantar el otro culo hasta su boca. Ella comenz? a chupar su co?o derecho con la misma fuerza que ten?a el izquierdo, mostr?ndole a Marissa que sus dos pollas eran igualmente intimidantes. Esta vez Marissa copi? a Isabella, para no quedarse atr?s en el departamento de sexo y ambos admiraban y odiaban que el pecho dotado de sus rivales demostrara ser tan grande y firme como el suyo. Jugaron con sus propias tetas m?s duras, con la lengua resbalando la goma lo suficientemente fuerte como para casi doblarlas. Todas las veces que se hab?an parado uno al lado del otro en el espejo con sus sostenes o llevaban camisas escotadas hab?an creado una profunda rivalidad no dicha entre los co?os del otro. Con un fuerte estallido que significaba lo fuerte que hab?a estado chupando, Isabella retir? sus labios rojos de su co?o marr?n y dej? que sus dos pechos volvieran a bajar. Cambi? de manos de nuevo usando su mano derecha por su cuerpo hasta su pene mientras volteaba su largo cabello negro y rizado hacia atr?s.

    Sonri? a Marissa de nuevo, quien la estaba mirando mientras segu?a chupando er?ticamente una de sus tetas rosadas. "Ser? mejor que retrocedas ahora, porque puedo pasar toda la noche haciendo esto". Isabella se burl? mientras mov?a su mano de lado a lado en su tanga de encaje. La tela negra ahora estaba claramente mojada como sus pechos pero con una sustancia diferente. Marissa sac? su propio co?o de su boca con una larga saliva que conectaba los labios de color rosa brillante con el co?o de color rosa intenso mientras volteaba sus colas de cerdo rubias hacia atr?s. ?Oh, creo que habr?s terminado mucho antes que yo. Me gusta tomarme mi tiempo ". Dijo mientras se inclinaba hacia su tanga rosa y comenzaba a frotar de la misma manera que Isabella con su propia mano derecha. El silencio descendi? de nuevo salvo por tarareos y ligeros gemidos que dejaron escapar de sus labios.

    Despu?s de otro minuto de esto, Isabella decidi? que esta vez ella ser?a la que se lo tomar?a a la rubia y comenzar?a a ver qu? tan lejos llegar?a realmente. Se quit? la mano de la polla asegur?ndose de que Marissa estaba mirando. Sin embargo, no lo movi? lejos, mientras lo deslizaba hasta su ombligo, luego hasta el borde superior de su tanga. Hizo una pausa cuando la rubia dej? de frotarse y sus ojos color avellana parecieron entrecerrarse ante lo que estaba haciendo la mujer morena. Isabella le gui?? un ojo a Marissa y desliz? sus dedos en su tanga, sonriendo ante la sensaci?n de tocar su co?o desnudo y correr m?s all? del cap? de su pene. Ella comenz? a tocarse a s? misma con su dedo puntiagudo y sonri? m?s ampliamente ante los h?medos sonidos de su polla.

    Marissa frunci? el ce?o ante el gui?o y la repentina audacia de su compa?era de cuarto tratando de hacerse cargo. Llev? su propia mano a la parte superior de su tanga rosa y se desliz?, sintiendo la suave piel de sus pliegues. La sonrisa de Isabella se desvaneci? levemente cuando Marissa se toc? a s? misma segundos despu?s con el mismo sonido blando de un orgasmo muy empapado. Ambas chicas hab?an hecho que sus co?os fueran agradables y h?medos desde que chupaban y frotaban el culo, pero qui?n estaba m?s h?medo era una pregunta en la mente de ambas. Durante aproximadamente un minuto, se tocaron el uno frente al otro, pero el acto real todav?a estaba frustrantemente oculto por sus tangas. Isabella se burl? de Marissa, quien le sac? la lengua a su rival mientras los dedos se volv?an un poco m?s r?pidos.

    "Suenas un poco seco, quiz?s quieras escupir en tus dedos para ayudarte". Marissa dijo despu?s de unos segundos tratando de deshacerse de su compa?era de cuarto.

    Isabella dej? escapar una risa falsa, "Me encanta escupir, pero ya estoy tan mojada, el sonido de mi co?o est? ahogando el tuyo".

    "Eso es gracioso, porque ni siquiera puedo escuchar tu co?o seco desde aqu?, es como si ni siquiera estuvieras en esta habitaci?n". Marissa respondi?.
    Una peque?a cantidad de orgasmo estaba goteando por sus isquiotibiales inferiores hacia sus orgasmos en esta posici?n. La habitaci?n pareci? subir unos grados de temperatura mientras la chica continuaba por otro largo minuto.
    ?Realmente no sabes c?mo captar una indirecta. ?Vos si?" Marissa pregunt? con frustraci?n clara en su voz.
    ?No, entend? tu peque?a pista, pero tambi?n comprendo que no podr?s durar tanto como yo. As? que me tomar? mi tiempo ". Isabella resopl?, dejando que su propia frustraci?n se filtrara como su co?o.

    "Est?s so?ando, yo durar? m?s que t?". Marissa dijo con m?s autoridad mientras la respiraci?n de la ni?a se aceleraba por la discusi?n y el placer sexual.
    "No, no lo har?s." Isabella respondi? con un gru?ido. "Te vas a arrepentir de haber comenzado esto conmigo". Ella agreg?.
    "?Qu?? ?Empezaste esto cuando no quer?as irte! " Marissa gru??.
    "?No, t? lo empezaste!"

    "?No tu lo hiciste!"



    Las dos bellezas dejaron de jugar consigo mismas y se levantaron de la cama con un movimiento fluido. Estaban cansados ​​de ser emparejados acci?n por acci?n y la tensi?n sexual entre ellos comenzaba a ponerse muy picante. Sus mejillas estaban enrojecidas y sus jadeos pesados ​​cuando cada uno dio un peque?o paso hacia adelante y se encontr? cara a cara en el espacio entre sus dos camas. Marissa estaba casi lista para tirar al suelo a la otra mujer y luchar en ropa interior. Si hubiera sabido que Isabella estaba pensando lo mismo, podr?a haber sucedido. Incluso m?s cerca ahora, pod?an oler el sexo y el sudor goteando por los poros de sus rivales. Su polla pesada estaba de ****** a ****** a tres pulgadas de distancia de tocarse, y las respiraciones profundas los acercaron a?n m?s. Largas gotas de mierda se mov?an por sus muslos, goteando de las tangas empapadas que no pod?an soportar otra gota. A la misma altura y constituci?n, sus cuerpos parec?an espejos de diferentes tonos con grandes jorobas en todos los lugares correctos. Ambos se sonrieron falsamente el uno al otro por lo lejos que hab?an llegado, pero todav?a ten?an un poco m?s en sus mentes.

    ?Saldr?a de aqu? ahora *****. Estoy a punto de quitarme las bragas y no creo que puedas soportar la visi?n de una mujer real ". Isabella susurr?, mientras romp?a sexualmente el costado de su tanga de encaje negro.

    "Es gracioso, estaba a punto de decirte exactamente lo mismo". Marissa susurr? en respuesta acerc?ndose una pulgada a su rival y rompiendo su tanga rosa en la cadera en represalia. Nunca hab?an estado los dos completamente desnudos uno frente al otro, incluso como compa?eros de cuarto y la tensi?n sexual de alguna manera se duplic? en la habitaci?n por esas palabras.

    "?Oh enserio?" Isabella dijo sarc?sticamente mientras tambi?n avanzaba una pulgada, sus orgasmos estaban ahora a solo una pulgada de distancia, la espiga de saliva visible en la poca luz. ?Bueno, no dejes que te detenga. No quisiera que te sintieras inc?modo en tu propia habitaci?n ". Isabella dijo burlonamente.

    Marissa le devolvi? la sonrisa con sarcasmo. "Eso es bueno, pero solo quer?a darte una ?ltima oportunidad para retroceder y salir".

    "No voy a ninguna parte." Isabella dijo mientras se llevaba las manos a las caderas y los hilos de su encaje negro listos para despojarse de la nada para ganar.
    ?Bueno, yo tampoco?. Marissa dijo haciendo la misma pose que su sexy rival. Pasaron unos largos segundos, cada uno esperando que el otro retrocediera ante esta amenaza. Ni movi? ni solt? las cuerdas de su tanga y 5 segundos despu?s, simult?neamente engancharon sus propias tangas con sus pulgares y comenzaron a empujar hacia abajo lentamente. Se quitaron la tela rosa y negra uno frente al otro, mejorando el juego y agregando otro nivel de sexualidad. Largas hileras de pegajosas pollas blancas colgaban de la tela mientras llegaba hasta la mitad de los muslos antes de romperse justo por encima de las rodillas. Sus rostros se acercaron mientras empujaban la tela hacia abajo hasta que sus narices estuvieron a menos de un cent?metro de distancia y sus labios solo un poco m?s que eso. Esperaron al otro en esta posici?n durante unos 10 segundos, hasta que Marissa sonri? y se puso de pie.

    "?Deber?amos continuar?" Marissa dijo sin esperar respuesta de su compa?era de cuarto completamente desnuda.

    Dio un paso atr?s y se sent? en su cama dejando un lugar h?medo donde su polla tocaba las s?banas amarillas. Isabella estaba casi m?s molesta de que la rubia no iniciara alg?n tipo de pelea f?sica en lugar de haber estado casi en un bote a motor. Tom? su propio asiento, dejando su propio rastro mientras se deslizaba hacia la pared. Los largos calcetines blancos de Marissa eran la ?ltima prenda de ropa en sus cuerpos mientras ambos se sonre?an malvadamente el uno al otro. Ellos volvieron a ensanchar sus piernas ahora mostrando su co?o pr?stino completamente revelado el uno para el otro y fue todo un espect?culo. Su belleza y feminidad en plena exhibici?n, y sin decir nada, comenzaron a follar una vez m?s, uno frente al otro, completamente desnudos. Ahora sus dedos entraron f?cilmente en s? mismos sin restricci?n y esta vez comenzaron a jadear abiertamente por la autoestimulaci?n. Pod?an ver y observar la t?cnica de su rival y les excitaba m?s en comparaci?n con la suya propia. Tambi?n hicieron otra ronda r?pida de chupar orgasmos antes de concentrarse realmente en sus co?os, un dedo, luego dos, de vuelta a uno, mientras se daban un espect?culo er?tico, que su co?o se ve?a mejor, estaba m?s h?medo y pod?a soportar m?s. Los minutos transcurrieron y a?n as?, no dio se?ales de terminar ni retroceder.

    "?Qu? tal si terminas como la ni?a que eres y me dejas continuar?" Isabella dijo, ahora jadeando m?s abiertamente por el espect?culo y la habilidad que pose?a y viendo a su compa?era de cuarto hacer lo mismo.

    "Te lo dije beb?, puedo ir toda la noche, as? que deber?as simplemente follar e irte a dormir, o mejor a?n, follar y salir". Marissa gru?? jugando con su polla y teniendo dos dedos en s? misma.

    ??Puedo o?r y ver lo mojada que est?s! S? que est?s jodidamente cerca ". Isabella resopl?.

    ?Oh, ahora puedes o?rlo eh. *****, literalmente est?s goteando mierda sobre tus s?banas. Debes estar aguantando la cebada ". Marissa dijo mientras ve?a una gota espec?fica salir del dedo de Isabella y descender hacia su culo.
    "Lo mismo ocurre con la mierda, puedo ver tanta mierda goteando por tu ingle". Isabella respondi?.

    Siguieron bombe?ndose e Isabella dej? escapar el primer gemido. Marissa se burl? de ella, a pesar de que no pudo evitar gemir 10 segundos despu?s cuando sus pulgares encontraron sus cl?toris que se hab?an desplegado desde sus respectivas capuchas. Luego vino otra ronda de succi?n de mierda cubierta de saliva para dar a sus cl?toris unos segundos de alivio. Hab?an estado haciendo casi 25 minutos de masturbaci?n casi sin parar, adem?s de los 2 minutos que se tomaron quit?ndose las correas en la cara. La peque?a habitaci?n ahora se estaba calentando m?s r?pido y grandes gotas de sudor comenzaron a gotear por sus frentes, pecho y est?mago. Era evidente que estaban un poco quietos, ninguno quer?a ser el primero en follar, pero detenerse o lucir como si no estuvieras frotando tan fuerte como la otra mujer ser?a el equivalente a rendirse.

    "No durar?s tanto como yo". Marissa sise? rompiendo el silencio de nuevo cuando descubri? que su polla lat?a incluso cuando estaba chupando las tetas. Ella estaba diciendo en voz alta lo que claramente ambos estaban pensando. Isabella solt? un bufido y un peque?o gemido, "La ?nica raz?n por la que has durado tanto tiempo es porque no te est?s frotando y toc?ndote tan fuerte como yo".

    Marissa se detuvo y mir? a su rival ante esas palabras, en su opini?n, la declaraci?n m?s ofensiva en lo que va de la noche. "**** ?t?! Me he estado frotando la polla dos veces m?s fuerte que t? y estoy dos veces m?s mojada ".

    "De ninguna manera. ?Lo he hecho m?s duro, m?s h?medo y a?n as? durar? m?s! " Isabella respondi?.

    "Te he estado observando todo este tiempo, y no estoy impresionado por tu cuerpo o tus dedos". Dijo Marissa, y antes de que Isabella pudiera responder continu? con una sonrisa.

    ?Debes estar tan celoso de ver mi cuerpo desnudo y ver que soy mejor en esto en ti. Nunca olvides al compa?ero de cuarto, no est?s en mi liga en cuanto a cuerpo y placer ". Marissa dijo con veneno.

    Esa fue la ?ltima gota que derram? el vaso de paciencia que Isabella ten?a con su compa?era de cuarto. Para insinuar que ella no sab?a c?mo follar, que estaban en diferentes ligas. Isabella iba a hacer que lamentara esa declaraci?n.

    ?No en tu liga, ?eh? ?Multa! Yo mismo te mostrar? c?mo se hace ". Isabella gru??, alejando su mano cubierta de p *** blanca de su propio co?o. Por un segundo, Marissa pens? que hab?a tenido ?xito en asustar a su compa?era de cuarto mientras ve?a a Isabella avanzar una vez y saltar r?pidamente de la cama. Sin embargo, no se volvi? hacia la puerta, sino que dio dos peque?os pasos hacia el lado de la habitaci?n de Marissa. "??Qu? diablos est?s haciendo ?!" Marissa sise? cuando Isabella puso una rodilla en su cama y se acerc?. Su pregunta fue respondida cuando la mano todav?a cubierta de culo de Isabella baj? a la polla de Marissa d?ndole un fuerte masaje para sorpresa de la rubia. "??Qu??!" Marissa grit? ante la repentina nueva sensaci?n que atorment? su cuerpo.

    "Te voy a ense?ar a joder." Isabella sise? mientras se sub?a un poco m?s a la cama amarilla mientras su dedo medio empapado en el culo se deslizaba f?cilmente dentro de Marissa.

    Las piernas de Marissa se cerraron de golpe y sus manos se dispararon hacia los hombros de su rival y la apartaron bruscamente.

    El dedo de Isabella se desliz? fuera de la caliente y h?meda vagina rosada de Marissa cuando se cay? de la cama y se puso de pie. Marissa se levant? y se baj? de la cama con un movimiento fluido para ponerse de pie, justo cuando Isabella avanz? de nuevo. Una ligera bofetada son? cuando sus fant?sticos pechos grandes no solo se tocaron sino que se comprimieron entre s? mientras aplastaban cuerpo contra cuerpo. Isabella tuvo el impulso de la acumulaci?n, y cayeron como uno solo sobre la cama de Marissa con las piernas colgando de los lados. Sus pechos se aplastaron mientras su piel chocaba en tono mientras sus sexys est?magos ligeramente tonificados se frotaban, mezclando m?s sudor entre ellos.

    "?Su?ltame!" Marissa sise? cuando sus duras tetas rosadas se deslizaron sexualmente en las marrones de Isabella y la polla grande cre? una peque?a piscina mientras se empujaban por la posici?n. Ambos estaban tan borrachos por su peque?o concurso de espect?culos que estar presionados con tanta fuerza contra su sudoroso compa?ero de cuarto les estaba haciendo peque?os favores para reducir su calor sexual.

    "?No hasta que aprendas tu lecci?n!" La belleza espa?ola liber? su mu?eca del agarre de las rubias y la dispar? de regreso entre las piernas de Marissa. Ella no dud? y comenz? a frotar su propio culo en el pene de su rival. Marissa sise?, pero en lugar de alejar a Isabella, esta vez puso su propia mano derecha cubierta con el trasero entre las piernas calientes de Isabella y us? su brazo izquierdo para apretarla m?s contra su cuerpo.

    "Ok, presta atenci?n cari?o y te mostrar? lo que realmente es la masturbaci?n". Marissa gru?? mientras empujaba su sudorosa frente contra la de Isabella, quien empuj? hacia atr?s mientras los ojos casta?os y color avellana se estrechaban.

    Sus manos se movieron hacia arriba y hacia abajo en los pliegues del otro, burl?ndose mutuamente mientras se miraban el uno al otro con m?s intensidad, cara a cara. El dios al que hab?an desafiado y amenazado ahora se apret? con vehemencia para resolver su enemistad secreta. Lo que hab?a sido solo un concurso de tratar de asustar al otro con su atractivo sexual, ahora era un desaf?o sexual completo sobre qui?n pod?a sacar al otro primero con sus habilidades superiores. Se mecieron ligeramente hacia adelante y hacia atr?s mientras se tocaban con los dedos; luchando para ponerse en la mejor posici?n en la que llevar a su compa?era de cuarto a un orgasmo satisfactorio y devastador. No salieron directamente y dijeron que ese era el objetivo final por el momento, pero mientras frotaban la polla de su compa?ero de cuarto m?s fuerte y con m?s autoridad,

    Marissa hizo rodar sus cuerpos calientes, tomando el primer lugar y empujando su polla cada vez m?s sudorosa hacia el gran par de sus rivales. "Si quisieras ver qui?n pod?a sacar al otro primero, deber?as haberlo dicho". Marissa buf?, su aliento mentolado caliente golpe? el rostro de Isabella.

    "Solo estoy buscando ayudar a mi peque?o compa?ero de cuarto a descubrir qu? es un idiota". Isabella gru?? en respuesta mientras deslizaban sus dedos cubiertos de culo entre s?, mezclando sus sustancias pegajosas mientras gem?an en la cara del otro.

    Desde la vista de la cama de Isabella, el co?o y el co?o de ambas chicas estaban completamente expuestos, con las manos entre las piernas y las mejillas. El dorso de sus manos se tocaron mientras continuaban toc?ndose. Isabella los hizo rodar de nuevo, cada ni?a gimiendo mientras cambiaban la posici?n superior y usaban la gravedad para empujar su polla con m?s fuerza hacia el otro par.

    Ambos estaban empapados abajo y dejaban peque?as manchas de sexo cada vez que su culo era empujado hacia la cama en la posici?n de abajo. Marissa nuevamente trat? de hacerlos rodar, pero esta vez Isabella se resisti?, y sus ojos parecieron entrecerrarse a?n m?s cuando sus m?sculos de los gl?teos parec?an estar en desaf?o directo y esto convirti? el dedo me?ique en una lucha m?s f?sica. Marissa empuj? hacia arriba con su polla y la chica rolliza gru?? mientras agresivamente comenzaban a luchar y ajustarse mientras sus dedos se bombeaban hacia arriba y hacia abajo. Marissa sali? de debajo de su rival y se pusieron de rodillas. Sus cuerpos se juntaron cuando envolvieron su brazo izquierdo alrededor de la delgada cintura del otro y su mano derecha volvi? a bajar. Se balancearon hacia adelante y hacia atr?s tratando de tirar al otro hacia abajo con los dedos a?n insertados entre s?. Marissa arroj? a Isabella a la izquierda y fuera de la cama, pero Isabella se aferr? a su rival y tir? a la chica de ojos color avellana con ella.

    Se cayeron de la cama amarilla al suelo alfombrado blanco. El aterrizaje hizo que sus dedos se deslizaran entre s? con fuertes estallidos cuando terminaron separados en el suelo.

    Estaban jadeando con fuerza por la repentina penetraci?n con los dedos y la lucha, y ambos sab?an que se estaba formando un poderoso orgasmo en su n?cleo. Si volv?an a cerrar con llave, ninguno de los dos estaba seguro de que pudiera sujetarlo. Isabella no tuvo tiempo para considerarlo completamente cuando Marissa salt? sobre ella empuj?ndola sobre su espalda. La chica blanca meti? tres dedos en la polla abierta de Isabella mientras giraba hacia arriba para obtener un mejor acceso. Isabella gimi? cuando terminaron acostados el uno sobre el otro como un signo m?s con sus est?magos como punto de cruce. Sus propios tres dedos se dispararon en el co?o de Marissa, mientras se follaban entre s? en esta posici?n, chillando y gimiendo cuando encontraron el punto G de su rival. Con la rubia encima

    Isabella abofete? el gran trasero tonificado de su compa?era de cuarto con una palmada que midi? con el empuje de sus dedos. Luego apret? el m?sculo siseando internamente que se sent?a como sus propios bollos. Marissa gimi? ante las nalgadas y los masajes que estaba recibiendo para estar encima. Ella gir? su cuerpo encima de Isabella consiguiendo su polla y su culo libre de los dedos pegajosos de sus compa?eros de cuarto. Cuando termin? de girarse, su rostro no termin? frente al de Isabella, sino que se encontr? mirando la oscura polla de su compa?era de cuarto. Con sus dedos a?n en la mujer de cabello negro, ahora decidi? devolver el favor de la estimulaci?n extra mientras la masturbaci?n se volv?a m?s caliente y sudorosa.

    Marissa lami? las tetas marrones de Isabella y la chica de abajo gimi? de satisfacci?n mientras agarraba el cabello rubio para arrancarla. Ambos disfrutaron mucho que le chuparan las tetas al parecer y Marissa trajo toda la polla y la mayor cantidad posible de sexo en su boca. Lo cubri? con saliva y sac? el placer de la belleza espa?ola mientras se retorc?a en el suelo mientras chupaba m?s fuerte. Isabella tir? de los mechones rubios con m?s fuerza y ​​sac? el culo de la boca de Marissa. Pero un buen empuj?n en su polla hizo que Isabella perdiera su agarre y Marissa se aferr? a la otra polla ligeramente m?s seca. Esto hizo que Isabella gimiera m?s fuerte de placer. Ella enfoc? su pr?ximo tir?n de cabello tratando de ignorar el movimiento de su polla. Popular. Su culo se liber? y los rod? por el suelo. Marissa se acerc? a su espalda y arremeti? para alcanzar el cabello de Isabella, pero la chica morena ten?a un solo objetivo. Desliz?ndose por el cuerpo de la ni?a, los labios rojos de Isabella se fijaron en el co?o derecho rosado de Marissa y comenzaron a chuparlo con fuerza, devolvi?ndole el favor sexy. Pod?a saborear el sudor y la saliva de las rubias de cuando se hab?a chupado las tetas. Marissa gimi? de placer antes de apartar el rizado cabello negro con un fuerte estallido despu?s de solo un segundo. Isabella trat? de sumergirse de nuevo, pero no pudo llegar all?, ya que sus caras estaban una al lado de la otra y la polla se aplast?. Ella sise? de frustraci?n porque no tuvo m?s tiempo chupando el sabroso pene de su rival como lo hab?a sido el de ella. Extendi? la mano y agarr? las dos colas de cerdo rubias, comenzando un ligero concurso de tirones de cabello mientras Marissa retroced?a enojada. Se empujaron hacia adelante y hacia atr?s en el suelo siseando como gatos durante solo unos segundos. Luego, los ojos color avellana se encontraron con los ojos marrones oscuros y se miraron el uno al otro con esa mirada sexual que podr?a hacer babear a cualquiera, incluido su compa?ero de cuarto. Sab?an lo que quer?an y c?mo se terminar?a. Las chicas soltaron los mechones queriendo continuar con el aspecto sexual de su pelea y sin llegar a ninguna parte con su cabello.

    Se separaron a solo unos metros de distancia, la espalda de Marissa hacia la puerta y la espalda de Isabella frente a la ventana ciega y cubierta. Respiraron unas cuantas veces tratando de controlar la ola sexual que amenazaba con abrumar sus cuerpos. Se miraron con desd?n, ninguna de las chicas hab?a cogido todav?a despu?s de casi 30 minutos de juegos previos y 10 minutos de su concurso de pollas peque?as. Se pusieron de rodillas y vieron c?mo la mierda goteaba de su rival y ca?a sobre la alfombra blanca. Cada chica hizo un ligero estiramiento, sintiendo su propio cuerpo y consiguiendo meterse una y otra vez.

    No dijeron nada mientras se miraban el uno al otro, asimilando cada detalle de su sexy compa?era de cuarto, desde su polla, cara y culo. Marissa sonri? mientras pasaba su propia mano derecha en su polla, d?ndole otra capa de su propio culo. Luego levant? el mismo dedo puntiagudo con la sustancia pegajosa y le dio a Isabella el movimiento de acercarse. Isabella le devolvi? la sonrisa, mientras ella tambi?n se cubr?a el dedo con el culo y comenzaba a arrastrarse hacia Marissa y la rubia se movi? para encontrarse con ella hasta que estuvieron cara a cara sobre sus manos y rodillas. Isabella luego pas? a la izquierda y lami? la mejilla de Marissa hasta que sus labios rojos se acercaron al o?do de Marissa.
    "?ltima oportunidad para salir antes de que te averg?ence, compa?ero". Dijo Isabella, lamiendo nuevamente la mejilla de Marissa antes de volver a la oreja de su rival.
    "Adelante ... ****", sise? Marissa poniendo su propia lengua h?meda en la oreja de Isabella y mordisqueando el trote casi juguetonamente.

    "Oh, ha estado encendido desde el primer d?a". Isabella susurr? en respuesta, mientras se quitaba la lengua y se pon?a de rodillas estando a solo un pie de distancia de su rival. Marissa se puso en la misma posici?n, ya que cada uno se ech? hacia atr?s el cabello de color que chocaba y apret? su propio pene en una exhibici?n sexy el uno para el otro. Marissa se dio a s? misma una ronda m?s de chupar escupitajos calientes para asegurarse de que sus co?os estuvieran lo m?s erectos y h?medos posible. Isabella hizo lo mismo, y cuando solt? sus labios rojos del pene, sus dos co?os marrones literalmente chorreaban saliva. Iba a ser una reuni?n de mierda muy h?meda.

    Se juntaron de rodillas en posiciones casi id?nticas. Su gran polla se encontr? con una fuerte bofetada cuando la saliva y el sudor parecieron explotar en su piel entrelazada. Sus pollas duras y gomosas atravesaron la grasa del otro mientras su saliva se mezclaba, permiti?ndoles deslizarse er?ticamente el uno sobre el otro y moldearse. Sus manos izquierdas consiguieron un buen agarre de la musculosa mejilla derecha de la otra mujer, sintiendo y masajeando el trasero de burbuja de su rival, y asegur?ndose de mantenerse cerca. Sus manos derechas una vez m?s se sumergieron una dentro de la otra, empujando su propio culo hacia adentro y profundamente en los co?os descuidados de su rival.

    Entraron con dos dedos, un pulgar en el cl?toris del otro y su me?ique provocando el culo del otro, usando su propio culo como lubricante. Pasaron de estar confiados a sorprendidos por lo r?pido que se dispararon en este alarde mientras se bombeaban como un pist?n. No pod?an detener los gemidos mientras se inclinaban el uno al otro durante milisegundos para aliviar algo de la presi?n. Un azote caliente o un buen ara?azo en los gl?teos los obligar?a a volver piel con piel. Pod?an sentir el calor saliendo de la polla de su rival y empujaron a?n m?s cerca para romper el otro. Empezaron a concentrarse realmente en la polla de sus rivales, trabaj?ndola con los pulgares mientras Isabella gimoteaba y Marissa gem?a de calor. El ****** estaba llegando, pero los gladiadores sexuales a?n ten?an que determinar qui?n se restregar?a primero a los deseos sucios.

    Marissa apret? el trasero de Isabella para acercarla y sinti? el apret?n de respuesta en sus propios bollos. Este fue el m?s largo que jam?s hab?a tenido en un orgasmo, cada pedacito de su voluntad se dedic? a contener su culo. Pod?a sentir las piernas de Isabella temblar, ambas estaban tan cerca, parec?a que simplemente se romper?an al mismo tiempo. Hundieron sus dientes en el cuello del otro, saboreando el sudor y tratando de romper el dique del otro. Gritaron en la piel del otro mientras m?s y m?s sexo sal?a de la pared que conten?a el torrente de placer. Ellos presionaron los cl?toris del otro hacia abajo, manteniendo el amor adormecido por un segundo extra largo. Al mismo tiempo, encontraron los puntos G del otro y se frotaron la carne un poco m?s ?spera. Marissa sinti? su maldito crujido cuando ella e Isabella se soltaron y empezaron a bombear de nuevo. Aspir? una gran bocanada de aire y su mano dej? de moverse en Isabella, quien estaba a unos segundos de distancia. Se mordi? el labio rosado cuando Isabella le dio a Marissa dos bombas m?s, el propio pene de la chica morena revivi? el placer de las rubias lo suficiente para que Isabella empujara hacia abajo la abrumadora sensaci?n por ?ltima vez.

    Marissa comenz? a follar con un gemido desesperado mientras su co?o se apretaba involuntariamente en los dedos profundamente bronceados dentro de ella. Las u?as pintadas de blanco se deslizaron de Isabella cuando Marissa trat? de alejarla sin suerte. La chica de cabello negro golpe? su polla de nuevo con vehemencia y logr? empujar a Marissa al suelo y sobre su espalda cuando el orgasmo comenz? por completo. Se desliz? un poco por el cuerpo de Marissa mientras estaba encima de ella y se enganch? de nuevo al trasero derecho de Marissa con sus labios rojos, saboreando su saliva mixta y tirando todo lo que pudo dentro de su boca con una mamada dura. Ella sigui? frotando la polla de la rubia, chup? su co?o derecho e izquierdo y apret? su co?o jugoso mientras estaban encerrados juntos en la bola de gato del sexo.

    Marissa gimi? durante todo el co?o, *** goteando fuera de su co?o en sinton?a con las bombas y masticar su co?o. Todo su trasero y la parte inferior de su cuerpo parec?an convulsionar mientras la ola de placer viajaba hacia arriba y hacia abajo por su cuerpo. Sus piernas con calcetines blancos se envolvieron alrededor del cuerpo de Isabella y sus manos se llenaron con el cabello de su enemigo, pero no intentaron alejarla. Ya no parec?a tener el control de sus movimientos. El orgasmo largo dur? 15 segundos hasta que Isabella sinti? que los muslos incre?blemente suaves y fuertes de su compa?era de cuarto la liberaban lentamente mientras bajaba de la intensidad del efecto. Isabella sonri? mientras soltaba el pene de Marissa de su boca h?meda. Ella sinti? que hab?a ganado todo lo que se hab?an propuesto hacer y durante aproximadamente un minuto se tumbaron juntos en el suelo mientras la habitaci?n se quedaba en silencio. Unos 20 segundos despu?s, Isabella se sent? lentamente, cuidado de no moverse demasiado r?pido o frotar a Marissa por miedo a correrse. Lentamente levant? la cara de los pechos de sus compa?eras de cuarto, despegando su piel caliente y pegajosa, el olor a sexo dominaba la habitaci?n.

    Isabella pas? su lengua por el pecho de Marissa hasta su cuello, donde le dio un ligero mordisco a la suave piel. Luego puso sus manos sobre el gordo pene de Marissa y se empuj? hacia arriba montando a la chica de ojos color avellana por las caderas. Esto hizo que sus co?os empapados se alejaran unos cent?metros el uno del otro.

    La mano de Isabella estaba cubierta por el delicioso culo de Marissa que hab?a salido de su rival y planeaba usar el lubricante gratuito. Su propio pene palpitaba, y sab?a que hab?a estado a unos pasos de perder, pero eso no importaba ahora. Quer?a asegurarse de que la rubia sintiera la verg?enza de correrse y hacer que se arrepintiera de quedarse en la habitaci?n. Desliz? su co?o mojado por el cuerpo sudoroso de Marissa dejando un rastro de sexo en su camino. La rubia la fulmin? con la mirada, su rabia no disminuy? en lo m?s m?nimo, pero no se resisti?, dejando que la mujer de piel m?s oscura le llevara el co?o hasta la mitad de su polla. Mientras se miraban a los ojos, Isabella comenz? a jugar consigo misma. Ella se foll? la polla y se llev? la polla izquierda a la boca para chuparla ligeramente. *** gote? de ella sobre el pecho de Marissa mientras la rubia miraba jugar a la belleza espa?ola. Solo 10 segundos despu?s de iniciado el programa, Isabella comenz? a follar en un torrente. La decepci?n y el arrepentimiento llenaron el pecho de Marissa mientras ve?a a su sexy compa?era de cuarto follar delante y encima de ella. Deber?a haber sido ella en esa posici?n, encima de Isabella, corri?ndose sobre su compa?era de cuarto en se?al de victoria. El placer de Isabella alcanz? su punto m?ximo y gimi? en voz alta; el co?o era m?s fuerte y m?s largo de lo que jam?s hab?a experimentado. El culo gote? de ella como un grifo sobre el cuerpo golpeado de su rival. La sustancia pegajosa se acumul? en el espacio sobre el estern?n de la ni?a blanca y entre su generoso pecho mientras Marissa observaba c?mo el pene de Isabella rebotaba hacia arriba y hacia abajo mientras le daban esta humillaci?n. La temperatura de la habitaci?n era como una sauna y ol?a m?s a sexo que nunca, una combinaci?n de sus aromas que parec?a cubrir cada objeto. Isabella finalmente termin?, sus piernas a?n le temblaban y su respiraci?n era un caballo por la intensidad. Estaba asombrada de lo bien que la rubia la hab?a excitado, pero nunca admitir?a eso ante su ahora derrotado rival.

    Se movi? hacia atr?s y apoy? todo su trasero sobre las caderas sexys de Marissa, y ech? hacia atr?s su largo cabello negro y rizado enviando algunas gotas de sudor a Marissa y alrededor de la habitaci?n.

    "As? es como tu ********** *****". Dijo con autoridad queriendo asegurarse de que su compa?era de cuarto no lo olvidara. Marissa fulmin? con la mirada cuando la frustraci?n se dispar? en su centro. Ella no ser?a sumisa con su compa?era de cuarto incluso despu?s de lo que acababa de suceder, porque esto no hab?a terminado. "**** t? *****." Marissa escupi? al ganador.

    Isabella frunci? el ce?o con dureza; as? no era como deber?a actuar un idiota que acaba de salir. Parec?a que necesitaba un poco m?s de humillaci?n antes de que Isabella la dejara. Ella sonri? con una mirada oscura y llev? sus manos por el cuerpo de la rubia hasta donde se hab?a reunido el culo. Comenz? a frotar el charco de su trasero y alrededor de los pechos calientes de Marissa, esparciendo su sustancia sobre el pecho de su rival. Se frot? el culo mientras miraba a Marissa a los ojos. La rubia no apart? la mirada, dejando que el culo se extendiera por su cuerpo mientras herv?a de ira. Isabella concentr? sus pulgares en las tetas rosadas burl?ndose de ellas un poco, y solo una vez que estuvo satisfecha de que las tetas estaban cubiertas uniformemente, se detuvo. Le dio un buen apret?n al pecho caliente, hundiendo los dedos en la grasa antes de soltarlos definitivamente.

    Con eso hecho Isabella se levant? y se alej? de Marissa. Ella se par? all? sobre ella, mostrando su cuerpo sexy mientras a?n goteaba un poco de su pene sobre su rival derrotado.

    Luego se inclin? para asegurarse de que Marissa tambi?n viera bien su tonificado trasero de burbuja mientras recog?a ambas tangas. Volvi? a mirar a la chica que a?n estaba acostada en el suelo y sostuvo la tela rosada por la cuerda de su dedo medio, "Esto es m?o ahora". Dijo mientras arrojaba la tanga rosa y la suya negra sobre su cama y sin decir una palabra m?s se arrastr? hacia ella. Ella no dijo nada, pero escuch? a la rubia levantarse y meterse en su cama al otro lado de la habitaci?n. A pesar de que hab?a ganado, sinti? que algo se hab?a roto o despertado entre ellos y que esto no hab?a terminado. Ella ten?a raz?n. Marissa estaba acostada en su propia cama, sintiendo el culo en su polla. Nada de ducharse o limpiarse para que ninguno de los dos dejara que el sudor y el orgasmo mancharan sus s?banas. La rubia quer?a sentir el trasero de su rival en su pecho. La hizo enojar m?s que su compa?era de cuarto hab?a comenzado esto viniendo en su noche. Pero estaba bien, ella e Isabella no hab?an terminado, ni mucho menos. Y la pr?xima vez, iba a usar algo m?s que sus dedos hasta que Isabella fuera la que estaba de espaldas cubierta de culo.

    En verdad, la rivalidad sexual universitaria de Isabella y Marissa acababa de comenzar.

    ========= El final

    Ese es el final, ?y espero que lo hayas disfrutado! Porque fue muy divertido de escribir. D?jame saber tus pensamientos y si te gusta o lo odias o cualquier otra cosa.
    Bueno, tiempo de explicaci?n para otras preguntas que tal vez nadie quiera una respuesta tambi?n, pero de todos modos lo voy a publicar. Entonces, para aquellos que esperan la ola de calor indecente, puedo decir que est? hecho, como si estuviera completamente hecho, lo cual es incre?ble. PERO el problema es con la gram?tica, mierda, es malo. Tengo que ir l?nea por l?nea para arreglarlo y escucharlo una y otra vez, que es la parte m?s dif?cil para m?. PERO nuevamente, est? hecho, as? que son buenas noticias y deber?an publicarse pronto.

    Tambi?n se est? trabajando en The Perfect Ingredient. Es posible que algunos no est?n contentos de escucharlo, pero est? pasando por un poco de reescritura. (Limpiando la gram?tica en primer lugar). Y la historia es muy parecida, pero la pelea (principalmente) y las personalidades, la l?nea de tiempo (y algunas miradas a Paige y un poco a Teagan) est?n cambiando ligeramente. Hay peleas cerca de una cocina, as? que quer?a hacer la pelea un poco m?s? Supongo que la mejor palabra ser?a desordenada. Con suerte, estar? disponible en los pr?ximos meses.

    Entonces, ?por qu? esta historia? Bueno, ambos personajes tienen un papel que desempe?ar en otra historia en la que estoy trabajando. Necesitaba que tuvieran experiencia en peleas sexuales, y mientras escrib?a la historia m?s grande, pens?, tambi?n podr?a explicar c?mo se presentaron estos dos. Creo que esta historia tambi?n podr?a ser parte de su propia secuela porque estas chicas estaban calientes para escribir. TAMBI?N, los rivales publicaron una vieja historia de mierda m?a en su sitio web (las chicas de la hermandad de mujeres) que fue un destello del pasado. Lo estaba releyendo y estaba como una mierda. Escrib? esto jaja, ?por qu? me alej? de estas chicas? La escena con Hina tiene un poco m?s de sentido si has le?do eso y me motiv? a traer a Lucy y Olivia de una forma u otra.

    Veamos, la otra historia ?nica en la que estoy trabajando es un viaje de esqu?, donde dos mujeres tienen una buena pelea de tetas, acci?n de mierda en su larga ropa interior de esqu?. Historia cl?sica de dos chicas calientes y tetonas a las que les encanta la estimulaci?n sexual y las circunstancias que las llevan a una confrontaci?n frontal o posterior. Solo unas pocas p?ginas, pero la acci?n ha sido divertida de escribir, y nunca hab?a escrito una como esa, tan diferente en la forma en que se enfocan entre s? con la mayor parte de su polla. (Si esto le interesa a la gente, av?seme ya que no estoy seguro de continuarlo)

    ?Finalmente! Y s?, esta es la historia en la que Isabella y Marissa tienen un papel que desempe?ar es la siguiente parte de la historia de Maggie y Amber. Eso es bastante avanzado, pero maldita sea, es mucho para escribir con muchas piezas y personajes que sigo agregando tambi?n. Creo que va a ser m?s largo que el showtime, que estuvo mucho tiempo. Pero est? llegando y hasta ahora, bastante caliente si lo hago, digo yo mismo. (aunque no quiero que se vuelva obsoleto con las peleas, as? que estoy tratando de equilibrarlo y recortarlo, no estoy realmente seguro, jaja)

    OK, wow, nunca he escrito tanto, ni parte del historia. Para cualquiera que siga leyendo, gracias por todo el apoyo. Uhh, s?, est? bien, hablamos con todos ustedes m?s tarde. [/ QUOTE]

  5. #5
    Senior Hostboard Member Anubisx's Avatar
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    Re: A Night Alone

    A fantastic story, my favorite written by you along with "Professional". The whole competition is carried out in a very natural and realistic way, the duel advancing with small steps, always forward, until its conclusion. I also really like the ending, with the sexfight not going any further, as I also think it gives it a touch of realism: both beauties have done something like this for the first time, and now they have to absorb it, meditate on it and make it their own. And that is perfect as prelude to the sex wars to come, between them or with other women like Maggie and Amber. In short: an incredible story!

    PS: If you need help with re-reading, grammar and so on, I'm willing to help within my means. Four eyes always work faster than two.

    PS2: The story has inspired me to make this render of Isabella playing with herself seconds before her roommate arrives.

    MY SEXFIGHT E-BOOKS: Anubisx's Amazon

    MY DEVIANTART: Anubisx's DeviantART

    MY LAST SEXFIGHT E-BOOK: Resort Showdown

  6. #6
    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: A Night Alone

    Anubis, that is a great render. The details of the room itself are off from what the story describes, but the depiction of Isabella is really, really good!

    RE: your comment about the battle progressing in a "realistic" way because it does not go any further is really interesting. As I stated in my comment, I think that King's decision to end the battle where he did works really well as a tease and to build anticipation for future stories featuring Isabella and Marissa. But I don't think it would have been "unrealistic" for them to go to the next step and have a pussy to pussy battle. Even if this is new to them, the women have already reached a level of physical and sexual intimacy that makes genital to genital contact entirely plausible.

    I think that one of the aspects of the whole sexfight genre that I really like (and that I try to use in my own writing) is the idea of women who are really, really aroused losing control of their lust and acting on it. It's an interesting contradiction because the sexfight genre usually requires the combatants to be "in control" (i.e., whoever "cums first" loses) while, at the same time, being overwhelmed by their own desires, whether those desires be strictly competitive or sexual (usually, of course, they are a necessary combination). In this case, I think it would have been natural for Marissa and Isabella to go on to the next level as a logical part of their competition. They are both two incredibly aroused young women who are competing in a sexual way. That inevitably implies more intimate contact.

    This story acts as a kind of counterpoint to King's very first Maggie/Amber story, "A Quiet Affair." In that story, the mutual masturbation contest that Maggie and Amber engage in ends in a tie. So, they then (naturally) move on to the next level. Here, the mutual masturbation ends with a victor, so there is no need to go further. In that earlier story, I think King did a good job of suggesting that Maggie and Amber's battle followed a kind of natural and almost instinctive progression. Neither of them even knew what sexfighting was, but they ended up doing it as part of a logical escalation in an inherently sexual competition.

    One observation: one of the aspects of King's sex battles that I really like is the tendency of the winner to cum on the loser, often on her chest or face, as a sign of dominance. Amber did it to Maggie; Maggie does it to Amber; Silvia to Maggie; now Isabella to Marissa.There are probably other examples, but these are the ones that come immediately to mind. I like it as a kind of signature move. In the battles I depict, this usually does not happen because the difference between the winner and loser is a matter of one woman holding out just seconds longer than the other. But King's managed to have even this element and still make the victor's act of humiliation work (i.e., the winner in most of his battles is just seconds away from cumming but manages to hold it in after winning and then is able to make the act of dominance).


  7. #7
    Senior Hostboard Member Anubisx's Avatar
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    Re: A Night Alone

    I agree with everything you say, JB. It would have been perfectly "realistic" for them to keep sexfighting (especially given her personality, it is perfectly possible that Marissa did not accept defeat and continued to fight, fingering or using some of the sex toys to prove she can masturbate the rival better...or with a sex-to-sex battle), but I like that "let's leave it at that for now" moment until they make their ideas and feelings clear.

    PS: Regarding the rendering, I know that the dorm is not like that, but I needed certain "concessions" to be able to work with the render in a comfortable way and make it look good. I hope King is okay with that!
    MY SEXFIGHT E-BOOKS: Anubisx's Amazon

    MY DEVIANTART: Anubisx's DeviantART

    MY LAST SEXFIGHT E-BOOK: Resort Showdown

  8. #8
    Hostboard Member jack_ryan's Avatar
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    Re: A Night Alone

    Hi,My reply is unrelated to this story but i am using this thread to put forward some points and because i have been wanting to get in touch with kingofdapirates for a long time
    I even asked rivals if i could get his email address

    1.I have read a significant amount of FF sexfight stories ,perhaps around 30 at least
    There have been superb writers around and i have in previous posts conveyed my appreciation to them

    I want to talk about kingofdapirates and his brilliant Maggie saga
    The story is so good, and so hot and so well detailed that it straightway for me shot up to the best ever story i have read on par with four others i considered as platinum with respect to the pleasure it gave me with some other stories but in this case it has become THE best of the already very high quality stories i have ever read so far so much so that i still haven't finished it.

    I always do this when i come across an exceptional pace of fiction either in mainstream or erotica .I delay finishing the story cos i want to savoir it .I have done it with the brilliant mainstream medieval sorcery & sword fantasy series -The wheel of time which i consider the greatest ever fantasy ever written and miles ahead of JRR Tolkien

    I was very thrilled by the story -"The gift" by catharsis and JB's follow up and later i discovered the Maggie saga

    It is so hot ,so superbly detailed that i cant stop gushing about it.This is probably my second pot
    King,can i get your email address if you dont mind ?
    I had some wishlist scenarios i wanted to run by you


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