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Thread: New Story: Conchita vs. Martina: Jungle Heat

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: Conchita vs. Martina: Jungle Heat

    Quote Originally Posted by darkmoonfades View Post
    Wow! Another chapter on the Inge saga. This time its the City girls. An amazing tease JB57!!. I cant wait for more

    Ps: Is this chapter by any chance ,one of the buildups for the Jungle Girls vs Cavewomen series you had hinted on earlier?

    Hi Darkmoon! Thanks! I'm looking forward to working on this some more, but WvM is making some progress and I can't afford to let that one go when I am actually making some headway!

    No, this story is not related to "Jungle Queens vs. Cavewomen". That story- which I am very excited to do - was about 10 pages in when I lost my work a few months ago. I have not had time to recreate what I wrote, beyond actually having a page with the title and a basic outline. On the positive side, I think that redoing it won't be nearly as difficult as with other stories.

    So, that means (hopefully) two new stories in the "Inge" universe before long! To me, that's a real treat (as well as to fans of Inge). I had feared that I was running dry on this series but I've recently had a whole set of ideas for new stories involving Inge, Conchita and their various sexy rivals, including new characters. A story featuring Domino and her rivalry with a woman in Italy, in fact, is on my to-do list.


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    Re: New Story: Conchita vs. Martina: Jungle Heat

    Thank you for all the stories you have gifted us.Im so sorry to hear about the missing pages and all your lost work. This is surely devastating to hear especially when you are almost halfway through the story.

    But of course exciting times ahead for sure with the upcoming stories which I can wait to get my eyes on lol

    Wife vs Mistress is surely masterpiece, clearly one of those stories that deserve a clear winner though😉

    I am a long time lover of the Inge Series and Im really thrilled to see where , Inge Conchita ,Martina and Domino would go from here.

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    New Story: Conchita vs. Martina: Jungle Heat

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    Re: New Story: Conchita vs. Martina: Jungle Heat

    Mass sex fight all girls from stories in one special place!
    (p.s but finish W vs M first please)

  4. #14
    Senior Hostboard Member kingofdapirates1's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: Conchita vs. Martina: Jungle Heat

    Fantastic and what a surprise! I always wanted to see these two go at it. The jungle girl's continue to be the best and it kinda feels like it's completing the circle, though I guess Dominio and Inge would have to have a match...but Martina and Conchita seem better suited. Really looking forward to seeing where this goes and who ends up on top. I'm so glad this universe is coming back as the characters just feel very real and their disputes always hot. Can't wait for more.

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    Re: New Story: Conchita vs. Martina: Jungle Heat

    Hi JB

    after having read this story, I must say, that it contains a lot of what I find exciting: A good, long, rather realistic build-up, with a lot of thrash-talk. Then fighting somewhat clothed, but as we all knew, the fighting would eventually be in the nude.

    The amount of sweat is just like I love it, not to mention the drenched clothes and shorts with wet spots. This is just spot-on!!

    I also like the way the city-women have become bush-craft (or rather jungle-craft) experts, not to mention the way they dress from the start of the story.

    It can't be done much better.


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    Talking Re: New Story: Conchita vs. Martina: Jungle Heat

    I only today found the time to read this all the way through and though it isn't finished, it is wonderful.

    This entire series is super captivating. The names are just so clever and exotic that they make me giggle. And the passion, lust, and tit to tit and clit to clit struggle are everything I wish I could capture in my sexfight stories.

    Thank you so much for spending so much of your time giving our community such glorious sexfighty-ness.

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    Re: New Story: Conchita vs. Martina: Jungle Heat

    Part II of Conchita vs. Martina: Jungle Heat is now up. I edited it into the first post, but any future updates I will post as separate posts. As some of you will know, the new glitch in hostboard is that when you open a message to edit it, all of the obscene words are **** out. That means that posting part II of this story required that I repost the entire story to this point - which would not be bad, except that hostboard also doesn't maintain spacing between paragraphs, so I had to go through and space everything again! I'm not keen on doing that every time I post a new update to the story!

    Part III of this story is not yet written, though I have a clear idea of where it is going, so it should be up soon.

    Part IV, the conclusion, is well under way. So, I'm hoping the complete story will be done soon.

    Doing this story has been relatively easy - the inspiration for it is definitely there. I'm also delighted that so many people are excited to see another addition to the "Inge vs. Conchita" jungle women series! It is one of my favorites too and, as I indicated previously, I have a number of ideas for new stories set in this world, so I hope that there will be more coming out over the next while.



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    Re: New Story: Conchita vs. Martina: Jungle Heat

    Poor Conchita, always second fiddle to a blonde. Still, 2 more parts, so we'll have to see how things actually turn out. I don't know what I want more; for Conchita to come back and get her revenge, or for a JB character to lose their sexual confidence over such a decisive loss.
    Last edited by Fvf; October 12th, 2020 at 05:52 PM.

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    Re: New Story: Conchita vs. Martina: Jungle Heat

    Here is Part III of the story. Part IV should be up soon, and maybe an epilogue. Enjoy!


    Conchita vs. Martina: Jungle Heat, Part III

    Conchita opened her eyes. She looked up at the green canopy of the Amazon jungle, dotted by small breaks in the foliage where she could see the sky. The sky was no longer crystal blue. Instead, it was streaked with grey and red, clear indications that the twilight was fast approaching. So close to the equator, night fell like a dark curtain in the Amazon, and the raven-haired jungle woman realized she must have been unconscious for more than an hour.

    Conchita sat up. The back of her head ached and she gingerly touched the small lump that had formed where her head had hit the tree. She vividly remembered what had gotten her to this point. She remembered everything about her fuckwar with Martina, up until after the 69 contest. She remembered she had won that battle -she could still imagine the delicious taste of the blonde’s cum in the back of her throat – but then Martina had attacked her, refusing to accept the outcome of the battle. Things after that became a blur. She realized she had been stunned. She had a dim recollection of being slapped to the edge of unconsciousness by Martina. After that, her most powerful impressions were of intense sexual pleasure wracking her body, overwhelming her senses, until she passed out. Clearly, the blonde bitch had fucked her senseless, just as she had promised she would.

    “Fuck,” Conchita murmured. She stood up and checked out her naked body. Her nipples hurt a bit and when she examined them, she found Martina’s teeth marks. The cunt had left her victory mark, claiming Conchita’s body as her own. The jungle queen snarled with rage. She ran her hands over the rest of her magnificent nude body, looking for any other such signs. She was bruised in a few places, there were scratches where Martina had mauled her, and she was sure her ass bore the signs of the blonde’s fingers digging into the firm meat. She stank of Martina’s scent. She was covered in the woman’s sweat and cum, which had mixed with her own emissions to create a unique odor. Conchita hated it. She felt she had been violated and claimed by the blonde cunt in every way possible – fucked into submission, marked as a submissive, even ejaculated on in an act of dominance.

    “Fuck,” Conchita repeated. She looked around. She quickly found her clothing, her shirt and shorts, and her weapons. Her pack was where she had dropped it, her boots were by the edge of the clearing, and her hat had landed on a bush bordering the open space. Conchita gathered up her possessions and made a pile in the middle of the clearing. The first thing that she needed to do was to get Martina’s scent off of her body.

    There was a small running brook not far away, maybe a hundred meters south. She had passed it earlier, when she was tracking the sound of Martina’s hammer. Naked, armed only with her knife in case she encountered any danger, Conchita went in search of the water. The sky was getting dimmer faster and she needed to move quickly. She found the brook and immersed herself in the cool water, happily washing her voluptuous body clean of all the filth covering it, especially Martina’s stink.

    Finally clean, her black hair flat against her head and hanging down her back like a rope, Conchita made her way back to the clearing. She pulled a brush out of her pack and ran it through her hair. When it dried, it would be back to its wild, curly luxuriousness. Her clothing was still damp, not surprising given how long it took anything to dry in the humidity of the jungle. Still, she pulled on her skintight shorts and then slipped on her sleeveless shirt. She did not bother to button it at all but just tied the shirt into a tight, brief halter, high on her chest. It served as a hammock for her perfect, massive tits, which bounced uninhibited behind the thin cloth, the nipples and areolae indenting the material. Conchita stuffed her boots and her hat into her pack and then strapped on her gun belt and fixed her dagger to her thigh. The pain in her head was gone, replaced by a burning, clarifying rage.
    That fucking whore had cheated and had left Conchita a beaten piece of cunt on the forest floor. Conchita had never felt more enraged in her life. The humiliation of what Martina had done to her was eating at her like an acid. “If that bitch thinks this is over,” Conchita thought, “she clearly has no idea who she’s dealing with.” Martina had refused to abide by the terms of their agreement. That meant that all other bets were off.

    The sky was lit with red and orange. Conchita knew it would be pitch dark in a matter of minutes. But she was not going to let Martina get away with what she had done. Conchita easily found Martina’s trail out of the clearing. It would be difficult to follow in the dark, but she was going to track the cunt back to her camp. Then, they would really settle what had started between them!

    Conchita followed the trail, moving as fast as she could, trying to cover as much ground as possible before night set in. She had only traveled a kilometer before the encroaching dark became almost impossible to penetrate. She could make out the indications of Martina’s boot prints in various places, but the going got much slower. Even so, her keen sense of smell had picked out Martina’s distinctive scent and this was her best guide to the blonde whore.

    Martina’s trail followed the path left by her steel markers. It made sense that the blonde city woman would use the markers as her guide back to her camp, even though each steel spike was more than a kilometer apart. Conchita also knew that Martina would establish her camp near a source of water. While there were many small brooks and rivulets feeding into the mighty Amazon, this still gave a clue as to where the blonde’s camp would be.

    Conchita soon found another marker and then another. She had traveled almost five kilometers, four of them in the dark. Martina’s scent was leading her to the woman, but it was also starting to fade as the winds and other odors began to work at it. Conchita felt she was near her rival, but the scent had almost evaporated. Still, she was absolutely determined that she would find Martina this night, no matter how long it took. After traveling almost six kilometers, Conchita lost Martina’s scent. The wind coming off a nearby tributary was dispersing the odor much faster than before. Conchita climbed a tree to look out at the jungle. Martina’s campsite was probably lit by a fire and maybe lanterns. If she was as close to it as she thought, Conchita should be able to see it from high up.
    Sure enough, when she was halfway up the tree trunk, she picked out the glow of a campfire just a few hundred meters away. She climbed higher to get a better fix on the position. Her heart was pounding with excitement and anger. When she was certain of the direction, she scrambled back down the tree and, retrieving her pack, moved quickly through the forest in the direction of the light.

    A few minutes later, the light became a clear glimmer in the night. Conchita followed it easily now. A few minutes after that, she was at the edge of a large clearing. In the clearing was a tent, maybe 4 meters by 4 meters. In front of it was a rock-rimmed firepit and inside that a campfire, glowing and crackling in the night. A metal grill was set over the fire and sitting high on the grill, well above the flames, was a large steel bucket. A short camp stool was set in front of the firepit. A structure of three steel rods, two set in the ground and supporting a third rod that stretched between them, formed a kind of laundry rack in front of the tent. A lantern hung off the horizontal rod and at least one other lantern glowed from the inside of the canvas tent. The sound of a nearby running brook obscured most of the noises coming out of the camp, but Martina’s scent was back, powerful and erotic and driving Conchita crazy with lust and hate.

    As Conchita watched, she saw the glow from the lantern inside the tent flickering as a body moved back and forth across the light. A few minutes later, Martina emerged from the canvas structure. The blonde woman was wearing the same outfit she had been in before. Her naked torso gleamed in the orange glow of the fire and her deep cleavage caught the play of the shadows, making it look even deeper and emphasizing the size of her incredible tits. She was bare foot. She carried a towel and a hairbrush. For a moment, Conchita wondered if the woman planned to go down to the brook to bathe. Martina placed the brush on a rock beside the firepit and hung the towel over the rod beside the tent door.

    Conchita felt the rage inside her flare to full, blazing life. She placed her pack silently on the ground and removed her knife and gun belt. She was about to stand up and walk right into camp to resume her fuckwar with the bitch when Martina began to undress. The blonde goddess untied her shirt and pulled it off her body, freeing her massive, jiggling tits. She hung the shirt on the rack near the door. Next, she slipped the shorts down her legs, wiggling her ass and hips as she pushed the skintight garment down. She stepped out of the shorts, picked them up and hung them beside the shirt.

    Completely nude, Martina walked over to the fire and pulled the metal bucket off the grate by its handle. She placed it on the ground and tested the temperature of the water with her finger. Smiling with satisfaction, she pulled up the small stool beside the fire, sat on it, and pulled a sponge and ladle out of the bucket. She placed the ladle on the edge of the firepit and then squeezed out the sponge and began running it over her curvaceous body.

    As Conchita watched, her lust blazing hot, Martina gave herself a sponge bath. The soft sponge traced the lush contours of her voluptuous body. From her hiding spot, Conchita picked up a whiff of lavender and realized that the water was perfumed. She barely suppressed a derisive snort, even as part of her appreciated the incongruous luxury the city woman had brought to the jungle.

    Martina extended each exquisite golden tanned leg, one at a time, and ran the sponge over her beautiful limbs. She paid special attention to washing off the inside of her thighs. She washed her feet carefully, then stood up from the stool and scrubbed her inner thighs and her pussy again. She dipped the sponge in the hot water and returned to scrubbing her pussy and trying to clean off her thick bush. As Conchita watched, Martina paused, reached into her golden cunt fur, and pulled out a couple of strands of black hair. The blonde woman raised the hair to her nose, sniffed it and smiled. She pulled a few more strands out then placed them, carefully, on a rock beside the fire pit. She took a small twig on the ground and laid it over the pubic hair. It was obvious to Conchita that the blonde intended to keep her pubic hair as a trophy of her victory. Once again, Conchita saw red.

    Martina ran the perfumed sponge over her torso, up her gleaming, flat belly, and around and around her massive tits and over her hard nipples, scrubbing them thoroughly. She attached the sponge to a stick that had been leaning on the edge of the firepit and used it to scrub her curving back. She removed the sponge from the stick and ran it over and around her perfect ass. When she was done, she picked up the bucket and carefully poured about a third of the water in it over her head, soaking her hair. She put the bucket back on the ground and used her towel to dry off her hair and then ran it over her voluptuous body. She sat on the stool beside the fire and ran her brush through her long, thick, wet blonde hair.

    Finally finished with her nightly ablutions, the nude blonde stood and walked back into the tent, holding her brush. A moment later, she returned with an envelope. She lifted the twig holding down Conchita’s pubic hair and carefully placed each strand inside the envelope. Conchita suspected that the envelope already contained a lot of her hair that had ripped off in Martina’s bush.

    Martina hung the towel on the rack outside the tent, then took the shirt and shorts that were already hanging there and immersed them in the bucket. Martina sat on the stool and, for a minute or so, worked the water into the clothing. She pulled the shirt out of the water, wrung it as dry as she could, then hung it back on the pole. She did the same with the pair of shorts. Satisfied, the naked blonde looked around the campsite for anything else that needed to be done. Seeing nothing, she took the bucket of water and poured what was left onto the fire. With a sizzle and a burst of smoke, the fire vanished. The light from the campsite dropped instantly. The lamps glowed brightly. Martina lifted the lamp on the pole outside of the tent and carried it inside. She zipped the tent closed. The light dimmed then went out. As Conchita watched, shadows played on the inner walls of the tent for a moment, then the remaining light dimmed down, almost to nothing. But a very dull glow persisted, even as darkness settled over the forest.

    Conchita crouched in the dark, silent and waiting, for several more minutes. Then she stood to her full height. She untied her shirt halter and pulled it off her shoulders, freeing her naked tits. She dropped the shirt to the ground. She hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her skintight shorts and shimmied them down her hips and thighs, dropping them at her bare feet. She picked up the shirt and shorts and stuffed them into her pack. She took her possessions -the pack, the gun belt and the knife – and made a small pile on the side of the clearing. Nude beneath the burning stars, Conchita walked silently into the camp.

    Conchita’s heart was pounding with excitement, her nipples were rigid, forming stiff brown spikes on her engorged tits. Her heavy titmeat throbbed with heat and electricity. Her belly was taut and hot. More than anything, her cunt was on fire. Her huge, stiff clit twitched with sexual excitement and rage, its desire to meet and match itself against Martina’s throbbing clit never greater. Her labia was soaked in cunt juice, and a clear, hot liquid overflowed from her aching pussy and trickled down her inner thighs. Conchita was going to destroy Martina. She was going to mount the blonde’s exquisite body and fuck the whore until she collapsed, until she was consumed by Conchita’s ravenous cunt. Conchita’s dark eyes glowed with lust and rage in the pitch-black jungle night.

    The naked woman stopped outside the tent flap. For a minute or two, she listened, her senses straining, trying to catch every nuance of what may be happening inside. Now that she was in the clearing, the noise from the brook shifted and she was able to hear more. Her sensitive ears detected Martina’s deep breathing, but it did not sound to her like the other woman was asleep.

    Conchita crouched beside the tent flap and slowly, carefully, pulled up the zipper. It was well-oiled and made very little noise. She slipped into the tent. There was a very dim glow from the lantern, emanating from beneath a large cot set into the far corner of the tent. In the closed space of the tent, the dim light’s partial concealment deepened the shadows, and made it difficult to see on top of the bed. The large cot was sitting beside a field desk and a canvas chair. Across from the cot, on the other side of the tent, was a medium-sized chest. Conchita zipped the tent shut. She stood inside the doorway at her full height, her naked body barely touched by the light, her tits heaving, her breathing growing deeper.

    The cot was large, almost the width of a double bed. It was made of a piece of strong fabric stretched taut over a thick wooden frame. It had four legs, making it more solid and stable than ordinary cots. It was covered in a dark blanket, which was draped over a dark figure. The figure stirred. As Conchita watched, Martina sat up in the cot, the light catching the edge of her golden hair, the swell of a massive tit, the point of a swollen nipple. The naked woman swung her feet to the canvas floor and stood up. She reached under the cot and raised the lantern. The tent was illuminated in the dim light.

    The nude, perfect women glared at each other across the space. Martina placed the lamp on the small field desk set up beside the cot and turned it up. The glow filled the tent, picking out the details of the women’s luscious bodies.

    Hands at their sides, their incredible bodies throbbing with sexual heat and shared lust and hate, Conchita and Martina locked eyes. They thrust their massive tits at each other and placed their hands on their hips, cocking them forward, presenting their genitals.

    I’m so delighted you’re here,” Martina purred. “I was hoping you would find the guts to come after me.”

    “You won’t be so delighted after I break your cunt and your entire fucking body with my own, slut,” Conchita snarled. She began to move towards Martina, her hips swaying dangerously. Her clit had swollen out of her cunt and was pulsing, aching with the need to fight.

    Martina smiled viciously and began to move slowly towards Conchita. “I broke you once, Conchita,” she whispered. “I know my body is more than you can handle. You know it too. But I’ll be happy to match cunts and clits with you for as long as it takes to settle this between us.”

    The naked women closed on each other. Conchita’s hands slid along Martina’s smooth, curved hips and around to the small of the blonde’s back. Martina ran her hands over Conchita’s powerful, rounded shoulders, over the sides of the jungle woman’s bulging chest, and then looped her arms under Conchita’s arms and around her upper back. They pulled each other in. The women gasped as their nipples stabbed and fused, followed by their thick titmeat meeting and crushing. Their columnar thighs pushed tight, their naked bellies clapped together. The women tightened their holds and moaned in unison as their nude bodies aligned perfectly, every inch of skin, every curve mated to its counterpart on the other. Martina and Conchita pushed their faces together, nose to nose, forehead to forehead. Their eyes gleamed, blazing with heat and lust, rage and hate.

    “This time, we fuck until you drop,” Conchita murmured. “No first cum-first lose. We fuck until one of us can’t go on. That’s how we decide who gets the land. That’s how we know who is the better woman.”

    “Yes,” Martina whispered. “We fuck each other raw. We keep going until one of us is destroyed. The winner is the woman who crawls out of this tent when it’s over.”

    “Yes,” Conchita whispered, her tongue running along Martina’s lips.

    “Yes,” Martina acknowledged, her tongue meeting Conchita’s, their mouths opening, their tongues sliding down each other’s lengths into the other woman’s mouth. Their hungry maws closed on each other, their tongues twisted, the women pushed their faces together savagely and moaned deep in their throats as they sealed together in a violent, passionate hate-kiss.

    Their hands slid down their bodies to grasp the other woman’s thick, taut ass. Their fingers sank into the firm meat and they pulled closer. Thick cunt bushes crunched tight, the coarse mats of fur tangling and twining. Their swollen clits, twitching with tension and burning with heat, crushed head to head and fused length to length down to their roots. The explosion of ecstasy was so great that Martina and Conchita shrieked into each other’s mouths, their claws sinking into the other’s ass, their bodies trembling and jerking as spasms of pure sexual pleasure rolled through their warring bodies. The women screamed again and again, both refusing to break the kiss, as they forced their clits to rub and grind, forcing shattering shockwaves of raw erotic sensation to suffuse their shuddering bodies.

    The fuckfighting women broke the kiss to throw back their heads and scream in ecstasy. They held each other tight, bodies welded together, flesh undulating against flesh, as their clits sparred and rubbed, and twisted together into exquisite knots of unbearable pleasure. Conchita and Martina sobbed, tears running down their beautiful faces, before they locked together, mouth to mouth and tongue to tongue once more, to continue the fuckwar. Cunt juice dripped from between their legs, coating their thighs and calves, forming a slick puddle on the canvas floor of the tent.

    The stand-up fuck went on and on, the women fucking and fucking and fucking in the center of the tent, working their voluptuous bodies against each other in a fury. Soon, they were slick with sweat, their smooth skin sliding electrically, lubricating every twitch and thrust. They refused to release the other’s ass, their fingers sunk into the firm flesh. Their bellies kissed, flat to flat, navel sucked to navel. Their thighs rubbed, their swollen tits worked into each other, burning with heat, their nipples seared hole to hole and fused. Their hips jerked and rolled, exchanging microscopic thrusts as they kept their clits glued together in their erotic war, both women striving to get the other off first, to claim first blood in this second round of their fuckwar.

    Martina and Conchita groaned and gasped, forehead to forehead, nose to nose. Their clits burned and throbbed into each other, when they were not twisting into excruciating knots of pure ecstasy. Cunt juice poured down the women’s thighs, so they were soon fighting in a puddle of cunt lubrication and sweat. Their nipples burned, mashed tight and fused within the firm pillow of their combined titflesh. They kissed hatefully, they licked and bit at sweaty necks and thick shoulders, they warred against each other with every scrap of sexual power they possessed.

    Kissing viciously, rubbing and rubbing flesh to flesh, clits twisted into one scintillating, agonizing nerve and radiating pure ecstasy with every thrust, Martina and Conchita felt their erotically overwhelmed bodies arrive at the same place at the same time. They broke their kiss to glare at each other in hatred.

    “Oh God, you fuck, you filthy, stinking fuck,” Martina groaned. She could not hold her orgasm back a moment longer.

    “Slut! Cunt-fucking, filthy fucking slut,” Conchita hissed. She knew she was about to explode.

    Conchita and Martina forced their mouths together, tongues knotting, spit flowing, in a final effort to push the other woman over the side first. Their grips on the other’s ass tightened, they pulled each other in harder, crushing tits, bellies flat, clits grinding and pulling with an intensity that became unbearable.

    Conchita and Martina shrieked as one, screaming and screaming into the other’s mouth as their cunts contracted and released, hot cum gushing out like a geyser from both women’s genitals. The cum splattered their thighs and calves and feet as they came again and again. Moaning, gasping the women slowly collapsed to the floor, their legs spreading wide, both determined to keep their clits welded together. Their asses hit the canvas at the same time. The women opened their legs wide and drove their open, aching cunts deep together, their fuckholes spreading, their vulvas clamping on each other and sealing like locked mouths. Conchita and Martina bucked and screamed, their cum now flowing freely within and between their bodies as they ejaculated over and over. They wrapped their legs around each other’s hip, they maintained their firm grips on each other’s asses, and their hips jerked in passion as they pumped cum back and forth. Their clits remained fused together, sending ecstatic jolts through their warring bodies with every heartbeat.

    Gasping, teetering on the edge of passing out, the two women’s multi-orgasmic releases slowly abated. They fell flat on their backs, their gasps and moans and pants filling the hot space. Their voluptuous bodies vibrated, the incredible intensity of their mutual fucking almost too much for the beautiful rivals to take.

    After some time, Martina pushed herself up on her elbows, then rolled her body away from Conchita. Their cunts separated with a thick popping sound and cum sprayed off of their hot pudenda. Their bushes ripped apart, causing both women to grunt in sudden pain. Martina crawled across the canvas floor to the sturdy cot. She pulled herself up over the lip of the cot and rolled onto the canvas surface. She threw the blanket lying on the cot aside, onto the floor. She sat on her ass and pushed herself to the head of the bed, her back to the tent wall. While she was doing this, Conchita got unsteadily to her feet. She walked to the cot and sat on the edge, then pulled her legs onto the bed and turned around to face Martina. She spread her legs. Martina opened her thighs in reply. The women touched toe to toe, the balls of their feet pressing, holding each other back for a moment. Then they shifted their legs and began to slide down the cot, their cunts advancing on each other, cum-dripping slits lined up, ready to fuck.
    Both women gripped the corners of the cot, where the thick wooden legs protruded just slightly above the fabric surface. The rounded nubs of the legs gave solid support. Conchita and Martina paused, their luscious cunts only an inch apart, the heat from their raging genitals warming the women’s inner thighs like a furnace. Their eyes locked. The beautiful women smiled at each other, both eager to get into one another, both determined to fuck the other into oblivion.

    “I love fucking you, bitch,” Martina whispered. “You’re a fantastic fuck. And when I break you, when I make you scream in surrender and make you my bitch, it’s going to feel so fucking good.”

    “You dirty whore,” Conchita hissed in reply. “You are a good fuckfighter. But I’m more than you can handle. I’m going to leave you a broken, used-up piece of dried cuntmeat when I’m done with you.”

    The women smiled. Then, as one, they jerked their hips forward and slammed their cunts together. Hot slit sealed to hot slit, swollen clit crushed to swollen clit. Conchita and Martina threw back their heads and shrieked in pure ecstasy.

    “FUUUUCCCCKKKKK!!!” Conchita shouted, her body quaking with pleasure.

    “CUNT!! YOU FUCKING CUNT!!” Martina screamed, her pussy on fire.

    Bracing their powerful bodies, their hands firmly gripping the solid cot posts, the battling women thrust into each other with all their strength. Their cunts flattened and spread against each other with a wet hiss. Liquid labia merged, fuckholes opened and sucked tight under the pressure. Their clits fused from root to stem, clit heads crushed tight, melting into one pulsating nerve, filling the women’s perfect bodies with ecstasy. Their bodies jerked and spasmed, convulsing as the intense pleasure roared through them, as their incredible flesh filled to the breaking point with erotic sensations. Their tits bounced and jerked, synchronized to their thrusting hips.

    “God, you fucking, fucking slut…,” Conchita moaned, her eyes shut tight, her mind focused on holding back the tidal wave of pleasure inundating her body.

    “Filthy whore, fucking cunt…,” Martina whispered, her beautiful face a rictus of sexual agony as she struggled to bring her raging libido under control.

    The women settled into a hard rhythm, fucking and fucking mercilessly, each trying to force the other into a submissive orgasm. They shifted their hips and slid into the forks of the other’s legs, sealing their twats together even more firmly, penetrating even more deeply, fitting together in an unbreakable, meaty bond. Their thick bushes tangled and connected their bucking bodies harder, locking together like velcro pads. Moaning, gasping, screaming and shouting out in pleasure, the powerful women fucked and fucked, driving each other insane with lust.

    Martina reached and fondled and squeezed one of Conchita’s massive, bouncing tits, twisting the hard nipple between her fingers. Conchita screamed and immediately replied, kneading Martina’s firm tit, sinking her fingers into the taut flesh and running her palm over the hard nipple. Their manipulation of each other’s tits added another dimension of pleasure to the erotic combat and the two women held on as tightly as they could, fighting back the orgasmic surges.

    “Fuck, fuck, fuck…,” Martina chanted, the heat from her aroused tit pushing her almost to the breaking point.

    “Cunt, cunt, you fucking cunt,” Conchita moaned, her teeth clenched in agony.

    Conchita released Martina’s tit and used the same hand to grab the blonde’s hand and pull it off of her breast. The women’s hands pushed at each other for a moment, then Conchita grabbed Martina by the wrist, sliding her grip up to the blonde’s forearm. She leaned back, anchoring herself with Martina’s body, and put even more of her weight on the cunt to cunt intersection. Martina reciprocated the grip and leaned back. The women moaned as they felt the pressure between their genitals increase, as their mutual penetration and fusion became even more intense, more complete. They released their grips on the bed posts and grasped the other woman’s remaining arm. Martina and Conchita arched their backs and worked their hips and asses as they thrust into each other with full weight of their bodies, pulling each other in, grinding hard. The shadows on the walls of the tent merged into one body.

    “Unnnngggghhhhh,” Conchita moaned, her body undulating with exertion and trembling with pleasure.

    “Mmmmmmnnnnn,” Martina grunted, her body vibrating with sensations.

    “Cum, you fuck, cum,” Conchita snarled at her enemy, her body on the verge once more.

    “You first, fuckface,” Martina grasped.

    Grunting, moaning, gasping, the women’s animal cries of lust and pleasure built to a crescendo. Their bodies bucking furiously, pulling each other in deeply, they shrieked in simultaneous orgasms that rocked them to their cores. Their toes curled, they threw back their heads and shrieked in ecstasy.

    “FUCKING GOD, YOU CUNT, YOU FUCKING CUNT!!” Conchita screamed. She fell onto the cot, her back bridging, her hips bucking, as she pumped hot cum into Martina’s eager twat. She continued to hold the blonde’s arms, her fingers digging into the other’s forearms, Martina gripping just as hard.

    “BITCH, FUCKING BITCH!!” Martina howled at the same moment. Her belly rippled, her back arched, as she released her cum into her enemy.

    The women bucked their hips high as they exchanged shot after shot of creamy cum, ejaculating into each other, shrieking and crying out, their screams combining into one continuous howl. Their bodies were shuddering and shaking, writhing and wriggling, as they fucked each other to the edge of unconsciousness. After some time, the women’s hips fell to the bed. Their grips loosened and their arms fell to their sides. Their tits rose and fell as they struggled to recover their breath. Their lower bodies were streaked with the cum that had forced its way out of their meaty fuck join. Their forms glistened with sweat. Silence settled inside and over the tent, punctuated by the night sounds of the jungle and the occasional cry of a predator finding its prey.

    Conchita sat up and looked down their locked bodies at Martina. The blonde did not stir. Conchita pulled herself back, sucking their joined twats apart and breaking the bonds of their twined bushes, scattering pubic hair to the cot surface. The women grunted, but Martina remained supine and unmoving. Conchita got onto her knees and pushed Martina’s thighs apart. Now, Martina reacted. She looked up at Conchita through half-closed eyes and spread her legs wide in welcome and encouragement. She reached for the other woman and groaned in delight as Conchita mounted her body, lined up their dripping cunts, and slid their fuck slits into place. The women shared grunts of pleasure as their bodies mated again, as their cunts sucked and sealed, as their heavy tits crushed. Martina gripped Conchita’s round ass tightly and pulled her in.

    Nose to nose, panting with pleasure, the fuckfighting women smiled at each other, their eyes lit with hate and lust. Martina twined her limbs through Conchita’s legs, locking muscle to muscle.

    “I’m going to ride you until you pass out, Martina,” Conchita whispered at her foe, her ass and hips moving as she began to thrust.

    Martina moved with her, keeping their clits glued together. “I’ll give you your chance on top, then I’m going to ride you, you little fuck,” Martina whispered back. Their sweet breath mixed and their long hair tangled as Conchita’s black locks fell over their faces like a curtain. “We’re not stopping until you accept that I’m the better woman.”

    “Then let’s fuck, whore,” Conchita grunted.

    “Give it to me, bitch, then I’ll give it to you. We’re just starting….,” Martina growled.

    The women’s mouth’s locked, their tongues struggled, and their saliva mixed. Their bodies moved in a hot, undulating wave, flesh flowing into flesh, muscles straining, sweat gleaming. Martina and Conchita went to work on each other, both determined to fuck their enemy into submission.

    To be continued:
    Last edited by JB57; October 18th, 2020 at 12:54 PM.

  10. #20
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    Re: New Story: Conchita vs. Martina: Jungle Heat

    There was one small mistake in the text, so I fixed that and then tried to fix all the paragraph breaks that I missed the first time I posted. I got most of those, with one exception! Anyway, the version of Part III up now is corrected.


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