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Thread: Cops and Robbers: Part 5

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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Cops and Robbers: Part 5

    The door flew open, revealing Vanessa and Holly in their skintight uniforms with their guns drawn. Jasmine and Nicole were frozen in fear, still naked on the bed, interrupted in the middle of their fleshy rematch. The tension in the air was immediate and you could cut it with a knife.

    “Don’t move! Police!” shouted Vanessa.

    ”You’re under arrest!” shouted Holly in near unison.

    Then, the two cop babes noticed that the girls were naked and embracing each other. They both assumed that the moaning was because their thief may have been watching porn but this was much more unexpected. Their determination was now replaced with shock, confusion and slowly building arousal at the site of the voluptuous raven and redhead’s G cups aligned.

    Jasmine and Nicole were both so shocked and now dejected that they couldn’t bring themselves to say anything. Jasmine felt like crying. They were so close. The debt would’ve been paid and she and her beloved would finally go back to being happy again. It was too late for that now. She would go to jail and that scumbag would probably kill Ben. She even dragged her first victim into this too. Her life was truly over. Nicole cursed herself for insisting on having this rematch so soon rather than doing what her partner suggested and taking care of the debt first. Now it was all falling apart and she felt entirely to blame for her uncontrollable libido. Vanessa and Holly got over their shock enough to start speaking again.

    ”So…You two wanna get dressed first?” Vanessa asked.

    ”Wait…” Holly suggested. “After all the trouble we went through to catch these bitches, I say we book them just like this. Give them a…thorough interrogation and examination too.”

    ”God, you’re such a slutty nympho.” Vanessa said in a sighing, exasperated tone. “Can you not think with your clit for five minutes?”

    ”After what you started back to the stakeout, you have no room to talk!” Holly said back.

    “Only because you kept showing off and being a tease like the desperate whore you are!”

    “It’s not my fault you have no self-control.”

    ”Says the one who kept copping a feel every time I walked by!”

    The busty badges were now so caught up in their argument that they forgot that their thieves were still in a room and listening. Jasmine and Nicole put their mouths next to each other’s ears and started whispering.

    ”You hear that?” Nicole asked. “These two hotties are into the game too!”

    ”So?” Jasmine asked. “Just because they might play with us first doesn’t mean they won’t haul us off to the clink.”

    ”Or maybe not.” Nicole replied. “I say we challenge them to two-on-two for our freedom.”

    ”What? That will never work.”

    ”Look at them. They’re clearly proud beauties. So wrapped up in their own animosity that they’ve started ignoring us. All we gotta do is provoke them and they won’t be able to stop themselves from rolling around with us!”

    ”Sounds like you’re still horny and just want more pussy.”

    ”Two birds with one stone then.” Nicole whispered. “Besides, what other options do we have?”

    ”I dunno…” Jasmine said in a sad tone. “What if we lose? Or what if we win and they still book us?”

    ”Think about Ben. About how far you’ve come. About what you stand to lose. Let that fuel your libido, babe.”

    Jasmine sighed and got a determined look in her eyes. “Alright. One last try.”

    ”That’s my partner.”

    Vanessa and Holly continued to bicker at each other as the thieves separated from their whispering session and now gained perverted looks on their faces. The cops, almost able to sense the change in atmosphere, suddenly stopped their bitching at each other and slowly turned to look at their targets, analyzing their devious, perverted expressions.

    ”What are you two gawking at?” Vanessa asked, still trying to sound tough.

    “Oh, we’re just pleased to finally meet two other ladies that also play the game.” Jasmine answered.

    Vanessa was about to ask what she meant but she realized it almost immediately.

    “You two had a match, huh?” Nicole asked. “We were just starting our own until we were so rudely interrupted.”

    ”Well, maybe you should’ve thought of that before you decided to become a criminal.” Holly said.

    ”That’s how we met, actually.” Jasmine replied.

    ”Of course it is.” Vanessa said in an annoyed tone.

    “Look…” Nicole began. “We can all clearly tell that every girl here is a prideful, sexfighting nymphos who loves to dominate other nymphos. I know we’re not in the best position to bargain but I have a proposal that I’m positive you’ll like.”

    ”You can’t be ser…” Vanessa began before being cut off by Holly.

    ”What did you have in mind?” Holly asked with a slightly flirty tone.

    “Two-on-two. Winner is the last woman standing. If you win, we’ll not only come quietly but we’ll also tell you everything we know about who we work for.” Nicole answered. “If we win, you let us go but in return for that, we also help you nab the true mastermind behind this. Either way, you get the bust and the glory.”

    Jasmine wanted to object to this out of fear but she quickly realized that this was actually a great deal. If they lose, they’re busted but they’ll get off much easier for turning themselves in and for giving out their info. If they win, they go free and get revenge on the POS that started all of this. Still, winning was clearly the better option for them and she was determined to see this through to the end.

    “Excuse us for just one moment.” Vanessa said as they started whispering to each other like the thieves had just done.

    ”We’re not actually considering this.” Vanessa whispered firmly. “What they’re proposing is borderline bribery.”

    ”Like Hell it is!” Holly whispered back angrily. “We get the bust no matter what! And we get to have fun while we’re at it!”

    ”How do we know that this isn’t just a plan to exhaust us to sleep, so they can bail?” Vanessa asked.

    “Do you really have that little confidence in your libido?” Holly teased. “Besides, they’d be pretty exhausted too. And we can nab their boss even if we lose.”

    ”That’s assuming this boss even exists. And it’s too risky. Well, if you’re that worried, how about this?” Holly asked before whispering something unintelligible to her partner.

    “Okay, that works.” Vanessa said, sounding more relaxed.

    Jasmin and Nicole were cuddling when the lady cops stopped whispering to each other and looked back at them.

    “Okay, you’re on.” Vanessa announced. The thieves got big smiles on their faces and were about to say something when Vanessa interrupted them.

    “On one condition.” Jasmine and Nicole paused before Vanessa took out her transponder.

    “Randy, do you copy?” She asked.

    ”Loud and clear.” Randy answered. “You get the target or targets?”

    “Not sure yet but we found two ladies near where the tracker signal cut off. We’re taking them back to the hotel to give them a thorough interrogation. We’ll be in the room for God knows how long. Be a dear and stay close by. Don’t interrupt for anything and only open the door if me or Holly say so from the other side. Over and out.”

    ”Seems a bit unorthodox but you’re the boss. You can count on me. Over.” Randy said.

    “Great. Over.” Vanessa put her transponder away.

    ”What, you don’t trust us?” Jasmine asked.

    “It was blondie’s idea.” Vanessa said.

    “She’s way too paranoid to take even the smallest chance. I had to.” Holly said.

    ”A sexy hotel with lots of room is better than this dinky safe house anyway.” Nicole said. “Deal.”

    ”Same.” Jasmine agreed.

    ”Then get dressed and let’s go.” Vanessa said.

    The thieves did just that and the cops drove them back to the hotel. The elevator ride up to their floor couldn’t have lasted more than 30 seconds but the extreme sexual tension in the air made it feel like hours. None of them could wait to get their hands or mouths all over each other. They realized that they didn’t know each other’s names yet and went through quick introductions. Vanessa unlocked the door to their suite and they all went inside. Holly contacted Randy to see if he was in position, to which he confirmed. Jasmine and Nicole looked outside the window to see the same museum they sacked, how seeing how the cops found them in the first place.

    “Okay, some last minute rules.” Jasmine proposed. “Again, this is two-on-two. We all fuck on the same bed. In the event that one girl is too exhausted to continue, her opponent can help her partner fight the other opponent. If the exhausted girl regains her energy before her partner is exhausted too, she’s back in but if anyone taps out, they’re done permanently. Agreed?”

    The other girls nodded in agreement. This was gonna be a Hell of a night.

    “How do we decide who gets paired up first?” Holly asked.

    ”Spin the bottle.” Nicole answered as she pulled out a wine bottle from the fridge.

    The girls all sat in a closely-knit circle, their skin contact only increasing their already overwhelming arousal. Jasmine spun first and it landed on Holly, meaning that Vanessa and Nicole would be at each other at the same time on the same bed. The horny nymphos wasted no time in stripping down, their massive G cups jiggling as they did so. They ogled each other for a bit.

    ”All G cups. What are the odds?” Holly joked.

    ”Are we gonna talk or are we gonna smear our lipstick all over each other already?” Nicole asked impatiently.

    “Wait, one last thing.” Vanessa added. “If need be, we can leave the bed and use anywhere in the room as our arena. I think we’re gonna need the freedom.”

    ”Agreed. Can we lock up thighs now?” Jasmine asked.

    The girls got on the king-sized bed, facing their opponents’ and awing over their flawless bodies. Holly held up three fingers, the two, then one and then closed her fist to signal the start of their sex brawl. It had begun. Jasmine pounced on Holly, mashing their mouths together with Holly’s tongue immediately reciprocating. Vanessa and Nicole slowly crawled towards each other and began a passionate kiss themselves, moaning and slurping the other girl’s long, wet tongue. Holly buried her hands in Jasmine’s jet black hair to try and get her under control but she was already under her domination spell.

    Vanessa broke the kiss with Nicole, reached behind her to gently pull her red locks and licked down her neck. Nicole learned her lesson from her first match with Jasmine and wanted to take this nice and slow. Seems Vanessa had similar plans. A war of willpower and testing the other girl’s libido. Vanessa went all in guns blazing, fucking her opponent like a pornstar. Holly reached around to spank the raven, who kept humping her and tonguing her drooling mouth. Vanessa licked down to Nicole’s massive melons and motorboated them, blowing a raspberry as she did, tickling the redhead.

    “What are you, a fratboy?” Nicole teased as she tried to control her giggling. She pulled the brunette’s hair as she licked all over the inside of her cleavage. Vanessa reached down to play with her rival’s pussy. The onslaught of pleasure was overwhelming.

    ”Oh, you donut-eating butch!” She cried out. Vanessa grinned as she continued licking Nicole’s chest.

    Meanwhile, Jasmine finally broke off her oral assault on Holly’s mouth, leaving the slutty blonde a panting mess. She then immediately reached down to slap at and bounce her rival’s G cup jugs like a couple of water balloons. Holly moaned and groaned as her milk bags were tossed around and abused.

    “You got some nice tiddies for a little girl, Ms. Piggy.” She taunted the rookie cop. “Maybe after we beat your hot pussies, we can do this again sometime.” She was almost about to say they do it in front of her husband but she learned her lesson from her first match with Nicole.

    “Just wait until we take you downtown, bitch!” Holly said as she instantaneously wrapped her legs around the raven’s head, capturing her in a scissor lock.

    Jasmine had no time to react before her head was slammed down on the bed, her face trapped between the blonde’s luscious legs. Holly had an arrogant smile on her face as she grabbed hold of Jasmine’s arms, knelt on her legs to keep her from moving and lowered her head down to her rival’s face.

    “My turn, discount Catwoman!” She taunted as she stuck out her tongue to lick at Jasmine’s lips. The raven turned her head to avoid it.

    ”You were more than happy to lock lips with me just a second ago.” Holly taunted before finally sinking her tongue into Jasmine’s mouth. She lined up their pussies to hump her in revenge.

    Jasmine was now at the younger girl’s mercy. While that was happening, Vanessa finally pulled away from Nicole’s chest, leaving it coated in saliva. Nicole yanked Vanessa by her hair up her face to lick at her in return. They lapped at each other’s tongues, jabbing like daggers, sometimes entangling them and sucking on the other girl’s tongue like a dick. They enjoyed this for a while before Nicole grabbed Vanessa by the ass and pulled her out, making her fall on her back.

    “Now I’ve got you where I want you.” Nicole said as she grabbed Vanessa’s legs and humped her in this L shaped position. She remembered her mistake from fighting Jasmine and made sure not to overexert herself. Slow, steady humps so her pleasure did not exceed her rival’s. She kissed at Vanessa’s calves as she fucked the busty cop, their pussies kissing passionately. Vanessa tried to get up but with her rival controlling her legs, it was useless. Her resistance only tired her out more and made Nicole’s job easier. She orgasmed, groaning bloody murder, thanking God the walls were totally soundproof or else Randy would barge in and ruin their fun.

    She came again and again from the redhead’s tribbing domination, eventually needing to stop and catch her breath. Just as she did that, Jasmine had given into Holly’s domination, also leaving her spent for now. The two younger girls looked down at their temporarily incapacitated opponents and then each other, knowing what will happen next as they gave each other lustful eyes, their pussies wanting more.

    “My muscles are a bit achey. Your’s too?” Nicole asked teasingly.

    ”Indeed. I say we hit the jacuzzi to relax our horny bodies.” Holly teased back.

    ”You’re on, you beach, blonde bitch.” Nicole said deviously.

    They got up off the bed and towards the in-room jacuzzi. Holly turned on the water and it came in steaming. It filled rather quickly and the busty 22 year olds both stepped in, getting goosebumps from the heat. They soon came together and kissed lustfully, moving their heads and tongues around to lick every bit of their rival’s mouth. Their long, thick hair floating in the water as they made out like sex-starved teenagers. They wrestled a bit in the water as the other girls regained their energy and got up, ogling each other.

    ”Well, I’m feeling awfully thirsty after that.” Vanessa said.

    ”Same. Where’s that wine?” Jasmine asked teasingly.

    ”I’ll get it.” Vanessa said as she walked toward the mini-fridge, bent over to open it and just as she got the bottle, she felt something wet and slippery enter her cunt from behind. She cooed at the sudden intrusion as Jasmine grabbed her ass and buried her tongue inside the brunette.

    “Oh, you dirty, thieving cunt!” Vanessa yelped as Jasmine ate her out.

    Jasmine grinned to herself as she continued dining on Vanessa’s ripened, dripping taco. The brunette grabbed her flowing raven locks and pulled her up to kiss her. They made out ferociously, drooling and slurping all over each other as Vanessa took the opened wine bottle and poured it over the both of them, drenching their hair as they shared the flavor through each other’s tongues. It wasn’t long until their bodies were coated in the stuff. They came together and rubbed on each other, spreading the wine all over them. Vanessa was already behind on one orgasm as Jasmine forced her leg into her rival’s twat, rubbing it up and down. The brunette tried to retaliate but it was no use. She kissed Jasmine forcefully as she orgasmed.

    Meanwhile, Nicole had gotten behind Holly and wrapped her legs around the blonde’s, making her spread eagle. She lapped at her opponent’s neck as she fingered her, one finger, two finger, three finger, four. Holly groaned as Nicole balled up her wet hair into a fist, pulling it as she dominated her. Jasmine had driven Vanessa to another orgasm, making her fall to the ground in fatigue. She looked at what her redheaded partner with benefits was doing and decided to join in. She walked up to the jacuzzi, ogling the blonde’s pussy under the water, watching Nicole hump her ass.

    “Need some help on this heist, partner?” Jasmine asked.

    ”Her orgasms are priceless. I’d be honored.” Nicole answered.

    Jasmine got into the water, the heat giving her goosebumps and hardening her brown nipples. As her already wet hair was soaked even more, she sank in and moved her face in near Holly’s.

    ”Pucker up, Ms. Piggy.” Jasmine teased as she dove her tongue into Holly’s mouth yet again.

    Nicole continued to finger her and Jasmine’s fingers soon joined in. There was next to no room left in her cunt. Nicole humped her as she joined her mouth in also. The thieves’ tongues dominating her orifice. They licked her lips, her mouth, her cheeks, her ears, her nose, her forehead, her everything. Her face was like a lollypop to them. She orgasmed like she never orgasmed before, jerking her back as she screamed bloody murder, flailing her wet blonde locks and water all around. The two thieves lovingly kissed each other as their victim climaxed, proud of their victory…Or so they thought. Vanessa had recovered and snuck up behind them to yank their hair and get them off her partner. They both shrieked from the pain as the brunette yanked them out of the water, giving Holly some much needed recovery time.

    “Thanks.” Holly said in an unexpected gesture of gratitude.

    ”You need some rest, babe?” Vanessa asked. Being on the same sexfight team can build sisterhood between even the mist bitter of enemies.

    “Sorry to say but yeah. Just keep those criminal bitches busy for a few minutes and I’ll be back in action.” Holly said as she caught her breath.

    ”You just rest up.” Vanessa said as her opponent’s both got up. Before she could react, Jasmine got behind her and balled her wine soaked hair into her fist, pulling her head up towards her face.

    “You wanna yank hair, you pig?! Two can play at that game!” Jasmine taunted as she reached down to play with the brunette’s ginormous jugs. “Well, now we know where all the donut fat goes.”

    Nicole got up to join her partner in the domination. She felt like some payback, so she licked down Vanessa’s neck slowly to her tits. She made no attempt to be gentle, chewing the cops’ pink nips like candy, licking and lapping. Vanessa’s nerves were on fire from the attention.

    “Come on, Red. Just go for her cunt already.” Jasmine said.

    ”Not the first time I went down on a cop.” Nicole joked.

    ”Won’t be the last either.” Vanessa taunted through her panting.

    ”Shut up and take it like a good little toy.” Nicole retaliated as she dove into the cop’s lower lips.

    The redhead slobbered all over the rip, red, juicy sex. Enjoying the taste as she squeezed Vanessa’s ass. Jasmine pulled her head to her face to make out with her as her other hand assaulted her breasts. Vanessa was losing control rapidly. She felt like she could explode any second. Just about every erogenous zone that could be attacked was being attacked. She felt an orgasm come on and another and another. Nicole drinking her juices like milk as it soaked her already wet hair. Jasmine broke the kiss as Vanessa immediately started hyperventilating. She clearly couldn’t take much more of this.

    ”I want a taste of her. Let’s switch.” Jasmine said.

    ”Good idea.” said a voice from behind as Holly regained her energy and yanked Jasmine by the hair away from her partner. Nicole was distracted as Vanessa took the chance to enclose her legs around her head and swing her down to the ground, leaving them in a 69 position.

    “How many times has a cop gone down on you?” Vanessa asked tauntingly.

    “Not including bachelorette parties?” Nicole joked.

    Vanessa wasted no time and wrapped her lips around the redhead’s swollen twat. She kissed it, bobbing it like an apple, licking it like a candy cane and chewing it like candy. Nicole was overwhelmed by the ferocity of her opponent’s oral attack. She licked and mashed at Vanessa’s cunt in return. Vanessa’s dark brown hair covering her legs, tickling them. Despite having gone down on relentlessly just a second ago, Nicole was overwhelmed. Her pussy had gotten little attention since this contest began and it made it nice, smooth and sensitive. Ready for a good devouring and Vanessa was doing all that and then some.

    The redhead jolted in orgasm after orgasm, occasionally getting one from her opponent too but she just couldn’t keep this up. She was too tired from holding down and dominating Holly in the jacuzzi to truly retaliate. One more orgasm, she screamed and hyperventilated. Vanessa looked down at her rival, now looking at the other girls.

    Just a bit ago, after Holly yanked Jasmine away, they got back on the bed and after some wrestling, Jasmine got on top of the blonde. They matched nipples and sword fought, jabbing at and into each other as they kissed. Jasmine’s firm ass was in the air and made for a great view as she humped Holly. They pulled hair viscously as they tongued each other, Holly spanking Jasmine, making her plump cheeks bounce like a rubber ball. Holly was once again under domination. Jasmine pulling the same technique on her that she did to Jasmine at the beginning. Holly was just about to cum when Vanessa saw the raven’s ass in the air and grinned deviously.

    ”Payback’s a bitch, bitch.” Vanessa said. Before Jasmine could react, the brunette bent down and slammed her tongue inside Jasmine’s cunt from behind.

    Jasmine yelped and the sudden shock was enough for Holly to turn the tables. She pulled Jasmine by the hair and her head went up as the blonde licked down her body, tasting the dried wine off her tender flesh as she went down. She paid a small amount of attention to her nipples but quickly went down to the pleasure center. The cops licked their crook like candy, her red pussy under absolute domination. Their tongues crossed each other and kissed for a bit before continuing. Jasmine screamed as orgasm after orgasm after orgasm hit her like tidal waves. She shrieked and flailed around, her dark hair going all over the place as the two organs explored her nether region deeply.

    The cops showed no mercy, even adding fingers into her their cunnilingus. Just as all hope seemed lost, Nicole got back up and jumped in. She yanked Vanessa and Holly away by their hair as Jasmine flopped to the bed, desperately needing to rest. The cops retaliated by grabbing her red locks and mashing their faces together. Reenacting the kissing domination from the jacuzzi. Nicole tried her best to lick back but it was a losing battle. The cops’ other hands moved behind her to either palm her ass or finger her from behind. Her knees weakened as she had to rest her legs, still kissing as they went to the floor. Vanessa separated as Holly kept kissing her to finish what she started. She went down on Nicole even more viciously than the last time.

    A tongue dominating her mouth and another dominating her cunt. Holly pinched and prodded her nipples, slapping her tits around as they continued kissing. Nicole came as she moaned into the blonde’s mouth, squirting Vanessa’s face and hair. More orgasms came, each one more exhausting than the last. Five orgasms later and she felt like she had been hit by a truck or in this case two hot, sexy trucks that just fucked her like she’d never been fucked before. She was done. She was out. She knew it and so did her rivals. They got off of her and Vanessa reached for the still somewhat full wine bottle. She poured it over Nicole’s head as she and Holly kissed, pouring the wine on their tongues. It was all over..or was it?

    Jasmine had got up and grabbed Holly from behind. She slammed her down on the bed and wasted no time in devouring her twat again. The shock was sudden but Vanessa let her guard down when she realized that Jasmine was just repeating what she tried to do to Holly before. Again, she licked the raven from behind and she did cum a couple times but it didn’t even slow her down. It was as if a fire had been lit under that fine, tasty cunt of her’s. Holly was amazed at how relentlessly Jasmine ate her out, her body jolting and jerking in orgasmic glory. She tried to get away but Jasmine held her legs down and apart. The raven was determined to finish her opponent off. Holly came again and again and again, squirting Jasmine’s face and hair each time and then finally, she sprayed like a garden hose, screaming bloody murder as her juices went everywhere, coating both Jasmine and Vanessa. Holly then passed out on the bed. Totally spent. The two looked at each other as they caught their breath.

    ”And then there were two.” Vanessa said.

    ”Not for long, bitch. Jacuzzi. Let’s finish this now!” Jasmine ordered, surprising Vanessa with this aggression.

    “Water’s probably cold by now.” Vanessa said.

    ”Then drain it and refill it, so I can make you scream like I did her!” Jasmine said.

    Vanessa was almost afraid and did what she said. This girl must hate to lose, she thought. However, it wasn’t competitiveness that brought this inner demon out of the raven. It was her beloved. The best thing that ever happened to her. She wasn’t going to go to jail and risk having that monster hurt him. Nothing would stand in her way.

    The water was filled and the girls went in, the heat reigniting their libidos. Jasmine immediately pounced on Vanessa, grabbing her hair and shoving her tongue down her throat, almost gagging her. Vanessa was caught completely off-guard as the thief dominated her mouth and sucked on her organ. Jasmine kneed her rival’s cunt under the water, using the hand that wasn’t pulling the brunette’s soaked hair to assault her entrance. Vanessa was already tired from all the sex of the night but she did try to fight back. She sucked on Jasmine’s tongue in turn, drooling and slurping over it, their saliva spilling onto their voluptuous, wet forms. Jasmine broke the kiss to lick down the cop’s body, chewing on her neck skin, likely giving her a hickey.

    Vanessa moaned as she pulled Jasmine’s hair but it did nothing. Jasmine then went down, grabbed Vanessa’s G cups, forced them together and assaulted both nipples with her mouth. A callback to her first match with Nicole. Vanessa groaned at the kinky tactic. Jasmine licked, sucked and chewed like an animal, making Vanessa’s nipples invert into a nipple orgasm as she yelped. She fell back in exhaustion but her opponent was not done with her by a long shot. Jasmine lifted the brunette’s legs out of the water and onto her shoulders to fuck her cunt-to-cunt. She humped and mashed clits over and over again, gritting her teeth in aggression. She had likely cum many times herself but was so focused she didn’t even notice.

    Vanessa was helpless. She flailed around, her hair and water flying everywhere with each hump. She gasped and moaned every time Jasmine slammed her cunt into her’s. She couldn’t even count how many times she came. 15 minutes this went on. 15 minutes of pure sexual domination that neither girl had ever experienced. So much water had fallen out of the tub that it was below their waists. Upon realized this, Jasmine dragged Vanessa out by her hair in a vice grip, making her wince and threw her onto the bed next to Holly’s still unconscious body.

    The raven got on top of her, her eyes looking drained and spent but she showed her rival no mercy. She positioned her in doggy style, grabbed her hair and fucked her like an animal once again. With each hump, she spanked the cop on her left and then right cheek. Keeping this up until another four orgasms passed and Vanessa’s twat was red as a beet. She then dragged Vanessa up so she was now behind her and began licking her neck while pinching and prodding her G cups, still fucking her from behind. Vanessa knew there was no getting out of this. She was fuclfighting a girl possessed. Her pussy was swollen and red like she was just gangbanged by an entire football team. Her nipples sore and achy, her muscles heavy and even her tongue tired. She closed her eyes and fell into the bed. It was over. Jasmine looked at the brunette as she collapsed. She hyperventilated as she looked around, noticing that everyone else was out. She was the last woman standing. Her ferocity and aggression was replaced with joy and relief. She smiled as she threw her arms into the air.

    “I win!” She almost whisper shouted.

    She looked at the clock. 3AM. The girls had been fighting for four hours. With her aggression gone, her exhaustion finally caught up with her.

    “I did it, Ben.” She said as she began to close her eyes. “I did it all for you, baby..” She finally collapsed in between the two unconscious cops. Her partner still passed out on the floor. She had won the night. The best night of her 28 year old life.
    Last edited by YuriLesboLover; April 23rd, 2022 at 10:21 AM.

  2. #2
    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: Cops and Robbers: Part 5

    Really great work! I can't wait to see where this story goes next!


  3. #3
    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: Cops and Robbers: Part 5

    A very hot chapter !
    I bet these 4 hotties had not finished yet with one another !
    Can't wait for ch. 6 !

  4. #4
    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Cops and Robbers: Part 5

    Quote Originally Posted by Giannis-CB View Post
    A very hot chapter !
    I bet these 4 hotties had not finished yet with one another !
    Can't wait for ch. 6 !
    Well, you’d be right about that. I already have a sequel in mind but that will come after the next two stories I have planned. This story and these characters have really stuck with me and I’m genuinely proud of what I’ve done with both. Now I wish I started writing a lot sooner.

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    Hostboard Member Miahb1's Avatar
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    Re: Cops and Robbers: Part 5

    Brilliant story, I loved it.

  6. #6
    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Cops and Robbers: Part 5

    So, I’ve received some private feedback saying that I could go into more detail on how the girls feel as they pleasure each other. Rest assured, the next fight in this series will do exactly that. It should be over in about two or three more parts. Then I’ll work on my next two stories and then…Sequel time!

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