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Thread: Looking for story: Canami Island

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    Junior Hostboard Member tribpl0x's Avatar
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    Looking for story: Canami Island

    Hello, there used to be a story on here called Canami Island which seems to have been lost. I never knew who the author was but I remember it was such a great story. I hope to be able to read it again but have not been able to locate it for some time now. Would anybody happen to have this story or any other insight?

    Thanks in advance!

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for story: Canami Island

    I think this is the whole thing. Good reading!


    Canami island - Coming there
    The plane landed at the small airport 9:00 in the morning. The plane had been air conditioned so the heat was incredible when the crowd stepped outside. The clothes almost instantly sticked to their bodies.
    All 200 men and women that had been on that plane walked the 100 meters from the plane to the airport terminal in a long row. People chatting about the lovely weather but that it was almost a little too hot. People laughing and smiling. Everyone glad that the 10 hour flight finally was over.
    Among them was four Swedish girls on vacation in the sun. Anna, Sofia, Annika and Sara.
    Sofia was 164 cm and weight 62 kg. A cute redhead with curls down to her shoulders. She was a lively little girl that everyone noticed. A sharp tongue, a sense of humour and a hot temper. Sofia had a lot of friends but also several enemies because of her skills in talking and her temper. She had been in several catfights but didn't look for them. In her 27 years she had been in 6 fights and had won them all.
    Annika was 164 cm and weight 64 kg. Her hair was black as the night. She was partly Italian and her skin was a little darker than the others. She was 25 years old and had recently broken up with her boyfriend science 5 years and was now living with Sofia while looking for an apartment.
    Anna was 175 cm tall and weight 65 kg. She was working out 6 times a week and was very athletic. She had long blond straight hair and blue eyes. Anna was very beautiful and had no problem getting guys to gather around her. But she was shy and seldom took initiative herself. And she never had to. In her 27 years she had had numerous boyfriends but she was never satisfied with them and she had no one for the moment.
    Sara was a 176 cm tall brunette who weight 64 kg. She was very good looking, 26 year old sexmachine of big dimensions. She never went home alone it she didn't want to. She was the only one of the four that had been with girls and she said she enjoyed them better than men. She had no steady relationship but a few men and women she saw frequently.
    These girls were now good friends and neighbours. They lived in the same house and even on the same floor.
    It was when Annika moved in with Sofia she noticed that she knew both Anna and Sara. They started to spend time together and they became close friends in a short time.
    They decided to go for a vacation trip together and it was Sara's idea to go to Canami island. It is knows for it's sex bars and gay places. People from all over the world go there to let go of their taboos.
    At first the other girls didn't want to go there but Sara had convinced them and now they were all very excited to see how it was like.
    The airport terminal was not air conditioned and we almost felt to panic in the moisty heat inside.
    As the people lined up to wait for their baggage we looked around at the people that had come with us. All were between 20 and 35 years. The girls saw some attracting men and women that they eyed a little closer but turning away as soon as that person looked their way. They exchanged smiles when their eyes met in search for another cutie.
    After 20 minutes the bags came and people standing on their toes to spot their bag further away on the line. Men and women dived through the people in front of then when they saw their bag pass. Irritated noises were heard among the crowd and angry glances were traded when everyone wanted to be in front of everyone else.
    The four girls were also pushing their way to the front of the crowd. Feeling other sweaty bodies pressing against their own. Hands eventually grabbing their clothes as someone was pushed in the crowd and using others clothes as a handle not to fall.
    Sara who was not afraid to touch other people was slowly making way through the crowd. Squeezing between two sweaty busty women that threw angry remarks after her. She was almost at the end and she saw a small opening between two wide shouldered men in front of her. She used one of the busty women as leverage as she threw herself towards the opening.
    She was pressed aside by the other woman who was throwing herself towards the opening. They both hit each of the men at the sides and grabbed at their shoulders not to fall to the ground.
    The simultaneously turned to face each other. What Sara saw was a blond copy of herself. She could not see much of her body because the crowd now pressed them tightly together. Their breasts slowly flattening against each other. She felt the warmth of other girls firm breast against her own and the thin fabric the of two bras and tops were slowly becoming wet with sweat. She saw the sweat that emerged on the blond's forehead and felt her own sweat slowly running down her face.
    They didn't say a word. Just stood there for several minutes. The blond was aroused by the contact with Sara. She was a lesbian on a trip with her lover, which for the moment was at the girls room.
    Sara saw on her eyes she enjoyed this and that she had to be a lesbian.
    Although they both were aroused by each other there was a tension between them. They stared into each others eyes and pressed their bodies firmly against the other woman. Sara felt the front of her bare thigh came in contact with the other woman's and the slid against each other as sweat emerged on them.
    Now one of the men with the broad shoulders found his bag and was making way out of the crowd. Sara was forced apart from the other girl and when the man had passed they were shoved into the hole in the front that he had left. They stood hip to hip and looked at the bags that passed in front of them. Their bags came almost at the same time. As Sara made herself way through the crowd she looked over her shoulder expecting the other woman to follow her. But she did not. She was waiting for another bag.
    Several thoughts flew through Sara's mind. Did she just have another bag with her or was she not alone?
    She walked slowly towards the exit feeling very uncomfortable in her sweaty clothes. She sat down on her bag and pulled at her top to be able to blow air at her breast to cool them of.
    Eventually Annika arrived with her two bags and a minute later Sofia joined them by sitting on her bag next to them.
    It took Anna 5 more minutes to get her two bags.
    "Problem finding your bags?", Sara asked Anna.
    "No. Just don't like to be in the crowd", she replied.
    They caught the last of the four busses that was going to take them to down to the sea for a hour long boat ride to Canami island.
    They got places on the top deck of the boat and sat down, enjoying the wind from the sea that cooled their sweaty bodies of.
    Just as the boat started to move Sara saw the woman from the airport climbing the ladder up to the deck where the four girls sat. After her came a tall redheaded woman, just as sexy as the first one. They looked around but found no seat. The redhead pointed at a place on the floor and with a hand around the bare waist of the blond she showed her to the spot.
    They sat down close together and started to talk quietly with their faces down, sometimes giggling and leaning into each other. Sara knew that they were lovers but she wanted that blond. Their meeting at the airport was not enough for her. She wanted her alone and naked. She wanted her screaming and sweating next to her.
    She was startled when the blond suddenly looked up and saw that she was staring. She smiled taunting. Sara could not help herself smile too. Then the redheaded beauty looked up. And saw what Sara was looking at. The look on her face was the bitchiest look Sara had ever seen. But I can be a bitch too, she thought to herself. Her eyes narrowed and they stared at each other for a few seconds before the women started to talk to each other again. Sara turned her head away and looked at her friends.
    Sofia and Annika sat on her left side and they were giggling while they swept with their eyes over the people on the boat.
    Sara turned to Anna.
    "You seem to have competition" Anna said.
    Sara was surprised that her acting had been that obvious and she blushed.
    "Well... From what I can see it's not much of competition", Sara said and smiled at her friend.
    "From what I can see you're gonna have your hands full with that woman", Anna smiled back.
    "Maybe, but that blond is mine one way or the other"
    "She is indeed gorgeous. I mean look at those breast and that flat belly. That redhead is lucky but she must have a hell of a job keeping that blond to her self"
    Sara was surprised by Anna's remark of the blond. She had never thought Anna would be interested in girls. She wasn't that type. But maybe she was after all.
    Sara smiled again at Anna.
    "I can assure you that you have the flattest belly of all the women I have ever known. No one can compete with it."
    Anna blushed. She knew her body was beautiful. All the guys she had been with had said that. But she had never herd it that way from a woman, a woman she knew had slept with other women.
    "Have you found anything you like yet", Sara asked Anna.
    "Several", said Anna with a big smile.
    "Anyone in particular", Sara pushed on.
    "That guy there in blue shorts is a real cutie. You should see his ass. But unfortunately I seem to have some competition myself." Anna said with disappointment in her voice.
    Next to the guy sat a blond young woman in a red bikini. She, like Anna, was very athletic and you could tell she had been doing a lot of workout. Her arm lay around the neck or the guy and her tit was pressed against his arm.
    "Piece of cake for you darling", Sara said while looking at the blond.
    "I don't like fighting ", Anna said.
    "Remember what we agreed before this trip? That we would do what came to our minds this week. You want him! Go for him! And if she stands in your way, whip her ass and show him that it's you who he really wants and not that young girl. You can outmanoeuvre her easily with our charm baby"
    Anna felt the temper rise inside of her. She did want him. And if that blond stood in her way she would show her she had no chance against her. And if she could not get him, who would know? Only her best friends. And by the way, he wasn't the only man around here.
    "He's mine!", Anna said between her teeth.
    "That's my girl." Sara said and put one arm around Anna's shoulder to show her support for the friend.
    Sofia and Annika now had all their attention on one guy with a big bulge in his pants. He was sitting 5 meters from them and he was flirting with them. The girls sat very close to each other and whispered and giggled. The guy definitely was turned on by the girls and he saw that they sat so close to each other that the sides of their breasts were touching.
    "Can you see it grow?" Sofia whispered.
    "You bet I can" Annika replied.
    "When do you think he's girlfriend will be back?"
    "She must be back soon. She has been gone for 5 minutes now"
    "Too bad she's with him"
    "Why? We can have foursome"
    The girls giggled again.
    The girlfriend came back. She sat down next to him and instantly saw that he was rock hard. She looked at him and smiled. Then she looked at Sofia and Annika. And to their surprise she smiled at them too. And it was not a bitchy smile, but a friendly one. The girls returned two insecure smiles. Then they realised that they looked stupid now as they leaned into each other. They sat up and tried to look away but they could not. The couple sat directly in front of them. Their eyes all the time returned to them. Sometimes their eyes met and they smiled to each other.
    Finally, thought Annika, as the boat slowed down as it arrived to Canami island.
    The hotel was spread out over a large area with a main building with restaurant, bar and pool. The rooms were in bungalows spread out over between the beach and the main building.
    The hotel was separated from the town of Canami by a hill. It would take 10 minutes to walk there.
    The four girls got the key to their bungalow among the first and walked towards it right away.
    When they booked they could not get separate rooms so they booked a bungalow with two bedrooms with a king size bed in each. They were not uncomfortable to share bed with one of their friends.
    Sara unlocked the door and they entered. The first room was a small room with only room enough to put your shoes. It had two doors each leading into a bedroom.
    Annika and Sofia carried their things into the room to the right and Anna and Sara to the left.
    Anna put her bags down and walked to the windows. It had a view to the sea and she opened the door. Outside was a terrace with two tables and some chairs. She noticed a door to the right of her and thought that must be the bathroom. She opened it and to her surprise she saw Annika in a door on the other side of the bathroom. They laughed and was soon joined by the other two girls. The bathroom had two doors, no one had a lock on it.
    "Wonder how many times someone been caught by surprise in here" Sara said.
    Thy all laughed at the thought.
    "I have to take a shower now." Said Sofia and got in to the bedroom and undressed. The other girls agreed that a shower was a good idea and started to get ready.
    Sofia headed for the bathroom with only a towel around her. On her way she passed Annika who were undressing and stood bent forward removing her skirt from around her foot. Sara smiled and playfully bumped her ass into Annika's.
    "Oups!" Sara said"
    "Well you..." Annika said and slapped Sara in the ass with her skirt.
    The girls were laughing and Sara entered the bathroom, not bothering to close any of the two doors. She entered the shower and turned the water on and screamed as the first cold water hit her hot body.
    "Hope it was really cold." Teased Annika.
    "Bitch!" Sofia yelled from the shower.
    Sara and Anna got undressed and wrapped themselves in towels. But when they realised that the shower would be occupied for a while the lay down on the bed. Both moaning as the enjoyed the first real relaxation science they left home the day before. They closed their eyes.
    "Did you see that your blonde lover went to the bungalow next to ours?" Anna said.
    "No. Did she?"
    "Yes. They both saw you. The blond was looking a little angry when she looked at me. She may think that I am your lover and a threat to her"
    Sara laughed and rolled to her side facing Anna. Anna opened her eyes and looked at Sara.
    "Did anyone else enter the bungalow?"
    "No. It looked kind of small so I think it's just the two of them who lives there"
    Anna rolled to her side too and faced Sara. She hesitated for a moment, then she said:
    "Sara. Have you ever been in a fight?"
    "Yes I have."
    Sara saw the worried look on her friends face and continued.
    "You are worried that you have to fight that young girl, right?"
    "Yes I am, and I have never fought before. The thought of it makes me aroused in a way I never felt before and I'd like to do it but I can't picture myself in a fight.
    "It's the catfight lust that makes you aroused. I have felt it too. And when you feel the taste of blood in your mouth you just cant stop it. It's a little like having sex." Sara said with a smile that made Anna put away her worried face and she smiled and blushed.
    "Like having sex, huh?"
    "I have never told but I think I should now. I have had a few sexfights and next to make love to two women at the same time it's the best you can do."
    Anna blushed even more and she looked down trying to turn her face away from Sara so that she would not see how red she was. She saw their two bodies laying there on the bed. Their faces was half a meter apart but their bare knees almost touch. She tried to picture herself Sara with another woman, and two women. She pictured her in a fight. A nude fight.
    She looked at Sara again.
    "Sexfight?" She said as she wanted Sara to tell her more about it.
    Sara smiled a wide smile and was glad Anna was interested. She continued:
    "The main point is that you shall sexually dominate your opponent. You stimulate each other with your hands, rub against each other or use a dildo. The variations are infinitive and no fight is alike the other."
    Sara had deliberately used the word "you" hoping that Anna would picture herself in it.
    Anna did. She thought of her self sexually dominating the sexy brunette next to her. The only thing that separated them were two towels. All she had to do was remove them and...
    Anna was surprised by her own imagination. She had never been interested in girls before but now. Maybe it was the atmosphere here on this island. This island had no taboos and it was there for one reason: to remove all the taboos with the people coming there.
    Anna now noticed that Sara was smiling at her. She smiled back.
    They both herd the shower stop and both sat up. They were both going to race the other woman to the shower when they heard Annika shout from the other room:
    "My turn!"
    They both fell back onto the bed but this time ending up a little closer to each other. Sara's right foot ended up on top of Anna's right. Anna was startled by the sudden contact but Sara made no effort to remove her foot. As Anna thought that it would be Sara's move to remove it and she didn't she thought it could as well remain there.
    "My good it's hot here." Said Sara as she waved her hand to blow air over her face.
    "Yes it is. And the clock is only 1 in the afternoon. It's not over yet."
    "No wonder people here sleep in the middle of the day. It's just too hot to do anything else.
    "But right now it's a little too hot even to sleep. I'm soaking wet with sweat.
    When Annika entered the bathroom Sofia had exited the shower and was drying herself with the towel. Annika started to remove her towel as she tried to pass Sofia in the narrow bathroom to get to the shower.
    "Hey, watch it! Can't you see I'm standing here?" Sofia yelled at Annika.
    These girls were almost constantly playfully arguing with each other. And they had a lot of time doing that as they shared apartment. They even wrestled when they were in private, They were evenly matched and no one was the clear winner.
    "Move out of my way." Said Annika. She had now removed her towel and held it in front of her. But she was not able to pass Sofia that blocked her way.
    "Move or I'll move you." Annika said to the smiling Sofia.
    "You and what army?"
    "Girls! Hurry up! We want to use the shower too." Sara yelled from the bedroom.
    Sofia let Annika pass and Annika Extended her tongue as she passed. Sofia did likewise.
    Annika entered the shower and let the water flow down her body. She was excited from her little showdown with her roommate. It was the first time they had had an argument in the nude. They had wrestled in just panties and t-shirts once but this was different. They often saw each other naked but Annika had seen Sofia in a completely new way.
    Annika screamed as she felt a hard pinch in her ass. She herd Sofia laughing as she left the bathroom.
    "Fucking bitch!" Annika yelled after Sofia.
    Anna and Sara smiled at the two battling girls.
    "Those two just can't leave each other alone." Anna said.
    "I think it's kind of cute the way they treat each other." Sara replied.
    "The catfight lust?" Anna asked Sara with a smile on her face.
    "I guess so. Wouldn't you like to see those two going at it?"
    "Yes. I'm always disappointed when they stop just when they are about to wrestle each other."
    "Well we can only hope something will happen here."
    Sara smiled a lustful smile and was returned a smile of anticipation.
    After a few minutes the shower got quiet again. Sara and Anna looked at each other for a second then they started the race for the shower. Anna was first through the door but Sara grabbed her around her waist from behind and held her back as she tried to pass. Anna pushed Sara into the wall with her hip and wrapped one arm around her neck. She held Sara firmly against the wall but Sara resisted. They struggled hard and fierce but they were both laughing.
    Annika stood surprised naked by the shower and saw the two beauties battle it out with nothing than a towel wrapped around them. Sofia came running as she herd the sound of a battle from the bathroom. She also was surprised of what she saw. Then she looked at Annika and they smiled.
    The battle went on for a few seconds more but then Anna felt that she was about to loose her towel. She was trying to cover herself up but then lost her grip on Sara. Sara passed Anna but crashed into Annika who stood in her way. That gave Anna the second she needed. She squeezed herself past both Sara and Annika and into the shower.
    She smiled triumphantly at Sara as she looked back at her.
    "Next time I'll get you" Sara said and tried to sound threatening.
    Anna just smiled and seductively closed the drape around her.
    She felt the cool water pour down her sweaty breasts. She massaged them and she thought if the struggle she had had with Sara. She thought of how it would be like to do it in the nude. To feel her bare skin against her own. She shivered as her hands reached her pussy.
    Annika entered the bedroom. Sofia Stood there in her bikini and brushed her hair. Her nice round tits were rocking up and down in the bikini top as she straightened out her red curls. Annika threw her towel in the floor and picked up her bikini bottom that she had placed on the chair before she entered the shower.
    She pulled the panties up and made sure it covered her pussy.
    "What did you think of that struggle?" Sofia said to Annika, referring to Sara and Anna's battle in the bathroom.
    "I don't know what to say. It was surely arousing to watch." Annika said as she put on her bikini top.
    Sofia was laying on her side in the bed and Annika joined her. They lay a few decimetres apart on their sides with a hand under the head.
    "Too bad they didn't both loose their towels." Sofia giggled.
    "That would be a sight. Those two gorgeous ladies battle it out in the nude."
    They both giggled and leaned into each other as they tried not to laugh out loud.
    "Who do you think would win?" Annika asked.
    "If they fought nude?"
    "Definitely Sara. I think Anna is to shy to put up a real fight."
    "I think you're wrong. I think Anna would win. She is stronger than Sara. You could tell just looking at her shaped body. "
    "Ok, now to the real question. Who would win if we fought nude? We were almost going at it in there. We would have done if they had not interrupted us."
    Sofia was surprised by the words she heard her friend say. But she knew it was true. They would have battled it out in there it they were not interrupted. And they would have done it in the nude. None of them would give the other not even the smallest bit of herself. No one would give until they had one winner and one looser.
    "Yea, who would win? Do you dare ask yourself that question, my dear?" Sofia replied with a nasty smile on her face.
    "I wouldn't back away from it." Annika said confident.
    "Me neither."
    "Ok, we're on then. But not here and not now. Maybe tonight when we go to bed we can have our private moment together." Annika was almost whispering and leaned close to Sofia.
    "I cant wait, darning." Sofia whispered back. Their lips only centimetres apart.
    "Me neither, honey."
    They could hear Anna stop showering and Sara walking towards the bathroom. They heard whisperings and a quiet giggle and then the shower started again.
    "What do you think they said to each other?" Sofia whispered.
    "I think they told each other what they were going to do to each other between the sheets tonight"
    They giggled and leaned their foreheads together. Eventually their breasts came in contact.
    Sofia looked into Annika's eyes.
    "You just can't wait until tonight to get a feel of my body can you?" Sofia whispered seductively.
    "You're the one who can't wait. You're leaning into me."
    Sofia put one arm on Annika's waist. Annika did likewise. She would not let this woman get any advantage on her.
    "I can se that you want me." Sofia whispered sexily.
    "You're just making excuses so that you can take me." She pulled Sofia closer to her and both their breasts were in full contact now, only separated by their minimal bikinis.
    They could both feel the soft flesh of the other woman's tits and belly pressed against their own. They could feel the heat between their bodies. Sweat began to emerge on their tits. They felt the hot breath of the other woman on her face. Sofia moved her lips to Annika's ear.
    "I would take you now if we were alone." Sofia whispered and then she licked her roommate in the ear.
    Annika moved her head back and looked Sara in her eyes. She gently kissed her on the lips and the kiss was returned. She was aroused. Why didn't do this earlier, at home.
    The shower was quiet again. They opened their eyes and broke the kiss. They separated and lay on their bellies looking at each other. With lust and desire in their eyes.

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    posted August 18, 2005 07:22 PM Canami island - The first night
    After a late lunch in the bar and a few hours of sleep, Anna, Sara, Annika and Sofia were dressing for the night.
    They were sharing two bottles of wine and party music was streaming from the radio Sara had brought
    The heat was still incredible although it was 9 in the evening. They had all been showering again and now they sat on the terrace with a glass of wine each and made plans for the night.
    They all wore minimal bikini tops, bikini panties and a small skirt. Each showing of as much skin as possible. Anna had remarked that they could as well go naked. This clothing were going to fulfil their needs tonight. It was going to be hot dancing in this heat and they wanted to show it all to the men and women they were going to hit on tonight.
    "Well my friend's. Here's to our first night at Canami island." Sofia said and raised her glass.
    "And may it be kind to us and fulfil our needs" Sara said.
    All laughed. They knew what they came here for. To have sex. Wild and crazy sex. By this time none of them cared whether it was a man or a woman. They just wanted sex.
    "Are you ready, my female warriors? To go into another battle." Sara said and stood up.
    "As ready as we'll ever be I guess." Anna replied and stood up next to Sara.
    "Let's go then!" All stood up and followed Sara through the house and out on the other side of the house.
    As Sara locked the door behind her she saw the blond beauty she had seen earlier today, coming out from her bungalow. With her followed her redheaded lover. Sofia and Annika had already started walking and Anna and Sara walked 10 meters behind them.
    The path from their bungalow merged with the path from the blond and the red's after 20 meters and they came up on that path just as the two other women passed. All four walked on one line but as the path got narrower Sara and the redheaded bumped their shoulders together. They walked side by side trying to push the other woman to the side. The redhead knew what Sara was after but she would not let her have it. She lost her temper and faced Sara, grabbed her by the hair with one hand and pulled. But Sara was quick and sent one hand herself into the red mane of her sexy opponent.
    "What's your problem, bitch?" the redhead hissed pointing one finger at Sara's face.
    "You're my problem, fucking whore." Sara replied quickly and slapped her hand away.
    "You're right. I am your problem. I know what you want but you wave to go through me to get it. You hear me?"
    "I always get what I want and sometimes I have to whip the ass of a little whore to get it."
    "Just tell me when you want to start, slut." The redhead spat at Sara.
    Sara put her free hand behind the redhead's back and pulled her close, driving her nails into her back. The redhead responded to it and their bodies came in close contact. Sara could feel the warmth from her sexy rival against her own body. They were equal in height. Both wearing high heels. The redhead, like Sara, wore a bikini and a small skirt, as did the blond.
    Sara could feel the flesh of the other woman's breasts against her own breasts. The tops were minimal so a lot of flesh came in contact above the bikinis. Their breasts flattening between them and bulged out to the sides.
    The blond walked up on them and gently inserted her two hands between their now sweaty bellies and started to pry them apart.
    "Girls, girls. Don't fight now. Let's go have a drink instead." The blond said in a soft voice.
    Sara let go of her rival and stepped back. The blond introduced herself and her lover.
    "I am Linda and this is Monica." She wrapped one arm around Monica's waist, who was still staring at Sara.
    Sara moved her eyes from Monica to Linda.
    "My name is Sara and this is Anna."
    "How very nice to meet the two of you. Now let's walk" Linda took Monica and started to lead her up the path.
    Anna put a hand at Sara's back and lead her after Linda and Monica.
    None of them said a word during their 10 minutes walk to the small town.
    They entered the first bar they saw. I was very large but there were only a few people in it. They ordered some drinks and sat down in a corner sofa.
    Their place was just next to the dance floor and a few people were already dancing there.
    Sara ended up siting next to Monica, Anna and Linda sat on each side of their friends.
    Sara and Monica sat very close to each other. Their thighs were pressed together. No one spoke, they just sipped on their drinks.
    Monica felt she had to do something about this situation. This sexy bitch was not going to take away what was hers. She turned to Sara. Sara instantly turned to her. She grabbed the front of Sara's top with her index finger and pulled lightly at it.
    "Do you dance, bitch?" She hissed.
    "You bet I do" Sara hissed back.
    "Then show me your best moves, woman"
    With that she pulled harder at Sara and she followed Monica out on the floor. Monica turned around and faced Sara. Their bodies slammed together for the second time that night. And they both wrapped their arms around each other.
    The dance floor were already quite crowded by sweaty men and women dancing to the beat.
    The two sex warriors danced slowly with each other. They wanted to test the other woman. See what she was capable to do. Match her own body against their enemy.
    Sara again felt the flesh of the Monica's tits against her own. Her nipples was rock hard and through the tops she could feel Monica was hard too. Sweat was emerging on their chests and their breasts slid against each other as they slowly danced.
    Sara rubbed her breasts up and down Monica's. But Monica rubbed back. She knew she could handle a titfight. The rubbing became more intense. Both ladies using every available muscle in their bodies to rub their breasts together.
    "Is this the best you can do?" Monica hissed in Sara's ear.
    "I've just getting started but if you want to know what I can do I'll be glad to show you."
    Sara moved her hands down from Monica's bare, sweaty back and grabbed her ass. She felt the soft flesh between her fingers and she squeezed until she felt her sexy enemy's body tense.
    As Sara had expected Monica replied to her and soon both were squeezing each other's asses. Their bellies were tightly pressed against each other and with this also their hips. Sara pulled Monica's ass in tight and she felt a tickle in her pussy and Monica's pussy met hers with only their minimal clothing between them.
    Sara knew then that this woman would not back down from anything. She would have to go all the way with her to get past.
    Monica started to rub her pussy against Sara's. Sara rubbed back. They both felt the sexual anger and arousal rise in them. Sweat poured from all over their bodies and mixed between them. The smell of sweat mixed with the smell of their perfumes and that made them both only more aroused.
    "Your lover is a very sexy woman"
    Anna had been staring at Sara and Monica on the dance floor and didn't notice Linda that now sat very close to her.
    "No. She's not my lover. Only a friend" Anna replied.
    "Oh. Sorry. I thought..."
    They quietly smiled at each other for a few seconds.
    "Have you ever seen a sexfight, Anna?" Linda asked.
    Anna was a little startled and hesitated before she answered.
    "No, I have not, but I guess that's what I am witnessing on the dance floor right now." Anna said a little embarrassed.
    "They are just getting started my dear. Your friend has given herself a difficult task. Monica is the best of the best. She have never lost a sexfight in her life." Linda said as she leaned close to Anna.
    "I'm sure Sara will put up a good fight."
    "Oh I'm sure she will. And I hope she'll win because she's a real sexmachine and I get wet just looking at her."
    Anna and Linda's eyes met and they smiled at each other. Anna felt Linda's firm breast's against her arm as Linda leaned even closer to her. Her skin felt warm against her. She was getting aroused. The same way she had felt before that day. When laying in bed next to Sara. But now she actually touched the skin of another woman's breast and that sent shivers through her body.
    She looked down. She saw Linda's legs that were crossed on the sofa. They were slim and very shaped. Just as shaped as her own. On her feet she had cherry red shoes with high heels.
    Suddenly she froze. She felt a hand on her belly. She looked at Linda. It was hers hand and she caressed her rock hard abs.
    "My good. I never think I have ever felt a belly as hard as yours." Linda said with amazement in her voice.
    Anna still didn't know what to say. This woman was caressing her. She had never been touched that way by a woman before, but after a second thought she found out that she liked it. She decided not to fight against it. She flexed her abs so that the blond could feel her ever muscle.
    "Ohhh..." Linda moaned as she felt the rock hard muscles.
    Anna then moved her unsteady hand over to Linda and placed it on her belly. It was also hard as a rock. She moved her hand up and down it. She felt every single muscle like a small bulge. That only made her more aroused and she felt a tickle in her pussy as it became wet.
    "You have a very firm belly yourself." Anna almost whispered.
    They now leaned into each other and the side of their breasts touched.
    "I like to work out. I see you do too"
    "Maybe you and I will have some time to work out together?" Linda said this with her lips against Anna’s ear.
    Linda wanted this girl just as bad as she wanted Sara. But now Sara and Monica were fighting and she was the prize. She could leave now with Anna but she wanted to see how it ended and to make sure the winner would get her prize. And she enjoyed to tease Anna. To make her want her and then seductively withdraw.
    Linda smiled as she leaned back from Anna and let her hand take the way over her legs as she pulled it to her.
    Anna smiled back. Her eyes were wet with lust.
    They turned to the dance floor to look at the battle going on there. Anna gasped and opened her mouth in astonishment as she saw what happened there.
    Sara and Monica were wrapped together like two snakes. Both had one hand in the other woman's hair. They were engaged in a deep kiss. Their tongues swirled in their mouths.
    Their bodies were absolutely drowned in sweat and they glistened in the shine from the disco lights.
    The two perfectly shaped women stood there united as one. Anna had never seen anything like it and she felt that the lust Linda had left her with didn't leave her. She was becoming really aroused now. She leaned forward against the table and she sat on needles to watch the outcome of this struggle.
    They were still dancing slowly and they rubbed their hips together.
    Both of them knew they could not end that fight here but they had really got a feel of what the other was capable of.
    Monica started to push Sara backwards and she felt that Sara was about too loose her balance every time she pushed a little further. This gave her confidence and she pushed Sara the last bit against the wall, holding her firmly trapped between her own body and the stone wall.
    She broke the kiss and bit down on Sara's lower lip. It was only a love bite but Sara hissed in fear for being hurt.
    Monica let go of her lip and looked into Sara's eyes.
    "Linda is mine tonight. But I'm not through with you yet. I want to prove to you that I am the only one of us that is woman enough to handle Linda."
    "I can't wait. I'll put every part of my body against yours and you'll se that I can beat you anyway."
    "We'll see about that." Monica spat at Sara.
    With that she put her hands on Sara's wet breasts and pushed herself away.
    Sara knew that she had not won a real victory but she let her go for the moment. There were plenty of time to fuck this bitch.
    Sara leaned against the wall as Monica had left her. She watched her sexy enemy walk away. She saw her adjusting her skirt which was smeared against her ass.
    Monica walked up to Linda, took her hand and pulled her up from the sofa. They kissed and Linda caressed the sweaty warrior who again had proved to her she was an incredible lover. The best she could possibly have.
    Linda took Monica by the hand and started to walk towards the exit. Her lady had fought for her and it was her turn to show what she had been fighting for.
    She gave Sara a quick disappointed look and then she smiled at Anna. The two women exited the bar but their nigh had only begun.
    Sara sat down beside Anna. She could feel the incredible heat from this soaked woman.
    They looked at each other for a few moments.
    "She barely won this one but I'll show her what a real woman can do to a bitch like her." Sara said while her breathing calmed down.
    "I have to say that was the most incredible I have ever seen. You two were so sexy out there." Anna said with admire.
    Sara smiled at her and stroke wet hair out of her face.
    "I'm glad you liked it. I'll let you watch next time. Then I'll take her on nude in an all out fuck fight."
    Anna felt her heart beating faster when she thought of those two sexy women go at it in the nude.
    Sara smiled at Anna. She knew she was aroused. She could tell it from her eyes. Sara was aroused too. The battle with the redheaded beauty had left her unsatisfied. Monica would get her peace of Linda tonight but she would not.
    "Come on. Let's dance." Said Sara and shrugged the whole thing with Monica of her. She took Anna's hand.
    Anna followed close behind Sara to the dance floor.
    They started to dance to the techno music. The floor were crowded and all the time they bumped into other dancers and each other. They felt the heat from the crowd and it rained sweat over them from the other dancers. It only took Anna a few minutes before she too was soaked with sweat.
    They started to drift towards the corner of the floor and they danced closer and closer to each other. They stood face to face and rotated their hips together. Sara put her hands on Anna's shoulders and looked her in the eyes.
    Anna put her hand's on Sara's waist and they started to dance slower.
    Sara, with a seductive smile on her face, slowly pulled Anna closer. Their tits banged together a few times before they were pressed firmly together.
    Anna thought her heart would jump out of her chest. She wrapped her arm around Sara's back and hugged her tight.
    Their soaked tummies were pressed together and Anna felt a shiver running through her body and ending with a twist in her pussy. Their legs rubbed against each other as they slowly danced.
    Anna could tell that Sara was an expert. She moved her body against her own that made her horny as she had never been before. No man could ever compete with this. She was so soft and gentle.
    Sara then slowly moved her face close to Anna's and gently kissed her on her lips. Their eyes met for a second and then Anna kissed Sara. The kiss was immediately returned. Anna felt the taste of salt as she licked Sara's lips.
    Their tongues started to wrestle in their mouths. They shot in and out of their mouths. Licked their lips and teeth. Saliva ran down their chins and mixed with sweat on their chests.
    Sara slid her body a little to the left against Anna. That exposed Anna's breast to her and she gently squeezed it in her hand.
    The firm breast felt like a ripe fruit in her hand. Anna sighed as her breast was caressed. She slid her hand up Sara's side and found what she was looking for. A soft, wet, hot breast. She gently lifted it in her hand. It was a little to big to fit in her hand and it hung out on the sides of it. She felt the hard nipple and as she lifted a little bit more it was exposed above the top. She gently circled her finger around it. She felt Sara gasp.
    Sara, on her side, had been so eager in her work at Anna's tit that it now was fully exposed to her hand. She continued to squeeze it in her hand. It was so soft and yet firm.
    Anna was very horny now and she wanted to fuck Sara. Now! She looked into her eyes and she saw lust and need in her eyes.
    "Let's go back to the house. You're making me so fucking wet." Anna said panting.
    Sara moved her hand down and up under her skirt. Anna's panties were soaking wet, but most of it was probably sweat.
    "Feels like it's wet enough for me."
    Anna hesitated a moment and then slid her hand up Sara's inner thigh. She felt the silky skin slide under her fingers. Further and further up she reached. When she reached to the top she expected to feel the material of Sara's panties she felt a neat bush of hair.
    Anna gasped and surprised looked into Sara's eyes. She wore no panties. She only had a miniskirt and no panties under it. This girl was crazy she thought. Sara smiled at her.
    Anna kissed Sara and then started to walk to the exit. They both adjusted their tops and at the end of the room they were running. Anna pushed her way through the crowd. Sara was right behind her. Anna was out on the street and turned left, up the hill and towards the hotel.
    She ran fast and Sara could not keep up with her.
    At the top of the hill She stopped ant turned around in the middle of the road. Sara came running towards her. Her breasts were bouncing against her chest Anna opened her arms to her new found lover and their wet bodies collided with a loud smack.
    They spun around in a tight embrace and eventually fell to the ground in the grass beside the road.
    They wrestled around with each other. Rolling back and fourth in each others arms.
    Sara finally came on top of Anna and she pinned her to the ground in a grapevine pin. She looked into Anna's eyes and they kissed deeply.
    Suddenly Anna bucked her hips and Sara fell to her side. They were wrestling again. Grunts escaping from their throats between giggles.
    Anna was about to get the upper hand of the struggle but Sara moved her hand up under Anna's skirt and grabbed the waistband of her panties. She started to pull them down and soon they were by her knees and was seriously restraining her movements.
    Anna quickly removed the panties but at that time Sara already had the upper hand and was trying to straddle Anna's legs with her own. But Anna wrapped her legs around Sara's and held them in a firm grip.
    They were both were startled by the sudden feeling when their nude pussies met for the first time. Their skirts had been hiked up and their pussies were allowed to come in direct contact.
    Sara rose from her position on top of Anna, but Anna kept her legs wrapped around Sara's waist. Sara was now sitting on her knees with Anna's slender legs around her.
    She lifted Anna's skirt and began to run her fingers through her pubic hair. Anna started to moan and as Sara's expert fingers found their way closer and closer to her opening she wrapped her legs tighter around the delicious waist of the brunette.
    As Sara inserted a finger between Anna's lips and touched her clit, Anna let out a gasp that was almost a cry.
    "Let's go back darling. We can't fuck here, anyone can hear us." Sara whispered to Anna who was a little disappointed that she had stopped her treatment. But she realised this was not the place to do it so she untied her legs from Sara's body. Sara stood up and reached both her hands out to let Anna up.
    Anna picked up her panties and followed Sara out on the road and down the hill on the other side.
    They held each other around the waist as they walked towards the hotel.
    Sara picked up the key she had hidden under a rock and unlocked the door. She locked it after her and followed Anna in to the bedroom. Anna arrange was arranging her long blond hair in a pony tail.
    Sara did likewise with her mane and while she did this Anna closed both doors to the bathroom. If Sofia and Annika should come home.
    Sara looked seductively at her when she came back and walked to the other side of the bed. Anna just smiled and got on her knees on the bed. Sara followed example and they met in the middle of the bed in another wet embrace.
    They kissed. Slowly and gentle at first, then more and more furiously tongues swirling. They gave each other love bites on lips and tongues. Clicking sounds were heard as their teeth were knocked together.
    Sara moved her hands up Anna's back and unhook her top. Anna did the same to Sara and the tops only stayed in place between their breast because the pressure between them.
    Anna broke the kiss and stared into Sara's eyes. They were both breathing hard.
    Anna grabbed both tops and slowly started to pull them out.
    Sara felt the fabric rub against her breasts and her erect nipples. Anna jerked away the tops and their wet breast's came in full contact.
    They kissed again. Hands exploring the sides of their breasts that were tightly pressed against each other.
    Sara took a firm grip of Anna's hair and rather violently threw her onto the bed.
    Anna lay on her back on the bed. Sara was still on her knees.
    Anna seductively lifted one leg up in the air and placed it on the other side of Sara. She separated them widely and let Sara have a good look at her wide open love hole.
    Sara gently started to pull the skirt of Anna. She lifted her legs high in the air and pulled them of. Then she removed her own skirt. All the time she looked at that incredible sexy blond laying in front of her. Her glistening chest rising and falling with her heavy breaths. Her firm breast's stood right up. They just hung a little on each side but they were so firm that they stood by them selves. And on top of each lay a stiff nipple as a crown on the masterpiece.
    She sat down between the legs and started to lower her body onto of Anna. Anna wrapped her long smooth legs around Sara's waist and stroke them against her back. They looked into each other's eyes the whole time as Sara lowered her self down, closer and closer. Her tits hung down from her chest. They were larger than Anna's but not as firm. Sara started to sway her body from side to side and her tits rocked beneath her. She let them rock against Anna's tits and every time their fruits hit each other they vibrated and a quiet smacking sound were heard.
    Sara then hesitated for a second. That was about all that Anna could take. She had waited long enough for this and she wanted to feel that soft body against hers now.
    She threw her arms around Sara's neck and pulled her mouth into her own. She wrapped her legs harder around that sexy waist and their wet bushes smacked together. They kissed frenetically. Anna squirmed and twisted under Sara. Trying to rub as much naked skin as possible against her lover. Sara responded and slid back and fourth on top of Anna.
    They started to love wrestle. They rolled back and fourth on the large bed. Eventually Anna let herself get pinned. She thought that the more experienced Sara should do the fucking. Sara didn't mind that at all.
    She lay flat on top of the blond woman's body with her hand's pinned over her head. She gently split Anna's legs and placed her own in between. She started to slowly rub her pussy against Anna's.
    This immediately sent waves of pleasure through their bodies. Anna just lay still, she didn't do anything but moan in pleasure. Sara did all the work.
    Now they both began to moan louder. Small yelps sometimes escaped from Anna as she was humped by her friend. Sara kissed Anna on the mouth. She opened her wet eyes and her face was twisted with pleasure. Sara kissed her again and this time Anna bit at Sara's lower lip. She could not control it. She bit hard and Sara started to yell in pain. Not until Anna started to taste blood in her mouth she could get herself to let go. But the taste of blood just was the last spice that was needed to this cooking. Soon dinner would be served to them both.
    Sara sucked on her sore lip as she sat up. She lifted Anna's right leg up in the air and placed it firmly between her breasts. She squeezed the leg as she lowered her pussy into Anna's. The two open mouths kissed and they both gasped as their clits came in contact.
    Sara slowly rubbed her pussy against the blond's. Their moaning became louder and Sara started to hump faster and faster.
    Anna felt her leg being pressed in between Sara's slippery breasts but most of all she felt the wonderful sensation of her soaking wet puss against her own.
    Sweat were streaming down her leg and down Sara's body. As Sara rocked and humped her, sweat sprayed from her hair.
    Soon they were both screaming with pleasure. Anna strained every muscle in her body as she started to cum. Sara was not far behind and she squeezed Anna's leg tighter against her chest as she started to cum.
    Anna came first. Her body was rock hard and stiff as a pin. Waves of pleasure rushed through her body.
    Then came Sara. She let out a high yelp as the first shock struck her. She pressed her pussy as hard as she could against her lover. She held Anna's leg in a tight grip as her body jerked with every new wave that struck her.
    When the last one had left her she fell forward and with a smack, that sent sweat flying through the air, she landed on top of the woman that only hours before just had been her friend. Now they were lovers. This was the most incredible night she had ever had. The excitement to do it to a person you never though you would ever do it with: your friend. Anna had never done it before but she had been incredible. And all that sweat that covered them and the sheets.
    Both were panting heavily and Sara could feel Anna's chest rise and fall under her. Both had their eyes closed.
    Anna wanted to say something to the woman that just had gave her a new dimension in life. But she could not. She was so totally exhausted that she could not form a single word. She gave it up and just enjoyed the moment.
    That moment lasted for half an hour. Then Sara lifted her head and spoke for the first time since they had entered the bungalow.
    "Was it good for you?"
    Anna laughed.
    "Good? Was it good? It was the best I've ever had." Anna replied. That was not enough to describe what they had done but she just couldn't find words for what she wanted to say.
    "You were the best darling. Are you sure you have never done it before?" Sara asked suspiciously .
    "I swear. Honestly."
    "Anyway. You were the best." Sara said and gently kissed Anna on the mouth.
    "My good. I'm soaking wet. And it feels like I'm laying in a pool."
    Sara felt with her hand and the sheets were soaking wet next to where they lay.
    Anna stroke away some hair from Sara's face and continued to run her fingers through the wet hair. She grabbed her pony tail and started to twist. Large amounts of sweat ran through her fingers, down on Sara's back and then onto her own belly where it formed a little pond. Anna smacked herself right over the navel and she sweat splashed in all directions.
    "Shall we take a swim in the sea before we try to get some sleep?" Anna asked.
    "I think that would be a good idea." Sara said as she rose from her comfort position on top of the blond. She opened the door to the terrace and a breeze blew cooler air over her body. It was still hot outside but the heat inside was extraordinary. Anna followed her and they went hand in hand down to the beach. They went nude. The night was black and they only had 40 meters to go before they reached the beach.
    As they walked Sara suddenly said:
    "I wonder what Annika and Sofia are doing tonight."

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    posted August 18, 2005 07:23 PM Canami island - Annika and Sofia's first night
    Annika and Sofia walked side by side up the hill. They were both very eager to get to the town and take a first look at it's famous night life. They walked fast and it wasn't until they were halfway they turned around to see if Anna and Sara followed them. But they were nowhere in sight.
    "They must have gone back to get something. We'll look for them tonight." Annika said and was eager to move on.
    "I'm sure they'll do just fine without us for a while." Sofia replied and they both laughed.
    They walked on and when they entered the small town they were just about to pass a couple that walked in front of them when Sofia grabbed Annika's arm and kept her back.
    "It's that couple that sat opposite to us on the boat." She whispered to her friend.
    "Yea. You're right. Shall we follow them?"
    "I want to. Do you?" Sofia looked at Annika and she licked her lips in anticipation.
    "Let's go for it. I want to see the size of that cock." Annika licked her lips too.
    "She's not too bad either." Sara said while following the movements of the brunette's hips as she walked close to her boyfriend.
    The couple walked past several bars before they entered one on the left side. The girl's were just about to enter when they saw what kind of place it was. It was a rather luxurious sexclub.
    They hesitated and looked at each other. Then they smiled and entered with their hands around each others waists.
    Once inside they were astonished by the atmosphere that was created there. The whole club looked like a big cave. There were paintings on the walls that looked that it had been done by a cave man 10000 years ago. But as the girls studied them closer they saw that it was pictures of large sex orgies. People having sex with each other in all imaginable positions and combinations.
    Soft music were heard where they were standing now but they could hear a disco beat deeper into the caves.
    The couple were nowhere in sight and they decided to go looking for them.
    They passed a room with rocks on the floor arranged as seats and tables. Then they came to the dance floor. A few couples were dancing to the beat and it was hot in there. The dancers were sweaty and their bodies reflected the disco lights. The couple wasn't there so Annika and Sofia walked on.
    The next room they came to was a large sloping mountain hall and water ran down from the top and formed several small ponds and a large pool on it's way down. People were sitting in the ponds. Some were chatting and some were engaged in advanced lovemaking.
    Their eyes fell on two women in the pond closest to them. They were kissing passionately and squeezed each others big breasts in their hands. Moans escaped from their mouths.
    Annika and Sofia instantly felt the excitement rise in their bodies. These two lovers were really going at it.
    "My good. This is really a love nest." Annika whispered to Sofia.
    Sofia jerked as if she woke from a dream. She had been watching the two women and forgot about everything else. She now heard that the room was filled with moans and yells of pleasure. But the sounds were soft. The cave must have been isolated so the sound could not travel, and the soft noise the water made helped drown the sounds all these lovers made.
    "I never thought I would see something like this." Sofia said with her mouth open. She just could not believe what she saw. In the big pool at the end of the room she saw a man fucking a woman from the behind. She lay on her stomach on a rock and he held her firmly on each side of her waist as he pounded her.
    On a small sandy beach next to the pond she saw two girls wrestling in a game of passion. Their hands where all over the others bodies and they were totally naked. She saw their clothes on a rock near them.
    Sofia was startled again when she heard another voice. This time it wasn't Annika who spoke.
    "Hey! You two! Don't just stand there, get in"
    Sofia and Annika looked down and the two women that had worked so hard at each other a few moment's ago now were looking at them. They still were fondling each other's breasts gently.
    "Come on" One of the women said and waved to them to get down in the water.
    Sofia and Annika smiled and slowly started to enter the pond. Their heart's started to pound harder as they tried to get into the water and trying avoid getting into direct contact with the two other women. But the pond was to small to fit the four women without touching each other.
    Annika and Sofia sat on the opposite side of the other women. They had to place their legs on top of the ones already there to be able to sit. Soft skin slid against soft skin as they got seated.
    Sofia's mind was full of thoughts. Why had they asked us to join them? Didn't they have enough work to do on their own? And what do they want us to do?
    "My name is Louise." Said one of the girls seductively.
    "And this is the lovely Marianne." Louise said and thrust her chest harder into Marianne's.
    "I'm Sofia"
    "I'm Annika"
    "I can tell from the expression of your faces this is your first time here, right?" Marianne asked.
    "Uhmmm... Yes it is. We just came here today." Annika answered with hesitation in her voice.
    "So did we. We must have been on the same plane. But this is the third time we are here. We just love the atmosphere on this island. Don't you?"
    "Yes it's amazing. I never thought something like this existed." Annika said and nodded her head in direction of the rest of the room.
    "It does here." Louise said with a wide smile.
    Monica and Louise now had separated a little from each other and were facing Annika and Sofia.
    Their full breasts were visible to them and the erected nipples stood out in the middle of their large areolas.
    Marianne saw that Sofia could not take her eyes of their exposed breasts. She smiled to her self and started to fondle her lovers breast again. Louise played along with her and started to moan. She let her work on her breasts for a few moments before she grabbed her by her cheeks and gently brought their faces together.
    They met in a wet kiss and soon saliva started to run from their mouths and down on their chins.
    After about two minutes of this they broke the kiss. Marianne still had her hand on Louise's breast as they turned to Annika and Sofia. They could see that they were both aroused by the show they just had put up to them.
    "My dear lover, we are forgetting our friends." Marianne said.
    "Oh, how rude of us." Louise answered and with that she freed herself from her girlfriend, got up on her knees and moved herself over to Annika.
    Marianne signed at Sofia to come to her.
    To her own surprise she did not hesitate a second but got to her knees and advanced on the busty siren.
    Marianne separated her legs as Sofia came towards her. Sofia, lowered herself on top the woman that was to be her first instructor in lesbian love. Her tits hung down from her chest and Marianne placed her hands under them and lifted them up as she wanted to see how heavy they were.
    Sofia was on her hands and knees and let herself get fondled. She felt her nipples getting hard and her body shivered with pleasure and anticipation. Marianne wasted no time. She reached back and undid the top that held Sofia's tits up. She let it fall and with that the tits fell too. They landed on top of Marianne's and they vibrated as they smacked together.
    Sofia begun to move her chest back and fourth and let her tit's slide across Marianne's. She started to moan softly.
    Marianne wrapped her legs around Sara's but and pulled it against her. Sara's hip's and belly sank under the water and landed on the soft woman underneath her. She lowered her upper body too and their tits pressed firmly together. Marianne's bigger mummeries almost enclosed Sofia's.
    Sofia's heart started to beat faster and faster. She could feel the blood pumping on her neck. She lowered her face closer to those red luxurious lips. She closed her eyes and kissed them gently. She kept her mouth pressed against Marianne's for several seconds. She felt Marianne slowly open her mouth. She did the same and tilted her head to the right. Their mouths enclosed. A tongue came darting into her mouth and started too look for her tongue. They found each other and started to swirl.
    On the other side of the pond Annika were fascinated exploring Louise's large breasts. They lay on their sides but Annika lay a little lower than Louise so that she had the two large melons right in front of her.
    She was fondling them with her hands, licking them and sucking the nipples. Louise lay her head back and moaned in pleasure. She used one hand as support as she lay on her side and the other was fondling Annika's left breast. She had freed it from the top and the bare breast lay in her hand.
    Annika rolled Louise gently onto her back and sat on her knees between her legs. She felt the curvy legs enclose around her waist. She removed her top and let it fall seductively into the water. Then she lowered herself onto the buxom lady. Their tit's met and Louise hugged Annika tight with both her arms and legs.
    The kiss was frenetic from the start. Tongues swirled each other and they started to nibble each other.
    Hands explored each other's bodies and they started to breath harder.
    Annika was getting horny now and she gently started to rub her hips against Louise's. The fabric of their panties slid against each other.
    With that Louise brought two fingers in between their mouths and broke the kiss. Annika looked down at her, her eyes full of lust. She didn't want to be interrupted now.
    "Let's go to the love seats" She whispered sensually.
    "What's that?"
    "You'll see." Louise smiled seductively.
    "Ok. But take me there quick."
    Annika got to her knees and Louise unwrapped her legs and set her free.
    She stood up and took a step out of the pool and run her fingers through her hair.
    She looked at Louise as she leaned over to Marianne and Sofia and told them to come with them.
    "Where are we going." Sofia asked. She too had got really horny and was about to become uncontrollable.
    "Just come along." Marianne told her and they rose and started to walk down to the large pond.
    Louise walked first and she led Annika by her hand out into the water. They walked towards a waterfall that ran down into the pond. The water became deeper and deeper and soon they had to swim.
    Louise swum through the waterfall and the others followed.
    They soon felt the ground under their feet again and started to walk.
    The room was softly lit by a red light that came from the water. It seemed to be on fire and the movements of the water surface painted patterns in the ceiling.
    Moans were heard from lovers also here and all around the water filled room there were openings to smaller rooms. That's where the sounds came from.
    Louise led them all across the room and crawled into the opening she had had her eyes on all the time. They all followed her.
    They had to crawl through the small opening to the room but inside they could stand upright. The floor was covered with shallow red water and two rocks stood up from it.
    Louise starter to remove her panties like a strip dancer and revealed her hairy pussy to the three women. Then she climbed onto one of the rocks and now Sofia and Annika understood what their purpose were.
    The rocks were formed like two seats facing each other and when two women sat in them their legs were spread and their open pussies would connect. The seats also got handles.
    They all stripped naked and started to climb onto the rocks.
    Louise was already in position but she lifted her left leg so that Annika could get her leg under hers. They placed their feet on the steps that were made for them.
    Their pussies were one decimetre apart now and they would connect if they bent their legs. They looked at each other and saw another wet, beautiful and horny lady on the other side. They started to bend their legs and they moved closer.
    They both gasped as their wet bushes met and the wet flesh of the open pussies connected. They just sat still and locked at each other, gasping for a few moment. Enjoying this first contact.
    Louise lifted herself slightly parting their pussies and then gently brought it down again. Annika started to moan and she bit her lower lip. She started to rock her hips with very small movements in a circle. The open mouths never separated but they were just slightly rubbed against each other. They both moaned now. The sensation was incredible when their erected clits were grinding together.
    The lovemaking in the other chair were more intense and fierce. Marianne and Sofia were pounding their pussies together. Straightening their legs again and let them fall. Smacking their wet pussies together. They looked into each others eyes and with each smack they let out a grunt that became louder and louder for every time. Their bodies were tense and they held the handles hard. Their tits bounced up and down and back and forth on their chests.
    "Come on you little bitch, show me what kind of woman you are. Show me that you can fuck." Marianne said between her teeth.
    This made Sofia hornier than ever.
    "I'll fuck you dry you little slut. I'll show you I'm woman enough to take you." She spat back between the grunts.
    "You call this fucking? Huh? You little whore. Give it to me!"
    "I'll give it to you. I'll show you I can fuck."
    With that Sofia thrust her pussy hard into Marianne's and pressed so hard against her she started to push her up her side of the seat. Marianne strained against her and pushed her back. They strained against each other with all their might now. Their dirty talking had made them both angry but also horny as hell.
    They pressed hard together and sometimes jerked a little to the side so that the wet flesh slid back and fourth. Clits tightly pressed together between them.
    They moaned both from the effort and from the pleasure they were giving each other.
    Louise and Annika continued their slow lovemaking. They gently massaged each others clits with their own. They moaned and hissed with pleasure. They were both trembling. This gentle rubbing gave them a lot of pleasure but still they held back. They didn't ram their pussies together like they could hear their girlfriends did. The psychological effect of this made them climb the mountain of pleasure a little faster than they wanted to.
    Louise withdraw her pussy and Annika opened her eyes when she lost contact with it.
    They looked each other in their eyes.
    "You make me so horny. You know that?" Louise whispered sensually.
    Annika nodded.
    "That's only because of what you do to me, honey." Annika whispered back as she wet her lips.
    "You are so sweet my dear. By the way, who taught you to fuck like this?"
    "You just did sweetie." Annika said and smiled.
    Louise turned her head to their friends that frenetically humped each other next to them.
    "Our friends are really going at it."
    "They indeed are. I bet they will be quite swollen after this." Annika replied and she looked with astonishment at her roommate who were bouncing up and down, ramming her pussy into the other woman's. This was not the Sofia she knew, but she surely liked what she saw and she hoped she would have some strength left so she could have a peace of her too.
    She turned her head back and saw that Louise smiled at her.
    "Come on now, lover girl. Let's go over the top together."
    "Up, up and away"
    They both slowly lowered them selves into each other again and begun their slow grinding. Soon they were moaning and yelping again.
    After a few minutes they reached the top and came. They now increased the pressure between them and came together. Their juices mixed in their open pussies. The contractions were slow but intense and they could feel not only their own but their lovers too. Ripples of pleasure went through their bodies. They arched their backs and their grip on the handles tightened.
    Moments later it was all over. They could feel that their pussies were even wetter now and their love juices dripped from them.
    They looked at each other for several minutes with nothing but delight in their faces.
    Annika raised herself into siting position. Louise did the same and they met in a embrace full of love and satisfaction.
    They brought their heads back and kissed. Both arched their backs and their breasts and tummies were pressed together. Their pussies still in close contact.
    They now noticed that the noises from their friends became louder and they knew they were also about to cum. They turned their heads and pressed their cheeks together when they watched their friends put the last effort in fucking the juices out of each other.
    Sofia and Marianne were both very close now. Their fierce way of fucking had made their pussies swollen and sore. At the same time that they were in great pleasure, they were also in pain. But that was a combination these two women loved and they continued to grind hard against each other until they came, screaming of top of their lunges. They arched their backs and jerked wildly as they came together. Juices squirting into each others open pussies.
    When the finally were done they lay back exhausted. They were aware of their friends looking at them so they turned their heads towards them. They all smiled.
    "I didn't know you had such capabilities." Annika said to Sofia in a teasing manner.
    "I'll be glad to show them to you sometime." Sofia replied with a smile.
    Marianne sat up and held her hands out to her lover. Sofia took them and she sat up and was instantly met by a wet kiss. The kiss went on and on. Louise and Annika found no excuse why they should watch so they started a hot passionate kiss themselves. Soon they were all horny and ready to go at it again.
    But just as they were about to start their second round Marianne broke her kiss with Sofia.
    "Louise, darling, we have to go. Our dates are waiting for us."
    Louise suddenly broke away from Annika.
    "Damn. This hot siren almost made me forget about that. You see we have an appointment with two girls we met here last year. They must be waiting for us by now." Louise looked into Annika's eyed when she explained why she had to go, and she looked sad.
    "But if you are here tomorrow we'd like to see you again, wouldn't we?" She turned to Marianne.
    "You bet" Marianne answered as she looked into the eyes of the naked lady in her arms.
    "We will be here. You can count on it." Annika replied. She didn't bother asking Sofia. She knew she agreed.
    Marianne and Louise rose from the seats and stepped into the shallow water on the floor. They started to dress and soon they both stood in their bikinis ready to say goodbye.
    "Bye for now ladies." They both kissed their lovers that still sat in their seats.
    They started to walk towards the opening but just as they were about to exit Marianne turned around.
    "By the way. I strongly recommend that you take a look in those other rooms and se what you can find there."
    Seconds later they were out in the larger room and were swimming towards the waterfall.
    Sofia and Annika looked at each other. They were both naked and had just had sex with a woman they didn't knew an hour ago. They had been at it again but been left unsatisfied. Now they were alone and there were no reason why they should not make love to each other now.
    "So. You want to see what's in those other rooms?" Sofia asked Annika as she sat up.
    "I can't wait." Annika answered and she swung her leg over the seat and stood up.
    Sofia did the same and they were facing each other.
    "How did you like it?" Sofia asked.
    "It was the most incredible sex I have ever had. She took me just the right way. She was so gentle, and the orgasm I had with her was the most drawn out I have ever had. How about you?"
    "She is my kind of woman, what more can I say" Annika smiled at her friend and she run her hand through her hair.
    Annika put her hands on Sofia's neck and pulled her mouth into hers. The kiss was intense but they broke it after just a few seconds.
    "Come on. Let's find another room"
    They picked up their bikinis that were swimming in the water but didn't bother to put them on before they went out.
    The water cooled their bodies of and although it wasn't more than a meter deep they swum along the wall.
    The next room was occupied. Moaning sounds from at least two girls were heard from inside. The next room was also occupied but in there they could hear both a man and a woman. Apparently very close to a climax. The next room was quiet and they crawled inside.
    In this room the water was ice blue. In the middle was a low padded bench. It was about a meter wide and it was shaped after the back of a body, with a deepening for the ass and the shoulders so that the person who lay there would lay firmly. At the end of the bench was a padded pole with two devices for fastening something on it. These two were adjustable in height up or down the pole. The pole was attached to a sled which was fixed with a feather so it made resistance if the pole was pulled towards the bench. Another pole was attached to the sled further back on it. It had four handles.
    It wasn't until Sofia found the shelf in the wall they found out how they should use the machine. Then they were very eager to put things together.
    On the shelf lay several dildos in rubber. They chose their weapons, and attached them to the fastening devices at the first pole. Sara put her dildo in the lower slot. She was going to be at the bottom.
    She looked at Annika with enthusiasm.
    "Come on. Take your seat." Annika said. She was also very eager to get started.
    Sofia lay on her back on the bench, spreading her legs. She moved down towards the dildo and Annika helped her to insert it. She moaned as it slowly slid in.
    Then it was Annika's turn. She mounted Sofia on her hands and knees, lowered her hips, found her dildo with her hand and inserted it. They only inserted them partly. She looked down at her lover. This was it. They would finally do it. They had a little help by a machine but it was just the who of them. She lowered her upper body onto Sofia. Their wet bodies came in direct contact and they gently slid against each other.
    They placed their calves against the handles at the back of the sled. If they bent their knees the sled would move and the two dildos would move into their pussies.
    Their lips met in a passionate kiss. Tongues swirled and they shifted saliva back and forth between their mouths.
    Suddenly they both gasped. Sara had pulled the sled towards them and the dildos quickly went inside in their full length. The padded pole smacked into their asscracks.
    After the first shock the pleasure started to spread in their bodies as Sofia slowly let the dildos out.
    They kissed again. They suck on each others lips and tongues. Sucking and sloping sounds were heard among she soft moaning.
    Now it was Annika who jerked the sled towards them. The shock of pleasure again went through their bodies.
    She slowly let the sled go back again and it pulled the dildos out.
    Together they started, slowly but rhythmically, to move the dildos back and fourth. They went in and out of their pussies.
    They didn't kiss now but they brushed their open mouths together. Their hands were joined together above their heads and the more excited they became the harder they held each others hands.
    They increased the tempo. Every time the dildos went in with their full length the padded pole smacked into their asscracks. With the increased tempo the smacks became harder and harder and their bodies started to rock with every slap.
    Annika started to move her body in circles on top of her lover. Their wet bodies slid against each other and their breasts fought over the space between their chests.
    With every thrust now came a load moan. The rhythm of their thrusts and their sounds made them more horny and they increased the tempo further.
    After only a few minutes of this fucking they were both on the top and came together. They shouted out loud as their second orgasm for the day caught them.
    They collapsed. Both breathing hard. Wet and limp bodies were pressed together.
    After a few minutes Annika lifted her head up and looked into Sofia's face.
    "Would you have believed me if I said this morning that by the end of the day we would be fucking each other?"
    "I probably would have slapped you and never talked to you again." Sara answered with a smile. Annika smiled back and gave her friend a kiss on her lips.
    "I guess this will change a few things back home."
    "It certainly will. But in my opinion it's a good change."
    They smiled at each other again and met in a wet kiss.
    They started to move the dildos in and out again and they started to moan again, but this time they didn't break the kiss until they both were almost out of air.
    They came together again and collapsed in each others arms.
    This time it took them more than 30 minutes to get their strength back.
    They looked at each other.
    "I need a break and something to drink." Sofia said.
    "Good idea. The night is still young." Annika answered with a noughty smile.
    She rose on her hands and started to pull the dildo out of her pussy. She climbed of Sofia on whom she had been resting for the last hour.
    They removed the dildos, washed them in the water placed them on the shelf again.
    They put on their bikinis, gave each other a last long wet kiss before they crawled out of their love nest.
    At the same time they came out in the bigger cave the love making couple in the room next to them came out. It was the couple they had seen on the boat and that they had been following here. They recognised the girls instantly.
    "Hi." They both said.
    "Hi." Said Sofia and Annika.
    "So you have also found this little place"
    "Yes, it's our first time here and we already like it, don't we" Sofia said and she smiled at Annika.
    "We surely do." Said Annika and wrapped one arm around Sara's waist.
    "We have been here two years before so we know this place pretty well." Said the man.
    "Why don't the two of you join us for a drink and then we can show you around this place."
    "Sure." Annika and Sofia said together,
    They walked towards the waterfall.
    And the night is still young, thought Annika.

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    posted August 18, 2005 07:24 PM Canami island - Annika and Sofia's first night (continued)
    The couple had introduced themselves as Douglas and Beatrice. They had ordered a huge fruit drink each and sat around a table in the middle of a room near the entrance.
    Douglas was a blond, muscular man in the thirties. He was only dressed in a pair of shorts. His bare chest was covered with hair. Sofia and Annika had already seen his dick grow at the boat and they suspected that he was well equipped.
    Beatrice couldn't be older than 20. She was a beautiful brunette with large eyes that made her look like the most innocent girl in the world but her clothing spoke a different language. Her silver shining bikini was totally minimal. The top only covered the nipples leaving the rest of the delicate flesh of her breasts naked to the world.
    The bottom was a string model with just a piece of fabric that covered her pussy.
    She had a very slim body with a narrow waist but her breasts were large, round and firm. Sofia and Annika came to the conclusion that they had to be stuffed with silicone.
    "Is this your first visit here?" Douglas asked. First looking at Annika and then at Sofia.
    "Yes it is. How about you?" Annika asked back.
    "This is my second time here but Douglas have been here five times now. I met him last time I was here. We don't need to tell all the details here but let's say I won him then." Beatrice said with a smile and wrapped her arms around her guy to accentuate her words.
    "So you know this island pretty well then?" Sara asked Douglas.
    "Yes I have been around at all the places but my personal opinion is that this is far the best place on this island."
    "Well we have only seen a small part of it yet."
    "This place is huge. It takes days, even weeks to discover all the corners and small nests around here."
    "We've only been in two of the room's in that cave where we met but we saw there were several more rooms there."
    "Oh. That's only a small part of it. There is another cave with almost two dozens of private rooms. But they are also spread all over the place. Spend some time here and you'll se what I mean."
    "But if you are finished with your drinks we would like to show you around." Beatrice said as she put her hands on the table readying herself to get up.
    "Sure." Sofia said and looked at Annika.
    "I'd love to." Annika said and they all rose.
    Beatrice walked first and the others followed in a row. She walked into the hall with the pool and entered the water. A few meters out she turned around and pointed up towards the side of the hall. There were several ledges and on some of them they could see people.
    "There are stairs behind that wall and you can enter those ledges from behind." Beatrice said.
    "Now follow me"
    Beatrice turned around and walked further out into the pool. They passed a rock, turned right and another pool lay before their feet. A wooden bench that was about two meters wide reached all around the pool and they saw several openings in the walls that led into small rooms just like the ones they had already seen. A few meters up on the wall was a balcony which served several more rooms upstairs.
    Beatrice led them across the pool. Passed a few rooms that were occupied and found an empty room.
    "Want to see it from the inside?" Beatrice asked.
    Annika and Sofia nodded eagerly.
    The water was over a meter deep where they stood and they walked a few meters along the bench to a stair that led up to it.
    To get to the cave they had selected they had to step over two women which were tightly tangled on the bench.
    They were both clad in short summer dresses that had become all wet when they had walked or swum through the water to get here. But they had clearly reached a point in their sex act when the dressed made it difficult to them.
    Beatrice smiled as she passed them.
    They all entered the room. In the middle was a round bed about four meters in diameter with a hallow in the middle. That made it look like a shallow bowl. Around it was led a narrow canal of water.
    Douglas and Beatrice got onto the bed and lay down in each others arms. Sofia and Annika followed them. Sofia on her back and Annika on the side in her arms.
    "What do you like this place?" Beatrice asked.
    "Really cosy." Annika said looking at the inside of the cave which had a few holes, both in the ceiling and on the walls, with lights in.
    "We like these rooms. Usually big orgies goes on in the bigger ones here. If you haven't tried it before you have your chance here. You just have to do it." Beatrice incited them.
    She moved herself closer to the muscular body of her boyfriend. She ran her fingers through the fur on his chest. He started to rub her back and soon found his way to the side of her breast.
    Annika and Sofia watched them and they knew what was about to come. And it came.
    His penis started to grow. The bulge got bigger and bigger. Beatrice noticed that and moved her hand down and started to caress it through his shorts. Soon it was too big to fit in his shorts and she let it out.
    It indeed was huge as the girls had expected.
    Beatrice turned to Annika and Sofia and smiled a horny smile.
    "Do you want to take a closer look at it?" Beatrice asked.
    Annika and Sofia did not hesitate. They sat on their knees beside Douglas and Beatrice and carefully started to explore the dick with their hands. Beatrice had totally freed it from his shorts now and it stood straight out.
    Sofia grabbed it in her hand but she could not reach around it.
    Douglas enjoyed the look of the three ladies examining his dick. He was getting aroused and he knew he'd soon get what he wanted.
    When Annika and Sofia became a little to eager in their examination Beatrice suddenly pushed them away. Annika and Sofia surprised sat on their knees on each side of Douglas' dick.
    Beatrice faced Douglas and straddled him. She removed his shorts completely and grabbed his dick. She moved the string of her panties to the side and started to insert the huge dick into her pussy.
    Slowly, slowly she worked it inside. It was clear that it met some resistance on it's way in but soon she had it all inside her. She started to slowly move up and down it and she moaned in pleasure as the huge stick massaged her inside.
    Annika and Sofia watched, with great interest, the show that where put up to them. They licked their lips and both started to caress their pussies that were already getting wet.
    After about a minute Beatrice stopped and sat down with the cock fully inserted in her. She looked at first Annika, then Sofia and smiled seductively at them.
    "Does anyone want to try?" Beatrice asked them. Both nodded eagerly.
    "Ok. Get undressed." Beatrice ordered.
    Annika and Sofia quickly removed their tops, sat on their asses and pulled their panties of.
    "Who wants to start?"
    "Me." Annika and Sofia said simultaneously. They looked at each other. None of them wanted to hurt their friend but they both really wanted that dick now.
    "Come closer." They both obeyed Beatrice's order and walked on their knees closer to her.
    "Closer." Beatrice ordered again and they lay their arms around her neck and pressed their bodies tightly against her.
    "We have to decide which of you who shall go first."
    Beatrice reached behind them, slid her hands down their backs, over their asses, in between their thighs and onto their pussies.
    They both gasped as they felt her fingers play over their womanhood. Gently she inserted one finger in each pussy and forced it as far in as she could reach. After five seconds she turned to Sara.
    "You are wet enough. You go first."
    She turned to Annika.
    "You have some homework to do before you are ready, but I'll help you with that."
    With that she rose from the dick she had been sitting on. With a plopping sound it came out and with a smack it landed on his tummy. It had lost it's full erection because of lack of attention for a few seconds.
    Beatrice stepped aside and Sofia quickly took her place. She grabbed the dick which was wet with Beatrice's juices. She stroke it a few times and it instantly became stiff again. She moved the top of it to her pussy and started to insert it.
    It wasn't until she felt the size of it inside of her she got scared. My good. I'll can never swallow this one, she thought to herself.
    But she kept on working and bit by bit it went inside. Her pussy obviously was to small for this kind of things.
    Well inside she could feel it strain deep inside of her. When she slowly started to move up and down it just like Beatrice had done she gasped with pleasure. The sensation when the dick rubbed against her in it's full length was incredible. She closed her eyes and let the pleasures take control over her.
    Annika was watching her friend's efforts to insert the huge cock into her when she felt Beatrice's hand on her pussy again.
    She turned her head and their eyes met.
    "You see, to get that dick in you have to be very wet or else you will never make it."
    She placed her other hand between Annika's breasts and pushed her onto her back. She separated her legs and lowered her head down towards the open pussy. With her fingers she parted the lips and started to lick the exposed flesh. She knew that Annika had had sex only an hour ago and she could feel the taste of her juices.
    When she started to flick the clit with her tongue she heard Annika gasp and her body began to twist and turn.
    Soon Annika was really wet and Beatrice could start the harvesting. She sucked in every drip of what ran out of the hole.
    Sofia were moaning louder now and so did Douglas. His cock was throbbing now and he enjoyed every second of this. But Sofia could not hear Douglas's moaning. Nor could she hear the moaning that came from her friend getting licked next to her. She was in her own world where the only things that existed were her, the dick she was riding and large amounts of pleasure.
    That's why her awakening became so brutal when Beatrice grabbed her around her waist, lifted her up and of the cock. They landed together on their backs.
    Sofia was struggling wildly to get free an back to her world of pleasure, but Beatrice held her tight. They wrestled for a while but although Sofia were heavier than the slim Beatrice she was soon pinned beneath her.
    "The trial is free my darling. But if you want it all you have to go through me." Beatrice said to the straddled, still horny woman under her.
    "That's exactly the words Douglas' ex girlfriend used when she spoke to me when she and I were in exactly this position last year. Douglas only want the best of the best. I happened to be better than her and I won him. I have been challenged many times since then but no one have been able to beat me so I doubt you will either." Beatrice talked with a friendly voice but there was no doubt that she was absolutely serious.
    She looked into Sofia's eyes a few seconds but none of them said a word.
    She got of her and turned to Annika who now sat up and had watched two women wrestle briefly before her.
    "Your turn honey."
    Annika knew she would be interrupted just like her friend was but she just had to ride that cock. She knew she would be frustrated like hell but maybe, just maybe she could beat this girl and have that cock all to herself.
    She straddled Douglas and grabbed the dick. She too had to caress the damp dick for a few seconds before it became stiff enough.
    She took a deep breath and started to insert it. Just like her friend she had difficulties to swallow it and had to work two full minutes before it was gone inside her.
    She started to ride it and soon she too was lost in another world.
    Although she had been riding for three minutes it felt like only a few seconds when she was pulled away.
    She screamed as she rolled around with Beatrice but soon she was pinned just like her friend five minutes before.
    "Ok, girl. You know the rules. You have to go through me to get the rest of it."
    "Fuck you." Were the only words that came to her mind as she lay pinned by this slim woman.
    "Is that a challenge?" Beatrice asked and she overdid her expression of surprise.
    "Yes it is. It's a challenge. I want that dick and if I have to go through you to get it I will."
    Beatrice smiled and she really enjoyed this moment. She would fight this woman for the right of her cock. She had never lost a sexfight before and she was selfconfident.
    She rose and stood on her knees. Annika also got to her knees and faced Beatrice.
    "It's you and I now. We will fight until one of us collapses with sexual exhaustion. None of us will leave this room until we have a winner."
    Annika nodded to show she agreed. She was still horny and was eager to get started. She examined the body that she soon should put her own against. It looked so fragile. The thin waist made her round breasts look even bigger than they really were. The pussy was shaved and trimmed and she only had a neat bush of short hair right above the opening.
    Douglas now had her girl right where he wanted her and Beatrice knew that. He loved to see her girl fight for the right of his proud. He knew Beatrice was good. She had had at least twenty fights the last year and never lost one. But he remembered that he didn't think she would beat his last girlfriend, Johanna, that day last year when they had fought. Johanna had been his lover for four years and she had over and over again showed to him that she was unbeatable. Until The young Beatrice came. She was only 19 then and Johanna thought she could easily outfuck her.
    They fought for three full hours and both came countless times. But when it was all over Beatrice was the winner and was not late to claim her prize.
    Beatrice started to scope water onto the padded circle. This would provide them a little cooling during the fight.
    She examined her opponent. Annika was perhaps one or two centimetres shorter than her but was several kilos heavier. Her tits were rather large in proportion to the rest of her body. The pussy was a hairy mass but her legs were shaved so no hair were visible if she wore a bikini.
    Douglas and Sofia sat on the edge of the circle and the game could begin.
    Beatrice started to walk on her knees towards Annika. Their hands met in a test of strength and they locked eyes as they strained against each other.
    Their hands went up in the air and their tits were pressed together. Annika could feel how firm her enemies breasts were and they flattened her own although they were equal in size.
    Annika were able to push Beatrice backwards but before she could get a real advantage Beatrice threw herself to the side and took Annika with her.
    They started to roll around with each other. Their arms wrapped around each others backs and their legs were locking and unlocking around each other. Like this they fought for several minutes before Beatrice managed to get the upper hand.
    As their rolling stopped with Beatrice on top she brought her mouth into Annika's and violently started to kiss her. Annika got the point and kissed back.
    Their tongues swirled in each others mouth and both produced large amounts of saliva that they tried to force into the other woman's mouth but the most of it ran down Annika's cheeks.
    The kiss went on minute after minute and it was very frenetic. Soon their lips were swollen and sore from all the rubbing and grinding and they broke the kiss.
    Beatrice now changed her tactics. She started to rub her tits against Annika's but Annika rubbed back. The water they were fighting in and the sweat that had emerged on their bodies made their breast's slippery and they had to press their chests hart together to get some friction between them.
    Despite their sore lips they met in a kiss again, just as frenetic as the last time.
    Hard nipples were pressed into soft flesh on both sides but after ten minutes no one had any advantage at all. Their breasts were a little sore but that was all. The wetness between them made it impossible to fight each other this way. Beatrice knew she had to get nastier.
    She broke the kiss, fell to her side which exposed both of Annika's tit's to her hands.
    Annika screamed when her tender breasts were mauled by the long and slender fingers. It took her several seconds before she made a counterattack.
    Soon both warriors were screaming in pain. Titflesh were pulled, squeezed, moulded and scratched. Their legs were intertwined but their outstretched arms held their chests apart. They were both in great pain but none of them would surrender now. They both knew this conflict would not be solved with pain but with pleasure.
    As on a given signal they both stopped their attacks and started to rub their sore tits. Both had tears in their eyes and were sobbing with pain.
    After a few minutes of resting they started to prepare the next part of the battle. This was the final test. They would let their greatest symbols of their womanhood fight each other. This was the extreme point of female combat. Everything they had done until now was just a test of strength.
    They were at each other wrestling again, trying to get the top position when they were about to rub their cunts together. They rolled violently back and forth and the water splashed around them.
    While they rolled they pressed their hips together when they could. Just to give the other woman a small tease of what was about to come.
    Eventually Annika succeeded in pinning her rival with their hands high above their heads. She had her chest lifted a little from Beatrice's as she separated her legs with her own. Their still sore tits were rubbed together but they hardly felt the pain anymore. They were both too angry to bother about it and they both prepared themselves for the upcoming battle of their pussies.
    Annika had her legs between Beatrice's and pressed them apart opening their pussies to each other. They started to grind.
    Annika was horny when the battle begun and in the start, when they had kissed each other and rubbed their tits together, she was still horny, but their assaults on each others tender breasts only had made her angry. Now she felt herself getting horny again but it was not the same horniness she had felt when she made love to Sofia or Louise earlier. This feeling was mixed with anger and hate and she liked it. This was their private battle. Their sexes would battle to see who were the better lover and who owned the right to that cock she only had felt inside her for a few minutes. But it was definitely worth fighting for.
    Annika instantly felt that she had better leverage than her enemy and could better control her rubbing into her rivals pussy.
    They looked into each others eyes and saw the other woman's hate in them. This made them more eager to destroy each other.
    They continued to grind into each other and soon their breathing became hard and they felt each others hot breath on their faces.
    Annika felt Beatrice arching her back and realised she was about to cum. This gave her great confident and she was aroused when she thought of victory. Beatrice started to moan louder and louder. Annika pressed their pussies tighter together.
    "Oh nooooo..." Beatrice screamed when she came. Juices squirted out of her pussy and onto into the shallow water.
    Annika smiled triumphantly when she rode the orgasming woman. But when the orgasm had shook her nearly a minute she started to grind her pussy against Annika's again.
    Annika was puzzled. How could she go at it again this soon after that gigantic orgasm?
    She looked into her rivals eyes and saw a resolution that hadn't been there before.
    Again they rubbed their pussies together. Now Annika felt she was getting close to cum and she tried to fight it. She bit her teeth together and tried to manoeuvre her pussy in a way that would reduce the pleasure.
    But Beatrice was a expert. She used her pelvic bone to rub against Annika's cunt and soon she was screaming as the first orgasm reached to her.
    Annika's body stiffened during the orgasm and fell limb onto Beatrice's when it was over. But still Beatrice was not finished. She continued to rub their pussies together and it was then Annika realised that it was a big mistake to challenge this youngster.
    Their second orgasm shook them both at the same time. They jerked together and their nude, wet bodied slid onto of each other. They screamed in pleasure and anger.
    When their orgasms were over Beatrice rolled Annika's limb body onto her back and placed herself on top of it. She grabbed Annika's two wet breasts, spread her legs wide apart and moved her pussy in contact with Annika's again.
    Annika was moaning and squirming beneath her but nothing could stop Beatrice now. She started by pressing her pelvic bone into Annika's open, soaking wet pussy. Then she rubbed her way up until she felt Annika's fur rub against the wet flesh of her own open pussy. Then she moved down again and did this over and over again. Annika started to come to her senses and grabbed Beatrice's wrist but she was too weak to break her grip on her tits.
    Another orgasm shook Annika's body. Beatrice continued her rubbing during it and that made it last for over a minute. After that she also came. Again juices squirted from her pussy. This hot siren seemed to be made for sex. She never ran dry.
    The next orgasm was Annika's last. She passed out totally exhausted and Beatrice rested for a few seconds on top of her beaten foe. Hands still on her breasts.
    She rose to her knees.
    "Thanks honey. I really had a good time. I'm sorry you didn't." Beatrice smiled at the unconscious cute woman that lay before her. This was a sight she had seen several times before. Girls that had challenged her sex but they all ended this way. Beaten and out of their senses before her. She admired her work.
    Then she turned towards Douglas, her prize. She should claim it now.
    Douglas's cock was rock hard. He loved to see Beatrice fight and became hard just watching it. Now she again had proved that she was the best lover and now he would let his huge cock do it's work.
    Beatrice straddled him, smiling a horny smile. She grabbed the cock and navigated it to the opening of her dripping cunt. She stroke it back and forth a few timed along the opening before she let it slide inside.
    Although her pussy was soaking wet she had to work for a while before she had it all inside of her.
    Douglas had her slender waist in a firm grip with both his hand and he helped her girl as she started to ride him.
    Her round breasts bounced up and down as she humped. Moans escaped from them both as they started to come close to the climax.
    Sofia sat at her friends side and was pouring cool water over her hot body. She held her head and tried to make her come to her senses again.
    There was nothing that could forgive that bitch for what she had done but it was Annika who had challenged her and she had lost. Obviously she had misjudged that delicate youngster and thought she could take her. And she was horny by the time and all she wanted was to get back and ride that cock again.
    Poor girl, she thought.
    Annika came alive and the first thing her senses picked up was the sound of a love-making not far from her.
    She saw Sofia that sat beside her and they both turned their heads to watch Beatrice and Douglas going at it.
    What they saw was the big dick moving in and out of the pussy. They could see the area around the opening strain against the oversized cock. Beatrice was leaning forward and used her elbows as support. Her breasts were bouncing back and forth and slid over the hairy chest under them.
    Douglas still had a firm grip around her slim waist and the sight of them two of them making love really showed how different they were. He was muscular with a broad chest and strong arms. She was thin and fragile. His large hand almost reached around her waist.
    Finally they both came and their wet glistening bodies strained.
    Beatrice collapsed on top of her lover and rested.
    Annika and Sofia saw that after a few seconds cum started to stream out of Beatrice's pussy and into the small pool of water they lay in. They knew that he had unloaded large amounts of it inside her and she was not able to keep it inside.
    After about a minute they were at it again. Humping each other first slowly then faster and faster. Beatrice's breasts started to bounce again.
    Annika and Sofia wanted to leave but Annika was to weak to move. They watched the lovemaking and soon they were very fascinated by the sight of the two odd lovers.
    Beatrice came five times more before Douglas had his second orgasm. Again semen flowed out from the pussy. He had again unloaded a large mass of cum inside her.
    Now, finally, they were both exhausted. They just lay there in a tight embrace and breathed for several for several minutes.
    Slowly Beatrice started to move. She slid her body up and the huge cock came out and landed on his stomach.
    She moved her head down to it and started to lick it clean from cum.
    When she was done she turned to Annika and Sofia and smiled triumphantly.
    "Do you see now what you missed?" She said to Annika as she brought some of Douglas' semen out of the water in her hands and held it out to her.
    "Fuck you!" Was all that Annika could say. She was still very angry but knew that she could not put up a fight now.
    Beatrice just smiled. She found her bikini and got dressed. Douglas also got dressed and they left without a word.
    Annika was still a little dizzy but she sat up and she tightly embraced Sofia.
    "I can't believe her incredible stamina." Annika started.
    "She never lost her strength no matter how many orgasms she had. She just went on and on and on..."
    "I mean... She looked so fragile and I thought I could easily beat her."
    "My dear love." Sofia comforted her friend.
    She brought their bodies apart and they looked into each others eyes. Their wet breasts were still pressed together and with every breath they heaved and were pressed tighter together.
    "You are my hero. You know that?" Sofia smiled at Annika.
    "You dared to challenge her. I did not. And now you know what a sexfight is and you are better prepared next time."
    "I'm not a hero. I lost."
    "You are my hero."
    Their lips met in a tender kiss of passion.
    "I really wanted that cock and I know you do too. But we don't really need it. We have each other and think of all the nice things we can do together." Annika said and smiled seductively at her lover.
    Sofia smiled back an they met in another kiss and when they broke it Annika said.:
    "Can we go home now? I'm too tired after all this. There's a day tomorrow too you know."
    "Sure. Here. I'll help you with your bikini."

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    posted August 18, 2005 07:24 PM Canami island - Morning the second day
    Anna woke up by the bright light in the bedroom.
    It took her a few seconds before she realised where she was. Then she remembered last night and she turned her head and saw Sara sleeping naked beside her.
    She smiled with happiness. They had made love that other night. It had been hot and steaming. The sweat had poured from them and they had to take a long swim in the ocean before they cooled of.
    In a closet they had found several sets of clean sheets and they had removed the ones that were soaked from their lovemaking with new dry ones. Obviously this hotel knew what usually went on in these beds and that the sheets needed to shifted once in a while.
    Sara lay on her back. Her breasts heaved with her every deep breath she took. Anna saw that small pearls of sweat covered her entire body. They glistered from the bright light that fell through the windows.
    She felt her own body was too covered with sweat and when she moved the sheets glued onto her body.
    She rolled to her side, supported her head with one hand and admired the body of her friend. She was fascinated by the soft curves and especially the round breasts that rested on top of her chest.
    She smiled again when she thought of last night. When they had rubbed their pussies together and how they came together. She looked down at Sara's pussy. All she could see was a small area of hair that stood up a few centimetres above the silky skin.
    Last night had been her first girl-girl experience and she had loved it. Sara had given something to her that no man had ever done. She let her eyes move up and down the sleeping woman's body and she imagined to herself how it would feel in her hand. She felt a tickle in her pussy and she knew she was getting wet.
    She turned her body in a graceful manoeuvre to look at her watch at the beside table. Almost eleven o'clock. She decided that it was time to wake her lover.
    She sat up, put her feet on the floor and stretched her arms up in the air before she got up. She walked over to the mini bar, a small refrigerator, took a large glass, filled it with sparkling soda and put several ice cubes in it.
    She drank a few mouthfuls of the cold water as she walked over to the bed again and sat down on it next to the sleeping beauty.
    She drank again and this time she took a cube of ice in her mouth before she put the glass away. The cool cube started to melt in her hot mouth and she had to swallow the water that it freed.
    Anna leaned onto Sara and put one hand on each side of her chest and then straddled her with her knees. The sleeping Sara made no move and Anna went to work.
    With the ice cube in her mouth she started to suck on one of Sara's nipples. The contact with Anna's cool saliva instantly made it erect. Sara started to moan softly and her body turned a little from side to side, showing that this sexy lady was about to wake up.
    Anna moved her attention to the other nipple. It also got erected and Anna started to suck hard on it.
    Sara woke up and opened her eyes. She smiled and enjoyed the awakening she was given.
    Anna looked up and their eyes met. She leaned forward and their lips met. Anna let the cool water in her mouth run into Sara's mouth. They moved the cube back and fourth between their mouths and when it was gone they broke the kiss.
    "Good morning lover." Anna said.
    "Good morning sweetie." Sara said and wrapped her arms around Anna's chest and pulled her close.
    Their damp bodies met in their full length and they hugged each other tight a long time without saying a word, just enjoying the sensation of the other woman's soft body against her own.
    Sara yawned a couple of times and then she felt ready to take on this new day with all that it had to give.
    She rolled Anna onto her back and still hugging each other tightly she placed herself firmly on top.
    They kissed again. Tongues exploring each other's mouths. Sometimes they parted their lips and only their tongues were in contact, licking and wrestling each other, then they pressed their lips together again and let them work on their lovers lips.
    Hands started to explore each others bodies. Hands slid against wet skin and soon they found the sides of each others breasts. Sara started to gently pinch Anna's firm breast. She grabbed a small part of the wet skin between her thumb and her index finger and squeezed until it slid out of her grip. It didn't hurt much but Anna looked for a way to get even.
    She slid one of her hands down Sara's sweaty back and it landed on the round ass. She started to squeeze it in her hand and used her nails to get a better grip.
    Sara was not in pain from Anna's assault on her ass but she increased her pressure with each pinch she gave Anna's breast. Anna too increased the pressure and now she used both her hands, one of each buttock.
    They both started to moan slightly in pain but they didn't brake their tender kiss.
    Their assaults continued and Sara was also using both her hands now on each of Anna's breasts. None of them wanted to give in and they were both in great pain.
    Suddenly Anna bucked her hips and rolled Sara onto her back again. She released her grip on her ass and grabbed two handfuls of brown hair. Sara grabbed herself large amounts of blond locks. They looked into each others eyes and smiled playful.
    Anna suddenly brought her head down and sucked Sara's lip into her mouth. She sucked on it hard until Sara started to moan, then she released it.
    Sara sucked on her assaulted lip and tried too look angry but Anna just smiled on top of her and she also had to smile. She snapped her teeth twice as to challenge Anna. Anna snapped back.
    Anna attacked again and again she sucked hard at Sara's lip. Sara tried to attack but didn't get anything.
    Anna attacked a third time but this time Sara got Anna's lower lip into her mouth and sucked it deep in her mouth. It was Anna's turn to moan.
    The attacks now came rhythmically. Sometimes Anna would win and suck on Sara's lip and sometimes it was the opposite. But mostly they missed, only ramming their lips or teeth together.
    Their grips in each other's hair tightened and they used it as a handle on each other's heads to steer her mouth into her own.
    One time they both succeeded in getting hold of one of the other woman's lips. Anna got Sara's upper lip and Sara got Anna's lower lip. This time they both sucked long and hard until they let go.
    Sara hesitated for a moment then, with use of her grip of Anna's hair, she rolled Anna over. But Anna continued the roll and soon they were both rolling back and forth on the large bed. Grunts escaped from their open mouths.
    Their already sweaty bodies became even more sweaty when they strained against each other in fight for top position.
    Wet breasts slid against other wet breasts and long, slender legs locked and unlocked around each other.
    After a while Anna managed to get on top of Sara but Sara wrapped her long and sexy legs around her waist. They had let go of each others hair and were now joined in a bearhug.
    Anna moved her knees up and supported her body with them, lifting her hips up from Sara's, but Sara had her locked tight with her legs so with her she lifted Sara. She also lifted her upper body with her hands and it separated from Sara just enough to lift her hanging breasts from Sara's.
    Sara had her hands locked together around Anna's neck and prevented her from siting up. Anna continued to strain against Sara. She jerked and tried to force herself up into sitting position. This made Anna's hanging breasts slap against Sara's.
    Anna strained her every muscle and were able to sit up but along with her followed Sara who refused to let go of her hold. Their soaked bodies met in a wet embrace and they bot took a moment to get some of their strength back.
    Sara made the first move. Her right hand took a firm grip on Anna's neck. She brought her mouth into her own and the kissfight was on.
    It was intense. Both sucked on each other's lips and tongues. They licked on each others lips and sometimes they gave each other a lovebite. Not hard at all but just enough to trap the tongue or a lip between their teeth.
    This went on for several minutes but the longer it lasted the softer the kiss became. Now their lips were sealed together and their tongues explored each others mouths. They could only breath through their noses and they soon breathed very heavy because of lack of air.
    It was Anna's excellent stamina that made her the winner of this part of their struggle. They had kissed for 30 full minutes but then Sara had to break it. She let go of her hold of Anna's neck and fell onto her back, her legs still wrapped around Anna's waist. She was breathless and it took her a few minutes before she could talk.
    "You are an excellent kisser, my dear Anna." Sara smiled at Anna, still breathing deeply.
    "Thanks. But you are not too bad you either."
    Anna put her hands on both side of Sara's waist and Sara wrapped her legs tighter around Anna.
    "But you were better, darling. So, I'm all yours. What do you want me to do?" Sara asked and she let her arms fall straight out, totally exposing her sexy body to her blond friend to show that she was totally devoted to her.
    Anna smiled a dirty smile. She leaned forward onto her hands and lowered herself onto her friend. She put her mouth to Sara's ear and whispered:
    "I want you to eat me like you never have eaten a woman before. Remember, I've never been eaten by a woman before and you do want me to like it don't you?"
    "I'll eat you. You know I'm the best of the best. I'll give you the experience of your lifetime, baby"
    "Mmmmm. I like that."
    "Now, get onto your back and I'll eat you dry, lover."
    "Give it to me, sweetie." With that Anna rolled onto her back and Sara rolled with her.
    Sara unwrapped her legs from around Anna's slim waist and walked backwards on her hands and knees until her face were right above Anna's pussy. She spread her legs wide and looked into Anna's face a last time before she lay herself flat on her belly between her legs.
    Her fingers started to explore the pussy. First caressing the neat bush of hair on top of it. Harder and harder she massaged it and Anna started to moan and buck her pussy against Sara's hand.
    With one hand Sara opened the pussy wider and the other hand worked it's way inside the hole and found the clit. She started to flick it and she felt it growing. Soon it was in it's full size and then Sara put her tongue into work.
    Her expert tongue flicked and sucked the erect clit. She felt the salty taste that she liked so much and that made herself horny. But that was nothing to what Anna felt right now.
    She had been licked by some of her boyfriends before but never really liked it. Now she knew why. Only another female can know how to lick a pussy. Sara had said she was the best of the best and Anna didn't doubt it. She had to bite her lower lip not to scream out loud but she couldn't hold it back forever.
    High screams were heard as feedback on Sara's work.
    Anna was getting close now. It felt like an explosion was building in her body. She wrapped her legs around Sara's back to assure she would not leave her unsatisfied. She would have to stay there until her work was done.
    But Sara had no intentions to stop now. The fact that she now was trapped by two of the most sexy legs she had ever felt made her more eager to bring this woman over the edge.
    Sara felt the contractions in Anna's pussy squeeze her tongue but soon she was not able to keep it inside. Anna jerked and twisted so violently when the orgasm arrived that she was totally helpless where she lay trapped. The soaking wet pussy several times slammed into her face, wetting her nose, her cheeks and her chin. But she didn't mind that. This was Anna's big moment. This was her gift to her dear friend that was now also her lover. Right now she didn't care about what happened to herself, just as Anna had a good time.
    Anna felt that the orgasm was now leaving her. She had never experienced anything like it before. She didn't know for how long the orgasm had lasted but it was certainly twice as long than any that a guy had ever given her. She still had her legs wrapped around Sara's back but now they only lay there relaxing.
    Sara was now able to lick the pussy again after the rough ride she had had. She licked the juices that still ran out from the hole and continued until nothing more came. Anna was dry but she had produced large amounts of that salty liquid.
    Anna unwrapped her legs and let them fall onto the bed. Sara rose her head and Anna held her arms out, inviting her friend to join her in a hug. Sara was not late to accept that and their wet bodies met in their full lengths.
    "Thank you lover. You just gave me the best orgasm I have ever had. I owe you everything." Anna said and her voice were trembling with happiness.
    "No you don't, darling. But I'm glad that I could please you."
    Sara rose her head and they kissed. Their hands started to explore each others hot and sweaty bodies and soon they were horny and at it again.
    They rubbed their wet pussies together. Their pubic hair scratched against each other and Sara's wet body slid on top of Anna's equally wet body.
    If someone could see them now they would be paralysed by amazement. There lay two incredible sexy women in a gigantic bed. Their slim bodies were all sweaty and they glistened in the sunlight. They were kissing and caressing each other softly and with great passion.
    The way they made love showed that they were not only lovers but also close friends. They were not only in it to make it enjoyable for themselves but mostly for their girlfriend to be pleased.
    Now they both started to come and they rubbed harder and more rhythmically together. They had broken the kiss to be able to breath but their faces were still very close. Their hands held a firm grip on the other's shoulders.
    They were both screaming when they came together.
    "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yyyyyeeeesssss." Anna screamed, totally out of control.
    "I'm coming. Oh, my good I'm coming. Come with me, Anna."
    "I'm coming with you Sara my lover."
    "I can feel you are. You are the best you know that?"
    "I'm only the best because you are... Ohhhhh... Please Sara hold me. Never let me goooooo..."
    "I'm right here with you, sweetie. I'll always be."
    They had both stopped orgasming and lay tightly tangled together. Both were so happy they were laughing and tears of happiness ran from their eyes. In their friend they had found a lover and their friendship had become even deeper.
    Soon they both heard sounds that came from the other bedroom. They looked into each others eyes and listened carefully. The sounds became louder and they heard that they were sounds of pleasure. They could identify the voices of their two friends and they smiled at each other.
    "Looks like there is two more lucky girls in this house." Said Sara and wiped a tear out of Anna's eye.
    Sofia and Annika had both awoke when they heard Anna scream from the other bedroom. They had both listened how it grew in intensity and then faded away. They looked surprised at each other.
    "Wow. Sound's like it's something hot going on in their room." Annika said.
    "Yea. They seem to have found each other." Sofia smiled.
    "But then again, so have we." Said Annika and moved herself closer to Sofia and put her hand on her tummy.
    "We really found each other last night didn't we?"
    "Hadn't that bitch Beatrice showed up we would have had a lot more fun together." Annika said, now regretting her showdown that she had lost so totally last night.
    "Don't think of her now. We'll find a way to get even on her. I promise you."
    "Yes. We'll find a way." Annika smiled at her friend and gave her a kiss.
    Sofia kissed her back and soon their mouths were tightly pressed together. Annika started to caress the soft tummy that her hand rested on. She moved her hand in wider and wider circles and soon her hand passed the bush that surrounded Sofia's pussy for every turn. Finally it stopped there. Sofia spread her legs apart and Annika knew what she wanted her to do. She started to insert a finger into the hole. It was still dry but she worked her way in. She knew this wasn't a gently treatment but she also knew Sofia wanted it rough.
    When the finger was all in she felt the surrounding walls became damp. She rotated her finger and she felt the pussy contract.
    It was Sofia who used the muscles around her pussy to squeeze Annika's finger. They smiled at each other through the kiss.
    Annika flicked her finger up and down the inside of Sara's pussy until it was soaking wet. Then she concentrated her work on the clit instead. It was erected and Annika was amazed by it's size. She hadn't noticed that before because she had never given it this close attention before. She just had to see it.
    Annika broke the kiss and smiled seductively at her lover. She started to slide down beside Sofia's body until her head was at the same level as her pussy, then she rolled in between her legs.
    They were both very exited about what was about to come. Sofia because she had never had another woman examining her private areas before. She knew she was about to get licked and the thought of this new experience made her very excited. Annika was because she had never looked at a pussy this close before. She had examined her own with her fingers and tried to look inside of it with the help of a mirror, but this was something completely different. She was about to see how a wet pussy looked like on the inside. She hadn't been wet before but she felt the moist in her own pussy now when she saw what was in front of her now.
    Sofia had spread her legs wide and her pussy was open to the world, or at least to Annika. Slowly and with trembling hands Annika parted the pussy lips with her fingers and more of the wet flesh became visible to her. She saw the opening and gently inserted a finger there. Sofia moaned and Annika lifted her head and smiled at her.
    Annika found the clit again and brought it out in the daylight. As she did Sofia gasped with pleasure. Anna rolled it between her fingers and studied it closely. She wondered how it could be so big. Hers wasn't.
    The distinct smell of Sofia's sex reached Annika's nose. It was a smell that forever should remind her of these first moments with her new lover.
    Slowly she brought her head down and the tip of her tongue met the tip of the wet clit. She did it. She actually did it. She licked another woman's clit. The thoughts rushed through her head and she slowly started to flick it with her tongue. Only the tip at first but then her tongue licked the whole visible clit and Sofia started to moan louder.
    Annika's lips enclosed the clit and she started to suck on it. Her tongue swirled around it inside her mouth.
    This really got Sofia of. She let out long loud moaning sounds and her body trembled in pleasure. She had to take a firm grip with both hands in the sheets she lay on to restrain herself a bit.
    Annika reached with her hands under The thighs she was laying between, up on the outside and in to the pussy again. This way she could get a better grip and had the lower abdomen in a firmer grip.
    She continued her sucking. The feedback she got clearly showed that she was doing it right the first time. But she wasn't ready to let Sofia go just yet.
    As her victim almost reach the point where she was about to come Annika stopped the sucking. Sofia was frustrated.
    "No. Don't stop. I'm so close. Let me go." Sofia cried.
    But Annika did nothing.
    Annika started licking again but again stopped just before Sofia came.
    Sofia now was so frustrated she reached down with her to do the last job herself but Annika grabbed it firmly and held it away. She did the same with the other hand that came and Sofia was now totally in her power.
    She licked her again but didn't bring her as high again. She slowly let Sofia down from the mountain of pleasure.
    "Fuck you." Was Sofia's first comment.
    "You're not the only one that's gonna have some fun around here." Annika said as she rose and started to walk on all four up Sofia's body that was now covered with sweat.
    "Fuck you anyway."
    Annika just smiled and her hanging breasts landed on top of Sofia's as they put their lips together and kissed.
    "Now it's my turn." Annika said and fell to the side and rolled onto her back.
    "Ok." Sofia said with a deep sigh.
    She rolled on top of Annika and seductively started to slide her wet body down wards until she reached the pussy.
    The legs were already parted and that's all the work Annika was about to do right now, the rest Sofia had to do. And Sofia wasted no time when she went at it. Just like Annika had done she took a firm grip around the lower abdomen. Parted the lips with her fingers and softly at first liked the opening. After a while she worked her way in with her tongue. Annika felt this and parted her legs even wider to provide Sofia with all the room she needed. She buried her tongue as deep as she could into the wet pink flesh and started to flick it.
    Soft moans came from Annika and she started to roll her hips against Sofia's face.
    Sofia went to work at the clit and soon Annika was crying with pleasure, ready to explode. But Sofia was just as merciless as Annika had been to her. She refused to let her come.
    "You fucking whore! Don't do this to me." Annika screamed.
    She also tried to get her self go but Sofia grabbed her hands. Just like Annika had done. Now it was her turn to torture her lover.
    For nearly three minutes she kept Annika twisting and turning, helpless on the edge of an orgasm. Then, slowly, she let her down again.
    "If you continue to do that to me I'll till you some day." Annika sad as Sofia rose and placed herself on top of Annika. They kissed and met in a wet tight embrace.
    Annika, still horny started to grind her pussy against Sofia's and soon they were both going at it. Their sweaty bodies slid against each other as they rocked back and forth.
    Annika came first. She screamed the orgasm out loud and that made Sofia more eager in her rubbing and soon she also came.
    When they both had stopped orgasming and screaming they relaxed in each other's arms. They were both completely soaked with sweat and the sheets under them were also drenched. Both from sweat and their mixed sexjuices.
    They both turned their heads towards the bathroom door when it opened. In came Anna and Sara. They looked like two goddesses where they stood, naked with one arm around the other's shoulders. The sunlight fell on their sweaty bodies and it made them glow.

    "Good morning ladies." Sara said smiling at what she saw in the bed.
    "Oh. Good morning." Annika and Sofia answered, still a little surprised that their friends had walked in on them in this slightly embarrassing position.
    But on the other hand, they had heard when Anna and Sara made love earlier and thy also must have heard them screaming a few minutes ago.
    Sofia slid of Annika's body, placing herself on the side next to her, but they still had her arms wrapped around each other.
    "Come here and let's hear what you did last night." Sofia said and patted lightly at the sheets next to her.
    Anna and Sofia walked towards the bed and lay down on it, in each others arms close to Sofia and Annika.
    They all listened with fascination to each other's stories. When Annika told about her sexfight with Beatrice they all felt sorry for her and they all wanted to get even on her for destroying their friends.
    "Hey. I know someone who could match Beatrice with her endurance and sexuality." Sara suddenly said.
    "Who?" Annika asked impatiently.
    "Me? Oh no. I could not. I surely like to help you out but I'm not sure if I'm ready for a sexfight." Anna answered.
    "Well you did outkiss me this morning. You are damned good at it darning. You would with no doubt last longer than any other woman in bed." Sara said in a way that showed she was impressed by her lover.
    "At least think about it." Annika asked Anna.
    "I promise I'll teach you everything you'll ever have to know about sexfighting if you want me to." Sara said.
    "Ok. I'll think about it. But I'd like to we this sexy woman first."
    "Sure. Come with us to that sexclub tonight. They are there every night. We'll point her out for you. But don't let yourself be fooled by the size of her." Sofia warned Anna.
    "She is a few centimetres shorter than you, is very slim but with rather big boobs. They are too firm to be natural. She is not very muscular but her body is rock hard. You must be stronger than her but watch out." Annika described the woman like she remembered her when they were tangled together last night.
    "So. What's the plans for today, ladies?" Sara changed subject.
    "We thought we might take a few hours out in the sun and then go shopping in the town. What about you?" Annika asked.
    "Well. We also thought we might enjoy the sun and take a swim. Right Anna?" Sara turned to Anna and they smiled when they remembered their swim last night.
    "But first you have to take a shower. I'll not be near you on that beach if you smell like you do now." Anna teased her lover. To accentuate her words she waved her hand in front of her nose.
    Sara really did stink, both from sweat and from sex juices. She had them in her face science she had licked Anna.
    "No. I'm not gonna shower. I'm gonna smell like this all day and you have to stand it." Sara smiled at Anna.
    "Oh, no. You're coming with me." Anna grabbed Sara around her chest and started to left her out of the bed. Sara tried to strain against but Anna was too strong for her.
    Anna got her friend to her feet and started to push her across the floor. The struggle went back and forth but again Anna was stronger and soon she had Sara in the bathroom. But it took her another two minutes before they both were in the shower. Sara grabbed everything she could get for her hands in the bathroom. They both grunted and giggled when they struggled against each other.
    Sofia and Annika who still lay in bed heard the two struggling women scream as the cool water hit their hot bodies. They could also hear them tumble in the shower when they both tried to get out of the way from the cool water before it became hot.
    Anna and Sara had ended up sitting in front of each other when they fell together in the shower. They ooked at each other and burst out in laughter.

    Posts: 19 | From: Germany | Registered: Dec 2002 | IP: Logged | Problem w/ Post?
    Junior Member

    posted August 18, 2005 07:25 PM Canami island - The second day
    Sara, Anna, Sofia and Annika lay on the beach sunbathing topless that afternoon. The beach was not crowded and it was about 100 meters to the next group of people who were playing beach volley.
    They had brought two blankets and each of the two newly formed couples of lovers shared a blanket. They lay there, chatting about their experiences with each other and how much they had liked it.
    Twice an hour they had to dive into the water to cool themselves of because the sun that burnt them.
    They had been on the beach for nearly two hours and it was time to get up before they got badly burnt. They all ran out into the water for one last swim. About 20 minutes later they were back They could se another couple swimming towards them and it looked as if they were about to go ashore at the same spot as them. When they got closer Sara could clearly see who they were.
    "Hi girls." It was Linda who was the first to take contact.
    "Hi." Said Anna and smiled at her.
    "Hi." Sara said to Linda. She and Monica exchanged a few angry gazes.
    "I believe I haven't met your friends." Said Linda and swum next to Sofia and Annika before she stood up in the shallow water. A nice pair of firm breasts were visible to the girls.
    Anna and Sara couldn't help them selves staring at them and they were both imagining them in their own hands.
    "I'm Linda." Said Linda and shook hand with first Sofia and Annika who also introduced them selves.
    "And this is my lovely Monica." Linda continued and nodded seductively at her lover.
    Monica was very satisfied that she had used the word 'my' in front of her rival. But as she looked for Sara's reaction she saw that she was staring at her girl's breasts.
    Sara felt someone moving behind her and someone who placed two hands on her hips, She also felt two soft breasts pressing against her back.
    "No staring. Bitch!" Monica hissed in Sara's ear.
    "I'm starring as much as I want to." Sara answered and tried not to take too much notice of her rival behind her.
    "Remember what happened yesterday. You know I'm better than you. Didn't I make that clear last time we met?"
    Their soft breasts rubbed against each other when Sara turned around to face her enemy.
    "You didn't beat be last night. I let you go. We didn't go all the way." Sara hissed in Monica's face.
    "Well then we just have to go all the way if you're not satisfied." Monica said challenging Sara to see how far willing to go.
    "Yes. You and I have to go all the way and when I'm finished with you we'll both be satisfied. In completely different ways though."
    The combatants were so busy staring down each other they hadn't noticed that all the other girls were looking at them. They had put their hands on each other's hips and they pressed their sexy wet bodies together. The only thing that lay between them now was their string bikini bottoms. For the first time their naked breasts met in the nude. Last time they pressed them together was last night in that hot dance they had together. Then they were not bare breasted and ever since then they both had wanted to press their tits together without anything preventing their nipples from stabbing into the other woman's soft flesh. Now they did.
    They could now feel their erect nipples against her own wet breasts and when they slid them against each other they felt the soft , wet skin sliding together but also the nipples rolling between the their flattening breasts.
    "I'll fuck you little bitch." Monica spat in Sara's face.
    "My pleasure. Fucking whore." Sara replied.
    Then the kissfight from yesterday was on again. Their lips totally sealed their mouths together and tongues started to wrestle inside.
    The girls watched with amazement this struggle between the two hot vixens. It went on for two minutes before Linda decided to part her two angry admirers. Like yesterday she did it by inserting her both hands between the two tightly pressed together, wet and soft tummies.
    Sara and Monica restrained Linda's efforts but she was stubborn. Grunts were heard from her when she used all her force to pry the two battling ladies apart. She placed herself between Sara and Monica who were breathing heavily and wiping the others saliva of her lips.
    "Ok girls. You seems quite eager to settle this and I know you didn't do it yesterday. I propose you do it now and get it over with." Linda was very resolute in her words.
    "I'll take you on now if you have the guts to." Sara never once took her eyes of Monica.
    "I can take you any time so right now will be just fine for me."
    "Good. I'll enjoy fucking you into a stinking piece of shit in front of our girlfriend."
    "Stop the bullshit and lets get it on with."
    "Let's all go to our room and settle this. Ok?" Linda asked and got a nod from both combatants in agreement.
    She took Monica around her waist and started to lead her ashore, towards their bungalow. Anna wrapped her arm around Sara's waist and they followed. Last came Sofia and Annika, they didn't want to miss this for the word. Although Annika's devastating loss yesterday they had both got turned on by the thought of another sexfight.
    Anna was proud of her lover. Proud that she didn't back down to this woman that insulted her. But she wasn't jealous. Sara had assured her last night before they went to sleep that although it was her desire for Linda that had started the argument between her and Monica it wasn't her primary goal to win Linda anymore now that she had Anna. The objective now was the fight itself and the wish to win it. It now was a personal thing between the two of them and she had to show she didn't back down and that she was a better lover. And the fact that Sara would claim her prize from Monica if she won didn't bother her either.
    The bedroom was a little larger than the ones In the other bungalow. The bed was also bigger and it was round. The sheets in it were wrinkled as a remaining of what had been going on there this morning. Linda straightened them out a casually as she walked around the bed. In the ceiling there was a round mirror just as large as the bed.
    "Ok. The two of you shall settle this now. None of us will interfere. We will just watch. The match ends if one gives up or is unable to fight anymore." Linda explained and then she stood back.
    Anna gave Sara a squeeze around her waist to wish her good luck and she whispered in her ear.
    "I know you'll win and I'll treat you like queen all night if you outfuck her."
    Sara just smiled at her lover and her words gave her new strength.
    They got on their knees on each side of the bed. Linda turned a switch on the wall and the bed started to rotate slowly. They were still in their string panties but they made no attempt to remove them now.
    They slowly walked towards each other but as they got closer and closer they didn't rise their hands to each other. They continued walking until their nipples met. That was the sign.
    They wrapped their arms around each other and their lips met in a violent kiss. They sucker and licked each other with fury and squeezed their still slightly wet bodies together so hard their breasts pancaked against each other and bulged out on the sides. This way they went on and on for minute after minute. Nothing changed in their way to struggle, only that their kiss were not so frenetic anymore.
    After 35 minutes none of them showed any sign of giving up. They were both breathing hard both through their noses and through their mouths when they parted their lips for a second or two. Their bodies were wet with sweat and they slid against each other as their mouths fought.
    Slowly they started to rub their breasts together, more than they already did. This was to get the other woman sexually aroused before the next part of the battle that was about to begin soon.
    Sara could feel Monica's mashed breasts slide against her own, and the erect nipples again rolled between their breasts. She could also feel her breasts getting tender as they grew along with her own sexual excitement.
    They rubbed against each other up and down and they had a hard time holding their lips pressed together. Sometimes they slid apart and made smacking sounds as they lost their grip.
    Sara moved her hands lower down on Monica's back and placed them on her ass and pulled her close. Their bikini clad pussies made swishing sounds as they were rubbed against each other.
    For about a minute they rubbed their pussies together before Monica broke the kiss and looked into her rival's eyes. What she saw was a pair of angry eyes but she also recognised something that looked like horniness in them. She was almost sure that Sara could see the same in her own eyes.
    "Do you want us to fuck through our panties or are you woman enough to go pussy to pussy with me?" Monica hissed.
    "I'd love to rip your pussy apart with my own. I'll let it suck so hard at yours I'll turn it inside out."
    Anna shivered when she heard her lover say those words. The way they sexually insulted each other made her kind of horny and she felt her nipples getting hard as rocks. She was a little embarrassed about it but a quick look around her at all the other naked breasts showed her that there was not a nipple in sight that was not stiff.
    "My pussy is the best sucker around here and if you don't believe my words then you have to find out the hard way."
    "Let's pusssyfight." Sara said in a way that made Anna gasp with excitement.
    Both sat back on their asses and started to remove their panties, revealing two neat bushes of pubic hair. Sara's was brown, Monica's was blond.
    Monica held her hand out and seductively let it fall onto the sheets. Sara let her panties land on top of Monica's as to show where her position was; on top of Monica.
    Linda was the first of the spectators to climb onto the rotating bed to get a better view of the battle and the other followed her. Anna on the same side as Linda and Sofia and Annika on the other side with the two sweaty fighters between them.
    Sara and Monica leaned back and supported their bodies with their hands and started to crab walk towards each other. As they got close they put one of their own legs under one of the other woman's and one over the other leg of their enemy. Their pussies were now only a decimetre apart and all the time they were looking into each others eyes trying to stare the other woman down. But they were both determined to fight now. They wanted to ram their wet pussies together and show this hot boded woman on the other side who was the best fucker. This was going to be a raw, all out, pussyfight. Nothing else could settler their differences and they were eager to do it now.
    Gently the wet flesh of the two pussies came together. Both gasped as their clits met. Slowly they started to rub them together and they felt their harts beat faster with expectation and lust.
    This first rubbing was only to get a feel of the pussy they were about to go to war with. With the first contact the clits instantly started to erect and grow. Both had large clits but none of the onlookers could see that because they were totally enclosed by their pussies. They were the only ones to know what went on it in there. They could feel the other clit stab into her own pussy the way it could only had done if it was equal in size as their own. Both these women had long experiences of this and could tell exactly how their enemy's pussy looked like after only a minute of rubbing it against her own.
    They used their erected clits to rub against each other and they did something that could look like fencing. Still they looked into each others eyes. Nothing else existed to them in this moment. They were not aware of their friends looking at them. It was only the two of them with their wet weapons that mattered now.
    Their straining bodies were glistening with sweat. Anna adored the two battling femmes. One of them was her lover and she pictured herself instead of Monica on the bed. Her pussy in wet contact with Sara's. But still she was not jealous. She knew that Sara was hers and that she would have her all to her self later that same day. If she won she would let her know that she had been a good girl and she would do anything for her. If she lost she would comfort her lover. Anyhow she would have Sara.
    Suddenly Anna was startled by a wet hand that came to rest on her thigh where she was sitting on the bed. She turned and saw that Linda looked at her with her large wet eyes. Anna gave her a weak smile. Linda moved closer to Anna and soon they were sitting on their heels with their thighs in close contact. Linda still with her hand resting on Anna's thigh only now it was more on the inside of it than on top.
    "How do you like it, sweetie?" Linda whispered not looking at Anna but at the women rubbing cunts in front of them.
    "Oh, I love it. It's fantastic." Anna felt herself getting aroused by the closeness to the other woman's hot body but also felt a small sense of hate in her. Their lovers were fighting each other so they had also to be enemies. Even though Anna could not get that feeling of hate to stay in her. This woman was indeed beautiful and when she thought of it; she did want get to bed with her. She imagined herself with this fit woman. She was also fit and she wondered which one who would outlast the other. A sexfight maybe. Why not?
    Anna continued:
    "I love to se my lover's pussy beat your lover's"
    Linda turned to her.
    "I thought you said you were not lovers." She said in a confused manner.
    "We are now." Anna said and smiled seductively at Linda.
    "Well, nice work my friend. She is indeed beautiful and the way she had acted against Monica so far shows that she knows how to take a woman." Linda was about to continue but Anna interrupted her.
    "She indeed do. I can bet you that she's the best. Monica will fall apart when Sara's pussy is done with her."
    "You're so sweet, darling, but I'm afraid you to much faith in your lover's ability." Linda said in a condescending manner.
    Anna felt herself getting aroused by their little dispute. She made a move and placed her hand Linda's thigh, equally as Linda had her hand on her thigh.
    "I guess we'll just have to wait and see which one of us that has the best lover." Anna whispered.
    "But which one of them has the best lover?" Linda whispered and squeezed Anna's thigh gently.
    Anna froze. This woman next to her was challenging her to a sexfight. She hadn't said it out loud but Anna knew it. But before Anna could answer Linda had withdrawn from her and sat about a metre from her, watching the fight like Anna didn't exist.
    The bitch! Anna thought. That sweet bitch! She was teasing her. Making her want her and then withdraw. Now she felt more anger towards this woman but she was still attracted to her. If she ever got the chance to go into a sexfight with her, she would, but maybe she should do some practice with Sara first. She had promised she would teach her everything she knew about sexfighting and obviously she knew a lot.
    Sara and Monica were now grinding their pussies harder together than before. Slopping and smacking sounds were heard as they were kissing each other's pussy with their own. The two pussies were soaking wet and their juices mixed between them and slowly ran down into their asscracks and dripped onto the sheets.
    Their sweaty breasts were wobbling on top of their chests and they were glistening in the sunlight that fell through the window.
    Sara knew that the fight had only begun. They had only been rubbing cunts for five minutes but she could already feel that this woman was going to put up a fight to the end.
    Not once had they taken their eyes of each other. Now Sara could see Monica's face become twisted as she tried to hold back the orgasm building in her. Sara could feel her own body reacting the same way to the treatment they were giving each other's cunts. They tried to hold it back as long as possible, to not give the other woman any confidence, but soon they were both moaning and screaming with pleasure.
    Seconds later they came together. Their legs got weak and they were not able to keep their asses up in the air as they had done before. They sat down on the sheets right in the little pool they had created during their rubbing and that now was about to become as small lake of cum.
    They could both feel the other woman's cum squirting into their own pussy and that there was huge amounts of it running down between them and onto their asses. Their pussies were so tightly pressed together that the cum even started to squirt upwards to all the viewers to see and they could use their own imagination to understand what was going on in the area that they could not see.
    The orgasms seemed to last forever. The battling women shook and screamed but at last it was over and they were both staring at each other again, catching their breath before going at another round.
    Sara was still weak from her orgasm but the sight of that face she had been staring at during the whole battle made her wanting to go at it again. She started to rub her pussy against Monica's and soon they were both rocking together.
    Sara saw the two sweaty round breasts of her enemy roll on top of her chest and she found her pretty beautiful. During other circumstances she wound have tried to seduce this woman.
    They both felt their strength come back and they started to rub more intense. It took a few moments before their clits became erect again but soon they joined the battle with great pleasure and intense. They stabbed at each other and at the soft, wet flesh around them.
    The fact that that they now were tired made them angry and soon they were throwing insults at each other.
    "You fat cow. Aren't you ready to give up now? I can hear your pussy scream for mercy." Sara started.
    "Fuck you bitch! You'll never hear this pussy scream for anything else than victory." Monica was not late to reply.
    "Ha! Big words from a small pussy."
    "You're the one that's small. I almost drowned yours a few minutes ago. Admit that you can't compete with me, you whore."
    "You didn't drown me. I was swimming on top of your pussy, and I must have filled your little hole with my juices."
    "Give up before I destroy you."
    "I'll be the one who'll do the destroying. I'll suck your heart out of your pussy and eat it with my pussy."
    "I'll show you how to suck. Bitch!"
    "Come on then, slut. Suck me!"
    Wit that they started to work on each other's pussies. Smacking sounds were heard and the watching girls could se the muscles around the lower abdomen on the two women moving as they sucked on each other's pussies.
    It only took them three minutes of this before they were both screaming again. This time the orgasms were shorter and not as violent and they continued to rub their contracting pussies together as they came.
    Both were very weak when they came out of their second orgasm but they could still rest their upper bodies on their hands and the fight went on.
    It was a silent struggle. All that was heard were the deep breathings from their mouths and the slopping and smacking sounds from their pussies. They didn't insult each other any longer. They only stared into the other's wet eyes.
    A third time they came and they screamed a few times before the short orgasm was over. But now they was so tired they totally collapsed onto their backs. Both lay there, catching their breaths for almost a minute with their eyes closed.
    Sara was the first to restart the war when she again rubbed her wet pussy into her opponent's. A moaning were heard as Monica also sat her muscles in motion and rubbed back.
    When they slowly opened their eyes again they could see themselves in the mirror above them. The two nude sweaty bodies were only connected with their pussies. The picture was at the same time grotesque and beautiful. They continued to look into each others eyes through the mirror.
    They only rubbed with small circular motions now because they were both tired on the edge to total exhaustion but their mutual hate for each other kept them alive and working.
    Again they came but none of them had anything left to squirt into their enemy's pussy so the orgasm was just an empty shell that only made the two women weaker.
    Again they were at it and now they were not able to move anything else than their hips. Everything else was limb.
    They looked at each other in the mirror above them and they saw the total exhaustion in their faces. They were both very close to pass out, but they strained against it.
    The fifth time they came Monica came first but she had no strength to scream any more. The only thing that revealed her was her twisted face. Sara continued to rub her pussy against her enemy and she came twenty seconds after Monica.
    The last thing Sara saw in the mirror before she lost her conscious was Monica passing out on the other side.
    Anna saw the both limb, sweaty bodies lay in front of her, joined by their pussies, still pressed together. They had fought long and hard but they had come to a draw. Nothing was determined between them. If they wanted to settle this they would have to fight again.
    Anna leaned forward and stroke some hair out of her friend's face. Then she leaned the head back so that Sara would be able to breath without trouble.
    "Seems like they'll have to settle this another time." Linda said.
    Anna turned to her. She was caressing her lover's face and wiping the sweat out of her eyes.
    "Wow. That was the most intense I've ever seen." Annika said.
    "Yea. That was hot. I never thought I'd see something like this." Sofia said, amazed.
    The two girls had got horny watching the fight and their panties had a wet spot in the front. Sofia noticed that spot first on Annika and then on herself. She whispered something in Annika's ear. They giggled a little and started to get of the bed.
    "Do you take care of her, or do you want us to stay with you?" Sofia asked.
    "No it's ok. I'll take care of her." Anna said and looked suspiciously at Linda. She finally had a chance to be alone with her.
    "We'll go back to our room to get dressed and then we'll go shopping. Can we get you something?"
    "Just get us something to eat." Anna answered.
    "We'll do that." Said Annika and with that she took her horny girlfriend and headed back to their bed for some cunt rubbing before they went shopping.
    Anna and Linda looked at each other for several seconds before any of them said something.
    "Well, we still don't know which of us has the better lover, did we?" Linda asked and leaned her head to the side.
    "No, not this time. And I'm afraid it's my fault." Anna said seductively.
    "And why is that?"
    "You see Sara must be tired from the hot steaming lovemaking with me this morning." Anna said and smiled provocative.
    "Well in that case Monica must have been the one who is tired, as hot and steamy it was in here this morning." Linda said while arching her back and shook her firm breasts.
    Anna said nothing. She just looked at the woman in front of her that she found so beautiful and sexy, but also so provocative she wanted to leap at her and fight her.
    Linda wanted to provoke Anna a little further. She wanted to see how far she could get her.
    She stuck her hand between the pussies of the unconscious fighters and when she brought it up it was soaking wet on both sides. She then started to lick her fingers.
    "Mmmm... Nothing tastes as good as two pussies that have been in battle. The mixture of the juices tastes just great. Mmmm..." She licked her hand clean from cum and then inserted her hand between the pussies again. This time she held her hand out to Anna.
    "Taste it."
    Anna took the hand in her hands and started to lick it as sexy as she could. She let her tongue run up and down the fingers with long strokes. She sucked on them and let her tongue swirl around each of them until she had licked the hand clean from the salty liquid. She really liked the taste.
    "Not bad. Not bad at all. I bet that tongue could do some work on a pussy." Linda said.
    Now it was Anna's turn to dip her hand in between the two hot pussies of her lover and her enemy. She held the wet hand out to Linda but only halfway. Linda took a step closer to her and started to lick the hand. Anna felt the tongue explore the entire hand. It was warm and sometimes it felt soft but sometimes she felt it become stiff as a pin as it licked her fingers. Linda took her finger's in her mouth one after one and sucked on them. It looked as if she gave Anna's fingers a blow job.
    When she was done she didn't let go of the hand but held it in hers.
    "Do you think this tongue can do as much pleasure to a pussy as yours, honey?" Linda said and she waved her tongue at Anna.
    "I don't know. But let's pit them against each other and see who's the best." Anna could hardly believe the words that came from her mouth. She was challenging this sexy woman to a kissfight. She had beaten Sara this morning in a kissfight but that was mostly for fun. This was different.
    "Ok. Do you think you can outkiss me, darling?"
    "Sure I can, sweetie."
    "Let's get it on then." Linda said and made a sign for Anna to get closer.
    Anna walked on her knees until their firm breasts met and started to flatten against each other. They placed their hands on the other woman's naked back and started to pull themselves together. Anna felt that this woman was incredible fit. The back was rock hard, just as her tummy that she had touched yesterday.
    When their faces became close Linda extended her tongue and started to lick Anna's lips. Anna also extended her tongue and soon they were wrestling outside their mouths. But Anna was not late to seal the kiss and now they both breathed only through the nose. Both had their eyes closed from the fists time their tongues met.
    The kiss went on and on. After a few minutes none of them had any advantage over the other and no one wanted to give in.
    They both broke the kiss when they heard their lovers beside them moan as a sign they were both about to wake up. Anna gave Linda a last hard kiss to show her that this was not over yet, she wanted to finish it.
    They both leaned over their friend and started to talk to them. Soon both were awake and they realised what had happened. They looked in the mirror above them and saw their delicate position, with their pussies still joined, but both were too weak to move yet.
    "Can you hear me, bitch? Or did I suck you empty?" Monica asked with a trembling weak voice.
    "I can hear something alright. It sounds like it's coming from the inside my pussy. I must have sucked you in, whore." Sara replied.
    "Enough bullshit. We didn't finish this but we will. I'm not leaving you alone until we have settled this."
    "You're damn right we'll settle this. If I go cunt to cunt with someone I do it until I win. You were lucky this time, but if you want to let my cunt work on yours again it's fine with me."
    Anna smiled at her lover who gave her a weak smile back. She was enjoying listening to her friend insulting her enemy with dirty talks. She slid herself down and lay partly on top of Sara's chest and she kissed her on her lips.
    She felt that her ass connected with Linda's who also lay partly on top of her lover. None of them withdrew. They showed each other their presence and that they weren't through with their business.
    After another two minutes Sara felt strong enough to raise. She sat up but didn't withdraw her pussy. Monica also sat up and they stared at each other.
    "Nice meeting your pussy. See this as a friendly test of strength. The next time will be for real so bring a bag to carry your pussy in when I'm through."
    "I'll bring a bag right. But I'll carry your pussy in it as a souvenir." Sara reply.
    "Get your filthy cunt out of mine and your ass of our bed."
    Sara waited a few seconds before she started to separate their pussies. Anna helped her to the edge of the bed and pulled her panties on. Sara rubbed her sore and swollen pussy before she allowed Anna to cover it with the panties. Sara put one arm around Anna's shoulders and was helped up. She was stiff as a board as she they started to walk out of the room.
    "You are lucky you can walk at all, whore" Monica shouted after her.
    "I'll see you tomorrow, bitch." Sara shouted back.

    Posts: 19 | From: Germany | Registered: Dec 2002 | IP: Logged | Problem w/ Post?
    Junior Member

    posted August 18, 2005 07:26 PM Canami island - Second night
    They all lay in Anna and Sara's bed and talked about Sara's sexfight with Monica earlier that day.
    Sara told them all about it and Annika told in detail about her fight with Beatrice. They were all very eager to know it felt and what moves were the best to stimulate your opponent.
    Anna had told them about her struggle with Linda and that she were sure that would lead to a sexfight, but she wasn't sure she could handle it. Sara again promised her friend she would teach her everything she knew.
    Eventually they decided to get ready for the night and they all showered and got dressed.
    Anna and Sara would wear high cut bikini panties and tank tops which barely covered their breasts. They wore no shoes.
    Sofia and Annika were also bare footed but they had minimal bikinis for the evening. They had found them on their shopping round earlier this day.
    They all wore perfume, makeup and did their hair although they knew it would be all messed up either with water or sweat, but they wanted to be dressed to kill for their lovers.
    When they finally left, they went straight to the sexclub that Annika and Sofia had been at the night before.
    Anna and Sara were amazed by the huge club. Annika and Sofia guided them around the rooms and when they came to the big hall with the water they could not believe what they saw. They just stared at the people having sex all over the place. They stayed there and watched the show for a while.
    "Come let's find a cave of our own." Annika said and started to walk down to the large pool with the other girls following her.
    They waded out into the water and headed for the large cave where the room was were Annika had fought Beatrice. They swum through the water and stopped in the middle.
    "Well. What do you think?" Sofia asked.
    "Wow. It's fantastic." Anna said.
    "You can hear what's going on in those caves." Sara giggled.
    They all swum towards a ladder that led up to the bench that led around the cave and climbed up on it. But they didn't stop there but climbed another ladder until they came to the balcony.
    Annika went first and tried to find an empty room. The second room was empty and they entered.
    The room was round and about 8 meter across and it had a 4 meter wide hole in the middle. When they looked down the hole they saw that there was another room just as big as this, only there was no hole in it.
    Both floors of the cave was clad with soft plastic mattresses.
    The girls lay down on their bellies and looked down onto the floor below them.
    "If someone decides to go at it down there the whole world can see." Anna remarked.
    "We'll just see if we get lucky then." Sara smiled, pulled Anna close and kissed her.
    Just then they heard someone enter the bottom room and they looked down. Annika and Sofia couldn't believe their eyes when they saw Beatrice and Douglas enter the cave. But they were not alone. After them came two other women. Both were very slim and had breasts that just like Beatrice's must be stuffed with silicone.
    One of the women was a blond beauty, in her late twenties. She wore a navy blue mini bikini.
    The other was a black woman with long black hair, in a white mini bikini which beautifully accentuated her black skin. She was also in her late twenties, al least she was several years older than Beatrice.
    It was the black woman who started to argue with Beatrice.
    "So. Beatrice you fucking bitch. We finally meet again." She said while walking towards Beatrice pressing their round firm breasts together. She was a little taller than Beatrice and maybe a few kilos heavier than her.
    "Yes we do, Johanna. And I see you have lost some weight since last time." Beatrice shot back.
    "You noticed."
    "How could I miss that. I got a good feel of your body last time we met." Beatrice was smiling seductively.
    "I guess we both did and I can't wait to go at that body of yours again, sweetie."
    The tone in their voices sounded friendly when they talked, but that was just a false talking. These women were bitter enemies and the onlookers were just about to find out why.
    "Yes, darling. I guess that's why we are here again."
    "I want my man back, that you stole form me last year." Johanna said.
    Annika and Sofia looked at each other. They knew who this woman was and that what they were about to see would be a very extraordinary sexfight between this two hot women.
    They whispered to Sara and Anna and explained it all to them while the argument went on below them.
    "I'm sure you want him back and you know what it takes to do that." Beatrice said and seductively moves closer to Johanna until their breasts slightly came in touch with each other.
    "Oh, I know that alright and it's all my pleasure to fuck you again." Johanna moved even closer to Beatrice and their breasts were pressed together, but they were so firm that they kept their roundness and prevented their owners to get any closer.
    "But you know we can't fuck each other through these." Beatrice said and pulled lightly at Johanna's bikini top.
    "You're damn right, honey. We'll have to get out of these." Johanna said and undid the knot that held Beatrice's top in place. Beatrice did the same and they stood a few seconds with their hands on each other's backs before they moved their tits apart and the tops fell.
    They again pressed their now nude tits together and the hard nipples met each other.
    "Mmmm... those tits feels just as good as last time, lover. Too bad I have to mess them up." Beatrice said sensually.
    "You talk too much." Johanna answered and brought her mouth to Beatrice's and started to lick her lips.
    Beatrice let her lick for a few seconds before she opened her mouth and they met in a kiss.
    At first the kiss was slow and teasing. They broke apart a few times and licked each others lips but soon the kiss was tight and their hands caressed each other's hard backs.
    The sight of these contrasting women in a hot kiss made the ladies above them horny. They moved closer to each other and whispering commented what went on under them.
    The girls were still kissing. Their tongues swirling inside their mouths and they transported their saliva into the other's mouth, which they swallowed. Their hands were travelling all over their backs. One minute they caressed the slender necks, the next massaging the hard backs or exploring the slim waist as well as the buns of steel.
    Both were breathing calmly and showed so sign of becoming tired or be out of air.
    After about ten minutes of this they both had their hands on each others asses and had started to move them inside of the waistband. When they both knew what the other proposed they broke the kiss.
    "You want to loose more material, honey." Beatrice said as she stretched the waistband of Johanna's panties.
    "I want you nude so I can fuck you properly, darling." Johanna said and started to pull Beatrice's panties down very slowly and very seductively. First one side a centimetre, then the other, until she had them at the widest part of her hips.
    "Beatrice let her work for awhile before she started to pull Johanna's white panties down. They both bent down and pulled the other's panties as far down as they had to before they dropped to their feet by them selves.
    They kicked them away and stood back, looking at each other's bodies. They examined them closely up and down and they both nodded to show that they liked what they saw.
    Both had their pussies neatly trimmed to a small bush, Beatrice's was soft brown and Johanna's was black as the night, although her skin was black her bush was clearly blacker.
    "You still take good care of your mate." Beatrice commented the pussy she saw.
    "I like to do that. It's the best buddy I have."
    They moved close again, put their hands on each other's waist and their nipples met again.
    "Are you ready for a lovely evening together with me, sweetie." Beatrice asked seductively.
    "No, there's one thing I want to do first, honey. And I think you know what it is."
    "Oh. How could I forget. Of course you have to see the prize. Come on, let's take it out, lover." Beatrice said and they walked over to Douglas who was sitting against the wall. A bulge had already started to appear inside his shorts but he was far from full grown.
    As the girls sat down on each side of him, he slid down and was laying on his back with the head against the wall.
    They both grabbed the waistband and started to pull the shorts down and off his legs.
    The dick was laying on his flat belly, half erected, but already very large.
    Both girls grabbed it and started to caress it, up and down, and it grew in their hands. Soon it was at it full length and the four hands could easily grab it at the same time.
    They continued to caress the throbbing cock until Beatrice moved in and straddled it. Johanna kindly sat back and watched Beatrice manoeuvre the cock to the opening of her pussy. She stroke the top of it along the pussy a few times before it found the hole and started to go in.
    She closed her eyes and enjoyed every centimetre of the cock as it went in. After a while she had swallowed it in it's full length and slowly started to ride it.
    After only 30 seconds she stopped and turned to Johanna.
    "Do you want to try it or isn't your pussy wide enough for it any more?"
    "I guess there's just one way to find out, darling." Johanna answered and made herself ready to straddle Douglas.
    Beatrice lifted her ass and the big cock slowly slipped out of her. Johanna already held his member before it was completely out and she kept it upright all the time, even science it was out of Beatrice.
    The cock was wet from her juices and now Johanna was about to mix it with her own.
    It had been a year science she rode that dick last time. She clearly could remember how she, just like Beatrice had done now, had ridden it before Beatrice and then handed it over to her to feel it inside her before they had fought over it.
    She slowly started to insert it and the old feeling of her pussy being totally filled when he penetrated her came back to her. Slowly, slowly she sat down on it. The wetness of her pussy mixed with the wetness Beatrice had created on the cock made that it rather easily slid in. But she was in no hurry.
    She knew that she wouldn't be able to ride it forever, but she also knew that the longer she rode it the weaker she would get and she wanted to have all her strength left when she would fuck Beatrice.
    Beatrice also knew this and she had no intentions in interrupting her like she had done with Sofia and Annika the night before.
    Johanna now had swallowed the cock in it's full length and with her eyes closed and her hands on Douglas' hips she rode the dick up and down. Her body was tensed from the pleasure and the muscles in her back were clearly visible.
    About a minute she rode until she thought it was time to make business with Beatrice.
    "Well, Beatrice, darling. What do you say. Are you ready to take a roll in the hay with me?"
    "Sure, baby. But there's one thing we have to take care of first. We can't just leave Douglas like that." Beatrice said an walked on her knees over to Johanna.
    "Bring it out, honey." She said to Johanna who slowly started to rise and slide the dick out of her.
    As soon as the cock became visible Beatrice grabbed the wet stick and she followed Johanna's pussy up until it slid out and she had her hand on the top of it.
    They sat close to each other and worked on the throbbing cock together with their hands. They could feel it pulsate as he got close to an orgasm.
    A small squirt of cum landed on Beatrice's breast but that was just a warning shoot. The next one was for real and it landed on Johanna's chest and ran down on her left breast and in between them.
    They pointed the fountain at each other so that every other load would land on either of them.
    Soon Douglas was done with his work and he looked at what he had achieved.
    The two contrasting women by his feet had cum on their chest and breasts ant it was slowly running onto their bellies. The semen was more visible at Johanna's darker skin but he could see than large amounts of it stuck to Beatrice's chest.
    They let the cock rest in their hands for a few seconds as it was shrinking before they turned to each other.
    "Now, dear lover. We are ready to roll in the hay." Beatrice said and walked on her knees out to the centre of the mat, Johanna followed her.
    Slowly she walked closer to Beatrice and their semen covered, glistening, breasts soon came in contact and started to press at each other. Their arms were wrapped around each other's backs and their faces were brought into lip brushing contact.
    Gently they started to rub their breasts together and the semen were smeared into their skin. They looked into each other's eyes and saw the pleasure in the other's eyes. This was a battle of pleasure. The one who would win was the one who could give the other as much pleasure as possible, but also the one who could endure all the pleasure she was given.
    Their fragile bodies looked as if they were only made for one thing: to cause pleasure. They were not only beautiful to look at but also had the smoothest skin that covered their well toned muscles. Both were also splendidly fit.
    All these component made them who they were: probably the two best sexfighters ever. Now they would, for the second time, match their bodies against one another.
    Beatrice was the first to extend her tongue and started to lick the luscious lips in front of her. Soon her tongue was joined by Johanna's, they licked each other's lips and their tongues swirled.
    The hands were caressing their backs and asses. Beatrice moved her hand around Johanna's waist and onto the tummy. Her hand made it's way through the slimy semen on it and smeared in into her skin, then she brought it back to her back and started to caress it again, using the semen as massage oil.
    Johanna was not late to return the favour and soon the smell of drying semen on their bodies filled the room.
    Their mouth's had enclosed in a kiss but their tongues were still exploring each other, but now they were in private, hidden from everyone looking.
    Their firm breasts, however, were not in private. Everyone could see how they slid against each other, how they were pressed against one another and how they were bulging at the sides and upwards.
    Both women's nipples were hard as small rocks as they rolled against the other woman's firm breast.
    The kiss went on. They had both lost track of time as they were maximally concentrated on causing pleasure to each other. As a silent agreement they didn't touch the pussies, nor did they rub them together, that would be plenty of time for that later, plenty of time.
    After almost an hour of constant kissing and rubbing tits they started to show signs of weakness. This was caused both by lack of air but also that they were both very horny now.
    They broke the kiss but remained caressing each other's backs. Their eyes met and stared deep into one another.
    "You still feels good honey. Let's see if your pussy feels the same way." Johanna said and slowly let her hand move down Beatrice's side, onto her flat belly and down to her bush. But she didn't stop there. She continued until her hand were firmly between the legs, covering the pussy and she could feel it was wet and hot.
    "I'm sure our pussies are just the same as last time, darling. But why don't we find out." Beatrice answered with a smile and slid her hand down Johanna's side, as far down her leg she could reach, then she slid it across the leg to the inside of it and started travelling upwards until she also had her hand firmly placed over Johanna's equally wet and hot pussy.
    "Sure feels like it did last year, but let's have closer look." With that Johanna slid her finger inside which made Beatrice gasp.
    "Oh... Darling." Beatrice said very seductively and she also slid a finger in which made Johanna gasp.
    They both explored the pussies in their hands for a couple of minutes and soon they started to moan and squirm with pleasure.
    "Do you still squirt the same amount of cum, lover?" Johanna asked.
    "Why don't you try me, sweetie." Beatrice answered. They both smiled at each other before they started to finger each others pussies with expert fingers. They flicked the clit, rolled it between their fingers and felt them grow. Again they started to moan and both leaned their head against the other's shoulder as the heat started to rise.
    Both felt an orgasm building inside of them. It was going to be the first of many, many orgasms that they would have together that night. Both were trying to hold their own explosion back although they knew it was no way to escape it, they just didn't want to go first. The one who could hold it back the longest had an psychological advantage over the other. Not much this early in the fight but it could prove to be valuable as the fight went on.
    The moaning became louder and small yelps were heard as the two women pushed each other over the edge and the orgasms rushed through their bodies. None of them could decide which of them that came first, they only knew that they both came and that they were totally out of control when they did it. High screams of pleasure escaped from their throats and echoed in the room. They stood there, leaning against each other, fingers still in one another's pussies, faces showing all the pleasure that they felt when they were orgasming together.
    As they both had their hands on each other's pussies the juices that flowed out came right in their hands and they cupped them to catch as much of the fluid as possible.
    When it was all over they rested against each other's shoulders for a few seconds before their eyes met again.
    They brought their hands up and they were both filled with cum, but they both had it running down their legs too.
    "Not bad, sweetie." Beatrice said impressed.
    "You unloaded pretty well too, honey." Said Johanna, brought her hand to her mouth and sipped at the fluid, Beatrice did the same and then they smeared the rest on each other's breasts.
    They caressed the wet breasts for some time, made sure they were all smeared in with cum. The breasts were very firm and made nice resistance when they lightly squeezed them.
    Beatrice slowly lowered her head down to Johanna's chest, lifted one of the dark breasts in her hand started to suck on the erect nipple. At first her tongue lightly brushed it in her mouth but soon it started to swirl around and that made it even harder. She let go of the nipple and her tongue started to explore the breast instead. The tongue licked it clean from the sweet cum that she had smeared on it. Then she made her tongue hard and drove it deeper into the flesh as she continued to lick it. Eventually she moved her attention to the other breast and licked that clean before she started to suck the nipple. To her delight she heard Johanna moan but she then thought the moan must have been aimed just to make her think she had an advantage.
    The tongue moved to the first breast again, rounded the nipple and made it's way up the neck and onto the face where it slipped into the mouth and found another tongue to fool around with.
    Johanna broke the kiss after only a minute and now it was her turn to lick some tits.
    She started at the mouth, licking the sensual lips before se licked her way down the neck, over the throat and onto the chest. She grabbed one round breast in each hand and started her licking on the left. Not a spot of it did she miss with her tongue. Starting from the top she worked her way down the breast, stopped for some extra attention to the nipple and then continued by lifting it with her hand so that she could lick below it. This instantly led to a moan from Beatrice and Johanna smiled to her self. This moan was for real, Beatrice hadn't been able to hold it back, the pleasure was just too much for her.
    Before Johanna started licking the other breast she ran her tongue up and down between the breasts. Her cheeks brushed against the two spheres and the one side of her face were wet by the cum that was still on it. But not for long. Johanna changed tactics and made an attack at the breast, quickly let her tongue run over it, enclosed her lips around the nipple and sucked down hard at it. That's when the second moan escaped from Beatrice.
    Then she moved her mouth around on the breast, lips still sealed against it and the tongue worked in circles inside until she had licked the whole breast clean. She continued this work up the neck again and their lips met in a hot wet kiss.
    The first fingerfucking round had been a draw. This titsucking round Johanna had won, there was no doubt about it and they both knew. But it was what was coming now that really did count. The only way they could end this was by rubbing pussies, but they were just not ready yet. They wanted to build up some more cum so that they again could show each other their capacities.
    While still kissing Johanna started to lean to her side and Beatrice followed her until they lay on their sides on the mat. Arms were wrapped tightly around their chests and they started to love wrestle.
    The two hot bodies rolled around in each other's arms. From above it looked like two ropes, one white and one black, were tied in a knot. It was a beautiful sight, especially as their bodies now began to sweat and glistened like sculptures made of glass.
    Sexy slender legs were wrapped and unwrapped around each other. Wet bodies with firm breasts and flat, rock hard bellies, slid against one and another, and all the time they maintained the kiss.
    From time to time one of them would end up on top of the other. The one below would then buck her hips, rock her body and eventually throw her antagonist off her and the wrestling was on again.
    Rolling and tumbling as they were their mouths sometimes smacked together pretty hard.
    After about twenty minutes of wrestling they were both panting pretty hard through the kiss and their bodies were soaking wet with sweat.
    Beatrice was on top when they stopped wrestling. The two women's chests were heaving with the deep breaths and Beatrice were lifted by both these forces.
    "Ok, lover girl. I'm ready to let my pussy kiss yours ." Beatrice incited.
    "So am I, darling. Let's bring them together."
    Beatrice sat up between Johanna's legs. She stroke the most of the sweat from her breasts and belly with her hands and removed some hair from her face.
    Johanna also sat up and stroke the sweat from her body. The area of their bodies that they had kept pressed against each other had been very hot and very sweaty.
    They both dried their wet hands on the mad before they leaned back supported by their arms, spread their legs for each other and were ready to bring their pussies to intimate contact.
    They put one leg under and one over one and another's legs, grabbed the other's thigh and started to slide together.
    "You know I've been longing for this moment for a whole year. To again ram my pussy into yours and let them battle each other." Johanna said.
    "I have to say that I've also missed you. You were the best competition I've ever had."
    The words they said to each other sounded as if they were said between two deep friends, but that was just a part of the game they were playing with each other. They both hated the other but they bot loved to play this game rather than fight it out and inflict a lot of pain. The looser would suffer enough by seeing the winner rider the cock that they both saw as their property.
    Both made a last check of their weapon, ran their hand over it, made sure that the lips were spread and that it was open.
    Slowly they brought them together and when they met both let out a sigh. At last they had reached the final stage of the battle. They had both been waiting for this moment for a year now and they were finally there. This was it. This way it was settled last year and this way it would be settled this year and probably many more years in the future. Who ever lost this one would not give up, but come back for another match. They were now constant enemies. Nothing could make them stop fighting.
    Douglas was what they fought over, primary, and both wanted him badly. But even if he wasn't in the picture anymore they would still be fighting. Pussy to pussy. And there were no winner and no looser in the end. It just would go on and on.
    For a few seconds they just sat there with their pussies connected, enjoying the moment and gathering themselves for the battle.
    Johanna was the first who started to move her hips and soon they were rubbing their pussies together. The clits got erected and stabbed into the other's pink pussy flesh.
    Slopping sounds were made by their pussies as they slowly slid together.
    Again the sight from above were amazing. These remarkable sexy women, so alike but yet so different. Their bodies where identically hot but they were so different in colour and they contrasted each other so nicely.
    They were supporting their upper body with one hand and held the other woman's thigh in a tight grip with the other. White fingers dug into black skin and black fingers dug into white skin.
    But what caught the onlookers eyes were the intimate position of the pussies, one white and one black but on the inside they were both equally pink.
    All the time they were looking into each other's faces, trying to predict when their opponent was going to orgasm, If someone would go first or if they would come together, as last time. The only difference would be that this time they would not come in the other's hand. Now they would squirt their juices into each other's pussies. They would mix them together there and it would run down on their asses.
    They both started to moan, mostly to eager each other in this sexual battle. The sound was incredible, but soon it changed as they both started to orgasm and were out of control for sure. This was nothing they could mastery. Both screamed wildly in true pleasure as they came together.
    Bot could feel the first contraction in the other's pussy at the same time as they had their own first. With the next the juices came.
    Wave after wave of juices flowed out from their pussies and into the other. As they exchanged fluids they screamed in pleasure with every wave.
    The cum ran down their asses and into the asscracks. Juices even emerged on the top of their pussies and as they rubbed against each other, as the orgasms jerked them, the juices were brought up on the insides of their thighs.
    After the orgasms had left them they were both leaning their heads back with their eyes closed to let the intense emotions of pleasure sink back and the heartbeats to slow down.
    Slowly they came back to normal again and their wet eyes met.
    "Did I wet you enough, my love?" Beatrice asked with a weak smile.
    "Sure you did, honey. But I'm afraid you got a little too much of me. Are you uncomfortable?" Johanna smiled back.
    "I can never get too much of you, darling." Beatrice started to rub her pussy into Johanna's again with a wide smile.
    "I'm glad to hear, because we have much work to do before we can abandon each other." Johanna rubbed back and they were at it again.
    "Yes, lover. Much work." Beatrice answered with thoughtfulness.
    The cum still ran from their pussies when they brushed them together and that reduced the friction between them so that their ride became more comfortable.
    It only took them two minutes before they came again. Also this orgasm were preceded by moans and again they came screaming, totally out of control.
    They renewed the wetness in their pussies with a new load of cum but there was not as much of it this time.
    When it was over their eyes met again and the rubbing continued, but now with more intensity.
    Their pussies were tighter pressed together and they were literally humping each other. The firm breasts rolled on top of their chests and the bodies had become really sweaty and the sweat ran down their backs and down between their tits and onto their straining bellies. Their hands slipped when they gripped at each other's sweaty thigh and they all the time had to renew the grip, leaving red marks on the thighs.
    This time it took them longer time to come but when they did they both had multiple orgasms.
    Beatrice was the one who started. Johanna could feel the contractions in her pussy a few seconds before she was about to shoot. Again they were both screaming but not totally out of control this time, because they were rubbing against each other during the orgasms. Both could feel the contractions pumping in each other.
    When the first orgasm was about to end the next started. All the time Beatrice was a few seconds ahead with her orgasms.
    The screaming and shaking never seemed to stop. The minutes passed and they just kept on orgasming. Sometimes there was no way to tell if they were in pleasure or if they were killing each other, as if their pussies were some kind of lethal weapon that stung and shredder the other woman's inside. It was that intense.
    This was the ultimate proof of their extreme sexual capacity. They were able to orgasm several times in a row with great intensity all the way through.
    They both knew that the other was multiple orgasmic and now they showed each other just how much they could do. And this was going to be their personal best.
    Both came eleven times. For three minutes they were constantly screaming and jerking in orgasmic spasms.
    During the orgasms both needed some leverage and they sat up and met in a hug. Their sweaty breasts colliding and then rubbed together as they continued humping each other. They wrapped their legs tight around the other's but to get more leverage in their cunt rubbing.
    The heads rested on the other's shoulder. Their eyes were closed but tears streamed from them anyway and ran down on their enemy's shoulder.

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    Canami island - Second morning
    This morning Sara woke up first. She heard the sound of breathings next to her in bed. It was Anna who was still sleeping. She lay on her side facing away from Sara. Sara cuddled up behind her sweet lover and wrapped her arm around her. Anna made no sign of waking up so Sara started to slowly fondle her breasts.
    The sun shone in through the windows and their bodies glistened with small pearls of sweat.
    Sara thought of the other night when they had witnessed the most incredible sexfight between Beatrice and Johanna. It had lasted for three full hours. It had been hot and steamy and both had endured more than she thought was possible but at last Beatrice had emerged on top and had claimed her prize; Douglas’ cock.
    It had been clear to all that these two ladies were exceptional sexfighters.
    After they had watched the fight they had all been very horny and had leaped at each other and made love to each other for hours. Others had entered the room where they were and an orgy had emerged. At first Sara had made love to Anna and Sofia made love to Annika, but Anna wanted more when Sara needed a rest so first Sofia and then Annika took care of Anna. That’s when they realised just how much sex Anna was capable of give and take. They had asked others, both men and women, to take her on and finally, after having an intense cunt rubbing session with a tall brunette she collapsed from exhaustion. She then had worn out six girls and two men and had lasted for four hours. It took her another hour before she regained her strength enough to sit up and they had almost carried her home.
    Before they fell asleep she and Anna had talked and Anna said she felt confident enough even to take on Beatrice in a fight and Sara was sure she could do it but she was perhaps a little too inexperienced.
    For over an hour Sara lay close to Anna’s smooth body and thought about last night. She was proude of her lover.
    Finally Anna started to wake up.
    "Good morning lover girl." Sara said.
    "Mmmm… Good morning to you too, honey."
    "How do you feel today?"
    "A little worn out I guess, and I just remembered why." Anna said with a smile.
    "You were magnificent last night. I bet you can beat Beatrice any time."
    "Perhaps. But she is good."
    "But so are you." Sara answered and started to caress Anna’s belly and kept moving downwards until her fingers ran through the small bush.
    Anna slightly parted he legs and Sara got the hint. Her hand slid in between Anna’s thighs and caressed the swelling mound.
    A couple of hours later they were on their way to the beach to cool them selves of. They both wore white bikinis and had their hair in a ponytail. Hand in hand they walked out in the water and started to swim out from the shore, towards a small rocky island a few hundred meters out. They found a place with soft grass, perfect for a lazy day in the sun. It was secluded and it looked like few others knew about it. They removed their bikinis and lay down in the grass beside each other.
    Only a few minutes later they heard voices and they were surprised to see Monica and Linda emerge from behind a rock. They both wore light blue bikinis and their bodies were wet from the swimming.
    "Well, look what we have here." Linda said as she spotted the two naked women in the grass.
    Sara and Anna stood up.
    "Hey, bitch. Can’t get enough of me?" Sara spat at Monica.
    "You’re right, slut. I can’t get enough of you, ‘cause you can never satisfy me."
    "Oh, what do you know about satisfaction?" Sara laughed.
    "This is satisfaction." Monica said, grabbed Linda around her waist and pulled her in front herself.
    "I bet I’ve got more satisfaction than you." Sara pulled Anna in front of herself and wrapped her arms tightly around her. They all stared at each other and stood silent for a few moments.
    Anna’s eyes met Linda’s and they couldn’t help smiling vaguely at each other. Linda licked her lips. Anna took it as a challenge and licked her lips too, letting Linda get a good look at her strong tongue and wet lips.
    "So, you think you do, huh?" Monica said with thoughtfulness. She slowly started to remove Linda’s bikini top and let it fall to the ground, revealing two perfectly rounded breasts. Then she let her hands slide down Linda’s sides and inside her panties, taking them with her as her hands continued downwards. The small bush became visible to the onlookers. Monica then quickly removed her own bikini and took her place behind her lover again.
    "Why don’t we find out which one of them is the best? I’m sure they won’t mind." Monica said.
    "I don’t mind." Anna and Linda said simultaneously.
    "Then let’s get it on." Sara said, giving her lover a good-luck-kiss before siting down in the grass.
    Monica gave Linda a kiss too and sat down, not far from Sara.
    Anna’s and Linda’s eyes met and both smiled with anticipation. They, slowly, started to circle each other and moved closer and closer. When they were only a few centimetres apart they stopped circling and faced each other but still moving in closer. Each put their hands on the other’s waist and pulled the other close. Their hips met, then their bellies and then their breasts mashed together. But they were so firm that they kept their roundness although they were pressed tight together. They looked deep into each other’s eyes for a few moments and then Anna wet her lips with the tongue to show that she was ready to move on to a kissfight. Linda accepted the challenge, vet her lips with a lot of saliva and moved her face closer to Anna. They let their wet lips brush together slightly a few times and then they extended their tongues. They licked each other’s lips and they swirled their tongues. Soon they were engaged in an advanced tongue wrestling match. Strong tongues flicked and tried to press the other back into it’s mouth.
    They sealed the kiss and the tongues continued their wrestling inside their mouths. Smacking and slopping sounds were heard as the kissing became more intense. Anna moved her hands up and down Linda’s back, amazed that it was rock hard. Every muscle could be felt on the strong back. Linda also examined Anna’s back and was equally amazed by her muscular body. They both knew that the other was very fit and that this match would be a killer that should last long. The sun wouldn’t make it easier to them.
    The kiss was deeper now, they both had their tongues deep into the other’s mouth and saliva was running down on their chins. Anna moved one hand to Linda’s neck and took it in a firm grip. Almost instantly Linda did the same and they could now control each other in the kiss. They let the other hand move up and down each other’s backs, sometimes squeezing the hard buttocks, sometimes rubbing a muscular back.
    After a few minutes of kissing they started to breath harder. But none wanted to break the kiss and they still stood up like a rock, not even stumbling once. Anna then felt Linda’s hand move up her side, all the way from her hip and slowly upwards until it reached her breast. It cupped the round breast and started to rub it slowly. Millions of sensations flooded through Anna’s head. This was the first time during the contest she thought of her breasts that were now mashed against Linda’s. She could feel that they both had nipples hard as stones poking into the other’s soft flesh. She also put her hand on the side of Linda’s breast. It was warm and sweaty. She squeezed it gently and felt the same firmness in it that in her own breasts. She started to massage it with her fingertips and a moan was heard form Linda’s throat. Linda was not late to return the favour and soon both were struggling to hold their moaning back.
    Anna pulled Linda closer and felt their bushes press together and slightly scratch against each other. The tickling sensation that already had begun in their bodies, rose and they started to get horny.
    The kiss went on and on. They caressed each other’s breasts but didn’t rub their pussies together. Just moving them back and forth, letting their bushes teasingly brush together.
    The sun shone hot and intense from the sky, making the two combatants hot and sweaty, unprotected as they were. Sweat first emerged between their bodies, making them slide against each other. But soon they were sweaty all over. Their hands travelled over the bodies, sliding over the wet skin. Moving over several erogenous spots, making each other squirm and moan in pleasure. The breathing became harder now and they fought to last just a little more before they had to break the kiss.
    At last they had to end it. It wasn’t clear who broke it and they silently called it a draw.
    The two naked women stood a few meters apart, catching their breaths, crouched with the hands on their knees. They never took their eyes of each other, suspiciously watching every move of the other.
    After a few minutes they both stood up, ready to get together and do some battle again. They started to walk towards each other slowly with their hands extended. They grabbed each others hands and pressed together in a test of strength. They raised their hands above their heads and their breasts pressed together. Their slender bodies strained and the wet, tanned skin glistened in the sun. None of them got the upper hand of the struggle. They started to grunt and moan from the effort. When they both realised that they were equal in this struggle they started to jerk each other from side to side. They let go of each other’s hands and wrapped their arms around each other’s necks and backs. From side to side, back and forth, they stumbled in the grass. They were tightly wrapped up together and they had a hard time keeping their balance. It was not long until they fell to the ground and started to roll in the grass. The wrestling was not very intense. They rolled slowly, but mostly they just strained against each other. It was still a test of strength. Side by side they lay, their feet trying to get a grip in the grass and trying to push the other back and roll her over on her back. Sometimes someone succeeded only to roll over her, to the other side and the fight continued in the same way again.
    The longer the fight lasted the more intense it became. They had got a good feel of the other’s strength and were now more self confident. They rolled over and over, back and forth in the small grassy area. Several times Sara and Monica had do get up and out of the way of the combatants. They watched each other closely so that none of them would help any of the fighters.
    Anna had ended up on top of Linda but she was trapped in a tight bear hug and was not able to pin her opponent. Instead they fought with their legs to overpower the other. The long slender legs locked and unlocked around each other. Anna grabbed two handfuls of blond hair and used Linda’s head as leverage as their legs battled. Linda moaned in pain and was not late to return the favour. They were both trying hard to lock the other’s legs and the wild battle made them pull each other’s hair pretty hard. Moans and small cries in pain were heard from them but none had any idea of giving up.
    They both had a desire for each other, but they also wanted to show her, and their lovers, that they were capable women and not backing down from a little hair pulling.
    Their heads lay side by side, ear pressed against ear and they felt the hot breath from their rival on the neck.
    Finally Linda managed to trap both of Anna’s legs with hers and started to squeeze. Her legs was strong and Anna felt her legs being crushed between them. She tried to pry her legs apart and break the hold but soon gave it up. Instead she increased the power in the hair pulling. Linda also pulled harder and Anna realised that this was doing her no good.
    As they squirmed their naked bodies in the battle, Anna managed to slide Linda’s legs higher up on her body and they were now wrapped around her ass. She bent her legs under her so that she was standing on her knees. She tried to rise her upper body but Linda hung onto her hair. Anna then sat up during a tremendous effort, bringing Linda with her to a siting position. Both still with their hands in each other’s hair they sat still for a few seconds, catching their breaths. Their bodies were soaking wet with sweat that pored of them. Linda’s legs couldn’t do much damage now as she was sitting in Anna’s lap.
    Anna started the battle again with rocking Linda back and forth in her hair. Linda responded and a fierce hair pulling contest developed. They shock and rocked each other. Their breasts slapped and banged against each other during the struggle. At the start Linda was still sitting in Anna’s lap but she broke her leg lock and they stood on their knees facing each other and pulling blond hair.
    Both were in great pain and they could feel the hair being ripped from it’s roots. They were grunting and yelling in pain. Tears were in their eyes.
    After several minutes of hair pulling they took another break. Slowly they let go of each other’s hair and sat back in the grass. Totally exhausted, sobbing and rubbing their sore heads.
    Their lovers came to them, gave them water and wiped the tears and sweat from their faces.
    Again they were ready for each other. Slowly they walked on their knees towards one another. They wrapped their arms around each other’s backs but they didn’t start wrestling. Instead they looked into the other’s eyes as they moved their faces closer.
    Anna was the first to extend her tongue and lick Linda’s lips and it was soon joined by another tongue. They circled for a while before they opened their mouth’s and kissed.
    The hands started to explore the bodies again and the pussies started to work for the first time in this battle. They pressed them together, gently at first but then harder and harder. Then they slowly started to rub them together. A thrill went through their bodies, and they felt chilly for a second despite the hot sun. The kiss became more personated when they started to get horny. Tongues swirled and wrestled in their mouths. Hands moved all over their bodies, caressing the wet skin and the hard muscles.
    Suddenly Anna pushed Linda backwards and they fell to the ground, Anna on top. Linda was taken by surprise and she let out a yelp when she hit the ground pretty hard.
    Anna spread her legs and wrapped them around Linda’s. Linda squirmed under her to get free but soon found it pointless. She brought her head up to seek a kiss again and found it. They closed their eyes and kissed passionately and their hands started to caress their bodies again.
    Anna slowly started to rotate her hips against Linda’s, feeling the sharp bushes scratch against one another. Linda responded with rubbing back. It was slow and teasing at first and both felt themselves getting wetter and their clits erected. The hornier they got the faster and harder they rubbed their pussies together.
    Both let out a gasp when their clits were so erected that they slid out from their pussies and came in contact with the other pussy and each other. They stopped for a second, looking at each other and they knew that this was it.
    They started to fuck each other like crazy. Their bodies strained against each other and they were rock hard. The sweat made them slide. They were in full body contact. Chin to chin, firm breasts against firm breasts, strong arms wrapped around each other , flat belly against flat belly, wet pussy to wet pussy, slender legs wrapped around slender legs, and on top of this the sweat that made them glisten in the sun as they rocked wildly.
    They grunted and moaned together as they brought each other closer to the edge of the orgasm. Their nails dug into their backs as they screamed towards and through their first orgasm. Linda came first but Anna could not control herself but continued to grind until she also came a few seconds later. Their orgasms lasted a long time. They had been building it up during their previous wrestling and kissing and they now exploded together.
    After that they lay in each other’s arms, catching their breaths. It only took a few seconds for them to get enough strength to go at it again and it was Linda who took command. She rolled Anna over on her back in a quick and grace move. Anna did not realise what was happening until she lay on her back in the grass with Linda’s slender and sexy body on top of her.
    Linda wasted no time but started to fuck Anna at once and Anna’s only choice was to response. The fuckfight was on again with the same intensity as before. Both had their feet dug into position into the ground to provide leverage. The rubbing was performed by long strokes, up and down with hard pressure. The bushes made scratching sounds as they stroke against each other.
    Again they came almost at the same time, again with high screams that aroused them even more and the orgasms were again long and very wet.
    This time they didn’t rest in each other’s arms but rolled apart and lay in the grass, two meters apart and panted.
    Linda was the first to move again. She sat up and spread her legs towards Anna. Anna looked up and got the hint. She also sat up and turned to her foe. They crab walked towards each other moving one leg over the other’s until their pussies slowly were pressed together. All the time they looked deep into each other’s eyes as if they tried to hypnotisize each other. What they say was lust , desire and eagerness in the other’s eyes. When they connected the wetness grew in their eyes and the lust increased.
    Slowly they started to rotate their hips together. The rhythm was perfectly synchronised. They moved like one. They had a perfect view of each other’s bodies and they took the opportunity to admire the body in front of them. The firm tits rolled on top if their chests and the flat, strong bellies were rock hard, every rib were visible in it. Every muscle in the legs on each side of them could also be seen and the sweat that covered both bodies only accentuated the beauty of them.
    Their breathings had now became faster. Both were really horny again and fucked with intensity. They both started to moan and were about to come when Anna changed the angle of her pussy against Linda’s. She was able to rub with her pelvic bone against Linda’s pussy and that quickly brought Linda to and screaming orgasm while Anna could let her own orgasm sink back. It frustrated her that she would not come but she knew it was her winning move. She continued to rub into Linda while she was shaking and screaming though her orgasm and she had another only seconds later.
    Yet another time she came and Anna continued to fuck her. Linda was almost out of air. She breathed with short, fast breaths and sounded like she was choking. In fact she was so exhausted by being at the top of pleasure and orgasming several times she was helpless.
    She knew she had lost and screamed for Anna to stop. Anna stopped her assault and sat up. She looked down at the two pussies below her. Linda’s was red and swollen. It was also very wet and cum ran down into her ass crack. Her own pussy was not as wet apart from the bush which she had used to rub into Linda’s pussy.
    Sara and Monica came to them and took care of their respective lover.
    Sara gave Anna a hug and lay her down into the grass again. They looked at each other and smiled.
    "Congratulations, lover girl."
    "Thank you."
    "How do you feel?"
    "I feel great. In fact I don’t think I’ve ever been better."
    Sara smiled and brought her head down into Anna’s and they closed their eyes and kissed. It was a long and tender kiss of passion and victory. They had won their first match against Linda and Monica but at least another was to be fought this day and Monica awoke them from their dream world with a sharp tug at Sara’s hair.
    "Ok, bitch. That was round one. It’s time for you and me now."
    Sara and Anna sat up. Linda was also sitting up and her eyes met Anna’s. She has a sadness in her eyes and Anna almost felt sorry for her.
    "I’m ready for you, slut. Let’s get it on." Sara said and grabbed Monica’s hair with both her hands.
    Sara and Linda moved to the edge of the battle ground as the two new rivals made themselves ready to do battle.
    The fight had started when they sat down right next to each other.
    Sara and Monica sat on their knees with one hand in each other's hair. The other hands found each other and the fingers interlaced. Slowly they started a test of strength by pressing the other back and pulling each other's hair. This brought them closer to each other and their breasts mashed together. Both were moaning with the effort. Their eyes met and they both remembered their previous encounters that all had started with a kissfight. Violently they brought their mouths together and started to kiss deeply. Both stuck their tongues deep into each other's mouths. They kept one hand in the enemies hair but the other they wrapped around each other's backs and squeezed tight.
    Lips and tongues worked together and against each other with a lot of saliva. Both tried to transport as much saliva into the other's mouth as possible with their tongues. Eventually Monica managed to move a lot of saliva into Sara's mouth and also got it far back in it. This made Sara cough and she had to break the kiss.
    "What's the matter. Can't handle a kiss?" Monica asked triumphantly.
    "I can handle all of you, and I'll prove it"
    "You couldn't handle me last time"
    "But you couldn't handle me neither so you can't say anything"
    "Why don't you prove you can beat me. I just can't wait to feel your pussy against mine." Monica almost whispered
    "Oh, you'll feel my pussy right. You'll get so much of it that you want and just a little more just to prove you can't handle it."
    "I can never get enough of your mound. I just love to Press it against my and feel it crush."
    "I'll be doing the crushing this time and there's nothing you can do to stop me"
    "How's this little cunt going to do any damage to my womanhood." Monica reached down an cupped her hand around Sara's swelling mound.
    Sara rotated her hips against the hand so that Monica would get a full picture of what she was holding in her hand.
    "Can you feel the power that's in your hand. The power that's going to devastate you once I let it loose."
    "All I can feel is a scared little pussy that knows humiliation is near."
    "And what do you think can humiliate my pussy? This one?" Sara brought her hand down and cupped it on Monica's pussy. Both felt a tremble through their bodies with the mutual pussy grabbing. They looked into each other's eyes and they shone with lust.
    "Yes, that one's gonna mash your pussy into a mess." Replied Monica.
    "Oh, yea? Can't imagine that this tight little hole's gonna do any damage to me." Sara slid one finger in between Monica's pussy lips and ran it back and forth in the wet spring. She felt the clit stiffen but she knew it had not grown to it's full size yet. This lady had a big clit, just as big as her own, she had felt that during their last fight.
    "That hole's not as tight as this." Monica shot a finger up into Sara's pussy and it slid into the hole. Sara gasped.
    "No way. You're a lot tighter than me." Sara replied and slid a finger in.
    "My pussy has eaten ten times more dildo than yours."
    "You don't know how much dildo I have eaten with my pussy in my life."
    Sara moved another two fingers into the pussy and parted them, opening the hole. It indeed was tight but she also knew she was tight, she had always had it hard to eat large dildos. She felt her own pussy opening with three fingers in it. She felt her tight hole strain and it felt cool when the air blew into it.
    Slowly Sara started to move her fingers in and out of Monica's pussy and Monica, not wanted to be left behind did the same. They looked into each other's eyes while faster and faster finger fucking each other, closely examining every sign of excitement.
    Both breathed faster and faster, the hand they had on each other's backs started to dig the nails into the soft skin when the intensity increased. Their faces came closer and they kissed with short and soft kisses, licked each other's lips and flicked their tongues together.
    Their clit's were now fully erected and both concentrated their stimulation on it. They could easily grab it with their fingers and roll it between them. They also moved their fingers up and down it, like if it was a penis they gave a hand job.
    They quickly started to moan and neared ecstasy. Sara stopped working on Monica's pussy and Monica also removed her fingers.
    "Are you ready to prove your pussy worthy mine?" Sara asked between her breaths.
    "Just bring it to me. I want to feel it mash against mine." Monica answered, equally panting.
    "Ok, here it comes." Sara said and started to press her hips against Monica's. Their pussies met and they felt the sharp bushes rub together as they increased the pressure and started to move their hips against each other. Both grabbed the other's buttocks with both hands and leaned back to even further increase the pressure on their pussies.
    Slowly they started to sit down and spread their legs to each other to provide easier contact between their pussies. The process to sit down was complicated because they kept their pussies connected all the time but at last they were sitting, front to front, pussies open to each other and pressed together. The wet flesh connected with open pussy lips and the clits poked into each other. The breasts barely touched but they bounced together when they started to rock against each other when they rubbed pussies.
    They felt their clits rub together and they concentrated on stimulating the other's clit with their own. All the time they looked at each and they saw a pair of large wet eyes, full of horny lust, mouth were open and the upper lip slightly curled upwards and both breathed rapidly and gasping.
    Monica was the first to start moaning as Sara was more successful in the clit fight. Sara also started to moan as she could not prevent herself being stimulated but then it was already too late for Monica, she had already started to cum. Screaming she orgasmed and a satisfied smile could be seen on Sara's face.
    When Monica came back to her senses again Sara was still smiling.
    "Wipe that stupid smile of your face or I'll do it for you." Monica hissed between her teeth.
    "I just enjoy seeing you weaken from the power of my pussy." Sara replied.
    "Oh, fuck you. Your pussy has no power. I'll easily tear you apart."
    Monica grabbed Sara around her waist and pushed her onto her back. Sara also wrapped her arms around Monica and they rolled around in the grass. An intense wrestling match started. Monica was surprisingly full of energy again after her orgasm and kept up with Sara in the fight. It was an even struggle. No one really getting the upper hand the first minutes. They rolled over and over, in a tight embrace. Sweaty bodies were slipping and sliding against each other and intimate holds were applied. Breasts and pussies were grabbed and hair was pulled.
    Eventually Monica ended up on top of Sara. Both were very tired, breathed deep and fast and were completely drenched in sweat. Monica kept Sara pinned in a full body press for over a minute so that she could catch her breath for a second attack.
    Both used the time well to gain strength while they looked into each other's eyes, waiting for a move from the other woman. They breathed deep and they calmed down considerably.
    Sara was the first to move. She quickly withdrew her right hand from Sara's pin and grabbed a handful of hair. Monica moaned in pain and damned herself for being taken by surprise so easily. But she also had some dirty tricks to play. One hand firmly locked Sara's hair to the ground and the other slipped in between her legs, sticking a finger into the juicy cunt. Sara tried to lock her legs together but it was too late. Monica was already finger fucking her. She felt her clit being expertly massaged and the orgasm was quickly building inside her. In desperation she tried to reach for Monica's pussy but it was tightly locked and firmly pressed against the ground so she could not reach it. Instead she changed tactics and grabbed a breast to cause pain instead of pleasure. Her rival started to moan and also scream in pain, but it was too late for Sara. She lost her grip of Monica as wave after wave of pleasure swept her away. Sara continued to ride the orgasming woman and massaged the clit through the whole orgasm until she had another one.
    When Sara came to her senses again she slowly opened her eyes and the first she saw was the clear blue sky over her head. Then the memories flashed back at her and she rose on her elbows.
    Between her legs sat Monica on her knees, smiling.
    "You're not so stuck-up now, are you?" Monica mocked.
    "Oh, you've not won yet."
    "No, but I have a feeling than victory is not far away now."
    "Never. Victory is mine, bitch."
    "The way I just got you off now shows that it will be an easy win for me this time."
    "You've not seen everything yet, cunt"
    Sara wrapped her legs around Monica's waist and rose so that she was sitting in Monica's knee. Monica received Sara's sweaty body in her arms and they slowly brought their lips together in a tender kiss. Slowly, slowly the kiss became more intense but it was a passionate one that soon involved their tongues.
    By their sides Anna and Linda changed positions to be able to see better. They ended up on each side of the fighters. Sitting close to them but still on such a distance so that they would not interfere.
    The kiss went deeper and deeper. They took turn in sucking on each other's tongues and lips. None of them did bite the other. They just kissed. Hands started to caress their backs and necks. They drew their fingers through their sweaty hair and their wet breasts started to bang against each other as they rocked with each other in the passionate kiss.
    On and on the kiss went. It was wet and sloppy. Their bodies became even sweatier and it was running down their faces, dripping onto their breasts and knees. It also ran into their mouths and the kiss tasted salt.
    None did give in and when they both realized that this would lead nowhere they silently agreed to take this battle to the next level.
    Without breaking the kiss they sat down in the grass and arranged their legs, one over the other, just like the last time, going pussy to pussy. At first they started to, teasingly, bring their pussies together in short bumps and rubs. The kiss still went on but was not as intense now; they just held their lips pressed together because they had their minds on their pussies now.
    With each time their pussies connected they pressed them harder together. Their breathings were already fast from the kissing but as the excitement increased they breathed so hard that they could no longer hold the kiss. They broke it but held their faces close together and brushed them against each other.
    The pussies were now rubbing hard together and they had to move their upper bodies slightly away from each other to get them into harder contact, but still their tits were rubbing and sliding together.
    Their eyes were locked and they saw the lust and the frustration that were building inside of their hot bodied female rival. Both clitorises were erected in it's full lengths and rubbed together in the wet surroundings of their joined pussies.
    Further and further they leaned apart from each other until both supported on one hand behind them and one hand keeping a firm grip on the other's thigh, but still half sitting up. The gentle pussy rubbing had developed into regular fucking. The heat rose in their bodies and they moaned with pleasure and also partly by exhaustion. The hot sun had made them both very tired by now, but none of them wanted to take a break now. This was going to be finished now and nothing would stop them. This was their battle and they would fight to the end to win it.
    Both were just seconds away from their orgasms now but Monica was closer. She desperately tried to turn her clit away from the battle zone but it was already too late. She exploded into an orgasm that rocked her body and made the sweat fly like pearls off her.
    The beautiful sight of that sexy hot body in front of her, jerking in orgasm made Sara cum too. For a few seconds they were both shaking and screaming together, squirting their juices at each other's pussies that was still tightly pressed together.
    The sight for the onlookers was amazing. Their two sexy lovers, covered in sweat in the glistening sun, in a mutual, shaking orgasm. They were both very excited to see what was about to happen next and they were both very aroused. They wanted to battle each other again. Linda to prove that she could take Anna down and Anna to again prove that she was the best sexfighter. But most of all they wanted their own lover to win the battle so that she could congratulate her with all the pleasure she could give.
    Monica, who had started her orgasm first, also ended it while Sara was still moaning. She also quickly recovered and gained strength. She sat up slightly more and started to push her pussy into Sara's again. Although she was on the edge of exhaustion she began a final assault on her foe. Sara could not resist now. She had no time to gain strength and she fell flat on her back. Monica sat up and grabbed one of Sara's legs and pressed in tightly against her chest to provide leverage for her humping.
    Sara was squirming under her, trying to get out but she was too weak and after only a minute she came again. Monica made a break while Sara rode the waves of her orgasm because she was also close to come again. But the break was short and when it was over Monica again picked up the humping. Sara was moaning and sobbing and she was angry. She was so frustrated because she could not do anything; just let this bitch hump her until she came again and again.
    Monica's powers also started to weaken. She was having troubles with her balance and had to hold hard onto Sara's leg not to fall off her. Her head hung down and her wet hair stuck against Sara's sweaty leg.
    With the absolutely last peaces of energy she humped on. She felt an orgasm build inside of her but she was too tired to do anything about it. She just thought of getting Sara off before herself.
    Sara almost fainted before the last orgasm shook her. She never got to see how Monica came at the same time and how she, totally exhausted, collapsed in the grass with her leg still in a firm grip between her tits.
    Monica had only one thought in her head; to get up again and continue to fuck Sara. She was a little frustrated when she felt Linda's hands on her body, trying to turn her over but when she heard her speak she understood what had happened.
    "You won darling. You won."
    "I…" Monica started but she was too tired to speak.
    "Don't speak. You need to rest. Here. Drink some water." Linda held her head up and put the bottle of water to her mouth.
    Next to them Sara had just came to her senses again and Anna leaned over her. She also gave her some water and it took several minutes before any of the fighters could move again.
    Sara was still lying down when she heard Monica speak.
    "So, you couldn't handle me this time either?"
    Sara sat up with a little help from Anna and found Monica sitting right in front of her, their legs still joined.
    "This isn't over yet, cunt. And at least my lover beat your lover so I guess it's a draw then." Sara replied.
    "Well, if you feel that way I guess we have to arrange a rematch then."
    "You bet we'll have a rematch. My pussy isn't done with your pussy yet."
    "Good. I can't wait until I feel your juicy cunt submit to mine again." Monica smiled.
    "That will never happen. We will meet you tonight at the sexclub down town. Be there, well find you." Sara challenged.
    "You bet we'll be there. And before the night is over we will lick every sip of cum out of your little pussies."
    "We'll see about that. Just be there."
    With that Sara started to rise and Anna helped her up. They collected their few belongings and left with a last look at their rivals.
    They slowly swum ashore and they saw that Monica and Linda followed them shortly behind.
    None of them did bother to dry off before they collapsed on the bed and fell asleep.

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    Senior Hostboard Member cc25's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for story: Canami Island

    Oh yeah. I did remember it wrong. This is the correct one

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    Junior Hostboard Member HATL's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for story: Canami Island

    Great story !
    Thanks JB57, I had not read it !
    Is it yours ? Because it is not among your stories in Rival's Rapture site.
    If not, who is the writer ?

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    Senior Hostboard Member Elza's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for story: Canami Island

    Wow, I agree, this was so hot. Is there more of it? And who wrote it?


  6. #6
    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for story: Canami Island

    No, this is not my story and I don't know who wrote it. I just saved it when it first came out. To be honest, I don't think I've ever read it in its entirety! I will make time for that later.


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    Junior Hostboard Member maslabiudo's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for story: Canami Island

    This series is from the great Giannis.

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    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for story: Canami Island

    No it is NOT mine !
    I guess that the writer is not a native English speaker, like me, but it is not me.

    I do not want to start the guessing game, as I have read it many years ago, i do not remember.

    Good story anyway.

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    Junior Hostboard Member maslabiudo's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for story: Canami Island

    Well I apologize Giannis. I've been convinced for years that it was your story

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    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for story: Canami Island

    Quote Originally Posted by maslabiudo View Post
    Well I apologize Giannis. I've been convinced for years that it was your story
    You are welcome. I THANK YOU for your compliment, to consider me among the great writers of this forum.
    I am not. I could be if my English were better. My writing in my language is much better.

    Alas, during the lessons of English in high school i was busy peeping on my hot teacher's legs !! LOL
    Or I was absent playing soccer (European football), or doing anything else than to be there and to improve my English.

    There is the appropriate age to learn another language. I lost it. I learned less than I should...


    Thanks again

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