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Thread: The Witcher

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    Senior Hostboard Member Gradius's Avatar
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    The Witcher

    The Witcher

    Travellers along the road to Novigrad knew to be wary on the mile long stretch maybe five miles out from the city proper. Odd noises, strange sightings and even inclement weather was common. While strange weather was nothing out of the ordinary rain squalls and wind storms with clearly defined borders were. And on this night bright lights flashed in the sky and explosions could be heard, along with the wails of what could only be banshees.

    So they held close anything they hoped could defend them while snapping the whip with a bit more force to encourage the horse or oxen that carried them forward. One noble couple, riding in a carriage, ignored their five year old daughter's patting the glass while looking at a house only she could see. The husband was more interested in his wife's dalliance with a local smith while she loudly pointed out the number of brothels he'd visited in just the last week.

    A sudden rumble distracted them while their daughter giggled at a sudden flare of purple and red light. Twisting her head around the child murmured in disappointment as it passed her field of view and her entertainment was lost. Not that it mattered to the two inside the building. Fully aware of the spell of intangibility that shielded the house and it's antics from unwanted eyes Triss Merigold and Yennefer of Vengerberg fought first with spell and fist with a determination that would've shocked those that knew them as friends. Then the fight slowly took a turn neither would've ever expected...


    (An hour earlier)

    With a bit of trepidation Triss removed her gown, and then the bandages, standing in front of a long mirror. Twisting her body left and right she peered closely at her body, before spinning around to look at her back. The horrendous injuries she'd suffered in the battle were completely gone, much to her relief, the skin perfect and without even a hint of blemish. It seemed almost a miracle after what had happened at...Triss shivered.

    Sodden Hill...

    All through her efforts she suffered nightmares of that place and what had happened. Body so ruined that she was believed dead and, with Yenn blinded by the same battle, it was only after a fair degree of healing that she was recognized and given the attention appropriate for her rank. But, like the rest, when it came to the more sensitive healing she preferred to handle it herself. So, teleporting to a safehouse with amulets in hand and spells in mind she went to work.

    Would've been easier if she could use potions, but with her allergies that wasn't an option. Thankfully, her work was complete just as she moved onto the final one and now she could admire her work. Facing the glass entirely she experimentally bounced her breasts in her hands. She'd spent a lot of time on these, the temptation to...improve...them too strong to resist. Larger, almost perfectly spherical and tipped with a thick, inch long pink nipple they sat high on her chest, with just enough sag to let anyone watching appreciate the weight behind them. A small, girlish smile crept onto her face as she manipulated her new tits. "Can't wait to show them to Geralt," she murmured.

    "Show what?"

    Triss spun around sharply, shocked at being surprised and stared into a pair of dark, angry eyes. " long have you been there?"

    "Long enough," the dark haired sorceress strutted to stand across from the redhead. Clad in the typical dark leather that clung to her like a second skin Yennefer oozed a sexuality that once intimidated Triss. But not anymore. Not even bothering to pull back on her gown she defiantly locked eyes with her off and on best friend, hands on her hips. "So what?"

    "This," Triss raised her hands and spun her body around, ending with a jump that added considerable bounce to her chest. "I think he might find it quite tittilating."

    "Really..." Yennefer snorted, her expression cruel. Undoing the knot at her throat she unbuttoned her top letting it slip off her body to the floor. Her own breasts flowed out from her chest unencumbered rippling and quivering with their freedom. Thick, dark nipples sat in impressively large areolas pointing directly at Triss's own pink spikes. "So insecure you had modify your tits to try and get his attention?"

    "Insecure!?" Triss's face darkened. "Considering what you had to do to have a body like THAT, you're in no position to talk. I had no choice but to rebuild my body, you...we know why you did it?"

    "Careful Triss..." Yennefer warned, shoving herself at the redhead, their bodies pushing against each other. "There are limits to what I'll ignore."

    "I'd say the same to you, but we both know you don't give a damn." Merigold refused to back down or show any sign of weakness and didn't let her nudity distract her, not flinching away from the way Yenn's nipples pricked at her own. Then she smiled. "Besides, unlike you who come and go as you please, without any thought to others, he's invited me to Kaer Morhen."

    "You lie!" Yennefer's expression turned outraged and, though brief, panicked.

    "I have no reason to," Triss taunted the visibly shaking rival sorceress. Bending down she retrieved a slip of paper from her dress and condescendingly offered it to Yennefer who snatched at it, eyes flowing rapidly over the parchment. "So I'll say it straight. I'm going to get dressed and make my way to Kaer Morhen. Fortunes willing he and I will be sharing a bed again after he gets a look at my new body."

    The raven haired sorceress's eyes flashed and she slowly raised a hand and pointed a long finger at the gown on the floor. Flames erupted from the cream colored cloth and rapidly devoured the gown, leaving everything else untouched. "Might be a bit of a problem now." Yennefer smirked.

    Fists clenched, Triss raised one and snapped her fingers. At first nothing happened. Then came a SNAP! Then another...and another. Buttons popped from Yennefer's leggings as the leather rotted rapidly. Shrugging rapidly out of her top Yenn could only watch in shock as In less than five seconds nothing was left except for a few strands. "Looks like we're in the same boat. At least I have a spare."

    "Then you won't mind if I borrow it," Yennefer snapped. The crack of the slap was loud but the sound of the second was met with a gasp of shock. Triss, her face set in a determined line replaced her arm to her side.

    "Don't think you can just do to me as you please," The fiery redhead hissed. "You have no claim to him, not anymore. And if I have a chance, I'm taking it."

    "You're welcome to try." Yennefer growled turning around and strutting to the dresser. "Assuming you don't mind showing up bare bottomed in the breeze."

    "Don'" the raven haired sorceress froze, fingers reaching for the handle. And there it was. One of them had to back down now if conflict was to be avoided. Unfortunately both believed they had a stake in this and as such neither would do so.

    Yennefer grasped the handle.

    Triss launched a fireball.


    <current time>

    Yanking each other around the room by the hair both women shrieked obscenities and delivered mana fueled slaps and punches when they got the chance. Doing stereotype proud the fiery haired Triss snarled and slammed a punch into Yennefer's gut and then a slap wreathed in fire across her face. Falling back onto the bed Yennefer's defenses absorbed the magic, but the physical blow rocked her. She then screamed in fury and pain as Triss, not letting an opportunity go to waste, hurled herself through the air to land on top of the other woman with a loud SPLAT!

    Tugging again at hair the enraged women fought across the broad bed, tumbling to the floor and rolling apart. Springing to their feet magic again filled the air with lighting bolts and fireballs hurled at the rival, only to fizzle before it reached it's intended target. Whining in frustration at the safeties implemented by the Brotherhood they crashed back together, fighting bitterly.

    "I can't believe I was worried for you after Sodden," Yennefer snarled, snapping Triss's head back with a blow from a fist that briefly turned the reddish brown shade of rock. "You never change. Always wanting what others have."

    "He was never YOURS!" Triss shouted back absorbing a second blow and countering it with her own, fist covered in ice that shattered on contact. Both wailed at the pain and, fearful of another such hit, pulled at one another hands again sinking deep into hair. "He's not your toy to play with only when it suits you."

    "I'll make you pay for that," Yennefer hissed as they struggled, face to face.

    "As if you could," Triss spat in response.

    Hissing, almost spitting in rage, both attempted to make good on their threat and large clumps of red and black hair began to cover the floor. With their magic mostly neutralized by the lodging they resorted to physical means. This is not to say they didn't try to use magic.

    Triss scrabbled at Yennefer's face, scratching spitefully at her alabaster skin while again channeling fire through her fingers to burn at the raven haired sorceress. While the effect was muted it was enough to cause her to screech and twist her face to bite savagely at individual digits, causing Triss in turn to bellow and yank back the injured hand. The movement briefly separated them and Yenn now struck, snatching at one of the bouncing boobs that Triss was so proud of.

    Her fingers digging into the firm orb she channeled pain into the large breast causing her red haired rival to leap onto her toes in agony before lashing out with fist that again forced them apart. Panting heavily the two circled. Yennefer wiped at her mouth glaring at the streak of red in her palm. Seeing this Triss smirked and both moved back in to resume their fight. While both were skilled sorceresses neither had any true knowledge of hand to hand other than hit the other person harder than they hit you.

    So that's what they aimed to do.

    Fists slammed into stomachs, making the recipient gag in agony. Punches and slaps set ample breasts wobbling as prominent chests became prime targets of the spiteful women. Knuckles began to hurt and palms sting as they also slapped and hit at the shoulders and enraged face of the woman in front of them. Sweat began to run down their bodies in rivulets both from the physical violence and from the use of healing. Neither was proficient in that type of magic and it's usage was more draining than it should be.

    A wide bolo punch connected solidly and Triss groaned falling back against the wall, grabbing hold of a glass faced cabinet, then slowly slid down to a seated position. Panting heavily Yennefer, her lips peeled back and baring her teeth in a snarl, stared hard at the downed redhead that glared back stonily.

    "I'm taking that dress...and leaving now." She gasped out through bruised lips. "You stay down and MAYBE I'll send someone back with one for you. If I remember of course."

    Spinning around the raven haired sorceress missed the look of almost insane rage that crossed Triss's face. Once more at the dresser she grasped at the handle only to give a pained wail as a small glass bottle shattered across her shoulders. Her nostrils were immediately assaulted by an overpowering scent of perfume and bent over gagging, which was fortunate as she heard the crashing sound of another bottle breaking.

    "YOU LEFT HIM!!" Triss shrieked, hurling bottles as fast as she could grab them. Her aim was better than average but many of the containers weren't corked and the myriad of scents and smells had her coughing enough to affect the accuracy. Still, Yennefer's screams meant enough hit to make it worthwhile. "YOU DON'T GET TO INTERFERE BECAUSE YOU REGRET IT!!"

    Hurling the last bottle she wasted no time and charged the other woman, bodies crashing together with a meaty SMACK, and bore Yennefer back until she ended up against the wall. Blue eyes glared into violet until an unintended moan sputtered past her lips. Eyes wide the redhead leapt back, barely dodging a wild swing from Yennefer, both breathing heavily. There was a pink tinge to their pale skin as they circled warily. "You enjoyed that!" She growled.

    "Like hell, you were the one grinding up against me," the dark haired sorceress shot back. Eyes flicked from reddened faces to the distended spikes their nipples had become and back again. "Not that it's surprising. This is as close to perfection as anyone's going to get."

    "You know...I've always hated that arrogant side of you." Triss spat, raising her fists again. "Always putting everyone else down as if you're so much better than the rest of us."

    "Not all of them dear,just you." Yennefer taunted, cupping her tits in her hands. "And you know it damn well too."

    Triss growled and, though she knew it to be pointless, attempted to hurl a fireball at her...friend's arrogant face. Just like before, the fire fizzled barely a foot past her extended fingers. This time Yennefer didn't leap back in defense, only smirked as she now also raised her fists.

    "This has been a long time coming, Trissy. Ever since you used your magic on Geralt to get him to sleep with you." Yenn hissed quietly. Rushing together the pair exchanged a quick flurry of punches before jumping back a resuming circling. Reacting now in a purely feminine manner, hands once more sought hair, tugging and pulling enthusiastically at the contrasting locks.

    "I'm fully aware of my mistakes, but you're not one to talk, YENNA," Triss panted, grimacing as she felt some pulled out by the roots. "You think I don't know about your sins! What's worse...fucking Istredd while also seeing Ger, or having his attention because he wished it so a Djinn wouldn't kill you?"

    Yennefer's expression, already contorted from the pain, turned irritated at the bringing up of her former lover, but at the mention of the Djinn she spat out an incomprehensible curse and shoved hard, battering her tits against Triss's. The redhead gave a grunt of startled pain, then another as her dark haired rival repeated the move. Angry at the sudden pain on her new chest Triss slammed her breasts hard against Yennefer's even as the other sorceress thrust forward. The heavy rounded orbs splashed together and rebounded, drawing shrill screams from both women who, instead of letting go, only dug their fingers into scalps all the harder.

    Once their grips were set they hammered their huge, heavy tits into one another with loud and hollow PLOP! More screams accompanied the unexpected sound but once the shock wore off Yenn's lips curled into a frightful snarl, one that Triss reciprocated before they heaved their firm and dense breasts together again. And again. and again.

    A dozen, and then a dozen more savage head on blows between all four breasts shook both women to their foundations and had them wailing unashamedly each time the, now, bright red orbs smashed together. What they were doing, and how it had come to this, neither knew...nor cared. Yennefer smashed her boobs brutally into Triss's, causing the red faced sorceress to stumble back on quivering legs before groaning at the her own suffering. Sensing weakness a trembling Triss punched her own breasts to squash thickly against Yennefer's.

    Sweating heavily now, Yennefer felt her grip on Triss's shorter hair slipping and shifted her hold to around the redhead's neck. Closer together now than before, to relieve her own discomfort Triss did the same and they were now cheek to cheek as they kept beating their swollen, painful tits together. "Harder...harder..." Yenn gasped out, though it was meant for herself, Triss took it to heart and both began rearing back further to deliver stronger, and more vicious breast to breast blows. Triss would scream as Yenn's pointed breasts stabbed into her tits and then Yenn would shriek as it felt as if Triss's more rounded breasts were trying to force her's to invert.

    Tears now mingled with the sweat as it finally became too much to bear, bodies staggering in barely controlled fashion as they kept upping the ante on who could smash who harder. Finally, quivering bodies bent at almost ninety degrees, surged forward to slam together with a sickening SMACK. Eyes that had been closed in an attempt to moderate the pain suddenly widened and twin screeches of abject torment nearly deafened the sorceresses. Arms disengaged and Yennefer stumbled back to sit, and then slump, onto the bed while Triss collapsed to the floor, rolling in agony.

    "Oh Gods..." Triss sobbed, clutching at her boobs that felt as if pins of fire were being jabbed sadistically into the tender flesh. On the flipside Yenn hacked into the pillows, the soft, silken coverings of the bed providing little relief. But slowly the heat fell away and Yenn, who's position on the bed allowed her to recover faster, slowly sat up. Flipping her long hair over her head she zeroed in Triss's quivering form. The redhead had managed to shove herself onto all fours, shaking her head to clear it when she felt the vibrations on the floor. Her head rose to glare at the brunette as she tottered towards her.

    Crawling backwards Triss felt her feet hit up against the wall and struggled to lever herself into an upright position. But Yenn had no intention of allowing her rival to regain her feet, staggering forward...and croaking in pain as Triss pushed off the wall, driving her head into the raven haired sorceress's stomach. Wrapping her arms around Yenn's slim waist she bore the taller woman back several steps before stumbling and dragging both women down.

    "Stupid...slut...bitch...whore..." Yennefer rasped out every insult she could think of, pounding a clenched fist into the small of Triss's back. She then gave a muffled shout as Triss shot up, the top of her head cracking against Yennefer's face. As she recoiled, a hard little fist crashed against her cheek and she shuffled back, raising her arms in defense.

    "Who...who's the whore!" Triss panted hoarsely, her back aching. She swung again at her rival, but it was slow, and easily blocked. "I'm not...not the one sleeping everything I come across that happens to have a dick."

    Triss saw the punch coming a mile away. Her own fist was already in motion as well and the knuckles scrapped past one another. Her's connected just above Yennefer's right eye while she felt Yenn's slam into her mouth, rattling her teeth. Rising up on their haunches they fired off slow, heavy blows that impacted against faces, stomachs and breasts. Triss drilled a powerful blow in Yenn's stomach only for the black haired sorceress to retaliate with an uppercut that actually had her knees leave the floor, before fists crossed again, to dig into breasts.

    Shuffling back from that particular pain neither woman lowered their fists and glared across at one another, heaving bodies drawing attention to heaving chests. Nipples stood out starkly in excitement, pointing straight ahead. Bitter at the condition of her new breasts, Triss's hand flashed out to send the Yenn's orbs wobbling with a new red handprint.

    "Jealous," Yenn sneered, once the shock wore off. "After all that work, the best you could manage is still just second best."

    "Hardly," Triss snorted, refusing to be baited. "You wouldn't be so determined not to let me flash 'em at Geralt if you weren't scared."

    "As if," Yennefer spat. "you think..."

    "I don't think, I know." Triss slowly rose to her feet, and gave her breasts a shake. Yenn couldn't help but admit, to herself, that those things were indeed very well made and proportioned. "This time, I have you beat Yenna."

    "Why don't we find out," Yennefer snapped, getting to her feet and stalking towards the younger woman.

    "Let's," Triss flared back, the redhead moving even as she spoke, throwing herself at the dark haired brunette who's body bent at the collision, Triss's full weight pushing down on her before her feet once more touched the ground. Arms flew around waists and shoulders, with Yenn getting the inner position, squashing bodies and breasts in a tight comparison. The pressure was instant and dramatic with all four orbs spreading outward evenly, shining in the candlelight.

    Yennefer's lashes soared to merge with her hairline at the sheer resistance in Triss's new boobs. This was not her first titfight, her more recent having been to put a blonde enchantress in her place not a year ago, but she couldn't remember the last time she felt a pair as solid as these. Closest comparison she could think of was when she and Sabrina went at it. She'd won of course, but her tits were sore for days afterwards. Her lips pursed, biting down a groan as Triss squeezed powerfully, shoving their boobs together more and more, until the pressure abruptly faded and her hold relaxed. Now it was Yenn's turn to crush their bodies together, breasts squashing almost as they'd pop from the constant pressure, or dagger like nipples stabbing into tender flesh.

    Triss's head flew back, teeth clenched, but like Yennefer she refused to be the first to give voice to rapidly rising pain. She endured the feeling of her glands being forced back into her chest until Yenn's arms finally relaxed, body heaving at the effort. Not taking a moment to recover the redhead squeezed hard, her arms forcing the darker haired woman's into her body, and the suddenness of it forced a whisper of a groan from Yennefer.

    "You. Little. BITCH!" Yennefer spat furiously at the taunting smile on Triss's sweating face. She immediately tightened her arms, the smirk quickly disappearing from the woman's face as their bodies shuffled back and forth under the combined pressure of their arms. "I'm going to CRUSH those new little tits of yours."

    "Not with those weak things, I promise you!" Triss snapped back, twisting her body to the side, causing them to spin in place. Staggering to and fro they ended up in front of the mirror and, unconsciously, their eyes were drawn to it. Cheek to cheek they stared at the reflection of their pale, sweating bodies from the squashed titflesh to the open area beneath, to the black and red curls of their privates that mingled as Triss's leg was slightly between Yennefer's.

    Even as they watched faces pinkened at the sudden realization of just what else had been going on and their grips slowly loosened allowing their breasts to flow back into their original shapes. From the sideways angle it was clear that Yenn's had a greater depth and length, but Triss's were clearly taller and, though it couldn't be seen, wider. As soon as the breasts filled back out they, just as slowly, pushed them back together again. Soft grunts could be heard as their boobs squashed together, the breast meat thick and shining under the pressure, before once more relaxing and reforming.

    Almost mesmerized by the action their eyes remained glued to the mirror watching as their breasts met and rippled together, the flesh undulating like waves attempting to erode the other's firmness then fell away to their original shape. Grunts came more regularly now and someone needed to act or they'd be here all night. And this time it was Triss Merigold that took the initiative. As their breasts peeled apart again her eyes fell on their nipples. The pink and brown spikes stood out starkly, stiff and hard in the small space between their breasts. As Yennefer pulled their bodies together for another meeting she slashed her pink points across the brunette's brown.

    "Ow..." the dark haired sorceress murmured huskily, trembling slightly at the sensation of the nipples scraping past one another. "Bitch!"

    "I learned from the best," Triss whispered silkily, wincing slightly as Yenn countered with a stab at the point where her nipples and areola met. She quickly countered by jousting her nipple at Yenn's the two meeting at the tips. That particular sensation caused them both to recoil with a shameful gasp. Arms slid down curves to grasp tightly at lush hips. Breathing heavily now they focused on the points of their breasts, the rest of the fight temporarily put on hold.

    Moving slowly, almost carefully now, they swordfought with their nipples. Stabbing and slashing and jousting with their weapons of choice the clear intent was to make one stubborn spike bend to the other. But just like their breasts up until this point they seemed frustratingly equal as they scrapped past one another tantalizingly or locked together like a pair of blades. This garnered some results as the fleshy tips bent and sprung past one another before they pushed them back together. Then Triss threw her head back with a deep moan. One of considerable pleasure.

    Yennefer couldn't believe what she was seeing and shifted her gaze from the mirror to the four mounds beneath her chin. "Impossible," she whispered, watching as her left nipple visibly bent to Triss's right, pointing towards the mirror. Her head rose to pin Triss's smug face in furious stare. "Other side!"

    Feet shuffling the women spun around to present their other breasts to the mirror. This time they didn't start off slow, but rather as soon they were done moving Yenn stabbed her nipple hard at Triss who parried with her own, the spikes straining briefly before slipping past. Stabbing and swiping furiously at each other both tips would bend ever so slightly, but never enough for either to claim victory. The only change was that there were more gasps of pain than sighs of pleasure. To their eyes the nipples appeared even fuller, longer than the others with just how stimulated and full of blood they had to be.

    Triss winced as Yenn's nipple proved to be slightly longer as it dragged along her areola after bouncing past. Licking at her lips she accepted the prickling pain and shoved her own breast forward to stab at Yennefer's areola. Pulling back they lined them up and pressed the tips together, determined to bend the other. Instead the fleshy peaks stubbornly resisted the other's push, sliding past as the breasts moved in time with their breathing. "Again..." Triss's voice was thick and Yennefer didn't bother to contradict the order. Sucking in a breath, tits rising even higher on their chests they pressed the tips together again in a head on comparison. The pink and brown nubs seemed to swell even more from the constant contact and began to visibly shake before, again, sliding past to stab into areolas.

    "" This time it was Yennefer, and she took a hand and placed it under her right breast to keep it steady. Copying with her left Triss angled her boob to face directly at it's opposite. Once steady they gradually pushed the turgid nipples together. Ignoring the mirror now, sweat dripped from faces to patter onto titflesh, almost sizzling at the contact. Yennefer bit her lip to keep focus and she could hear Triss muttering quietly to herself a litany of control, then both women went rigid. It was slight, but both had felt a shift and lidded eyes shot open.

    "No..." Yenn murmured in disbelief, angrily blinking eyes that glistened with unshed tears. She watched as Triss's nipple literally shoved hers aside to again point at the mirror while her's remained stiff and straight. "I don't...I don't believe..."

    "Told you," Triss smiled wickedly, pulling back and allowing Yennefer's nipple to spring back into position, before the redhead pushed forward again. Yennefer groaned, as this time her nipple gave no resistance and Triss angled it to point upwards. "So who's tits're second rate now!?"

    Like throwing spirits onto a roaring fire Yennefer showed you didn't need to be a ginger to be known for a temper. Her eyes flashed and twisting her body to the left she hurled her boob to slap hard against the outside of Triss's. The stinging pain shocked more than it hurt but Yenn got a second swing in from the opposite side before the other sorceress could jump back. "We're not done yet. I'm not done with you yet!"

    "You just can't let me have this can you." Triss rubbed at her breasts, glaring across at her naked opponent, then lunged forward to smack her right breast across the outside of Yennefer's left. Reacting quickly the dark haired sorceress swung her left to meet the redhead's as it was in flight. The orbs came together with a wet SPLAT and hung in the air as the women pressed them hard together. "Can't stand that someone else can be better than you at anything."

    Yennefer said nothing other than to shove all the harder at Triss, their breasts losing the rounded shape and flattening to thick discs. Neither stubborn woman was willing to be the one to first stop contact and wheeled across the room in unsteady circles, fighting bitterly against the other's push. Grunting savagely Yenn's height advantage began to take it's toll and Triss's right foot left the floor for a split second...then again...and then again, each time taking longer to reassert her balance. Finally, with a horrendous groan Triss stumbled to the side almost falling before catching herself. Ears perked up at the stamping of approaching feet and she reared, swinging hard on instinct and felt her breast crash against something solid. She fell back again, hand touching the floor but she heard Yenn's scream.

    That one had hurt, Yennefer was forced to admit. She took a second to catch her breath, a second that Triss got back to her feet and pinned her in a smoldering glare. She matched the stare as they circled, gently fondling their breasts, now reddened and swollen from the impromptu fight. Then, at a nod, they leapt together, breasts flailing in a wild melee that stood out starkly against the careful nipple fight they'd just engaged in.

    Candles in the room began to gutter and shadows of the fighting women provided by the remaining light took on the shapes of wildly dancing, or gyrating demons. Moving together Yennefer and Triss pounded their prominent boobs together with violent abandon, the sound of flesh against flesh echoing across the small room. Crimson tresses flailing Triss aggressed furiously against Yenn, beating the raven haired sorceress back almost to the mirror before older woman slammed back hard, forcing them into a flat footed boob brawl. Both squealed in urgent pain as their massive mammaries slapped together but gradually, Yennefer began to force her younger rival back step by angry step.

    "I looked up to" Triss gasped out, flinging her firm boobs at those of her tormentor, refusing to let up for even an instant. But Yennefer only hurled her own breasts in spiteful comparison. The heavy glands squashed together in bruising collisions that rocked the women to their core. One particularly heavy blow, right on right had their nipples meet and the sudden unexpected pain of her nipple caving in caused Yenn to stiffen in agony. With the distraction Triss halted her progress and now they dueled toe to toe, boobs pounding and smashing, rolling and bouncing in time with their violent movements. "Wanted you."

    "You wanted ME!" Yennefer panted, cringing at the resounding slaps of the shapely teats bashing relentlessly together. Her legs began to ache from the effort of maintaining her stance and resisting the resilient redhead's push. When was it that little Triss became stubborn. She swung from her hips her breast crashing against Triss's at a downward angle, finally staggering the girl. Seizing her advantage the older sorceress advanced confidently meeting the redhead's frantic blows, swinging her own massive mammaries with equal violence. "You wanted...what I had. Wanted...Geralt."

    "No! I fell in love with him." Desperate to get away from the pounding pain of Yenn's heavy tits, and stunned by the sheer bitterness behind her words, Triss jumped away then forward, throwing her arms around Yennefer and forcing their boobs together. The taller woman struggled briefly then wrapped her arms around the shorter's waist, indicating she was more than happy to match mass to mass. Their tits mushroomed out from the compression but just like before neither set of dense, pliable orbs gave up any unnecessary space. "I'm sorry that I used magic, but I'm NOT sorry for feeling the way I do."

    "You soon will be!" Yennefer snarled, wrenching her arms up high and squeezing at the redhead as hard as she could. Triss responded in kind, locking her hands onto wrists and squeezed with everything she had. Determined violet eyes glared into defiant blue. Between them gleaming reddened domes popped up to high between them, bulging out in response to the immense pressure being applied. Though barely able to move they still managed minute side to side and circular motions, grinding their tits together. "I was too kind before. Now I'll put you in your place, like I should have done after I first found out you fucked Geralt."

    "You don't scare me anymore, Yenn." Triss bristled at the threat, keeping her arms tight and pressure constant. Her breasts had spread out completely, even enveloping Yenn's at the outer edges. But she could feel the dark haired woman's tits spearing their way deep into her rebuilt tissue, grinding away at the structures and setting her nerves on fire. She became uncomfortably aware that in a situation like this the result was up in the air. She knew she was also wearing down the bigger woman's boobs, but who's would break first. Her's or Yenn's.

    "And that's your first mistake..." Yennefer had come to the same conclusion, but refused to look weak by being the one to try and change the contest. Triss had poured a lot of magic and, more importantly, thought into rebuilding her body. Her bust wasn't so large that it could barely support it's own weight like so many others did for themselves, instead finding the size and shape that would sit perfect on her body while being more than firm enough for her partner to enjoy playing with. At THAT thought Yennefer growled and pulled them even closer together. She would NOT let that happen again.

    Groaning and grunting the two supremely stubborn sorceresses staggered to and fro in the dimming lights of the house doing their damnedest to crush the other in her arms. They were sweating freely now and the excess moisture began to play an unwanted role in their fight. Hand became slippery and grips needed to be readjusted. The few seconds this took gave the recipient a few lungfuls of pain free air and temporary control of their slow dance.

    Yennefer's hands fell apart and Triss's boobs swelled as she sucked in eager breaths, shoving hard at the darker haired sorceress until her back hit up against the wall. Grinding away with the advantageous position her expression malicious at the painful moans she ground out from her rival. But the extra effort increased the rate at which her own palms grew slick with sweat and, the second her fingers slipped apart, Yennefer spun them around to slam the auburn haired sorceress against the wooden frame. Boob drilling deep into Triss's tits she drank in the sudden fear in her eyes, until her position was reversed again, and then Triss's...

    Attention focused solely on the woman in her arms, neither paid attention to steady dimming of the room's lighting. Darkness came suddenly with a gust that found it's way through a crack, the final sputtering candles going out. Humans have an innate natural fear of the dark, and the suddenness of it disrupted the sorceresses' rhythm and feet shuffled, becoming entangled and both squealed in fear as they tripped each other up, falling to the floor. There was a breathless "OOF!" as they landed, but barely a pause as while they could only make out a silhouette, they could still FEEL the other woman. And neither liked what they felt.

    The one underneath reacted a split second faster, rolling the one on top onto her side before she started pumping back in earnest. Voices melded together in frantic cries and desperate shouts as they rolled wildly, ping ponging from one corner of the room to the next, lithe bodies wrapped together so tightly that they appeared to be almost one being. At intervals they paused on their sides teetering, pumping their breasts together feverishly, before either resuming the roll or going back in the opposite direction. Other times one would gain the top spot, grinding her boobs down onto her opponent who screeched in anguish, body rocking violently until she displaced her tormentor and the wild tangle resumed.

    Gasping heavily they rolled briskly, slamming against the door which angled their tightly wrapped bodies in the direction of the bed. Disappearing beneath it's legs, the frame shook from their actions which seemed to be increasing in violence. Pained squeals and angry screams complimented the increasing rattling as the bed bounced rapidly on the floor. Anyone listening from outside would be forgiven for thinking the inhabitants were engaging in urgent, violent sex rather than doing their damnedest to hurt the other in the most feminine way possible. And the end result would've been the same, since the rickety couch was designed for recovery, not strenuous activity. Neither sex, nor a desperate brawl.

    First a crick, then a loud CRACK. Then a series of SNAP, SNAP and the bed finally buckled, the thin boards breaking apart and mattress flipping over to land in a corner as two feminine shapes exploded from beneath it. Hands had long since moved from around bodies back to hair, though the now slick tresses were plastered to scalps and was as slippery as the rest of their body. Nonetheless they tugged and pulled enthusiastically while trapped within the shattered bed frame then, as if remembering why they fighting in the first place, slammed their upper bodies together.

    Harder and harder they kept upping the ante, smashing all four breasts together in frightful collisions that had them wailing into the uncaring darkness. Heaving their tits together in manic desperation to finally topple her rival, and finally end this contest. And abruptly, it almost did.

    One blow, no more savage than any of the dozens they'd already rained each another shook one silhouette to her core, rising onto her toes before another head to head boob blow that saw all four orbs collapse in on another, broke them apart, tumbling over the broken frame to opposite sides of the room. Nervous energy saw them leap back their feet quickly and they circled warily, the ever burning pain in their breasts making them cautious. Breathing deeply they inhaled not the sweaty musk that exuded off of them both but also a faint odor of lilac and gooseberries. And strawberries.

    It cut through the bitter rage both felt and their movements slowed, becoming hesitant as the smells reminded them that the one they were fighting wasn't an enemy, but someone close. But the hesitation wasn't enough to distract them from what they were fighting for.

    "You...we're friends...aren't we..." One silhouette said, jumping forward and slashing her boobs at the other to send the loose globes wobbling noticeably. The other countered immediately, making the recipient orb jiggle wildly at the blow. The initiator slapped her tits hard across the other woman's pair before jumping back and resuming circling. Their eyes were adjusting to the darkness now that they weren't moving rapidly but any attempt to judge how much damage they'd done was pointless. "Just...stop this...Yenn."

    "Just...back off...and we can" Yennefer gasped out in response, no longer able to maintain her typical superior attitude. She was was hurting...she'd never thought that Triss of all people would be the one to push her like this. Then she saw her friend shake her head and angled herself to keep them just beyond grabbing range. The sheer defiance from the girl that had been her junior infuriated her and the way she twisted her body was the only warning Triss got before Yennefer advanced, breasts swinging like a pair of maces. Like she expected Triss didn't retreat, and instead waded, boobs clapping together brutally.

    Triss felt herself stagger in the face of Yennefer's heavy boob blows. The violet eyes sorceress was relentless as she kept pounding her breasts into Triss's without pause. She was beating back against Yenn with her own weighty tits as hard as she could but the older sorceress seemed untiring.

    Yennefer heard Triss scream as their breasts smashed together again and again, but she could also hear her own screeches each time the taut glands crushed against it's opposite. She was winning, she knew she was, but the stubborn redhead only fought back all the harder. Slinging their breasts together with frightening force both sorceresses continued hurting each other.

    Slowly at first but gradually they squirmed and stamped across the room, beating each other back and forth along it's length on trembling legs. Their twisting movements, the occasional stumble and the way their hair stuck to their heads soon made it impossible for anyone that could've been watching to make out which shadow was which woman. As they fought their way near the former bed one staggered from a heavy right on right boob blow and, finally breaking the deadlock, a second direct hit sent her tumbling to the ground with a shocked shout. But before the one still standing could react the one that fell scrambled backwards and propelled herself forward slugging her breasts angrily at the other who met her, breasts flying.

    Flat footed the two lithe shadows pounded their boobs together with violent abandon. The battling orbs stood out starkly on their chests, swollen from the beatings they'd received and inflicted. Meeting, spreading, flattening and then recoiling the glands squashed together repeatedly and equally but slowly one pair began to gain an advantage. One bosomy silhouette clearly struggled to hold her ground but after several repeated head on impacts, nipple to nipple, she floated to the ground with a frightful screech. Landing on her ass she seemed to bounce once before just sitting there, hands at the side, while her body heaved.

    "Stay...down...please...." Pleading or begging. Who knew, the end result was the same and the downed woman slowly pushed herself back up and the duel between their boobs resumed again. The dam was now broken and the frantic beauties threw themselves at one another, flinging their breasts together harder and faster, instinctively taking their bosomy violence to the next level. Repeatedly the naked, shadowy nymphs felled one another with ferocious breast blows, but the one on the ground simply dragged themselves back up and plowed her boobs back in, resuming the violent boob banging.

    Then abruptly the fight almost ended as they both went down. Flailing their deadlocked tits together viciously, as if sensing the other's intent, they reared back and slammed all four breasts together as hard as they could manage at this stage. The massive, direct collision of four orbs was finally too much for one woman to take and she fell forward, throwing her arms over the shoulder of the other, possibly in a desperate attempt to stay upright. Almost simultaneously though, the latter's legs simply collapsed, her own arms circling the former's neck as they dragged each other down. But pausing only to grab handfuls of limp, matted hair they resumed thrusting their boobs at each other, plunging the sore orbs to squash and ripple together for three long torturous minutes. Finally, with deep groans that originated deep within their bellies, they sat back on their haunches arms slipping down to the small of their backs. But even still, they refused to release the other, tired fingers curling together. They would not let go until one emerged victorious.

    Boobs brushed together lightly, rippling in time with their breathing, causing soft sighs to tickle ears. The sensation was oddly pleasing and first one, then the other twitched their upper bodies to keep them in delicate contact. But as pleasant as this felt, it was not what they wanted. "Ow!" One gasped as stiff nipples were dragged across her tender flesh. "Bitch!" The other grunted as her left boob was swatted to the side in retaliation. Rising up, off their haunches they pressed the contending breasts firmly together and foreheads butted as they glared at the shadowy outline of their rival's face.

    Eyes dilated and vision adjusted just enough to make out the tired, yet determined features on the face of the woman opposite. Tongues nervously licked at dry lips at the realiation of how close they were and the sweaty musk that oozed from their pores. It was a scent they both knew well and struggled to ignore it as they rolled their breasts together. Mashing and squashing the taut, swollen glands in rhythmic violence that had them undulate and distort before swelling back out into their original shape, defiantly resisting all attempts to flatten them. They were disconnected for a moment then came together with a loud SPLAT! Both grunted loudly before coming together again, this time with a painful sounding THWACK. This time they ground their aching tits together hatefully for long seconds, while one moaned and the other whined, before separating again.

    PLOP! WHACK! THUD! These fleshy sounding blows were followed by sharp keening cries or panting, desperate wails. Every other blow they'd grind their tits together brutally, heads flailing, sweat spraying from faces and damp hair. Leaning into one another they rocked to and fro before returning to hammering the four orbs at each other in an endless cycle of pain. Finally one sorceress switched up her tactics in a desperate attempt to break the deadlock. As they pulled apart for another slam, she instead swung her breasts wildly left to right causing them both to scream at the sudden sharp pain. Stunned, the other woman absorbed several hardy blows before being able to swing back effectively.

    Sweat poured off of them as they attacked each other's boobs frantically, the huge orbs crushing and crashing together in remorseless collisions that had them almost swooning from the pain. Yet still their hurled the heavy teats together without pause or mercy. It was all or nothing now.

    Out of control and almost delirious with pain they kept hammering their tits together in a frenzy of rage but one voice began to cry out with increasing frequency, taking on a note of anguish as they beat their boobs together all the harder. There was no obvious sign of a change but each time the heavy globes crashed together one woman's pained cry became louder and more insistent. In response the other woman gritted her teeth and increased the power behind her swings and felt her rival shuffle back, as if to try and get away. Sensing weakness she kneewalked forward eagerly, right into her lunging opponent.

    Pulling their bodies into another crushing bearhug the sorceresses teetered as one shoved with all she had to topple her rival. Realizing it wouldn't work, instead she wrenched their bodies to the right and sent them back to ground. Once there though any advantage was lost and lithe bodies wrapped up tightly, thrusting and grinding their aching mammaries together, rolling slowly.

    "Gonna...flatten you..." One gasped out, doing her best to follow through. Plastered together breasts pancaked from the insistent pressure as they lay side by before one slowly forced the other onto her back. Driving her boobs onto the contending pair she forced squeals from the other woman before the slow roll continued, neither able to maintain but the briefest periods of control. "Gonna...gonna...ooohhh..."

    "" The other wheezed, breathing itself becoming a chore, much less talking. Their movements had slowed even more, the only part of their anatomies moving with any kind of energy was the pumping of their chests. Their faces so close together they could taste each other and dilated pupils drank in what they could of the agony in each other's expression as they rocked and rolled with painful slowness.

    Behind backs fingers cramped and spasmed, then finally sprung apart and hands slapped at sweaty backs trying to find purchase on the smooth skin. Tits continued to pump willingly together but as they rolled again the one on top threw a leg over and toes scrabbled at the floor. The one on the bottom suddenly got energized, panting wildly with what had to be fear, pushing and thrusting with her boobs and belly. Her cries increased in pitch when the one above her lifted her upper body and then let gravity drop her weight fully onto the defenseless tits below. Three more times she did this while the other woman screamed in increasing pain and fear.

    "Win...I...I win. I...AAAGGHHHH!" Sweat dripping to patter on her fallen foe the dominant woman savored her expected victory until an explosion of pain made her croak in agonized disbelief, and made her vision blur and almost blacken entirely. With a hollow CRACK the woman below fought back in the only way she could. Shooting upwards to splatter her tits hard against the pair hanging above them she also shrieked at the blow but got a second one in before she received another heavy boob bomb. Breasts hammered together in dizzying violence, both tapping into whatever dregs of energy they had left. The one on the bottom seemed to gain an advantage and in an impressive display of strength, both boob and otherwise, bounced the woman on top of her off and after a brief on the side's brawl, onto her back.

    This seemed to take everything out of them however and they lay almost perfectly still, squashing their breasts together in a final head to head confrontation. The one below slapped and pulled at the other woman's back, who's hands spread wide to avoid being rolled and just letting her weight and gravity crush the pair beneath her. Bodies quivered in both pain and pressure as boobs were fully compressed, total volume against total volume. There was nowhere left for them to go but forward and whether it was because it had absorbed more of a beating or simply that the other pair were just better one magnificent set of orbs shuddered, and collapsed.

    "NOOOOAAAGGGGGGHHHH!!!" The loser howled at the feel of her breasts being penetrated, but the big shock was the actions of the two women. It was the one on the BOTTOM thrusting her victorious breasts into the defeated pair, while keeping her arms tightly wrapped around the body of the other woman who squirmed frantically, trying to get away. "NO! NONONONONONONO!"

    "YES! OH...YES!" With a powerful heave, the victorious sorceress flipped her struggling adversary over, savoring the feel of the other's boobs almost melting away from her own. Hands free, she slapped hard at the other woman and scooted her body up, trembling at the feeling of nethers scrapping past one another, to sit on her stomach. Body heaving she flicked a finger to summon a small ball of light to hover over their pale, sweating bodies. "Told...Told you I had you beat!"

    "Damn you!" Yennefer sobbed bitterly, still refusing to concede, a hand rising off the floor to slap weakly at the heavy hanging orbs over her face. "You'll never...never have him."

    "Maybe..." Triss's victorious expression faded slightly at the admission, then lit up as she thoght up the perfect end to this. She grabbed at the slapping hand, pinning both to the floor and pressing her swollen tits onto Yennefer's face. The exhausted raven haired sorceress's struggles only intensified as the auburn haired sorceress's musk filled her senses. "But it will be...because he chose. Not...not because of...of you."

    Yennefer never heard what she said, squirming wildly to escape, to breathe. But all she could smell was Triss, all she could taste...twisting and squirming wildly she also felt an undercurrent of excitement building in her loins. Hips bucked desperately against Triss's leg and the last thing she felt before passing out was a rush of unexpected pleasure.

    "Dam...dammit," Triss panted, trembling. The feeling of power and the wild gyrations of her dark haired rival had her almost on the verge. Nostrils flared and she gave a catty smile, slapping at the now flaccid lumps that rolled around Yenn's chest. "Guess that makes it two for me, and none for you."

    Rising onto weakened legs Triss staggered over to the dresser, replacing a candle and lighting it. Once done she slipped open the drawer and pulled out a pale green dress. Pressing a hand to her chest she felt some of the pain fade away and her breasts sat a little higher on her chest. Then she sniffed, and decided that maybe she should take a quick bath. Enough to wash away the stink, but not long enough to risk Yenn waking and wanting another round.


    <Kaer Morhen>

    "Triss," Geralt embraced the redheaded sorceress, not noticing the slight wince as he pulled her tight. "It's good to see you again."

    "It's good to see you to," Triss smiled to hide the brief twinge of pain. "Sorry it took me so long to respond, things came up, but I'm here now."

    Geralt grinned at the woman's usual enthusiasms and allowed her to slip her arm through his as they walked. "Sorry if my message was a bit abrupt, but I really did know who else to turn to..."

    "Really?" Triss felt her excitement dial up a notch. He didn't consider Yenn...could it be that! Her expression turned confused as he guided her outside of the castle to the training yard. There she saw a child running the Trail. At the Gullet section she gasped in horror as the child landed wrong and twisted, clearly hurt. Running down the path she found the child, a girl now that she was closer, clutching at her leg. As she reached for the limb the girl pulled away, clearly scared, until Geralt jumped down close by.

    "It's alright Ciri, she's a friend." He said. Clearly still reluctant, the girl allowed Triss to heal the wound, though it still clearly caused her some pain. "This is Triss Merigold. I've asked her to help with your training."

    Triss froze at his words, everything she'd had planned going up in a puff of smoke. Before she could respond she caught Geralt's pleading expression and sighed before plastering a wide smile across her face. "Yes, it has to be troublesome with only men around. They're none to clever when it comes to how we do things aren't they."

    The girl giggled at that and Triss found herself warming to the child. It might not be what she'd intended, but as long as she was here and Yenn wasn't...well that left a lot of room for things to happen.


    Back at the safehouse Yennefer sat on the mattress, scowling thoughtfully at the wall. This was by no means over...

    She avoided looking at a damp corner of the room, gritting her teeth at that memory. That in particular was going to require payback.


  2. #2
    Hostboard Member Baine's Avatar
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    Re: The Witcher

    You're jumping into the lion's den face first with this one. The Triss v Yenn war is as bad as any waifu war.

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