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Thread: By the Light of the Moon -New Story by JB57

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    By the Light of the Moon -New Story by JB57

    Dear Board,

    Here is a new story that I started a few weeks ago, though I've been thinking about it for some time. It features Brianan Olson, the heroine from the story "The Fate of the World." This first part is pretty much all exposition - there is not much sex and what there is is pretty truncated -but I promise that it gets a lot hotter really soon, with part 2. I probably should not have posted this story until it was completely done, but I've got most of it written and I think I can probably regularly post sections about one a week, so I've decided to risk it.

    Enjoy and let me know what you think.


    By the Light of the Moon: Brianna Olson vs. Selena, the Night Queen


    Brianna Olson breathed in the cool night air and calmed her nerves. The beautiful blonde woman looked up at the purpling sky. The full moon was hanging just over the horizon, just starting its transit across the stars. At 8 PM, it would be in position and Brianna would begin her long walk down into the bowels of the ancient temple before her and start the mission for which she had spent the past year in preparation.

    “How are you feeling?” A redheaded woman came out from the large, pavilion tent behind Brianna. The woman was carrying a cup of hot tea that she offered to Brianna. “Here, this will help with nerves.”

    “Thanks, Lana,” Brianna replied, gratefully accepting the tea. She shivered slightly as the hot liquid flowed through her body, warming her against the chill of the desert night. Brianna was wearing only a gossamer thin robe that covered her body to her upper thighs. On her feet were jeweled sandals.

    The women stood in silence and watched the night sky together. The redheaded woman, Lana, had her long hair tied up in a tight bun. She was dressed in a white blouse, tan, skin-tight pants, and sharp leather boots. The blouse emphasized her spectacular chest. The first few buttons of her top were undone, displaying deep cleavage. She was braless and her big breasts shifted easily under the white blouse, their nipples creasing the crisp material.

    Out of the corner of her eye, Lana watched Brianna. She still felt some residual resentment towards the blonde woman, some jealousy over Brianna’s role in this ritual. But she had grown to like and respect her nemesis over the past few days they had spent together, out here in the desert, getting ready for this night. Brianna was beautiful, her body every bit as spectacular as Lana’s luscious form. Lana found that fact irritating, but also alluring. Her naturally competitive nature had been sparked the moment she first met Brianna, more than a year before. But she had come to respect the blonde woman’s intelligence and discipline. She already had a healthy lust for Brianna’s body. Now she found herself wanting to bed the blonde out of an added desire for her mind. But that would have to wait until they were finished their mission.

    “Do you want to do a bit more preparation before you go?” Lana asked. “There are still about two hours before you begin the descent.”

    “Yes,” Brianna sighed. “I guess every little bit helps. Who knows how much difference just a little bit more could make?” She smiled at Lana. “Thanks for this. I really appreciate all you’ve done and your willingness to give so much of yourself.”

    “It’s my duty and responsibility,” Lana said quietly. Her resentment flared for a moment, then faded. She smiled, a genuinely friendly grin. “It’s my honor, too.”

    The two women walked into the tent. The structure was large, about 6 meters by 6 meters. Two cots were on opposite sides of the back wall. In the middle of the wall was a fold-out table that served as a portable desk, on which there were computers, a satellite radio, and a stack of occult books and charts. A dining table and a cooking area sat off to one side. In the center of the tent was a meditation area made of carpets and comfortable pillows. The tent was warmly illuminated by three LED lanterns suspended at different points along the central support beam. Just inside the door was a storage locker containing weapons and other equipment that might come in handy.

    Brianna and Lana had been in the desert for the past five nights. They had been driven out to the temple by a large entourage that set up the tent and other amenities for the women then left that same day. For the past four days, the two women had been engaged in the preparation for the ritual that would start tonight. They had put up wards and protective mystical barriers around the temple, ensuring that there was only one way out, and it led right to the tent. Most of their time was spent preparing themselves physically, spiritually and sexually for the ordeal to come.

    Their tent was located right at the main entrance of the massive stone and obsidian structure that had suddenly appeared here in the deep desert about two months before. The structure was massive and exuded a sense of age. Its outer walls were only about 2 meters above the sand, but from the air it became clear that the walls formed the outer perimeter of a reverse pyramid that went deep, deep into the earth. The roof of the structure was covered in ornate symbols and carvings and a series of shallow mazes cut into the smooth stone. Many of the symbols and carvings, however, had openings that were actually portals allowing light into the depths of the interior. The main entrance, where the tent was set up, was a two-meter high rectangle that led immediately to a corridor that descended into the temple in an unbroken decline. From what scholars had been able to understand, the corridor went several kilometers down, much further than the visible temple. This fact led to the realization that the part of the temple that had manifested in the desert was only one small section of a much larger structure that existed, in its entirety, on another plane of existence.

    Brianna put her cup of tea on the dining table, slipped off her sandals, then padded to the center of the tent. She pulled the gossamer robe off of her shoulders, and stood completely nude in the meditation space. Lana admired the blonde’s physical perfection, letting her eyes wander hungrily over the woman’s curving hips, narrow waist, well-defined abdomen, and thick, heavy tits. Brianna’s pussy was clean-shaven and her powerful legs and muscular hips were supported by an incredible, round, taut ass. Brianna sat in a lotus position on the carpet, her palms upturned on her knees, and closed her eyes.

    Lana pulled off her boots, then reached up and undid her bun. She tossed her head, freeing her long, red locks. She reached up and undid the few remaining buttons on her blouse, then pulled it off. Her incredible breasts surged free, their thick brown nipples sharp. She shivered a bit as her sensitive nipples were exposed to the air. She undid the clasp of her pants and shimmied the tight garment down her broad hips and her powerful thighs. She assumed a position on the mat directly across from Brianna and mirrored the blonde’s pose. The women were completely nude except for the matching necklaces they both wore. The golden necklaces sported two gently glowing green gems that nestled in the hollow of the women’s throats.

    The two naked women were equally beautiful and voluptuous. As much as Lana admired Brianna’s powerful, voluptuous body, she knew that her body was the blonde’s equal in every visible way. It was one of the reasons she was so angry that she had lost their contest more than a year ago, the contest that had determined which of them would take on the duty of confronting the powerful force now resting under the temple, the force that would rise this night and every night of the full moon for the next three nights.
    After a few minutes of meditation, Brianna opened her eyes. Lana opened her eyes too. Eyes locked, the women reached out and intertwined their fingers, pressing their hands palm to palm. They squeezed hard. Closing their eyes again, they concentrated. The gems at their throats glowed brighter and Brianna felt a surge of power flowing into her body through her hands. It trickled up her arms, seemed to pool in her massive breasts, then rushed down through her belly and into her pussy, centering itself in her burning, throbbing clit. Brianna cried out. Her pussy lubricated hard and began to leak. She concentrated, pulling her mind back from her aroused body. In her mind, she gathered the power she was receiving from Lana and slowly filtered it into the rest of her body, filling her muscles with heat, filling her nerves with electricity.

    For almost 30 minutes, the women remained locked in this position, Lana feeding enormous sexual energy into Brianna, Brianna taking and storing all she could. Both women’s lush bodies were soon dripping with sweat, perspiration falling off the tips of their engorged nipples. They were breathing hard. Finally, Brianna had all she could handle. “Enough!” she cried out, pulling her hands away from Lana. The connection broke. Lana fell forward, almost landing her head in Brianna’s lap. The redhead rolled on her side, panting, and stretched her wet body on the mat. Brianna stretched out beside her.

    “Thank you,” Brianna said sincerely. Her body felt super-charged, like electricity was running through every cell. Lana had given of herself very generously.

    “You’re welcome,” Lana panted. “When this is over, you can show me how grateful you are.”

    The nude women lay side by side, their voluptuous bodies glistening in the light, and waited for the hour to come when the ritual would begin.

    Part I: A Meeting in London

    Brianna Olson made her way through the streets of central London, her first time back after being away for a couple of years. She had been traveling in jungles of Southeast Asia for most of that time. As much as she loved the region and its people and the ancient civilizations that she studied and explored in her vocation as a crypto-archaeologist, she was still happy to return to the city where she had spent so much of her youth.

    Today she was particularly excited because she was meeting with an old professor, Dr. Jacqueline Temple. Dr. Temple was of Eurasian background, her mother English and her father Balinese. It was Temple’s influence that had first gotten Brianna interested in the cultures and legends of Southeast Asia. It had been on her first expedition with the professor that Brianna learned that her mentor was not just a regular archaeologist. She also worked with a secret organization that catalogued and, when necessary, acted against the many ancient supernatural threats that inhabited the world. Jacqueline initiated Brianna into a world of adventure and danger and she could not thank the older woman enough for giving her life a powerful sense of purpose.

    Brianna had gone on to become a famous archaeologist, well-known and respected in her discipline for her many discoveries and interpretations of the ancient worlds of the Asia Pacific region. But, to those in the know, she was also famous as an adventurer and explorer. She had headed up a number of secret expeditions into dangerous parts of the world.

    About a year before, Brianna had fought one of her most important battles against the demonic powers summoned by Alexandra Dunnet. The battle had become a sexual struggle between her and Alexandra that, after days of constant battle, saw her succeed in keeping the ancient, evil god that Alexandra worshiped from entering the world. Brianna kept an eye on Dunnet after that, watching the woman’s movements from afar using her own network of spies.

    When Jacqueline asked to meet Brianna, the blonde woman was happy to oblige. She was looking forward to catching up with her old professor. She entered the club where they were having their meeting and was directed by the steward to a private dining room. The small room was mahogany paneled and decorated with the portrait of a 16th century earl who had built part of the club. The stuffiness of the establishment contrasted dramatically with the two beautiful women waiting for Brianna at the table.

    Jacqueline was a gorgeous woman in her mid-50s. She had dark hair streaked with grey and golden-green eyes. Her skin was a dark chocolate brown. Her body was remarkable, buxom and defined by lush, womanly curves. Brianna had never had sex with her professor but she had occasionally fantasized about it. When the woman was younger, Brianna was sure Jacqueline would have been a match for her in every way.

    The other woman was someone Brianna had not met before. She was a gorgeous redheaded woman whose voluptuous curves were impossible to conceal beneath a cleavage-baring black dress. Jacqueline got up to hug Brianna and greet her warmly, then introduce her companion. “Brianna, this is Lana Tomas. She is a former student of mine and now a colleague. She works in a number of the major archaeological museums in France.”

    Brianna smiled and shook hands with the beautiful redhead. The women’s hands touched and eyes locked. A powerful erotic surge passed between their bodies. Both women felt it. Their eyes shone a bit brighter but neither acknowledged what had just passed between them. At least, not yet. Brianna was aware that Jacqueline had been closely watching her interaction with Lana. She wondered why.

    “Let’s have dinner first, give you and Lana a chance to get to know each other a bit better,” Jacqueline smiled. “We can talk about why I asked you here after dinner.”

    This made sense to Brianna, though she wanted more to catch up with her old professor than make new friends, even one as sexy as Lana. The women ordered meals from the club’s special menu. Over dinner they caught up on developments in their field and in their personal lives. Lana was fairly quiet, but the comments she did make – mostly about questions related to archaeology or recent digs in various locations – indicated that she was highly knowledgeable and intelligent.

    After dessert, they settled in for post-dinner sherries. Jacqueline finally got to the purpose of their meeting.

    “Thanks for coming, Brianna. I knew that I could count on you. I have a favor to ask of you – a very dangerous favor. So please don’t hesitate to say “no”. I don’t want to impose on our friendship and our professional relationship in any way. But please believe me when I say that I am only asking because I think it is necessary to do so. The lives of many people are at stake.”

    Brianna noticed that Lana bridled a little at this speech, but the redhead did not say anything. She had been watching Jacqueline intently and now turned her attention to Brianna.

    “Well, I suppose you had better tell me what this is all about. Then I can make a decision.”

    Jacqueline nodded and sat back in her chair. She put down her glass of sherry and shared a look with Lana before she continued.
    “Have you ever heard of Selena, the goddess of the moon?”

    “Yes,” Brianna replied immediately. “Ancient Rome, I think. She was supposed to be some kind of vampire goddess, I think.”

    “Yes, a kind of vampire, a sort of succubus. You’re an experienced woman and you’ve seen a lot during your career exploring the hidden places of the world. It probably won’t surprise you to know that Selena is real and that she is going to rise within the next year or so. When she does, she will go on a killing spree that could leave hundreds of people dead as she feeds on them. After that, she will return to her crypt and not rise again until she needs to feed again. I think that you may be able to help us prevent her from going on that killing spree.”

    Brianna sipped her sherry. “Please explain. And please start from the beginning.”

    Jacqueline nodded. “Selena has been around for millennia. As I said, she is a succubus, but a goddess too. Most of the time, she sleeps in a crypt beneath a massive pyramid-temple complex. The temple normally doesn’t exist in our world. But as Selena gets closer to her awakening, the temple, or at least part of it, appears in the world. Normally, it turns up in the Egyptian desert, but there have been records in the past of it manifesting in other places – sometimes Southeast Asia, at least twice in South America.”

    “The temple usually appears about a month or two before Selena rises. Various signs appear as it gets closer to her awakening, so we can usually tell exactly when she is going to come out of the temple to feed. She feeds for three nights of the full moon, when her power and her hunger are at their peak. Then, she goes back into the crypt, the temple vanishes, and she is gone until the next feeding cycle. There is no predetermined timetable for when the temple appears. As far as we can tell, it just depends on when she has to feed. Normally, this happens every 30 to 40 years.”

    “How did you get involved with this?” Brianna asked.

    Jacqueline smiled. “You know I belong to the Order of the Crimson Dragon. We are sworn to protect the world from supernatural forces. The Order came into being about 2000 years ago. About 1500 years ago, it became aware of Selena. About a 1000 years ago, it worked out a protocol to deal with her that has worked fairly well since. At the least, it has reduced the fatalities that resulted from Selena’s feeding frenzies in the past.”

    “The Order studied Selena for a long time. This was difficult, given that most of the order are mortals and Selena would usually appear only once or twice in any one person’s lifetime. Selena feeds on the life energy of humans. Like all succubi, she prefers sexual energy. It gives her more nourishment and it is just more enjoyable for her. Unlike other succubi, she really can enjoy and be satisfied by her sexual encounters. Usually, this ends with any mortal she has intercourse with dying, sucked dry of their life energy. But the Order came up with a way to prevent that.”

    “A 1000 years ago, two powerful sorceresses in the Order forged two matching necklaces. These necklaces housed mystical emeralds designed to hold enormous amounts of sexual energy. The emeralds can store that energy and then feed it back to the wearer. This gives the bearer the sexual energy needed to keep Selena at bay. Indirectly it feeds her, but its main purpose is to empower the person wearing the necklace so that they can meet Selena’s power on equal terms. This strategy has enabled the Order to keep Selena under control, at least for a time.”

    Jacqueline paused to sip her sherry and let Brianna process what she had been told. When the blonde woman asked no questions, Jacqueline continued.

    “About 30 years ago, Selena came back for her regular feeding. At that time, a colleague and I were given the assignment of containing her. I was chosen to confront her directly.” The professor paused again, her eyes distant. “I won’t lie to you; it was the most erotic and sexually pleasurable experience of my life.”

    Brianna felt a chill run down her spine and a tightening of her erogenous areas. Her breasts felt suddenly heavier as she looked into her teacher’s eyes and saw the memory of shared pleasure.

    “However, I was unable to keep Selena contained. On the third night, she drained all the remaining energy out of the necklace. She could have killed me but she did not. She got past my colleague and ended up wiping out a brothel in a nearby city.”

    Brianna nodded. “I take it that you want me to help contain her this time? And that is why Lana is here?”

    “Yes, that’s basically right. Just to explain further: these necklaces work best when they contain the sexual energy of the woman wearing them. That means that you have to feed the necklace as much of your own energy as you can. In practice, that means releasing as much sexual energy as possible. The more orgasms you have, the more energy you release that the necklace can store. It’s best that the energy be undiluted, so masturbation is best.”

    Brianna nodded again. She had dealt with these kinds of artifacts in the past that fed on sexual energy. Her struggle with Alexandra Dunnet had involved the two of them using their competing sexual energy to close and open a dimensional door.

    “Why are you asking me to do this?”

    “It’s not just you. Lana is here too.” Jacqueline continued. “I know that you are a very sexually powerful woman. I’ve always known that; I could sense it from the moment we met. Your battle with Alexandra Dunnet proved exactly how much erotic energy you can generate. I’ve had experience with Alexandra. I know she is a powerhouse. If you were able to defeat her, that is a demonstration of erotic power that I can’t ignore.”

    “What is Lana’s role in this?” Brianna asked. “She is my backup?”

    Lana bristled again, but kept her silence. Jacqueline immediately jumped in.

    “Well, that remains to be determined. One of you will be the backup for the other. We need two of you. Like you, Lana has an enormously powerful libido and plentiful reserves of sexual power. We still have to determine which of you is the best suited to be the one to lead the containment effort against Selena.”

    “How are we going to determine that?”

    Jacqueline gave Brianna an apologetic half-smile, but her eyes were glittering with heat. “I have reserved a room here at the club for you and Lana. If you agree, you and she will spend the night together, testing your bodies and your sexual control against each other. At the end of the night, the necklaces will tell us which of you generated more sexual energy. The winner will be the first line of defense against Selena.”

    Brianna had suspected this was where the conversation was going. From Lana’s placid expression, she could see this came as no surprise to the redhead. Brianna locked eyes with Lana and felt the intense heat pass between them. The redhead was a beautiful woman. Spending the night sharing pleasure with this woman was very appealing.

    “You say that masturbation is best. That’s because all of the sexual energy goes into the necklace, rather than being given to someone else?”

    “Yes, that’s right.”

    “Does that mean that I’d have to go without having sex until this battle?”

    Jacqueline smiled apologetically. “Ideally, yes. Given how powerful Selena is, it makes the most sense to try to pack the necklaces with as much power as you can manage. Even a little bit from a one time sexual encounter might be the difference in the final battle.”

    Brianna nodded again. “Alright, I will try to do this. I guess that Lana and I should resolve this matter first. If she wins, then I will be the second on the night of the battle. If I win, then she can be my second.”

    Jacqueline nodded, as did Lana.

    “Shall we get started?” the older woman asked, rising elegantly to her feet. The two younger women followed her out of the dining room, up a flight of stairs, and into the residential quarters of the club. She opened the door to a large, well-appointed bedroom and stepped inside, ushering Lana and Brianna in after her.

    Jacqueline walked to a table on the side of the room, where an ornate jewelry box sat waiting. She used another, smaller, older key to open the box. Inside were two golden necklaces, adorned with matching emeralds. The necklaces were small, not much larger than chokers, and the emeralds they supported were not too large or ostentatious. Even so, they seemed to gleam with power.

    Jacqueline looked over her shoulder at her two proteges. “Please remove all of your clothing.”

    Neither Brianna nor Lana was the least self-conscious. Both women immediately stripped, stepping out of their shoes and quickly removing their expensive dresses and underwear. It was only when she was standing naked beside Lana that Brianna stole a glimpse at her rival. She was impressed with what she could see. The redheaded beauty appeared to be her equal in every physical way.

    Jacqueline walked up to Lana with one of the necklaces. The redhead moved the hair from behind her neck as Jacqueline stepped behind her to fasten the gold chain’s clasp. The redhead gasped slightly as the emerald touched her skin.

    Jacqueline fixed the other golden necklace to Brianna’s throat a moment later. Brianna shuddered as she felt a trickle of energy run along her bare skin and probe at her sexual organs and erogenous zones.

    Jacqueline stood in front of the nude women and looked them both in their gorgeous eyes. “I am sure you both know what to do, but just to be clear: you will contest each other sexually. The one who sexually overpowers the other wins. The one who generates the most sexual energy also wins. Usually, the winner of the battle is also the one who generates the most power. This will determine which of you will be our champion and which will be the support.”

    Lana and Brianna nodded in unison.

    “I will leave you now,” Jacqueline continued. “I will be back tomorrow morning at 8 AM. Good luck to you both.”

    With that, the gorgeous woman left the room and pulled the door closed. She walked down the hall. She was uncomfortably wet in her crotch and she could imagine what would happen in that private room this night.

    Brianna and Lana turned to each other. Their green eyes locked and they smiled. The erotic tension built quickly as Lana moved towards Brianna. She reached out and gently stroked Brianna’s swollen right tit, touching the rough areola. Brianna reached up to fondle and weigh Lana’s massive, meaty tits. The women began to pant harder. Brianna leaned forward and ran her tongue along Lana’s red, juicy-looking lips. Lana immediately reciprocated. Tongues lapping, they pushed closer and sank into a deep, increasingly powerful kiss. Arms wrapped around muscular backs and the women crushed each other tight. Their throbbing, thick tits mashed hard. The women shifted their hips and torso, rubbing the hot flesh seductively. Both slipped a powerful bare thigh into the other’s crotch and pushed, letting their thick-lipped cunts suck hungrily at the bare, smooth flesh. Their swollen clits slid electrically along the slick muscle. The women gasped in concert, then smiled at each other hungrily.

    “Let’s take this to bed,” Lana suggested, her voice throaty.

    “Yes,” Brianna agreed.

    Releasing each other, the blonde and redhead walked to the king-sized bed in the middle of the room. Positioning themselves on either side of the bed, they pulled down the bedspread and threw back the sheets, then crawled onto the comfortable mattress. They met in the middle of the bed and scissored their thighs, leaning back to brace their lush bodies with their arms, to prepare themselves for the mutual thrust that would unite their dripping twats and begin their fuckfight.

    They pushed close, face to face, tit to tit, and kissed gently, softly.

    “You’re very beautiful, Lana,” Brianna breathed, running her tongue along the redhead’s flawless cheek.

    “So are you, Brianna,” Lana replied, nipping gently but a little painfully at Brianna’s shoulder. “But I’m going to fuck you into the ground. I must be the one to face Selena. I’ve spent years studying her, years preparing myself for this…”

    “I understand your desire, Lana,” Brianna moaned. “But the woman who is best able to stand up to the demon is the best one for this job and that is me.”

    “Fuck you,” Lana grunted. The women’s meaty tits mashed tight as they surged against each other.

    “Yes,” Brianna agreed, leaning back on her hands. “Let’s start,” she purred, her eyes bright with lust.

    Lana leaned back and braced her body with her hands. The women glared at each other then, signaling with their eyes, jerked their hips forward with all of their power.

    Juicy cunts sucked and mated, soft, burning labia meeting and fusing, thick clits crushing and holding. Brianna and Lana bucked and groaned, their cries and shouts of joy combining as intense pleasure rippled through their straining bodies.

    “Oh GOD!!” Lana cried out, throwing back her head in pleasure.

    “Fuck, YES!!” Brianna screamed, her hips rolling as she ground her genitals into Lana’s matching twat with all her strength. The redhead thrust and rolled her hips back, matching Brianna blow for blow.

    Grinding, pumping hard, the women grabbed the other’s thigh for leverage and rammed and drove their cunts together with all their strength. Their tits bounced, their bellies rippled as the battle raged on.

    Brianna and Lana fucked each other hard for the rest of the night, straining to exhaust the other, to force their rival into submission. It was around 3 in the morning that Lana finally broke, her voluptuous body overwhelmed by the pure pleasure that Brianna was giving to her. The blonde mounted the redhead in a decisive fuck, claiming her competitor’s cunt and body. She spent the rest of the night enjoying Lana’s luscious form, giving and taking more pleasure, riding the other woman to the point of exhaustion.

    Brianna’s greater sexual experience and self-control was enough to overpower the redheaded beauty. The amount of sexual energy Brianna pumped into the necklace was also greater than that of Lana, though not by much. The redhead accepted the outcome. She was not one to hold grudges, not when so much was at stake. Later that morning, when Jacqueline returned, she found Brianna and Lana asleep in each other’s arms, the redhead with her head resting on the blonde’s shoulder, their body language alone showing which of them had proved the better woman.

    Brianna began her one year of celibacy. She hoped it would not be much longer. She masturbated constantly, loading up the necklace with sexual energy. The point that Jacqueline had made about not knowing when the tiniest bit of energy would make the most difference stayed with her. It was hard for a woman as sensual as she was to maintain a year without sex with another person but it was a necessary sacrifice. Now, the year of preparations finally reached their end. The temple appeared in the Egyptian desert. Brianna and Lana were taken out to see it then set up the camp from which to stage their operation and wait for the night of the full moon, when the ordeal would begin.

    To be continued:

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    Hostboard Member spartwow's Avatar
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    Re: By the Light of the Moon -New Story by JB57

    Interesting! I like the team-up, strategic approach you took. I can’t help feel that Brianna and Lana may meet in contest another time before the story is over though. Maybe Selena will use their rivalry against them…

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    Senior Hostboard Member Elza's Avatar
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    Re: By the Light of the Moon -New Story by JB57

    This is some great set-up, you've got me so excited for this story, JB! And I love the supernatural plot elements you mix in, makes for a very fun and entertaining read! Can't wait

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: By the Light of the Moon -New Story by JB57

    OK, I've decided not to tease and put up Part II right away! Part III is still not done, so that will be at least another week, but I hope this whets peoples' appetites. I think that the sex in this is very hot, if I say so myself. Elza, I think you will especially appreciate it!


    Part II:

    Brianna walked to the edge of the stone ramp that led down into the depths of the temple. Other than the necklace and her jeweled sandals, she was completely nude. She had considered leaving the sandals behind but she did not know how rough the surface of the temple might become in the lower levels. Until she found out, she would take the extra protection for her feet.

    Lana watched from the door of the tent. Brianna’s perfect, long-stemmed hourglass figure gleamed in the silver moonlight. The blonde’s round, taut ass formed a gorgeous moon of its own. The desert wind played on the blonde’s long, honey-blonde hair.

    Steeling herself, Brianna began her descent. She knew that the temple was vast and went very deep into the ground -or, more accurately, into the ground of whatever dimension from which it was presently protruding. The necklace enhanced her perceptions along with her sexual power. It would make it possible for her to see in the dark. She knew from what Jacqueline described that large parts of the temple would be in complete darkness. However, the lowest depths were designed to allow the moonlight all the way down. It was in those deepest recesses that Selena, the demon queen, was resting. It was from there she would begin her ascent. It was important for Brianna to meet the demon bitch and stop her before she reached the surface. Fortunately, it seemed the main corridor leading into the temple was the demon’s preferred route. Perhaps it was ceremonial or necessary to some kind of ritual. So long as Brianna did not stray from the path, she should encounter Selena at some point.

    Brianna was soon swallowed by the darkness. She could not see anything to her sides other than the hints of the silver and obsidian stone that made the temple. However, at either end of the deep corridor, she could see the gleam of moonlight. She thanked the gods for the cloudless sky. So long as the path was not too uneven she should not have to worry about falling or stumbling and hurting herself. Even so, she strained her new senses, using her night vision to be as aware of her surroundings as possible. Jacqueline had encountered no other creatures or beings during her experience 30 years before, and none of the other guardians who had gone down to face Selena had reported other dangers. But Brianna knew it was best to be cautious. They knew so little about this temple and the overall situation of the demon queen and it was possible things had changed and other beings now dwelt in the darkness.

    As she descended, Brianna felt the air grow thicker and hotter. A strange and enticing scent wafted up from below. It was sweet and musky. Brianna’s body reacted. Her pussy tightened and grew hot and tight and more liquid. Her heavy, taut breasts swelled more and her nipples went rigid. Her heart rate picked up with sexual excitement and a pleasant erotic tingle began to play on her bare skin. She could feel the sexual magnetism like a living force. She was definitely entering the lair of a sexual predator, a beast that was reaching out to snare her in its erotic web. The necklace provided some protection against these mystical traps. It even seemed to gain some power from the sexual ambiance.

    Brianna walked down and down, her sandals scuffing on the stone floor. So far, she had encountered no rough surfaces and she considered abandoning the sandals. She did not like that they announced her presence and the thongs between her big and second toes were starting to hurt as they dug into the delicate skin of her feet as she resisted the downward momentum. She would have preferred walking more quietly on her bare feet. “Tomorrow night,” she promised herself, assuming she lasted tonight.

    After descending in the dark for nearly 45 minutes, the ramp she was on reached the bottom of the temple. For about 25 meters, the stone floor continued flat, leading to a wide space that was gleaming with moonlight. Brianna suspected this was the central area of the temple. It was likely that Selena’s sarcophagus was nearby. As she approached the opening, however, an incredibly beautiful woman stepped into the light. Brianna’s heart leaped and she almost gasped.

    The woman was absolutely spectacular, a true sex goddess. Her skin was dark, mocha brown. Her face was gloriously beautiful, with a sculpted nose, beautifully defined, bee-stung lips, and large, wide green eyes. Her features were clearly Egyptian or maybe even Indian/Aryan. Her breasts were incredible – huge and thick, standing proud and unsupported on her chest, their large brown nipples sharp and taut. Her torso was muscular and smooth and curved down to a completely bare, absolutely perfect cunt. Her legs were long and beautifully muscled. The woman was completely nude save for a thin golden arm band on each bicep and a slender, golden band she wore on her forehead. Her beautiful green eyes glinted with ravenous hunger as she watched Brianna approach.

    Brianna was almost mesmerized by the gorgeous specimen before her. The woman’s presence was overwhelmingly, almost devastatingly, erotic and Brianna felt every erogenous zone in her body light with fire and lust. She was surprised to step out into the moonlight and find the ground in the clearing was no longer stone but a fine, powdery sand. She paused to kick off her sandals. Her bare feet sank into the powdered sand, which slipped between her toes. Carefully, using all her will to control her desire, to fight the erotic waves washing over her, she walked right up to the demon goddess. About a meter away, she paused and stared into the bewitching beauty’s shining green eyes. Brianna felt the power in her necklace flare in the presence of the goddess.

    For almost a minute, the two stunningly beautiful women stared at each other, each taking the other’s measure. The moonlight seemed to gather and warm the space, illuminating everything more sharply. Brianna let her eyes roam the spectacular body before her. Her powerful natural libido was pumped up to supernatural levels as an effect of her mystical charm. She felt her lust growing into a raging inferno. She could not wait to get that body under her, on top of her, to taste the hot flesh, to suck the thick nipples and the throbbing clit of the demon. Despite Selena’s incredible beauty, Brianna was certain she was the demon’s physical equal. Her tits were just as big and high, just as taut and firm, her nipples just as big, thick and long-or so she believed. Her body was just as beautifully sculpted, her hips as wide and inviting. Her legs were long and perfectly muscled and she and Selena were the same height. If she was not a match for the creature, it was that her beautiful Nordic face could still not quite match the Nilotic supernatural beauty of the demon queen. Even there, however, Brianna was a close second.

    Selena examined every inch of Brianna’s incredible body, then raised her appraising eyes to the blonde’s beautiful face. She seemed satisfied with what she saw. Brianna could sense the deep and building lust emanating from the other woman. Decades of ravenous sexual hunger were coming to the fore and would soon be raging out of control. This demon wanted to fuck her to death, to consume her sex with its own. For a moment, Brianna was almost inclined to let it.

    “You are truly beautiful, little one,” the demon purred. “Your body is absolutely luscious. And I recognize that necklace. You are the one the sorcerers have sent to keep me in my cage, hm? Do you really think that your gorgeous little cunt and your delicious tits will be enough to match my own? Do you really think you can best me in a contest of sexual power and skill? Do you really think the little girl lust you have nurtured for only a year can match the bottomless hunger and lust I have built up over decades?”

    “I honor your beauty, my lady Selena,” Brianna replied, her voice husky with desire. “You are the most beautiful and erotic woman I have ever seen. But I believe my body is a match for yours. I think my cunt will meet yours and prevail. I believe my clit can crush yours. I believe my tits are as firm and strong as what you have. I am prepared to fuck you until one of us drops.”

    The demon goddess smiled wider. She took a step forward, the sand hissing gently as she moved her bare feet. She stopped when she the tips of her throbbing nipples were only a whisper away from touching the tips of Brianna’s pulsing nips. Both lust-filled women shuddered as they felt the magnetic heat from their engorged nipples merging, calling to each other.

    Brianna felt the heat of arousal in her body growing into an inferno. She felt her tits swelling, her nipples expanding, reaching for the hard nubs on the demon queen’s tits. She felt the heat in her pussy explode. A powerful contraction ran through her entire vaginal canal and her bare fuck slit dripped thick, creamy juice to the hot sand. She barely suppressed a gasp. She panted with excitement. Her chest began to rise and fall. She saw that the demon was starting to pant with excitement too. Their nipples traced and followed each other.

    “You are brave, my golden-haired beauty,” Selena smiled. “I am going to enjoy fucking you to death. I will destroy your delicious body with mine, but I will kill you with pleasure. You will die with your every sexual desire fully satisfied. I will ravage your body until every nerve explodes with ecstasy.”

    “Then give me your body, my lady Selena,” Brianna whispered. “I want to test my cunt against yours, my clit against your clit, my tits against your tits. Let’s see which of us truly has the better body.” Brianna knew she was being reckless, she knew she was risking aggravating the demonic beauty, but her libido was raging. She needed to lock up with this bitch and she needed to do it now!

    Brianna reached out and placed her hands on Selena’s muscled shoulders. At the same time, Selena grasped Brianna’s smooth, wide hips. Where they touched, their silken flesh burned, every nerve set on fire and radiating sexual heat. The women stepped forward, their bare toes meeting tip to tip in the sand. Their swollen nipples met head to head and, in a searing burst of heat and erotic electricity, sealed and sucked hard, sending a hard spike of pleasure deep into their tits and down to their swollen clits.

    “UNNNNNGGHHHH!!” Brianna cried out. She had never felt anything so good in her life. The sensations filled the tissue of her awesome tits, setting them on fire, filling her with an aching pleasure down to her core.

    “AARRRGGGGHHHH!!,” Selena cried, her gorgeous eyes opening wide, her head jerking back, as a wave of erotic pleasure rippled through her sex-starved flesh. The power of the woman with whose tits she had just mated rippled through her dense titflesh, setting her loins on fire. Her succulent pussy contracted and a thick surge of cunt juice gushed out, splattering their naked thighs and their bare feet and dotting the fine sand.

    The women groaned in unison, savoring the shock of sexual ecstasy. Selena tightened her grip on Brianna, pulling the blonde into her lush body more forcefully. Brianna pushed herself forward, mashing her thick tits with Selena, feeling the mutual penetration of their locked nipples into each other’s dense flesh like a wonderful violation. As their heavy, meaty tits crushed equally, Brianna pushed her head forward, eager to lock mouths and tongues with this unbelievable opponent.

    Selena slipped her hands up Brianna’s back and grabbed the woman’s honey-blonde hair, even as she tightened her arms and pulled Brianna’s lush body even harder against her own, mashing their tits even more. Their flat, hard bellies slapped and both women immediately rubbed them, teasing flesh to flesh. Their deep navels sucked, their abdominals rippled in unison. Selena pushed her gorgeous face forward, seemingly ready to meet Brianna tongue to tongue and lip to lip. At the last moment, however, she pulled on the blonde’s hair, controlling her head, and pulling her too far back to kiss. Brianna groaned in frustration and tried again, using her hand to push the back of Selena’s head closer to her own, but Selena resisted, her tongue darting out to slide along Brianna’s wet lips, but teasing without giving.

    The women’s bodies crushed tighter and closer. Their smooth, muscular thighs rubbed hard and both women felt the inferno radiating out from between their legs. Their inner thighs grew slick with pussy juice as their dripping cunts began to stream with lubrication. Selena sank her fingers into Brianna’s round, taut ass and squeezed the powerful muscle hard. Brianna gripped Selena’s perfect, flexing ass and squeezed back just as hard. The beautiful women pushed their heads together, forehead to forehead, nose to nose, and smiled at each other. Their green eyes locked, blazing with lust. Their hot, panting breath mixed.

    “Do you want to kiss me, little girl?” Selena teased. Her tongue darted out and lapped playfully at Brianna’s half-parted lips.

    “My name is Brianna, my lady,” Brianna breathed. “I do want to kiss you, but I want to give you a fuck kiss. I want your fuck lips to kiss with mine.”

    Selena smiled, her green eyes shining with insane lust. Brianna felt a thrill of pure erotic joy run up her spine. She had never been so aroused in her life, she had never encountered a being before whose pure sexual hunger and need was so overpowering. She wanted Selena and she knew the demon wanted her with a lust that was unbearable.

    “Brianna,” the demon cooed. “Such a pretty name. You want our fuck lips to kiss, do you, Brianna? Do you want the tongues between our legs to play, too?”

    “Yes,” Brianna moaned. “Let’s bring out clits together, too. Let’s see which of us has the stronger cunt. Fuck me, you demon whore.”

    Selena smiled lasciviously. The women shifted their bare feet, spreading their legs, pressing wet inner thighs more closely together. They leaned back a bit, still gripping and squeezing the other’s perfect ass, still keeping their tits pressed and locked nipple to nipple, and tilted their pelvises forward. Their thick, hard clits, already pulsating with pure sexual tension, rose from their swollen cunts, sexual weapons aching to meet and fight. Their bulging tits, pressed tight between their biceps, quivered as the women brought their hungry cunts together. Fuck slit slid deliciously into fuck slit, cunt lips caressed and sizzled as they mated and kissed. The women’s aching clits met head to head. The women jerked their hips in tandem, thrusting at the same moment, driving their sex spikes directly into each other. Every exquisite, countless nerve in the head of their most sensitive and pleasurable weapons exploded with pure ecstasy as they crushed each other back and then held in a quivering stalemate.

    Brianna threw back her head and shrieked like a banshee, unleashing a howl of pure erotic joy from the pits of her soul. She had never felt anything like this, she had never before felt an explosion of such absolute erotic pleasure that filled her entire body to the brim and exploded out of every cell, every atom in her oversexed body. Her screams filled the room and echoed up the long corridor, howling into the desert sky. At the top of the shaft, Lana heard the howls and shuddered with fear and a small amount of jealousy. She recognized a cry of pure ecstasy when she heard it.

    Brianna’s shriek of joy harmonized with Selena’s equally loud, desperate scream of ecstasy. The demon queen’s head snapped back, her eyes went wide, and a wave of unbearable pleasure burned through every cell in her perfect body, threatening to overwhelm her. For a moment, for the first time in her eons-long existence, the demon woman almost blacked out from sheer ecstasy. She shrieked and shrieked, gasping to catch her breath. She could not believe what had happened. She had been very impressed by the woman the sorcerers had chosen as her adversary, but she had expected her own supremely hard, thick and powerful clit to soundly crush and humiliate the woman’s clit, pushing it back to its hood, squashing it and breaking the woman’s resistance. Instead, to Selena’s shock and incredible joy, her clit had met its equal – a sex horn every bit as big, as hard, as thick as her own. The women’s clits had both succeeded in pushing the other back, just slightly, crushing their exquisitely sensitive heads, melding every nerve to every other crushed nerve, sending the building shockwave through their shuddering bodies as the explosion of pleasure radiated outward. Selena was amazed that she and Brianna had not cum on the spot.

    Gripping each other’s asses tightly, tears streaming down their gorgeous faces as they struggled to keep their bodies under control, Selena and Brianna stared at each other in astonishment, both stunned by the unbelievable pleasure they had given to each other. Their clits were still fused, pulsing and throbbing, feeding every nerve in their luscious bodies. The women’s eyes were lit by fire, burning like stars, the light of insanity in their beautiful green eyes, the light of impossible lust.

    “More,” Brianna gasped. “Oh please, oh fuck, oh God, more, more, more…!!”

    “Yes,” Selena groaned. “Oh fucking gods, yes, yes, YES!!”

    The women gripped each other’s perfect asses tightly, they pressed their inner thighs hotly. Their hungry mouths, for the first time, snapped together in magnetic lust. Their tongues shot deep into the other’s mouth, twisting in knots. Their mouths sealed tight and hard, their throats working as they shared hot spit, as they sucked their hunger back and forth. Their hips pulled back, relieving some pressure on their throbbing clits, peeling their wet fuck lips slightly apart. Then, in unison, their hips snapped forward, their powerful asses flexed beneath their gripping fingers, and they drove their clits together again.

    The impact was just as great as the first time. This time, the women swallowed each other’s shrieks and screams of ecstasy. Their bodies shuddered uncontrollably and they teetered on the edge of blacking out. But, driven by their insane need, they did it again and again and again! Every thrust was an explosion of unbearable pleasure, every impact of clit on clit caused both exquisite nerves to swell and grow just a little more, to get just a little harder, to fuse a bit more tightly and deeply. The women’s bulging tits and taut bellies rippled as they fucked, the meaty glands and ridged muscle sealed tight and flat to each other. Their legs quivered with building tension. The fronts of their bodies were completely welded together, their mouths never separated.

    The silver moonlight illuminated a spectacle of pure erotic delight. Two unbelievably beautiful women, their perfect bodies equal in every way, their powerful asses rippling and thrusting in constant rhythm, the fronts of their bodies welded together, their bodies gleaming with sweat, their mouths locked in an unbreakable kiss, their muscles trembling with pleasure and tension. They fought to conquer the other, to give the other woman just too much pleasure to bear, to force the other one to surrender in a devastating submissive orgasm. Their muffled moans and screams filled the vast temple, echoing dully up the deep shaft, resounding in the darkest corners of a structure built for the celebration of raw sexual pleasure.

    Brianna and Selena’s beautiful faces grew wet with tears as their bodies tortured each other with unbearable sensations. Spit dripped down their chins into their mashed and quivering cleavage, even as they swallowed back all the mixed saliva they could. Their bodies trembled with pleasure and growing tension. The women kept their clits constantly together, never separating, sometimes jousting side to side, sometimes twisting in a corkscrew, but most often pressing and struggling to crush each other head to head, every nerve grating against its counterparts. With every devastating thrust, their clits grew stronger, more powerful, more aroused.

    The stand-up fuckfight went on and on. Brianna was sure every moment, after every delicious thrust, that her body could take no more, that she would explode in an orgasm so powerful it would kill her. To her amazement and delight, however, her body held out, her muscles and flesh somehow stored away even more of the pleasure. Dimly, she thought that if she died now, in this way, it would be the most wonderful way to go. Through the delirium of her pleasure, she just wanted the fucking to go on and on. It was excruciating but, fucking God, it was so, so, so good! It was heaven on Earth and a deep part of her thanked the gods that Jacqueline had come to her with this mission. What she was doing now with and to this incredible demon goddess was worth the year of unsatisfied lust, was worth everything she had sacrificed. And, in the back of her mind, she knew that this was just the start.

    For her part, Selena fought to hold back the tidal wave of raw ecstasy that threatened to overpower her, that grew a bit bigger, a bit stronger, with every mutual thrust. She was teetering on the edge of delirium, she was barely able to stay conscious, to keep her mind from being overwhelmed by the unbearable sensations of pleasure wracking her perfect body. In her long, long life she had fought innumerable fuckfights, some against other goddesses and demons. Some of those fights might have rivaled what this blonde bitch was doing to her now, but she struggled to remember any that were quite as good, quite as delicious a fuck. She could not believe that a mortal woman, no matter how beautiful and voluptuous, could be doing this with her now, could be fucking her so unbelievably well, could be grinding with her to edge of sanity, but it was happening. And, in her deepest heart, she was unbelievably grateful. She was a creature that lived for pleasure and to find it here, now, was an impossible gift.

    The mutual fucking went on and on and on. Twenty minutes became 30, became 40, an hour, two hours, of unbelievable, excruciating pleasure. The women’s perfect bodies dripped with sweat, cunt juice streamed down from the intersection of their fused twats. The sand under their slowly humping bodies became soaked with sweat and cunt juice. The powdered sand churned up into wet mud under their bare feet. At some point, the women had stopped pulling back to thrust together. Instead, their pussies were fused, cunt perfectly slotted to cunt, their clits swollen and twisted into a knot of indescribable pleasure. They felt like woman-sized genitals, completely merged, their bodies on fire and getting hotter and hotter, fusing deeper and deeper, with every stroke of their clits.

    After nearly two and half hours of pure joy, of sexual nirvana, Brianna felt the strength in her powerful thighs start to give out. Every muscle in her body was vibrating like a bow, singing with sexual tension, but her legs were the most packed with energy and they were coming to their limit. “Fuck, no,” she thought. She feared that she would collapse, giving Selena the opportunity to mount her and fuck her into submission. As she began to falter, as her legs slowly, agonizingly began to give way, she was amazed to find that Selena was collapsing with her.

    In fact, Selena hit her limit at the same moment as Brianna. The two women slowly fell to their knees, their powerful thighs pressed tight and trembling, but the rest of their bodies still locked in erotic battle. Their knees hit the wet sand. The women groaned. For the first time in more than two hours, they broke their aching, ravenous kiss. Hot spit drooled onto their cleavage. Panting, moaning and gasping, sobbing with pleasure, Brianna and Selena pressed nose to nose, forehead to forehead, and looked deep into the eyes of the other. The insane lust was still there.

    “Selena,” Brianna moaned. “I want you inside me when we cum. I want to be all the way inside you.”

    Selena understood instantly. Through the delirious haze of her own pleasure, she knew how perfect this was. It was the only way to end this incredible fuckfight.

    “Yes,” Selena moaned back. “Yes, oh yes, we need to be completely joined. I want to feel your cunt surrendering, I want to feel my pussy eating yours alive.”

    “You bitch,” Brianna groaned. “I’m still going to fuck you down, I swear to fuck.”

    “Let’s do this,” Selena grunted. Brianna nodded.

    Slowly, being careful not to separate their engorged pussies and their locked clits, trying to keep their tits docked and pressed tight, the women shifted their legs, lowering their asses to the wet sand. They spread their legs wide, slid tightly into the fork of the other woman’s legs. Bracing their sweat-drenched bodies with their arms, leaning back just slightly, they thrust their aching, throbbing fuckholes as strongly together as they could. Their cunts opened and sealed tight with a hot, wet hiss, their labia merged and fused. Finally, their throbbing pudenda became one pulsating mass of fuckmeat. Within this tight, steaming hot arena, their swollen clits twisted and throbbed.

    “Oh god,” Brianna sobbed. “Oh fucking god.” She had never felt so completely joined to another body in her life. Her overstimulated nerves, her burning, aching flesh, made her feel like her genitals were melting into Selena’s fuckmeat, it made it feel like they were fusing into one writhing body. Her clit nearly exploded as the pleasure spiked.

    “Gods, oh fucking gods,” Selena moaned. She trembled with the absolutely delicious feeling of merging with this blonde bitch, of fucking and being fucked to this point of exquisite joining.

    The women wrapped their wet thighs around the other’s hips, holding and locking each other in place. Their bleary, gleaming eyes locked and they smiled at each other in delirious ecstasy. Now, finally, they would fuck each other to the end and one of them would win. Bracing their bodies, they thrust hard together, their powerful asses flexing, their hips jerking. Ecstasy exploded inside of them again and they screamed out, their choking cries of pleasure becoming feral moans and screams of joy. Their rubbing, grinding, knotted clits could not take much more and they began pumping hard, thrusting mercilessly, intent on fucking the other to her breaking point.

    They threw back their heads and cried out as the end drew near, as the unbearable tension in their perfect bodies came to the point of release. Locked tightly into each other’s cunts, Brianna and Selena closed their twats on each other, squeezing with all their strength, trying to eat each other’s fuckmeat alive. They pulled and sucked, fusing their genitals even more tightly.

    Brianna felt it coming, a growing tidal wave of pure joy, of overwhelming sensation, something she had never felt in her life, a release of pleasure so great it might kill her. Her eyes locked with Selena’s and, to her amazement and delight, she saw the same expression on the face of the demon goddess. The women sobbed, the pleasure just too much to take. They knew it was coming. They could do nothing to stop it.

    Brianna pushed herself closer to Selena, crushing their tits, until they were nose to nose, staring deeply into each other’s eyes, wanting to see the moment of purest ecstasy.

    “Together,” Brianna whispered.

    Selena smiled. “Yes,” she whispered back.

    With trembling smiles, Brianna and Selena lined up their swollen clits head to head, drew back their hips just slightly, and thrust with all of their strength. Their clits crushed each other a minute amount, pushing each other back into their hoods just a little, but it was enough. The simultaneous orgasm that was set off in both women’s incredible bodies detonated like a nuclear bomb.
    Their pussies closed on each other and clamped tight, then clamped and released over and over as they pumped copious amounts of cum into each other. Brianna and Selena fell onto their backs, their incredible bodies writhing and jerking uncontrollably. If they could have screamed, the women’s shrieks would have brought down the temple. Their voices were stolen from them by the intensity of the pleasure. The only sounds they could make were desperate gasps as their lungs struggled for air. Instead, they writhed and jerked, their bodies out of control, their cunts sealed in an unbreakable vice, their asses and hips rising and falling, slapping into the sand like pounding drums. The women injected cum into each other’s bodies, their ejaculations mixing and spraying around the powdered circle. Their nipples ejaculated hard too, jetting into the air. Their long, powerful, voluptuous bodies twisted and writhed and thrashed for more than 20 minutes as they fucked orgasm after orgasm out of each other, their beautiful faces contorted by expressions of glorious pleasure as they came again and again and again.

    As the waves of pure ecstasy filled her body and released over and over, as she felt sure she would die from the pleasure, Brianna turned herself over to the bliss. Whatever happened next, she thought as her mind detached from her body, as her senses shut down in the face of excruciating ecstasy, it was worth it.

    Selena writhed and bucked, struggling to ride out the waves of pleasure, knowing it had been decades since she had last felt ecstasy this intense and trying desperately to stay conscious, even as her body emptied itself and her nerves lit on fire, over and over, with pure sexual joy. She faded in and out of consciousness, rejoicing in her unconscious mind at having been fucked so unbelievably well.

    Finally, the fuckfighting women collapsed, gasping and moaning, sobbing desperately, their bodies spent and drained. They floated in the afterglow of the most incredible sex either of them had ever had. They drifted in and out of consciousness. More than 30 minutes later, Brianna and Selena remained locked together, cunt fused to cunt, clit pulsing and throbbing into clit, both too spent to move. They lay flat on their backs, staring up at the distant night sky and the blazing moon. Their delirium slowly lifted, their minds slowly returned to their overfucked bodies. Brianna felt the demon queen stirring. Despite her sense of absolute fulfillment, of complete ecstasy, she knew she needed to move. More, her mind told her that what she and Selena had just done to each other they could do again and again. The night was still young. They had only been fucking for three hours, meaning she still had to match the demon queen for another seven hours. Their battle was really only getting started, even if they had almost fucked each other to death in the first round.

    To be continued:

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    By the Light of the Moon -New Story by JB57

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    Re: By the Light of the Moon -New Story by JB57

    I liked the story - I hope there's more to come.

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    Senior Hostboard Member Elza's Avatar
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    Re: By the Light of the Moon -New Story by JB57

    JB, this was incredible!!!

    I don't know how you keep writing such amazing smut, managing to top yourself (pun kinda intended) again and again, but keeping it fresh and exciting too.

    This was particularly amazing, the deep, intimate fuck, all the descriptions of their genitals merging together, and then finally them injecting their fluids deep into each other, mixing and mingling their essences.

    And that's just their first encounter??? That's crazy!!! For most fics that would be the climax, but of course for JB you're just getting started! Crazy, my man. I have no idea how this fic can get even better, more intense, but I'm so down for the ride!

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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: By the Light of the Moon -New Story by JB57

    Finally managed to read through this. Amazing as always. Been a while since I read Fate of the World. A year, I think. Now, I want to read it again. Next to Angel’s story, your work easily has the most reread value.

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    Hostboard Member dwcole8's Avatar
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    Re: By the Light of the Moon -New Story by JB57

    Quote Originally Posted by Yuri*****Lover View Post
    Finally managed to read through this. Amazing as always. Been a while since I read Fate of the World. A year, I think. Now, I want to read it again. Next to Angel’s story, your work easily has the most reread value.
    I must agree 100 percent.
    This JB57 story and every one of JB57's stories are very re-readable.
    I cannot tell you how many times I have re-read Wildcats: Tara vs Carrie, love that one.

    And love it when JB brings back a character from a older hot story.
    Which JB has done in the past, over and over = LOVE IT.

    Thanks JB57.

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    Re: By the Light of the Moon -New Story by JB57

    This is so hot - craving more, JB!

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    Re: By the Light of the Moon -New Story by JB57

    Quote Originally Posted by Elza View Post
    This is so hot - craving more, JB!

    Hi Elza! Work has gotten in the way the past couple of weeks but I hope to have the next part up soon. Hopefully, by next week.


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