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Thread: Divisions: Part 2

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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Divisions: Part 2

    “Breakfast is ready!” Called out Holly as she finished her cooking.

    To everyone’s surprise, Holly was actually an excellent chef. Her Grandmother had a deep passion for the culinary arts and passed it down to the blonde cutie. She usually made all the meals for everyone in the penthouse. The others all came out of their rooms to eat. All except for one certain brunette. Holly noticed she was missing as the others all sat down.

    “Where’s Vanessa?” Holly asked.

    “You haven’t seen her?” Nicole asked.

    “No.” Holly answered. “I woke up this morning and she was gone. I thought she was with one of you.”

    “I haven’t seen her.” Ben said.

    “Maybe she was busy making up with Jasmine.” Holly joked.

    The raven rolled her eyes.

    “No. I was with Jazz and Ben last night.” Nicole said.

    Holly raised her eyebrows at the couple.

    “She just slept in our bed, you perv.” Jasmine said.

    Holly was tempted to tell the others what Vanessa said to her last night but she knew that the brunette wasn’t ready for that.

    “I’m worried about her.” Holly said. “She hasn’t been herself since that meeting with the new boss.”

    “I’m sure she’ll be fine.” Ben said. “Anyways, no use worrying on empty stomachs.”

    Jasmine would not admit it but she too was a bit concerned about her rival. She knew something was up with her but she just didn’t know what and she knew Vanessa would never spill it herself.


    As Vanessa drove down to St. Lilith’s, she began to have second thoughts. Was she really about to do this just to prove a point to herself? However, she shook it off, as she was in too deep now and had to do something to ease these feelings of inferiority that she held. There was one other bitch out there that she had a score to settle with and doing it now would be both a good confidence boost and a great destressor in its own right. If she was going to face down Las Brujas again, her self-esteem needed to be at an all time high. She arrived in the parking lot and called up Olivia to let her in.

    “Welcome to St. Lilith’s, Officer.” Olivia greeted.

    “Spare me the formalities…Captain.” Vanessa said. “We both know what I’m here for.”

    “Very well.” Olivia said. “Right this way to the supermax wing.”

    St. Lilith’s was an all female prison, used primarily for rich families to keep their troublemaking girls out of real prisons. The prisoners and guards are all massive nymphos and sexfighting is an inscrutable part of the prison’s culture. Even the name, St. Lilith’s, is in honor of that. In Christian myth, Lilith was the actual first woman before Eve, who defected to the demons due to being mistreated by Adam. She was then taken in by Satan and became his and all of Hell’s own personal cum dumpster. She lived for sex and pleasure of any kind. The original nymphomaniac.

    Vanessa disliked the idea of this place as a police officer but the inmates almost all committed very petty crimes and they still had much less freedom here than in the outside world. Plus, the more twisted criminals, such as the woman she was visiting today, were sealed in the supermax wing. Superman inmates have far less freedom than anyone else in the establishment. They are confined to their single cells 24/7 and guards, well behaved inmates and in Vanessa’s case, paying visitors are allowed to use them as sex toys, more or less. The ultimate punishment for a nympho, besides depriving them of sex entirely, was to force them into total and absolute submission without being able to reciprocate.

    Vanessa and Olivia were acquainted. Vanessa had arrested many misbehaving rich girls and brought them into St. Lilith’s for her. These experiences made her dislike rich girls by default, viewing them all as insufferable brats who think they’re above the law. That was one of the main reasons why she and Holly hated each other at first. She could not help but check out the attractive captain’s nice ass in her tight uniform as they walked. Soon, they reached the supermax wing and Olivia guided the brunette to the cell she was looking for and unlocked it.

    “Enjoy our product, Offic…Vanessa.” Olivia said.

    “Will do, Olivia. And give Madam Red my regards.” Vanessa said, referring to the prison’s mysterious and alluring warden that every girl in the place fantasized about.

    “Of course.” Olivia said. “If you don’t mind me saying, I never expected you of all people to indulge in the game.”

    “It’s a recent thing.” Vanessa explained. “Plus, I know this cunt and calling her a sore loser is putting it mildly. More punishment for her.”

    “Noted.” Olivia said. “Perhaps when we’re not busy dealing with the trash of society, we could indulge ourselves.”

    “I’d like that.” Vanessa said flirtatiously.

    She gave Olivia a brief but lustful kiss before the guard captain left and Vanessa opened the cell. Inside was an entirely padded room you’d expect out of an insane asylum. There was only one door on the other side, likely to the bathroom and no bed. Not much of a point to a bed when the whole room is like a mattress. It was pitiful compared to the almost luxurious cells that the regular inmates had. However, laying up against a wall and napping was the person Vanessa came here to “visit.”

    The one and only Sabrina Phillips. After breaking out of her last jail almost immediately after getting caught, Vanessa had her sent here. The supermax wing, as its name implies, was top security and while the guards are all nymphos like the corrupt Lindsay was, they have much more self-control and have no reason to be seduced by her anyway. Sabrina wore a tight prison jumpsuit that looked straight out of a porn. It highlighted her luscious body flawlessly. As Vanessa stripped down to her underwear, she snuck up to the snoozing Sabrina and gave her cheek a nice, hard pinch to wake her up.

    “Ow!” Sabrina cried as she slapped away Vanessa’s hands. “What the fuck?!”

    Sabrina opened her eyes to see the smiling Vanessa looking down at her. She immediately gained an annoyed and bitter expression.

    “What the fuck do you want, pig?” She asked rudely.

    “I see your time here has done little so far to improve your attitude.” Vanessa lectured. “I’ll be sure to let Captain Brooks know.”

    “I’m guessing you’re here to use me as a fuck doll like everyone else?” The ginger asked.

    “No.” Vanessa said. “Well, not entirely.”

    “The Hell do you mean?” Sabrina asked.

    “What I want is a rematch.” Vanessa answered. “I was beating your sorry ass when you cheated and drugged me.”

    “You should’ve been more prepared.” Sabrina excused. “Some cop you are.”

    Vanessa lost her temper and slapped Sabrina across the face.

    “Ugh!” Sabrina grunted in pain.

    “Watch your cunt-licking mouth, slut!” Vanessa ordered. “I’m in no mood today!”

    “So, what?” Sabrina asked. “You came here to take out your frustrations on me?”

    “No.” Vanessa said sternly. “As I said, I came here for a rematch and I’m sure you’re more than willing to lock up with me after being forced into submissive roles since you got here.”

    Sabrina just sat there with a blank, uninterested expression.

    “What’s that look for?” Vanessa asked.

    “Nah. I’m not interested.” Sabrina said coldly.

    “If you wanna play with me, go ahead but I just don’t think you’re worth the effort of a match.” Sabrina said.

    “You little…!” Vanessa growled. “But we never got a proper match! You drugged me while I was dominating you!”

    “That only happened because I tired myself out from outfucking your friends just before that.” Sabrina argued. “In a real match, there wouldn’t be any challenge whatsoever.”

    “Then prove it!” Vanessa challenged.

    “Nah. Not worth the effort.” Sabrina said casually. “Just take out your horniness on me and get on with it.”

    Vanessa did not want that. She wanted to prove that she was better than Sabrina.

    “But you said I was the hottest of the squad!” Vanessa argued.

    “Yes but that was not including Jasmine.” Sabrina said. “Plus, even that guard captain is way hotter than you, anyway.”

    Vanessa clenched her fists in anger. She knew the fire-crotched bitch was trying to provoke her and calmed down.

    “Well, don’t you at least want some payback for sending you here?” Vanessa asked.

    “Why you? Jasmine’s the one to blame more than anyone else.” Sabrina pointed out.

    Vanessa was becoming annoyed again. Why is everyone around her so obsessed with the damn raven? Yeah, she’s hot but they act like she’s some other worldly sex goddess. Vanessa decided to try and bait Sabrina into a rematch.

    “Would it piss you off to know that Holly’s family bought your entire hotel?” Vanessa taunted.

    “What?” Sabrina asked with genuine concern. She had been cut off from the outside world and had no idea about that.

    “Oh, did I touch a nerve?” Vanessa mocked. “Would it also interest you to know that all four of us, plus Ben, now live in your penthouse?”

    Sabrina looked shocked.

    “Yep.” Vanessa confirmed. “And let’s just say, with the way we’ve all been using your old home…The housekeeping really has their work cut out for them.”

    Sabrina slowly reacted to what she was being told. Vanessa could tell that she struck a chord but instead of getting angry, Sabrina just gained a sad look and sulked away from Vanessa.

    “Just use me as you please and go away.” Sabrina requested.

    Vanessa groaned. She wanted Sabrina pissed off, not depressed. At that point, she figured she had no choice but to work out a deal with her for the fight. At first, she thought she could offer up a fight with Olivia and therefore, a chance for a match with Madam Red. Then she remembered that that’s only reserved for the regular inmates and Olivia would never agree to it. She had to think of something. It then came to her but it was risky.

    “Tell you what, fire crotch.” Vanessa began. “We have our rematch and if you win…I’ll get you a rematch with Jasmine.”

    “What?” Sabrina asked.

    “You heard me!” Vanessa said.

    “Not interested.” Sabrina said.

    “Oh, you’re so full of shit!” Vanessa exclaimed. “I know you want that rematch! I know you loved every second of every one of your fights with her!”

    Sabrina said nothing.

    “You can’t fool me.” Vanessa said. “I know you want so badly to relive it all. Your G cups compressing against each other, your hands buried in her soft hair, your tongue battling her’s, your pussies sloshing and grinding together and especially the feeling of water surrounding both of you as you do it!”

    “What do you get if you win?” Sabrina asked.

    “An improvement on a shitty day.” Vanessa said. “Nothing more.”

    “When do I get naked with her again?” Sabrina asked.

    “We’ll work that out later. IF YOU WIN.” Vanessa specified.

    “Fine, bitch.” Sabrina agreed as she got up and began stripping.

    “I knew you couldn’t resist.” Vanessa said.

    “Does Jasmine even know about this?” Sabrina asked as she got down to her underwear.

    “The fuck do you care? Just get naked, you hot bitch!” Vanessa ordered.

    Sabrina shrugged her shoulders as the two nymphos began stripping. In truth, Vanessa was iffy about that offer. She and Jasmine were barely on speaking terms as is and she was definitely not in any position to ask her any favors. She felt bad but she was also confident that she could win and that would be the end of it. The two quickly ditched their underwear and were now in the buff. Their goddess-like bodies on full display. The two just ogled each other for a little bit before Vanessa broke the awkward silence.

    “Before we start, there’s something we need to address.” Vanessa began. “Just a minute ago, you were sulking around, feeling sorry for yourself. How do I know you’ll be properly motivated? I want to fuck you down at your very best.”

    “Does this convince you?” Sabrina asked rhetorically.

    Before Vanessa could respond, Sabrina pounced on her and the two wrestled around the padded cell with Sabrina ending up on top. She quickly brought their slutty cunts into alignment and closed her eyes with euphoria as she began fiercely rubbing into Vanessa.

    “Aghhh!!” Vanessa grunted.

    Sabrina then reached down to fondle her rival’s perky G-cups, pressing her thumbs against the brunette’s nipples as she fucked her helpless opponent. The ginger used her legs to fasten Vanessa’s own legs down, preventing her from escaping.

    “Aw, why are you trying to get away?” Sabrina asked in a sarcastically offended tone. “I thought you wanted to fuck.”

    “Just you wait, cunt! Ugh!” Vanessa threatened through grunting.

    “You have such a dirty mouth.” Sabrina said. “I think it could use some cleaning from mine.”

    Sabrina then lowered herself on top of Vanessa, their amazing tits compressing together as the evil ginger jammed her tongue down the brunette’s throat. The room echoed with the sound of lips popping and spitty kissing as Sabrina’s tongue dominated Vanessa’s mouth.

    “Mmmmm…” Sabrina moaned lustfully, wanting her opponent to hear how much she enjoyed dominating her.

    “Mmmm!!!” Vanessa moaned desperately, trying to fight back with her own tongue and failing.

    Sabrina slipped her hands up into Vanessa’s dark brown locks, burying her fingers in the silky tresses as she continued to tongue the brunette down. Vanessa brought her own hands into Sabrina’s hair in retaliation. Their lower lips kissed just as heated as their upper lips but Sabrina clearly held the advantage there too. She cooed as she felt their pusy juice coalesing between them and their suckable nipples piercing their soft areolas. They opened their eyes, still not breaking their vicious make out session as they stared daggers into each other’s souls.

    Sabrina pulled her pelvis back and then smashed back into Vanessa’s twat in a brutal tribbing session. Sabrina loved seeing her rival wince her eyes every time she did it. She was tempted to start fantasizing that she was fighting her arch enemy instead but she meant it when she said she found Vanessa hot too. She also missed actually being able to play the game much more than thought so before. Vanessa felt her first climax of the match closing in on her and knew she was in no position to stop it. She just braced herself for it.

    “Mmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!” The brunette shrieked into Sabrina’s dominant mouth as she came.

    Her cunt shot its fluids straight up the evil ginger’s, making her coo with delight. The pleasurable feeling of that combined with the instantaneous ego boost was what every nympho loved about driving an orgasm out of her opponent. As Vanessa finished cumming, Sabrina finally released her and they broke apart, hyperventilating.

    “You still not convinced yet, you fine piece of pussy?” Sabrina asked tauntingly. “Cause I’ve got plenty more where that came from.”

    “Fine, bitch. You convinced me.” Vanessa admitted. “You really want to grind pussies with Jasmine again, huh?”

    “Oh, don’t be all high and mighty with me, Ms. Piggy.” Sabrina complained. “You’re just as hot for her as I am. Only difference is that I actually managed to beat her at least once!”

    “Out of pure luck!” Vanessa argued. “And it was thanks to me that she stopped feeling sorry for herself and whipped your pussy to Kingdom Come!”

    Sabrina gained a surprised look.

    “Oh, so to some extent, I do have you to thank for all this?” Sabrina asked rhetorically. “Well, I guess you were right. I can take some revenge after all. But you’re just the appetizer before the main course.”

    “Too bad you’ll be too full long before then.” Vanessa said.

    The brunette then got up and pounced on Sabrina, quickly bringing her to the padded ground with herself on top. Smiling at herself now having the advantage, Vanessa grabbed Sabrina’s left leg and held it against her shoulder as she began to scissor her opponent in an L-shaped position.

    “Ugh!” Sabrina grunted.

    “That’s right, bitch!” Vanessa bragged. “This feel familiar to you at all?! No drugs to save your cowardly ass this time!”

    “Is that all you’ve got?” Sabrina taunted.

    Vanessa glared and kept fucking Sabrina with everything she had. Sabrina tried her best to grind back but the awkward position she was in made it rather difficult. The girls’ hair and perky breasts bounced around as they tribbed viciously, Vanessa flexing her shapely ass to grind harder into the ginger. At this point, she hated Sabrina almost as much as Jasmine did. That was at least one thing she had in common with her raven haired rival. She loved the feeling of her labia brushing against her opponent’s but not as much as she loved the sights and sounds of Sabrina’s reactions to the pleasure that Vanessa was dishing out on her.

    She lived for those blushing cheeks, the grit teeth, the wincing eyes and the grunting and groaning. All imagery which appealed massively to any nympho’s ego. She needed this now more than ever. She hated to admit it but Sabrina was not wrong when she accused Vanessa of challenging her just to take out her frustrations. However, here she was, fucking Sabrina’s daylights out and her own troubling anxieties away. She actually almost hoped that her argument with Jasmine would descend into another sexfight itself but she was just too prideful at the time.

    She reached down to grope and paw at Sabrina’s lovely tits, digging her fingers in nice and deep, before squeezing them and then squishing them together, making sure that her nipples dragged against each other. She continued to trib the ginger, using her other leg to secure Sabrina’s free leg.

    “Agghh!!!” Sabrina moaned.

    Vanessa dipped her head down to suckle at her opponent’s nipples, waving her tongue around the little buds, using her hands to press them together so she could lick both at the same time. Sabrina was overwhelmed with pleasure and could not help but feel her own first orgasm of the battle coming on. She braced herself for it.

    “Oh! Ah! Fucking…BIIITTTTTCCCCHHHH!!!!” Sabrina shrieked as she came violently straight up Vanessa’s vaginal canal.

    Vanessa brought her lips down on top of Sabrina’s to silence her as she felt the ginger’s warm fluids swim up her pussy. As she looked down at her hyperventilating opponent, watching her jubblies slightly jiggle with each heavy breath, the brunette decided that she wasn’t done with the evil bitch. She grabbed hold of Sabrina’s thighs and pried them open, spread eagle, revealing her rival’s plump, ripe, red pudenda. Vanessa couldn’t help but to lick her lips at the scrumptious looking clam. She dove her tongue in nice and deep, letting the ginger’s savory secretions smash into all sides of her tongue like tidal waves.

    “Ohhh!!” Sabrina cried as Vanessa dined on her snatch.

    Vanessa loudly slurped and slobbered all over her prey as she continued her onslaught of cunnilingus on her helpless opponent. She wished that Jasmine could see her right now and hoped the raven would feel jealousy at seeing her ginger nemesis being dominated by another nympho. As the brunette’s tongue slowly and lustfully swam throughout Sabrina’s cunt, she began to feel yet another orgasm beginning to rear its ugly head. She tried to hold it back down but Vanessa’s tongue was just too skilled. It felt so warm, wet, springy and spongy inside of her. She could handle no more and she came.

    “AGGGGHHHH!!!!!” The evil redhead shrieked as her juices came bursting out all over Vanessa’s beautiful face, seeping into her dark brown hair.

    The brunette finally released Sabrina, letting her hyperventilate, her flowing, fiery orange hair fanning out behind her on the padded cell floor. Vanessa then got on top of her and began kissing her passionately once again, sharing Sabrina’s own flavor with her through her lustful tonguing of the ginger’s mouth. She broke the kiss.

    “See what you missed out on by pulling the shit you did in the tunnel?” Vanessa mocked. “Just make it easier on both of us and give in. Enjoy being pleasured by the better woman.”

    “Fuck…you…” Sabrina said in between her heavy breathing.

    “What do you think I’ve been doing all this time?” Vanessa asked tauntingly. “Well, if you insist…”

    Vanessa once again sealed Sabrina’s mouth off with her own and quickly aligned their slick twats together before relentlessly grinding into her again. She forced all of her weight down on her rival to hold her still as she fucked her. She could not get enough of the feeling of Sabrina’s pussy giving into and being thoroughly, dominately fucked by her own. Vanessa absolutely loved sexfighting in general but the more she hated the bitch, the more fun she had humiliating her.

    Vanessa passionately sucked on her opponent’s tongue, making popping and slurping sounds as she did, not giving Sabrina any opportunity to suck her own tongue back. Their tits pressed against each other like two water balloons being squished together, their nipples penetrating their opponent’s areola beautifully. Their clits came out of their hoods, nice and hard and ready to play and Vanessa immediately seized the opportunity to grind them together.

    “Mmmmmm!!!” Sabrina yelped, muffled by Vanessa’s tongue.

    Their pulsating little buds of pleasure mashed into each other with all of their strength. Sabrina tried her damndest to retaliate against the dominant cunt but it was clear as day who held the advantage in this pussyfight. She tried to turn her head away to escape Vanessa’s forceful kiss and give herself a break from this incredible pleasure but Vanessa’s mouth and tongue followed hers at every single turn, giving her no room to breathe both figuratively and literally.

    Vanessa was in nympho heaven. She had actually wanted this ever since the day Sabrina pulled a fast one on her in that damn tunnel. She yearned to see her arrogant face contorted in pleasure and humiliation. Sabrina’s insufferable arrogance and narcissism made it all the more gratifying. She really was an evil version of Jasmine. Same hot body, same nymphomaniacal tendencies, same overinflated ego and same superiority complex. The brunette felt all of her anxieties melting away as she fucked the living daylights out of the ginger bitch.

    Suddenly, she felt her own inferiority complex begin to deteriorate and fall apart as she felt Sabrina’s movements signal yet another oncoming climax. She held her helpless opponent down as hard as she could, wanting to savor this one. And finally…it happened and Vanessa released her mouth, wanting to hear her scream and boy, did she get what she wished for.

    “UGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” Sabrina let out as yet again, her orgasmic fluids shot up into Vanessa, who enjoyed every single second of that feeling, both physically and mentally.

    “I think you’ve enjoyed my skills enough for one day, bitch.” Vanessa said arrogantly. “Time for you to give something in return.”

    The brunette then got up and sat her sweet ass right on Sabrina’s still panting and blushing face.

    “Go right ahead and put your cocky mouth to good use for once, cunt!” Vanessa ordered harshly.

    Sabrina had no choice but to obey. She brought her hot, wet tongue out to lap at her rival’s sweet, juicy tang. Vanessa winced her eyes as she felt it penetrate her inner labia, swimming up and down inside her as Vanessa’s vaginal canal slowly squeezed and constricted the pink intruder.

    “Oh, yeaaahhh…” Vanessa moaned. “About time you did something right. I guess you’re good for something after all.”

    Vanessa sat on Sabrina’s face so tightly that that was nowhere else for her tongue to go other than Vanessa’s cunt. All that tribbing from a bit ago worked Vanessa up a storm down there and Sabrina knew this, so she kept it up as best she could, knowing it would not take long until Vanessa would cum and give her a chance for payback. Sabrina continued, licking as hard and fast as she could, looking up at Vanessa’s cocky face enjoying all of it. She brought her hands up and seized Vanessa’s firm, thick ass for leverage, letting the meat of her cheeks absorb her fingers.

    “Ohhh…” Vanessa moaned. “You keep this up and I might just keep coming back here again, you gorgeous cum dumpster.”

    Sabrina then had enough of Vanessa’s arrogance and began nibbling at her rival’s labia.

    “Ugh!” Vanessa grunted. “You cunt-munching little whore!”

    Sabrina would not let go and Vanessa quickly became overwhelmed from all the stimulation. She then suddenly realized what she had done and tried to get away but Sabrina maintained both a manual and oral vice grip on her. The ginger’s tongue continued to penetrate her with all her power and Vanessa began to feel her next climax approaching her. She cursed herself for putting herself into such a vulnerable position just to humiliate Sabrina but it was far too late now.

    “OHHHHHHHHH!!!!” The brunette cried as her dam burst, showering Sabrina with her fluids, most of which she swallowed like the cumslut she was.

    Vanessa finally pulled away, blushing and panting as Sabrina’s face was coated with her cum. The evil redhead then ran straight into Vanessa and wrestled her to the ground, holding her elbow right under Vanessa’s chin, an evil grin on her face.

    “My, how the tables have turned.” Sabrina teased. “You’re not bad, pig but this is nothing compared to any of my matches with Jasmine. Let me show you just how out of your league you really are!”

    She then flipped Vanessa backwards and stood her up. Sabrina pushed her back, making her upper half fall forward. Vanessa could immediately tell where this was heading. Sabrina took one hand and used it to tightly yank Vanessa’s long, luscious brown hair.

    “Ugh!” Vanessa grunted.

    “Now let’s see how you like it!” Sabrina announced.

    The ginger then proceeded to brutally hump into the brunette from behind, fuckong her doggy style. Vanessa’s face was pressed up against the padded wall of the cell as Sabrina viciously and mercilessly dominated her. She felt Sabrina’s warm, wet cunt burrow into her own as her opponent stopped to tightly rub into her with each hump. The domination was not as damaging to her pride as the knowledge that Vanessa had no one but herself to blame for the position she was in right now.

    Sabrina took her time, clearly enjoying humiliating Vanessa, just as Vanessa had clearly enjoyed humiliating her just a minute ago. The two hot nymphos winded their eyes and grit their teeth with each hump. Vanessa felt all of her previous confidence from just minutes ago shrivel up and die. Sabrina’s humps each felt like shotgun blasts of pleasure straight into her and each one made her feel more and more physically and emotionally drained. Vanessa simply could not fathom how Sabrina was able to put up such a fight after the sexual onslaught she had just dished out on her. The helpless brunette quickly felt her orgasm approaching fast and braced herself, knowing that there was nothing she could do to stop it or even slow it down.

    “Agh! Ugh! FUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKK!!!!!!” Vanessa screamed as her climax smashed into her like a truck.

    Immediately as her orgasm began to die down, Sabrina tossed her into the padded floor, not giving her a moment to catch her breath. She then grabbed the brunette’s smooth legs and rested them on top of both her shoulders. Once again, Vanessa knew right away where this was going and once again, all she could do was brace for impact.

    “Ohhhh!!” Vanessa moaned.

    Sabrina had smashed her cunt into her rival’s again, this time slower and more gentle but every bit as sexually devastating. The twisted ginger seemed to want to take her time and slowly enjoy humiliating Vanessa this time around.

    “You like that?” Sabrina asked tauntingly. “This is just a small taste of what I’ll do to Jasmine once she comes around here.”

    Vanessa was still panting and hyperventilating as if she was having an asthma attack, even though she didn’t have asthma. She felt so overpowered by both Sabrina’s domination and her own rapidly increasing fatigue. At this point, she felt all hope of winning this match slowly slip away. Something about the way that Sabrina fucked her was just so mentally defeating. She now began to understand why Jasmine was put into such a state after losing to her just a single time.

    So soon after her last orgasm, Vanessa very quickly began to feel another one immediately coming back on. She could not believe this. Was she really so outmatched and was all that domination of Sabrina on her part just a bit ago nothing but pure, dumb luck? She had no time to come to any kind of conclusion before her climax once again hit her like a steamroller.

    “Oh! Oh! Ohhhhhh…” Vanessa moaned once again. Unlike the last orgasmic scream, this one was not loud and powerful but weak and dejected.

    Sabrina cooed and smiled as she felt Vanessa slowly cum into her pussy. She then released the brunette, who was clearly on the verge of losing consciousness. Her ruthless enemy showed her no mercy and she lowered her head down to lap at and lick Vanessa’s bright red pussy, still oozing with cum. Sabrina slowly and sloppily scooped out all of Vanessa’s remaining secretions into her slutty mouth before swallowing it all as the defeated brunette soon faded into unconsciousness.

    Sometime later, neither of them knew how long, Vanessa had woken up, still groggy and achy. She felt a warmth on her side and saw Sabrina cuddled up next to her, caressing her soft skin and kissing at her neck.

    “Oh, you’re awake.” Sabrina acknowledged. “I couldn’t call the guards without it looking like I hurt you, so I just played with your hot body while you were out.”

    “Bitch…” Vanessa said weakly.

    “Oh, I’m a bitch, alright.” Sabrina admitted. “A better bitch than you could ever hope to be. Just like Jasmine is too.”

    “Shut up…” Vanessa groaned.

    “Truth hurts, huh?” Sabrina mocked. “I guess you were right. I didn’t need to tranq you after all. Some cop and some leader you turned out to be.”

    “I said shut your cock-guzzling sewer, cunt!” Vanessa said stronger than before.

    “That’s the thing.” Sabrina said. “I don’t take orders from bitches I’ve outfucked. You lost. Tell Jasmine I’ll be ready whenever. I could use a challenge from a real nympho after such a pitiful display.”

    Vanessa wanted to insult her back but she was too exhausted both physically and emotionally to do so. She just got up, got dressed and left as Sabrina smiled at her arrogantly. As she left, her already low confidence from when she arrived was now even worse than before. And on top of that, she had to deal with Jasmine’s reaction to Vanessa losing the wager. She just hoped this was all a dream but it wasn’t. She has never felt so weak and insignificant. She checked the time. The fight had lasted about five hours, including her post-fuck coma. She sighed, dreading what was going to come next.

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    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: Divisions: Part 2

    Great chapter ! Sabrina’s f@ck with Vanessa was very hot.

    To my surprise, Olivia also keeps a secondary role, Madam Red is mentioned also.
    I liked this. You keep most of the characters of all your stories to play a role, here and there, even in secondary roles.

    The issues that need to be settled between Vanessa and Jasmine are more now. Maybe Jasmine will turn angry if she finds out that Vanessa used her (in a way) to f@ck Sabrina. Also, Vanessa, as you wrote correctly !! - does not like all this talk about Jasmine.

    Do you plan to end their friendship ? or this will turn out better for their relationship later ? I am really curius to read what will happen later between them. I guess that an important part of this story has to do with the relationships between the women of 732 team, their feelings for one another. I talk mostly about Vanessa and Jasmine.

    Anyway, I really enjoy all you write. I somehow feel proud as I was among the first who have predicted how a good writer of erotic stories you will be.

  3. #3
    Junior Hostboard Member ld4951's Avatar
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    Re: Divisions: Part 2

    Quote Originally Posted by Giannis-CB View Post
    Great chapter ! Sabrina’s f@ck with Vanessa was very hot.

    To my surprise, Olivia also keeps a secondary role, Madam Red is mentioned also.
    I liked this. You keep most of the characters of all your stories to play a role, here and there, even in secondary roles.

    The issues that need to be settled between Vanessa and Jasmine are more now. Maybe Jasmine will turn angry if she finds out that Vanessa used her (in a way) to f@ck Sabrina. Also, Vanessa, as you wrote correctly !! - does not like all this talk about Jasmine.

    Do you plan to end their friendship ? or this will turn out better for their relationship later ? I am really curius to read what will happen later between them. I guess that an important part of this story has to do with the relationships between the women of 732 team, their feelings for one another. I talk mostly about Vanessa and Jasmine.

    Anyway, I really enjoy all you write. I somehow feel proud as I was among the first who have predicted how a good writer of erotic stories you will be.

    I completely agree on the part about the changing of the group dynamic. As much as I enjoy the interplay between them now, there's something added to it when they're all sort of sniping at each other, which is attributable to his great ability to write dialogue. I got the feeling from the seeds that were planted in "Divisions: Part 1", with the brief interaction of the two partners arguing about who was in the wrong, with each one going back to the other one and giving them a pep talk. Whatever the path, I'm sure it'll be a solid read.

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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Divisions: Part 2

    Quote Originally Posted by ld4951 View Post
    I completely agree on the part about the changing of the group dynamic. As much as I enjoy the interplay between them now, there's something added to it when they're all sort of sniping at each other, which is attributable to his great ability to write dialogue. I got the feeling from the seeds that were planted in "Divisions: Part 1", with the brief interaction of the two partners arguing about who was in the wrong, with each one going back to the other one and giving them a pep talk. Whatever the path, I'm sure it'll be a solid read.
    You posted this comment at the best possible time. Check the board.

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    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: Divisions: Part 2

    To Id4951 :

    I FULLY agree with you ! Yuri became very good to write dialogues.
    As I have written, his talent is not only to write hot erotic scenes. He has the talent to write good NON erotic scenes as well !
    You can find seeds or quitesome of action, adventure, feelings, humor, good dialogues there !

    This is not a unique case here. We have some gifted writers who write that way. Now Yuri has become one of them.

    Hmmmm... Yuri, I bet you read all I write here.
    For all this praising i expect 5000 dollars, a night with each of the 732 team, AND - MOST OF ALL !! lol - TAMARA TO have A WILD AND PASSIONATE S3XFIGHT WITH EACH OF THEM !! TO FIND IF SHE HAS ALL SHE NEEDS TO BE THEIR HOT CHIEF ! (to be their chief is simpler. To be their HOT chief is different !) . So, she will be "qualified" either she wins these s3xfights or not !
    Last edited by Giannis-CB; December 17th, 2022 at 11:08 AM.

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: Divisions: Part 2

    Dear Yuri,

    Absolutely loved this chapter, but I'm the biggest Sabrina fan, as you know. I'm really, really looking forward to her rematch with Jasmine. You know the outcome I want there, but we'll see what happens. Maybe now that Sabrina is locked away, Jasmine will consider visiting her on a regular basis!

    Working my way through the rest of the story. The one point I would make is that I don't really buy the idea that the "strongest" should be the "leader." Simply being strong doesn't necessarily impart any leadership skills. Still, from the parts of the story that I have finished, Vanessa is not exactly covering herself with glory in the leadership department.


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