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Thread: Divisions: Epilogue

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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Divisions: Epilogue

    As the girls drove home, excitement filled their hearts but was soon followed by dread. They all had one question on their minds but they didn’t want to kill the mood by asking it right now. It can wait until after their celebration. The sun was now out and it was a little after 1:00 PM. Including Jasmine’s attempted one-on-two fight, the match with the sicarias had taken about eight hours. Holly and Nicole had started this at about 11:00 PM, so those two had been in that building for well over 14 hours. On one hand, the team was back together again and stronger than ever. They should feel ecstatic but they still also felt quite guilty about causing the whole thing. Nicole especially since it started out as just her idea. However, they were sure that Jasmine and Vanessa’s punishment would ease some of that guilt.

    Soon, they arrived home and Ben had long gone off to work. He was no doubt curious and a little worried about where the girls were this morning but he knew they could take care of themselves. They were cops after all. If only he knew what had actually happened that night. He would give them all a good spanking for worrying him so much and they would all enjoy it. Vanessa and Jasmine sat the younger girls on Jasmine and Ben’s bed. They had embarrassed looks on their faces, as if they were in the Principal’s Office.

    “Now, you misbehaving little sluts stay right there while we go prepare our tools.” Jasmine said.

    “Wait, guys…” Nicole said seriously. “We all need to get this out of the way first.”

    The other girls looked at her, knowing what she was about to ask.

    “What are we going to tell Tamara?” Nicole asked.

    The girls then all looked at their leader, Vanessa for guidance. Jasmine gave her a look that said “It’s all you.”

    “We all come completely clean.” Vanessa said. “We tell her absolutely everything. Each of us will tell her what we did wrong and what we did right.”

    They then all looked at Jasmine, all thinking the same thing. Jasmine was really the only one here who had no risk of getting fired, as she was the only one who actually did everything she was supposed to do in this situation. Nicole started this whole mess, Holly did nothing to stop her and Vanessa flaked on her responsibilities until the last minute. Jasmine actually did her duty from start to finish.

    “If one of us goes…” Jasmine said. “We all go.”

    The others nodded their heads in agreement.

    “Alright then, enough procrastination.” Vanessa said. “It’s punishment time.”

    The girls all ditched their serious attitudes and their excitement came back. Jasmine and Vanessa walked out of the room, leaving the younger girls waiting in anticipation. A few minutes later, the older girls came back both wearing strapons. Vanessa wore a red one and Jasmine wore a yellow one. Holly and Nicole had to stop their jaws from dropping.

    “I’ve been saving these for a special occasion.” Vanessa said evilly. “The colors match the hair of who they’re going to be used on.”

    Yes. Vanessa would be punishing Nicole and Jasmine would be punishing Holly. They figured their juniors would enjoy it too much if it was the other way around. The younger girls submitted and laid back on the bed, spreading their legs for their punishment.

    “Glad to see you’re accepting of this. Easier on all of us.” Jasmine said. “Now let’s get this over with.”

    Jasmine mounted Holly and Vanessa mounted Nicole. The two 28 year olds looked at each other and then simultaneously began penetrating their respective naughty sluts.

    “Ohhhhh!!” Holly cried.

    “Ahhhhh!!” Nicole yelped.

    None of the girls had used toys before. They usually weren’t a fan as they felt the toys took away from the skin-on-skin contact that they loved so much about both lesbian sex and sexfighting but this was supposed to be a punishment after all. Jasmine and Vanessa humped the blonde and redhead harshly, making them moan like the misbehaving little bitches that they were. They looked down at their blushing faces and fanned hair out behind them and they reached down to sink their fingers into their G-cups to use as leverage. They strapon fucked the younger girls for over an hour, making them cum more times than any of the nymphos bothered to keep track of. By the time 90 minutes had passed, they both felt like they’d been punished enough.

    “Have our stupid little cum dumpsters learned their lesson?” Vanessa asked.

    Holly and Nicole both nodded desperately, too winded to speak.

    “Good.” Jasmine said. “But if you ever act out of line again, just keep this in mind…We were using the smaller ones!”

    “Yes!” Nicole said desperately as she caught her breath. “We’ll never think with our pussies again, Jazz! We promise!”

    “Yes! We swear!” Holly said.

    “Very well then.” Vanessa said. “Now, once you two rest up a bit, why don’t we get the celebration started?”

    They let their thoroughly fucked juniors relax for a little while. Once the blonde and redhead regained their usual smiles, the older girls jumped into bed with them and the celebration was on.

    “Let’s never fight again, girls.” Vanessa said. “At least not the bad kind of fight.”

    The girls frolicked with each other on the bed for another hour. They didn’t even notice or care when the door opened and Ben came walking in. A sight he had always looked forward to seeing, especially now given recent events.

    “Well, I guess the drama’s over, huh?” He asked, interrupting their reunion orgy.

    “You could say that, honey.” Jasmine said as she lied on top of Vanessa.

    “You wanna join us, handsome?” Vanessa asked.

    Jasmine tightly pinched and twisted her nipples for that.

    “Ow!” Vanessa yelped. “Oh, you’re gonna pay for that, bitch!”

    “I’d like to see you try, cunt.” Jasmine dared.

    The two then kissed each other passionately.

    “Sorry we were such pains in the ass.” Nicole said from in between Holly’s legs.

    “Yeah, if it wasn’t for our hot bodies and our sluttiness, what would you even keep us around for?” Holly asked jokingly.

    “I’d ask what happened last night since I woke up to an empty penthouse but I’m just glad it’s over.” Ben said.

    “I’m actually rather curious, myself.” A familiar voice said, making everyone stop and turn their heads.

    It was Tamara. The sultry chief walked into the room both seductively and menacingly before staring down at the four naked nymphos.

    “Now my lovelies, tell me what happened…Because Christina turned in La Rubia and La Morena to St. Lillith’s just a bit ago but she wouldn’t tell me how that came to be.” Tamara explained.

    Christina was covering for them, bless her G-cup protected heart. They had to find some way to thank her for that.

    “I’m waiting.” Tamara said as the girls were deep in thought. “Girls, I’d love to just sit here and enjoy the show but…”

    “We’ll tell you.” Vanessa interrupted. “Everything.”

    The girls then all took turns recounting the tale for their boss. The mistakes, the stupidity but also the heroism and incredible feats. Tamara was very compelled by what they were telling her and Ben.

    “And that’s everything.” Vanessa finished.

    “I see.” Tamara said. “That’s quite a story.”

    “It sure is.” Ben said.

    “Don’t be mad at Christina, ma’am.” Holly requested. “She was just trying to protect us, even though it’s our fault her cover was blown.”

    “She was a very valuable spy.” Tamara said. “Losing her is a great blow to our battle against Las Brujas.”

    “It’s my fault, ma’am.” Nicole said. “It was my idea in the face.”

    “Nikki…” Jasmine said. “We’ve already established that you wouldn’t have done that if I wasn’t such a high and mighty bitch. It’s my fault.”

    “No, Jazz. It was all me.” Vanessa said. “I should’ve been a better leader and prevented my personal feelings from getting in the way of the squad. I’m sorry.”

    “I could’ve stopped Nicole when I caught her last night and none of this would’ve happened.” Holly said.

    “It’s all of your fault.” Tamara said. “You acted like spoiled little bimbos these past few days. It nearly got you killed and it cost us a precious asset.”

    “We know, ma’am.” Vanessa said. “And you were right all along. I don’t deserve to be leader.”

    “That’s not true!” Jasmine said. “Nessa saved me and came through for all of us when we needed her.”

    “That’s right!” Holly said. “We all did what was asked of us. The sicarias are behind bars and Vanessa is the one most responsible for that.”

    “Yes.” Nicole said. “She stays leader or we’re all gone.”

    “Oh, girls…” Vanessa said with a somber tone.

    “Well…” Tamara said. “It seems I wasn’t entirely right about you, dear.”

    “What do you mean?” Vanessa asked.

    “I wouldn’t go so far as to say I was wrong.” Tamara said. “But you did very much come through for your squad when they needed you, even though it was a long-lasting trauma of yours. If nothing else, that and your girls’ loyalty towards you proves that you are at the very least worthy of still being leader.”

    “Thank you, ma’am! Thank you!” Vanessa said excitedly.

    “And as for the rest of you…You’re not fired.” Tamara said. The girls all cheered and applauded. “However, don’t think you’re off the hook entirely.”

    The girls and Ben all looked back at her in confusion.

    “Truth be told, I had planned on giving you all promotions after busting those two.” Tamara explained. “Vanessa in particular would’ve finally made Sergeant but since you all acted out so much and took incredibly stupid risks that were beyond unbecoming of cops…I don’t think so.”

    The girls all cursed and groaned at this news. Jasmine, Nicole and Holly were all Corporals and it would’ve been nice to make Officers. Vanessa was particularly bummed about not making Sergeant, already being an Officer herself.

    “Okay, boss, I guess we deserve that.” Jasmine admitted. “But one last thing and I hope you don’t mind me being so bold.”

    “It’s your boldness that makes you valuable to the force, sweetie. What is it?” Tamara asked.

    “Would you like to join our celebration?” Jasmine asked.

    “Yes!” Nicole agreed.

    “Alright!” Holly said.

    Vanessa just went wide-eyed with excitement.

    “Hmmm…” Tamara said with her fingers on her chin, thinking. “Yes.”

    The girls began to cheer.

    “Is what I would say if you had actually gone about this bust properly.” Tamara interrupted.

    The girls all became disappointed.

    “You’re such a tease.” Vanessa said.

    “However, I do think my lovelies deserve just a little something for all the trouble they went through.” Tamara said.

    Before the girls could ask what she meant, Tamara slipped her top and bra off in seconds, revealing her chocolate breasts and dark brown nipples to her employees. The girls all went wide-eyed and their jaws practically dropped.

    “They’re beautiful…” Nicole said.

    Ben looked at Jasmine, who signaled that it was okay for him to look too. He went towards the bed and audibly gasped.

    “You like what you see?” Tamara asked.

    “You’ve got to be at least an H cup.” Vanessa said.

    “Good guess, dearie. I am!” Tamara said.

    “Wow.” Holly said.

    Jasmine reached up to cop a feel but Tamara slapped her hand away.

    “Ah ah!” Tamara scorned. “No touching! You’ll have to earn that.”

    Jasmine pulled her arm back in disappointment.

    “Quite frankly, there is only one person in this room who I feel has earned the right to touch my babies.” Tamara said.

    She then turned to Ben and without warning, she grabbed his hands and placed them against her breasts. His heart almost skipped a beat. He did what was natural and squeezed and fondled as the other girls looked on in envy.

    “Ahhh…” Tamara cooed. “You’re so skilled with your hands, big boy.”

    “Years of practice, chief.” Ben said through nervous stammering.

    “Jazz is a lucky girl.” Tamara said.

    “Please, ma’am.” Ben said as he looked at his girls. “I’m the lucky one. The luckiest man on Earth.”

    He continued to grope Tamara, making her close her eyes and moan.

    “It’s been so long since a real man has touched me like that.” Tamara said. “Thirty more seconds, handsome.”

    “Okay.” Ben said.

    “Enjoy yourself, honey.” Jasmine said. “I think you’ve earned it after putting up with all our shit the past couple days.”

    He then increased the speed and intensity of his groping.

    “Ohhhhh, Ben! You dog!” Tamara teased.

    He then used his thumbs to knead the ebony goddess’s chocolate nipples.

    “Ahhhhh…” Tamara cooed. “You’re making me jealous of my own employee, stud.”

    “At least that’s one thing I have over you, ma’am.” Jasmine joked.

    Finally, Ben’s thirty seconds were up. Needless to say, he was hard as a rock but he pulled his hands away like the gentleman he was. Tamara was actually panting a little bit. The other girls hoped one day that they’d make their boss pant like that. The ebony beauty looked at Ben and pulled him to her, pressing her H-cups into his chest as she kissed him lustfully. Ben was shocked but quickly got into the groove of it.

    “Lucky bastard.” Holly said.

    “Wish I could go next.” Nicole said.

    “He sure knows how to please a woman.” Vanessa said.

    “You have no idea.” Jasmine said.

    Tamara stopped kissing him.

    “Sorry about that, hun.” She said. “You sure know how to make a girl act up. I feel 20 again.”

    “Anytime, ma’am.” Ben said.

    “Oh, I’m sure, you perv.” Tamara said in her low, seductive voice.

    Ben blushed realizing what he just said.

    “And please call me Tamara.” She said. “Now then, I think we’re all done here. You girls enjoy your celebration.”

    Tamara was about to leave, when she realized that she forgot to put her top back on. She did so and left.

    “Wow…” Ben said.

    “What did her tits feel like?” Nicole asked.

    “Were they squishy or firm?” Holly asked. “Tell us!”

    “I know it’s weird but…both.” Ben answered.

    “Both?” Vanessa asked. “Wow.”

    “I bet I can get her in bed before any of you.” Jasmine challenged.

    “You never learn.” Vanessa teased. “Besides, I bet Ben could even beat you on that.”

    “You wanna fuck her nice and hard, don’t you, baby?” Jasmine asked him.

    “I…Ummm…Yes.” Ben admitted.

    “It’s okay.” Jasmine said. “I do too…I’d fuck her until the cows came home.”

    “Not if I fuck her first!” Holly said.

    “In your dreams, blondie, she’s mine!” Nicole said.

    “Please, Nikki.” Vanessa said. “Why would Tamara have a little girl when she could have a real woman?”

    “Why don’t I show you how much of a woman I am?” Nicole dared.

    “Why don’t you come here and show me, fire crotch?” Vanessa shot back.

    The girls resumed their celebratory orgy as Ben observed. After a while, he couldn’t take it anymore and left to go relieve his arousal. The girls fucked each other all night long until they were almost ready for bed. They just relaxed and talked amongst themselves like BFFs.

    “You sure are easy going when it comes to Ben being with other women.” Vanessa pointed out.

    “It would be pretty hypocritical if I wasn’t.” Jasmin said. “Still, you all can play around with him as long as I’m there. Just no penetration. You still have to outfuck me first if you want that.”

    “No argument here.” Vanessa said.

    “Ben’s pretty hot for a guy but I’d rather fuck you any day, Jazz.” Nicole agreed. “Still, if I ever do beat you, I’ll still fuck him.”

    “Emphasis on “if”.” Holly said.

    “Well, to be honest, there is a reason why I’m so loyal to him.” Jasmine said.

    “Yeah, you already told us how you met him in College and everything.” Holly said.

    “Yes but there is one story about me and him that I haven’t told you.” Jasmine said.

    The girls all listened carefully.

    “After we got married…” Jasmine began. “We both wanted to start a family ASAP. We fucked non-stop for a year but nothing came of it…Except him, of course. Then, after a standard gyno appointment, I got some bad news…I…I’m barren.”

    The girls were all shocked.

    “I was inconsolable.” Jasmine continued. “Ben really wanted kids and so did I but I couldn’t give them to him and I felt terrible. He told me at least a thousand times that he didn’t care. That I was all he needed. That he was the luckiest man in the world. But I was still a wreck no matter what he said to me.”

    “What happened?” Vanessa asked.

    “He decided that actions speak louder than words.” Jasmine said. “He got a vasectomy.”

    “Woah.” The girls reacted.

    “His balls were sore for three days but he said it was worth it to see my beautiful smile again.” Jasmine said. “He said that now we’re equals. Neither of us can have kids. It was his way of saying that if I couldn’t carry his children, then no woman on Earth could now.”

    “What a guy.” Holly said.

    “Yeah.” Nicole said.

    “If you don’t mind, could you not tell him that I told you this?” Jasmine asked. “It’s very personal for him.”

    “No problem.” Vanessa said. “It means a lot that you told us.”

    “Hey…” Jasmine said. “You’re all the family we need.”

    The girls cuddled together. Soon, Ben came back from his shower and crawled his way in between his four nude angels, with Jasmine on his left side.

    They smiled at each other.

    “You told them, didn’t you?” Ben asked.

    “You always know.” Jasmine said. “Sorry, honey.”

    “Hey…They’re family.” Ben said.

    “I love you all so much.” Vanessa said, pressing her naked tits against Ben’s back.

    “Well, I guess a rule change is in order.” Jasmine said. “From now on, you guys can fool around with Ben when I’m not watching. I trust you implicitly.”

    Nicole cuddled into Jasmine from behind and groped her to say thank you.

    “The no penetration rule still applies but I trust you enough not to break that.” Jasmine reminded them.

    “Yeah, yeah…” Holly said.

    “Good night, my angels.” Ben said.

    “Good night, Ben.” They all said back to him.

  2. #2
    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: Divisions: Epilogue

    Very good story! The final battle between Jasmine/Vanessa and the cartel babes was great. I hope we see more of them and their time in the prison.

    Now, about that rematch between Sabrina and Jasmine...- I hope that Sabrina is improving during her time at Lillith's. Also, now that Vanessa has proven herself against the cartel babes, maybe she is ready for another go at Sabrina! Either way, I hope we see a lot more of the redheaded terror!


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    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: Divisions: Epilogue

    So, the story was shorter than I thought, but anyway, it was great !
    Finally Ben is the lucky guy of the story !

    Now, let's hope for a hot sequel !
    With a lot of Tamara, a lot of Vanessa, a lot of Tamara and Vanessa f@cking one another like rabbits. ! LOL A lot of the mysterious "La Malvada" as well...
    Let's see...
    BTW, you wrote that "La malvada" is the "Thanos" of the story. meaning ? Nothing found in dictionaries.
    Slang expression ?

  4. #4
    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: Divisions: Epilogue

    Quote Originally Posted by Giannis-CB View Post
    So, the story was shorter than I thought, but anyway, it was great !
    Finally Ben is the lucky guy of the story !

    Now, let's hope for a hot sequel !
    With a lot of Tamara, a lot of Vanessa, a lot of Tamara and Vanessa f@cking one another like rabbits. ! LOL A lot of the mysterious "La *****da" as well...
    Let's see...
    BTW, you wrote that "La *****da" is the "Thanos" of the story. meaning ? Nothing found in dictionaries.
    Slang expression ?

    Hi Giannis,

    Boy, you are a man who has managed to avoid pop culture for the past several years! "Thanos' is the main villian of the two "phases" of the Marvel cinematic universe, especially "Avengers: Infinity War" and "Avengers: Endgame. Given the worldwide popularity of these movies, it's pretty clear you are not a fan!

    The character himself is a mainstay of the Marvel Comics universe. As a comics fan from way back, I can attest to his presence for a long time in that medium.

    Take care,


  5. #5
    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Divisions: Epilogue

    Quote Originally Posted by JB57 View Post
    Hi Giannis,

    Boy, you are a man who has managed to avoid pop culture for the past several years! "Thanos' is the main villian of the two "phases" of the Marvel cinematic universe, especially "Avengers: Infinity War" and "Avengers: Endgame. Given the worldwide popularity of these movies, it's pretty clear you are not a fan!

    The character himself is a mainstay of the Marvel Comics universe. As a comics fan from way back, I can attest to his presence for a long time in that medium.

    Take care,

    That’s correct. I plan on building up La Malvada quite a bit more to make her just as imposing as Thanos. Like she’s more of a force of nature than a person. Also, I have no idea why Malvada is censored in the quotation. It’s just a Spanish word meaning “wicked”.

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    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: Divisions: Epilogue

    Quote Originally Posted by JB57 View Post
    Hi Giannis,

    Boy, you are a man who has managed to avoid pop culture for the past several years! "Thanos' is the main villian of the two "phases" of the Marvel cinematic universe, especially "Avengers: Infinity War" and "Avengers: Endgame. Given the worldwide popularity of these movies, it's pretty clear you are not a fan!

    The character himself is a mainstay of the Marvel Comics universe. As a comics fan from way back, I can attest to his presence for a long time in that medium.

    Take care,

    I have watched some of the comic series that have been turned to films and/or TV series. Including the first 2 of "The Avengers". Years ago I was fan of this kind of films and TV series. Especially the ones with female characters who kept prime roles and they were hot for my taste. Always hoping to watch them in some soft l3z action. A few times they had some flirting or "light" kissing action between two women.
    I have never met the name I mentioned, OR i do not remember it. Truth is that last years I am not a big fan of this kind of flims/TV series. I watch some but not that much as years ago.

    Thanks to let me know.
    Be well

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    Hostboard Member herbert3000's Avatar
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    Re: Divisions: Epilogue

    Nice Job! I'd say Divisions is so far the best entry to this ongoing saga with the most sophisticated plot yet. Great conflicts and tension, just enough twists to keep things interesting and a rewarding resolution. I liked that all the girls had their share of the action although the main focus was on Vanessa this time. I bet she'll have to face her former partner not too far down the road, which would no doubt be epic. Wouldn't mind to learn more about Holly or Nicole in the future, too.

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