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    Heavenly Purgatory: Part 1

    So, I was working on this story back when the board was briefly censored to upload on FCF while waiting for the recent parts of 732 to be uploaded to Fights.Sexy but I got along with it pretty far, so I may as well upload it now. I will alternate between this and Exams. It shouldn’t be any longer than four parts. Anyway, on with the story.

    My name is Gwen. I’m 22 years old, fresh out of College…And I’m a slut. More than that, actually. I am an incorrigible nymphomaniac who cannot go a single day without sex. Before I get into that, however, I should probably help put an image in your horny little minds. I’m rather pale, have sultry, blue eyes, a nice, round ass and DD tits. However, my most defining trait that I take the most pride in above all else, is my very long, thick, silky, platinum blonde hair. I haven’t cut it since I was 14 and now it goes straight down to that same round ass I mentioned. I also have my long bangs covering my right eye most of the time. I just love how it makes me look so sassy and confident.

    Some girls think that long hair just gets in the way of sex but those broads have no idea what they’re missing. I can’t imagine getting good and fucked without my long hair. I just love the feeling of warmth and silkiness on my back and skin and I especially love when it gets all hot, sweaty and damp. I just feel so primal, dirty and in my element. Like any slut, I also love getting it pulled and yanked when I get fucked. Gotta love the rough stuff. I also love people in general just touching it and running their hands through it. It’s incredibly soothing and since I take so much pride in it, the idea of people finding my hair enjoyable to touch is a big ego boost for me. It’s incredibly thick and silky, almost like a blanket, so it’s perfectly understandable why people would enjoy touching it. I often like to touch it myself. It can be a little heavy sometimes but that just adds to the thrill of sex, having to move with it. I don’t even mind getting cum in my hair, even though it is often a pain to wash out.

    Also, I am 100% bisexual. In fact, I do have quite a bit of a female lean. I’d say I’m 75% lesbo and 25% straight. Like any slut, I love a good dick in my various orifices and I love the feeling of a guy blowing his load in my mouth and all over my body, especially my face. However, there is a certain thing I have with girls that no man could give me no matter how hard he tried. Sexfighting. Going pussy-to-pussy with another slut until one of us can’t go on anymore. It is carnal pleasure maximized. Women have no refractory periods after climax like men do, so it can just go on and on and on and on…So long, so sweaty, so dirty, so slutty, so beautifully, intoxicatingly pleasurable.

    Let me preface by saying this. All women are either bisexual or lesbian. All of them. No exceptions. If a woman tells you that she isn’t attracted to women, she is either lying to you, lying to herself or just hasn’t discovered that part of herself yet. The only women who don’t love lesbian sex have never tried it. I know it’s bold to speak on behalf of half of the human race but I know this for a fact. How do I know this? Because I’ve fucked and sexfought almost every single woman I’ve ever met in my life. The notion that women aren’t as lustful or as perverted as men is a big, fat load of shit. We are just as horny and lewd and libido-driven as any man.

    There are many reasons for this. Of course, women are more knowledgeable about each other’s carnal desires and would know how to pleasure each other better than men. That’s a big part of it but I think the main reason is something more primal and abstract. Women just have this inherent, indescribable beauty and allure to them that no one can resist. However, all those bullshit stereotypes of women being innocent little puritans just makes it even hotter and more cathartic when you discover our true nature. As for sexfighting, it is not only my greatest passion but also my career. Yep. I sexfight other women for money and I get a Hell of a lot more customers than you would ever guess. Told you we’re all like that.

    In addition to being a freelance sexfighter, I am also an escort who has paid sex with both women and men. Fucking is my business and business is and always has been good. How do you think I paid for College? While all women love lesbian sex, not all of them are into sexfighting and I can respect that. The competitive thrill of the game isn’t for everyone and some girls just wanna chill out and have their pussies licked, which I am more than happy to oblige. My rate is always up for haggling but I do always have a special offer. If my customer wins the sexfight, they get 50% off. More motivation for them to win, which in turn, makes it a more enjoyable experience. However, if I win, they not only pay full price, but I get to fuck their boyfriends in front of them.

    I can go on forever about how much I love sexfighting other girls. I love our nipples stabbing into our areolas, I love our warm, wet tongues wrestling both in and outside of our mouths, I love eating pussy until she explodes all over my face and soaks my beloved hair with her cum, I love yanking on her hair and her yanking on mine, I love grinding cunts with her until she blows her load up my cunt. I love it, love it, love it! If sexfighting is wrong, I don’t want to be right! However, there are some things that have been rolling around in my mind for a while now, at least while I’m not busy rolling around with other girls.

    For one thing, I am the best nympho I know. I am 100% undefeated. I shit you not, I have never lost a single sexfight in my life. That may seem like a strange thing to complain about but hear me out. You know that old cliche of the undefeated warrior who grows tired of constantly winning and seeks a worthy opponent? That’s basically me. That being said, I can see why no other slut has bested me. I am hot as Hell. That’s not me being vain, it’s the goddamn truth. I’m so hot in fact, that I am actually kind of horny for myself. I’m not kidding. I get wet just from looking at my reflection. Whenever I look in the mirror, I often think to myself:

    ‘I just wanna drag you out of there and fuck you until you can’t walk for a week, you sexy cunt!’

    You know how hot and how slutty you have to be for that to happen? If only such a thing was possible. I had my first sexfight on my 18th birthday that I shared with my best friend. After everyone else left, that same best friend stayed and said she wanted to try something with me that she found on the Internet. You can guess where that went. The insatiable nymphomaniac that was sleeping deep within me was awakened that day and she would never go to sleep again. Still, I am actually Aromantic and have no interest in a committed relationship of any kind. I’m a free bird and this bird you cannot change. Insert ten minute guitar solo here. Still, I am an unapologetic hedonist and that would just get in the way.

    Anyway, enough backstory and monologuing. What is my story here? Well, like I said, I was starting to get a little tired of always winning my sexfights and had honestly wondered what it was like to lose. Humiliation is a big part of what makes sexfighting so addictive and I love getting humiliated myself. That’s why I’m a sub when it comes to guys. Towards girls however, I am 100% dom. You pretty much have to be in order to be a sexfighter. I love humiliating my opponents, making them scream as they cum all over me. God, I love getting bukakked by girls and guys alike. I love feeling warm cum on my soft skin and seeping into my thick hair, flowing down my slutty throat as I suck on her pussy lips and…Excuse me for just a bit…

    Ahhhhhh, that’s better. Where was I again? Oh, yeah. I do sometimes wonder what it’s like to lose and be humiliated by my opponent for a change. Yeah, I could just throw a match just to see how it feels but the humiliation factor wouldn’t be the same as it would if I actually lost for real. Where’s the fun in that? When I defeat my opponents, I love humiliating them. I’ll yank their hair, slap their asses, fuck their men or women in front of them, sit on their face and make them lick their lover’s cum from my pussy…Excuse me again…

    Ohhhhh…Agh, goddamn it, I get distracted so easily! Back to the story! I do sometimes think about what the shoe being on the other foot would be like. My opponents would no doubt love to give me a taste of my own medicine and honestly, I would enjoy it. I may be a hardcore dom with girls but just the idea of me being a dom forced into a sub role by someone I was just trying to dominate is incredibly enticing. Just as enticing as me dominating someone who wants to dominate me…No! Stay focused, Gwen! Yeah, just about everything gets me in the mood, as you’ve already seen…Maybe just one more ti…No! I have a story to tell!

    Anyway, these thoughts were still in my mind on one certain day in particular. I was visiting my favorite customer. My best friend, Carly. Yes, the same best friend that I shared a birthday with and that introduced me to the greatest thing that ever happened to me on the day we both turned 18. We were roommates in College and practiced on each other whenever we weren’t fuckfighting any other girls. We met in Kindergarten and became best friends when we discovered that we had the same birthday. That’s pretty much all it takes for five year olds to bond. Nowadays, two nymphomaniacal 22 year olds can find much more fulfilling ways to bond.

    Carly is a stunning brunette and like me, has pale skin, a great ass and luscious DDs. Her hair is not as long as mine but it is still pretty long. Down to her lower back, just above her waist. I love pulling it when we fuck, just as she loves pulling mine. She has piercing brown eyes to match her light brown hair. She’s not only my best friend but also my favorite customer. Still, like everyone else, she has never once defeated me, even going back to our first match on our birthday but that hasn’t stopped her from trying to get that victory discount on at least a weekly basis. Luckily, Carly had a rich sugar daddy who was more than happy to help cover my often steep prices.

    Ron was 30 years old to Carly’s 22 and inherited his Father’s pastry company after said Father retired. I know this makes Carly sound like a gold digger but the two really were in love. Ron can read people like books and he could tell that Carly wasn’t like the other women in his life. They were also very kinky and I loved to fuck Ron right in front of Carly after whipping her pussy with my pussy for hours. That man knows how to stuff a girl like a turkey and Carly knows how to lick me clean after he stuffs me. At this point, I don’t know who’s fucked Ron more, me or Carly.

    On this day in particular, Ron was off on a business trip for a couple weeks and she was very lonely. And we all know that “lonely” is nympho for “horny”, so I decided to be a good friend and go visit her each and every day her boyfriend was gone. I offered to give her my services for free on this occasion but both she and Ron were insistent that they were not freeloaders. Who am I to argue? I stopped by their mansion and knocked on the door. Carly answered wearing nothing but a towel and her brown hair was nice and wet.

    “Hey, sexy!” Carly greeted me. “I’d hug you but the towel would fall off.”

    “Plenty of time for that in just a bit.” I said. “Although, you might need another shower by the time I’m done with you.”

    “We can do that together too.” Carly said flirtatiously. “For now, just get in here before I fuck you on the front lawn.”

    Tempting as that was, I followed her inside and into the master bedroom. That same tempurpedic king-sized bed that she shared with Ron and that I fucked both of them on more times than I could even begin to count. As soon as the door closed, she dropped her towel and I began to strip. In a matter of seconds, we were nude and our DDs were inches away from meeting. She reached her arms behind me and began stroking my beautiful, golden hair, already giving me goosebumps. She knew I loved that. I began to reciprocate that sensual gesture and she cooed. She then brought her mouth to mine and stuck her tongue out. I did the same and we began playfully lapping at each other. Eventually though, my sexfight instinct began to show itself. I pushed Carly down onto her bed and quickly mounted her with a devious grin on my face.

    “Too bad your man isn’t here to see this.” I teased.

    “Yes.” Carly agreed. “It’s a damn shame he won’t get to see me finally get my victory discount.”

    “Cocky bitch.” I mocked.

    “Takes one to know one.” Carly shot back.

    Any veteran of the game knows that trash talk is a big part of it. Carly and I are inseparable regularly but once we hit the bed, we become catty, arrogant dominatrixes and we love every second of it. I quickly pried by brunette friend’s legs open, revealing her beautiful, pink pussy ripe for a fucking. I did what any slut in my position would do and slid my own pretty cunt right into her’s.

    “Ohhhhhh!” We both moaned in ecstasy.

    I sank back down on top of my bestie and our DDs mushroomed together as we initiated another lustful tongue kiss. My long, flowing hair fell to my side and down her body. Judging from the change in her tongue movements, she liked the feeling. She took her hand and buried it in my beloved tresses, balling as much of the blonde silk into her hands as possible, still kissing me. She slid her other hand down my body, feeling my smooth skin and giving me little chills before squeezing my ass nice and tight. I felt her fingers dig into my cheek meat. I humped into her as both our upper and lower lips made out.

    We increased the speed and intensity of our pussy grinding as we rolled around the soft, soothing bed and our gorgeous hair flowed with our movements. Carly ended up on top this time around as I dug my hands into her rich, chocolate colored locks, stil making out. As we stradled each other, Carly began to yank harder on my hair, pulling my head back as she began to lick down my collar and into my cleavage, lightly tickling me.

    “Agh!” I shrieked from the tickling, making Carly giggle.

    She then grabbed both of my DDs and squeezed them into her head, essentially burying herself in between my tits. I felt her hair adding to the tickling that her tongue was already doing deep inside my cleavage.

    “Stop tickling me, you cunt!” I teased through my giggles.

    “Why don’t you try and make me, you beach, blonde bimbo?” She teased back after briefly sticking her face up before diving back down.

    She pushed me down further into the bed before bringing her face down, dragging her sweaty hair down my body, briefly teasing my belly button with her tongue and then finally reaching my pretty, pink twat.

    “Ohhh!” I cried.

    I could see her upper lips grinning as she lustfully kissed my lower lips. She always loved the sounds I made when she went down on me. I wrapped my legs around her slutty little brunette head, feeling her soft hair against the skin of my calves and shins. I felt her soft, smooth, wet tongue penetrate me and explore my inner walls. God, she was so fucking good at this. I reached down to pull her hair just enough to encourage her to lick harder and faster. She made loud, lip popping sounds, kissing my cunt lustfully and passionately.

    “Is that all you’ve got, slut? Really jam your tongue in there!” I encouraged.

    She did exactly that and began pulling her tongue in and out of my labia like it was a dildo, tongue fucking me.

    “Agh!” I grunted with shock and pleasure. “That’s more like it! Use your mouth for all it’s good for!”

    She then brought her middle finger out and then flipped it to me before jamming it into my pussy alongside her tongue. A bitchy but effective combination. My clit began to show itself and Carly didn’t waste any time. She dragged her tongue from the bottom of my twat right up towards my pulsating pleasure bud and then passionately kissed and licked at it as I kept pulling her hair. I felt volts of electric pleasure explore my body at lightning speed as she ate me out. I felt my climax on the way and braced myself for the oncoming internal impact.

    “Ah! Ah! AHHHHHHHHH!!!” I cried as my orgasm came out, splattering Carly’s slutty face and seeping into her hair.

    She pulled back out of my crotch and flipped her cum-soaked hair back as she looked down at me panting.

    “It’s rare for me to draw first blood, Gwen.” Carly teased. “Is someone losing their touch?”

    That remark lit a fire underneath me and I got up, flipping my own hair back out of my face.

    “Why don’t I show you just how effective my touch still is, bitch?” I asked rhetorically.

    “Come and get it, cunt.” Carly shot back.

    I quickly regained both my breath and energy and charged into my bitchy, brunette bestie, tackling her back down into the bed. I grabbed one of her legs and held it up against my shoulder as I tribbed Carly from this L-shaped position.

    “Fuck!” Carly cursed.

    “Who’s lost her touch now, you hot cunt?” I mocked.

    “Shut up and try to fuck me, you sexy bitch!” Carly shot back.

    I proceeded to do just that and began fucking her from this position. My blonde hair, her brown hair and both our luscious DD tits began bouncing from all the sudden movements and humping. God, her pussy felt amazing. So smooth, velvety and oh so very wet. Both our clits began to come out of their folds, so I did what any woman in my situation would do and brought them together in a glorious kiss of female flesh.

    “Ohhhhhh!!” We both moaned at the delicious contact.

    I reached down to squeeze, grope and fondle her DD-cups with both of my skilled hands as I fuckdd my best friend. Carly moaned like the bitch in heat that she was, flailing around the bed, flipping her hair all over the place. I felt our wet juices coalesce down in between our fused twats as she reached up to fondle my own DDs in retaliation. It was not long until we both felt our respective orgasms begin to rear their ugly heads and increased the speed of our tribbing in response to that. We both felt that we would cum at the exact same time but due to me having the superior position, Carly’s orgasm would be far more devastating. We pushed onwards, rubbing and squishing our womanhoods together as hard and fast as any two nymphos possibly could.

    And then finally, it happened.

    “You…fucking…BIIIIIIITTTTTTTCCCCCCCHHHHHH!!! ” Carly screamed.

    “That’s it, baby! Cum for MEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!” I cried as my own orgasm hit me.

    Our juices once again splashed against each other inside of our fused pussies as we both fell back, panting like the slutty bitches in heat that we both were. Carly had passed out already, so I came up to her for some nice, post-sexfight cuddling. I kissed her warm, soft skin, licking at it teasingly as I ran my hands along her nipples waiting for her to wake up. About an hour and a half later, she began to stir, waking to my adorable, smiling face.

    “Morning, sleepyhead.” I said sweetly.

    “You win again, G.” Carly said, giggling as she played with my sweaty hair.

    “Yeah.” I said. “But it’s not the same if I don’t get to fuck your man afterwards.”

    “I bet he’s fantasizing about what we’re doing right now wherever he is.” Carly said.

    “Of course. Unless he found two other bitches to sexfight for his cock.” I joked.

    “If that’s the case, I hope he brings them back so we can have a two-on-two match for him. Winners get bukkaked and losers have to lick them clean.” Carly suggested.

    “We can only dream.” I said.

    Carly could read me like a book and the look on my face showed that I was deep in thought.

    “I know that look, Gwen. Tell me what’s wrong.” Carly demanded.

    “What makes you think something’s wrong? I just fucked you into a coma for what had to have been the thousandth time.” I said, denying it.

    Carly then reached down and began playing with my pussy.

    “Oh!” I yelped in surprise.

    “You can tell me anything, especially after fucking me so hard!” Carly argued.

    “Alright, alright! Just stop molesting me, you perv!” I relented, giggling.

    “Honestly…” I began. “I’ve won every single match I’ve ever fought in my life. Don’t get me wrong, I love winning and I love outfucking hot bitches, especially you but…I don’t know…Sometimes I wonder if a nympho who can actually give me a really good challenge is out there.”

    “Looking for a worthy opponent, huh?” Carly asked.

    “More or less, yeah.” I said.

    “Well, normally I’d make some wiseass remark about how I’ll beat you one day and me and Ron would use you as a cum dumpster…but I can tell you feel strongly about this.” Carly said. “What if I told you that I know someone who can help you with this?”

    “Really?” I asked.

    “What are girlfriends for? Besides fucking each other all day and night long, that is.” Carly joked.

    “Who is this person who can help?” I asked.

    “Her name is Felicia. She’s a sex guru who owns a shop in town.” Carly explained.

    “A sex guru?” I asked.

    “Yep!” Carly said. “Ron and I were having issues in the bedroom once, so we visited her and she did wonders!”

    “What did she do?” I asked.

    “I wouldn’t dare spoil the surprise.” Carly said. “Just trust me on this.”

    “I don’t know…” I said doubtfully.

    “Would it help if I said that she was a smoking hot redhead with hair as long and thick as yours who gives women care for free if they sexually satisfy her enough?” Carly asked.

    “Yeah, it really would help.” I said. “Okay, I’ll see her.”

    “Alright.” Carly said.

    “But first, since Ron isn’t here, I’ll just have to use you for my victory fuck instesd, bitch.” I teased.

    “Come and get it, slut.” Carly teased back.

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: Heavenly Purgatory: Part 1

    I can't believe how you keep churning these things out! I hope your inspiration/energy lasts!

    Thanks for all of your hard work and productivity.


    Just read this story. It's off to a great start and, once again, I'm really impressed by how much your descriptive skills have improved! The fight was really, really hot! I'm looking forward to you bringing your ever-improving descriptive skills to the next Jasmine-Sabrina confrontation!

    Great stuff! Looking forward to the next chapter!

    Last edited by JB57; January 3rd, 2023 at 05:46 PM.

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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Heavenly Purgatory: Part 1

    Quote Originally Posted by JB57 View Post
    I can't believe how you keep churning these things out! I hope your inspiration/energy lasts!

    Thanks for all of your hard work and productivity.


    Just read this story. It's off to a great start and, once again, I'm really impressed by how much your descriptive skills have improved! The fight was really, really hot! I'm looking forward to you bringing your ever-improving descriptive skills to the next Jasmine-Sabrina confrontation!

    Great stuff! Looking forward to the next chapter!

    Great to hear. You never get tired of Sabrina, do you? Giannis seems to have the seem excitement for Tamara. As for this story, it should be no longer than four parts, max. The title may seem weird but it will make sense once I get to a certain part of it.

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    Re: Heavenly Purgatory: Part 1

    Quote Originally Posted by Yuri*****Lover View Post
    Great to hear. You never get tired of Sabrina, do you? Giannis seems to have the seem excitement for Tamara. As for this story, it should be no longer than four parts, max. The title may seem weird but it will make sense once I get to a certain part of it.

    To me, Sabrina is your most exciting character, particularly because of her hateful rivalry with Jasmine. As you said in an earlier post, the two women should never get along and always hate each other. The mutual hatred and desire to humiliate and overwhelm each other's bodies with pleasure in order to prove their superiority adds an element of excitement to their conflict that most of your other match-ups don't yet have.

    The same thing was true in Angeldawn's work, where her villain Michelle had the best sexfights precisely because all of them were based on mutual hatred and the desire to conquer and humiliate!

    Take care,


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    Re: Heavenly Purgatory: Part 1

    Quote Originally Posted by JB57 View Post
    To me, Sabrina is your most exciting character, particularly because of her hateful rivalry with Jasmine. As you said in an earlier post, the two women should never get along and always hate each other. The mutual hatred and desire to humiliate and overwhelm each other's bodies with pleasure in order to prove their superiority adds an element of excitement to their conflict that most of your other match-ups don't yet have.

    The same thing was true in Angeldawn's work, where her villain Michelle had the best sexfights precisely because all of them were based on mutual hatred and the desire to conquer and humiliate!

    Take care,

    Very good points.

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    Re: Heavenly Purgatory: Part 1

    Quote Originally Posted by Yuri*****Lover View Post
    Very good points.
    Let me see it in a different POV. I understand how JB sees it, it made it clear. However it's a matter of taste.
    For my taste is nothing hotter than friendly sexfights. There, two women who love one another, sexfight in a wild, passionate way. Facing one another like opponents they had to beat (erotically), to prove they are better. Just for the fun of it, to enhance their female pride, raising their enjoyment because of the heat of their contest.
    No hate, no rivalry, they simply enjoy to f@ck one another that way.
    Then, after the sexual war comes piece; tenderly and loving feelings return.
    Like Gwen and Felitia, in the story you just started. You have written quite some friendly and no friendly sexfigts, I like all of them, of course i like more the friendly sexfights.
    Besides, A.Penman and me, we are the leaders of this kind of sexfights in this board.
    Not the only ones... Many perfect writers write friendly sexfights (and no friendly as well). JB has written friendly sexfights which were very hot. I talk about A.penman and me, as the leaders of it, considering our age and A.Penman's great writing talent.

    As for Jasmine and Sabrina... here let me ask : do you REALLY think that their sexfights are no friendly ? Yes, they started as no friendly sexfights. but now... not anymore, I dare to say. I rather consider their sexfights as somewhere in the middle between friendly and no friendly sexfights.
    Yes they do not love one another, but I doubt if there is hate between them anymore. A passion to beat one another yes. It's good for their female pride.
    Do they face one another as sexfight opponents ? Yes. But Jasmine faces same way her 3 friends as well.
    Besides, any woman faces another woman (whom she will sexfight) as a sexfight opponent; either their upcoming sexfight is friendly or not.

    I do not say that I am right and all the other opinions are wrong. I simply describe my taste, respecting any other different opinion. Besides I LOVE no friendly sexfights also, I have written a few. Last years I have read wonderful sexfights of that kind here and in other adult sites (Literotica, Nifty etc...) .

    But I prefer friendly sexfights, with a lot of passion, a lot of competition and A LOT of trash talk. That's me.

    Regarding your new story. I tried to post after it, the program does not let me, it posts it here. I tried twice.
    The "bad manners" of the forum return. It starts censorship again. Take a look at your name here. Also the words ****, ***** (c@nt, p@ssy).

    About the new story :

    Excellent start !! I like Gwen.
    To mention : your writing style is different this time. Not very different but - particularly in the beginning of the story - it is quite different.
    Did you change editor and/or mentor ? (LOL LOL LOL . OF COURSE this is a friendly tease).
    I like the same writer to change writing style, here and there, keeping the quality of the outcome !
    I applaud you for this.
    Last edited by Giannis-CB; January 4th, 2023 at 05:48 AM.

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    Re: Heavenly Purgatory: Part 1

    Quote Originally Posted by Giannis-CB View Post
    Let me see it in a different POV. I understand how JB sees it, it made it clear. However it's a matter of taste.
    For my taste is nothing hotter than friendly sexfights. There, two women who love one another, sexfight in a wild, passionate way. Facing one another like opponents they had to beat (erotically), to prove they are better. Just for the fun of it, to enhance their female pride, raising their enjoyment because of the heat of their contest.
    No hate, no rivalry, they simply enjoy to f@ck one another that way.
    Then, after the sexual war comes piece; tenderly and loving feelings return.
    Like Gwen and Felitia, in the story you just started. You have written quite some friendly and no friendly sexfigts, I like all of them, of course i like more the friendly sexfights.
    Besides, A.Penman and me, we are the leaders of this kind of sexfights in this board.
    Not the only ones... Many perfect writers write friendly sexfights (and no friendly as well). JB has written friendly sexfights which were very hot. I talk about A.penman and me, as the leaders of it, considering our age and A.Penman's great writing talent.

    As for Jasmine and Sabrina... here let me ask : do you REALLY think that their sexfights are no friendly ? Yes, they started as no friendly sexfights. but now... not anymore, I dare to say. I rather consider their sexfights as somewhere in the middle between friendly and no friendly sexfights.
    Yes they do not love one another, but I doubt if there is hate between them anymore. A passion to beat one another yes. It's good for their female pride.
    Do they face one another as sexfight opponents ? Yes. But Jasmine faces same way her 3 friends as well.
    Besides, any woman faces another woman (whom she will sexfight) as a sexfight opponent; either their upcoming sexfight is friendly or not.

    I do not say that I am right and all the other opinions are wrong. I simply describe my taste, respecting any other different opinion. Besides I LOVE no friendly sexfights also, I have written a few. Last years I have read wonderful sexfights of that kind here and in other adult sites (Literotica, Nifty etc...) .

    But I prefer friendly sexfights, with a lot of passion, a lot of competition and A LOT of trash talk. That's me.

    Regarding your new story. I tried to post after it, the program does not let me, it posts it here. I tried twice.
    The "bad manners" of the forum return. It starts censorship again. Take a look at your name here. Also the words ****, ***** (c@nt, p@ssy).

    About the new story :

    Excellent start !! I like Gwen.
    To mention : your writing style is different this time. Not very different but - particularly in the beginning of the story - it is quite different.
    Did you change editor and/or mentor ? (LOL LOL LOL . OF COURSE this is a friendly tease).
    I like the same writer to change writing style, here and there, keeping the quality of the outcome !
    I applaud you for this.
    Hi Giannis,

    I don't disagree with anything you have written here. All of this is a matter of personal taste and I think there is a lot of room in this genre for many varieties of/motivations for sexfights. I agree that you and Penman are masters of the "friendly sexfights." I love all of Penman's stories - I nagged him forever for a sequel to the Sandra and Beth stories and his "June and the Lady" stories are just fantastic. So, I certainly can appreciate "friendly sexfights." As you indicate, I've even written some myself, though not a lot and I think most of my stories still have that competitive edge. Oddly, the characters I think I'm come closest to having friendly sexfights are Inge and Conchita and, to a lesser extent, Duranna and Alannar (I say "lesser extent" because I have not portrayed the latter, only mentioned it).

    However, I do think that the rivalry between Jasmine and Sabrina should stay highly competitve and and as unfriendly as possible. As Yuri said in response to an earlier message, the women have both hurt each other a lot and been responsible for each other's greatest humiliations. That should have a lasting impact. I think what is great about their rivalry now is that they are both giving each other enormous pleasure, even as they try to humiliate and defeat each other. That has to feed mutual lust, which confuses emotions a bit, but it does not have to lead to "friendly" encounters. I think that Yuri did a good job in the last Sabrina-Jasmine story of explaining why they both need/want to keep their rivalry as angry and hateful as they can - it simply adds a lot of excitement to their sexual encounters that they don't get anywhere else.

    I mentioned Angeldawn and I should note that most of her work was also about very friendly sexfights and she wrote incredibly erotic encounters. i actually corresponded with her about this and I don't think she will mind if I take some small credit for suggesting to her that she make Michelle a formidable enemy to her main heroines. To that point, Angel herself had noted that her fights were getting a bit bland. By making Michelle a real and hateful rival to her main characters (i.e., Michelle started winning most of her fights) she created a real nemesis and added an element of hostility and anger to encounters that were otherwise pretty friendly.

    Take care,


  8. #8
    Senior Hostboard Member deensmith's Avatar
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    Re: Heavenly Purgatory: Part 1

    Very energetic and interesting writing. P.O.V story idea seems quite difficult but also sensual and erotic if written properly and i think u did it .
    ?I don't need a friend who changes when I change and who nods when I nod; my shadow does that much better.?

  9. #9
    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: Heavenly Purgatory: Part 1

    Quote Originally Posted by JB57 View Post
    Hi Giannis,

    I don't disagree with anything you have written here. All of this is a matter of personal taste and I think there is a lot of room in this genre for many varieties of/motivations for sexfights. I agree that you and Penman are masters of the "friendly sexfights." I love all of Penman's stories - I nagged him forever for a sequel to the Sandra and Beth stories and his "June and the Lady" stories are just fantastic. So, I certainly can appreciate "friendly sexfights." As you indicate, I've even written some myself, though not a lot and I think most of my stories still have that competitive edge. Oddly, the characters I think I'm come closest to having friendly sexfights are Inge and Conchita and, to a lesser extent, Duranna and Alannar (I say "lesser extent" because I have not portrayed the latter, only mentioned it).

    However, I do think that the rivalry between Jasmine and Sabrina should stay highly competitve and and as unfriendly as possible. As Yuri said in response to an earlier message, the women have both hurt each other a lot and been responsible for each other's greatest humiliations. That should have a lasting impact. I think what is great about their rivalry now is that they are both giving each other enormous pleasure, even as they try to humiliate and defeat each other. That has to feed mutual lust, which confuses emotions a bit, but it does not have to lead to "friendly" encounters. I think that Yuri did a good job in the last Sabrina-Jasmine story of explaining why they both need/want to keep their rivalry as angry and hateful as they can - it simply adds a lot of excitement to their sexual encounters that they don't get anywhere else.

    I mentioned Angeldawn and I should note that most of her work was also about very friendly sexfights and she wrote incredibly erotic encounters. i actually corresponded with her about this and I don't think she will mind if I take some small credit for suggesting to her that she make Michelle a formidable enemy to her main heroines. To that point, Angel herself had noted that her fights were getting a bit bland. By making Michelle a real and hateful rival to her main characters (i.e., Michelle started winning most of her fights) she created a real nemesis and added an element of hostility and anger to encounters that were otherwise pretty friendly.

    Take care,

    Hi JB,

    I do not want to "spread the impression" as we say, that each of us pushes Yuri to a different side. It's wrong, we don't. I guess that you and me, with similar taste in some and different in some, we both want to see Yuri at the best side for him : to write good stories. All the rest are a matter of taste, as I have written many times, as you also have written.

    I think that the best for Yuri is to listen to comments/ideas/thoughts about his story the HE WILL DECIDE what he will write next. I guess you agree.

    I have to notice that this is THE SECOND time I write a comment to Yuri and you reply instead of him ! LOL
    (friendly tease, like my previous one, but a fact. I can not swear that this is the best for me. Not the best for Yuri also.
    BTW, regarding my previous friendly comment, sorry if I am wrong but I guess that your instant reaction shows that you understood fine its meaning...)

    I am not keeping the role of a man in the shadows, I speak clearly and in public. That's all. All OK.

    To close... My opinion : Inge and Conchita are in the middle between friendly and non friendly sexfights. And, I DO EXPECT a friendly sexfight between Durana and Alannar, I would like to read it. I am glad you think about it too !! I urge you to write it but you keep the pen, you decide.

    Be well.
    Last edited by Giannis-CB; January 4th, 2023 at 11:49 AM.

  10. #10
    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Heavenly Purgatory: Part 1

    My personal preference, as I’ve said before, is a mix of both. Or something along the lines of the Maggie and Amber series where the girls are viciously competitive in their fights but friendly outside of them.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by deensmith View Post
    Very energetic and interesting writing. P.O.V story idea seems quite difficult but also sensual and erotic if written properly and i think u did it .
    Glad you liked it. Hope we get to see more from you soon. I absolutely love all of your stories and have read them all at least two or three times.

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