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Thread: Searching for a story called Ashton

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    Hostboard Member Thommy1982's Avatar
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    Searching for a story called Ashton

    The story is called Ashton. A female fabric where a lot of fights between different womenhappen. One of those is called Ashton, she is new there and has to fight to make her a name.

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    Junior Hostboard Member Oldman98's Avatar
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    Re: Searching for a story called Ashton

    Hello out there! It would be great if someone still got this story and able to help. It was written by Oris (Writer of The Dorm) in 5 longer and a shorter final chapter. It was here in Hostboard before the crash but it never was on "the List"

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    Hostboard Member Thommy1982's Avatar
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    Re: Searching for a story called Ashton

    Yes that would be really great if somebody has saved the story

  4. #4
    Hostboard Member Catharsis's Avatar
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    Re: Searching for a story called Ashton

    Oris posted the first 6 parts of Ashton in February 2006. He said that the he'd planned on a total of 7 parts, but in January 2009 confirmed that he hadn't completed the story. The Wayback Machine ( has a snapshot of the forum from March 2006, but accessing Oris' story from there doesn't appear to be possible. So, here it is:


    By Oris (author of The Dorm)



    I had decided to reach Sunnyvale by train. When I first came here for the interview, I had rented a car and found it a long drive from Phoenix. Trains always arrive in a city through the ugliest part of town and Sunnyvale was no exception. Tiny houses were surrounded by sand with no trees, some with a sofa plunked right into the sand with wires coming out of the front door connected to TV sets. Not the Sunnyvale I had seen during my first visit but then I came from Pennsylvania and nothing could shock me. As soon as I got off the train, I grabbed the first cab I saw, actually the only one, and got to the address I had been given , a regular-looking motel on the main drag just on the outskirts of town. I took off my jeans and blouse and took a shower. It was already quite hot and my room buzzed with the sound of the air-conditioner. I didn’t have time to rest since the former manager of the factory was waiting for me.
    It was Friday and Karla’s last day. She had invited me to visit the place and meet some of the workers before she left and I took over.
    “Wear something light”, she warned, “It’s really hot in here”.
    The Sunnyside Shirt Factory was not an architectural gem, but it was practical. Built in the 60s, it was first a shoe factory then it became a warehouse for moving companies and finally a shirt factory. Actually it was mainly a sewing facility, the actual fabric coming already cut from California ready to assemble.
    I chose a loose summer dress with no bra and a thong. It hugged my ass a little but I had chosen it for that purpose. As soon as I approached the front door, I could hear the sound of the sewing machines. Karla was waiting for me, her blonde hair tied in a bun. She was of Polish descent from Idaho, in her early 40s and looked like a larger version of Meryl Streep. She was not a stranger to my getting this job. We had a friend in common who also worked in a similar factory back in Pennsylvania. Let us say we have similar tastes and it’s a small world and leave it at that. She gave me a big hug and kissed me on the cheek.
    “Come on in. It’s going to be your place now”, she drawled. She led me into her office and closed the door. The office was stark now since she had already packed her things: a bowling trophy, a few pictures showing her with the president of the company, and some other miscellaneous objects I vaguely remembered from my first visit.
    “Now let me tell you about the girls”, she began mimicking a grandmother talking about her grandchildren. I had settled comfortably in a swivel chair, intent on listening to her recommendations, when she got up and led me to a large window. “Don’t worry, they can’t see us, it’s one-way glass”, she smiled.
    “Before I introduce you to some of the floor managers, let me tell you a bit about them”, she began. “You’ll find out the rest by yourself”, she said as she looked at me with a large diabolic smile.
    “The sewing facility is the largest in the factory. It’s run by Bianca. She’s Mexican. That’s her in the white frock”, she said pointing to a rather heavy-set blonde with a wide round face. “Bianca runs the place like a concentration camp but she’s ok. You’ll like her. Her girls are devoted to her”, she said with some admiration. “All these girls, anyway most of them, are hers”, she emphasized. “I think you know what I mean”, she whispered elbowing me lightly.
    “Ah yes, you should keep on eye on that crew, Bianca or no Bianca, during breaks”, she warned, “The temperature in there is warm and sometimes things get out of hand, but just play it by ear”, she said confidently.
    “The crew you see behind them in the distance is the cleaning and pressing group. They get the stuff from the trucks and after cleaning they give the fabric to Bianca’s group. After the sewing is finished , they take it back for pressing.”, she said in a monotone voice as if she was giving a tour to foreign tourists.
    “Adriana runs that crew. She’s from Cuba. You can’t see her from here. You will definitely like her, she’s cute”, she said and surprising me with a peck on the cheek. I was glad that window was one way. “But she’s got a short fuse and you have to keep an eye on her also”.
    “Way in the back of the factory, there’s the shipping crew which is run by Monica. She’s from Puerto Rico. She is the biggest, strongest, meanest…. prettiest girl you ever saw.”, said Karla with much feeling. “ Stay away from her if you know what’s good for you”, she emphasized.
    “Well..well, I guess I can’t go near any of these managers”, I said knowing the answer to my own question.
    “What is important is that you don’t go near any of their girls”, said Karla seriously looking at me straight in the eye.
    A bell started ringing and the girls all got up. “Break time”, Karla announced. “They have a 20-minute break morning and afternoon and one hour for lunch”.
    Because of the heat, all were wearing sleeveless blue frocks and probably not much underneath. Most were Mexicans, at least in Bianca’s group, and the whole factory was populated by Latinas. Adriana had hired a lot of Cubans. There were no men here. The girls were filing out the side-door to smoke. The sound of machines was replaced by Spanish chatter. Most of the girls were quite young, from late teens to early twenties. A few were in their 30s, like Bianca, and had been here over 10 years. I could see Bianca surveying her girls and Karla became uneasy. “Something’s up”, she said calmly, “Just watch and stay inside whatever happens”, she warned.
    A few of the girls lingered around the machines as the others filed out the door. Two petite girls with jet-black hair seem to be waiting for something. One was slightly pudgier than the other and had Indian features. The other girl said something to her over her shoulder as she was leaving. The pudgy one grabbed her arm and turned her around. Then it was a blur. Fists started to fly as both girls grabbed the other by the hair with one hand and punched with the other. At first, both landed good punches to the other’s face and neither tried to protect herself. Then they lowered their head and pulled hair and punched each other on the side of the head. The girls outside ran back in to watch the catfight. Bianca stood motionless. The circle of onlookers widened as the fighters moved. The Indian girl then put her arm around the other’s waist and and slammed her onto the floor. She jumped on her and continued hitting her opponents body and face. Eveyone watched Bianca and nobody moved to rescue the victim. Finally Bianca stepped in and lifted the winner off. A few girls knelt beside the girl on the floor and helped her up slowly. Her nose was bleeding and the side of her face was swollen.
    “Wow”, I said my heart pounding from watching the fight.
    “It happens”, answered Karla calmly, “ A little jealousy. The pudgy one is quite new and she has to fight for her spot with Bianca”, she continued and then stopped, thinking she had already said too much.
    The Indian girl was crying on Bianca’s shoulder and the manager was consoling her the only way she knew how, by rubbing her back, her hand sliding down to her little round ass. She then took her behind a large machine and, hidden from view (although we could see them), began to get bolder. We could see her hand lifting the front of the young girl’s frock and slipping between her thighs.
    “I think Bianca is enjoying this”, I commented.
    “She sure is”, answered Karla, licking her lips in envy.
    Bianca was rubbing the girl with her hand as the girl’s face rested on her shoulder. She suddenly lifted her face, opened her mouth, and must have let out a groan as some of the other girls turned around. She disappeared into the ladies adjusting her frock and her hair.
    Two tall and pretty older women suddenly showed up.
    “Ooopss....wait here”, said Karla as she stepped out of the office onto the floor.
    One was medium-height and had very dark skin. Her black hair was short. She wasn’t beautiful but her face was somewhat attractive. Her frock outlined her pear-shaped ass. I took her to be Adriana. The other girl was much taller and built like a lumberjack. Her bare tanned arms looked strong but what was most noticeable was her face. Her long black hair separated in the middle framed high cheekbones and large eyes. She had thick lips but not as thick as Adriana’s. This beauty I knew was Monica.
    Karla was speaking with them. She turned around and motioned me to join them. I was introduced to Adriana who shook my hand warmly and gave me a teeth-baring smile. Monica on the other hand was much colder and shook my hand as if she was going to break it.
    “These ladies wanted to make sure their girls were not involved in the…the incident”, Karla explained to me.
    “Ashton”, started Karla a little embarrassed, “ the girls have invited me to a little party at the Pueblo on Sunday evening, a kind of going-away party”.
    “That’s really nice”, I answered, trying to look aloof, “You were certainly appreciated here”.
    “Maybe you can come also ?”, asked Adriana, fluttering her eyes at me.
    “Oh…well…I don’t’s really Karla’s party”, I stammered.
    “Good idea”, said Karla cheerfully, “You can get to know more of the girls this way. Please say yes. I would love to see you there.”
    During all this, Monica face showed no emotion and she was staring at me.
    “ Are you a …marimacho ?
    Adriana burst out laughing.
    “Shame on you Monica”, screamed Karla.
    “Come on Ashton”, she continued with anger still in her voice, “we have work to do in my office” and led me away.
    When we were inside, I could see Karla was still angry.
    “What’s the big deal ? What’s marimacho ?”, I asked
    “Oh nothing..nothing…she was just out of place”, answered Karla.
    “Karla..I want to know..please…I SHOULD know if I am to work here”, I said strongly.
    “Ok..ok… a…a butch..I guess”, answered Karla shyly.
    “Oh well…is that all ? I guess Monica has my number already”.
    “That’s not a good thing..not a good thing”, said Karla as she shuffled through some papers pretending to look for something .
    “And …oh yes…the party…I should warn you that these can easily get quite wild…and well..anything goes at these…”, said Karla almost regretting to have invited me.
    “I’m a big girl Karla…and I’ve been to wild parties before”, I said teasing.
    Karla was calming down. “I know , I know”, she said as she gave me a big hug.
    “You should rest before that party”, she said, her face inches from mine. “You’ll need it”, she smiled wickedly as her arms tightened around my waist and her hands moved to the top of my asscheeks.
    A knock at the office door interrupted our intimacy. Karla reluctantly went to the door.
    “Monica !”, she said surprised, letting her in or rather not preventing her from coming in.
    Monica came in as if it was her own office. She was proud and gutsy and I admired that. She walked towards me and I saw her smile for the first time. She was beautiful.
    “You don’t answer question”, she said in her approximated English.
    “What question ?”, I answered
    “You know … the question”, she continued , staring at me but still smiling.
    “Oh ..that question..”, I stammered.
    “Yes..that question”, she repeated.
    Karla stepped up to her.
    “Monica, that was very inappropriate”, said Karla with authority.
    “That’s ok Karla, I’ll handle it”, I said reassuringly.
    “The answer Monica is …yes”, I said emphasizing every syllable.
    “Ok”, she said seeming to be satisfied.
    “Now you are leaving but we have business to finish first”, Monica said , turning to Karla, her smile disappearing.
    “What business ?”, asked Karla, her voice shaking slightly.
    “You know what business…Maria business”, said Monica.
    “Maybe I should be off now”, I said to Karla, “I should get back”.
    “No…you stay”, said Monica, “and you learn”.
    “Monica…I am leaving for good…can’t we leave the Maria business alone ?”, said Karla half-pleading.
    “No boss…we have to settle now or we settle at party ”, answered Monica threatening.
    With these words, Monica approached Karla. Karla’s face changed. I could see she was getting angry. Her Polish temper was taking the best of her.
    “I really think I should be going”, I said nervously.
    “NO…STAY”, both women screamed at me.
    Karla stared at me. I didn’t know what to do. The situation was scaring me and it was exciting me. Would I witness another fight but this time between strong mature women ?
    “Sit on that chair and don’t interfere”, hissed Karla who walked to the door and locked it.
    What followed is still so fresh in my mind that I can remember every detail.
    Karla picked up a small round table and moved it to the back of the room. This freed up a rather large area of the office floor. As if there were in a locker room, both women started to disrobe. Karla unbuttoned her blouse and took off her bra briskly. She kicked off her sandals and unzipped her jeans which fell around her ankles. After picking them up and tossing them to the corner of the room, she slipped off her panties. She had large slightly drooping breasts and a surprisingly small tummy for her size. Her blonde bush was sparse but her pubic hair long and untrimmed. When Karla had finished undressing, Monica pulled off her frock over her head. Her tanned breasts bounced out in full view. She had enormous nipples. My throat was dry. She then pulled down her blue thong and stood naked in front of us. She looked even more powerful naked. Although she was big, she was lean. Her large black bush came half-way up to her navel. I could see her ass in profile and her ass-cheeks jutted out like those of a Greek goddess.
    There was something odd about the whole situation, something aloof, something déja vu. I still didn’t know exactly what this was leading to but I had a suspicion it was not the first time these two women stood naked in front of each other. There was a sense of urgency in their demeanour. No time for preliminaries. They both had to do what they had to do. I was sure now they were not going to fight, at least not catfight, and I was relieved. They were going to tangle in another way, a way in which one would lose her sexual pride.
    The two big women approached each other slowly. They clasped each other in a bear hug, arms folded around the other’s waist. Monica was saying something in Spanish. Karla answered in English. The first one hissed, the second whispered.
    “I satisfied her, you will want to know, and I gave her all I had”, I heard Karla say.
    Monica’s hands went to Karla’s hair and gave it a yank. Both women had a smirk on their face. Watching these two big naked women clasping each other excited me and my heart was throbbing. Karla grabbed her opponent by the hair also. It was long and she could get a good grip. They spit in each other’s face as if it was a ritual or a signal. They moved their busts together, Karla’s softer breasts squished by Monica’s large tits. Monica’s nipples stood out totally erect. Breasts were being rubbed and flip-flapped as they moved against each other from side to side. Still holding each other by the hair, they moved their lower bodies towards each other. Karla jammed her right leg between Monica’s thighs. Letting out a low grunt, Monica did the same to Karla’s thighs. They were both riding each other’s leg.
    It was getting very hot in the office. Both women were sweating heavily and their thighs were covered in a mixture of sweat and love juices from the other’s cunt. Since Monica’s leg was closest to me, I could see Karla’s cunt lips open up while rubbing against it. The two women were moaning and glaring at each other waiting for the appropriate moment to make a move. Monica’s hands quickly went from Karla’s hair to her ass. She grabbed a handful of fleshy ass-cheeks and with her strong arms pulled Karla’s body against her outstretched leg. After a moment, Karla did the same and the two women massaged and pinched each other’s ass-cheeks bringing the other’s cunt in closer contact with their leg. Then as if it had been synchronized beforehand, they kissed. An open mouth kiss. I could see tongues rubbing against each other, coming out of the other’s mouth and get back in again. Spit was dribbling from their mouth, down their chin onto their glistening breasts. Karla’s fingers met inside the crack of Monica’s ass and , although I couldn’t see them, I was sure Monica was giving her the same medicine. Monica gasped as Karla’s fingers found what they were looking for. Karla smirked and bit her lips as, in turn, Monica’s fingers penetrated her rear. The smell of sweat and sex began to permeate the room as the two big naked women finger-fucked each other ass standing up.
    Surprisingly it was Karla who made the first move to bring her rival to the carpeted floor but it backfired. She attempted to fling her sideways and , after first losing her balance, Monica recovered, twisted Karla around, and, using the momentum, fell to the floor on top of her. The two big women scrambled to get in position but Monica was too strong for the blonde. The Puerto-Rican pinned her arms to the carpet with her hands and moved her full body on top of the blonde. They had moved so that I had a rear view of the action and Monica’s ass. The Latina smothered Karla’s cunt with hers and didn’t waste any time in rubbing it slowly at first, moving sideways to open up Karla’s lips then up and down driving her clit in the blonde’s open furrow. I could see the muscles straining as her lower body dominated Karla’s. From my vantage point, I could see Monica’s thick black cunt-hair entirely covering her opponent’s blonde patch. Both women were cursing at each other. After a few long minutes of getting fucked by the big Latina lesbian, Karla let out a scream . Her legs twitched, kicked in the air, her body quivered and her hips bucked against Monica’s as she had a powerful orgasm. Karla’s body went limp, then her legs twitched again, then she lay still. Monica’s hips stopped moving and she lay there motionless on top of her rival. She then slowly pushed herself up with her arms, got on all fours over Karla and moved forward until her full thighs were on either side of Karla’s head. I saw her lower her cunt to Karla’s face and say something in Spanish to her. I could only see Karla’s chin but I knew she was sucking on Monica’s wet cunt. The Latina moved her hips slowly against Karla’s face. She took Karla’s hand and brought it to her own ass-cheeks. I could clearly see Karla’s finger penetrating the stronger girl’s asshole. Karla’s sucking noises dominated the silent room. My throat was dry and I suddenly realized that my thong was very wet. Karla strained her neck, looked at the ceiling, and her body shivered. Silently she came in Karla’s mouth.
    Monica got up and slipped her frock over her head. She picked up Karla’s panties and wiped herself between her thighs with them. Then she threw them at me.
    “A souvenir from Karla”, she said grinning and left.
    Karla got up slowly. She looked at me over her shoulder covering her breasts with her hands, suddenly shy of her nakedness.
    “I think you should go now”, she whispered.
    I put her soaked panties on her desk and left the office and the building.
    I walked awhile in the general direction of my motel before I could hail a taxi. I needed the walk but then it was urgent for me to get to my room. What I had seen had excited me and I needed a release.
    I was very much looking forward to that party.



    After this eventful first day, I knew I wanted to work here and to do this I had to get a permanent home and leave this motel as soon as possible.
    It was Saturday morning and still dripping from my shower, I sat on the bed and phoned my real estate agent.
    “Hi, my name is Ashton Mills. Can I speak with Sue Brady ?”
    “ Sue here. Hi Ashton. Got to the motel ok hon ?”
    “Yes I did. When can I see you ?”
    “If you’re ready, I can be there in a few minutes”
    “Ahhh…yes….I’m not dressed yet but ..yes. I’ll be ready when you get here. I’m in unit 16”
    “ Dressed or not, hon….here I come” , she said with a loud laugh.
    Mmmm , I said to myself….”dressed or not”…well..this could be more interesting than I had thought. I sat on the bed for a minute stark naked and getting horny …”No Ashton…you have to hurry”.
    Aside from Karla at the shop, Sue had been my only contact with Sunnyvale. I had only spoken to her on the phone but she sounded nice and had a few houses to show me. I kept my blue thong and slipped into a short skirt. No I didn’t need a bra with this blouse. Time to start getting the top of my tits tanned I thought. I am a little stocky and like many shorter women I have a rather good bust which I like to show.
    I work out regularly and take care of my body.

    As I stood on the porch of the motel waiting for Sue, the door of the unit next to mine opened and a well-dressed woman stepped out, walked briskly past me and got into her 4 x 4. A few minutes later another woman walked out of the same unit, a slightly older woman with glasses and a long skirt, who walked the other way and got into a waiting taxi. Hummmm strange I thought that two women would leave the unit separately..strange that they were in there together in the first place…this early on a Saturday morning ? My mind wandered. A business meeting ? More probably a secret meeting. I wanted to think so as I felt a tingle between my thighs. “Oh you always think the wrong thing”, I said to myself as Sue Brady arrived in a BMW. The real estate business seemed profitable.
    “Hi Ashton”, she cried out, “Come on, let’s drive around”.
    I had imagined her from our phone conversation as a plump middle-age woman but she was a lanky blonde a little taller than me, a real mid-west cowgirl, with a bony face and body. She wore a simple brightly-colored summer dress and high heels but you could see she was more used to jeans and t-shirt. She had a deep voice and sun freckles on her face. We shook hands as I stepped into the passenger seat. We examined each other quickly as the handshake lingered.
    “I hope you haven’t been waiting long”, she said with a smile.
    “No, Sue, only a few minutes”, I said, “ but long enough to see two ladies walk out of the unit next to mine and drive off separately” , I surprised myself saying.
    “Oh, what did they look like ?”, she asked frowning. I described them and her face lightened and she chuckled.
    “Anything you want to share ?” I asked.
    “Oh, I don’t want to shock you, hon”, she replied
    “Try me”, I answered.
    “Well the first one you saw in the 4 x 4 is Elizabeth, our town lawyer, the other is Mrs. Milton, the doctor’s wife”. I had noticed that she referred to one as “Mrs.” and the other by her first name.
    “Oh well that tells me a lot”, I said sarcastically.
    “ A little afternoon nookie”, Sue said, putting her finger under my chin and staring me in the eye.
    I knew right away she was looking for my reaction. I smiled, crossed my legs and turned sideways towards her.
    “ You mean a little lesbian interlude ?”, I answered seriously, pressing my chin down onto her finger and meeting her stare.
    “Right on, hon”, she answered with a grin. “Well, you want to see some houses ?” she continued as if nothing had been said. “Of course, that’s what I am here for, isn’t it” I replied but my words were drowned by the roar of the motor as Sue’s powerful car backed into the street.

    -------- ------------------ ----------------------- ---------------------
    The first house Sue showed me we didn’t even visit. It was huge and I could tell it was way above what I could afford. We just stayed in the car and chatted.
    “I know this is too big for you”, Sue said.
    “Actually Sue, it’s too expensive for me”, I answered.
    “Well…whatever…I just thought I would show you the best neighborhood”, Sue continued slightly disappointed, “but I do have something nice and a little more affordable down the street”.
    That other house was smaller and more modern. We left the car in the driveway and walked in. It was not occupied and completely bare.
    “Look at that kitchen”, Sue whispered , putting her hand on my shoulder and tilting her head towards me, her lips brushing against my ear. I could feel her warm breath against my neck.
    “Nice..but I don’t know if I’ll have time to cook”, I laughed.
    “I’m sure a pretty lady such as yourself will find lots of …friends here”, Sue smiled.
    “Let’s go upstairs and look at the bedrooms”.
    There were two large bedrooms, one at either end of the house.
    “If you have company and…you don’t want to sleep with them…” her voice trailed off as she walked ahead of me to the smaller room. She entered the room and sat flatly on the oak floor, then brought her legs up and hugged her knees. From my vantage point, I had a clear view of her long thighs. All this walking had bunched up her black thong in the middle of her mound and it barely covered her pubic hair.
    “That’s a good place for the bed”, she said and , looking straight at me, invited me to sit on the floor facing her.

    I sat also bending my knees and wrapped my arms around them. I could feel her burning stare on my mound and the bottom of my asscheeks. I had also been walking and the fabric didn’t cover everything it should have. My mound was shaved and she could probably see some lips. My tits were pushing against my knees and bulging out of my blouse. We examined at each other openly in silence for the longest time. My heartbeat had increased tremendously and it wasn’t because I was excited by the house. I could Sue tensing up and releasing her pelvic muscles. I brushed my chest upwards against my knees and my hardening tits were practically jumping out of my blouse. Sue’s eyes went from my crotch to my tits. I could make out the top of her small sun-baked tits. As I was thinking if I should make my move, Sue whispered in a throaty voice
    “Well…what do you think ?”
    “Ahhh..about what ?, I answered quickly,
    “About the house..silly”, she laughed.
    “Oh…I like it..I like everything I see”, I heard myself say.
    Sue smiled and closed her eyes.
    “But you’re afraid , aren’t you”, she said.
    “Afraid ?…afraid of what ?”, I answered uneasily.
    “Afraid it’s too big”, she said tilting her head.
    “Oh…yes…yes it’s too big…you were reading my thoughts’, I stammered.
    “Well…let’s go see the last one…it’s a condo…and this one may ..excite you more”.
    “Ok…ok…let’s see that one”, I managed to utter my chest straining against my knees.

    We drove back into the center of town. We discussed my job at The American Shirt factory although I sensed she had little interest in it except for the fact that the staff was all female.
    “I think I know some of these gals”, she said suddenly.
    “You do ?..They seem to be quite isolated in their Latino village”, I answered incredelously.
    Sue just smiled and I didn’t pry anymore knowing I was wasting my time. But I was intrigued and the sexual tension in the car climbed nearly as high as it had been in that bedroom. “This is a car bomb”, I thought.
    The unit was on the top floor and had a roof garden, a terrific view of the city, and large glass panes on two sides. “I could roast in here”, I said as I tugged at the front of my blouse, showing more skin than Sue had expected. “Don’t worry hon, air-conditioning is a must here and this condo is well-equipped”, she said reassuringly, emphasizing every syllable of “well-equipped” as she stared at my half-exposed breasts. “Besides, Elizabeth you saw earlier lives downstairs and Elizabeth has good taste”.
    “Good taste in condos or good taste in women ?”, I asked, suddenly stepping closer to Sue. “Good taste in condos..Mrs. Milton is ..well…not my cup-of-tea””, Sue whispered as she undid her pony tail and let her golden blonde hair fall onto her shoulders. She was a pretty woman and I was attracted to her.
    “Don’t get any ideas, hon”, she finally said, her voice getting deeper, “Elizabeth is taken , as you saw this afternoon. If you want her, you’ll have to bypass Mrs. Milton and that won’t be a healthy proposition”, she whispered as she stepped forward, her face inches from mine. “But I think you are more my type..”, she said as the last words got lost as she backed me against the wall. After getting me on the topic of lesbian love, she finally made her move. One of us had to.
    Lifting my chin with her hand, she pressed her lips on mine and I could feel her tongue sneaking into my mouth and her hands reaching behind me, lifting my asscheeks, pressing me against her. My cunt was getting very wet and droplets slowly making their way down the inside of my thighs. She had completely misread me and I had not seen the signs myself. She had turned into a dominant butch and I couldn’t have that. My hands reached out and grabbed her hair as I turned her around and pinned her against the wall.
    “What the f….?”, she stammered..”I thought you wanted this”.
    “I do, believe me, I do”, I said calmly staring her in the eyes, slowly twisting my hands in her blonde hair, “but under my own terms”, I continued with a smirk.
    I pushed my slightly shorter body against hers, her head hitting the wall lightly, and forced my tongue inside her mouth. She struggled and tried to push me away, I push her back against the wall, then …she slapped me. I slapped her back. Both flushed and our cheeks getting redder, we glared at each other, arms bent, hands outstretched. She kicked off her high heels. We were both ready. Although she was taller than me, I knew I could give her a good fight.
    “You fucking Miss-prissy butch”, she yelled.
    “ You lesbo cowgirl whore”, I snapped back.
    “ Come on, you want to go ?”, I screamed
    “ Oh I wish…bitch..I wish…I would wipe the floor with you”, she screamed back.
    “ Well come on then…afraid to scar your pretty face ?”,
    She stretched her neck and smiled and then did something I didn’t expect her to do. She lifted her dress and tied it in a knot around her waist. She stood in front of me showing her black thong which by that time had completely bunched up inside her damp slit. She began to make slow undulating humping motions with her hips.
    “That’s how I like to fight little would-be dykes like you”, she hissed.
    I understood. She was challenging me to a cunt fight. I had been in those before but not in an empty condo with a real estate agent. It had been in dark backrooms of seedy lesbian clubs. I lifted my short skirt and revealed my blue thong to her. My mound was bolder than hers and I was shaved. Then we clashed head on, mouths meeting in a violent teeth-clashing kiss which was more like mutual biting. My large tits moved up against her small hard ones. The top button of my blouse snapped under the pressure and my bare nipples brushed against hers through the fabric of her dress. I could feel our bunched-up garments making a ridge over our stomachs. We both had grabbed the other by the asscheeks and our thong-covered mounds were moving sideways against each other. I could feel her pubic hair tickling the inside of my thighs. With more flesh on my bones, I wanted to bring our struggle to the hardwood floor where I would have an advantage. She was resisting any tripping on my part. We were kneading each other’s asscheeks as if they were large lumps of dough. My fingers slipped under her narrow thong and brushed against her rosebud. I felt her tremble and moan inside my mouth. Our mounds were practically bare now since our sideways motion had moved the thong pouches to one side. I could feel a hard knob, which I knew to be her clit, rub against my cunt lips. Then I felt Sue let go of my ass, put her hands against my stomach and give me a shove. I stumbled back. I was ready to pounce on her again but she put her hand up to stop me. She backed off, rearranged her dress, put her heels back on and combed her hair with her hand.
    “Listen bitch…we’ll do this..but not now”, she said trying to regain her composure.
    “There are rules here you should know about”, she continued as I stood in front of her, breathing heavily, and finding myself a little ridiculous with my bare tits hanging out of my blouse. .
    “Dominance fights should only occur in front of club members”, she said. “I’ll let you know when the next meeting is and I’ll arrange to introduce you”.
    With those words, she turned around and left.
    Before she had reached the door, I screamed “I’ll take it”.
    She turned around and said “The condo ?”.
    “Yes, I said, the condo and ….the challenge”, I added.
    She opened the door and disappeared.
    I smiled to myself. I had a cunt fight on my hands, had just bought a condo, and I was invited to join a club, all in the same morning. My smile disappeared. She has just left me without a ride home.
    “Fucking bitch”, I screamed in the deserted room.

    Chapter Three


    The Pueblo was situated a few miles from the factory. The main building looked very much like the factory, except that it had three floors, and was built at the same time to house the workers. To allow for the increase in the number of girls, a second dorm, somewhat smaller, had been built next to it. Both dorms had kitchens, washrooms, and all the facilities of a college dorm. A nearby bungalow had been bought later and transformed into a small community centre. This is where the party was to take place. Of course, it was too small to contain everyone so the crowd usually spilled out into the unfenced back yard and , as I found out later, everywhere else around the complex, including the dunes in the distance. A few old cars were parked behind the complex, some not having seen a road in a long time.
    Now a regular customer, I had good service from the local taxi which picked me up at the motel. The driver gave me a strange look when I told him the address, not quite understanding why a woman alone would want to go to the Pueblo. “Nothing there lady, except a whole army of Latina women”, he warned. “I know”, I answered and quickly changed the subject.
    I didn’t know how formal the event was going to be so I didn’t take any chances and wore a simple short black dress with no bra and a black thong, regular flat shoes but nice ones. I had had my hair done frizzy. I had been told to come at 8PM so I arrived around 8:30. The party was already in full swing with groups of girls hanging outside the bungalow drinking beer from cans. I found out later that bottles were not allowed. I was relieved. To my surprise, it was Bianca who came to greet me first and shook my hand warmly. Adriana I met in the house and she gave me a hug and kissed me on the cheek rather clumsily. Karla was already there and in conversation with some young giggling girls. She wore a black leather miniskirt and bright red top which certainly made her stand out. “She’s rather pretty in that outfit”, I thought. She turned her head when she saw me and waved but turned around quickly and continued talking to the girls. It was obvious she was angry that I had accepted the invitation. It was HER going away party and since she didn’t have to answer to the managers anymore, she was planning on having a good time with the cute young women at the party.
    There were all kinds of outfits but all were quite plain. Most of the girls wore short brightly-coloured summer dresses, a few showed up in shorts. A couple of girls were horsing around on the couch and I caught a glimpse of bare asscheeks and even a patch or two of pubic hair which told me no one wore much underneath. The place was already getting warm. I noticed at once that the girls gathered instinctively in groups and that those who worked together stayed together. Groups were separated by wide-open spaces, a no-man’s land (no pun intended) were I could move quite freely. I didn’t take long for the action to start.
    After getting a beer, I made my way into a smaller side-room where the chatter didn’t seem so intense. I understood why. Only a dozen girls were there most of them openly smooching with each other. Some were kissing tenderly, others had lost their blouse and were fondling each other’s tits. Some were going against the rules and were smoking. The air was thick. Then in a corner of the room I saw Adriana. Her skirt was raised up to her waist and she had a girl sitting on her lap. The young girl was topless and wore a miniskirt. Adriana’s hand was moving in slow rhythm under the skirt and the girl occasonaly brushed her nipples against Adriana’s lips. She saw me and called me over. My heart began to beat faster as I approached the couple.
    “This is Elisa. Elisa this is Ashton, our new boss”, said Adriana formally.
    “Hi…Elisa…”, I muttered. Up close I could see she was quite attractive but in a strange way. Her face was long and thin and her hair short and curly. Her skin was very dark like Adriana’s.
    “Are you from Cuba also ?”, I asked.
    “Yes…I am from Santiago de Cuba”, she said shyly putting her hands over her erect breasts.
    “Her mother is Jamaican”, said Adriana, “and she is hot blood”, she laughed as she removed Elisa’s hands from her breasts. “She will get used to you”, assured Adriana. “She’s a bit shy with white women”.
    Adriana’s hand went back under Elisa’s skirt and resumed her back and forth movement. I could see part of Adriana’s naked thighs and catch a glimpse of the thong under her skirt.
    Adriana stared at me smiling while she masturbated her lover. The scene was highly erotic and I felt my pussy getting moist. Elisa was biting her lips and giving me side-looks. Adriana licked the nipple closest to her.
    “Do you like black tits ?”, she asked in a gravely voice.
    “Oh…y…yess..of course”, I muttered , feeling droplets of sweat on my brow.
    Remembering Karla’s warning, I anticipated her invitation and said:
    “But I …I don’t think it would be proper”.
    “Like you want”, said Adriana , as she increased her fondling.
    Elisa mouth was open. She bent her neck backwards. When Adriana bit her nipple, Elisa gave me one of those looks, eyes wide open, mouth gaping, and then her body shook and she let out a loud scream. I instinctively stepped back and let her enjoy her orgasm.
    Adriana took out her wet hand and sensuously licked at fingers while looking at me.
    Elisa stepped down quickly, rearranged her miniskirt and left the room.
    “Now she will be a better fighter”, said Adriana mysteriously.
    “Why is that ?”, I asked rather puzzled at the remark.
    Adriana looked at me as if I was somewhat retarded.
    “Because she will not finish so quickly”, she said slowly for me to understand.
    I suddenly realized she was talking of a sexfight.
    “Elisa is going to sexfight tonight ?”, I asked showing I had finally understood.
    “Maybe..”, said Adriana , “She likes a girl work for Bianca. But she will have to fight to get her. Elisa is you say army…?”
    “Lieutenant ?”, I suggested.
    “Yes, lieutenant”, confirmed Adriana.
    “Catalina is lieutenant for Bianca , » she continued. “She is new. You see her in catfight at factory”.
    “I see. I think I understand. I will look out for her”, I said getting excited at the thought of two naked young Latinas fighting with their cunts. I was getting hornier by the minute and the party was just warming up.
    It didn’t take long for me to spot Catalina. I remembered her Indian features. She wore a short blue skirt which emphasized her thick short thighs and a cheap white blouse. I could easily make out the outline of her nipples, her bare tits straining against the fabric. Catalina was brash. She was walking around the group formed by Bianca’s girls, protecting them, watching for any intruders. That’s what a lieutenant did, I presumed. Elisa had rejoined her own group, her cheeks pink with excitement, and was immediately surrounded by her co-workers. These girls were not jealous of her intimacy with Adriana but rather in awe of her beauty and her power. Each one wanted Elisa to know her first name and sucked up to her. Surrounding her as if she was a movie star, they touched her sometimes quite boldly. Her ass, her tits were gently fondled and Elisa loved the attention. I heard voices or more like cries. Catalina had approached Adriana’s group and was taunting Elisa. Screaming something in Spanish, she faced the rival group and unbuttoned her blouse, her tanned tits jumping out. Quickly Elisa took off her blouse (again) and walked towards the rival lieutenant. The chatter had quieted down. The two girls clashed in the space between the two groups. Each grabbed the other’s tits with both hands and began to knead them and pinch the nipples. I could actually see those breasts slowly getting harder and larger. As soon as the lieutenants let go of their prize and began to press their chests together, the two groups started to approach each other, screaming insults and making obscene gestures. Individual rivalries stood out as one girl would walk to the front of the group and invite a particular girl from the other group to join her for a fight. Four or five of these couples were now forming the first row of each group. I could see there was going to be big trouble very soon. Ignoring the two topless lieutenants still banging their tits together and spitting in each other face, Bianca, Adriana and even Karla walked between the two groups and, after some discussion, managed to calm everyone down. Bianca put her arms around Catalina and Adriana surrounded Elisa’s chest from behind with her long reach. The two managers traded a few insults before they carried their topless lieutenants away but not before the two young girls had placed a good kick in the other’s groin. This was not over by any stretch of the imagination.
    I decided to get some air to cool off. The spring evening was fresh but the heat from the daytime sun was coming off the sand. It was getting dark and the girls outside wore just as little as those inside. Most were topless. I had never seen some many tanned bare tits. A car pulled up in the distance and parked a few hundred feet from the backyard along a old road which had been taken over by the sand dunes. A girl stood next to me topless and in a short linen skirt.
    “White girls”, she said for my information.
    “Oh ? they’re invited to the party ?, I asked
    “ party and no…panty”, she giggled and started walking towards the car followed by a few other girls who looked over their shoulders before they proceeded. I followed them at a distance. “White girls looking for a fight ?”, I thought, “or maybe some action ?”. I was intrigued and excited.
    I could see three young white girls leaning against their car. One was tall and blonde, the other two shorter and brunettes. The blonde wore tights shorts and a tank top while the others had cut-off bleached jeans and a blouse tied in a knot on their belly. They looked like college girls. The Latinas approached them as if they knew them. The girl who had spoken with me walked up to the blonde. I stopped about 20 feet away and crouched not to attract attention. I could see them clearly as the inside car light had been kept on by the open doors. The blonde took off her top and threw it inside the car. Her white tits contrasted with the Latinas. The other two girls undid the knots of their blouse and opened them to show their lures. The blonde lifted her small tits with her hands and puckered her mouth in a kiss toward the Latinas in a sexy provoking way. The Latina had now reached the blonde and a strange dance began between the three white girls and three Latinas. The Latinas groped at their tits while the white girls were playing hard to get and backing away giggling, then coming forward again. One of the brunettes slid off her jeans quickly imitated by the other brunette. The three Latinas stood back and undressed. Turning around, the blonde slowly slid off her shorts inch by inch as her asscheeks were uncovered bit by bit. She sat sideways on the end of the front seat and opened her legs. The Latina dropped to her knees and I saw her head disappear between the blonde’s thighs. She lay down on the seat and folded her legs around the Latina’s neck. The two naked brunettes sat on the trunk of the car and the Latinas, lifting their legs over their shoulders, started to lick them. I wish I could have come closer without being seen. From the car’s bumpersticker, I figured the girls were from the nursing school in town. This rather intimate gathering could not last long without attracting attention. More girls from the party arrived and two other cars, probably waiting on the main road, arrived a little distance from the first one. When these newcomers, more nurses I gathered, stepped out of their car and they were already partially undressed. I counted ten or more girls piling out of the cars, some with beer cans in their hands. They attracted a small swarm of Latinas who descended upon them like grasshoppers in a wheatfield. All were so busy undressing or finding a partner that they didn’t see me approaching and hiding nearby behind a small bush. About 30 girls were now mingling, some kissing, others busy trying to lure the cute Latinas to a secluded spot for some sex. The original three couples had long since finished and were coupling with other partners. It was a lesbian orgy. Since there were many more Latinas than white girls, small wars were inevitably going to break out. Besides all these girls were from different groups, some were Bianca’s , others probably Adriana’s and some even Monica’s. A small circle forming quite a distance from my vantage point told me the first fight had started. I could see between the legs of onlookers that two Latina girls were battling it out on the sand. Then two more girls from the onlooking circle started throwing punches. The white girls, those who were not engaging in sex, were schrieking and jumping up and down excited by the fights. Two groups of Latinas starting forming and traded insults with each other. The white girls retreated to their cars now a little scared by what they had started. One girl from each group came out and they met in the middle. My eyes now being accustomed to the darkness, I could clearly see them. I recognized Elisa, Adriana’s lieutenant. At first I didn’t see the other girl clearly but when she turned my way and her Indian features became obvious I recognized Catalina. I was shivering with excitement as I apprehended a sequel to the tit-fight the two lieutenants had begun earlier. They were both topless, their breasts glistening with sweat. They were still in their short skirts and judging from the jiggling of their protruding asscheeks, they were nothing underneath. The two groups had quieted down except for a few insults and hand gestures. The white girls had grouped together around one car, looking intensily at the scene. Two beautiful Latinas were about to fight for them. The girls circled each other sometimes stopping to make humping motions with their hips. This was not going to be your usual girl-fight. Elisa, who had her back to me, suddenly went down on her hands and knees. Catalina slowly assumed the same position. I could not take my eyes off Elisa’s ass clearly showing under her bunched up skirt. Her mound make a small ridge between her thighs. Even in that position, both girls’ breasts were firm. They approached each other like two cats, crouching. Elisa put her right hand to her cunt, stroked it a few times, and held it out in front of her. Catalina imitated her gesture. They were close now, close enough to touch. Catalina smelled Elisa’s hand and Elisa Catalina’s. Smelling each other’s love juices, the two girls trembled with lust, lust for each other but mainly lust for the white girls. Catalina could not restrain herself and sucked on Elisa’s fingers. Then Elisa made her move. She dove between the other girl’s thighs and the fight was on. Elisa managed to get herself under Catalina and quickly her mouth found her target. Catalina was taken by surprise as she tried to fall on Elisa’s crotch. Elisa, still connected to Catalina’s cunt, twisted her lower body so that Catalina’s face reached her ass intead . Catalina used her hand and fingers to pry Elisa’s thighs apart and turn her over. The two young girls were twisting and turning about on the sand in an attempt to suck the other. Both knew the other was seconds away from an orgasm. I watched the sexfight progress from an attempted 69 to mutual rough groping. They pulled each other’s hair with one hand and masturbated each other with their other hand. It was a stand-off as I could hear them screaming insults between groans. They were both hanging on despite the rough handjob they were doing to each other. They pulled hair and their heads were shaking, their bodies glistening with sweat in the moonlight. The crowd was cheering them on as they , after some hesitation and by what seemed mutual consent, let go of the other’s hair and dove head first between the other’s open thighs. Locked in a wild 69, the two Latinas rolled about, Elisa first on top then Catalina. Each had grabbed the other by her asscheeks and was pulling her rival’s hips to her mouth as they ate each other out. Nobody, not even Bianca or Adriana, could have separated those girls, even with a crowbar. I was frustrated at not being able to see the two combatants clearly and slowly made my way to the scene hoping the girls would have their eyes too glued to the fight to see me. As I approached the couple, I could hear the slurping sounds of mouths on wet cunts and clearly saw that each had a few fingers imbedded in the other’s asshole. Driven by the cheering crowd, the two Latina lesbians rolled around a few times more before finally stopping near the car. The rhythm of the humping motions had increased tremendously, then stopped suddenly. The two bodies were breathing hard and still locked together mouth to cunt. Elisa, who was on top, got up slowly and kicked Catalina in the ribs. Her rival was motionless on her back and the kick barely stirred her. Elisa stood over Catalina with her legs on either side of her face and squatted over her rival. Expecting her to pee on her face, Adriana’s girls began to shout encouragement and applaud. Wanting only to show her dominance and having no intention of spraying Bianca’s lieutenant, Elisa simply said a few words to Catalina and walked away.
    Without my knowledge, Bianca and Adriana had witnessed the end of the fight.
    Bianca made some gesture for the crowd to disperse. Adriana turned towards the white girls and I could hear her insulting them and telling them not to come here again. Catalina got up slowly and began to walk back to the house with Bianca. The sight of those two wild sexy Latinas sucking each other off had made me very wet.
    I waited until the crowd had made its way to the Pueblo and turned my attention to the white girls. They had retreated to their cars scared off by Adriana’s threats. I approached the nearest car, the one with the blonde. As I looked into the dark inside, I could see the three of them, the blonde and the two brunettes, huddled in the back seat , their tops on but naked from the waist down. They were staring at me. I tapped on the window.
    “And what the hell do YOU want ?, hissed the blonde.
    “The fight make you horny ?”, I said calmly.
    “Yea…that one sucked me off real good”, she confided, her voice quieting down when she saw I was also white.
    “Yes..I noticed you two had a get-together before”, I said getting throaty.
    Putting her hand on her cunt, the blonde looked at her two friends and they all three burst out laughing.
    “She sure did a number on me..”, replied the blonde, tilting her head and opening her blue eyes wide.
    “Can I come in out of the cold ?”, I asked rather pleading.
    “Oh…yes..I guess so”, replied the blonde looking at her two friends for approval.
    “Thank you”, I said, “This whole scene got me sooooo horny”.
    They giggled as the blonde stepped out of the car and I steeped in next to the two brunettes. There was a smell of alcohol, sweat and sex which reminded me of particular lesbian bars I frequented. The blonde sat next to me and closed the door. There was a moment of silence as the blonde and I appraised at each other. She looked 18 or 19 but she was probably older. Tall and skinny, she had small erect breasts barely hidden by her T-shirt. She slowly opened her legs to reveal a small patch of wet pubic hair plastered against her skin. I cupped her chin with my hand. She smiled and started to unbutton my blouse. The brunette next to me began to stroke my hair and I could hear the other brunette taking off her top. We had to. We were there together, horny and willing. No one spoke. I turned facing the front of the car, lifted my legs, reached under me and slipped off my thong. My blouse was unbuttoned now and I just let it slide down my arms. It was all so natural. We had to. The brunettes clustered at one end of the seat as the blonde stretched out. Naked I stretched out on top of her. There was no question about who was expected to do what. I covered her small tits with my large ones and we kissed for a minute. She pushed my face away gently. “Do me”, she simply said. She wrapped her legs around my waist as I moved my hips between her thighs. One of the brunettes slid between us and the front seat, reached the door, turned facing me and crouching, lowered her cunt on the blonde’s face. The blonde’s tongue darted out and began to lick her friend’s cunt lips. I was moving in on her now, our wet cunts pressing together. I slid my hands under her ass and began to move my hips as much as the cramped quarters permitted. I tilted my head and the brunette kissed me. Suddenly I felt a warm tongue between my asscheeks. The other brunette was applying butterfly kisses to my asscheeks and her tongue was sliding down the crack of my ass. She spread my asscheeks with her fingers and began to lick my asshole and then sliding her hardened tongue right inside. I could feel her tongue probing me everytime I moved my hips back. I was riding the blonde and we had reached a good ryhthm. Our cunt lips were wide open and our clits rubbing freely. I could hear a muffled groan as my lover was nearing her climax and still sucking on her friend’s clit. The brunette face was flushed and moving her hips against the blonde’s face. Once in awhile we would kiss and I would arch my back and fondle her full tits. Our rhythm increased. The first one to finish was the brunette. She grabbed me by the hair and kissed me savagely as she had her orgasm. Then the blonde and I came practically simultaneously, bumping our cunts hard, shaking, groaning and then it was over. I lay down on my blonde lover while the brunette broke contact and joined the other brunette behind me. I could hear them kissing and the next minute, I felt feet on my ass as the satisfied brunette was going down on the asslicker. The blonde and I kissed and I tasted the love juices of her friend on her mouth. As I looked up, I saw a face in the window look at me and disappear. I raised myself and put on my clothes.
    “What’s the hurry ?”, said the blonde coughing.
    “I have to go…join the party…I am so sorry..”, I mumbled slipping on my thong.
    “Too bad,” she said in a disappointed voice, “this party was just beginning”.
    “We’ll meet again I’m sure”, I said.
    “I hope so”, she said , looking at the two brunettes now busy taking care of each other.
    I gave them a last glance, opened the door and made my way quickly towards the Pueblo. I suddenly remembered I hadn’t asked for her name. Oh well, too late now.

    I head footsteps behind me.
    “Was it good ?”, Adriana asked as I turned around and saw her silhouette in the dark.
    “Oh…yes it was..”, I said rather sheepishly.
    “I like white girls with white girls..and Latinas with Latinas”, she said rather seriously as if she was taking about clothes.
    “Yes I guess it’s the proper thing to do”, I said, still rather embarassed at having been caught with my panties down.
    “They are waiting for you at the Pueblo”, she said changing the subjetc, “There is a special gift for Karla in the living room”, Adriana said with a wicked smile.

    As we came in through the rear door, she took my hand and led me back into the main room. Most of the party was gathered there, some looking from the windows, congregated in the doorways. Bianca and Monica were bringing in a thin mattress which they set in the middle of the room. Karla was standing by herself looking nervous, twisting her bangs with her fingers.
    “Quiet please”, roared Bianca. Then she made an announcement in Spanish and then in English.
    “We decided to give Karla a gift because she is going away and to say thank you” and everyone applauded. I looked around expecting a box or a cake but my eyes kept coming back to the mattress.
    Bianca approached Karla, took her hand, and brought her to the middle of the crowded room. Karla was flushed and her eyes met mine for a second. I could read P-A-N-I-C.
    Then out of nowhere came a girl of about 18 wearing a beautiful embroidered dress and long black hair flowing down her back to her waist. She looked Cuban and I suspected she was one of Adriana’s girls. Cries of appreciation greeted her appearance. Karla’s eyes widened. Her bust began to move up and down noticeably with her breathing and I could see sweat on her brow. The young girl walked slowly towards Karla. She put her hands on her shoulders and kissed her on the lips, gently at first and then her tongue licked Karla’s mouth. She slipped the shoulder straps of her dress down her shoulders and she pulled the top part of her dress down until her breasts were in full view. They were conical and had large nipples. They were dark and perfect. She approached Karla again and put her hands behind her head and pulled her head to her tits. I could see Karla kiss them with her closed lips, then lifting her head again, looking at the ceiling and around at the silent crowd.
    “Thank you”, she said in a choked voice.
    Then she took both breasts with her hands and started kissing them and licking them as the crowd applauded and cheered. Bianca made a signal with her hand and three girls surrounded Karla and began to undress her, pulling her top over her head, unzipping her miniskirt and leaving her only in her short tight thong. The young girl lifted her skirt and pivoted around like a mechanical toy showing everyone a dark triangle of pubic hair between her thighs. More groans from the crowd. We were all staring at Karla’s gift. Then Monica stepped in.
    “It is nice gift for Karla but there is a new boss here”, she began.
    “I think nice gift is good for new boss also”, I heard her say and my face began to flush as people turned to me.
    “Where is Ashton ?”, she continued.
    “I …I am here..”, I stammered as I lifted my hand like a schoolgirl.
    “Come here please”, said Monica with a broad smile.
    I approached her and the young girl who by this time had let her dress fall back to her knees.
    My head buzzed but I heard loud applause and catcalls all around. This was a set-up.
    “Do you like this girl ?”, asked Monica
    “Of course..she is very beautiful…”, I said as I stared at her naked breasts. My heart was in my throat but I felt a trickle of juices down my inner thigh. It was not from my previous encounter with the blonde. I was dripping wet for the young Latina.
    “Karla, do you like this girl ?”, asked Monica.
    “Yes”, answered Karla with such force that the crowd hushed.
    Before Monica could ask any more questions, I heard myself say : “I like this girl very much “. Karla stared at me and her eyes narrowing into slits. I stared back at her. Karla was not going to take this girl away from me. People made room for me as I moved to the centre of the room. Some touched my shoulder or my arm and whispered words of encouragement in broken English.
    “Who will have the girl ?”, asked Monica again but this time to the crowd.
    No one answered as I felt all Latina eyes on me and Karla.
    I remembered Karla’s advice about staying away from the girls. She hadn’t but she wanted to deprive me of them. She wanted them for herself. The bitch. Her plan had backfired and she was angry. We were both angry at each other.
    “You stuck-up bitch, it’s my party and my girl”, screamed Karla at me at the top of her voice.
    “You worn out butch, you couldn’t fuck her if you tried”, I screamed back and using my final weapon, I simply said “Monica taught you a lesson, remember ?”
    Hearing those words, Karla lunged at me fists flying. I protected myself as best I could and counter-attacked with a few well-placed punches to her tits and face. The crowd roared as they were finally going to see what they came for, a fight between the two bosses.
    Karla and I grabbed a handful of each other’s hair as we continued to land punches to the face and body. The small circle of girls which had surrounded us at first was now much larger and thicker as girls were elbowing their way to the front to watch the fight.
    I grabbed the front of Karla’s red top and tugged at it, once , twice and then it gave, her large slightly sagging tits bouncing free. We both stepped back for a second then Karla’s long arm grabbed the front of my black dress and started tugging on it with all her might. I took the opportunity to punch her tits but she held on, her face showing pain, until one shoulder strap gave and the dress began to tear on one side. My left breast was uncovered and half my dress was hanging only by the other strap. It was a handicap and I stepped back and slipped it off. Through all this Karla was still in her thong. We faced each other again only in our thongs. No need to tell you we attacked each other’s tits with fury. Digging our nails in the other’s fleshy melons, we twisted and pulled , both of us by now crying in pain. Karla was saying something under her breath which I couldn’t hear. Blood began to trickle down to our stomach. Two gladiators. Karla spit in my face. I spit back. Our fingers moved instinctively to our nipples which we pinched . Our face crinkled in pain as our erect bleeding tits were mauled. We danced around for a few minutes trying to find a way to make the other let go, pinching, scratching, tearing at our tits. Then Karla swiftly brought her arm up and caught me in a headlock. I could feel the pressure of her strong arm around my neck. I reached down and grabbed at her thong, fingers snapping at it then finally slipping between her stomach and the elastic band. Karla reacted by pulling on my arm and then she hit me in the face. The blow stunned me and my nose started bleeding. In pain, I continued to push my hand in her thong until I could feel her pubic hair and then I pulled, pulled with all my might at her cunt hair. Karla screamed. Still holding me in a headlock , her other hand reached for my thong. As I tried to move back, she increased the pressure on my neck. She easily pulled my thong half-way down, took a hand-full of my pubic hair and yanked at it. The pain was incredible. I screamed but held on as we pulled at each other’s cunt hair as hard as we could. I could only see a way out of the stalemate and with a swift movement I lowered my hand and started to rub her cunt lips. Karla hissed.
    “So that’s how you want to fight, you whore”, she whispered between grit teeth.
    She immediately found my cunt and jammed a finger in my hole. As we worked on each other, I could hear screams of excitement and encouragement from our audience. The white bosses were fingering each other. Although I think we had been tempted after our first meeting, Karla and I never had sex. But we knew a woman’s body and our fingers found each other’s hard knob in no time. I knew I was doing the right thing when I felt the pressure on my neck slowly decreasing. Then Karla would increase it again, rubbing my clit with renewed vigor. I don’t know how long we stood that way, masturbating each other but it seemed like forever. I think I climaxed first but it could have been Karla who did. In any event, we both screamed and shuddered at about the same time, Karla releasing the pressure on my head enough for me to escape.
    Our chests heaving, our faces scarred and our tits bleeding (my nose has stopped bleeding), we faced each other. I slipped off my thong which was hugging my thighs by that time. Karla did the same. We were naked. Our wet pubic hair was plastered to our mound. Silently, Karla spread her pussy lips with her fingers and made humping motions at me. Without breaking eye contact with her, I did the same. Challenge made. Challenge acccepted. The Latina girls were excited. They were going to see the two white bosses fuck each other.
    Karla sat down on the carpet , her legs wide open. I approached her and sat in front of her. It was as if we were going to participate in some ritual heritated from a far-away land. Monica and Bianca came to our side and helped us. We moved towards each other, legs open, and the two Latinas (who had certainly been in that situation themselves before) lifted Karla’s leg over my stomach while guiding mine over her hip. Each behind one of us, they pushed us towards each other until my V met Karla’s. Our cunts touched. We both started moving our hips in a sideways motion. I could feel Karla’s wet swollen cunt lips against mine. We were both staring at our mounds. I grabbed Karla’s foot and began to suck on her toes. We were both so close , so close to another orgasm, anything could trigger it. Karla kicked my mouth and I bit her foot. Then I hit her face with my heel.
    “Stop it”, cried Monica. “You fight with pussy”, she commanded.
    I saw her speaking with the young Latina “prize”. She giggled and turned towards us. With a foot on either side of our entertwined legs, she faced me first, lifting her dress and showing me her cunt lightly but uniformely covered with short curly black pubic hair. I stared at her cunt lips as she opened them with her fingers. I could smell the sweet aroma of her moist slit. My hips began to undulated against Karla’s and our cunts met again. I wasn’t fucking Karla , I was fucking this sweet young girl. She then turned around and faced Karla. She thrust her ass towards me as she masturbated for Karla. I could see her pink intimate hole and the wrinkled flesh around it. I felt Karla’s cunt pushing against mine. She wanted to fuck her so badly. The Latina girl then stepped away from us and joined Monica on the sidelines. That private show had motivated us to finish the other off. Karla and I opened our legs wider and our cunts crushed against each other. Lifting my ass from the carpet with my arms , I pushed against Karla’s V. I could see her face wince as my clit rubbed against hers. She lifted herself up also and we began our battle, sweating heavily, pushing and grinding against the other. We had reached a rhythm somehow. We were fucking like an old couple. Our juices were flowing down our asscheeks. As if my ears had been suddenly unplugged, I heard the cheers from the sidelines. I looked over at Monica and the girl. She was looking straight at me. She wanted me, or at least I thought so. I began to bump Karla’s cunt with mine. Hard bumps. Our cunts were slapping together like two pairs of hands. We must have gone on like this for five maybe ten minutes. Then Karla fell on her back and her body shook. She was spending. I gave her a few more bumps for good measure then, as she lay motionless, I got up and stood over her. She was staring at me.
    “I should have gone for a suck. I know I can outsuck you”, she whispered under her breath.
    “Come on and try it”, I answered with assurance.
    She got on all fours in front of me. I got on all fours also. I stroked my wet cunt with my hand and brought it to her face. She licked my fingers triumphantly, shaking her hair in a challenging way. She rubbed herself also and put her wet hand over my face. I sniffed at her hand and licked her fingers. Still on all fours, we moved so that we were side by side, head to ass. I licked her asscheek. I could smell her aroma and she could smell mine. We each wrapped an arm around the other’s waist and began to wrestle, trying to flip the other over. I felt myself being lifted off the floor and I landed on my back. Karla quickly jumped on me and we ended up mouth to cunt. As I said before Karla and I never had sex and she had never experienced my tongue and I hers. We both stumbled a bit at first but I quickly started to suck on her cunt lips while she licked my wet slit. I suspect Karla was more used to girl fucking that girl sucking. I could feel her tongue all right but she didn’t know how to tease a clit. I enjoyed sucking and I was very good at it. I licked all around her large clit while I introduced a finger in her open cunt hole. I could feel her hot breath on my cunt. What if the bitch decided to bite my clit ? I was ready and would have chopped hers off in a second. But neither of us wanted to really hurt the other except in our lesbian pride. I began to touch the tip of her clit with my tongue while I continued to drive my finger deep inside her. She was licking mine. She began to moan and more her hips against my mouth. She was ready. I wrapped my lips around her clit and sucked on it. I continued to lick the tip, pressing my tongue hard on the rigid button. When I sensed she was ready, I took my finger out of her cunt and rammed it into her asshole. I pumped her ass while I sucked hard on her clit, my cheeks hollow from the effort. She came. Suddenly and hard, lifting her head gasping for air. I got lucky because I was nearly there myself. I pushed her off me with difficulty. She was limp and heavy. I stood over her. The crowd was silent. I didn’t know what to do. Humiliate her ? I wanted to keep my pleasure for the young girl. Karla recovered slowly. Monica came towards me and lifted my arm in victory. The girls clapped and cheered. Karla got up slowly, picked up her clothes and made her way through the crowd without looking back at me.
    What followed happened quickly and quietly. Monica, Adriana and Bianca led me to the next room. A few girls were appointed to keep people out. My prize was naked on a mattress, on her back and legs open. With only the three managers as witnesses, I positioned myself between the girl’s thighs and kissed her tenderly. She kissed me back with more passion that I expected. We never broke that kiss. My big tits crushing hers, I lowered my hand and stroked her cunt lips. I opened them and massaged them until I could feel enough juices. Then I moved on her slowly at first, breaking our kiss only to suck on her small nipples. She arched her back and met me. Karla had brought me so close that I came quickly, too quickly, before she did. I felt bad but she didn’t seem to mind as she kissed my eyelids and nibbled on my earlobes.
    “You can fuck her later at motel”, said Monica smiling with all her white teeth showing.
    I did , over and over again. It was a nice prize.



    Sue Brady had left me a message on the motel phone. The meeting at the club was scheduled for tonight at 8:00PM. Her tone of voice didn’t leave any choice; I was expected to be there. Besides I wanted to be there. I had slept in, having gotten home late from the party the previous night. I was in surprising shape after all this fighting and sex. I had to be since I thought this evening would be as interesting and maybe as demanding.
    The phone rang while I was in the shower. Another message from Sue: phone her right away.
    “’s Ashton”, I said quickly to break the ice. Our last parting had not been very friendly to say the least.
    “Hey”, answered Sue curtly. “Listen, the meeting is at 8:00 and the address is 525 Oakridge avenue. It’s a huge house, you can’t miss it. I don’t have to tell you to keep your big mouth shut about this.”
    “First of all, I don’t have a big mouth”, I said calmly, “and secondly you don’t have to tell me to be discreet”.
    “Ok, see you there”, and she hung up.
    I expected this “meeting” to be rather formal so I tried on a white blouse and the old beige pantsuit I used to wear back east when I haunted high-class lesbian bars. I had to pull a bit to get my ass to fit but it was fine. A nice tight fit. I left the bra in the drawer but wore my tiny black thong. Oh yes..earrings and, around my neck, a leather band with pearls, the one my ex-girlfriend used to call my dog collar.

    The cab driver was a talker. He was into genealogy and told me all about how his family had settled this area in the middle of the 19th century. I wasn’t listening until he talked about the library. He was spending his time off there.
    “The librarian is so helpful”, he gushed. “Her name is Ms Nording. Swedish descent I think”, he continued. “And …by God…there is her car”, he noticed as we approached 525 Oakridge. “There must be a big party tonight, hey ?”, he asked
    “A social event, charity event”, I mumbled.
    “Ah that’s nice. She is very nice. Do you know her?”, I continued.
    “No I don’t, but I think I will soon”, I answered as I left the cab quickly.
    Sue was right. The house was a stone mansion with large grounds all around separating it from the neighbours. To get to the front door, one had to walk through rose gardens and follow a narrow path snaking through some willow trees. A wide veranda, which seemed a bit out of place and more recent, surrounded the entire house. I could see some lights but no one was outside. It was such a beautiful evening but then this was a meeting not a party.
    As soon as I rang the doorbell, one of the double doors opened and Sue grabbed me and pulled me in. Squeezing my arm, she led me to a small study just off the front door. An older woman raised herself slowly from a sofa and extended her limp hand. Sue had disappeared.
    “I’m Helen”, said the lady. “I own this house”.
    “It’s a very beautiful house. Do you live alone in this big house”, I asked innocently.
    Helen looked at me and ignored my question. She was probably in her early 60s but her shortish strands of salt-and-pepper hair made her look a bit younger. She wore a straight black dress which hung over a full bust obviously artificially supported.
    I followed her across the room. Over her shoulder she said “I said I owned the house. I didn’t say I lived here”. I had learned my first lesson.

    We walked into a silent room occupied by half a dozen women. The silence was occasionally broken by whispers and muffled laughter. Everyone remained seated when I entered but all eyes were on me. I tried to look comfortable and make eye-contact with each of the women. Besides Sue, I recognized the two ladies from the motel. The blonde bony-face busty woman in her 50s I took to be my taxi driver’s favourite librarian. The other two, one blonde and one gorgeous brunette, were much younger, probably in their late 20s.
    “Ladies, this is Ashton. She is new in town and she has been…recommended…by Sue”. Helen announced . “Does anyone have any objections to her joining our club ?”, she then asked. The two young ladies looked at me and the others looked at their feet.
    “Welcome Ashton ”, said the librarian.
    “Thank you”, I answered. “Thank you for …having me”, I said and immediately regretted my choice of words.
    “This is a club, Ashton, that’s why we call our meetings…well.. meetings…but you’ll see they’re not that formal”, Helen said reassuring. “Well now”, she continued nervously, “there is wine on the table and some nibbles. Please partake”.
    The women got up and walked to the table, some in pairs, others singly.
    “You must be the librarian”, I asked the blonde lady.
    “Well ..yes..I’m a librarian. But how do you know this ?”, she asked suddenly apprehensive.
    “Oh…I …must have seen you at the library”, I said hurriedly , immediately promising myself to keep my mouth shut from now on.
    “Thank you for welcoming me”, I quickly said, changing the subject.
    “You’re welcome… it ? ”, she answered suddenly smiling and taking my arm leading me to the table. “Have some wine and unwind”, she said laughing at her own pun.
    Everyone looked rather formal with each other. Strange , I thought, for ladies who are probably used to seeing each other naked and doing filthy things. I laughed inside thinking of last night’s party and how different everything was.
    The doorbell chimed. Everyone looked at the door which had been closed by Helen as she departed.
    “Whatever happens, whatever you see, just keep quiet”, warned Sue who had suddenly moved next to me.
    The door of the living room - that was the room we were gathered in – opened and an older lady walked in with Helen looking sternly at all of us. She stopped and turning to Helen motioned in my direction with her chin. “A new member”, Helen whispered to her.
    The new guest was about Helen’s age and wore a similar dress but dark blue, more of a royal blue. Her long hair was up and a greyish strands framed her rather bony face. She looked eastern European.
    “You probably know why I am here Helen”, she said with a slight accent which I guessed was Polish.
    “I take it Wanda you have a problem you want to discuss with us”, answered Helen.
    “Yes..I have meetings also you are aware of , meetings you are also all invited to, “she continued looking at all of us.
    “And my meetings, which preceded yours, Helen, have not been well attended recently, especially since you have begun yours. I think we should settle who should organize meetings…and who should stop”, she said with a sudden hiss in her voice.
    Helen stepped up to Wanda and stared at her. The two older women glared at each other. There was absolute silence in the room.
    “You are right Wanda. We should settle it between ourselves”, said Helen continuing to stare at her rival.
    Wanda then slapped Helen hard across the face. Helen winced but stood her ground.
    I could hear a slight gasp from some of the ladies in the room.
    Helen slapped Wanda. Wanda smiled, wound up and returned the slap. Neither of the two ladies had moved her feet. Standing face to face , they continued to take turns slapping each other. They were breathing more heavily with every slap. The other women in the room had now moved to make a circle around the combatants. SLAP ! SLAP ! It continued for what seemed to be the longest time. From where I stood, I could see a small trickle of blood from Helen’s nose. Her hand had some blood spots on it and I presumed Wanda was bleeding also. The tempo had increased when Wanda slowly dropped to her knees, not in submission but rather as an invitation to her opponent.
    Wanda, now on all fours, was met by Helen who positioned herself next to her, each facing in opposite directions. As if they had done this a hundred times, they each lifted the other’s dress over her waist uncovering the other’s rump. My companions, as if the excitement of the fight had finally settled in, were now moving about freely looking with some lust at the two older woman on the floor. Each wore white panties which were pulled down by her opponent as quickly as the dress had been lifted. I walked around to see both bare bottoms. Helen’s seemed a little wider and a patch of well-groomed pubic hair peeked between her thighs. Wanda’s ass seemed more rounded and her carpet not as full. SLAP ! SLAP ! continued the ladies, this time spanking each other with all their might. An arm around each other’s waist for balance, they smacked each other’s asscheeks with force. Their face showed little emotion at first but as time when on, tears began to swell in their eyes and droplets of sweat forming on their brows. I could clearly see red welts on their asscheeks as the sound of hands slapping flesh continued to fill the room. Different from the face slapping, the ladies did not strike each other in turn and the frequency of blows was dependent on how fast each could bring her hand back for the next blow. The pace was getting furious when Wanda brought the confrontation to another level. She stopped hitting her rivals ass and instead slipped her hand down the crack of her ass to her womanhood. Helen immediately followed suit, obviously relieved of the pain. Hands were busy moving between each other’s thighs from the rear , rubbing the other woman’s labia. The spectators watched intently as pleasure juices covered hands and inner thighs. Both ladies otherwise kept their position on the floor and continued to clasp each other at the waist with one arm. Hands and fingers were busy, rubbing and poking, penetrating and squeezing.
    If I had met either ladies on the street, I would never have thought these older sophisticated women capable of uttering the obscenities we heard them throw at each other.
    “You bitch , Helen, give to me”, hissed Wanda.
    “Fuck you, you whore, I’m going to make you gush”, answered Helen under her breath.
    “Your clit will be so sore , you’ll never want to fuck a girl again”, continued Wanda.
    “Am I reaching your little clitty Wanda, or is that your piss hole ?”, teased Helen.
    “You could never tell the difference, you old dyke”, screamed Wanda.
    “AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH”, screamed Wanda as she began to shudder and buck her hips against Helen’s hand. Her hand stopped moving and her head leaned forward slowly until her brow hit the carpet. She opened her legs wider and she came hard once more, her face grimacing. Helen continued her hand movement until Wanda rolled on her back. Helen remained on her hands and knees for a minute catching her breath. She got up slowly , pushing away helping hands from the circle of women around her. She reached under her dress and rubbed her aching rump. Wanda was stretched out on her back on the floor panting. Helen stood over her, her legs on either side of her body. Then as she lifted her long dress, squatted over Wanda’s head which disappeared under the black fabric. In that position, Helen moved her hips against Wanda’s invisible face. We could barely hear the muffled sound Wanda’s mouth made on Helen’s cunt. After a few minutes, Helen threw her head back, shivered , and smiled. The sound stopped. Helen got up and pressed her dress back against her body. Wanda got up slowly wiping the shiny liquid from her face. She looked at all of us and walked towards the door.
    “You’re always welcome here, Wanda”, whispered Helen as her defeated rival left the room.

    Everyone had been watching the encounter between Helen and Wanda with great interest and of course with growing excitement. After Wanda’s departure, I finally looked around the room and came to my senses as I watched the other women in various stages of undress. I looked so silly with everything still on and before I could do anything about it, I felt a semi-clad body pressing against me from behind with a pair of hands unbuttoning my jacket and squeezing my tits.
    “I didn’t know librarians were so enterprising”, I said as I turned my head towards the blonde whom I would know later as Selma.
    “Librarians are very much underrated”, she answered as she unbuttoned my blouse.
    I moved forward to let my jacket slide and threw it on a chair. I pushed my back against Selma’s naked chest and she resumed her unbuttoning. The room was quietly buzzing with women in pairs slowly undressing each other. Mrs. Milton and her lover Elizabeth were already in each other’s arms, dressed only in panties. Sue, also topless but still in her tight designer jeans, had cornered the young blonde and was kissing her neck while her hands were busy with the zipper of her skirt. Selma was topless and in knee-length black skirt and still attacking me. Shoes and pieces of clothing were littering the carpet. On a large couch, I could see Helen still in her black dress talking to the young brunette who was stark naked. She held her hands and seemed to be telling her about life as a lesbian.
    I was very horny. Selma had managed to take off my blouse. I turned around and faced her. We were amongst ladies. We kissed. Softly at first and then more passionately, our hands squeezing each other large breasts. I sucked on her nipples and she sucked on mine. We were in each other’s arms as our hands cupped our asscheeks and we kissed again. Her hand moved to the front of my pants and cupped my pussy. I cupped hers through her skirt. We were becoming less and less ladylike. I unzipped her dress and she my trousers. Naked except for our thongs, we came together again and danced around feeling each other up as we slid along the carpet. The doctor’s wife was sitting on the lawyer’s knees and kissing her lover. Sue, still in her jeans, was kneeling in front of the blonde and licking her pussy while Helen had obviously finished her story and was riding the lovely brunette, her dress bunched up around her waist. I began to hear moans and the meeting was heating up.
    Selma and I were whispering dirty things to each other until we finally decided to slip out of our thong and have sex on the floor. She was rather attractive for a full-bodied woman in her late 40s. On the floor, we smelled each other and licked arms and legs and thighs until we finally rested mouth to pussy with her on top. We were close to orgasm even before we began eating each other. After our first mutual orgasm, she tried to get up but I simply rolled her over and continued to lick her. We resumed our mutual attention to each other’s labia until another orgasm made us both shiver. I rolled off her and we sat up looking around the room.
    No one had even noticed us. Mrs. Milton was sitting astride Elizabeth in the chair and was rubbing herself vigorously against her lover. Elizabeth’s head was thrown back and it was intriguing to see mousy Mrs. Milton dominating her lawyer friend. Sue had finally disrobed and was fucking her sweet young blonde on the floor. Her lover was tall and slim and her long legs were wrapped around Sue’s waist. I could hear Sue screaming “Oh fuck..oh fuck..”. The ladies had metamorphosed into lecherous lesbians. Helen was still lying full length on the brunette and they both were resting and talking.
    Selma and I were the only ones who hadn’t fucked. We seemed to have realized that simultaneously. I sprang on her first but she resisted and rolled on top of me. With the momentum, I rolled her over, then she was on top again. I thought she was fooling around until we banged into a table. Immediately realizing neither was willing to capitulate to the other, our hands gripped each other’s hair as we resumed the struggle away from the furniture.
    “Oh you want to fuck me, do you ? “, Selma hissed in my ear.
    “Yes I do, you blonde slut”, I hissed back.
    “I’m no doll and you’ll have to fight me first”, she screamed as she slapped my face hard.
    “Oh you bitch”, I said as I slapped her back.
    As we were cursing and struggling on the floor, I could see two then four pairs of legs around us. I felt Helen grabbing me by the shoulders and pulling me back. Elizabeth had her arms around Selma’s waist and was lifting her up.
    “You are just gushing in your panties for me , you whore”, screamed Selma.
    “You want my clit in your slit, admit it you slut”, I screamed back.
    Sue had joined the fray and was struggling with Elizabeth to get Selma loose. I could not resist Helen without creating an incident. Deborah (Mrs. Milton) came to Elizabeth’s rescue and held Selma while Sue and Elizabeth were pushing and shoving. Suddenly we heard screaming and yelling from a corner of the room. The two young girls, blonde Ashley and Jenny the brunette, were going at it. We all rushed towards them and separated them but not before each had landed some good punches to the other’s face. Ashley’s nose was bleeding and Jenny’s face was scratched. Their hair was a mess.
    “ENOUGH”, screamed Helen. And everyone stood still except for Ashley who was trying to find a tissue for her nosebleed.
    “If there are some differences between you ladies, let’s settle them in an organized fashion not in a bar room brawl atmosphere”, continued Helen.
    “Remember we are all ladies and we should behave like ladies”.
    “Selma and …Ashton will settle their struggle for dominance at the next meeting”, proclaimed the head of the club. “Let the meeting between myself and Wanda be an example for you all”. And addressing herself to the young girls: “As far as you are concerned, young ladies, you must learn that jealousies are not settled with your fists but with your… but with your… female attributes, “ she stammered.
    “Now I fully understand your appetite for violence but let it be contained and channelled when it flares up between you ladies. Violence between females not members of our group and…social standing… is another matter altogether. I will prove to you what I mean and let you regale, as I do, in watching a good catfight”, and she finally concluded with a “Get dressed and please follow me”.
    We found our clothing and Helen led us upstairs through long hallways. I stayed away from Sue and Selma and the other brawlers kept their distances. Helen tried to find out from her lover Jenny what the fight was about. I couldn’t hear much but it seemed that Ashley had been jealous of Helen’s attention towards Jenny. There didn’t seem to be much love lost anyway between these two young ladies.
    We filled a medium-size room. We all stood around with our back to the wall. There was a small free area in the middle. Helen then left for a minute and came back with a young Indonesian girl. She was stark naked. Needless to say we all appraised the young female body : small firm upright breasts, a nice olive-skin oval face with shoulder-length black hair , nice firm rounded ass and a short slit surmounted by a tiny triangle of black pubic hair. Before I go on, I must explain that it was common for wealthy families in the town to have Indonesian servants. They were hired and fired depending on the moods of the families. Of course, I don’t have to tell you that young female Indonesian girls were popular amongst some single ladies and the competition for positions and other benefits was very harsh even brutal.
    “I have to choose between two girls for my …service”, announced Helen as she moved the girl to one side of the room. She left and came back with another girl of about the same age, slightly more rounded and more attractive.
    “I thought that a meeting between them would help me decide which one to hire. Please don’t interfere unless I do.” she said with a smile.

    As our group of well-dressed somewhat sophisticated ladies stood there watching, the two short Indonesian girls walked towards each other, yelled something in their language and began a wild fistfight. Punches were thrown at each other’s head and chest landing with loud thuds. They connected in a flurry of blows then retreated for a second before engaging again in a brutal assault . Neither was protecting herself. We were all wide-eyed as we watched them, faces already bleeding, begin a continuous hair-pulling and punching battle which had them move around the room. The circle we made around the fighters moved with them. We could hear them breathing and cursing. They were covered in sweat. Each pulling the other by the hair with one hand, they would pound each other’s head with their fist. The only sound in the room was one of fist hitting flesh. Soon the slightly bigger one tripped the other and they fell in a ball on the floor. Locked together, arms and legs, they began to scratch and bite each other everywhere they could. I looked up at Helen. She was smiling and obviously excited. She knew the two girls were fighting for her sexual favours but mainly for her money . The bigger girl was beginning to have a clear advantage and began to bite her opponents tits and pull on her pubic patch. It seemed like an unwritten rule prevented them from attacking each other’s labia. It became quite clear who was winning this fight and before one maimed her rival permanently , Helen said something to Elizabeth and the two ladies began the difficult job of separating the two fighting female cats. Even at the end, the smaller girl was spitting and cursing. She was taken out of the room by Elizabeth. The winner sat in the middle of the room, naked, sweating and her face bloody. She got up slowly and we began to applaud. Where I stood I could see the girl’s nice round ass (with a few scratches). After cleaning her face with a towel, Helen bent down and kissed the girl on the lips. She then hiked her long black dress and threw it over the kneeling girl. She changed her stance and moved to get the girl in position. We obviously couldn’t see anything but Helen’s smile assured us the little fighter had found her mark. Helen boldly looked at each of us in turn, smiling, biting her lower lip. Closing her eyes , she began emitting a guttural sound, like a hum, then she threw her head back and lowered her hands to the front of her dress delineating the top of the young girl’s head. Her knees buckled and she let out a “Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuu”. Then opening her eyes and looking at the wall, she said in a throaty voice:”Well maybe you ladies would like to leave now, it’s getting late”.
    We filed out of the room and followed the long hallway to let ourselves out. Helen had stayed behind with her new..servant girl. We walked downstairs in silence but I could feel we were all very excited by what we had just witnessed. The atmosphere was very heavy and tense. As we made our way to the front door, I felt someone grabbing my arm and turning me around.
    “You seem to have forgotten we have something to settle”, hissed Sue.
    “I haven’t forgotten..let go of me”, I snapped back.
    “I will end up riding you..whether you like it or not”, said Sue lifting my skirt and jamming her leg between my thighs.
    “Hey ! Bitch ! “, I yelled as I grabbed Sue’s hair and slipped my leg against the front of her jeans.
    Sue had grabbed my hair and we began to dance around in the living room. Selma then attacked Sue and Ashley, the young blonde bitch, slapped me. There was pushing and shoving as Deborah and Elizabeth joined the fray. Ashley and her young rival Jenny had each other in a bear hug, rubbing tits and spitting in each other’s face.
    “ENOUGH !! “, screamed Helen from the top of the stairs.
    “I don’t want to see any confrontations in this house before our next meeting…and I don’t want to hear about any outside this house. AM I UNDERSTOOD ?”, Helen continued at the top of her voice.
    We muttered an approval and went out the front door in single file.
    With Selma and Sue glaring at me, I knew this promise would be difficult to keep.



    I was hot and dry and Saturday morning so I lingered in bed with my thoughts and the sound of the air-conditioner. Selma had been on my mind and so had Sue. We had promised to behave until the next meeting but… I thought I would explore the town a little and maybe visit the library. I was sure to find Selma there. I felt sassy and horny and bitchy.
    I decided on a short thick cotton beige miniskirt, a small thong (the flossing type) and a dark blue expensive loose t-shirt. “I should get a library card”, I thought. I loved reading. Since the company had leased a car for me until I got my own, I decided to drive downtown.
    The public library, like in most small towns, was located near the church and it didn’t take long for me to find it. There were no really old buildings in this town, only shabby not-so-new ones and pretty modern ones. The library was in the first category. There were three floors to it although I suspected not all of those were accessible to the public but rather offices or warehouse space. When I first walked in , there was no one at the counter so I wandered amongst the stacks until I came face to face with Selma. She immediately drew back, then ignored me and continued finding a book for a reader. As the reader left, she approached me.
    “What the hell do you want ?”, whispering more loudly than she would have.
    “I’m came to get a library card”, I said calmly.
    “A library card ?”, she asked surprised.
    “Yes, a library know, so I can borrow books”, I continued trying not to smile.
    “You want to borrow books ?”, she asked wide-eyed.
    “Yes I do..unless it’s illegal to borrow books here”, I said sarcastically.
    “’s not…come with me”, she said tilting her head back and becoming the librarian again.
    She gave me a form which I filled out and she gave me a card. I turned around slowly, looked at the stacks before me and started walking towards the rows of brightly coloured books.
    I picked up a coffee-table book on Arizona, sat on a chair away from the reading table, but facing the desk, and began to leaf through it. After awhile I looked around at the customers. They were mainly younger women with children, some college professors and students, and a few elderly ladies. Whenever she was not serving someone, Selma would look at me while I pretended to look at my book. At first she would wander to the stacks putting a book back on the shelf and every time she came back to the desk, I would cross my legs slowly so she could see my round tanned thighs as my mini was hiked higher and higher. As time went on, she spent more and more time behind the counter her eyes occasionally looking up at me but keeping her head down. When no one was around to block the view, I would put my feet on the bottom bar of the chair and open my legs slightly. It gave Selma a good view. I heard her cough. She stared at me and I could see she was furious. I put the book on the floor and bent over pretending to tie my sneakers. My breasts were practically dropping out of my t-shirt. Selma was like a lion in a cage, fussing with some papers, piling books on top of each other and then starting new piles. She was mad and she was hot.
    When I looked up again, I saw a cute young blonde woman coming towards me.
    “I knew we would meet again”, she said smiling.
    I looked at her and frowned.
    “You don’t remember me ?”, she said rather disappointed.
    “No…I don’t think so…have we met ?”, I asked
    “Oh yes..we met…but I guess it was rather dark”, she whispered.
    The blonde in the car. The party. “Oh God “, I said to myself.
    “My name is Amy”, she said extending her hand.
    “Hi Amy…I’m Ashton”, I stuttered.
    Even though we were whispering, a few people were staring at us. Amy motioned towards the stacks with her eyes. I put my big book on the table and followed her.
    We went upstairs where some of the college textbooks were. It was deserted. She seemed to know her way around – she was a college girl after all – and waited for me in the corner which was hidden from anyone coming up the stairs. I thought of Selma for a moment and regretted not looking at the expression on her face when I followed Amy.
    Amy grabbed my arms and pressed me to her, looking left and right making sure we were alone.
    “Hey…I really liked it the other was nice”, she whispered.
    “Oh…I liked it also..”, I stammered afraid to be seen with her.
    “I work here”, she announced, “ well… part-time only on weekends”.
    I could feel Amy’s hard little tits poking through her blouse and brushing against my own heaving chest.
    “Listen…can we do this again ?”, she asked her hands going to my waist.
    “Sure..I’d love to…you mean …like now ?”, I said wide-eyed.
    “Why not ?”, I heard her say..”I start my shift at noon. I came early to study. I know a place which is …private”, her voice now trembling slightly.
    “ about going for a ride ? ..I have a car”, I said.
    “No it would take too much time..besides I like doing it here”, she said smirking.
    “How about Selma ?”, I asked.
    “Don’t worry about Selma, she’s stuck at the desk…Do you know Selma ?”, she asked surprised.
    “Oh ..a little…but never mind. I’ll follow you”, I said my heartbeat increasing.
    Amy took my hand and let me through a door and up more stairs to a dusty room filled with boxes of books. We make our way through a narrow passage way to a tiny back room with a table and a chair. She closed the door behind us.
    Amy immediately took me in her arms and kissed me. I pushed her back gently.
    “Are you sure this is safe ?”, I asked
    “What are you afraid of ? …or is it you don’t like me anymore “, she asked pouting.
    “I do like you Amy”, I said as I took her in my arms and kissed her open mouth.
    This time she broke the kiss. “We do have to hurry a little though”, she warned.
    We kissed with our tongues for a while , groping at each other with hands and fingers over our clothes.
    She lifted my sweater over my tits but not off while I unbuttoned her blouse until I could see her hard nipples. I sucked at them in turn as she massaged my full breasts and rubbed the nipples between her fingers.
    I unzipped my mini and kicked it off. She unbuttoned the front of her jeans which fell around her ankles. We felt each other’s asscheeks and thong-covered mound, continuing to kiss wildly. I was on fire. We were both moaning.
    We each slipped our fingers under the band of our thong and pulled them off simultaneously. I knelt in front of her and rubbed my nose against her wet labia, stabbing at her pussy with my hard tongue. She put her hands on my head and moaned, opening her legs as wide as her jeans would allow. Then she tugged me up gently by the hair.
    I stood legs wide open as Amy began to lick my pussy. She found my clit and rubbed it with her nose. She got up, tried to get her jeans off over her large shoes but gave up. She hopped over to the table and stretched herself out on it. I knelt on the side of the table and wondered for a moment what she expected me to do. She extended her hand, cupped my pussy and licked her fingers. “I want to taste you”, she said in a throaty voice which reminded me of our encounter in the back seat of the car.
    I positioned myself over her in sixty-nine and we immediately began to lick and suck each other. We would have been a sight to anyone walking in. Two women eagerly eating each other out, one with her jeans around her ankles and her blouse still on, the other with her sweater barely covering her tits and her larger ass humping at her partner’s mouth.
    Amy was young but she was experienced. She reamed my pussy hole and wrapped her tongue around my large clit. I came in her mouth instantly. I concentrated on the job at hand with all the tricks I had learned over the years. It took a little while but Amy finally shivered, and had her orgasm. I pulled myself up and moved off her. She rolled off the table, hopping away from it, laughing at herself.
    “I wanted to taste you so bad”, she said, her face shining with my love juices.
    “It was great , but you took your time…you didn’t like it ?”, I asked blushing a little.
    “Oh I did…but I only come hard when you rub in the car”, she said as if she was describing her favourite meal.
    “We’ll do that some other time”, I said clasping her in my arms.
    “Yes..we will…would love to now..but I have to go downstairs”, she said looking a bit nervous for the first time.
    We dressed quickly and stopped in the small bathroom on the floor to wash our face and hands before we made our way down to the main floor.
    No one was at the desk. Amy smiled as she went to the stacks, retrieved a few books and suddenly looked very studious as she sat at the table.
    “Selma must be at her break”, Amy whispered to me answering a question I had not asked. But Selma wasn’t at her break. She must have been looking all over for Amy since she walked up to her red-faced and asked her angrily to take over for her. She had to “attend to some business” I heard her say. Amy took her place at the desk with her books and raised her eyebrows at me. I smiled. Selma didn’t even notice me and walked down the hallway.
    After a few minutes of idly people-watching , I had to pee and followed the signs to the ladies. As I walked through a hallway, I heard voices… familiar ones. I tip-toed towards a room which looked like Selma’s office.
    “You fucking whore”, I heard Selma whisper in a loud voice.
    “Whore yourself..jumping on Ashton the way you did”, said a lady whom I immediately recognized as Sue.
    “She’s available”, hissed Selma.
    I was very intrigued at the argument about me. Did Selma and Sue nearly come to blows over ME at the meeting ? I continued to listen.
    “So you think”, yelled Sue. “She’s tough and can take care of herself. Be careful. You might end up her bitch”, continued the blonde.
    “I’ll take care of her and when I do, I don’t want to see you sniffing at her pussy”, huffed Selma.
    I smiled as I pictured Sue kneeling sniffing at my pussy under my skirt. I was honoured to be the cause of their argument until…I heard the rest.
    “You know I didn’t come here to talk about Ashton”, said Sue.
    “Oh ?…then what did you come here for ?”, asked Selma innocently.
    “You know who I am talking two-faced slut, I am talking about the Cuban girl”, cried Sue.
    “What Cuban girl ?”, asked Selma. I heard the sound of books crashing to the floor and muffled swearing. More noise. Chairs being toppled.
    “Oh my god”, I said to myself, “they’re gonna fight..right here in the library”.
    But there was silence.
    “You lured her using Amy…then you…you fucked her, you lesbian whore”, cried Sue.
    “She’s mine and you know it”, she continued, “I don’t mind her sucking Amy’s lipstick face ..but you…you fucked her”. I sensed they were about to leave.
    I quickly went into the ladies and put my ear to the door. I heard footsteps as the two women walked by briskly. I waited a few minutes and came out of my hiding place. My heart was pounding. I walked into the main reading room to find Amy talking with…Adriana. Adriana ? What was she doing here ? Amy looked at me of Adriana’s shoulder and the dark woman turned and blushed when she saw me.
    “Hi Adriana”, I said with as friendly a tone as I could manage.
    “Hi boss”, she answered.
    “Oh please Adriana…don’t call me’s Ashton…please”, I said with a smile.
    “Are you borrowing books ?”, I asked innocently
    “Oh no…no books..I come to see Selma… Miss Selma”, she corrected.
    Thoughts raced through my head with the speed of lighting. Amy, Selma, Sue, Cuban girl and now Adriana. What was going on ? I remembered Selma and Sue and I had to find out what was up.
    “Come with me …but promise to be very quiet…”, I whispered to Adriana. “And stay here”, I said to Amy.
    I took Adriana by the arm and dragged her through the stacks, up the stairs and up to the top floor. We heard loud voices. I turned to Adriana, put my finger in front of my mouth and made a “ssshhhhh” sound. She nodded. My heart was pounding.
    From behind the piles of books, I could see Sue and Selma in the room Amy and I had been an hour ago. They were still arguing and arms were being waved around and fingers pointed at faces. Adriana and I crouched being a pile of books which hid us except for our heads. I gasped at what I saw next. The two women were silently stripping and neatly piling their clothes on the floor. Adriana was wide-eyed looking at Selma’s full round body and Sue’s thin naked frame. They aren’t going to fight, I thought. They wouldn’t have bothered undressing.
    We watched as the two women clasped each other in a bear hug, their chin resting on the other’s shoulder. Sue’s small hard tits were mashing into Selma’s big soft breasts. They rubbed chest against chest for awhile, dancing around in their cramped quarters, their bodies already glistening with sweat even in the weak lighting. As if obeying a previous scenario, their faces met in a kiss, tongues licking each other’s mouth, cheeks and even chin. Their hands had already grabbed each other’s asscheeks and they were pressing their hips together, pulling on each other’s body. Selma certainly had a bigger body and seemed stronger but Sue was holding her own. The two nude women were struggling against each other like gladiators. We could barely hear them moaning. Adriana tugged at my blouse. I reluctantly turned towards her not wanting to miss any of this fight.
    “Elisa”, she whispered.
    “Elisa ?”, I asked softly
    “Yes Elisa…they fight for her…”, she said and then spitting “the white bitches”.
    Amy,Selma, Sue, Adriana…of course ..and Elisa. Elisa, Adriana’s lieutenant, was the one who had sucked Amy in the car. Amy must have brought her to Selma who overpowered her without knowing Sue was regularly doing Elisa. Adriana knew all this. Elisa was Adriana’s girl. I held Adriana down until she stopped resisting.
    The two women were still dancing around but each had by now arched her pelvis towards the other and Selma’s furry black mound was rubbing against Sue’s small blonde patch. They had begun to fuck holding each other by the waist. As Sue shoved her hips against Selma, the Scandinavian stepped sideways and tripped Sue who, with her momentum, came crashing to the floor. Selma immediately jumped on Sue’s back and pinned her. The bony blonde struggled enough to turn herself around and the two women traded punches for the first time until Selma stunned Sue with a right hook and covered her slim body with hers. We could now hear muffled cries as Selma, in control, slid her hands under Sue’s ass, lifting her legs in the air, and moved her cunt over Sue’s. The two women were facing away from us so we could clearly see Selma round ass pumping at Sue. As the blonde lifted her pelvis to meet her attacker, their cunts were visible. The two pairs of lips were slamming, ploughing into each other. They continued to fuck in this way for what seemed to be the longest time. They both had a long fuse. Finally Sue gave up, whether she came or she was just exhausted I don’t know. I couldn’t see Sue very well and I certainly couldn’t hear anything. Selma got up while Sue stayed on the floor. Selma was walking over to pick up her clothes when Adriana broke my hold and darted for the room. “Oh shit “, I cried out. Selma looked up and saw a black train coming for her. She knew and just had time to put up her clenched fists before Adriana ran into her. I was running behind her. The two women clashed , fists flying, hair pulling, punching, screaming at each other. Luckily the room was two floors up from the reading room otherwise the whole library would have heard the fracas. In seconds, Selma and Adriana, one stark naked the other in jeans and t-shirt, were bent over, each with a handful of hair, body and face-punching the other with their free hand. It looked like a roller-derby fight. I put my arms around Adriana’s waist trying to pull her away but Sue pulled me by the shoulders and flip me around. I fell on my ass. I got up. Sue glared at me and I glared back. We had old scores to settle and without hesitation, we started to fight. I punched her bare tits while she had both hands in my hair and was swinging me around. She was naked and vulnerable. I reached over and dug my nails in her small tits as she yelped out loud. We both started to windmill, alternating with punches and grabbing hair. Adriana and Selma were fighting right behind us and we collided , all four of us falling to the wooden floor. Adriana looked around , and before I could recover, attacked Sue. Both women rolled on the floor scratching at each other face, drawing blood. Both realizing we had lost our partner, Selma and I got up and stood face to face.
    “Get naked bitch”, she hissed.
    “Oh I’m gonna enjoy this so much”, I said as I quickly undressed.
    Facing each other naked, we simultaneously reached for the other’s cunt. I penetrated her hole with two fingers and winced as I felt her fingers slide roughly into me. After a few strokes, we attacked the other’s clit. Selma and I were both wet from our fight with Sue. With a hand behind the other’s head, we furiously began to masturbate each other. Adriana and Sue were not moving, immobilized in a mutual head lock on the floor and screaming at each other.
    “Fucking white bitch”, yelled Adriana, “you fuck my Elisa”.
    “She likes white cunt…blonde cunt..which you don’t have..filthy latina whore”, hissed Sue.
    “I fuck Elisa..only me”, continued Adriana
    “The whole town …is fucking… your Elisa…you stupid… cunt”, stammered Sue, choking on the headlock.
    Then I heard voices, the noise of high heels running on a wooden floor. Deborah and Elizabeth, dressed in their Sunday best, grabbed Selma and I and separated us, our wet fingers snapping out of each other’s cunt. While Amy and another young girl stood between us, Elizabeth and Deborah were trying to pry Adriana and Sue apart. Fists flew and connected as the two women were dragged to their feet. Everybody was breathing heavily. The two young girls were very excited and kept running between Selma and Sue and I. Damage had been done. Sue and Adriana had bleeding scratches on their face. Selma scalp had a few bald spots and my nose was bleeding. We all showed red marks on our faces and bruises on our bodies. The naked women started putting their clothes back on, searching for their apparel scattered on the floor. Adriana and Selma bumped into each other and began to trade punches again but the women separated them. Quickly I took Adriana by the shoulder and led her out of the room.
    “I will make a report to Helen”, I heard Elizabeth say as we left.
    Behind us walked Amy and the other girl, a brunette, who may have been in the car the night of the party. Amy showed us a back exit and we all filed out, Selma and Sue, separated by the Elizabeth and Deborah, still making gestures at each other.
    “Are you ok ?”, I asked Adriana.
    “Yes ..ok”, she mumbled
    “Would you like to come to the motel with me and wash up ?”.
    “Yes..I come with you”, she said as her scratched face broke into a faint smile.
    I got the car from the library parking lot and drove to where Adriana was standing. We drove to the motel in silence. When we entered the room, I put my hands behind Adriana’s neck and examined her face. She was bruised and scratched but nothing that would show in a few days.
    “I am not hurt”, Adriana said as she gently pushed my hands away.
    Then she began to examine my face and burst out laughing.
    “We are warriors”, she said, proud of the English word she had used.
    “Yes we are warriors, my dear”, I answered as I put my arms around her and squeezed her tightly, her head on my shoulder. I thought she was going to cry. Adriana was a bit older than me, a few years maybe, but she looked good. Her body was firm and naturally athletic although I don’t think she had had any time for sports. I suggested she have a shower but she wanted to talk. We sat on the couch side by side and she told me in her own words about Elisa , some of it I already knew.
    “ I take Elisa in my team when she came from Cuba as refugee, just like me. She was lover. Then she go into town alone and meet Sue. People talk. The night of the party, she meet Amy. And you meet Amy (she laughed). Amy take her to Selma. Selma was lover. Elisa have 4 lovers, Sue, Selma, Amy and me. So we fight. “, Adriana said in a quiet monotone voice.
    “I thought Elisa was more dominant”, I pointed out.
    “Dominant ?”, asked Adriana.
    “You woman”, I answered.
    “No ..she always bitch”, she said bluntly
    “She fight other bitches for top women. She don’t fight Amy because she like her and they don’t do bitch or top when they are together”, she added, discussing Elisa’s sex life as if it had been her school track and field record.
    Our conversation had gotten me pretty hot. I was afraid of how our conversation would end up.
    “I really think you should take a nice cool shower, Adriana, it will put you back together again”, I proposed.
    This time she agreed. I gave her a towel and showed her how the shower worked. She didn’t wait for me to leave the bathroom before she wiggled out of her tight jeans and t-shirt. I hurriedly left the room.
    As I heard the shower running, I couldn’t help imagining Adriana’s firm black body, covered with water droplets, shining, ..her bubble ass..her firm tits…”Oh my god, I have to stop this”, I promised myself sternly.
    Adriana came out of the bathroom wearing my white bathrobe. I suspected she was naked underneath.
    “You don’t mind ?”, she asked
    “Oh no…of course not…you…you look…refreshed”, I said looking for my words.
    “Yes…feel good”, she approved.
    I got up , found another towel and bathrobe and made my way to the shower.
    “I’ll be right back”, I assured her.
    “I know”, she said with a smile.
    I disrobed and looked at my bruised body. Nothing serious and my nose had stopped bleeding. Before I stepped into the shower, I couldn’t help taking Adriana’s towel and bringing it to my face, smelling it. Oh yes, there was her smell on it. Woman smell. I’ll keep this for later, I thought, and showered.
    Naked under my spare bathrobe, I walked towards Adriana who was lying on the couch, one leg dangling. I playfully slapped her other leg off the furniture and sat down next to her.
    “Smell nice”, she said.
    “Oh it’s a new perfume..I just thought I needed some after our…workout”, I said laughing.
    “Would you like some ?”, I asked
    “Yes..nice smell”, I took to be a “yes”.
    I brought back the small bottle and put a few drop on my fingers and touched her behind the ears. “Smell it ?”, I said, “oh that’s silly you don’t usually smell your own perfume..but I smell it”, I stuttered.
    Adriana slowly opened the top of her bathrobe, took my finger and traced a line down the wide valley between her firm round breasts. My finger was shaking. Adriana was smiling at me.
    “I really don’t think we should be doing this”, I said blushing, “we do work together..and..the others..”.
    “Work Monday…now not work…others tease about Elisa…I keep quiet”, Adriana pleaded.
    I didn’t need much convincing. My hands touched her nipples. She opened her bathrobe. I simply took off mine and stood naked in front of her. I bent over her kissing her breasts, sucking on her nipples while she squeezed my hanging tits with both hands. I sat down next to her on the couch, put my hand behind her head and brought her round face to mine. We kissed. Just touching lips at first, then tongues. She drove her tongue in my mouth rather roughly. I felt myself fight back with my tongue. We began to drool and saliva trickled down our chin. She put her hands on either side of my head, covering my ears, and pushed it down over her breasts. I began to suck them one at a time, licking the perfumed area between them. I knelt in front of her and, her hands still on my head, she guided me towards her belly. I licked her belly button and could smell her womanhood. She parted her thighs and for the first time I had a close look at her full pink labia . I went to town. I began to lick her , trembling, as she slid her ass towards me and wrapped her short legs around my neck. I licked and sucked her labia and slid my tongue in her cunt hole. Raising my tongue so it would slide against her engorged clit, I began an up and down motion with my face. She was moaning. I tried to slide my hands under her ass but couldn’t until she lifted herself with her arms on the couch. I squeezed her full firm asscheeks with both hands and continued to fuck her with my tongue. As soon as my fingers reached the crack of her ass, she pressed my head firmly against her cunt, began to shake and came. She bucked against my mouth once, then she parted her thighs as far as she could and came again, this time I could feel her juices flowing out of her cunt hole. I was licking as much as I could as it flowed down her asscheeks and my face. When I tried to move my head up again, she applied pressure and I continued to lick her. Finally she let go of my head and I came up breathing heavily.
    Adriana got up from the couch and switched places with me.
    “Lie down”, she said , her voice shaking and breaking her long silence.
    I lay down on the couch but with my knees bent enough to let her sit sideways in front of me. With my head on the padded armrest, I closed my eyes and opened my legs ready for Adriana’s exploring mouth. She kissed the inside of my thighs and suddenly I gasped as I felt her body weight on top of me. The Cuban woman wrapped her arms around my chest and literally slammed her mouth over mine, her tongue roughly sliding between my teeth forcing me to open wide. I began to gag and attempted to push her off gently at first, this was uncomfortable, and with more force when she didn’t seem to understand. We began to struggle on the couch. I felt her womanhood on mine, sliding up and down, her pointed breasts poking at mine. “She wants to fuck me” I suddenly realized.
    “No Adriana…no “, I screamed, “not like that”,
    Adriana knew full well I didn’t want to be taken like that.
    “Stay still..”, she hissed, “so you are my bitch”.
    I grabbed her hair with both hands and pushed her off the couch. We tumbled and crashed against the coffee table before we hit the floor. We continued to struggle until I broke away from the Cuban vixen. I walked away to the middle of the room.
    “It’s a misunderstanding Adriana,” I began softly.
    “I like sex with you but I can’t let you dominate me”, I continued, “I am not your bitch…I am not Elisa”.
    Adriana was now standing in front of me, glaring, not looking at all embarrassed or sorry.
    “Maybe we should just call it a day, should we ?”, I nearly pleaded.
    “You think I be your bitch ?”, she asked, undulating her hips in a threatening way.
    I was beginning to lose my patience with her and the thought of dominating this cute tough Cuban was becoming attractive.
    “Well..maybe you SHOULD be my bitch”, I screamed back.
    Adriana’s eyes clouded over then she slapped me. I stumbled back. I didn’t want to engage in a fist fight with her. I had seen the damage she had done to Selma and Sue. I used a different tactic. I rushed her and we came together in a bear hug, wisely keeping our mouths from biting each other. Being taller, it was easier for me to trip her, choosing to continue the battle on the floor. I fell on top of her but she rolled me over. I regained my top position but she rolled me over again. Each time, one of us was on top, our cunts would connect, rub and slam. Although I was careful not to hurt her at first, when the whore bit my tit, I fought back and bit hers . Sinking our teeth into each other’s tit, we continued to roll around on the floor, taking scratching swipes at each other’s asscheeks in the process. We ended up on our sides and simultaneously jammed our leg between each other’s thighs. We weren’t moving. Pushing my leg against her cunt, I could feel her knee against my own labia. We continued to fuck each other with our leg while hair pulling and swearing at each other.
    “You fucking cunt”, I screamed, “I tried to help you , you bitch”.
    “You want to make me a bitch”, Adriana yelled back, “ but I make you my bitch”, as she slammed her leg even harder against my crotch. I could feel myself getting very wet and at this rate she would have made me come. I tried a diversion.
    “You want to go cunt to cunt, you whore ?”, I panted.
    “Ok…you bitch….cunt to cunt”, she replied.
    “Scissor”, I offered, not knowing if she knew the expression.
    “Ok..scissor”, she agreed without letting go.
    I let go first and pushed her away. We both got up and faced each other again, welts on our tits and ass. We glared at each other and I know she felt like punching me. I felt like punching her also but we silently and mutually agreed it was not a good way to settle this.
    Adriana had two big advantages. She knew she could win a fistfight. After my tongue work on her, she had had at least two hard long orgasms while I was yet to have my pleasure and had been building an orgasm for awhile.
    I sat down and spread my legs. She sat in front of me and we got into a scissoring position as if we had done this a million times before. Our cunts connected and immediately we started moving our hips against each other. I grabbed at her hair and she grabbed mine. Pulling hair and rubbing our cunts together, we began the next phase of our fight for dominance. We both knew this would determine who was going to be the other’s bitch.
    We both fought hard using all the tactics in the book. We reached over from time to time and tried to rub the other’s clit with our fingers. We grabbed tits and spat in each other’s face. We even traded a few well-placed punches. We were both sweating heavily and I was regretting having offered the Latina cunt a shower. Pulling myself up with my arms, I pushed my hips against hers with force and continued to grind even harder. Adriana followed suit and met me thrust for thrust as, a few inches off the floor, we were madly grinding our cunts together like two fighting crabs.
    “You’ll have a sore cunt tomorrow bitch”, I hissed.
    “You no walk tomorrow “, she answered, “ after I fuck you bad”.
    I found myself lashing at her face with my nails. She struck me also. We both had scratch marks and I could feel a trickle of blood slowly making its way down my face to my tits.
    The scratching blows had us falling on our ass again. Adriana took advantage of my sitting a bit sideways to slip her hand under my ass and start fumbling around. I caught her wrist and pushed it away. She did it again and this time she connected. I could feel her finger on my rosebud. I had to make the move and I reached her asshole with a swift hand motion. She looked at me as her two fingers entered me. I pushed mine up her hole also. Her position allowed her to slide her entire finger up my butt. I must have moaned loudly because she smiled. She knew she had me. I tried to work my fingers way up her hole but her ass-muscle, which I was learning at my expense were well-developed, prevented me from continuing my progression. We finger-ass-fucked for a few minutes while continuing to rub our wet cunts together. Tears swelled up in my eyes, the room began to spin, and I felt like I had my finger in an electrical outlet.
    “AAAAAAAHHHHHHH…FUCKKKKK”, I cried out as my hips began to violently slam against Adriana’s. I came hard. At least twice if not three times, I spent. The floodgates opened as I spewed my juices over Adriana’s already wet cunt.
    “OOOOHHHHHHHH GOOOOOODDDDD,” I screamed again as I fell on my back, my heart pounding and my chest heaving.
    Adriana quickly spread her body over mine and twisting my legs up around her waist, she continued to rub herself against me, her cunt rubbing on mine, her whole body madly moving up and down against me. I moved my head sideways. She continued to fuck me for a few minutes until I could feel her body shake. She held me tight as she came and moaned. Finally she lay limp on top of me.
    She finally rolled off me and stood over me.
    “If you were Latina, I would piss on you”, she said.
    “Now you are my bitch, yes ?”, she asked.
    “Yes”, I said faintly.
    “ You let me fuck you when I want”, she continued, “and you suck me when I want”.
    “I don’t suck my bitch”, she concluded.
    “Yes …I will do that”, I answered wanting to get her out of my hair.
    While she got her clothes together and dressed, I moved to the couch and lay there.
    I heard the door close. She didn’t even say goodbye.
    “I better beat Selma and Sue or else I’ll have all the lesbians in town running over me”, I thought. It had been a long day. I started to cry a little then I fell asleep.



    I was at the factory early on Monday morning. I couldn’t sleep. The events of Saturday at the library had troubled me, especially my fight with Adriana or should I say my submission to Adriana. Adriana worked for me and I was hoping our relationship would not upset the work at the factory. I had spent so little time there since I arrived that, although I knew how the work should be carried out, I really didn’t know much about the personal relationships, loves and hatreds which made up the daily life of the factory. I was about to find out.
    Getting to work early had the advantage of watching everybody else arrive, alone or in groups, protected that I was by my one-way office mirror. First Monica walked in with a few of her girls. Big tough girls capable of picking up boxes and throwing them into trucks. She knew how to pick them. They would change right at their work place, taking off their street clothes and putting on their frock over their underwear. While some girls left their underwear on, some didn’t seem to own any. It was, as I learned later, somewhat of a ritual before work began. As the girls disrobed, some would leave their panties on while others got completely naked, walk around a little, smile and joke with each other before putting on their work clothes. I could tell after awhile who was dressed and who was naked under their frock by looking for panty lines when they bent over. Strings were not popular with Latina women and most wore regular panties. Who was naked and who was not, I learned, was a sign of how horny and available each girl was which of course gave me an idea of how the day would go. Karla had warned me about the sexual activity at the factory. I quickly learned to turn a blind (or not so blind) eye to encounters as long as it didn’t interfere with work.
    Monica’s girls seemed to time their relatively short period of nakedness with the arrival of Bianca’s or Adriana’s crew. Catcalls, obscene gestures and other body language which I don’t have to detail here were routine during the half-hour preceding the regular work schedule. The bigger warehouse dykes were lusting after the more feminine sewing and pressing crews. That morning - maybe it happened on other mornings I don’t know – one of Monica’s girls got hold of one of Bianca’s and dragged her prize to her friends . Then they swarmed her. Five or six girls surrounded her and, from what I could see, gave her the treatment with hands, fingers and mouth. She didn’t fight back. It was useless. When she was let go, she put her frock back on and rejoined her group in tears . The other girls put their arms around her and comforted her. Some started yelling insults at the Puerto-Rican crew . Monica stood away from the scene leaning against a wall. Bianca was nowhere to be seen. I wasn’t going to interfere except if the problem escalated.
    Finally all the girls arrived, changed , and the work started. I had forgotten but I was having company this morning. Some officials from the main office in Chicago were paying a courtesy visit. I had to make sure nothing would disturb that visit. I thought it was safe at this point to come out of my office and walk through the factory. I hadn’t gone 10 feet before I bumped into Adriana.
    “Hello boss”, she said cheerfully.
    “Hello Adriana”, I answered trying to be as cheerful.
    I continued on my way and reached the loading dock. Monica was waiting for me.
    “I hear you had fun Saturday”, she asked smiling.
    “I went to the Library..I like to read”, I answered.
    “Adriana told me you like to read…and you like other things too”, she said with a smirk.
    “What did Adriana tell you exactly ?”, I asked blushing.
    “Oh a little bit”, Monica said still smirking.
    I ignored her and continued to walk until I reached the dock. Monica had followed me.
    “You are her bitch”, I heard her say behind my back
    “What ?”, I asked.
    “You hear me…you are Adriana’s bitch”, she said calmly, “but if don’t can be my bitch”.
    “I am nobody’s bitch”, I heard myself practically screaming.
    “You say..and I settle things with Adriana”, said Monica.
    “ ..don’t talk to Adriana”, I urged. The last thing I wanted in the factory was a fight between Adriana and Monica. “Promise me you won’t say anything to Adriana”, I continued.
    “For now..I say nothing”, Monica agreed.
    I heard a few words in Spanish and felt a presence behind me. Adriana took me by the arm and led me to the packaging room. She had passed by Monica and the two had exchanged words. She was squeezing my arm so much it hurt. She sat on a wooden table. The four or five girls who were in the room left giggling as soon as they saw us. When they had left, Adriana jumped off the low table, lifted her frock revealing her bushy pussy and sat on the table again. She lifted her legs so that her feet rested on the edge of the table. She opened her legs and stared at me.
    “Adriana…you don’t expect me to…”, I said my voice quivering.
    “Yes”, she simply answered.
    I had no choice. I looked around the room to make sure no one was there.
    I knew why she had chosen this table. I knelt in front of it and my mouth was inches from her pussy. I felt her hands on the back of my head. She pushed my head between her thighs and I began to lick her. She tasted fresh and a bit soapy. I knew what I had to do. She was pulling my head to her pussy so hard I could hardly breathe. She must have noticed and released her grip. I raised my head to catch my breath. Monica, whom I thought had left, was standing a few feet away watching the whole thing. I attended to business and sucked on Adriana’s cunt as well and as quickly as I knew how. It lasted a few minutes maybe more. I suddenly felt her hips move and an increase in pressure of her hand on the back of my head. She came once , twice maybe. She held my head in position until I had licked her nearly completely. She gently pushed me away , got off the table and lowered her frock to cover her nakedness. Monica’s face was red with a mixture of anger and lust. I took Adriana by the arm and led her out of the room. The giggling girls who had waited outside came back in to continue their work. I walked quickly back to my office leaving Adriana with her girls. I knew I had to get used to this, being someone’s bitch, but I was hoping to find a way out of it.

    At first things quieted down and the morning was uneventful. The people from head office arrived as planned and I gave them a quick tour of the facilities. They seemed pleased. I was happy the girls had been working hard or at least appeared to be. They left just before lunch. At lunch break, I began to notice a tradition which Karla had never mentioned. Some of the girls brought small bottles which they hid in the pocket of their frock. I have no problems with a little snort at lunch but ,when tension was already high, the barometer would rise quickly.
    Bianca had learned about the swarming of one of her girls. She was not happy. I could see her walking around the tables, nervously talking to everyone. As I expected, she came knocking on my door.
    “ Bianca, what is the problem ?”, I said calming.
    “Monica’s girls…they attack my girls”, she screamed.
    “Bianca..your girls were taunting them…you know… teasing”, I said.
    “Monica bad ,, she bad…her girls bad…”, she hissed.
    Behind her, Adriana entered my office huffing and puffing.
    “And what do YOU want ?”, I screamed in exasperation.
    “Monica dykes attack Bianca girl this morning”, Adriana said, indignant.
    I changed the subject . I had enough of her sticking her nose in everything I did.
    “And you Adriana, you made sure Monica saw us this morning. You wanted to show her, didn’t you ?”, I screamed losing my temper, “ Monica had Karla around her little finger”.
    “I don’t ..understand…” she began.
    “You understand very well”, I interrupted. “Monica ruled Karla and the factory. Now you want to do the same but Monica won’t let you”, I finished.
    “Monica have sex with you ?”, she asked, her eyes narrowing into slits.
    I thought that one out for a minute. I laughed.
    “Maybe ..maybe not…”, I began, “What is the difference ?”, I said, regretting my words as soon as Adriana bolted out of my office in a rage. Bianca ran behind her and I ran behind both of them.
    All the girls were looking at us as Adriana and Bianca made their way to the far end of the factory. I knew where they were heading.
    “Monica”, I yelled across the large room, hoping it wasn’t too late to warn her.
    Everyone left their seat . They smelled a fight. The three floor managers were on a collision course. Bianca caught up with Adriana and stopped her. Bianca then ran towards Monica leaving Adriana in her tracks. Monica saw her coming. I was desperately hoping these two would not fight in the factory. I was wrong a way. The Mexican blonde was no match for the big beautiful Puerto Rican. Monica and Bianca grabbed each other by the hair as soon as they came within reach. They were saying things to each other. Since all the girls had left their seats and were blocking my progress, I could only very slowly make my way to the scene. Monica let go of her Bianca’s hair and pushed her away. The two women stared at each other. Monica raised her frock in challenge. A cheer from the sewing girls rose as Bianca raised hers also and accepted the challenge. Bianca was not a big fighter and she knew she didn’t stand a chance in a fuck fight but she had to stand up for the honour of her girls. If they had to fight, I was happier to see them fuck fight than watch Bianca get torn apart by Monica’s claws. I stood against the wall, partly hidden by a large pressing machine, about 50 feet from the two managers. Adriana joined me.
    Bianca and Monica removed their panties but the two fighters kept their frocks on. I guess they didn’t want their girls to see them naked. Go figure. They unbuttoned the top part and I could see Monica’s melons bouncing as the two women, their working dress raised, approached each other. They came together, their frocks being held up against their stomach making a ridge. Their cunts were obviously in contact although I couldn’t see it. Each grabbed the other by her asscheeks and pulled her rival towards her. I could see Bianca’s round ass being kneaded by Monica large hands. The two women rubbed against each other standing up. Adriana was squeezing my ass. “Adriana, don’t…DON’T”, I hissed. But she continued.
    “You like it”, she reasoned. She pulled my skirt up with one hand and slipped her other hand inside my thong from the rear. I could feel her hand sliding down my ass.
    “Oh my God”, I moaned. I pushed my ass against her probing fingers.
    “Ahhhhhhhhh….”, I moaned when her fingers reached my rosebud.
    Meanwhile the two fighters were dancing around still connected by their cunt and continuing to work on each other’s ass. They had turned around by then and I had a good view of Monica’s shapely asscheeks. Their chests mashed against each other, they began to literally mate in front of the whole factory. I suspected Bianca wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible.
    “Ohhhhhhhh…god…”, I screamed between my teeth as Adriana’s finger penetrated my ass and began and in and out motion. My knees buckled but Adriana held me up. All eyes were on the fight and nobody seemed to notice Adriana’s attack on my body.
    The action between Bianca and Monica was in full swing now as the two managers had removed the other’s frock and were stark naked. The two Latina women were locked in an open-mouth kiss- this somewhat surprised me- as their tits were crushed together, nipples pointing to the side, their undulating hips glued, their hairy cunts rubbing. Monica’s girls were standing behind her watching the spectacle. Some had taken off their panties, others didn’t have to. A few girls stepped forward towards Bianca’s girls who retreated. They were not going to encourage them this time. Some of Monica’s girls were obviously all pumped up at watching their manager in action. There nothing like a fight to bring out jealousies and rivalries. Two big girls from Monica’s crew were standing near the same wall we were against but quite a distance away. They were hugging each other it appeared and talking. One was black and tall, the other more tanned and a bit shorter. Both showed good bodies which filled their frocks. At first, I thought they were taking the opportunity to have a little sex but the jerking movements of their arms and the look on their face suggested they had been waiting for this opportunity to settle an old score. The sudden pushing and shoving had attracted a small group of their friends who stood around the couple and were shouting encouragement. Suddenly the two rivals simply unbuttoned their frocks and sat on the floor naked, facing each other. The spectators now stood in silence, aware that they were going to witness a fuck fight which would change the “pecking” order in their group. The black and the tanned met in a scissor position. When in place, they grabbed each other’s hair and began to shriek as their pelvises moved in unison. They were both young and fit. With her ass bouncing up and down on the floor, each girl banging her cunt hard against her rival’s. This was a rough fight compared to the manager’s confrontation. Each girl must have had a real beef with the other as they attacked each other’s face and tits with their nails.
    With the help of Adriana’s fingers and the two fights in progress …I had my first orgasm of the day. My ass orgasm was hard and deep but short. I fell into Adriana’s arms.
    “You fucking dyke”, I snapped at her.
    “You like it”, she answered again, kissing me on the back of the neck.
    Following the wall, Adriana led me closer to the action. Bianca was in trouble. I could hear a deep moan coming from the fight and I knew Bianca was the source . Then she screamed. Monica held her up for a few seconds then let her fall on her ass on the floor. Her girls surrounded her, helped her up, covered her body with her blue frock and brought her back to their working area. The fuck fight was over. Looking tired, Monica stepped up to the scissor-fighting girls. She seemed to be distressed and looked as if she wanted them to stop. They were so involved with each other that they ignored her. Clasped very tightly, the two big girls had attacked each other’s shapely tits. The black girl hit her rival with a few good punches and, as she fell backwards, threw herself on the other girl to mount her. She humped her hard and continued to hit her face until the light-coloured woman’s body grew still. The black girl got up, kicked her rival in the ribs for good measure, and walked away. A few friends helped the defeated girl to her feet and put a towel to her face. A few girls had words. There was some pushing and fists were thrown but Monica restored order. I saw for the first time that the atmosphere in Monica’s crew looked tense. Usually putting up a united front against the other groups, these tough girls were now turning against each other and forming individual units which were ready to clash at any time. Was Monica’s position challenged ? I promised myself I would watch them more closely.
    Everyone slowly made their way to their work bench, chattering with friends about the fight. I walked towards my office avoiding any contact with the managers. There was no point in scolding them. It was better for matters to be settled than for hatreds to be kept inside smoldering. Besides I was partly the cause of the disturbance.

    The working day was finally coming to an end. As I was filing orders from last week, Adriana walked in.
    “Adriana, you have to knock when you come into my office”, I said sternly.
    “Oh, yes..sorry..I know..but you have to come with me”, she said rather out of breath.
    “You have to drive me”, she continued.
    “Drive you ? Where ?”, I answered.
    “Very important…you have to be…look out…no…”, she said furrowing her brow to remember the word. “Witness”, she finally uttered.
    “Is someone getting married ?”, I asked incredulously.
    “ married..”, she said looking at me as if I was nuts.
    “Please come…now”, she commanded, “and bring towel”.
    Hoping that a bitch’s role did not include being a chauffeur, I put my files away and and left the factory with Adriana carrying a towel I had taken from the factory shower.
    She showed me the way without telling me where we were going. “Left…right…turn here”, were the only words I got out of her.
    After following a dirt road, we finally came to a deserted spot a few miles out of town. I stopped the car where Adriana told me to. We weren’t alone. Sue’s Mercedes was parked nearby.
    I got out of the car as saw Amy coming towards us.
    “I was hoping you would come”, Amy said keeping her distance.
    “What’s this all about ?”, I asked
    “Sue and Adriana have agreed to fight…fuck fight”, she said blushing, “and we are their witnesses”.
    The whole “witness” bit became clear now. I knew Adriana and Sue had fought at the Library and I knew it was over Elisa. I guess they wanted to clear the air and see who was going to be Elisa’s lover. So many people were, Adriana should have made a list. I guess she had to start somewhere.
    “So what do I do ?”, I asked Amy.
    “Just do what I do or tell you to do”, she answered as someone who had “been there, done that”.
    Adriana had stepped out of the car and was slowly taking off her clothes. Sue was leaning against her car already naked. I had noticed Amy carried Sue’s thong in her hand. Adriana walked towards me and gave me her panties. I wasn’t asking any more questions.
    The area was hidden from the dirt road by some huge boulders. The ground was sandy but rather hard compared to the usual sand dunes in the area. I suddenly noticed a 6-foot pole stuck in the ground. What followed was a bit surreal.
    Amy left and came back with Sue and met me at the pole. She had a towel. As instructed by Amy, I held the towel with her and we shielded Sue from Adriana. Sue ignored me. I watched incredulously as Sue squatted and pissed on the base of the pole. Sue wiped herself and walked back to her car. The same ritual was followed when Adriana pissed on the same pole, also shielded from Sue by the towel. I could not help but be excited watching the plump Latina piss. She even did this with some grace. Both women had marked her territory…the same one.
    Sue and Adriana met in the middle of the grounds which, I figured, had been the site of many fuck fights in the past. Amy and I had traded our fighter’s panties. Sue took Adriana’s panties and put them to her face. She smelled them a few times and threw them back at me. Adriana took a deep whiff of Sue’s thong. I could see her nostrils dilating. Then she handed them to Amy. The work of a witness, I would learn, was just beginning.
    As if there had been a pre-arranged scenario, Sue lay down on her back and Adriana placed herself on all fours over her , head to toe, making sure not to make body contact with her rival. Amy brought some rope and we proceeded to tie the wrists of both women to the ankles of the other. As I figured it, they were tied but so loosely that , without being able to use their hands or get up, they could make contact with their mouth and at the same time try to prevent the other from doing so. Adriana had lowered herself on Sue. Mouth inches from the other’s cunt, neither had made contact.
    “One…two…threeeeeee”, shouted Amy. And the suck fight was on.
    The two women immediately burrowed their face between the other’s thighs. Obviously the one on top, Adriana in this case, had an advantage. Lifting her pelvis out of Sue’s reach, Adriana plastered her face between Sue’s thighs and started licking the blonde’s cunt with vigour. Sue bucked and bucked but Adriana continued to lick her. Sue tried to lift her tied-up legs up to scissor Adriana’s head but the Latina pushed her down with her arms. Sue finally managed to topple Adriana. She covered Adriana’s cunt with her mouth and began to suck hard. I could see her cheeks hollowing as she sucked on the Latina’s clit. Both women were moaning and, since the sun had not completely gone down, sweat was already covering both bodies. I watched the muscles in Sue’s small asscheeks tighten as she kept Adriana’s hands from pushing her over. Amy and I walked a little ways from the fighters and sat on the ground. We both watched the fight but I was very much aware of Amy’s body close to mine. I had the urge to feel Amy’s small tits through her blouse. I could see her lower back and the beginning of her ass-crack as she bent her chest forward concentrating on watching the fight. I bit my lower lip and restrained myself. I didn’t think this was the appropriate moment. The rule book probably frowned on sex between witnesses.
    Adriana and Sue took turns getting on top of each other. I could see Adriana’s plan was to lick Sue’s clit. Sue preferred to suck on her rival’s love button. Whoever was on top now, the rhythm has accelerated. Both women were drenched in sweat and their thighs covered in glistening cunt juices. Pushing and pulling with arms and legs, both women knew the other was close to a climax. Amy and I decided to get closer to the action to determine who was going to come first. Without giving the other a chance to rest, both women took turns licking and sucking the other’s cunt. Adriana’s black public hair was plastered to her underbelly. Sue’s blonde hair was not as apparent but I knew her cunt must have been dripping. Adriana toppled Sue once again and, instead of keeping her cunt away from Sue’s mouth, pushed it in Sue’s face while she rubbed her nose on Sue’s clit, from left to right and as quickly as she could manage. Her all-out technique worked and Sue’s hips bucked and her body shivered as she climaxed. Adriana quickly lifted her cunt away from Sue’s reach and looked at us. Her glistening face broke into a smile. This was not over. Amy had mentioned that, for a duel, the first woman to come twice lost. We untied the fighters. Sue got up slowly and began to swear at her rival.
    “You cheated you whore…”, she screamed.
    “I not cheat”, answered Adriana, puzzled and angry.
    “You choked me with your smelly Latina bitch”, continued Sue.
    Amy and I assured her that it was all legal. Sue muttered to herself as she regained her composure. Amy and I took the ropes and tied both fighters’ hands behind their back. Now was the real test. A fuck fight with no hands.
    Both women walked slowly towards the other.
    “Elisa is for me”, Adriana screamed at the blonde.
    “Elisa is mine and she prefers blonde cunt meat”, screamed Sue back.
    Amy and I looked at each other knowing very well that Selma would not agree. Selma and ..who else ? “Probably Monica”, I thought to myself, “and maybe others”.
    “I fuck you with my clit”, shouted Adriana.
    “I’ll destroy your clit with mine, you fat cow”, replied Sue.
    The two fighters began by exchanging kicks, neither connecting solidly enough to do any damage. They were simply sparring. Then they rammed into each other like mountain goats and bashed their tits together. In that department, Adriana had a distinct advantage, her tits being much fuller but I could see Sue’s pointy red nipples poking at the soft flesh of Adriana’s boobs. As if they were two ships, the two women banged their bows together, moving them up and down and sideways. Tits were flapping together and getting harder by the minute. Adriana gave Sue a knee in the groin which made her howl in pain. Sue spit in her rival’s face and both women then attacked each other face with their teeth. Adriana bit Sue’s cheek and Sue managed to clamp her teeth into the Latina’s thick lower lip. Amy winced as the two lesbians screamed in pain. Trickles of blood dripping on their tits, they continued to attack each other with their knees. Sometimes one would bite the other’s tit and shake it like an old rag, letting go when a knee connected with her groin. Their chests heaving, the two women stepped back to catch their breath. Amy gave me Sue’s thong and took Adriana’s panties. We rushed towards our own woman and gave her a sniff of her rival’s panties. Like boxers getting the salts, it reinvigorated them. I admired Adriana’s full ass and wished I could burrow my head between her bubbly asscheeks but this was not the time. Sue’s ass was “long” and it seemed to stretch from the small of her back to half way down her thighs with little relief. Her mound was also elongated compared to Adriana’s rounder more compact pubis. Both sets of cunt lips were protruding and the girls were ready to tangle. Adriana began to undulate her hips in an inviting way towards Sue. Sue began to move her hips also. Without a word each woman stepped towards the other and bumped cunts. Gently at first but with more force each time they met. Their eyes closed, each woman was concentrating and rubbing the other’s labia with her own, keeping her clit away from the action as much as possible. The two lesbians were fucking standing up. Each would have loved to be able to stick a finger or two in the other’s cunt…but the rules said “hands had to be tied”. I could see ripples on Adriana’s asscheeks as pelvises clashed. Chests would sometimes touch but the main fight was between the mounds of the two female gladiators. Adriana started to “walk into” Sue and put constant pressure on her labia. Sue dug her heels and resisted. The two women were now constantly rubbing their wet hairy mounds together. As Adriana continued to move forward, and making Sue constantly lose ground, she quickly slipped her foot behind Sue’s right leg and the blonde butch tripped. Adriana jumped on top of Sue who screamed in pain as she fell on her tied wrists. Adriana moved her hips between her rival’s thighs and covered her thinner bonier body with her fleshy upper body. She began to hump. I had never seen a woman hump another with such speed and strength. Sue was helpless. Although she tried to roll away, Adriana was too heavy and too strong. Her full body covering the blonde’s, Adriana rubbed her heavy tits against Sue’s erect nipples. Forcing Sue’s thighs open with her wide hips, Adriana continued her humping frenzy. Then she kissed Sue. A open-mouth tongue kiss. Sue gave out a loud moan and stopped fighting. Adriana continued for a few seconds for good measure but Sue had had an orgasm. Adriana knelt in front of her rival, then got up slowly and walked towards us. She looked exhausted. Her body was covered in dirt especially her belly and her ass. The sand from the ground was clinging to the sweat and the love juices. I untied her hands. She massaged her wrists. Amy was bending over Sue and rolled her over to free her wrists. Sue remained on the ground for the longest time then finally got up and looked at me viciously.
    “You and I have something to settle, you stuck-up bitch”, she tried to scream at me but her voice broke.
    “Anytime..anywhere..loser”, I screamed back.
    Amy looked at me with daggers in her eyes. I couldn’t tell if she hated me or if she was putting on a show for Sue. With Elisa out of the way, I guess Amy was going to have Sue all to herself.
    Without saying anything further, Sue staggered to her car , her arm around Amy’s shoulders.
    As I turned towards my car, I saw another car a few hundred feet away. Monica was leaning against it while Elisa was running towards us. She jumped into Adriana’s arms and the naked Latina kissed her lover, streaking her white t-shirt with mud and dirt.
    Monica was now standing next to me.
    “It was a nice thought, bring Elisa here”, I said appreciatively.
    “I let Adriana have her…” Monica answered in a superior tone, and making sure Adriana heard her next sentence, “but YOU I don’t let Adriana have”, she continued, poking the top of my breasts with her index finger.
    “Oh Monica….please …”I stammered.
    Adriana gently pushed Elisa aside.
    “She is mine”, she hissed at Monica.
    “For now maybe…but …we fight”, she said, addressing herself to Monica in English making sure I understood. My worse nightmare was happening.
    “NO…not here…not now”, I answered quickly, “two fights are enough for today, as I could see both women were ready for combat.
    “Besides, Adriana has just finished a hard fight and it would not be fair to her”, I continued trying to be as convincing as I could.
    “The Club”, I heard myself say.
    “What ?”, both women asked, rather annoyed.
    “The Club”, I continued, “You could fight at the Club”.
    Monica and Adriana were now standing close enough to exchange punches.
    “I know a place where you can have your fight”, I answered quickly before my two managers had a chance to come to blows.
    And addressing myself to both women, with as much authority as I could muster, I said “Monica…Adriana…let me set this up…don’t ask any questions..I’ll get back to both of you later”.
    Leaving Monica looking puzzled, I got Adriana and her lover in the car and sped away as soon as I could. I had trouble keeping my eyes on the road as I could hear Adriana’s loud moans. Elisa had dropped out of sight of my mirror, but I had a pretty good idea what she was doing to the older woman. I slowly slipped my hand between my thighs, thinking of the Club, of Adriana and Monica…of Sue and of Selma. I had a lot on my plate if I didn’t want to lose complete control of the situation. As we sped along the dirt road, I could feel an orgasm coming on.

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    Re: Searching for a story called Ashton

    Thank you very much

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    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: Searching for a story called Ashton

    It is a hot story. I liked it. Interesting and captivating plot, well written erotic and non-erotic scenes. I can't say that it is among the very best I have recently read but it is among the hot stories I have read. That's for sure.

    Questions :

    1/ Catharsis, are there any other strories by Oris ? If yes and you have any of them, please post them. Or anybody else, if Catharsis hasn't any one more.

    2/ JB, you are the grand-master of modifying old stories, making them longer, hotter, better. You told us that you have plans to write some stories of this kind. Please take a look at this hot story. Refresh it and/or add the missing last chapter (if not more). Just an idea. IF you want.

    I know that I somehow load your agenta even more, but believe me, the story is hot !

  7. #7
    Hostboard Member Catharsis's Avatar
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    Re: Searching for a story called Ashton

    Oris also wrote The Dorm: The Dorm by Oris and The Brothel: The brothel, by Oris which were each posted to a single thread and are easier to access in the Wayback Machine than Ashton’s separate chapters.

  8. #8
    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: Searching for a story called Ashton

    Thank you very much Catharsis.

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