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Thread: Story: Succubus P.I. - The Purple Rose Part 3+4

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    Story: Succubus P.I. - The Purple Rose Part 3+4

    Parts 3 and 4 are up and some fan favorites make their comeback. Enjoy!

    Read parts 1+2 here: Story: Succubus P.I. - The Purple Rose Part 1+2

    Chapter 3 – A Score to Settle

    The next morning, Aya awoke with a sleeping Elena beside her. They had both regained human form and the blonde looked peaceful and satisfied. Her soft blonde hair covered Aya's naked torso like a silk shawl. She was too proud of her own black mane to admit it openly, but she loved to touch these long golden strands and feel them on her skin.

    They had ravaged each other last night until they both lost consciousness from exhaustion. It was hard to say who had fared better. Quite possibly Elena, although she lost count at some point. She just wasn't able to tame the younger demoness, at least not for long. Of course, she could have commanded her to submit. Katrin, the guardian angel Aya teamed up with, had spared Elena's life on the condition that she would obey the other succubus. But that was not what she wanted. Not between the sheets, at least. She wanted to conquer and outperform Elena's sexuality with her own, in a contest between equals.

    By now, she wasn't sure if she would ever succeed. Perhaps they were too evenly matched and destined to compete for all eternity without one proving superior. So far Elena exceeded all her expectations. She had learned to control her dark hunger much faster than Aya had managed. Even if she gave herself credit for being at a younger age back then. Moreover, Aya herself had developed considerably more confidence in dealing with her own murderous cravings since sharing a bed with the other succubus. In the decades and centuries before, she had only ever fed when absolutely necessary. With Elena, it was suddenly possible for her to do it for fun without harming anyone, and she enjoyed it more than she was willing to admit.

    Gently, without waking the sleeping beauty next to her, Aya stood up. It was tempting to take advantage of the situation now and pounce like a hungry animal on the great piece of ass hiding under the sheets, but she held back. She had some work to do today and if she started something now, they wouldn't get out of bed before noon. Naked, she made her way to the bathroom. After a quick shower, she put on her slippers and a semi-sheer robe and made some coffee.

    When she returned to the bedroom with a steaming cup, Elena was sitting upright in bed, the blanket covering her breasts, blinking at her with sleepy eyes.

    "Good morning, late riser," Aya greeted her, pulling up the shutter. The sudden brightness made her guest squint her eyes.

    "What a night," Elena murmured. "It feels like I ran a marathon." She arched her back and stretched out her tired arms, causing the blanket to slide down and reveal her bare breasts. Damn, did her tits look yummy…

    Aya nodded. "This time we really went the distance."

    A triumphant grin suddenly appeared on the blonde seductress's face. "But if I'm not mistaken, you passed out first."

    "Yet, it obviously took you longer to recover, sleepyhead," the dark-haired temptress countered.

    Elena thought about her words for a moment. "Do you want to call it a draw?"

    After a moment's consideration, Aya agreed. "Seems fair. And the next time we infiltrate a hot criminal's lair, you get to lead the charge."

    Her expression brightened. "Really?"

    "Sure. You're still a cocky bitch, but you deserve it. Oh, and when Katrin comes back, I will recommend her to leave your head on."

    Elena shook back her hair and stuck her chin out snootily. "If she ever comes back. Maybe she forgot all about you by now."

    "Hah, you’d like that, wouldn’t you?" Aya dismissed the objection. Truth to be told, however, she was starting to worry about the angel. Katrin had declared she would be gone for a few months, but now it was almost half a year.

    "Oh, by the way," Elena spoke up, "where's my coffee?"

    Aya rolled her eyes in annoyance. "See, that's what I mean. Help yourself in the kitchen. This isn't a hotel."

    The blonde demonstratively pouted. "Next time we should invite your boyfriend again for a threesome, at least he has some manners. You’re not withholding him from me, are you? Remember: Sharing is caring."

    "Chris has a lot on his plate right now. Besides, he's not my boyfriend. We're just two grown-ups who like to have sex with each other."

    Elena’s look betrayed how little credence she gave to Aya's account. "Still miffed because he thought my ass was better?" she teased.

    Aya raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Excuse me, he didn't. He literally said mine was a tiny bit more supple than yours."

    "Well, I hate to bring you back down to earth," Elena replied, "But that's just a polite way of saying your butt sags. He stated quite clearly that he found mine a tiny bit tighter."

    "Oh really?" countered Aya unimpressed. "That's just a polite way of saying your cheeks are scrawny"

    They glared at each other in a feisty manner and then began to giggle almost simultaneously. "He really is a gentleman," Aya remarked. "Now get out of my bed you little tease. I've got new sheets to put on."


    After Elena left, Aya spent Saturday morning running some errands and doing some housework. At noon Chris called her and apologized that he would not have time to see her this weekend. Too many colleagues were sick at the moment and he had to work double shifts. He promised to make it up to her next week. At least he confirmed that Isabella had made a full confession. The police, however, were as clueless as she was about who was hiding behind the P. R. cipher. Chris’ best guess was Pavel Romanov, a high ranking member of the Russian Bratva who was known to be involved in human trafficking, but at this point they had no further evidence leading up to him.

    Even though she understood his situation, she now regretted having thrown Elena out a little prematurely. She considered calling the blonde, but didn't want to risk looking too desperate. Not that this bitch was getting any ideas!

    Instead, she made herself a cozy afternoon on the couch. After flipping through the television channels for a while, she grabbed a book she was in the midst of reading. It was a raunchy novella about the erotic adventures of a French maid who fucked her way through high society in the Victorian era. It was by no means historically accurate but quite entertaining.

    When she went to sleep, she noticed that her bed surprisingly still smelled a little of Elena and that night she had a crazy dream in which she was wearing a sexy maid outfit and serving coffee to the blonde. The next morning she followed her suspicions, opened the covers of her pillows and found the red thong Elena had worn on Friday inside one.

    You naughty little bitch. Shaking her head, she stashed the piece in her nightstand drawer. She would figure out how to return the favor appropriately. A little later, when she had just finished her morning routine, and was about to set herself up for another uneventful day, the doorbell rang.

    Notwithstanding the fact that she was wearing nothing more than a thong and warm, thigh-high woolen stockings underneath her sheer robe, Aya curiously opened the door. There she stood: half a head taller than her, dressed in a white winter coat and a matching cap under which long, light brown hair cascaded down. Despite, or perhaps because of, her somewhat prominent nose, her face was one of the most beautiful Aya had ever seen, and the Succubus knew that the body under the coat was every bit as gorgeous.

    "Katrin!" realized Aya, dumbfounded. The other woman had first been introduced to her as Katrin Weiß, a federal police officer. They had developed a short but fierce mutual rivalry. During their very intimate confrontation, she had revealed herself as a guardian angel and forced the succubus into a magical pact of servitude. However, when they both realized that they were on the same side, their mutual dislike had developed into an equally passionate affection.

    "Hello Aya. You look stunning." For a moment, the visitor's dark brown eyes wandered over the succubus' scantily clad body as if entranced, before she became aware of it and bashfully lowered her gaze. "I hope I'm not intruding," she explained sheepishly. "I probably should have called ahead, but I wanted to surprise you. And I brought some champagne and chocolates." She presented a colorful paper bag with the head of a bottle sticking out of it and gave Aya a disarming smile.

    The succubus, however, furrowed her brow in reproach and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

    "Five months! Almost half a year without a message, without a single sign of life! I was worried about you!"

    "I'm infinitely sorry about that," Katrin apologized, making an imploring gesture with her hands. "I thought about you day and night, but I wasn't allowed to contact you. Please, I can explain."

    "You better should," muttered Aya, whose anger had already dissipating. She was too happy to finally see the beautiful angel again. "Come inside first, then take your time telling me everything."

    While Katrin took off her coat, Aya helped her with the shopping bag and put the champagne in the fridge. Shortly after, they both found themselves with a cup of coffee in hand on the sofa in the living room, the same one on which they had spent their first and so far only night together. The angel was wearing warm, light blue leggings that clung to her long athletic legs like a second skin and a comfortable white winter sweater that made it hard for Aya not to snuggle up to her right away.

    "So," Aya wanted to know, tantalizingly crossing her legs. "What kept you from calling in for months?"

    "Well," Katrin replied in a serious tone, "Not everyone at the Bastion approved of the circumstances under which I arrested Jolie."

    "The Bastion?"

    "The Bastion of Light. Something like our headquarters," the angel explained. "Some cherubim were and still are of the opinion I should have put Elena to the sword and you right along with her. The fact that I cooperated with a demoness has resulted in an official investigation."

    Aya's eyes narrowed indignantly. "How can they think such a thing? We are no monsters! Thanks to the new, improved potions, we get along entirely without human life force."

    "You have to understand," Katrin quickly placated her. "Most of us have been fighting demons for centuries or even millennia, and they don't know you as well as I do. But don't worry: I was able to convince the Cherubim High Command that you pose no danger to the general public. And I hope Elena doesn't either. How is she holding up?"

    "Pretty good. To be honest, I'm a little jealous. She's learned to control her hunger in a few months, which took me years of torture."

    Katrin looked at her in surprise. "Torture? What do you mean by that?"

    Aya sighed, already regretting that she had brought up the subject. "About three hundred years ago, I thought it was a good idea to hide from the public by joining a convent. But the nasty nuns saw right through my disguise and put me in shackles. The abbess forced me into a dark pact. She was not as considerate as you. Instead, she used her power over me to forcefully interrupt my feeding. Again and again. It was painful, but like a dog that fears the stick, I learned to control the urge myself."

    Katrin looked visibly shocked. "What kind of convent was that?"

    The succubus shuddered when she thought back to it. They had called themselves the convent of the purple rose but beneath the pious façade, they had been masters of torture and domination. Only by seducing a young novice she had been able to escape.

    "Doesn’t matter", Aye replied. "I burned the place down on my way out."

    Katrin moved a little closer on the sofa and put her hand on her shoulder comfortingly. "I'm sorry, I didn't know."

    Aya gave her a grateful smile and for a moment simply enjoyed the closeness of the other woman. She believed Katrin's explanations so far, but couldn't shake off the feeling that the angel hadn't told her everything. While she was still thinking about what reason she might have to hide something from her, Katrin's fingers had already begun to play with the black strands of the succubus' hair. As if they were possessed by a will of their own, their thighs began to rub tenderly against each other. The arousing touch immediately made every other thought fade into the background.

    "I missed you," whispered the angel.

    "I missed you too," breathed the succubus. As if also a silent signal, they closed their eyes and kissed each other on the mouth.

    For far too long, Aya had longed for those lips. Soft and moist, they pressed down on hers like two juicy slices of peach, inviting her to suck on them long and hard. This was not an aggressive, challenging kiss like with Elena. Katrin wasn't trying to outdo and control her, she was just as eager to finally feel the succubus' taste on her tongue again as vice versa.

    "We have a lot of catching up to do," the angel whispered after their lips parted again.

    "We do," Aya breathed in affirmation. "And we have all day for it. But before that, there's something we need to sort out."

    "What do you mean?" murmured Katrin impatiently, trying to place another kiss on Aya's lips. However, she only met the cheek, as the succubus turned aside.

    "My girls have a score to settle with yours."

    Katrin rolled her eyes in annoyance. "You want a titfight? Now? Can't it wait?"

    "I've been waiting long enough for my rematch," Aya complained, "and I can't have you running around that bastion bragging to everyone about how exactly you subdued a succubus."

    "I would never do that!" declared Katrin indignantly. When Aya stared at her from narrowed eyes, she conceded, "maybe I mentioned it once or twice…"

    "I knew it!", Aya found her suspicion confirmed, "But that's over now. My tits are going to put your tits in their place." She leaned back on the sofa, thrusting her chest forward in challenge, and grinned cockily. "Unless you admit that you cheated and wouldn't stand a chance in a fair contest."

    Involuntarily, Katrin imitated the demoness' pose. Her face took on a stern expression, as Aya had obviously managed to ignite her competitive spark. Their original rivalry stemmed in no small part from their nearly identical bosoms, of which both women were very proud to say the least.

    "I beat you fair and square and was willing to leave it at that," the angel said. "But if your girls absolutely insist on another pounding, mine are more than willing to help out. However, if we're going to do this, we're going to do it right. Remember how we agreed to drink Ramona's breast enhancement potion before?"

    Aya grinned, "Of course."

    "Well, unfortunately it's Sunday, so I guess her store is closed, like all the stores in Germany are," Katrin shrugged regretfully. "I suggest we postpone it until the coming week. That way I can still have some fun with your juicy boobs today before I squash them."

    "Her store may be closed," Aya replied impassively, "but I have her private number for emergencies. Let's call her right away."

    She grabbed her phone and dialed the number of the young, red-haired witch. Ramona Ivanescu provided her with potions that made it unnecessary to feed on humans, but beyond that, she was also a good friend that the succubus could always rely on. When she picked up, however, Ramona sounded a bit irritated.

    "Aya? I hope this is urgent, because I'm up to my neck in preparations for the lunar eclipse."

    "The lunar eclipse?" the succubus asked confused, turning on the speaker so Katrin could listen in.

    "Yes, there will be a partial eclipse tomorrow night." the witch specified. "They say it’s gonna be a beautiful blood moon. The next one won't be for several decades at these latitudes."

    "What's so important about that?"

    "Jeez!" Ramona complained. "For a supernatural being, you really don't know squat about the occult. Certain types of magic work much stronger during a blood moon. I can charge ten times as much for potions I brew during that time. But the event only lasts for about two hours, so everything must be prepared in advance."

    "Too bad," Aya replied, disappointed. "Because I just have a visit from a friend who thinks her boobs are better than mine. I was hoping you could help us settle this dispute once and for all with your special potion."

    "Katrin is back?" the witch exclaimed in surprise.

    "Hello Ramona," the angel spoke up. "How are you?"

    "Oh my God!" the voice on the other end of the line almost rolled over, "Can I watch? Please!"

    Aya and Katrin exchanged a quick glance and grinned in silent agreement.

    "Of course," the succubus agreed. "After all, someone has to watch out that this sly vixen here doesn't cheat again."

    "And I need a witness," Katrin also agreed, "so that your butthurt friend doesn't come up with another excuse when I humiliate her."

    "I'll be there in fifteen minutes!" promised Ramona, sounding completely out of her mind. "Don't start anything without me!"

    Chapter 4 – Lessons to be Learned

    When Ramona arrived, Aya and Katrin had already moved the living room table out of the way to create an improvised arena. While not as well-endowed as the two competitors, the twenty-three-year-old witch was a real cutie with her curly, fiery red mane. Taking off her coat and unwrapping herself from her crocheted scarf, she could hardly hide her excitement. Underneath, she wore dungarees full of colorful stains, as she had probably rushed out of her alchemist's kitchen without changing first.

    "I'm so glad you're finally back," she chirped after giving first Aya then Katrin a quick hug. "Are you staying longer?"

    "Just a few days for now," Katrin tempered her enthusiasm. "How is your mother?"

    "Holding up quite well," Ramona reported, "considering she was held hostage for three years. She's visiting relatives in the Countryside right now, but next summer we plan to spend a long vacation together. Just mother and daughter."

    "Sounds great," Katrin deemed. She then turned to Aya. "Last chance to call it off."

    "You wish," Aya replied with a grin, brushing off her robe. She was far to exited to back down, especially in front of Ramona who had admired her boobs since her teenage years. Naked except for her thong and thigh-high woolen stockings, she stretched her bosom challengingly towards the other woman. "These girls are ready to march into battle."

    Katrin bared her teeth in anticipation and then pulled her sweater over her head. A quick reach behind her back and her white lace bra fell to the floor. Her mighty breasts seemed unaffected by gravity just like Aya's. And they were every bit as full and round, two magnificent examples of indomitable femininity. The brunettes nipples and areolas were slightly lighter in color than her own but of equal size and shape.

    "And these girls take no prisoners," Katrin boasted.

    The succubus knew that those perfect breasts rivaled hers in weight and firmness as well. All the greater was her desire to conquer them, to dominate them and prove that her pair was just a little bit better.

    Ramona stared from one to the other with her mouth open. "You’re really going to do this, aren’t you? After months of not seeing each other, the first thing you do is a titfight?" She clapped her hands in excitement. "That's so cool!"

    "Only because she insists," Katrin claimed. "It's childish but with five hundred years of experience, I'm not going to let a young upstart like her get any ideas."

    "Oh yeah?", Aya teased her, "So you got hundred years up on me, granny. Let's see if your experience can compensate for your inferior looks."

    Katrin just smirked haughtily.

    "I'm so grateful to you for letting me watch!" rejoiced Ramona. "I could be the first witch to answer an age-old question that occultists have been arguing about for all eternity."

    "And what would that be?" the other two women asked almost simultaneously.

    "Well, who's sexier of course. Demonesses or female angels. You know the former are the embodiment of their summoner’s most erotic fantasies, so they are obviously very hot. The latter turn into idealized versions of themselves upon ascending, which means they are incredibly beautiful too. It's a heated debate, just like vampires versus werewolves."

    "Vampires are overrated," Katrin claimed , "Too cold, too bloodless. And come sunrise, they're usually exhausted."

    "So are werewolves," Aya replied. "Too hairy and only really in the mood during the full moon."

    In complete astonishment, the witch stared at them, eyes wide open. "Are you telling me that you…?"

    "Do you have the potions?", Katrin interrupted her. "I'd like to get this over with."

    "Well… sure," Ramona stammered and fumbled a small glass vial out of her pocket, which she handed to Katrin.

    "It takes about five minutes for the effects to kick in," she explained absently, staring mesmerized at the angel's bare breasts. "You'll grow about a cup size and your nipples will get incredibly long and hard for the next few hours. Can I touch them before that? Just to have a comparison…"

    While swallowing her potion, Katrin brushed aside the witch's greedy fingers that had approached the seductively dangling orbs as if they were under a will of their own.

    "Okay, just watch, don't touch," she resigned. "Mind if I record it? For research purposes only of course."

    "Touch your phone and I'll flatten yours next," Aya warned, "Now give me my potion already."

    "Oh, of course," she recalled, handing Aya an identical vial, which the succubus emptied in one go.

    "Are you sure you can take her on?" Ramona whispered to her friend. "I know how strong your girls are, but hers look like their evil twins from a parallel universe."

    Aya grinned with confidence. "Watch and learn." With that, she took a step toward Katrin so that the tips of their nipples were almost touching and gave the opposing glands a dismissive look. "Let's get this straight," she said to the angel's face. "Just tits against tits. No armlocks, no pressing against any walls. We can use our hands, but only to get a hold on each other."

    "Agreed," Katrin confirmed, putting her hands on her hips. "My reigning champs need no help in teaching your second rated contenders another lesson."

    The succubus replied with a fake laugh and turned her head to Ramona. "The first lesson is not to be intimidated by empty threats. A real woman is proud of her breasts and knows what they are capable of. And in a few minutes, when the effects of the potion kick in, this cocky bitch over there will find out too."

    Having said that, she gasped in shock when Katrin suddenly wrapped her arms around her waist and pulled her close. "Why wait that long?" the angel whispered. They both moaned as their breasts touched and their nipples dug into the soft female flesh of the other. It wasn't painful yet, but tight enough to feel the intimidating weight and firmness of the opposing pair.

    "Here's the second lesson," Katrin told Ramona. "Always keep the initiative." The young witch nodded silently, mesmerized by the sight, of the colliding masses.

    Aya quickly recovered from her surprise and returned the embrace. Feeling Katrin's boobs against hers was fantastic, but she would have plenty of time to enjoy it later. Right now, the first thing to do was to make it clear who ruled the limited space between them, and her own jugs couldn't wait to press their territorial claim.

    The two women growled at each other as they rubbed their tits harder into their respective counterparts starting a slow circular grind. Forehead to forehead they leaned against each other, the tips of their noses touching, their eyes fixed on the bulging mounds of flesh between them. Sharp moans escaped them whenever their respective opponent's erect nipples dug into their own sensitive areolae.

    "Can you feel it?" gasped Katrin, "My beauties are growing. They're outgrowing yours."

    Indeed: the angel's impressive breasts had begun to expand. The space between them was now dominated by her lighter-skinned knockers, while Aya's tanned girls were pushed back. Katrin had drunk the potion a little earlier and the effect must have kicked in a little faster accordingly.

    "They've never felt so stout," the angel rejoiced. "My nipples have never been this long and hard. Feel how powerful they are. Feel them overwhelm your puny little titties."

    "She's right!" affirmed Ramona impressed, leaning forward to get a close-up look. "Your boobs are bulging out to the side like they're made of foam!"

    Aya bared her teeth in pain and tried to push her opponent away, but Katrin's strong arms wouldn't let go. She had to hold on until the effect started to set in on her as well. Already she felt her battered bags begin to swell getting ready face their all-powerful opponents.

    "You cheating slut!" she growled, "You're not going to best my proud breasts so easily!"

    Their feminine glands had already become quite slippery from the sweat they had shed, and so Aya managed to slide her tits under Katrin's and push them upwards. A maneuver that elicited a surprised gasp from the angel.

    "Here is your third lesson," Aya instructed Ramona. "If your opponent is taller than you, just shove her worthless jugs up into her face where they belong."

    "Fuck," Katrin growled, taking a wider stance to bring her breasts back down to the same height. "You'd better forget that lesson immediately, girl" she advised Ramona, "because if your opponent is smaller, you can always lean further forward to gain leverage and to attack her cowardly little titties head on."

    "Damn," the witch muttered. "I should have brought a notepad."

    Although Katrin had succeeded in getting their breasts to line up again, the succubus' had grown to almost the same size by now and continued to inflate. The angel's temporary advantage was thus all but gone.

    "Mine are totally outgrowing yours!" bragged Aya. "Now feel their wrath!" Katrin hissed angrily in response.

    With renewed vigor, they pressed their breasts into each other. They were almost as hard and taut as rubber balls and each pair refused to give in to the other. Aya decided to repeat her previous tactic and attack from below. This time, however, she simultaneously clawed at Katrin's long brown hair, forcing her to bend over backwards.

    "Ow!, that's not fair!" the angel complained enraged as Aya pushed her back.

    It is fair!", Aya countered with a sly grin. "We agreed to use our hands to hold each other." To Ramona she said, "Never forget that all is fair in love and war."

    It came as it had to come, and the two titfighting women crashed into a dresser. An empty flower vase became unbalanced and threatened to fall down, but Ramona had the presence of mind to catch it at the last moment.

    "No harm done," she announced. "Just keep going."

    "Well," Katrin growled, "if that's fair, what about this?" She grabbed her opponent's black thong with both hands and pulled it up with a powerful yank.

    "Ouch!" howled Aya as it felt like the fabric was cutting her pussy in half. "You nasty slut!"

    "And the most important lesson is," Katrin lectured the shocked witch, "Karma is a bitch!"

    Aya had to stand on her tiptoes to ease the pain, making it easy for Katrin to push her back in the other direction. With their upper bodies bent backwards and nipples pointing to the ceiling, their taut bellies started to rub against each other. Not long and the succubus felt the opposite wall in her back while her tits were mercilessly squeezed by those of her opponent.

    "I'll let go if you let go," Aya hissed, leaning her head on Katrin's shoulder.


    In silent consent, they simultaneously let go, and Aya pushed her rival back into the center of the room. The angel's breasts were reddened, but a glance down at her own confirmed that they fared no better.

    "Wow, that was intense," Ramona commented. "Is it a draw?"

    Katrin shook back her disheveled hair and grinned wickedly. "'No fucking way. That filthy demon bitch challenged my angelic breasts and now she's in for a punishment."

    Aya was glad to hear that her opponent was willing to go the distance, because she certainly hadn't waited five months for this moment to settle for a draw.

    "We'll see who dishes out the punishment," she snorted, throwing herself at her opponent with renewed fighting spirit.

    Katrin's toned body tensed and they met halfway. With an audible thump, their magically enlarged breasts collided and if they hadn't immediately clasped each other, they probably would have recoiled a few steps.

    But as it was, they wrestled with each other in the middle of the room, slowly beginning to spin in circles without either of them gaining the upper hand.

    "You stubborn slut," Katrin cursed, "just admit that mine are better!"

    "Fuck your tits!" Aya shot back. "Mine have always been better!"

    While they pounded their breasts into one another and struggled for a better position, Katrin suddenly stumbled over the edge of the living room rug. In her fall, she dragged Aya with her, who landed on top of her with all her weight.

    "Argh!" cried Katrin as her breasts flattened under Aya's, the air escaping her lungs.

    "Woah," Ramona exclaimed, leaping swiftly out of the way.

    Aya, too, was dazed at first, but immediately realized that Katrin's seemingly invincible breasts had finally given way and deformed noticeably beneath hers. The familiar feeling that her tits were about to conquer that of another proud, busty woman sent a jolt of excitement through her body.

    Pressing her advantage, she lifted her torso a bit and let her wrecking balls crash down on their counterparts one more time. Both women cried in pain but once again she could feel the angel’s jugs yielding a little more.

    "Had enough?" she asked through clenched teeth.

    "Bring it bitch!" Katrin defied her, her face a mask of anguish.

    Aya gladly obliged. Like battering rams, her powerful breasts smashed Katrin's once proud twin bastions again and again until the latter gave way like jello. Her victim tried to squirm out from under her, but she wouldn't let her. Instead, she ground her breasts into her rival's as hard and as tight as she could. She could feel her throbbing nipples pushing directly into Katrins pointed tips and painfully pushing them back into the now soft flesh.

    "Fuck, I give up!" the angel surrendered. "My breasts can't take any more!"

    Aya looked down at her opponent, enjoying the look of shame and disappointment on her face for a moment. "That means mine are better?" she demanded to know.

    "They are," Katrin reluctantly conceded. "Today, at least. But I want a tiebreaker."

    The defeated woman gave Aya a defiant look that made her smirk.

    "Your tits put up a good fight," she admitted to her. "You'll get one." She paused rhetorically before adding, "In five months from now.'"

    "You cunt," Katrin complained with mock indignation but couldn't help smirking back. They both knew that the last word between their brave girls was not spoken, but for the moment they could both live well with the agreement. Slowly, Aya lowered her lips to Katrin's and closed her eyes. They sealed the deal with a long tender kiss.

    "That was absolutely amazing!", Ramona snapped them back to reality. "First it looked even, then I thought Katrin was going to win, but then it turned again! First it was like bam and then it was like pow…"

    Lying on the ground, they both watched the young witch dancing around them, reenacting the fight. Suddenly, however, she paused and thoughtfully said, "Hm, I think I owe my mother ten bucks now…"

    "You were betting against me?" asked Aya indignantly. "What kind of friend are you?"

    The witch put on an apologetic smile. "Well, I thought, since Katrin has already succeeded once it was save to assume… Anyway, what's up next? A sexfight?"

    "Don't you still have to make preparations for the lunar eclipse?" the succubus asked, slightly annoyed.

    "Well yeah, technically I do," Ramona waved it off, "but it's going to be hard to think about anything other than your breasts as they…"

    She paused as her gaze met that of the two women. "Ah, I see, you need privacy. After all, you haven't seen each other in a while. I'm already gone, so to speak."

    She scuttled out into the hallway and slipped on her coat while Aya disengaged herself from Katrin and helped her to her feet. Carefully massaging their battered breasts, they said goodbye to the young witch.

    "And many thanks for all the valuable lessons," she thanked them. "I will keep them to my heart and when the time has come…" she fixed Aya from narrowed eyes, "…I will defeat these thingies."

    She poked Aya's left tit with her finger, eliciting a surprised squeal from the succubus, then rushed off laughing before the demon could return the favor. "Until next time," Ramona called from the stairwell.

    "What a saucy little brat!" grumbled Aya as she closed the apartment door.

    "I wonder where she got that from”, Katrin noted with a smirk.

    The Succubus gave her a face and strutted past her into the kitchen, "Do your girls need some ice? They look like they've been hit by a bus."

    While she didn't have any ice in the freezer, she did have a cold bottle of champagne, which Katrin, gratefully pressed to her bosom to ease her pain.

    "God, Aya, you were savage. You really wanted to win, didn't you?"

    "Don't tell me you went easy on me."

    Resolutely, Katrin shook her head. "No way. Your girls deserved their victory. And you know what else they deserve?"

    "What would that be?" asked Aya curiously.

    Suddenly Katrin started shaking the bottle and then pulled out the cork. "This!"

    Aya shrieked in shock as the cold tingly drink splashed over her bosom, giving her goosebumps. Some of it even trickled down her body, wetting her thong.

    "Are you crazy? You're ruining my kitchen!"

    Katrin approached her with a seductive smile. "For a sinful demoness of lust, you're quite prissy, you know that?"

    She pushed Aya against the kitchen table and placed the bottle next to her. The succubus let it happen and sat down on the tabletop, eager to find out what the angel had in mind.

    "Your champions deserve a reward," Katrin declared, lowering her face to Aya's wet, glistening breasts. "And I'm going to deliver it to them."

    With that, she began tenderly licking the victorious breasts. First one, then the other. She then took the stiff nipples into her mouth and began to gently suck on them. Bruised as they were, it was not entirely painless for Aya. Despite her regenerative ability, it would take a few hours for her puppies to fully recover, but, the pleasure far outweighed it. Katrin excelled at caressing another woman's breasts, that was immediately obvious.

    "Yes," Aya moaned aroused. "Lick them, suck them, chew on them. Worship my glorious tits!"

    "That's what I'm going to do," Katrin mumbled into her bosom. "Until they shrink to their normal size, and then some more."

    "Mmh," Aya gasped with relish. "That wouldn't be fair." She pushed Katrin gently but firmly away from her. "Your girls deserve a reward for their second place, too." She winked at her, then took the champagne bottle that stood beside her and splashed it on Katrin's bare breasts.

    The angel gasped in delight as the cool liquid soaked her breasts. Her enlarged globes glistened invitingly. As before with Aya, the alcohol trickled down her taut belly and moistened the crotch of her tight-fitting leggings. "Yes," Katrin breathed, "take them as your prize. Do whatever you want with them."

    "You're pretty kinky for a guardian angel," Aya teased her, licking the tip of her tongue pertly over the brunette's stiff nipples. The mixture of champagne and Katrin's own erotic taste was extremely intoxicating. She needed more of it and began to suck on the delicious teats intimately. At the same time she grabbed the other woman's crotch and started fingering her pussy. She wanted this woman. She needed her so badly.

    "Must be due to my improper acquaintances," breathed Katrin, getting hold of Aya's ass and pulling her closer. "I just always fall for bad girls."

    Continue with chapter 5+6: Story: Succubus P.I. - The Purple Rose Part 5+6

    Well, Aya seems to be happy with Katrin's return but how will Elena react, when she lerns about it? Let me know what you think!
    Last edited by herbert3000; December 9th, 2023 at 07:50 AM. Reason: added forward link

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    Re: Story: Succubus P.I. - The Purple Rose Part 3+4

    Elena will definitely demand a threesome. Also, can I just say that I love Ramona? She’s so bubbly, hyperactive and enthusiastically pervy.

  3. #3
    Hostboard Member herbert3000's Avatar
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    Re: Story: Succubus P.I. - The Purple Rose Part 3+4

    Quote Originally Posted by YuriLesboLover View Post
    Also, can I just say that I love Ramona? She’s so bubbly, hyperactive and enthusiastically pervy.
    Of course you can! Didn't even know "bubbly" was a word but it describes her perfectly . Glad you enjoyed it!

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