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    WARNING: This is a fantasy of extreme nature about violent, brave, lusty people who are willing to personally suffer the consequences or reap the rewards of their actions with out regards to the norms of modern society or the qualms of conscious. Don?t read it if you are not interested in such topics or at all squeamish. Also, make sure you are mature enough to know the difference between illusion and reality. This is not a how to book.


    I make my money sitting up fights for men who want to watch violent and sometimes sexual contests between women. Sometimes women come to me to help them set up their own fights. More often than not in those fights the fighters know each other. But more often than not in the arranged battles the fighters don?t personally know who they are fighting. They are there for money and convinced they are tougher than the stranger they are about to meet. Sometimes the women are clearly coerced by debts, boyfriends, husbands, family or drugs. I don?t care anymore, so unless they tell me I don?t ask to many questions after I get their voluntary consent once. However, I much prefer a fight between two women who just want to beat the hell out of one another whether the fight is arranged or not.

    Now I have seen all ages in my fights, but most are between twenty and thirty something women. There has been an interesting trend in younger fighters often brought in by their own parents to fight for money. I don?t know what?s happening out there, but I suspect there is some kind of climatic change in the fighting world. All I know is that I have no trouble finding fighting women. My worry is that eventually it will kill the market for my underground fights. Why pay me for something you can see on the street corner! On the other hand, women are willing to go further and further down the underground road. Sometimes its hose down the walls and sweep up the eyeballs and that?s money in the bank in the private sale market. So I?ll keep on providing a venue for fighters to wage their chosen kind of war.

    Anthony found me through a contact. He wanted to match a fighter named Nancy, his mother-in-law of all things, against any mature woman willing to meet her in a no rules cage fight with winner says it?s over rules. Nancy?s first requirement was that the woman she would be matched with would be a grandmother too. She had been in a number of fights and didn?t want to be put up against a youngster again. She wanted to take on another tough old bitch in a bloody battle not some young cow that might outlast her by just running away until she was exhausted. Apparently she had lost a brutal fist fight with a twenty year old because she was outlasted. Well finding her a match took me awhile. Her other specifics made it even more difficult to find a willing fighter.

    Nancy was 53, mother of two, grandmother of three and apparently a wildcard even at her age. According to Anthony she gave sex parties. I had a short video of her in a strained to breaking push up bra and an overwhelmed leopard thong. She stood 5?7??, weighed over two hundred pounds and sported huge full but floppy 44DD breasts. She had long red nails. She stood in high heel strap less fuck me pumps and fairly strutted. She was a wild one for sure. I confirmed directly with her she wanted a bloody fight in a cage, hardcore style like she had seen on television. She even sent me a list of items she wanted available for use: trash can, trash can lid, bike chains, leather straps, cheese grater, table forks, barbed wire coiled around a broom handle, binding ropes, a bag of thumb tacks, a stapler, a dildo harness with twelve inch studded dildo, a fifteen inch hand held dildo, a riding crop, a stock whip, etc. plus time release handcuffs attached to the bars on all four sides As for clothes she wanted the fight to start in bras and thongs with strapped on high heels. She planned to walk on the other woman?s tits with her high heels. Like I said, she wanted a savage fight to the finish and although she said she didn?t want to kill the bitch she wanted the bitch to beg for it to end her suffering. Then she would fuck her and hurt her until the woman pissed herself and begged to kiss her ass. Well after talking to her I had no qualms about her not knowing what she was getting into. Often men set up their wives in these fights and the poor dumb bitch has no idea what she?s signed up to receive.

    Old women like old men typically have too much good sense to do this shit, they pay somebody else to do it for them. I was about to have to apologize to Anthony when another contact came through with a guy named Fat Shady, I kid you not, that?s what he wanted to be called. Fat Shady was fucking some woman named Tina who liked beating the hell out of white women. In this business I?m used to requests like that. Television may present the world as one big happy family, but down in the dirt where the real people live all things are not peace and love, there is a lot of nastiness.

    Fat Shady was pretty clear, ?She wants to fuck up a white bitch, fuck her up good, take her hair, bust up her face, stomp her titties, kick her cunt bloody and then piss on her while ramming her fist up the bitch?s bloody cunt. Can you do that? I understand you pay pretty good, especially for real bloodbaths. I could use the green and she wants a white bitch, wants her real bad. What can you do for buddy??

    Tina met Nancy?s requirement, Tina was a mother of six and grandmother of ten. She must have started early because she was 45 years old. I got a picture of her in a white bra and panty. She stood 5?6?? and weighed according to Fat Shady 167 pounds, but she looked more like 180 to me. He had very specific measurements of 42E 30 and 44 of her body and practically drooled when he mentioned the size of her ass. Black guys like big booty, no questions about that. She was a lush big booty big tit bitch for sure and she knew it. She wanted a white bitch to fight and I relayed Nancy?s specifics to Fat Shady. He said no problem and asked if he could watch. I insisted on talking to Tina. I?ve been stung too many times to count by guys writing checks their girls weren?t about to cash.

    Well Tina was a fouled mouth old bitch for sure. I got about half of Nancy?s specifics out and Tina was hot to fight. She was clear on one thing; she wanted to tear into that fat white whale of a cunt. She didn?t care what the weapons the bitch wanted to use as long as we included hair clippers. She?d bring the same thing and they?d get down to it. Tina had a hatred for Nancy, sight unseen that was refreshing honest. Tina hated white women, Nancy was a white woman, and therefore, Tina hated Nancy. It was a simple equation for her. All she wanted to know was when they could throw down.

    Unfortunately for me the ladies did not want a wide spread distribution of a video of their fight. I called a dozen or so of my clients who were into racial conflicts. I was worried the age and size of the ladies in question might be a problem. Much to my surprise it was not, in fact, it seemed to be an even bigger draw. I have a hidden viewing room for situations where the ladies request no audience. That may not be strictly honest, but come on, who am I trying to convince? I also planned to sell a dozen recordings, secretly made, to twenty very reliable private clients who were afraid to attend in person. Rich perverts are good to know, but very shy rich perverts pay the best. Even better I could use a small cage I had set up for another battle earlier in the week. That put my profit margin at twenty times the outlay. I had both ladies, their men at the cage and my clients behind a one-way mirror ready to go in less than four days from Fat Shady?s phone call.

    Well the two grandmas clicked across the concrete floor to the cage, seeing each other for the first time. Tina got out the first racial slur and commented on Nancy?s pale white big ass and floppy tits. Nancy was had a garbage mouth and had missed enlightenment class. Tina wanted a race war and Nancy was only to happy to please. Which ever one of these nasty old cunts won I sure wouldn?t want to be the loser.

    Nancy?s big white ass jiggled like water balloons and her ass cheeks obscured the back of the bright red thong. The front of the thong looked strained to breaking as her big double belly more than filled the tiny little triangle. Tuffs of dark pubic hair stood out along the leg holes and the top of the thong. She had a thick strap, full cup, push-up bra and the top of her huge titties bounced in waves as she clicked across the concrete. She wore four inch strap on heels with open toes. I had forced both to reveal the bracelets and rings they wanted to wear, but I hadn?t restricted anything to do with their nails. Nancy had sharpened both her fingernails and her toe nails. Anthony was right; she was just plain nasty and mean.

    Tina wore a white thong, a big push-up white bra, and white strap on open toe four inch heels. Her nails had been painted green, looked long but had not been sharpened. While she was no spring chicken or skinny model her flesh was packed full and looked more solid. Her big tits bounced as one object rather than wiggle in waves. Her big round lower belly showed stretch marks as bad as Nancy?s but rather than two bellies it was one big belly and looked solid. Her thighs were thick and strong looking and her big ass was as wide as Nancy?s but it jutted upward rather than bounced downward. She was the more solid of the two bitches and from her mouth she was at least as nasty as Nasty Nancy.

    I had stocked two trash cans one in each opposing corner with the agreed upon weapons. The time release handcuffs, I had a supply believe it or not for strap matches, were set for sixty seconds from clicking closed to clicking open. I had three cuffs located on the middle bar of each cage side at five feet, two and a half feet and at floor level. The women entered the cage from opposing doors located at the empty corners and we locked them in. They never stopped cursing each other or regaling us with tales of what they planned to do to each other?s tits and cunts. These old sluts were fucking crazy and serious about it.

    With the doors shut and the rules clear: no rules, no breaks, no mercy and winner decides when it is finished; I said, ?Go!?

    Both women screamed gutturally and rushed toward each other like mortal enemies. Their bodies slammed together with a big slap of fat on fat and their hands were in each other?s hair while they spit and cursed at each other. Their heels clicked on the concrete as they spun around an uneven circle locked together by hands in hair, bouncing off each others? tits and banging bellies. Grunting and groaning they wrenched their heads back and forth bending each other back and forth while cursing and spitting nonstop.

    After losing too fistfuls of her dyed brown hair, Nasty Nancy raked her right hand down from Tina?s temple across her big cheek and ripped four furrows in the smooth black flesh. Tina screamed and retaliated with a short punch to Nancy?s left ear. Nancy struck back with a right fist. Now they danced in their odd little circle, left hands twisted deep in their once styled hair and right fists pounding away in a flurry at each others? head and face. Smack! Thud! Groan! Moan! They continued to punish each other without let up or any pretense of defense. Nancy?s face reddened quickly, but it was Tina?s nose that bled first, then Nancy?s, then Tina?s lips and then Nancy?s.

    Nancy again went in with her claws after Tina hit her perfectly in the left eye. Tina howled as Nancy actually gouged at her eye in retaliation. Tina twisted her head away, a bloody mark was across the bridge of her nose, her eyebrow was scored and her lower eyelid was bleeding. This fat white bitch took no prisoners! The eye was full of water and the white of the eye was streaked with red ruptures, but she still had her eye. Nancy frustrated at missing the eye, sank her teeth into Tina?s earlobe and bit!

    Tina screamed and jerked away. Her ear was bloody! Man Nasty Nancy was a full on bitch fighter from grandma hell! She dragged Tina back by a wad of hair with her left hand and ripped her right claws down the front of Tina?s big left tit, catching the bra cup and pulling it down and under the huge 42E globe. The bra dug into the underside of the tit and actually lifted the big broad bag upward. Tina cursed and again tried to jerk away, but her hair was thick and Nancy jerked her head around.

    Nancy screamed, ?No where to run, fucking nigger!?

    She smashed her right fist into Tina?s mouth. The black woman staggered for a second and lowered her head as another punch came in. Nancy hit her on the forehead. Tina grunted and Nancy moaned. Nancy pulled her fist back and shook it out relieved that she hadn?t busted her hand. She started to rake her claws on Tina?s tit again, but the black woman had used the brief respite. She lunged forward clicking on her heels and drove the crown of her head into Nancy?s chin. Crunch!

    The white woman staggered backwards with a shocked look on her face. She grabbed her mouth and blood dribbled down her chin. She had bitten through her upper lip! Tina her head still down rammed into Nancy?s tits, and then wrapped her arms around the big bitch and drove her backwards to ram into the cage. The steel bars rang and I swear the entire cage threatened to move; these were no light weights.

    Nancy groaned and clawed down Tina?s back, tangling her nails in the black woman?s bra. Nancy spit blood on Tina?s back as Tina drove her fists into Nancy?s fat belly and sides while leaning into the white woman?s tits, threatening to push them up and out of their bra cups. Nancy grunted and spit with each blow. She was furiously working with the bra strap and popped the catch. The white elastic snapped around Tina?s back and her bra cups were lose and hanging from the shoulder straps.

    Tina cursed and tried her head to the chin move again, but she missed, brushing the side of Nancy?s head as she turned away. Presented by the black woman?s face rubbing across her Nancy twisted back around and sank her teeth into Tina?s right cheek! Tina screeched and immediately went for Nancy?s face with her claws. Nancy had to relinquish the bite, leaving deep but not yet bloody teeth marks in the black grandmother?s face.

    Tina pushed back and drove her right knee up into Nancy?s crotch lifting the fat bitch?s belly up and almost popping the red thong. Nancy grunted and slumped against the bars. Tina grabbed for Nancy?s hair jerked her head forward and then rammed it backwards against the bars. Nancy groaned and slumped down the side of the cage landing on her ass moaning. I could see some blood on Nancy?s hair, her scalp had been split.

    I figured it was over now for sure. Tina grabbed the bars and drove her knee repeatedly into Nancy?s floppy tits knocking both the huge bags out their bra cups. Tina?s own bra was flying in the win now and her huge fat tits were bouncing on her belly each time she drove the knee into to the downed white woman. Furious she reached down grabbed the useless bra and ripped. The thing was very sturdy and threatened to lift Nancy?s fat ass off the ground, but then the clasp popped and Tina had the stretched and nearly ripped bra free. She threw it over her shoulder and went back to Nancy.

    Screaming curses, Tina leaned back still holding the bars. She raised her right foot and drove the pointed heel of her shoe down on Nancy?s floppy left boob. Nancy screamed as the heel cut into her tit. If it had been firmer it might have been punctured, instead the nasty heel cut a grove down the long drooping top of the pale white tit and then raked down Nancy?s heaving fat belly leaving another nasty mark. Tina drew her foot back and toe kicked Nancy in the crotch again and again. The white woman groaned and weakly clawed at Tina?s leg to stop the kicking. It looked to be over to me.

    Tina looked around and saw the cuff attached to the bottom of the cage. She leaned down and grabbed Nancy?s left wrist and pulled it toward the cuff. She was going to hook the fat bitch too the cage! Nancy groaned and struggled against imprisonment. Then the white woman revived and drove her free right fist up into Tina?s wide open crotch. She just didn?t hit the black woman in the cunt. She smacked her fist in hard, then grabbed the thong and ripped it away with one jerk exposing the black woman?s big, hairy, dangling cunt lips and wet pink hole. Some kinky hair came away in Nasty Nancy?s hand.

    Tina howled and jumped backwards grabbing for her crotch. Her white thong strap flopped between her ass cheeks and off the front of her hairy mound. Nancy kicked her feet into Tina?s ankles. Tina groaned and staggered backwards heel marks on both her ankles. The look on her face was surprised pain.

    Nancy rolled over onto her hands and knees and staggered for the trashcan in the corner. Her floppy tits were free and now some blood showed on the long cut. She got to the can and took off the lid. Tina saw her moving and charged forward hitting the white woman in the back as she took off the lid. They fell into the can, knocking it over and falling into the corner with the can rolling between them.

    Tina pushed up on one hand and raked Nancy across the lower belly as Nancy tried to sit up. Nancy howled and rather than sit up she swung the trash can lid with both hands. Clang! It hit Tina across the forehead. The black woman grunted and actually leaned back on her heels with her arms crossed in front of her face to protect herself. Nancy rolled up on her fat ass, her big belly heaving air into her lungs, and slammed the side of the trashcan lid like some immense Frisbee into Tina?s fat belly. The trashcan lid thudded and Tina grunted and folded over it. Her forehead was bloody!

    Nasty Nancy pulled back the lid and crashed it down from over head on Tina?s head. It clanged again. Tina fell onto the concrete face first with her big ass up in the air. Nancy rolled onto one of her haunches, grabbed a steel cage bar and pulled herself up on her knees. She grabbed the trashcan and jerked it around so she could get at her weapons.

    The fat white bitch pulled out the bike chains, about three feet of chain, wrapped it around her right fist and started pounding Tina on the back of the head. Tina groaned and pushed forward on her hands and knees driving into Nancy?s crotch and pushing the white woman into the corner. Nancy slammed her chained fist down like a hammer again and again between Tina?s shoulder blades. The meaty thuds and Tina?s groans were the only sounds loud enough to be heard over both women?s heavy breathing.

    Nancy raised her fist up high for another slam and then suddenly screamed. Tina had sunk her teeth into Nancy?s fat belly and at the same time jammed her fat fingers up under the thin thong and buried four of them knuckle deep in the white grandma?s well traveled cunt. Nancy howled and leaned back to expose Tina?s head. Her right fist went down and smashed into the black woman?s ear, Tina had turned her head to the side to secure the nasty belly bite.

    Three shots and Tina gave up the bite and rolled to the side ripping away Nancy?s red thong leaving the fat grandma naked and bloody. Rather than follow Nancy grabbed her belly and looked. The pale white stretch mark covered gut now had a perfect red oval of teeth marks sunk deep in the flesh. About half the marks were bloody. Nancy screamed and turned toward Tina with blood on her mind.

    The black woman had grabbed a weapon from the floor, a cheese grater. She swung it down. I thought it was going for Nancy?s forehead and missed, but when it dug into Nancy?s right breast and then grated across her big fat brown nipple I knew the black woman had been targeting the tit and not the face. Nancy howled as her tit was skinned and nipple torn and bloodied. Her right fist flew. About a foot of bike chain was lose. Her fist missed Tina?s face, but the chain slammed across Tina?s cheek and dragged across her nose. The black woman groaned and turned away, dropping the grater. The bridge of her nose was now gashed open.

    Nancy lunged forward and drove Tina face first into the steel bars. Using her left hand buried in the woman?s now kinky wild hair, Nancy forced Tina?s head down to the floor of the cage. Her big tits swung from her chest. Then Nancy reached under Tina?s armpits and dug the cheese grater into her dangling right tit from behind. The edge bit into the fat black tit and Tina howled. She lurched forward in agony, banging her head on the bars. Nancy screamed some curses and dragged the cheese grater across the surface of the tit pressing upward as the weight of the tit pressed downward. Tina screamed as her black velvet often milked nipple was treated to the metal grating surface. Rather than lurch forward she lurched backward and rammed her big ass into Nancy.

    Nancy grunted and folded over Tina?s back anxious to keep grating on the black woman?s nipple and aureole. Tina wailed and screamed. Blood dribbled on the concrete from her gashed and grated nipple. Tina grabbed Nancy?s wrist with both hands and pulled the grater away. Then as the bike chain clanked across the ground Tina dropped her right knee on the chain, effectively capturing Nancy?s right fist, chain and cheese grater at the same time.

    The two sweaty grandmas grunted and slammed into each other still on their knees still bent over one another. Tina?s head was introduced to the bars more than once, but Nancy couldn?t get a real shot in. She finally let go of the black woman?s hair and reached around with her left hand to rake Tina?s face from behind. Tina rose up screaming as the pointed nails opened up her swollen cheeks and captured Nancy?s left hand with her teeth. Now it was Nancy?s time to scream. She jerked her fingers out of Tina?s mouth skinning three of her fingers.

    As she shook her hand and glanced at the blood, Tina rose up and swung around driving an elbow into the kneeling white woman?s nose. Crunch! Nancy?s head snapped back and she slumped forward rolling over Tina to fall on her side her right fist still a prisoner of the chain under Tina?s knee.

    Tina finished shedding her hanging bra, grabbed it and wrapped it around Nancy?s sweaty fat neck, choking her, leaning over her. Tina?s bloody tits rubbed across Nancy?s bloody tits as the white elastic bit into Nancy?s neck leaving red welts. Nancy?s face grew red and she pulled desperately at her right hand trying to free it. She reached up and tried to one hand choke Tina with her left, leaving scratches, but accomplishing less than half the choke Tina had on her.

    Tina wasn?t going to fuck around. She clearly intended to choke the fat white grandma unconscious. I thought she had the white bitch. Then I saw Nancy rapidly twisting her right hand around and around un-wrapping the chain. When her hand came free I waited for it to go to Tina?s neck. Instead it reached to the side and scrambled for something inside the trashcan. Tina was right above Nancy?s face looking into her eyes smiling as she choked her enemy without mercy.

    I saw Nancy?s hand fasten on something, adjust her grip and then flash out of the can toward Tina. I had no idea what she had. I saw something metallic. Then Tina screamed and leapt off Nancy. What the hell had happened?

    Tina scooted away on her ass grabbing for her right breast. There, buried into the meat was a table fork, three prongs, deep in the side of her tit. She grabbed her tit with one hand moaning and gingerly pulled on the fork with her other hand. Nancy was sitting up on her ass gasping as she unwound the white bra from around her neck. Tina screamed as she removed the fork from her tit and studied the bloody prongs. She couldn?t believe her tit had been forked. Realization hit her and she screamed she would kill Nancy for it.

    Nancy came out of the trashcan with a three foot long broom handle with barbed wire twisted and nailed to it with thumb tacks. Holding the six inches of safe handle Nancy dug the head of the broom handle into the concrete and pushed up. Getting to her feet she was unsteady. Both old women were blowing like whales, drenched in sweat and of course now splattered with one another?s blood. Her belly heaving Nancy clicked toward Tina with the broom handle and business on her mind.

    Tina looked around frantically and found the discarded trashcan lid. She grabbed for it and rolled to her knees. Nancy saw the motion and lurched forward swinging her weapon down with her right hand. Tina screamed as the barbed wire ripped across her back. She cursed and pushed back up to her knees holding the trashcan lid like a shield. Nancy slammed down the broom again and it clanked on the improvised shield. For a moment it looked like some late night Grandmothers of Hercules movie. Nancy cursed and swung again and Tina blocked again. I almost broke out laughing at the sight of these two really nasty bitches, sweaty and blowing air, while fighting like they were in ancient Rome.

    Frustrated, Nancy struck again. Tina blocked with the shield as expected. But Nancy wasn?t to be denied this time. With Tina on her knees with her hands above her head, Nancy sank the toe of her right shoe into the front of Tina?s crotch. The flopping rag of white thong did nothing to stop it. Tina groaned and doubled over. Nancy hit her across the top of the head with the barbed wire broom stick. The barbs scored the scalp and tangled in Tina?s kinky hair. Nancy ripped the weapon away tearing out five small clumps of kinky hair. Tina screamed, but now with Nancy standing in front of her with the broomstick above her head, the black woman slammed the trashcan lid into Nancy?s belly. The edge sank in and it looked like she might cut the white woman in half.

    Air exploded out of Nancy?s lungs and she doubled over dropping the broom. Tina was still on her knees and hurting badly, but she had the lid in her hands. Rather than raise it above her head she just slammed it up into Nancy?s face. The white woman?s head snapped back. She didn?t straighten up. Still bent at the waist, Nancy sat down with a wet thud on the concrete, blood pouring from her nose and mouth. Her fucking face had been smashed and bloodied from forehead to chin.

    Tina started to rise up, but her legs folded under her and she wobbled. She stood again and staggered to the bars gasping for air. She was obviously in deep trouble because she held onto the bars and just gasped. Nancy sat on her ass bleeding. Her big belly pumped and her tits jiggled as she sucked in air. I guess the two old battlewagons were taking a mutually agreed break, no matter how unintentional.

    Both the men watching in the open and I were uncommonly quiet. I imagined my more secretive guests were going crazy. I suspected that neither Anthony nor Fat Shady gave a real shit about who won, in fact, if I had been either one of them I would have been quietly rooting for the other woman.

    Tina started walking along the cage wall toward the unopened trashcan. That got Nancy?s attention. She spit out some blood and used the broom stick to stand. The trashcan lid that had been jammed in her belly and resting on her thighs clattered on the concrete. She looked at it and picked it up by the handle like a shield. Shit, now she really did look like some macabre parody of a gladiator. I heard the other trashcan open and looked. Tina had the trashcan lid by the handle with her left hand and was fishing in the can.

    She came out with a fork which she inserted in the elastic band of her ruined thong. Then she pulled out her barbed wire wrapped broom handle. Holy shit! Call me Spartacus! She turned to Nancy and promised she would stick her broom up Nancy?s smelly cunt. Nancy let stream a flood of curses and promised to do that much and more to Tina. Then the two old bitches staggered toward each other.

    Clang! They exchanged blows with the broom handles against each other?s shield. Just watching them hammer away with their weapons gave me an idea. I could set up some fights like this with young hot chicks and maybe get the whole swords and sorcery fan boy set to buy some of this shit. As I thought about the staging, Nancy grew frustrated and rammed her shield into Tina?s. Nancy had anywhere between thirty and fifty pounds on the black woman. The first blow moved Tina back a step. Nancy saw her advantage and put her shoulder into it. Clang! Trashcan lid slammed against lid and Nancy drove Tina backwards and lifted her shield up to her face.

    Tina managed to gash Nancy?s right left shoulder with a swing over the top of both their shields. Nancy ignored the bloody gashes and again thrust her lid up into Tina?s. This time Tina?s shield just missed hitting her in the face. Tina staggered backwards almost at the cage wall. Nancy drove her broom handle underhand like it was a short spear under their locked shields. Tina grunted as the head of the broom handle hit her just to the right of the navel leaving gash marks in her ample belly. Tina yelped and swung her stick from the side and gashed Nancy?s fat hip. That blow propelled Nancy forward again. This time she slammed into Tina; Tina?s own shield hit her face. Tina was driven hard back into the cage. Tina grunted as the unforgiving steel bars creased her ass and shoulders.

    Tina was hurt from being slammed into the hard steel bars. Her real problem was that her trashcan lid was now in her face and across her body trapping her left arm between her body and the lid and hindering her ability to swing her weapon with her right hand. Then Nancy slanted her broom stick downward and plunged it forward. She wasn?t going to stick it up Tina?s hairy cunt. No, what she did was jam the head into Tina?s mound and then let the force slide the stick down along the clit, between the thick cunt lips and then on between the legs. The head of the stick hit the bars after the barbed wire wrapped shaft had slide almost all of its length between the black woman?s cunt lips tearing, catching and pulling along its length. I sucked in a breath of air and broke into a heavy sweat.

    Tina screamed as her sex was treated to a barbed wire massage. Damn did she scream! Nancy leaned into the black woman keeping her pinned against the cage and then the nasty bitch pulled her stick backwards reversing its previous journey giving Tina a back drag across the same tender, now bloody, tissues. Tina howled. She dropped her stick and appeared to be reaching for her bloody cunt. I figured it was all over but the beating now. The white bitch was going to win.

    Once again I was surprised. Tina grabbed the fork out of her waist band and jabbed it into Nancy?s fat gut. Nancy screamed. Tina jabbed the fork in again and again before Nancy could retreat. Lucky for Nancy it wasn?t a knife or she would have been gutted. Also it was lucky she hadn?t been on a diet. Nancy wailed and staggered backwards dropping her shield and stick. Her belly was dotted with tiny punctures. The last set still filled by Tina?s fork. Nancy reached down and pulled out the fork looking at it with horror.

    About that time Tina picked up her entire garbage can and slung it at the fat white woman. The can hit the concrete and rolled into Nancy doing no damage and spilling out its contents. Nancy grabbed a length of bike chain and started swinging it around in a circle as she moved back toward Tina. Tina was watching the chain and reaching for her lid. She intercepted the chain with the lid, but failed to see her own fork low in Nancy?s left hand. This time it was the white bitch pumping the fork in and out of the black woman?s body. Tina screamed and brought down her trashcan lid on Nancy?s left wrist as Nancy jammed the fork into Tina?s big belly one more time.

    Nancy groaned and left the fork in Tina?s belly. The black woman ignored the fork for the moment and slammed her right fist into Nancy?s open mouth. Nancy?s head snapped back and she staggered on her heels back into the junk spilled from the trashcan. She tripped on something and went down. It was a stapler!

    Tina jerked out the fork and let it drop. She rushed forward as Nancy turned over and started to push up. The black woman jammed her right heel into Nancy?s fat right ass cheek and pushed the bitch face first into the trashcan. Clang! Tina dropped her right knee down on Nancy?s ass, reached back for the stapler. Nancy screamed as Tina put a dozen staples into her ass. But while she was screaming she found a leather strap, twisted around and snapped it perfectly the metal tipped end hitting Tina under the right eye.

    Tina screamed and fell backwards grabbing her eye. Her cheek had but cut open. She was lucky to still have her eye. Nancy crawled over the crap on the floor, grabbed the bag of tacks, opened it and whipped it over Tina?s head. Tina?s hands grabbed for the bag that had suddenly blinded her. Then she screamed as the thumb tacks found her skin. Nancy helped by punching the outside of the bag. Tina twisted around and scrambled to pull the bag off her head. Nancy picked up the empty trashcan, rose up on her knees and slammed it down over Tina?s head.

    As Tina wrestled on the floor trying to get her head first out of the trashcan and then the bag of tacks, Nancy rummaged through the plunder on the floor and found Tina?s cheese grater. Tina pushed the can aside, ripped off the bag of tacks, started wiping her face shedding the tacks stuck into her and rose up to her knees. Nancy lunged from her knees forward and slammed into the black woman taking her down. Nancy crawled on top her fat tits floppy all over the place. Tina was forced to lie on the loose tacks. Nancy grabbed Tina?s hair with her left hand and jerked her back to her knees. Tacks were buried all over the front of the black woman?s sweaty, blood drenched body. Nancy reached back over her head to claw at her attacker. Nancy ignored the claws on her tits and jammed the cheese grater into Tina?s forehead and started grating. Tina screamed and twisted around to trying to escape. The white woman had the upper position and forced Tina back on her heels and continued to attack the now shredded and grated forehead. Tina clawed for Nancy?s face but just ended clawing Nancy?s neck and jaw.

    Nasty Nancy used the grater and her superior to position to push the almost helpless black woman over on her back. Nancy climbed on top of Tina?s belly grating the black woman?s forehead into a bloody raw mess. Tina?s right hand reached out and found the barbed wire broom stick one of them had dropped. She grabbed the barbed wire, cutting up her own hand. Screaming as a grinning demonic Nancy ripped at her forehead, the black woman gripped the stick about six inches from its business end and then jammed it up into Nancy?s left tit. The stick slid up under the big boob and then dug into the underside cutting Nancy?s belly and tit at the same time.

    Nancy screamed, dropped the cheese grater and leaned back while grabbing for Tina?s right wrist. Tina bucked from the hips and twisted. Nancy was thrown forward and to the side. When Tina had finished rolling she was on to lying between Nancy?s legs. They were engaged in a two handed struggle to control the barbed wire broom stick. The palms of their hands had found the barbed wire covered portion so they were cutting up their hands now. While Nancy held the stick off her body Tina?s hanging tits were actually in more danger. They got ripped by the barbs as they swung down in the struggle to hit broom stick. If either had half the strength they started the fight with they might have been able to end it, but both these old broads were exhausted. They were fighting now on nothing but spite and fear of losing.

    Finally after a lot of agony and grunting, Tina succeeded in getting the stick down on top of Nancy?s fat tits. She tried to saw it back and forth. She wasn?t entirely successful, but the barbs were in Nancy?s tit flesh and they cut her up pretty bad. Nancy clamped her fat legs around Tina?s big butt and rolled. Suddenly Nancy was the one on top pressing the barbed wire stick down across Tina?s tits. Tina?s tits were firmer and her nipples pointed upward. Nancy?s floppy tits got barbed by the stick even when she pressed it into Tina?s fat breasts. But once Nancy got the stick across both nipples and it was Tina?s turn to scream because Nancy pushed upward and sawed the stick back and forth. Her floppy tits dragged just a little but Tina?s had the stick pressed down into the meat. It must have been hell.

    Tina struggled to press back, but even though she seemed stronger she had two hundred plus pounds of white bitch pressing down. Her nipples were shredded along with her aureole and tits. Desperate she let go of the bloody stick and reached for Nancy?s face. The white woman was leaning forward over the stick and her face was too close. Tina?s nails dug into to Nancy?s swollen already bloody cheeks and she jammed her thumbs into Nancy?s eyes. It was a perfect gouge!

    Nancy squealed and rolled off. She rolled away until she slammed into the cage and then she sat up rubbing her eyes. Blinking tears out of them she tested her vision. She still had her eyeballs, but both were red now and her eyelids were gashed and bloody. I begin to think I would have to spend another couple of thousand in disposal expenses because these crazy old bitches were going to kill each other.

    Tina sat up and examined her bloody tits. She had to actually pull the barbed wire wrapped stick out of her flesh. Some of the barbs were caught in the flesh and the tits were pulled upward by the stick. Tina gasped and moaned as each barb exacted its last bit of agony. Her hands were ripped to shreds, but her tits were ruined. Bits of flesh were stuck to the wire. Nancy had done the job on them for sure. The woman still had her big tits, but her nipples were gashed to pieces and she was almost squirting blood and lymph. She was going to be scarred for life. There was no magic healing for this fight.

    Tina moaned and rolled onto her hands and knees. Blood dripped off her hanging tits and spattered on the floor. Moaning with each swing of her tits she slowly moved through the debris of battle searching for something. Then she grabbed the discarded bike chain, wrapped it around her bloody right hand and started crawling for Nancy. Nancy saw her coming and started crawling toward her trashcan. Along the way she found her discarded fork, grasped it and turned to meet Tina.

    Tina snorted and lunged forward on her now bloody knees. Nancy did the same. These two old bitches growled like demented animals. Nancy brought down the fork and sank it in deep spearing Tina?s left breast like some kind of giant potato. Tina howled and slammed her chained fist into Nancy?s face, busting open Nancy?s right eyebrow. The force of both blows sent the exhausted women tumbling into one another.

    Moaning, they sweated and bled on each other as they leaned together ruined tits smashed together. Their hands punched weakly at each others? bodies. They whimpered and moaned. Nancy bit into Tina?s shoulder. Tina cried out, grabbed Nancy?s matted hair with her left hand and jerked Nancy?s face back. Tina?s shoulder was bleeding. Nancy moaned and searched between their bodies finding the fork still sticking in Tina?s breast. Nancy grabbed the handle which had been pressed up between the tits, jerked it out and started jabbing it upward into Tina?s belly again trying to gut her. Tina moaned desperately with each stab and started pounding the side of Nancy?s head with her chain wrapped fist. Nancy?s face split open and blood splattered everywhere, but she just kept jabbing up into Tina?s bloody belly.

    Tina drove her chains into Nancy?s mouth. Nancy?s head jerked. Something cracked. The old bitch was going to need some dental work, her front teeth were broken off at the gum and her mouth was gushing blood. Nancy finally slid to the side and rested on the cage wall and her left haunch. Blood ran down the side of her head and her hands were at her side. The fork had fallen on the floor. Tina vomited on her own tits, splattering Nancy and looked to be ready to pass out. Her belly was slick with her own blood. I wondered if those tiny prongs had reached anything vital, I didn?t see how.

    Tina wobbled and started to fall on top of Nancy. She came to rest half on the white woman. Nancy moaned and limply reached up with her right hand to claw at Tina?s left tit which was lying on Nancy?s belly. Tina moaned and grabbed Nancy?s left wrist and pushed her hand against the bars. Then I saw where she was going. Click! Nancy?s left arm was handcuffed to the bars for a minute. As she imprisoned Nancy?s hand, the white woman weak as she was found Tina?s dangling right nipple with her teeth and bit down. Luckily for Tina the bite must have been as painful for Nancy as Tina. Tina screamed and jerked back. Nancy moaned and slumped against the cage.

    Tina rolled to Nancy?s left. Nancy reached for her and then realized her left arm was trapped. She jerked on the cuff and reached for it with her right, ignoring Tina. Tina rotated on her ass took aim and kicked straight out. Her heels went into Nancy?s bunched together tits. Nancy cried out as her tits were speared by Tina?s heels. The white woman was driven back into the bars and wedged against them. Tina just kept pushing with her feet, digging those heels into Nancy?s tit flesh. Nancy howled and clawed at Tina?s ankle with her free hand. Blood welled out around the four inch heels buried in the tit fat of the old white grandma bitch fighter.

    Tina jerked her feet away. Nancy?s tits had been partially speared because they moved with the heels until they were stretched out. Then they came free from the spike heels and flopped back on Nancy?s fat belly bloody and busted for sure. There was no question; Nancy?s tits had been speared. Blood welled out of the deep holes made by the white, now red, four inch spikes. Nancy moaned and mumbled something while she continued to jerk at her left hand.

    Tina pulled up by the bars and staggered back to Nancy. The cuff clicked and Nancy freed herself just in time to have Tina wrap the bike chain around her neck from behind and twist it tight. Nancy clawed at her own neck. Tina was above and behind her. The black woman put her right knee between Nancy?s shoulders and jerked on both ends of the chain. Nancy?s fat neck swallowed the chain and Nancy?s face turned frantic.

    Nancy?s face was already bright red, it went to purple. Her eyes bulged out. Her mouth opened but no sound came out. She clawed her neck bloody and then her hands dropped limply to her sides. Tina could have killed her, but as soon as Nancy?s hands dropped Tina released the choke. Nancy fell down hard face first against the bars her tits resting on the floor coating the concrete with more blood. I could she was breathing, but just barely. Her ribs showed she was breathing slowly, but otherwise she didn?t move. Sweat rolled off her and blood dribbled from her wounds.

    Tina moved incredibly slowly, wobbling on her heels while she rummaged through the junk and found the ropes. She staggered back to where Nancy laid and grabbed the white cunt?s ankles. Tina grunted and groaned pulling Nancy back from the bars to let her face flop down on the concrete. Tina lost her balance and sat down with a thud. Slowly she rolled over and crawled to Nancy?s hands. Very slowly and methodically the black bitch tied the white woman hands to the steel bars. The ropes did not come with a timed release lock. Then Tina staggered back to the trashcans and equipped herself. When she was finished she was wearing a black leather harness and twelve inch black dildo. She carried the riding crop in one hand and the fifteen inch hand held dildo in the other. She dropped those two items on Nancy?s fat ass and went back to pick up the hair clippers, one from each trash can.

    She stepped between Nancy?s legs and kicked them apart. Then she kneeled on the back of Nancy?s fat thighs. Nancy groaned and began to stir. Tina helped her wake up by whipping her back and ass with the riding crop. She whipped away until she almost collapsed in exhaustion. Nancy?s back and ass was raw and bleeding. She was covered in welts. Her wrists were bloody from struggling against the ropes. She screamed and cursed. Then she started to beg. The black woman had finally broken the big bitch. Tina made Nancy curse herself and beg for mercy. Then Nancy had to recite that she was a shit eating cowardly white cunt and didn?t deserve to be pissed on by a black woman. Nancy sobbed wildly, but she gobbled out every humiliating admission Tina required.

    Tina edged up and worked the head of her huge dildo into Nancy?s puckered asshole. Nancy stiffened and screamed as Tina worked the monster up her ass. It was a struggle and Tina had to rest three times before she got the monster in tight. I checked my watch, the aftermath of the fight was going to last longer than the fight. Tina was moving in slow motion and all Nancy managed to do was pass out. Tina woke her up by whipping her across the upper back. Then Tina began to fuck Nancy in the ass, pounding away with the dildo. Nancy howled and cried.

    Tina flopped down covering Nancy?s bloody back with her big black tits, pulled Nancy?s head back by her matted hair and jammed the handheld dildo into Nancy?s bloody mouth. Nancy gagged six inches of the monster down her throat, but that was all. Tina left the dildo in Nancy?s mouth and went back to pounding on her fat ass. Nancy passed out three times and pissed herself. Tina started the clippers going and leaned forward still deep in Nancy?s ass. Nancy mumbled and pleaded but the dildo in her mouth made communication slightly difficult, not that Tina would have listened.

    The clippers rumbled as Nancy?s thick sweat and blood matted hair threatened to clog them. Tina stopped and pulled wads of hair from the clippers more than once. Then she changed to the second set of clippers. Slowly ever so slowly the white woman was given a field hair cut. Her head was by no means bald. It some places it was raw from cuts put on it by the clippers but elsewhere stubborn tuffs of hair stuck to the wet skull beneath. She looked like a concentration camp prisoner on a bad day hair day.

    Tina the barber finished her work and started plowing into Nancy?s ass again. From the sounds Tina made she somehow brought herself off. When she recovered from the sweaty grunting climax the victorious bitch unhooked the harness and left the studded dildo deep in Nancy?s ass. She stood up and observed that Nancy still had one nasty hole free. Then even to my horror she found one of the discarded barbed wire broom sticks. I?ve never heard anyone scream so loud in my life and I guess I never saw anybody have a better reason to scream. Having a foot of barbed wire wrapped broom stick shoved up your cunt, rotated and pumped in and out must hurt. I?m glad I?ll never find out.

    Tina left Nancy face down tied to the cage with a dildo stuffed down her throat, a dildo stuffed up her ass and ten inches of barbed wire wrapped broom stick stuck up her cunt. To finish up she took off her heel and carved her name across Nancy?s already bloody ass cheeks, two letters to an ass cheek. Then she squatted over Nancy?s bloody head and pissed on her as a parting gift. Nancy wasn?t awake to appreciate the kindness.

    Anthony called me a couple of months later. Nancy was slowly mending. She was scarred for life of course as was Tina. His wife was none to happy with him, but she knew her mother better than anyone. He admitted he thought his wife was just acting like she thought she should and probably would have enjoyed seeing her mother getting ass whipped as much as he had. I asked if Nancy was talking rematch. He chuckled and replied to the effect that for now at least someone had shut the fat bitch up.

    Then he mentioned his wife and secretary might be persuaded to fight it out. I suggested he consider himself lucky and leave it at that. I have done more than one of those fights for guys, and no matter who wins it doesn?t work out well for the man in question.

    Damn the phone?s ringing.

    ?Hi Fat Shady. What? You say Tina wants another white woman next month. I?ll see what I can do, but it?s not like you find them in the want ads. Wanted position to get my white ass kicked and chewed to pieces by a nasty tempered black bitch.?

    The End

    This was another request fight. Someone presented me a description of one of the characters and I matched her up with a description presented earlier to me by someone else. So in away I managed to do two requests with one story. I hope they enjoyed it, but then again the price was right.

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    HB Forum Owner MikeJV's Avatar
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    Another AWESOME fight, great work Cage!

    Mr Cage, making the world better 1 story at a time.


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    Inactive Member Jessikafights's Avatar
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    GULP!!! [img]eek.gif[/img] (Thank goodness it's only fantasy!)

    Wild, wacky, wickedly brutal - like only you, mr Cage, (and Sega) can do! Loved & hated it - just as I sometimes like them - HMMM!!! [img]graemlins/kiss.gif[/img]

    When are you gonna do another story of Emma & me -PLEASE!!! [img]tongue.gif[/img] It would be such an honour! [img]wink.gif[/img]

    <font color="#a62a2a" size="1">[ August 05, 2006 06:19 AM: Message edited by: Jessikafights ]</font>

  4. #4
    Inactive Member Tlovestowatchcatfights's Avatar
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    I be Anthony aka T and Nancy be my MIL. WOW, did Tina destroy Nancy or what. Great story, Mr. Cage.

  5. #5
    Inactive Member Jessikafights's Avatar
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    Oh, by the way, Mr Cage, I'm more than WILLING to take on that arrogant black bitch Tina - it makes me so hot & wet thinking about giving her a taste of her own fucking medicine! And then finally having her eat out my lesbian pussy & virgin ass! Wicked giggle! [img]biggrin.gif[/img] [img]wink.gif[/img]

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    Inactive Member Jessikafights's Avatar
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    EXCITING news is that Mr Cage has come back to me that the fat-assed, ugly bitch Tina with the droopy tits has accepted my fight challenge! Is that HOT & STICKY or what? Everyone is invited to watch & cheer us on when we clash in the WILDEST, MOST VICIOUS clash yet to determine who is the BETTER BITCH! {Though I already know the answer to that - namely. ME!!! Am I MODEST or what? TEE HEE! [img]smile.gif[/img] }

    There should be some real nasty, new surprises, but one little secret I can definitely promise you that I've got planned for that whore Tina - part of her final humiliation is going to be VERY, VERY WET!!! [img]tongue.gif[/img] [img]wink.gif[/img]

    Wickedly horny
    Jessie aka Big Bad Jess

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    Inactive Member david martin's Avatar
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    Mr. Cage_
    I must admit that your wonderful stories have been an inspiration for my work in this genre. You kick serious ass!
    BTW: I loved the headshaving-seems like someone else in this forum knows the value of the humiliation headshave!
    This was a great way to start the day. Thanks!


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    Inactive Member shamus's Avatar
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    Mr.Cage is a true devotee of extreme catfighting.Please do some more stories.

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    Senior Hostboard Member Ted Mark's Avatar
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    The New year has begun!

    The fantasy is Smok'n :thankU:

    The reality is

    BannedfromYouTube - Granny catfight:snickerpup:

  10. #10
    Inactive Member shamus's Avatar
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    great action good descriptions

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