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Thread: Jess vs Tammy

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    Inactive Member joriestar's Avatar
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    Hi all. Since Jess was "kind" enough to post the story of her victory over me I thought I would return the favor and post one of her "best" battles. Besides, I owe Mike JV and Mr. Cage big time for a favor they did me.
    Here goes.

    Never before has the Arena been so packed as we waited for the Catfight Championship bout to begin. The women would not be fighting in the ring this time, but in a specially designed pit, with four foot wooden walls instead of ropes, and along the tops of the walls lay an array of sex toys that would have made any adult store proprietor pround. Whips, paddles, wodden, leather and studded, vibrators and dildos of every shape and color, and, I'm sure, full of fresh batteries, and there was a multitude of martial arts weapons, like kendo sticks and nunchauku. The only thing missing was the combatants.
    Of course tempers always ran high when a fight was scheduled, with so many fighters on the roster, and so many still unable to get a fight scheduled it was little wonder. More than one woman had stepped up to offer a challenge, only to see another woman given not only the opportunity to fight, but fight the woman she challenged, so there was much animosity between the poll fighters.
    The crowd was abuzz as we waited and the moment Tammy appeared, wearing nothing but a sheer white thong and that million dollar smile, the crowd went crazy. Sure, a few people sat quiet and sullen, a few more booed her, but overall the response of the crowd was universal. They absolutely loved this big titted bartender. They loved her beauty, they loved her brawn, they loved her boobs and buns, and, I think, more than anything, they loved the way she stomped the competition into the ground. One by one they had risen to challenge Dee, Ginny, and Beth, and one by one they had fallen,smothered under her huge breasts and delicious buns, each victory better than the last. Although each victory was earmarked by what Tammy considered her signature-a trip to the TKO club and a ceremonial dunk in that dirty, broken toilet. Her latest victim, Beth, was forced to dance on top of the bar all night long while Tammy, and her coworker Kim, whipped her ass with a horsewhip, although she was not the only one to suffer such an indignity. All of the losers last week were put on public display, three of them dancing on the bartop, and Tammy considered that a fitting punishment for anyone who dared challenged her, and failed.
    So far, all had.
    As Tammy added notch after notch to her catfighting belt, humiliating woman after woman, perhaps her greatest triumph was not only beating that big bitch Ginny, who thought herself so big and tough, and humiliating her so badly she sent the bleached blonde cow into retirement and the shame forced her to move out of the state.
    So I was not surprised when I heard the cheers as Tammy made her way through the crowd, opening the door to the pit and stepping inside. Her tits were magnificent, and while they did sag a bit, quite a bit, it was not surprising considering their immense size. Her ass shook and jiggled with each step, and while I will admit that Tammy was a little heavy to be parading around in a thong, her meaty ass and thighs shook like jelly, and she had that rolly little belly, but no one seemed to notice. She had such poise, and that beautiful smile, that no one seemed to notice the extra pounds she packed. Tammy was carrying a small bag, which she put on top of one of the walls of the pit, and made her way around the pit, waving to her fans seated on all sides. To say Tammy was the darling of the club was an understatement. Little wonder that Tammy was undefeated coming into this battle.
    But then again, so was Jessika. Big Bad Jess had also stomped all competition that stood in her way, turning one after another into her personal bitch slave. Thinking of the way she destroyed my wife Marj in the jail cell, trampling poor Martha, and the shit out of Ginny in the Mature Tournament was made me fear for anyone who dared to face her. In the title bout she didn't just beat Ginny, she totally dominated her, turning the blonde into her personal bitch slave for a week and, some said, setting her up for that final, humilaiting fall against Tammy a week later. Then Sammi, who fell just as hard as all the others had, and as penalty for losing was turned into a slave for two weeks and finally Marta, who was not only dominated and destroyed in a catfight, but a sexfight as well. Last week's losers had been forced to dance naked on top of the bar at the TKO club, but not Marta. With about ten inches of a double dong stuck up her ass Marta had been locked in a go-go cage down at the club, that big pick dildo sticking out of her ass like an obscene tail.
    Jess, more than any member, certainly lived up to her nickname, Big Bad Jess. Jess, at six feet even, was certainly big, and as all her victims could attest, she was certainly bad. She was quite popular with the club, but then again, so was Tammy. This would certainly be a test for both women. It was the first time that they faced an opponent of similar size and weight. Jess had a slight advantage in height, 6' to 5'10", but Tammy had the edge in weight, 175 pounds to Jessika's 165 pounds. Tammy also had an advantage in the breast department, a huge advantage, and Tammy also has the bigger butt, and the meatier thighs as well. That said, I would give the edge in strength to Jessika. Her arms and legs seemed to be much stronger than the younger blonde. Oh yes, I forgot about age. Tammy was fourteen years younger than her opponent, and I wondered how much of a difference that would make.
    Tammy was eating up the cheers of the crowd and the crowd was eating up the view of Tammy and her big jiggly boobs and buns, when Jess arrived, making her usual grand entrance. Once again Jess entered upon the back of her prize-winning mare, and soon to be ex-slave, Sammi. Her slave was clothed, which was unusual, but since Sammi was dressed in a too small, too tight frilly French maid's outfit I won't say it was a treat. At least Jess wasn't whacking her ass like the last time we saw her. But the frilly skirt of the maid's dress was riding high on her ass, revealing a pair of lacy white panties, contrasting her black skin, and flashing plenty of ass. I'm not sure what she had been using, hand, paddle or strap, but it looked as if Sammi had spent plenty of time in the last two weeks having her ass paddled by Big Bad Jess.
    Sammi was dressed, but not so Jess, who wore just a tiny black thong, and her big black strap-on cock. The cheers that greeted Jess were not even close to the roar that met Tammy, but she basked in the glow of the adulation. Jess was considered the odds on favorite to win and add the Catfight Championship to her Mature Champion title. You wouldn't know it from the difference reaction they each received from the crowd. Going by just the crowd's reaction I would have to say that Tammy was the favorite. I'm not even sure that the crowd was cheering Jess as much as they were jeering Sammi, and no one was louder than Karen, calling Sammi a "lazy black whore who deserves to be a slave".
    Jess rode Sammi down to the pit area, and when she stepped off the black girl's back there was no denying the big wet spot in the middle of Sammi's back, where Jessika's obviously sopping wet pussy had been rubbing up and down. Sammi had that empty, exhausted look in her eyes, as if it had been a year and not a mere two weeks since she had last tasted freedom. Jess made her way into the pit, the door was locked behind her and now it was just the two hot babes locked inside the pit.
    The pit was roughly the size of a wrestling ring, except that instead of ropes there was those wooden walls, and the two women circled one another cautiously. Jess was obviously not taking the challenger lightly. Tammy was simply too big to be laughed off. Jess was quite a sight, with her big tits bouncing up and down, as well as that big cock strapped around her waist, her ass on full display with that tiny black thong riding up her crack.
    "Your time is up, you old bag," Tammy sneered,"You're all washed up."
    "No, you big titted bitch," Jess shot back,"you are the one who's through aroundhere. You've been lucky. Until now!"
    The women charged foward, grabbing each other by the hair, slamming their bodies together. Each time they slammed together their breasts collided with a loud "splat" sound, and while they both grunted with the effort Tammy began to squeal each time their tits smacked together. Tammy's tits were like two large, pliable water baloons, and Jessika's tits, while not firm, seemed so in comparison. It was clear that Tammy won the boob battle when it came down to size, but Jess was the winner when it came to the physical battle.
    The women crashed to the floor, rolling over and over, before finally breaking apart and climbing to ther feet. Both were sweating and breathing heavy. They rushed foward again and Tammy grabbed for Jessika's hair, but Jess avoided the blonde's hands and slapped Tammy hard across the face. Tammy was rocked on her heels as Jess reached foward and sank her claws into Tammy's big mammaries. Tammy's scream seemed to come all the way from her toes. She was thrown off balance and Jess shoved her back against one wall of the pit, twisting and clawing her big tits.
    Tammy screamed her head off, reaching out to do the same to Jess. All to no avail. Jess seemed able to take more tit torture, or so it seemed, plus Tammy's big tits were so soft and pillowy that Jess could really did her claws in deep, twisting and yanking on them. Tammy gave up twisting Jess's tits, tried prying those talons from her tits, and when that didn't work she slugged Jess in the face. That didn't work either. Desperate, tammy began clawing at Jessika's face, and that did the trick, especially when she began gouging the big brunette's eyes.
    "My eyes! My eyes!" Jess screamed, releasing Tammy's tits and covering her eyes, stumbling around blindly. "You fucking cunt, you..."
    That was as far as Jess got before Tammy kicked her between the legs. Jess doubled over and received a kick to the belly, followed closely by a right to the face that sent her reeling. Jess managed to keep her balance, but Tammy was all over her with a left to one breast, a straight right to the other and another right in the face. Another cunt kick doubled Jess over and a knee to the face straightened her up and sent her stumbling into the wall behind her.
    Tammy rushed foward and plowed into the unsteady Jess. 175 pounds, running at full steam, flattening Jess against the side of the pit. Before Jess could begin to comprehend what was happening Tammy slammed foward again, plowing her weight, and those huge tits, into Jess's face. Tammy pressed her weight against the larger, helpless woman, pinning her to the wall with her big tits in her face. Jess was obviously in a panic, her arms flailing wildly. She beat at Tmmy's back and pulled on her hair, and Tammy responded by using her big tits as a battering ram, slamming them into Jessika's face again and again, then pulling Jess off the wall and wrapping her arms around the Mature Champion's head. Tamy dragged Jess around the pit, her face deep in her cleavage, and it was clear that those huge jugs were overwhelming Big Bad Jess. Her arms began flailing less wildly and her legs seemed to turn to jelly. There was no room for air in there and Jess was beginning to grow weaker and weaker. She dropped to her knees and Tammy forced her flat on her back, still smothering her with her tits. Tammy pushed herself up and began swinging her shoulders to and fro, smacking the big, helpless woman across the face with her huge jugs, Jess was openly crying, unable to do anything as Tammy whacked her face with her superior breasts.
    Tammy rose and pulled Jess up by the hair and gave her a shove, adding a humiliating kick in the ass, and Jess staggered foward, unable to stop, until she collided with the side of the pit.
    Jess was obviously reeling from the onslaught and had to use the wall for support to steady herself. Shaking her head she leaned on the wall and her hand bumped against one of the weapons lying there. Tammy was laughing and cocky as she approached and I doubt she saw Jess wrapping her fingers around the escrima stick as she moved foward.
    "You're going down, bitch," Tammy luaughed.
    "No, you are, slut," Jess sneered, swinging the stick at her opponent's head.
    The weapon was an escrima stick, a straight hardwood stick just over two feet long and around one inch around. Tammy was caught off guard, but Jess was a little slow and she easily avoided the slashing blow. And the next, and the one after that. Jess was swinging it like a baseball bat, swinging back and forth, but she could not manage to hit her opponent. She switched tactics and tried to ram it into Tammy's rounf belly, but Tammy grabbed the other end of it. Then began a tug-of-war with the stick, each woman holding one end, trying to pull it from her opponent's hands.
    Big Bad Jess seemed destined to win this battle. True Tammy was heavier, but Jess was bigger and stronger and she seemed to be yanking harder.
    "You're the one goin' down, cun..ahh" Jess was sneering as she yanked back, but was caught totally by surprise when Tammy suddenly let go of the stick.
    Jess, who had yanked back as hard as she could, was caught off balance as the resistance suddenly disappeared and she stumbled backward, unable to control her momentum. Jess slammed back into the wall and Tammy was right on top of her, grabbing the stick with both hands and easily ripping it from the stunned Jessika's hands, then promptly ramming the flat end deep into Jess's belly.
    Jess flew off the wall, staggering around bent in two and gasping for air. Jess was brought down when Tammy slammed the stick across the back of her knees, then sent sprawling completely as Tammy brought it crashing across her back. Tammy brought the stick down again and again, across the big woman's back, ass and legs while a screaming Jess screamed for mercy, crawling along on her belly until she collapsed to the floor, chest heaving. With a sneer of contempt Tammy threw down the stick and grabbed the big woman by the ankles and rolled her limp body onto her back. Tammy pulled Jessika's into the air and forced them to the floor above the big woman's head, pushing Jess's knees into her own tits, then Tammy straddled the legs, keeping them in place and keeping Jess bent in two.
    Jess was completely out of it, laying there, moaning and groaning, but otherwise unmoving. Tammy threw her head back, pushing the hair out of her eyes before she struck a double bicep pose. The response was thunderous. Tammy began beating a rhythm on the upraised, well-rounded cheeks of Jess's ass, making her buns shake and shimmy, before rising. Jessika's body unfolded and her legs crashed heavily to the floor. Tammy sat back down, this time right on the groggy woman's face. Jess must have known what was happening, if the muffled sounds coming from beneath Tammy's plump ass were any indication, but her arms were pinned beneath Tammy's knees, and since Tammy had her ankles in the air again, tucking them neatly under her arms, even if she could fight back there wasn't much the big woman could do about any of it.
    "I guess you won't be needing this," Tammy giggled as she unstrapped the big black dildo from around Jessika's waist and tossed it aside.
    The crowd went wild at that. Tammy then grabbed her opponent's panties and yanked up hard, pulling them back and forth, and sending them deeper and deeper up the Amazon's cunt and ass before finally pulling them off. She held them up, several inches from her nose, which she wrinkled in distaste.
    "Ewww, yuck! Smelly, stinky panties!" Tammy laughed, releasing the legs and spinning to face Jessika's head. "You really ought to learn to wipe yourself better, Jess," Tammy laughed, sitting up and rubbing Jess's stained panties in the big girl's face. Jess seemed to be coming back to life, and the first thing she saw was Tammy's crotch hovering above her face. Tammy is quite hairy downstairs,and even before the fight began that tiny white thong could not hold her thick, curly cunt hair in place. The panties were so sheer that Tammy's big dark bush was visible right through them, and now, after several minutes of rolling and wrestling, the thong was really buried up her hairy crotch and ass. When Jess looked up she no doubt saw the curly pussy fur poking out all sides of the panties, in addition to the wet spot of the sheer material pressed tightly against two sopping wet pussy lips.
    Tammy grabbed the Amazon's legs and pulled them high in the air again, bending them over the big woman's body and once more pressing her feet to the floor above her head. Jess had given so many women an up close and personal look at her pussy as she sat or straddled their face and forced them to eat her out, and I couldn't help but wonder if she had ever seen her own this up close and personal, without benefit of a mirror. Tammy seemingly had these thoughts as well because she grabbed the big woman by her sweaty mop of hair and pulled her head off the floor and pushed Jess's face into her own crotch. The strain of having her body bent like that had to be great, and Jess was crying and gagging, but it could have been from being bent in two like that, or the fact that her own knees were crushing her tits, or that she couldn't breathe, or the shame of having this done to her by a younger, smaller woman.
    But that's not what Tammy thought.
    "Nasty, isn't it?" Tammy laughed, pressing down and forcing the big woman's crotch down further as she pulled on her hair and forced Jessika's face deeper into her own trimmed twat. "I sure hope it tastes better than it smells."
    Tammy eased on the big woman's legs and let her head fall limply to the floor. But only so she could pick up Kessika's big black strap-on and begin pushing it into the Amazon's open mouth. Talk about gagging! Jessika sure was, and crying like a baby. Jess had reamed out so many mouths, pussies and assholes with that thing that I wondered who it had been in last, which hole it had been in and how well had it been cleaned? Tammy stopped pushing the rubber cock in Jess's mouth, but only so she could slap the big, sobbing woman's face back and forth with her own black dong. Then she went back to rubbing it across Jessika's swollen lips and pushing it into her mouth.
    Tammy taunted the big woman about losing, about being helpless, and showing off her latest trophies, a worn, dirty pair of panties and the big black dildo, both of which she took turns rubbing in the Amazon's face. At one point she had Jessika's panties stuffed in the big girl's mouth and was jamming the dildo in after them, laughing at Jess.
    "What do you think I should put up on my trophy wall down at the club first," Tammy laughed,"your dirty skanky panties or my new black dildo? Unless you still think you're woman enough to take them back?"
    Tammy finally pulled the cock and panties out of Jessika's mouth, released her and the big woman's legs crashed heavily to the floor and Jess just laid there, chest heaving, spread eagled and whimpering. Her outstretched right hand must have touched the discarded stick, because Jess wrapped her fingers around it and brought the stick up to strike Tammy.
    The younger blonde beauty not only saw what Jess was trying, she caught the stick in mid air and easily ripped it from the older woman's grasp. Holding it like a samurai sword, Tammy brought it down and with a loud "thwack" she flattened Jessika's right breast. Jessika's scream of absolute agony almost drowned out the next "thwack" which smashed into her other breast, and as she tried to cover her big tits Tammy lifted the stick high in the air and brought it straight down, impaling the big woman as she buried the tip deep into Jessika's soft belly.
    Jessika's eyes just about popped out of her head and she wrapped her arms around her belly, desperately gasping for air and brought her knees to her chest. Tammy stepped over the big girl's body, straddling Jess, and brought the stick down, samurai style, right between Jess's legs and right into her exposed pussy.
    I could not hear the sound it made, Jessika's scream was so shrill and ear-piercing, but her legs immediately dropped to the floor and she clutched her pussy with both hands as Tammy beat the big woman's sagging tits without mercy. Talk about playing a game of whack-a-mole! Jessika's tits already had long, dark bruises from the two previous hits, but soon they were completely black and blue. Jessika was screaming at the top of her lungs, begging Tammy to stop, pleading for mercy. Unfortunately there was none of either to be found. With her foot on Jess's belly to keep her flat on the floor Tammy was gleefully laughing as she beat the big girl's tits endlessly, and without pity, revelling in the screams from the Mature Champion. She only stopped beating her tits long enough to rub the stick between Jessika's spread legs.
    "You'd like that. wouldn't you," Tammy laughed, slamming the stick down between Jessika's spread legs, flush between her lips.
    I have never heard screams that shrill or shreiking. Jess screamed and howled, but there was nothing she could do as Tammy pounded her pussy with that hardwood stick, with even less mercy than she had beat her tits. Jess was screaming and shreiking for someone to stop the carnage.
    Tammy stopped and Jess laid there, curling into a ball, clutching her tits with one arm and her pussy with the other. Jess weakly raised her head, and the look on her face was a mixture of pain, fear and confusion. Jess didn't know how to deal with the intense pain she was suffering, and what made it worse was that there was nothing she could do about it. And she knew it. That was not the worst part for Jess. The Mature Champion, laying there, bruised, beaten and helpless, was not only did she have to endure the cheers that Tammy's fans roared out, and the jeers they sent her way, but the cheers for Tammy and jeers for herself from her own fans. Jess reacted to the taunts of her former fans as if they were punches and not words and it looked like her heart was breaking.
    "Kiss her ass, Tammy!"
    "Teach that big bitch a lesson!"
    "You suck!"
    "You oughtta suck me, you fat old whore!"
    And those were from some of her most ardent admirers. Or should I say "former" admirers. Jess still had some faithful fans, but they were clearly in the minority. Tammy pulled Jess to her feet by the hair and it was all the big woman could do to stand on her weak, rubbery legs. Tammy gave her a shove, then added a humiliating kick in the ass, sending Jess stumbling across the pit, crashing into the wall. She was a sobbing wreck as Tammy walked foward, holding Jessika's own dildo in her hand and pulled the big girl up by the hair once again.
    For the next several minutes Tammy slapped Jessika all over theat pit, but instead of her fists or her feet Tammy smacked her around using nothing but her own big, black dildo. The crowd was going wild, laughing at the once proud Mature Champion, now a sobbing wreck, as that rubber dong smacked her across the face again and again, sending her reeling. Tamy paused a few times, but only so she could pin Jess against one of the walls and push the floppy schlong into the big girl's mouth. Finally she tossed the dildo aside and began using her fists.
    My God, talk about pitiless! Tammy began to just punch the living shit out of Big Bad Jess, who could only stand there, or should I say barely stand there, taking the punishment. Tammy paid the big bitch back for mauling her tits, pounding Jess's tits again and again, working over her soft belly, kneeing her already damaged crotch, but really fucking up her face. Jess, unable to stand any longer, dropped to her knees and was helpless as Tammy dragged her by the hair to the center of the pit, so everyone could witness the destruction of the once seemingly unbeatable and indestructible Mature Champion.
    Tammy kicked Jess over onto her back and sat heavily on the Amazon's bruised and swollen tits. Jess was weak and having trouble breathing with all that weight on her chest and weakly whimpered for mercy.
    "Please, don't hurt me," she sobbed,"please don't beat me up any more. Don't beat my pretty face."
    "Beat you?" Tammy laughed,"Bitch! I'm gonna break you!"
    Tammy then slammed her right into Jess's face, snapping her head to the side. She snapped it back with a left. I cannot accurately tell you how many times she hit Jess, Tamy's fists were flying so fast I couldn't keeep count. Jessika's face was snapping back and forth, blood, sweat and tears flying off her rapidly swelling face. It must have been twenty or thirty times, at least, before Tammy grabbed a fistful of sweat-soaked hair with her left hand and yanked Jessika's head off the floor and began pounding her once pretty face without mercy. Tammy may not have been the most powerful puncher in the group, but she made up for it with energy and anger. Jess had long ago proved herself to be a woman who could dish it out, and take it, but never had the Amazon taken a beating like this. Jessika's fat lips and swollen nose had been bleeding for a while now, and they were joined by the many cuts that Tammy's pummeling fists had opened up on her face. Jessika's eyes and the area around them were so swollen from the unrelenting pounding that I wondered if she would even be able to open them in the morning. To top things off, each time Tammy's fist slammed into her face, Jessika's head would snap back and smack into the floor, bouncing off the hard surface. Was she even aware of the brutal beating she was suffering?
    Tammy finally stopped beating the poor woman and rose to her feet. Jess laid there, moaning and groaning, spread eagled, her horrible bruised, bloody and swollen face rolling back and forth. Tammy stomped her tits a few times, but all she received in return were a few involuntary grunts. She grabbed two handfuls of hair and pulled the groggy Amazon to her feet by it. Tammy bent the older woman over so she could get at her ass, and shoved the middle finger of her right hand right up the big girl's butt!
    Jess had already been weak, and, with a groan, her knees became visibly wobbly as Tammy yanked her upright by the hair and led the whipering wreck of a woman around the pit, showing her off to the audience on all sides of the pit, leading her around with a handful of hair and her finger jammed up her asshole. One could almost sense each time Tammy wiggled her middle finger. Jess would whine and whimper, and her thick legs would turn to jelly and begin to shake and wobble. She did not put any any resistance to her little march around the ring, she just plodded along in front of her conqueror. By this point even the faithful had given up hope for the once proud Mature Champion to stage a comeback. If thay hadn't they did when Tammy led Jessika to the middle of the ring and yanked her finger out of her ass. Jess slumped to her knees and when Tammy waved that stinky, stained finger under her nose and pushed it towards her lips Jess meekly slid her tongue out and began to lick her ass juice off of it. When Tammy took that finger into her mouth and sucked it like a tiny cock.
    When that happened I doubt there was anyone in the arena who couldn't see that Jess was a beaten and broken woman. She sat there on her knees in the middle of the pit, head down, her chest heaving as she sobbed in shame. Jessika had entered the pit the odds on favorite to win another championship title, and instead had been thoroughly dominated by the younger blonde. Jessika didn't just lose, she wasn't defeated in a hard fought contest, inatead she had been thoroughly dominated from the very beginning. Tammy had handed Jess her ass on a silver platter in front of a cheering crowd and her her most ardent fans had lost faith in the Mature Champion. Defeated and dejected it appeared that it was all finally sinking into her head what had just occured.
    Tammy looked magnificent in victory, playing up to the cheering throng. Tammy pranced around the pit, waving to her fans, basking in the glow of their cheers. Tammy was sweaty, and her tits were a little scratched up, but other than that it was hard to believe that she had been in a fight.
    Of course, Jessika did not look like she had been in a fight, she looked as if she had been run over by a freight train. Jess looked like shit! Her body was covered with bruises, not quite head to toe, but close to it. Her tits were especially bruises and swollen, and her face looked like it had goon through a meat grinder. Her lips were thick, split and swollen, her nose was puffy and swollen as well, blood caked in her nostrils. Beuises covered her face, and both of her eyes were nearly swollen shut. Jess appeared too weak to move, too weak to even lift her head. Then again, maybe the realization of what had just happened was sinking in. Tammy was not only the new Catfighting Queen, she was also Jessika's master for the next two weeks.
    Tammy grabbed her bag and danced over to her once pround and strong opponent, now reduced to an empty shell of a woman, a beaten, broken sobbing wreck. Tammy grabbed a fistful of sweat soaked hair and yanked back hard, forcing the oldr, larger woman to look into her sneering face, to look into the eyes of the woman who had so easily destroyed the one invincible Amazon.
    "Big Bag Jess, my ass!" Tamy laughed. "You look more like a big fat piece of shit to me. You said some nasty things about me so I'd say we have some unfinished business."
    There was no fire in the big girl's eyes. She had the look of defeat, and, if I'm not mistaken, fear. She had come in here proud and arrogant, so sure of victory, but Tammy had destroyed her so easily, and so completely, that Jess knew that whatever Tammy had in mind that there was absolutely nothing she could do about it. She had tried during the fight and failed, miserably.
    "Please..." Jess muttered through her thick lips,"..have pity...I..I..."
    "Shut up, slave," Tammy snapped, as she pushed Jess flat on her back.
    Jess offered no resistance at all. She was exhausted from the beating she had suffeed and did not have the energy to resist. She looked up and a horrified look passed across her face as she watched Tammy peel off her sweaty thong and straddle her face.
    "I hear you like to eat pussy," Tammy giggled, lightly rubbing her hairy muff across the big woman's teary face,"let's see how you like eating my pussy."
    Jessika's sobs could clearly be heard as Tammy used the beaten woman's face as a dildo, rubbing her hot, wet pussy up, down and all around the beaten woman's face, getting herself nice and wet before Jess performed the ultimate act of submission.
    Jessika, I'm told, is no stranger to pussy, being an avowed butch dyke, but I wondered whether she would enjoy being forced to eat another woman, the one who had just destroyed her, in front of all these people. Jess was crying, but that could have been from the pain or the shame of her loss, or it could have been from such a big, dominant woman being forced to service another woman like this. Then again, it could have been the jeers that accompanied her flicking tongue as Tammy sat up and Jess craned her neck to meekly slide her tongue into the younger woman's dripping wet slit. The fact that Tammy's fans laughed at her was bad enough, but the taunts of her own fans were like daggers in her heart. Tammy's taunts were the worst, I imagine, as she ground her hairy muff in the big girls' face.
    "I see you like the taste of a real woman's pussy," Tammy laughed, pulling Jessika's face deeper into her crotch. "What do you like best? The smell? The taste? I bet it's the hair. You like the way it tickles your nose? Ooh..yes..right there, lick me, you pathetic old whore, lick the Queen's pussy! It's so much better than your skanky old, soon-to-be-hailess old cunt, isn't it?"
    Not that Jess could answer, being otherwise occupied with slobbering over the younger woman's pussy like that. Tammy reached back and tugged on Jessika's trimmed bush, but not yanking out the hair, just pulling on them. Then she fumbled around until she found Jessika's puffy, swollen nipples and began pulling on them. Even with that sweaty, hairy pussy in her face, and the fact that Tammy was screaming in orgasm, Jessika's screams could be heard.
    After her orgasm Tammy sat up, still holding onto Jess's nipples, but not twisting or pinching, just holding them. Jess meekly craned her neck so she could lick Tammy's sopping wet pussy clean. Jessika licked Tammy so meekly and submissively that it was hard to belive that she had been such a big, dominant, mean bitch. A fact that was not lost on Tammy.
    "Big Bad Jess, hah," cooed Tammy,"I think this is what you wanted all along. Oh, the way you just ate me out I know that's what you wanted, someone to kick your sorry ass and turn you into a bitch. You're just a weak little subbie slave hiding out in a big girl's body. Since I know you like the taste of my pussy, let's find out how much you enjoy eating my ass."
    Tammy spun around to face the big girl's feet, and while she did Jessika just laid there flat on the floor, spread eagle, not resisting or fighting, just laying there as Tammy wiggled her big, meaty ass in her face. She sobbed pitifully, but she did not try and escape. To further humiliate the once dominant, but now seemigly sumbissive big bitch Tammy pulled Jessika's legs into the air and showed off the Amazon's neaty trimmed, and very wet, pussy off to the crowd. She stuck two fingers inside and began pushing them in and out.
    "Come on, slut, start licking my asshole. You know you want to."
    Tammy was wiggling her ass across Jessika's face, and even the fleshy cheeks could not silence the older woman's sobs. But there was no denying the way her jaw muscles began working as she kissed and licked Tammy's dark anus. The more she licked the more Tammy ground her ass in her face. I have no doubt whatsoever that Jess had her tongue deep up the younger woman's dirty backdoor. Tammy came from the big bitch's tongue action on her ass, then had Jess lick her clean before sitting back and forcing Jess to eat her pussy again. Jessika meekly complied.
    "Now I told you what I was going to do to your skany old pussy, didn't I?" cooed Tammy, pulling her bag over and pulling out a pair of cucumbers. Two very long, very thick cucumbers. Jess, of course, could not see them, all she could see now was Tammy's big butt in her face.
    Tammy took one of the cukes, a green monster about nine inches long and at least three inches thick, and began rubbing the tip of it against Jessika's sopping wet slit. I couldn't help but woner, was Jess actually enjoying this? Was being dominated and degraded publicly like this hitting some hidden vein hidden deep in her formerly dominant self? She probably thought it was her own dildo being used on her, but there was no denying the way her hips slid foward to meet the vegetable dildo. Tammy still had the big girl's legs tucked under her arms and she grasped the cucumber with both hands and shoved it deep into Jess's pussy, slamming it in and out. Smothered under Tammy's seaty cunt and ass Jess screamed, and they were not screams of pleasure either.
    Tammy worked the cucumber in and out roughly and left just the tip of the back end sticking out of the older woman's slit, the lips of her pussy obscenly wrapped around the thick green shaft, her love juices dripping down between the cheeks of her succulent ass cheeks. Jess was so weak that when Tammy sat up and wiggled her ass abopve Jessika's face, the big girl meekly slid her tongue out and began licking the offered asshole. Tammy sat back down and made Jess lick her butt and Jess meekly obeyed.
    That would be the least of her problems because Tammy picked up the other cuke and it was even longer, and much thicker that the one filling her pussy. This one was two inches longer and much thicker, and as soon as Tammy pushed it between Jess's plump ass cheeks the big woman began squirming wildly, her screams of panic muffled under Tammy's big butt. But since Tammy was sitting on her face, and had her legs tucked neatly under her arms, that was all Jessika could manage to do. When Tammy pressed the tip against the big girl's tight, puckered asshole she paused so she could taunt her squirming victim.
    "What's the matter Big Bad Jess," she laughed,"you've been walking around with your head up your ass so you should be able to take this no problem!"
    Jessika's entire body was taut, her muscles tensed, as Tammy rammed the big fat cucumber right up the big girl's ass. Despite the fact that Tammy was sitting on her face, and the fact that she had her own tongue stuck deep up the young blonde's butthole, Jessika's screams echoed throughout the arena. Legs squirming, ass shaking, Jess pulled at her own hair as Tammy stuffed more and more of that cucumber up the big girl's tight ass. Shoving that green monster up her butt wasn't enough for Tammy, becasue once she had three quarters of it up Jess's ass she grabbed it with both hands and began reaming out poor Jessika's asshole. She did that for a few minutes, then grabbed hold of the cucumber stuffed up the big girl's cunt and began ramming them both in and out at the same time. Finally, with a long, loud, throaty scream that must have come all the way from her toes, every muscle in the big girl's body tensed and she passed out from it all.
    Tammy left them both buried to the hilt up the Amazon's holes, slick, wet cunt lips stretched around one, the tip of the other poking out between her ass cheeks. Tammy sat up and wiggled her ass above the beaten bitches face, then let go with a steady stream of piss, all over Jess's brutalized face. Coughing and sputtering Jess came around, and began weeping bitterly when she realised that Tammy was pissing on her face.
    "Who told you to stop licking my ass, you pathetic slut!" Tammy screamed. "Now get that whore tongue of yours working on my ass or I'll really show you how I fuck an asshole!"
    Jess, beyond beaten, beyond broken, meekly slid her tongue out and began to licked the younger woman's anus again. Tammy then picked up the pliers and used them pluck out all of the big woman's pussy hair. The floor of the pit was soon littered with short, curly cunt hairs, joining the longer strands from her head that already covered the floor of the pit. Jess kept her bush neatly trimmed. She should have kept it shaved, because the way she screamed as Tammy plucked the hairs out was pitiful. She passed out again and Tamy sat up to empty what remained in her bladder, and when Jess came to she made the big, beaten bitch lick her pissy pussy clean. Tammy finally rose and made Jess lick up the puddle on the floor as well.
    Tammy danced around the pit, looking positively radiant and glowing in victory, while Jess looked so pitiful in defeat. What a difference in Bid Bad Jess. It was the same big, strong body, but one look in her empty eyes and it seemed as if there was someone else living in that powerful frame. The way she just sat there on her knees, softly whimpering, and unresisting, as Tammy placed the dog collar around her neck and led her from the pit. Tammy held the leash in one hand, and in the other she held her trophies, Jessika's thong, and her big, black dildo. Jess just plodded along behind her, led by her leash, looking completely broken. Jess seemed to be in a zombie-like daze, as if her head was spinning as it all sunk in. She had not only lost the championshiop bout in a totally one-sided asskicking, she had been dominated like never before, in front of the overflowing arena, and her sweet pussy had not only been overstuffed, but balded as well. Jess was not just the big loser this week, she would be the big loser for the next two weeks as she served as Tammy's sex slave.
    Then again, maybe she had that look on her face because Tammy made her hold those cucumbers up her cunt and ass as she meekly followed her new mistress.
    The crowd was pitiless, cheering Tammy and jeering Jess.
    "I knew you were an asshole and that cucumber proves it," taunted my own wife, Marj.
    Peggy dubbed her a "piss-bitch", while Denise laughed at her for not being able to fight better than that, and Cindy started the chant to make her dance on top of the bar. "Ass-eater", "Butt munch", and many taunts about being a wimp and a weakling. Someone asked if she sucked cock as well as she ate pussy. The crowd threw food and drinks at the once proud Amazon as Tammy led her from the arena.
    "I have to go work my shift at the TKO club, and you're all invited," Tammy said as she led Jess towards the dressing rooms.
    When Tammy arrived at the club that night the applause was even more thunderous. The crowd down at the TKO club had watched the fight unfold on the closed circuit TV system, and those people who had just stopped by for a drink apparently thought that they were watching one of those catfight videos. Until Tammy walked in, leading her bitch slave on a leash, the big woman still holding the cucumbers deep in her cunt and assshole.
    Kim was behind the bar, doing her best to ignore the rants of Dee, who stup up immediately the moment Tammy arrived. I guess she remebered what happened the last time she ran into Tammy, and since Tammy and Kim had become friends I don't think she wanted to take any chances. Tammy led the beaten wreck that had once been Big Bad Jess onto the dance floor and the crowd quickly parted to give her more room. A chair was supplied and Tammy sat down, pulling the whimpering Jessika face down across her lap. Jessika had to know what was coming, but she did not resist, just merely lay there, whimpering. Jessika either did not have the strength, or the will, to resist, as Tammy began spanking her right there in the middle of the club.
    Jessika kicked and squimed and basically just cried like a baby as Tammy spanked her like a spolied, bratty child. Jessika's soft, round buns shook and jiggled like jelly as Tammy spanked her new slave without mercy. Oh the way she cried. It probably didn't help that her holes were still plugged and whenever Tammy smacked her firmly between the cheeks Jess must have gotten a painful goose. Tammy really blistered her buns with her hand, for a good ten minutes, before she was handed a studded leather paddle. From a sneering Sammi! Tammy used the strap to blister Jess's already swollen buns, for at least ten more minutes, before dumping Jess right on her throbbing butt.
    Tammy rose and received even more cheers. After accepting the accolades from the cheering patrons Tammy grabbed a sobbing Jess by the hair and forced her to lay acoss the chair, with her face on the floor, her swollen tits hanging down and her big, blistered butt sitcking high in the air.
    "I have to go to work now," Tammy giggled,"but I think there is someone here who would like to say hello."
    Tammy winked and handed the studded strap to Sammi. The smile that crossed the black girl's beautiful face was positively evil. She drew that strap high in the air and brought it crashing down across the helpless Jessika's already swollen ass cheeks.
    "Who's the slave now you cracker mutherfucin' bitch!" Sammi sneered as she beat the big woman's ass without any mercy or pity.
    Sammi had lost to Jess in the ring and spent the last two weeks serving as the Amazon's personal sex slave. Jess had been stingy about the details of Sammi's sufferings, but if the way Sammi beat her ass with that strap was any indication, it must have been brutal. She taunted Jess about her being the slave now, called her all sorts of names, and whipped the screaming white woman's ass until her her arms dropped from fatigue. By that time Jessika's ass looked like a piece of raw hamburger, and the sharp, steel studs of the strap had popped off, one by one, the stitchings had fallen way and the strap just fell apart. Jessika could not stop crying, and little wonder, considering the shape of her ass now.
    Tammy was working from nine o'clock until closing, and the for the first half of her shift Jess was down on her knees behind the bar, constantly stuffing her face between Tammy's thighs or up her ass, abjectly serving her new Mistress. When she wasn't licking Tammy's pussy and ass, the blonde batrender forced her slave to lick Kim's ass. Kim really seemed to love that. Then Jess was forced on top of the bar to finish her "shift" by dancing for the customers.
    Once again Kim and Tammy shared "whip duty" and since Sammi had wrecked her ass so badly they mostly slashed her titties until they too resembled raw meat. About a half hour before closing Tammy followed through on her last boast, to give Jess a "real taste of humiliation" as she dragged her into the ladies room and pushed her into the stall of the broken toilet. Jessika was so thoroughly broken by this point that she did not resist, she did not beg, she just let Tammy push her face into that stink filled, slimey, smelly toilet and use her face and hair as a toilet bowl brush. When she finally dragged the larger, stronger, but now totally weak and whipped Mature Champion out of the bowl and led her back out to the bar Jess was a filthy, smelly mess.
    "Now let us see if you are really as good a cocksucker as you are a cuntlicker and ass eater," Tammy said. "But you're such a mess no guy would get his cock near you. I know. Why don't you show us how good you can suck cock, and use that cucumber up your smelly twat!"
    Without question, without pause, Jess pulled the cucumber out of her balded snatch, which was probably a relief after all those hours, and showed off her cocksucking skills. She could not get it all in her mouth, it was so thick, but she did do an impressive job. Then Tammy made her eat it! Jess, obviously hating eveyr second of it, meekly complied.
    "Not bad, but I thinbk you will get better with practice," Tammy laughed. "So why don't you practice with the other one."
    Again, with no hesitation, but with a throaty grunt, Jess pulled the cucumber out of her ass and wrapped her lips around it. It was nasty and disgusting but Jess licked and sucked every inch of it before she chowed down on it, eating every inch of the dirty cucumber. Let's just say it wasn't exactly green any more. When that was done Tammy did let Jess rinse her mouth out, just as she had promised, in the urinal in the men's room.
    I had the impression that since Jess had been so cocky and confidant going into that fight that when the unthinklable had happened, when she not only lost, but lost so badly, that it severely damaged her psyche. It was as if the ordeal had left her empty inside, her spirit and will completely shattered.
    Then, as if the thought only just occured to her Tammy giggled "Oh my, we never had our sexfight, did we?"
    Jess finally broke down, sobbing uncontrollably.
    "Oh God, Tammy, please no," she blubbered," please. no more. I'll..I'll be a good little slave. Please, I don't think I can take any more..please, Mistress, have pity."
    "I will, for tonight, since it is so late. But I'm going to talk to the management and see if we can't have a little sexfight competiotion down here later in the week. I am obviously no match for you, am I?"
    "No, Mistress, I..I am not worthy to lick your ass."
    "I have someone in mind. She's a lot smaller than you. So it should be an even fight for a big old pussy wimp like you, right?"
    "Yes Mistress."
    Tammy left Kim to close up, leading her weak-willed, broken bitch of a slave along by her leash.
    I can't help but wonder what is in store for the once unbeatable, but now thoroughly broken Mature Champion, and just who was this girl that Tammy wanted her to fight.

    Yes, there is a second art. If anyone is interested.

  2. #2
    HB Forum Owner MikeJV's Avatar
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    AWESOME!!!!!!! A pity they aren't fatal fights *smile*


  3. #3
    Inactive Member Jessikafights's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Tch, tch ... Marj ... (or is it Carl? ... hiding behind your skirts? ... Or is it Carl who masqueraded as Tammy?) ... You could at least have checked with me before posting ... [img]frown.gif[/img] ... You might've spoiled the building up to a CLIMAX for some! TEE Hee!

    I was going to post all the stories leading up to my humiliating defeat by the hands of Tammy ... as well as my subsequent humiliation, which I will still do, don't worry.

    And MikeJV, don't worry, there are some fatalities brewing in the future which I think you might enjoy!


    <font color="#a62a2a" size="1">[ June 05, 2005 03:47 PM: Message edited by: Jessikafights ]</font>

    <font color="#a62a2a" size="1">[ June 05, 2005 03:49 PM: Message edited by: Jessikafights ]</font>

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