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Thread: THE BIG SECRET - CHAPTER 4 by Mr. Cage

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    This work of fiction involves extreme violence and sexual activities between a male and female who for different reasons have agreed to participate in a savage battle for sexual dominance. As always, this is not for the squeamish, the sensitive, the empathic or the immature. Please do not read on if the written word is likely to harm or disturb you. This is a fantasy, not a how to do it book.

    THE BIG SECRET ? Chapter Four by Mr. Cage

    How did I get this way you ask? Well like most stories it begins with a little acorn. No, sorry, maybe I should use the one about the bent twig and how the tree grows. In any case this is the way I remember it.

    In Chapter One I described my discovery of a secret floor under our guest house and the treasure find of recorded material hidden behind an electronic lock. In Chapter Two I took the exploration to another shocker: a brutal fight between my mother and grandmother. In Chapter Three Mom had a brutal two disc fight with Rebecca and managed one win and a draw even though she was pregnant. I knew the final match with Rebecca was on disc 15, but I also wanted to see what Mom?s first match after delivering Annabelle was like. So I waited for a chance to get into the room.

    It came on a Friday night. My Dad and Mom were going away for a four day weekend. Annabel, and Teresa and Mary had something going on with their friends and were sleeping over at different places. Dad and Mom were dropping them off. That left our live-in maid to watch my younger sister, Sharon. I dashed out of sight as soon as Sharon got into trouble the first time. Making my way to the guest house was easy because I knew I had at least three hours.

    I got into the room and the data base was open! I decided to make sure I left everything just as it was I had found it! I checked the data entry and it was already filled out.

    ?Disk Number 000258 a through _: recorded 2005. Five fights: Edward versus Jim, Melinda versus Althea, Annabelle versus Rita, Teresa versus Della, Mary versus Robbie,
    Modified family fight rules, cash stakes, consequences individual and team depending on level of victory from one hour to total slavery for up to three days, one in a series of matches see Walter versus Johnson Family listing.?

    I looked for the comments entry, but it was still blank! Damn that?s what they were doing this very night. I suddenly feared they might be sneaking back on the estate and planning to fight in the hidden room, but why leave? They must be fighting somewhere else tonight. I resolved to see that fight as soon as I could. I couldn?t believe my sisters were fighting like this in front of my parents. Why wasn?t I invited? I wondered where they were. Just in case, I opened a window on the security system and hooked into the cameras looking over the front gate and the side entrance that a guest or delivery man might use.

    Frustrated I grabbed disc 14 and popped it into the DVD player. My mood was off. How interesting could this fight be when compared to what I was missing? I checked the data base.

    ?Disk Number 000014 recorded 1987 on VHS tape and transferred to DVD 2004. Two fights: Edward versus Jim, Melinda versus Althea, Modified Couple fight rules, cash stakes, consequences individual and team if both members lose, series of matches see Walter versus Johnson Family listing.?

    Then I went to the comments entry:

    ?This is the first meeting in a series of fights beginning with a rivalry between women at a swap party settled by a blow job competition. Edward: 25 years, 6?4?? 185 pounds, 8 inches, short red blonde hair. Jim: 22 years, 6?1?? 203 pounds, 9 inches, short black hair. Melinda: 20 years, 5?9?? 153 pounds, 42EE 28 36, long blonde hair, full bush, six weeks after giving birth, lactating. Althea: 20 years, 5?7?? 155 pounds, 40DD 28 40, short black hair, full bush, five weeks after giving birth. Modified Couple fight rules: no blows or attacks to the face, no blows to the neck, no biting, no eye attacks, alternating multiple submissions until someone can?t go on. Bet: $100 a submission, $1000 for surrender, $2000 bonus if both members of a team surrender, hard tit milking, cock sucking, cunt licking, fisting, dildo work, cunt and ass bare back fucking, woman on woman, man on man and if one couple dominates couple on couple, one hour?s victory celebration plus another hour for a couple?s win. All fighters previously experience, but first time for sexual consequences for the men. Very rough and began very nasty family rivalry.

    Well the first fight was my tall thin Dad wearing a stupid looking red jock sock versus a thick bellied young black guy, Jim, wearing a white jock sock. They were in a small dingy room that looked like it had been cleared of furniture. Four mattresses had been laid down filling most of the room. Mom and Althea were in the background with the cameras, but even before they were to fight they were talking to each other. Hearing my mother promising to wring out Althea?s tits was more than a little strange.

    I felt like skipping ahead. Somehow this was more disturbing than Mom. Anyway it was a rough fight. Dad surprised me by really taking it to Jim?s gut with punches and knees. It was back and forth for eight minutes until Jim got Dad in a choke hold and took him down to the mat. Dad fought off the choke, but with Jim behind and under him, he couldn?t keep Jim from driving his heel back into Dad?s jock sock, ball busting him about five times. Dad had to give before he either got choked out or ball busted.

    The Mom and Althea went out on the mattresses. They were nude. Both women were hairy and both showed their bellies were no where back to normal. I had seen Mom earlier that day in her bikini and even at her age after five kids she kept her belly taunt, but I guess she was still working on it then. Althea was heavier and definitely broader in the legs and ass. I thought Mom?s arms and shoulders might be stronger, but she still had a lot of excess weight on her so I couldn?t tell for sure.

    The women slammed together hands going to the hair, knees going for the crotch. It was a whirlwind of cursing, screaming and jerking. They spun around in a circle, their feet dancing as they tried to cunt one another with a knee. Mom was loosing a lot of her blonde hair and having getting a big handful of Althea?s short kinky hair. But there were still tuffs of black hair on the mattresses.

    Althea won the hair pulling by twisting Mom into the corner of the room and banging her head against the wall. Mom sank her knee into Althea?s still soft belly. Althea groaned and rammed her entire body into Mom?s. Tits slapped and squished against each other then bellies and hips slammed together. Althea?s feet pressed down and she rammed upward actually getting her big tits under Mom?s big tits. Mom moaned and struggled to get out of the corner.

    Althea did the ramming thing several times, then dropped back and drove a knee into Mom?s blonde mound. It was a solid crunch and Mom cried out. Althea jerked her out of the corner by the hair and threw her down on the mattresses. Mom hit hard, pushed up and then got slammed down again as Althea landed on her back.

    Mom reached back over her head and grabbed Althea?s kinky hair. It was short, but Althea screamed just the same as it was pulled. She wiggled on top of Mom, hooked her legs around Mom?s hips and rolled to the side, pulling Mom into a rear scissors and near choke combination. Mom blocked the choke with her arm, but that left Althea free to reach under Mom?s right arm and grab her right tit from behind. Mom groaned as Althea?s black fingers sank into the milk bloated pale white globe. As Althea worked her fingers into the flesh Mom screamed and kicked her legs. Her tits must be really sensitive right then. Mom screamed out her surrender.

    Althea pushed Mom off to the side and asked Jim, ?Did I get any milk out of that cow??

    He laughed and said, ?No, she gave up to quickly.?

    Althea spit on Mom?s back and snorted, ?Fucking white pussy. I knew your tits couldn?t take it.?

    Mom rolled over with vengeful tear-filled eyes, but she bit her lip and stayed quiet.

    Dad and Jim fought almost immediately. They threw each other around the room, ramming hard into the wall, leaving dents in the plasterboard in three places. Dad got Jim in a headlock and tossed him over his hip. Dad went down on top of the black man and twisted on the head lock. Jim pounded Dad?s back and pulled back on his chin. Dad grunted and looked like he was going to give up the headlock. Then suddenly as Jim was bridging up, his packed jock sock bouncing between his legs, Dad released his left hand and slammed a back handed karate-like chop to the white jock sock. Jim groaned and collapsed on the mattresses, drawing his legs up to cover his cock and balls.

    Dad straddled the black man immediately, trapping Jim?s arms under Dad?s ass. If there had been face punching Jim would have been knocked silly. Instead Dad grabbed Jim?s throat with both hands, leaned forward and started choking the black man out. Jim writhed and kicked, but he couldn?t get his hands up to protect himself. He had to surrender and Dad had our side?s first victory.

    Mom and Althea were itching to go. They slammed into each other again. Mom got in the first knee and then tripped the black woman. Althea went to her knees still holding Mom?s hair. Mom tried to get behind her, but Althea slammed her elbow into Mom?s crotch as she started her move. Mom groaned and suddenly was being pulled over Althea?s shoulders by her own blonde hair. Mom hit the mattress head first and flopped down hard with her feet hitting last.

    Althea went for a reverse face sit immediately. Her big black ass covered Mom?s face and her knees captured Mom?s biceps. Mom bent her arms at the elbow and clawed at the black woman?s thighs, but she was already nose deep in the cleft of Althea?s big ass. Then Althea slammed both fists down like hammers targeting Mom?s swollen pink nipples. The big tit bags sounded like water balloons and bounced around like jelly when Althea took her fists out. Mom kicked her feet and squirmed. Althea fastened her fingers to Mom?s nipples. She pinched, pulled and twisted. Mom managed to scream out a muffled surrender from under Althea?s ass.

    Althea stood up smiling, but then complained, ?This bitch?s nipples are tough, still no fucking milk. But don?t worry I?ll have Elsie mooing by the end of the night.?

    Dad and Jim fought again. This time Jim got the headlock, but Dad was ready with a quick punch between the black man?s legs. Jim groaned and went down pulling Dad down as well. Dad pulled his head out of the head lock and found himself behind Jim. He grabbed the man around the neck and went for a choke out immediately. This time Dad paid the price. Jim reached backwards blindly and as Dad pressed Jim?s head downward, Jim?s right hand closed on Dad?s balls. Dad yelled and jerked away. Jim coughed and missed with a hard kick that would have taken Dad in the side as he scrambled.

    Dad and Jim got up and started forward again. Jim tried a kick. Dad took it on the thigh and lunged forward driving his right fist low into Jim?s softer belly. Jim grunted and rammed forward into Dad. Suddenly Dad was rammed hard into the wall. Jim held him to the wall and immediately drove a low blow up into Dad?s balls. Dad yelled and hammered Jim?s back. Jim punched again, but Dad had his right knee up. They struggled like that for several minutes.

    Suddenly Dad?s punches to Jim?s sides and back seemed to weaken the black man. His grunts turned to groans and he tried to straighten up and block Dad?s pounding. Dad let him get halfway straight and drove a knee up. It missed Jim?s crotch, but speared the black man in his belly, lifting his feet of the floor for a second. All the air blew out of Jim?s mouth and he seemed to fall in a puddle. Dad dropped a knee in the middle of the guy?s back, pulled his head back by the chin and forced a quick submission.

    Now it was 0-2 for the women?s fight and 2-1 for the men?s fight. Dad, the geek, was surprising the hell out of me!

    Althea and Mom started. Althea rushed forward. Mom dodged to the side at the last moment. Althea cursed and tried to stop her charge, but Mom was behind her and on her back. Althea went down on her hands and knees with my Mom riding her back. Mom hooked her legs around Althea, rolled to the side and now the black woman was in a brutal rear leg scissors. Althea started to twist around, but Mom?s hands were in the woman?s hair forcing her head down on her chest. You could see the skin on the back of Althea?s neck being stretched upward by the tortured scalp. Althea suffered for five brutal minutes. She clawed my Mom?s legs red, but Mom held on and Althea started screaming as her hair was ripped out again and again. Finally the black woman gave.

    Now the fight was even 1-2 and 2-1. The rest break was really helping the fighters to recover more fully. However, Jim looked weaker at the start now. He was really favoring his ribs and belly as he stretched prior to the start of the next men?s round.

    Dad moved in a circle as Jim tried to grapple early. Jim grew frustrated and lunged forward trying to tackle Dad. Dad slammed his hands into Jim?s shoulders and pushed him off. Jim staggered for a second. Dad drove a wicked sidekick straight into the man?s lower belly. Jim grunted and folded over immediately. Dad stepped to the left and kicked the groaning man in the back of the thigh. It sounded like a rifle shot and Jim went to his knees. Dad jumped onto him from behind and went for a rear choke. Jim tried to get his hands behind to Dad?s balls but all he could do is claw at Dad?s hips and the side of his jock sock. In less than a minute the black man surrendered.

    Mom and Althea fought slower this time. They circled one another, slapping each other?s grabbing hands away again and again. The stalemate lasted a full three minutes until both were breathing heavy, cursing and spitting at each other. Althea lunged. Mom fired her knee up. Althea grunted as the knee hit her mound, but she grabbed Mom?s knee and then rose up. Mom yelped and lost her balance.

    She hit the ground. Althea let the knee go and moved her hands to Mom?s right ankle. Mom?s right leg was straight up in the air and Mom?s left leg was bent under her. I grimaced because I knew what was coming. Althea twisted the leg and jerked it outward as she stepped over Mom?s mound and then stomped down on it. Mom groaned and grabbed herself while getting her left leg out from under her. Althea stomped again and then kicked, her big toe penetrating Mom?s pink pussy. Mom screamed and brought her left leg up. Her foot hit Althea right in the cunt from below and lifted the woman off her feet. Mom?s right leg was freed and Althea fell backwards groaning.

    Neither woman recovered quickly from the mutual cunting. Mom got up a fraction of a second before the black woman. She started forward, but Althea came out of her crouch and drove across the mattress. Mom tried to block her with outstretched hands on the shoulders, but Mom?s hands slide on the shiny black flesh and Althea speared Mom right in the lower belly with her head and shoulders. Mom flew off her feet and crashed to the mattresses. Althea was on top of her immediately going for a two handed choke. It was over in ten seconds.

    Althea was proving her dominance and Dad his. The score was 1-3 for the women and 3-1 for the men. Still nobody looked like they were ready to surrender.

    Dad won the next two men?s rounds and Jim came back with to win two in a row with a brutal body beating that left Dad holding himself. Mom won her next round and lost the next three. So after eight hard rounds they were 2-6 for the women and 5-3 for the men. By now bruises on Mom?s belly, tits, back and legs were evident. Dad has his share of dark marks. The dark black skins of Jim and Althea showed no damage, but neither of them was unhurt. You could tell that much by the way they moaned every time they moved. This was a battle of endurance and attrition.

    Dad and Jim grappled for about thirty seconds and then both scored with knees to the groin. They went down still holding onto one another. They hugged the other to prevent any advantage and just laid there moaning. Dad tried to roll on top. Jim let him but then rolled him off the other side and climbed on top. Jim pushed his arm under Dad?s chin and started choking him. Dad?s hands pushed Jim?s face away. Jim turned his head and the slippery flesh slid. Dad?s hands flew by and Jim buried his face against Dad?s chest while really using his forearm to throttle Dad. Dad grapevined Jim?s legs and spread them outward. Jim moaned as his knees and hips were stressed. Dad managed to pry the arm off his throat. Jim slide on top of my father, but couldn?t free his legs. Dad?s long legs continued to work and Jim suffered. Neither could gain a submission and the fight went on and on. Jim was gasping after twenty minutes and surrendered after thirty. He rolled onto his back and then turned over again and vomited. Althea had to help him to his feet and he barely made it off the mattress.

    Mom and Althea were looking battle worn now. Their hair was tangled and matted flat to their flesh, that which wasn?t lying on the mattresses or stuck to their bodies. Mom?s tits had taken a pounding but the full bags had yet to be milked much to Althea?s frustration. In fact, a little bit of milk had dribbled out of Althea?s coal black right nipple the last round as Mom had tried to use the tit to get the woman off her belly.

    Althea and Mom stumbled together. Althea used Mom?s ruined blonde mane to take her down almost immediately. As the black woman tried to mount her, Mom drove her right hand into Althea?s crotch. Althea screamed and was forced on her back. My exhausted Mom slide her big tits over Althea?s and rode her in the cross body pin position with her right hand digging into Althea?s hairy cunt. Althea kicked and bridged. She clawed at my Mom?s ass trying to get to her tender asshole or cunt, but Mom had position and accepted the claw marks on her white flesh. Dad?s camera work captured Mom?s hand knuckle deep inside the fleshy black cunt.

    Althea?s cunt lips were thick, meaty and dangling. Mom?s four fingers were inside that cunt and her thumb was digging at one of the meaty lips. Althea screamed and pounded Mom?s back. The look on my mother?s face was one of evil glee as she cunted her enemy. Althea took it a lot longer than I thought she would. She finally surrendered.

    Mom yelled in triumph and stood up reenergized. She held up her fingers and yelled happily, ?First blood. I got that cow cunt to bleed.?

    Althea snarled, ?I?m going to cunt you for that you white whore.?

    Mom spit on her and yelled, ?We?ll see who cunts who nigger.?

    The men had to step in and keep them from going at it again right there. My mother had once told me never to say nigger even in a joke. She said it was a hurtful word used by white trash to feel better about their miserable failure in life. I protested that if black people used it why couldn?t I. She said that if they wanted to use it that was fine, but no child of hers would ever say it and not get his face slapped. Well, Mom, I guess I?m supposed to do as you say and not as you do.

    Jim and Dad started the next round. Jim was really used up. Dad outmaneuvered him almost immediately, pinned him into a corner and started beating his kidneys with one fist while driving a forearm into the back of the man?s shoulders again and again. Jim elbowed and stomped, but Dad got in three minutes of body beating until Jim finally gave up and fell down on his knees. He moaned, held his back and shook his head. He was almost finished.

    Mom and Althea rushed to each other, wanted to tear each other apart. The men fought hard, but the women fought with hate. They rammed into each other, bounced apart and slammed into each other again. This time Mom stood up to the hair pulling and sank her right fist into Althea?s belly three times before the black woman let go of the hair and punched back. They pounded each other, leaning together at the shoulders. Sweat flew and flesh shook with each blow. It was like they were determined to punch the other into submission. Either of them could have grabbed the other and gone for a throw or a different hold, but they stayed there pushed together at the shoulders and tits, feet spread digging into the mattress and punching with both hands up into guts and undersides of the tits. It went on and on.

    Mom suddenly wilted from the punching and grabbed hold of Althea. Althea pushed off and grabbed Mom?s hair. Mom grabbed Althea?s tangled short hair. It was a mistake, because the sweaty black woman was already driving a knee upward. The knee wasn?t aimed at my Mom?s mound. Instead in went high and then forward right into the reddest part of Mom?s battered belly. Mom gasped and stumbled backwards.

    Althea lurched forward, grabbed Mom by the hair and threw her into a corner. Mom hit hard and staggered out. Althea stomp kicked to Mom?s belly. The foot went in and Mom folded over and fell face first to the mat. She gasped and reached out with her hands. Althea?s right foot kicked toe first right into the side of Mom?s swollen left tit. Mom cried out and rolled on her side trying to get her feet up.

    Althea drove between the feet and speared Mom in her weakened gut with a knee. Mom spewed and looked like she was trying to surrender. Althea kept her weight on the knee pinning Mom to the mattress, grabbed Mom?s right tit with both hands, pulled and twisted it at the same time. Mom finally got out a scream of surrender.

    Exhausted as she was Althea celebrated, ?I finally milked the bitch! She ain?t got the guts or the tits to stand up to me in a fight. Now I bust her cunt and it will be over.?

    Sure enough, white milky fluid had mixed with the sweat on Mom?s bruised, redden right boob. Althea?s crushing twist pull had forced some fluid from Mom?s big swollen pink nipples. Mom held her tit and cursed.

    The score was now 3-7 for the women and 7-3 for the men. It was dead even again in terms of money and it looked like Jim was finished.

    Jim started slow and got slower. Dad seemed to be toying with him. He didn?t close the deal. He hammered Jim, rammed him into the wall, threw him down and kicked or stomped him, but he never went for the choke or the crotch. Jim struggled and got weaker and weaker. He missed with a desperate grab for my Dad?s soaking wet jock sock. Dad hammered across the back driving him to the mattress. Dad slammed down across the black man?s lower back, ripped off his jock sock and drove his hands between the man?s legs. He grabbed Jim?s ball sack, squeezed and pulled. Jim screamed and surrendered.

    Dad stood up and nodded. He knew he had finished off the black man. Jim curled up in a little ball and ignore Althea?s insistence that he suck it up. She yelled at him and he shook his head. She convinced him not to surrender yet.

    Althea and Mom faced each other for the eleventh time. Mom was hurt for sure now. Her belly was bright red everywhere it wasn?t already darkening to blue and black. She had been gut busted for sure. Althea had taken as much, but she looked ready for more.

    Althea rushed forward and tried to spear Mom?s belly with a knee. Mom took it on the hip and surprised Althea with hair rip that lifted the black woman off her feet and slammed her to the mattress in one swoop. Althea brought up her knees for defense, but Mom didn?t drop on her belly or cunt. Instead Mom stomped hard down on Althea?s swollen right boob. Smack. Mom?s white foot flattened the tit and Althea screamed. Mom twisted her foot in like she was grinding out a cigarette on the street. Althea cried out, grabbed Mom?s ankle and brought her legs up. The black woman endured the tit crush and wrapped her legs around Mom?s right legs. Mom suddenly was waving her arms and falling backwards.

    Althea tried to cunt Mom, but she was too hurt. She missed and Mom kicked out splattering the black woman?s tits across her chest. Althea groaned and fell on her back. Dad?s camera work show that both tits were leaking now. Mom yelled and rolled across the mattress and leapt on the black woman. She grabbed the woman?s tits and sat on her belly. Mom dug her thumbs into the black woman?s nipples and squeezed with her fingers. Althea cried out and gasped as her tits squirted.

    I thought Mom had her, but Althea reached up and grabbed Mom?s heavy milk stations and clamped down on them. Now they were locked in a tit mauling contest. Mom had position, but the black woman?s big hands were fully capable of wringing out my Mom?s tits. Both women screamed and moaned. Mom was soon getting milked from both nipples and her milk splattered like paint on Althea?s ebony chest. Dad?s camera zoomed in on the tit milking. I never knew the milk squirted out of more than one place, but their nipples were expelling squirts and dribble from every wrinkle and knot.

    Althea bucked upward suddenly and Mom pitched forward. Althea found herself being tit smothered by Mom?s wet tits. Mom clamped her hands around the back of the woman?s head and pulled her tit into white pillows. Mom spread her legs and rode Althea?s wet belly. Dad moved and I got the spread cunt shot on both women. Mom?s wet pussy dragged back and forth across the slick black belly as Althea squirmed and bucked trying to throw the white woman off.

    Suddenly the perfect view of my Mom?s spread cunt was interrupted by Althea?s black fingers. First she grabbed Mom?s jiggling ass cheeks and spread them. Mom?s legs tensed and you could see her head come up and look back. Althea dug her index fingers into Mom?s tight pink brown anus. Mom screeched. She suddenly pushed forward as her asshole was pulled open from the sides. Althea lost her grip and Mom ended up lying across the black woman?s face.

    Mom sat up and found herself in the perfect front face sit position. Althea had gone from being trapped by white tits to being trapped by white cunt. Mom yelled in triumph and humped Althea?s trapped face while using the black woman?s flailing wrists as bridles. Althea took it for two minutes and finally surrendered.

    Both women had been furiously milked now and they were both dribbling from their already much abused tits. Mom had a big exhausted smile on her face. Althea had Mom?s milk and cunt juice all over hers.

    The women?s score was 4-7 and the men?s was 8-3. After eleven brutal rounds my family was a measly two hundred dollars ahead, but this was not about money. This was about crushing the other couple into submission.

    Jim couldn?t fight on. He surrendered to Dad. Half the fight was over! Now the women would go on and on with only five minute rest breaks until one of them gave up. Suddenly the DVD came to an end. Damn! I popped it out and saw the label read 1 of 2. Okay, a quick up and down and 2 of 2 was fired up. The logo screen showed there were five more rounds with the last round, the penalty round having six different camera views! Damn this was a marathon! I guess a pervert?s work is never done. I had already blasted off twice, and I figured I could get at least one more in. Disc 15 would have to wait until tomorrow.

    The women were almost dead on their feet. Mom looked like she had been beat, whipped, drowned, and kicked to hell and back. Althea moved forward hands out. She snatched for Mom?s tits and got her hands slapped away. Mom kicked and got the black bitch on the back of the knee. Althea?s leg gave way and she landed on one knee. Mom grabbed her hair and rammed a knee into the woman?s tits. Althea groaned and grabbed for Mom?s thighs, hugging them tight. Mom ripped at the woman?s already ragged hair, but Althea pushed forward and Mom ended up on her back with Althea?s face in her belly and arms around her ass and thighs.

    Mom groaned and ripped out wads of kinky hair. Althea cried out and inched up on top of Mom. Mom pushed down on the black woman?s head. They struggled like this, sweat pouring off their bodies, chests heaving, muscles trembling. Althea squatted across Mom?s knees keeping her from kneeing more than an inch or two. Althea sat up and drove both her fists into the lower part of Mom?s heaving belly. Mom groaned and sat up slamming her fists into Althea?s dribbling tits. Althea grunted and grabbed Mom?s tits.

    Mom moaned and grabbed Althea?s bruised and swollen knockers. Althea?s face twisted in agony as Mom worked her nipples like handles. Althea retaliated in kind. Within seconds both women were screaming and squirting. Suddenly Althea pushed forward and leaned into Mom. Mom?s weakened belly wasn?t up to the pressure and Mom landed on her back. Both women were still working the other?s tits, but now they were squashed together, back of their hands probably touching as their tits balloon out under their arms and got squished back by their biceps as they held their arms into their sides so they could keep their hands on the other woman?s tits.

    Groaning and grunting, they slide back and forth, cunt to cunt, belly to belly, and tit to tit. The mauling continued and Althea kept her superior position. Mom?s screams grew louder and she began mumbling something like oh god over and over again. Althea pressed up doing a push up on Mom?s leaking tits. Mom closed her eyes and kept mauling back. Althea shifted, raised a knee and drove into Mom?s suddenly wide open cunt. Mom grunted and her arms went limp. Althea crawled on top and went for a full face sit before Mom could surrender. The black woman rammed her cunt down on Mom?s nose just as Mom yelled that she gave.

    Mom was behind 4-8. But worse, she was barely moving when Althea rolled off her. Both women were drenched in sweat and hollow eyed now. They had gone way past the point of no return. If the rules had been any less restrictive, one of them would be dead.

    The thirteen round of the women?s fight started with Althea on the attack and Mom staggering around trying to stay away. Althea staggered after her. The black woman finally cut Mom off in a corner and moved in. Mom kicked her in the knee and caused Althea to stagger forward and fall, resulting in an accidental tackle.

    Mom bounced off the corner and slid to her ass with Althea?s head under her left arm and body across her legs and lap. Althea tried to rise up and my Mom suddenly realized she the bitch?s head. Mom?s left arm wrapped around Althea?s neck in a reverse choke hold. Althea got up on her knees and rammed forward squashing Mom?s tits, but Mom held onto the choke and began to punch Althea in the side with her right fist. Althea grunted and started pushing her hands into Mom?s crotch. Mom cried out, the bitch must have gotten to her cunt again.

    Mom cried out and twisted to the side rolling Althea on her side. As the black woman hit the mat Mom tried to climb on top. Sure enough, Dad?s camera work got a shot of both of the black woman?s hands ripping and jabbing at my Mom?s cunt. One hand was inside and the other seemed to be trying to denude Mom?s mound. Mom was getting a terrible cunting, but she held onto the choke and actually rolled on top. She screamed as her cunt was violated, but it was Althea who finally pounded the mattress for a break.

    Mom rolled off. She was bleeding between the legs now for sure. She crawled away and flopped on the mattresses totally exhausted. Althea coughed and choked face on her side as she got her wind pipe working again. How much more could they take.

    Mom was behind 5-8

    The fourteen round found them both staggering around. Mom through a wild right and it connected to Althea?s left tit. Althea moaned and slammed her right into Mom?s left tit. Mom grunted and staggered backwards. Althea lunged forward and buried her left fist deep in Mom?s black and blue belly. Mom cried out and fell to her knees. She gagged and looked to be vomiting, but Althea drove a foot right in between Mom?s spread legs and speared her cunt, toe first. Mom doubled over.

    Althea grabbed Mom?s ruined hair and pulled her up on her knees and then rode her back into the mat, spreading her black legs. Mom hit and bounced right back into Althea?s spread crotch. Mom got a full deep facial from Althea?s sweaty cunt. Althea used Mom?s hair as a bridle and rode her face. The only thing that slowed the black woman?s gyrations was the fact she was dead tired. Mom?s feet kicked a bit and then she slapped the mattress in surrender.

    Mom was behind 5-9.

    Althea stood and supported herself by leaning down with her hands on her knees. Her swollen tits swung heavily with sweat and dribbling milk running down and dripping of the mauled nipples. She must have sweated off ten pounds. Mom lay on her back crying. She tired to roll over and get up twice. On the third time she succeeded. I heard Dad tell her it was time to give up. Mom shook her head negatively, unable to get out a word of protest.

    The fifteen round of war started with Mom barely standing. Althea grunted, moved in and slugged Mom in the belly. Mom gagged and grabbed Althea?s arms trying to throw her down. The black woman snorted and kneed Mom in the cunt. Mom fell to her knees. Althea repeated the face sit move, took Mom down by the hair and landed with a cunt splash on Mom?s already must abused face.

    Althea wiggled and gyrated, making sure Mom got the full facial treatment. Mom was so weak all she could do is wiggle her feet. Althea pushed her cunt in tight, leaned back and hooked her right hand into Mom?s bloody cunt. That woke up Mom and she struggled for thirty seconds before surrendering.

    Althea stood up and spit on Mom. My proud mother tried to roll over, but she couldn?t do it. She cried and struggled, but in the end she just fell back on her back. Althea started forward to punish her some more if she didn?t surrender, but she finally did. It was over Althea had beaten her 5-10. The screen went blank.

    I was given eight choices now to view the last round. Left, right, Man front, Man back, Woman front, Woman back, split screen Man, split screen Woman. Well good old dad had done some editing. How kind of him.

    I picked left just to see the whole picture. They had moved to another room. Mom was crying, her belly supported by a low wooden bench. Her heavy, bruised, swollen and dripping tits were hanging free and her hands were tied to the far ends of the bench. Her ass was up in the air. Next to her was Jim on his own bench, similarly tied up.

    I heard Dad?s voice say, ?Look, let?s give them a break. Let?s call it a tie today.?

    Althea said, ?Fuck that. I?m going to milk that bitch. You do what you have to.?

    Althea came into the picture with a huge black strap-on dildo bouncing from its belt. It was black, twelve inches long, studded and thick. She spit on it and rubbed the spit in. I saw Dad move into the picture on the other side. He stroked his cock, knelt down in front of Jim, and used the black man?s hair to lift his head. I looked on shocked and a little weirded out as Dad stuck his cock in the man?s mouth. Jim started working on it and Dad started pumping.

    I decided to watch the split screen women?s selection. A camera had been set up directly in front of my sobbing Mom?s face and the other behind focused up on her bloody cunt and scratched up ass. Althea?s black legs came into view from the rear and her smiling face could be seen over my mother?s head from the front. I could here the muffled grunting of Jim as he sucked my father?s cock.

    Althea said, ?God this is going to be so good.?

    Then she spread my Mom?s ass cheeks and started wedging the monster dildo into Mom?s cunt. Mom cried out and her face came up. The front view showed her eyes closed tight and her mouth open in a agonized scream. Althea laughed and kept on pushing. From the rear view you could see her ass shaking as she pushed on the dildo driving its black shaft inch by inch into my Mom?s swollen cunt. Mom?s cries became agonized groans as the shaft worked its way into her. Althea was sweating heavily again by the time she got it all the way in. Then she drew back a few inches and pushed it in hard. She held my Mom?s ass and started pounding away as Mom cried and grunted with each thrust.

    Then Althea moaned and said, ?The head of my dildo is working my clit real good bitch. Now I?m going to do me a little cow milking while I wiggle myself off.?

    Althea lay down along my Mom?s back, her dildo still deep in Mom?s cunt. She reached around Mom?s body and grabbed her tits around their base. She squeezed them. Mom cried out and moaned in total submission. Althea giggled, wiggling her ass as she moved the head of the dildo around her mound using Mom?s penetrated cunt as her grinding surface. Then the black bitch started milking my mother like she was some two udder cow. Her black hands crushed and twisted, then jerked down, crushed, twisted, jerked down and again. She kneaded the length of both tits like she was forcing the fluid down into the hanging bags. Mom cried out and whimpered.

    I heard Dad mumbled and then Jim cried out. Dad must have started ass fucking him. When I looked back afterwards using the right view I was right. Dad rammed his cock into Jim?s ass and started pounding away as Althea milked Mom.

    Althea mumbled, ?I don?t hear anything yet. Stop whining and start mooing cow.?

    Althea moved her hands to the swollen pink nipples and started twisting and pinching them. Mom shook with agony and cried pathetically. Then an absolute thick stream of milk shot from Mom?s right nipple and splattered into the plastic bucket under her tits.

    Althea howled in delight and really started working Mom?s tits. All along the back view showed the black woman using her dildo, worming her ass and hips back and forth rubbing the end shaft of the dildo against her own mound while rooting the shaft around inside my Mom?s tortured cunt. Fluid was dripping out of Mom, tinged pink, but she was definitely juicing, even against her will.

    Althea started milking in earnest. Mom was squirting like a fucking cow now. Each time Althea?s black fingers sank into her tits a dribble or an outright squirt of milk came out and spattered into the bucket. God damn, my perfect mother was being fucked and milked by the black bitch. I couldn?t imagine a worse fate for the proud blonde goddess.
    Althea grunted and milked. Suddenly the black woman gasped and went still.

    She giggled for a couple of moments and whispered, ?You fucking cow, you made me cum. God damn, this is good. Let?s work on your udders some more. I know you got more in you, don?t you cow. Now moo, bitch or I won?t be so easy.?

    Mom cried out as the black bitch tortured her hanging tits. Althea kept telling her too moo and she would ease up. Mom cursed her for five minutes before finally dropping her head and mooing. Althea laughed evilly, but she did ease up on the tit torture. Mom?s milk flowed even easier now. Splashes now told the truth that the bucket?s bottom was now liquid lined. My Mom was being milked like a cow!

    I heard Dad cum. Later I checked it out and he had unloaded deep in Jim?s ass. Then he had forced Jim to suck his cock, straight out of the black man?s asshole. They weren?t fucking kidding about consequences. Damn!

    Mom?s milking continued until Althea?s hands grew tied. She pushed up on Mom?s back and pulled out the dildo. Mom groaned as the head of the huge invader popped out of her and dripped with her cunt juice and blood. Althea held onto the thing with both hands and rose up on her toes to get a good angle. Mom gasped and cried out again. The rear view showed Althea was now ass fucking my Mom with the monster dildo.

    It went on and on. I heard Dad get hard enough again to ass rape Jim. Althea grunted and groaned exhausting her self driving her dildo into Mom?s ass. From the front Mom?s head just hung low and her hair hung in matted strings. She was fucked out. Althea finished up, came to the front, picked up the bucket of milk and poured it over Mom?s head. Mom woke up crying.

    Althea said, ?When you get home and your new daughter starts crying for some milk, tell her that her Mommie got her cunt kicked by a nigger and then milked dry. Now here is something more to remember me by. She grabbed Mom?s hair, lifted up her face and then stuck her big ass in Mom?s face for the remainder of the hour. When Mom didn?t get her tongue in, Althea told her she could use some more milking. Mom must have done what Althea said because the black woman started praising her work with her tongue in mocking tones.

    When it was over I couldn?t believe that Mom had ever dared to fight the woman again. I was exhausted watching it. Disc 15 could wait. I was all fucked out too.

    As I left I wondered what was happening to my family right then. Were they winning? Were the losing? Were they being fucked or were they fucking? Right then I was too tired to do any more than wonder.

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    Awesome as usual. So we thought you said it would get Kinky? lol. We can't wait for the next chapter!

    Michael & Valerie

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