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Thread: The Deserted Island

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    The Deserted Island

    By Sega

    We had a single bottle of water and the two poor girls laid, eyes sunk deep in the orbits, under a roof of canvas and palm leaves? Fuck the South Pacific! Fuck the sunny Coral Reefs! Fuck, fuck, fuck! Fuck the weather report!
    And fuck the damned cell phones! None could hear us. We could do nothing else than wait, just wait, on this bloody island? A thin piece of land, covered by ten or twelve palm trees? Wait, wait, wait?
    The two mothers, however, couldn?t wait anymore. Their eyes said everything. Their girls stared at them, begging, from beneath the small shelter and they understood, they understood damned well what was about to happen. Instinct made them crawl away from each other, looking in anguish at their mothers. In their deep selves, they were also preparing for what they had to do.
    There was no other way, damn it, no other way? Drinking only half a liter of water, daily, changed for sure your priorities. And the well-established-fucking-social-rules, as well?
    Gina wore a black pair of panties that barely covered her ample butts, and a man?s white undershirt that could hardly hold in place her dangling mammaries. She was a 5?6?, stout brunette of 43, weighting around 175 lbs. Her face was pretty weird ? although she had nice traits, you couldn?t stop yourself from comparing her to a cocky bulldog (a curly bulldog, ha, ha) that always looked around placidly, as if there was nothing that could touch her? She had strong legs, almost thick, a big ass and an obvious potbelly. However, her flesh was tense enough to grant a man a good fucking session with her. Divorced, she engaged on a holiday relationship with Jake, aboard the yacht. Back in the civilized world, she was a sales manager and she hoped that she and Jake would?
    Naah? Who could say, anymore, what they would do? For the moment being, Gina had eyes only for that bottle with hot water.
    Maria, the other mother, was also a stocky woman. At 49, she stood two inches taller than Gina, weighting around 165 lbs. She wore red panties, deeply engulfed between her hard rock ass cheeks and a pink blouse showing off a bigger, but flabbier pair of breasts. She had muscled legs, her traits made her look like a bird of prey and she had jet, red hair. She was also divorced and, just like Gina, during the trip, she had set her eyes on Milos, a man ten years younger than her. However, she knew very well that their relationship was to be confined only to the time of their holidays. Maria was good in bed, she was very good at fucking, but then, how could a ten years younger man than her marry her if they would get back to the civilized land?
    After all, she was not a wealthy woman. She was only the manager of a foundation that had something to do with the abandoned dogs, or whatever? She didn?t aim that far, no sir!
    ? Only a week ago, the two women used to spend most of the time together, along with their two girls, on the rear deck of the yacht. Gina?s daughter, Aurora, was a 13 yo brunette, who looked more or less like an Indian papoose. Maria?s daughter, Ana, was a 15 yo redhead, just like her mother. She was bigger than Aurora, but she was softer.
    The yacht? The nice holiday on the yacht? What a nice time they had! The two women talked and talked and talked, sipping all day long from their glasses. Gina drank Carioca cocktails, while Maria enjoyed Margaritas. Both smoked slim cigarettes. Both were care-free. Both laughed at the two girls who swam in the small pool and ran around their hummocks, chuckling and giggling all day long. They even exchanged their e-mail addresses. But now, the ravaging sight of their daughters, dying from thirst, made them forget all that.
    That bottle of water! That damned, single bottle of hot water, did melt everything! Cars, electricity, internet, good manners, rules and correct behavior ? who cared about all this anymore?
    We, their companions, didn?t. Neither did them. There was only a bottle of water left and the two girls were thirsty. A child, even a teenager, is more vulnerable to the lack of water. Besides, there was no law down here, on this bloody deserted island. The result was more than logical: it was up to their mothers to?
    We all gathered around them as the two women approached each other, slowly, real slowly. Only their eyes were throwing cold glares and suddenly, without a warning, they rushed in ? heads taken aback, breasts poking forward, they began to throw slaps and punches to the face and chest, each hoping in a fast victory. It was obvious that they were not used to fight ? however, their blows became heavier and heavier, as they became more and more determined to finish off each other.
    Still, none got the upper hand and all at once they split, breathing heavily. The sun was hot. The sand of the beach was burning. What a day! What a hot day!
    Grinning like two wild beasts, the two mothers began to move in circle, looking for an opening in each other?s guard. They knew they had only a way out. They knew it damned well.
    And so did we.
    Jake urged Gina, the younger woman, to attack, and she readily leaped forwards. Maria met her and they began to launch punches to the face. This time, their bodies almost collided and the blows began to show out: the younger lady got Maria in the nose, drawing first blood while the latter got her foe in the bosom, making her grunt briefly. They went on, hitting in silence, each aiming to destroy her enemy, but after some moments, they retreated again, taking shallow breathes.
    They had to try again, damn it! They had yet to fight for that bottle of water!
    But they learned ? they learned their way, for sure! We are bathed in instincts! As a proof, they rushed at each other, grabbing each other?s mane and they began to push and drag in powerful bursts. They began to let brief pants of effort but still, none got the upper hand. After several seconds, however, younger Gina managed to land a most powerful punch in Maria?s nose, making her let a brief moan. The elder woman began to bleed heavily and, seeing her daughter cover her mouth in fear, she answered by kicking younger Gina in the shin, with all her might. They began to let loud groans as they kept blowing each other, Gina punching her foe?s face, the latter kicking the younger woman, while still tossing each other by the hair. It took them almost half a minute to tire and then, they spread apart, breathing heavily.
    Split in two, eyes covered with thin red streaks, they understood that only one would survive this clash and so did we. None was willing to give in, and there was only one bottle of water left!
    Their daughters got up, without a word, looking with bulging eyes at their mothers. The bottle of water was sparkling in the afternoon sun. Damned heat! Damned yacht!
    And damned island!
    The two mothers took their time to catch their breaths. Gina was breathing heavier than the elder female but, on the other hand, Maria?s nose was bleeding abundantly ? blood was covering her chin and stained her pink blouse between her big, soft breasts. Their tits were coiling in fast pace and, as the seconds went by, they began to breath loudly, preparing for the ensuing clash. They had to finish this? They had to finish this once and for all?
    ?Get her breasts, Gina!? urged Jake.
    ?Crush her face, Maria!? yelled Milos.
    They rushed at each other, punching and, yes! ? this time, younger Gina fully got Maria in the nose, powerfully snapping her head. The elder woman retreated and wiped off the blood off her face while her daughter let a cry of frustration:
    Her scared voice enraged Maria and she readily rushed back at younger Gina, but the latter punched her hard in the face, snapping her head once again.
    This time, elder Maria let a loud moan and retreated on unsteady legs. Bloody Gina! She was younger, damned her! She was younger and heavier, she thought.
    She saw her daughter, with the corner of the eye. Scared, she was swallowing her spittle, looking at her. However, God bless her, she was still confident in her, oh yes, Ana was confident that her mother would finally get her what she needed!
    Or, would she square it too, against Aurora?
    Meanwhile, Aurora, Gina?s daughter began to yell at her mother, urging her to go after Maria? I never liked this spoiled girl, thought the elder woman and she attacked Gina, throwing rights and lefts to the face, the way she had seen in the K1 matches she liked so much.
    We began to shout as the younger female, taken off guard by the sudden assault, was forced to retreat. Screaming in fury, Gina was delivering hard kicks to her foe?s belly and, finally, she got the elder woman with a dashing kick in the crotch, making her scream. Maria joined her legs and slid both hands in her groin, retreating, while Ana, her daughter, let a scream:
    ?No, no, no? No, mummy!?
    Gina?s daughter raised her fists in the air and urged her mother to go on:
    ?Yeah, mammy! You got Mrs. Harris in her balls! Kick her balls again, mammy!?
    ?Get her down, honey!? shouted Jake at his turn. In a way, the fight was making him hornier than concerned, although he understood damned well that the winner will show no mercy to the other mother.
    I?ll get her down, thought Gina, I?ll damned slam her down, the ole? bitch!
    She dived, head first, against Maria, embracing her waist, but the elder woman joined fists and delivered a most powerful hammer butt in her foe?s back, halting the heavier woman in her tracks.
    Again, they split but, this time, driven by their freshly awaken instincts, they rushed back at each other. A violent exchange of punches ensued and the younger woman managed to land several blows in Maria?s face, forcing her to retreat until propping her big ass against a nearby rock. The elder woman punched back in desperation while Gina was methodically crushing her face. A wild grin flourished on her face as elder Maria began to pant in exhaustion.
    ?Your age shows, bitch!?
    ?Beat her, mammy! Beat her!? yelled Aurora and then, the younger woman shouted hoarsely and rushed against Maria, getting her in a side neck lock. She split her foe in two and she began to drag her around in powerful bursts, trying to throw her to the ground. However, the elder lady hung on and, embracing Gina?s waist, she attempted to hook her strong legs from behind.
    A most wild struggle ensued, and both started to let loud pants. We began to cheer them, each encouraging a favorite. They stumbled, they pushed, and they yelled, their breasts swayed in all directions, they parted their legs, but finally, Gina managed to out wrestle elder Maria to her knees. The younger lady dragged the other mother towards a close rock and, pressing her against it, she began to punch her in the face, while holding her down in the neck lock.
    ?You, bitch? I?ll kill you? I?ll damned kill you??
    ?Yes, mammy! Beat Mrs. Harris! Beat her! Beat her? shouted Aurora while Ana, Maria?s daughter, was almost breaking in tears.
    ?C?mon, Gina! C?mon!? yelled Jake. ?You?re doing her! You?re doing her!?
    ?Get up, mammy! Get up!? urged Ana, moving forth, as if she intended to interfere.
    However, elder Maria let a hoarse yell and, grabbing the other mother by the mane, powerfully yanked Gina?s head backwards. Gina let a scream and closed her eyes, grinning, but went on with the punches that slowly turned Maria?s face to a bleeding pulp. After some moments, however, the elder woman gave a strange yell and resorted to grab Gina?s breast with her free hand. She squeezed it through the undershirt, making the other mother yell ? she then pulled on the soft flesh until the younger woman let a sharp shriek, releasing her foe. Maria straightened herself on the spot and, screaming in fury, she powerfully shoved the younger woman, throwing her on butts.
    We raised our voices, urging the two mothers to go on. Their daughters clutched hands, more and more excited, as younger Gina hastily got up. Enraged, she leaped against the elder woman but Maria met her with a forceful kick in the belly.
    ?Shit?? yelled Gina as she fell back on her butts, but she readily got up again.
    However, the elder mother was waiting for her, arms raised in guard, breathing through clenched teeth. Younger Gina rushed forward but Maria had learned fast her lesson: she kicked her foe once again in the belly, halting her in her tracks. The younger mother gave a shout of frustration before leaping again at her foe but, this time, Maria launched a most terrible jab to Gina?s mammaries, flinging them aside and making the other mother yell from the bottom of her lungs. She stepped back, covering both breasts with her arms.
    ?Yes, mammy! Go get her Get her!? shouted Maria?s daughter and her mother readily closed in on her foe, alternating jabs to the face that threw Gina?s head from side to side.
    The younger woman fought back, kicking, and soon, a wild exchange of blows ensued. Gina began to bleed and then, elder Maria grabbed her by the back of her neck and vividly dragged her, bending her in two. She held her like that for some seconds, as if she didn?t know what to do next, but then, she began to throw uppercuts to Gina?s face, as she had seen on TV.
    ?You, fucking moron!? yelled Maria, sensing that her foe didn?t know what to do and she went on, delivering uppercut after uppercut at Gina?s nose and mouth.
    The younger woman began to bleed abundantly. She fought back by launching jabs, aiming at Maria?s flanks, but the latter suddenly dragged her with all her might, bringing Gina on all fours, in front of her. The younger woman tried to leap forth but the other mother dived upon her and embraced her trunk from above, leaning with all her weight over her foe.
    ?Fight, mummy! Fight!? yelled Aurora.
    ?C?mon, Gina, what the hell!? shouted Jake, but the younger mother was slowly crushed to the ground beneath elder Maria who began to land fist after fist in her foe?s loins. Soon, Gina began to let loud groans after each blow ? she still struggled, attempting to topple the elder woman but, all of a sudden, Maria paused. She sucked in a deep mouthful of air and delivered a most powerful punch to the brunette?s muscled back.
    Gina let a sharp yell and arched her back, grinning, while the elder woman set her free, knowing for sure that her foe won?t be able to make the least movement for some seconds. She could only stand on parted knees, frozen in pain, pressing both palms in the small of her back. She tried to suck in air ? but pain made her show her teeth.
    ?Yes, mama! You did Mrs. Malley! You did her!? shouted Ana as her mother hastily got behind the strong brunette. Gina was still trying to breathe when the taller woman grabbed her midsection from behind, raising her in the air and slamming her to the ground, butts first.
    Gina?s huge breasts popped out from beneath her undershirt and, she awkwardly tried to get up, ready to face Maria, but the latter raised her once again in her arms.
    Gina let a scream of bewilderment as she didn?t feel the ground under her feet anymore. She erected her muscled legs, trying to feel the sand under her soles, but Maria slammed her to the ground once more.
    This time, the brunette?s big butts thudded dully in the sand. Letting a deep grunt, Gina arched her back and rolled aside, getting on all fours.
    ?Get up, mummy! Get up!? shouted Aurora but, when Gina attempted to get up, Maria embraced her again and briskly hoisted her in the air before slamming her to the ground for the third time.
    ?Oh, Lord?? moaned the younger woman, bridging in pain. Her strong thighs were shivering and she felt that her breathes were not enough to suck in the needed air. She closed her eyes and she rolled on her belly. Maria rushed in then and forcefully stomped Gina in her back, making her erect her strong legs like cardboard.
    ?Sweet, Jesus?? wailed Gina as she hardly crawled toward the rock. She grabbed it and tried to get up, but her legs failed her and she reeled, propping her big ass against the rock.
    ?Gotcha?, bitch!? shouted elder Maria and forcefully kicked Gina in the belly, splitting her in two.
    The younger brunette curled, her soft mammaries dangling freely off her undershirt. Maria grabbed her by the mane and began to launch uppercut after uppercut to the belly until Gina fell to her knees. The elder woman hoisted her foe by the hair then, and an image popped in her mind: she remembered a K1 scene that always drove her mad ? yeah? She had to do this! She really had to do it, she said to herself and she savagely rammed her knee in Gina?s face.
    A loud crunch was heard as Maria?s knee cap broke the brunette?s nose, snapping Gina?s head. Aurora screamed as her mother cupped her face, curling in front of her foe. Blood began to pour freely through Gina?s fingers, creeking to the ground and then, Maria forced the younger woman up by pulling on her hair. Dazed, Gina propped her ass against the rock and then, the blows began to pour in her face. Desperation made her hit back, but Maria kept punching harder and harder, throwing Gina?s head from side to side. Soon, the younger mother began to slide down ? she was more and more confused and she pried her strong legs, trying to remain erect, but Maria?s punches were gradually draining her off.
    Suddenly, Maria remembered the forbidden movements of the K1 matches and rammed her knee in Gina?s exposed groin. The younger mother screamed, falling to her knees and extending her arms in front of her. She was trying to keep the elder woman away from her, but Maria got a good grab on Gina?s mane, steadying her head and began to punch her relentlessly in the face, until the younger woman let a sharp grunt of disarray. She fell on all fours. Blood was pouring on the sand from her torn lips and nostrils and she was quaking, unable to defend herself anymore. Maria leaned on her with all her weight and went on by punching her foe?s loins until Gina?s arms suddenly broke from the elbows.
    ?You got her, honey!? shouted Milos. ?This time, you really got her!?
    Yelling in triumph, the elder woman got up, leaving Gina on knees and elbows, her huge ass pointing up. Her thonk was now fully engulfed in her butt crease, revealing the scarce hair around her ass hole. Those who stood behind her even saw that one of her hairy labia was out of the thonk.
    ?Why dontcha beat me if you?re younger?? asked Maria.
    ?Yeah, mummy! You did her! You did Mrs. Malley!? shouted Maria?s daughter but then, Aurora rushed in from behind, throwing slaps after slaps at the elder woman.
    Taken by surprise, Maria ran away, covering her head with both arms, followed by the teenager. Ana let a loud scream of fury and joined them, getting Gina?s daughter by the hair and spinning her around. However, the brunette teenager twisted and, although she was still pulled by the hair, she managed to embrace Maria?s daughter, raising her up in her arms.
    The redhead teenager let a moan of bewilderment and tried to scratch Aurora but the latter hooked her legs and forced Ana down on butts, landing atop. The two girls began to squirm but younger Aurora had a better position and soon, she managed to mount her foe?s belly, getting a handful of her foe?s hair.
    ?I swear to God I?ll kill you both!? yelled Aurora, enraged, while pinning Ana?s head to the ground. She began to punch her in the face but then, a most terrible kick exploded in the back of her head, stunning her. Aurora did the mistake to turn her face, trying to see what happened and then, Maria kicked her again, in the face this time, throwing the brunette teenager over Ana.
    ?Strangle her, Ana!? she ordered, in a hoarse voice. ?Strangle her!?
    The bigger teenager had no difficulty in locking her arms around Aurora?s neck. Meanwhile, Maria took a fast glance at Gina who, still dazed, desperately tried to get up. However, strength was failing her and she fell on the right side. She managed to prop on her right knee and palm while her left foot was sliding repeatedly on the sand, as she was unable to control her muscles anymore. Her eyes were rolling in the orbits and her soft breasts were coiling madly.
    ?She?s still groggy, honey! Do her daughter, now!? shouted Milos.
    His urge insured Maria who approached the two squirming teenagers. By then, Aurora had managed to partly regain her senses and, although her foe embraced her neck, she managed to land punch after punch in Ana?s flanks, making her moan as she couldn?t find a way out.
    Maria saw red in front of her eyes and kicked Aurora between her round butts with all her might.
    The girl erected like cardboard above Ana, unable to even breathe. Enraged, Maria kneeled beside the two struggling teenagers and she began to throw fist after fist in Aurora?s loins.
    Gina?s daughter began to moan and twisted madly, trying to free herself, but Ana held on tight to the neck embrace, impeaching the younger girl to escape. Maria got up then and grabbed Aurora?s ankles, raising them up and depriving the younger girl from leverage. Once more, she kicked her in the cunt, making Gina?s daughter yell from the bottom of her lungs.
    ?Take care!? shouted Milos then. ?Gina gets up!?
    ?Keep her down until I finish with her mother!? shouted Maria then and turned at Gina, just in time to see her get up.
    The younger mother gave a wild scream when seeing Aurora writhing in terrible pain, while having her neck crushed in Ana?s embrace. She rushed at Maria, arms erect, but the elder mother delivered a backhand that fully got Gina in the face, dazzling her. The younger woman began to stagger around, trying to remain erect, but Maria punched her in the face with all her might, throwing her down on butts and elbows. Gina shook her head but could not get rid of the fog that seemed to surround her. She understood she had to put a safe distance between her and the elder woman and she crawled away, but Maria kicked her in the face, throwing her flat on her back, right near the rock.
    ?Get the hell up, Gina!? urged her Jake. ?Beat that bitch, what the hell!?
    However, Gina was moving as if swimming in glue, making Milos laugh.
    ?My Maria is elder but she damned beats the hell of your sweetheart!?
    Meanwhile, Gina awkwardly rolled on her belly and she attempted to get to her knees when Maria delivered a most solid kick between her butts, throwing her forth.
    Gina curled on the spot, slipping both hands in her groin. Before she could understand what happened, Maria grabbed her by the hair and hoisted her up on shaking legs. She spun her around, throwing her to her knees, and then she forced her up by the hair, once again, draining her off.
    Gina was near the end of the rope. She could barely stand, her strong legs were wobbling and all she could do was to grab Maria?s forearms, trying to alleviate the pressure on her scalp. Some moments passed by before the elder woman powerfully spun her around and slamming Gina against the nearby rock.
    The brunette slid down to her knees, leaving a trail of blood on the rock and she let out a fart, propping her forehead against the rock. Her hands were fumbling in the sand as she attempted to recover, but the elder woman grabbed her by the hair and slammed her face against the rock as hard as she could.
    A loud crunch was heard and Gina rebounded from the impact ?she fell on her ass, facing the rock, awkwardly propping on erected arms. She waited for the finisher blow, as she realized there was nothing she could do to oppose the elder mother, but she heard a loud scream them. She could not even look over her shoulder, to see what was happening, but she heard another scream. And another one. And still another one.
    Thanks God it?s not Aurora, she thought. Breathing heavily, she shook her head. She wondered why Maria was not finishing her and then, she understood.
    Aurora had managed to deliver several elbow blows to Ana?s soft belly and escaped the strangle. She got up then and, careless of Maria?s daughter, she rushed at her mother, punching her directly in the back of her neck. Exhausted, the elder mother was thrown on all fours and she was now crawling away, attempting to escape the furious teenager who followed her, kicking her in the flanks and butts.
    Ana, however, got up too and readily joined the fight ? she embraced Aurora, slamming her to the ground and allowing Maria to get up. For awhile, the two teenagers struggled on the ground and, once again, younger Aurora proved stronger, getting above the redhead.
    ?Get up, Gina, get up!? urged Jake then.
    Meanwhile, Aurora showed that she had learned her lesson and readily got up, keeping an eye on Ana?s mother. She stomped the other girl in the breasts, making Ana yell, but then, Maria rushed at her, arms erect.
    Aurora rushed in too, but the grown up woman was heavier and readily shoved the teenager backwards. By then, Gina was desperately trying to get up too ? she propped her back against the rock and took deep breathes, attempting to recover, but she was still unable to join the clash.
    ?Take care, Aurora! Take care!? she yelled when she saw Ana get up too and approach her daughter.
    Maria and her daughter were now closing in on Aurora from both sides, trying to capture her. However, Gina?s daughter was fast enough to escape them. She also understood that Ana could not cope with her and, whenever she had the opportunity, she assaulted her, delivering two or three blows before her mother could interfere.
    But this tactic was too exhausting. When she realized that, it was too late. She rushed in against Ana, punching her, but the redhead managed to get her by the hair and, when Aurora attempted to scamper away, she found out that the elder girl kept her tight by the hair. She delivered a couple of heavy punches to her foe?s face but Maria joined them, powerfully slapping Gina?s daughter in the ear. The girl lost her balance and, although she turned to face Maria, the latter flooded her with a shower of punches to the face, spurting blood all around. In the meantime, Ana was tossing her by the hair, further dazzling Aurora and throwing her to her knees. Aurora heard her mother?s scream of concern and she tried to crawl away but then, Maria began to stomp her in the loins. A moment later, Ana embraced Aurora?s neck from behind and dragged her backwards, bringing her on butts. The ensuing moment, Aurora found herself laying belly up, above Ana, neck captured in the latter?s embrace. With the corner of her eye, she saw Ana?s mother approach her, ready to stomp her.
    ?Mammy!? she shouted, in fear, bringing her knees above her trunk and delivering, blindly, a terrible double kick that got Maria in the lower belly and throwing her on butts.
    In a blur, Aurora saw her mother get Maria by the hair and drag her away. She felt a brief joy but then, she realized that Ana, besides strangling her from behind, was also scissoring her waist. A cold icicle impaled her heart and she tried to bridge out of the double grip, but Ana was too heavy. Desperation seized Aurora and, once again she resorted to deliver elbow blows to her foe?s belly ? however, the strangle combined to the scissors prevented her from landing a good blow on the redhead.
    Meanwhile, Gina was dragging Maria around by the hair, punching her in the face whenever she had an opportunity. The elder woman stood on all fours and did her best to get up but the younger mother kept hitting her with all her might. Suddenly, the elder lady managed to leap forth and grabbed Gina by the ankles, making her stumble on butts. The younger woman still had a good grip on Maria?s mane and pulled her down, forcing Ana?s mother to curl ? a moment later, she began to squirm, trying to free her ankles, but Maria sprang forth like a coil, getting a good grip on the brunette?s calves which she captured at her armpits. Some seconds passed by and the elder woman sunk her teeth in Gina?s right knee, biting her for all she was worth.
    The younger woman let a sharp shriek and pulled on Maria?s hair with all her might, until the pain in her knee became unbearable. She resorted then to hammer butt the elder woman in the top of her head, but this proved to be a mistake as Maria sprang forth once again, fully getting above Gina. The younger woman began to slap Maria in frenzy but the latter readily leaned on Gina and, grabbing her by the hair, she began to slam her head against the ground. The younger woman twisted from side to side, trying to free herself from beneath the elder woman and, seeing she could not earn herself a way out, readily resorted to scissor the elder mother.
    However, Maria went for the choke then. Her thumbs buried in Gina?s throat and she began to sink over the younger mother, slowly wearing her out. Gina realized that she had to fight for her life and strained her legs, desperately trying to crush Maria?s waist.
    However, the elder woman resisted the powerful scissors and started to slam Gina?s head against the ground.
    Once, twice, thrice? The younger woman opened wide her eyes, in an obvious sign of fear. Maria felt that her foe was about to lose control and went on slamming her head against the ground until Gina?s strong legs pried, allowing the elder woman to fully breathe.
    She looked over her shoulder. Ana was still having a good grab on Aurora but she simply lacked the determination to finish her off. I must do this too, thought Maria and, feeling her foe was barely breathing by now, she hammer butted her in the nose before getting off her and run at her daughter help.
    ?You, small bitch, you said?? hissed Maria between coarse breathes, ?That you would? kill us? both? Now, take? that!?
    Kneeling beside the two teenagers, she joined hands above her head, motioning Ana to steady Aurora. Maria?s daughter strained, scissoring and strangling the girl she held above her, but Aurora still had fight left in her and squirmed.
    Hissing like a lumber jack, Maria hammer butted Aurora in the chest bone. The girl erected like cardboard while her traits writhed in pain ? then, fear seized her when she realized she stood no chance. She covered her chest with both arms, but the next hammer butt fell over one of her tense breasts, making her yell from the bottom of her lungs.
    Another hammer butt fell on her breast and this time, Aurora?s strong legs sprang out ? she began to quake from head to toe. Ana felt the younger girl soften in the double grip and hardened both holds, allowing her mother to deliver a fourth hammer butt to the breast.
    ?Aaaaaaaah? Mamma? They got? aaaaaa? meeee??
    Gina managed to get on butts and looked foggily in front of her while Maria delivered another hammer butt to her daughter?s breast. She heard a splashing sound, ensued by Aurora?s endless shriek. She also saw Milos raise his hands in the air, while Aurora's strong legs began to jerk in spasms.
    ?My daughter? my daughter?? screamed Gina, awkwardly trying to go at her help.
    Another hammer butt fell upon Aurora, on her face this time, making her gurgle and Gina saw blood spurting on Maria?s forearms, while her daughter?s legs were shaking as dismantled.
    ?Mammyyyyy! They? aaaaaah? kill meeeee! Aaaaah?.? shouted Aurora, but her mother still couldn?t get up. She swallowed her spittle and she propped against the huge rock, snaking as drunk, standing on parted legs. Her big ass seemed to drag her down but still, she took a step towards her foes. Her thonk had rolled down, revealing the thick fur on her lower belly but she didn?t notice it ? her eyes were stuck at Maria who delivered another hammer butt to Aurora?s swollen breast.
    The bastard! The bloody damned bastard whore! Caught by the other girl, Aurora was shivering helplessly, bleeding heavily from her ripped nostrils.
    ?Fuck you? Maria?? mumbled the younger woman and she took another step towards her.
    The elder woman got up slowly, leaving an almost unconscious Aurora in the grip of her own daughter. The bottle of water is ours, she thought. It?s Ana?s! ? she rejoiced, looking at Gina from head to toe.
    Her thighs were trembling, her face was swollen and blue and all she could do was to take shallow breathes. Her daughter was almost finished. Yeah? The bottle of water was theirs?
    ?Do her, Maria! Do the bitch!? urged Milos.
    The elder woman dived upon the younger mother, head first, crushing her face under a tremendous head butt. Blood spurted from Gina?s face as she was thrown against the rock; she still held her arms in guard as she slid down, jaw fallen.
    Maria grabbed her ankles then and dragged younger Gina away from the rock.
    ?The bottle is mine, whore!? she said before she parted Gina?s strong legs, raising them up. She delivered then a most powerful kick in her foe?s groin, launching shudders in her body from head to toe.
    ?Oh my God!? yelled Gina, trying to curl, but she felt her muscles didn?t obey to her anymore.
    Ana was already shouting in triumph; she threw Aurora?s motionless body aside and got up. She approached the two mothers, understanding at her turn that she will soon be able to drink from that fucking bottle. Her mother had earned every drop of water from it. She looked at Gina, happy to see that the other mother could hardly breathe.
    The elder woman kicked once more her foe?s crotch and now, a cracking sound was heard. Gina erected like cardboard, her fingers buried in the sand and, the next moment, blood showed on her thonk, between her strong thighs.
    ?Jesus? no?? she begged but Maria kicked her womanhood for the third time.
    Her toes seemed to bury in Gina?s womanhood, making the younger mother arch her chest upwards. For some seconds, the younger woman froze, unable to breathe ? only the blood that kept sprawling in her thonk showed that she was alive.
    ?The? bottle? Take it?? she mumbled. ?It?s? all? yours? You? did? us??
    But, there was no way to stop the elder woman. She?ll always seek her revenge, thought Maria, kneeling behind the younger woman. She embraced her, lifting Gina in a bear hug. The heavy brunette opened wide her eyes, unable to breathe in the powerful crush and began to shake her arms. Maria hugged the other mother with all her might then, making her grunt. Desperate, the younger woman tried to push Maria?s arms away, but the latter began to rock her in the embrace until Gina?s ribs began to give. The brunette strained from head to toe, but then, Maria?s daughter began to punch her in the face, with all her might.
    ?Please? please?? uttered the younger mother. ?You? kill? me??
    But fury made Ana kick her in the crotch, deaf to Gina?s pleas.
    ?Omygod!? hissed the younger woman, fully worn out: blood was pouring on her thighs and from her face and her body gradually arched forth, giving out in Maria?s deadly embrace. Soon, Gina?s arms fell limp while her calves began to jerk. Another pair of ribs gave out and she let a gurgle. Her head fell forwards and she choked on her own spittle while another pair of ribs cracked.
    We all yelled as we understood that Gina was taking her last breathes. Maria threw her on the sand, belly down and then, she and Ana began to stomp Gina in the back. They kicked her around, getting her in the head, in the flanks, throwing her from side to side, dismantling her. Aurora began to scream, begging them to stop, but Gina was already a rag puppet by then.
    A most powerful kick made her roll belly up and then, a gushing was heard, as Gina?s piss began to abundantly pour on the sand. Her legs started to spring in spasms while a foul smell spread around.
    ?She shits right now, as I talk, baby! You did her!? noticed Milos in a neutral tone. ?You did her for good, damn it!?
    The elder woman kneeled near her beaten foe. She looked straight in her eyes. Shaking now and then, the younger woman was trying to say something but not a word left her mouth. Suddenly, the elder woman joined fists and delivered a most powerful hammer butt to Gina?s heart, making her go stiff from head to toe. Snarling, the elder woman kept looking at the woman she had destroyed, while Gina yawned, unable to even breathe. The younger woman?s face went red and, some moments later, her head rolled aside and she went limp. Snarling, the elder woman got up, leaving a motionless body on the sand. Maria gave then a fast look at Aurora who was able only to swallow her spittle.
    ?Stay put, young bitch, or else? You saw what I did to your damned mother, didn?t you??
    Then, the elder mother picked up the bottle and went to her daughter.
    An hour later, a heavy rain poured on the island.

  2. #2
    HB Forum Owner MikeJV's Avatar
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    Great work, shorter than they usually are, but very good with all 4 getting involved. Please post more.


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    Inactive Member Bob2's Avatar
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    I concur, excellent job. Thank you

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    Junior Hostboard Member Dario28's Avatar
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    Re: The Deserted Island

    Just wonderfull.

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