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Thread: The Back Room

  1. #1
    Senior Hostboard Member Catwacher's Avatar
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    Wow Shindy, another great story! What a way to start my day! Thanks!

    Cat [img]tongue.gif[/img]

  2. #2
    Inactive Member Shindy's Avatar
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    Two fighters for this one:




    Pictures just if you want to get an idea of how I imagined them.

    The bar was a dive. Sawdust on the floor, broken windows, loud music and seedy clientele in a shit-hole border town with too much to drink and too little to do.

    When Jose saw Ricardo walk in, he knew something was up. Ricardo was too dressed up, suit, hair slicked back, smiling too much as he walked up to Michael at the bar and leaned over to talk to him. Money exchanged hands and Ricardo walked back out. Michael walked over to Jose at his corner table and said "Ric has a big sow who he thinks is a match for Melinda...He's got 5 g's to put up and he'll book the side bets. You want it?"

    Jose raised his eyebrows as he threw back another tequila. Melinda was the toughest bitch he had ever seen fight--she had beaten or killed at least 20 or so opponents in the past year or two. He had made a lot of money with her, plus she fucked and sucked like a hellcat. He grabbed his beer and said, "sure, we'll take it" to the bartender/owner.

    "Fine. You've got thirty minutes. Find that whore and I'll get you a crowd."

    Jose laughed, it would take him five minutes to find Melinda, he was sure it was one of two places. He looked at Britney, a petite redhead with a fiery temper who was another fighter in his stable. Unfortunately, Britney wouldn't be fighting for a while after getting the shit kicked out of her last night by her older sister, Leslie while they were both drunk.

    Jose nodded to Britney and she plodded over to him. He leaned over and told her to find Melinda. The redheaded bolted off to the back of the bar and ran up the stairs. Before she reached the top step she could hear Melinda squealing in the throes of passion. Britney didn't bother to knock as she opened the door. Two men and Melinda were in the room. Melinda's face had been sprayed by come as one man stood in front of her. Melinda's black hair was unkempt as she took it in the ass from another big man who was pumping her hard as she braced herself on all fours on the bed. Her face contorted from the pleasant discomfort of anal sex as she grunted rhythmically, her tits shaking violently. Melinda held up one finger, indicating to Britney to wait. The man exploded inside of Melinda and then she unceremoniously got up from her position, grabbed a cigarette and three hundred dollars that had been sitting on the bed and walked over to Britney.

    She reeked of liquor but because of her tolerance was barely buzzed. "What's up" she huffed, blowing the hair out of her face.

    "Jose wants you to fight."

    Melinda nodded. "Night boys!" she waved as she walked down the back steps, totally naked. She turned abruptly at the bottom and walked down the dark hallway to a thin wooden door fallng down off the hinges. The room was stuffy, smokey and already getting crowded. Jose walked over to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Melinda gave him the cash she had gotten for him to hold on to and walked into the center of the room. The crowd got thicker and then Ric walked in. He introduced Melinda's opponent, a big blonde named Ashley who also reeked of alcohol. Her body was covered with several tattoos, more evident as she removed her clothes. Side bets were placed and then the room quieted for a brief second so that Michael could start the fight.

    Ashley and Melinda came out at each other and it was quickly obvious how these two big girls were very even in strength as they battled with one another. After several seconds Melinda was able to trip ashley and as the big blonde hit the ground, Melinda unloaded with several kicks to the body that Ashley had to scramble away from. As she scrambled to her feet from all fours, Melinda made chase, tackling the blonde, ripping into her buttocks with her claws and slamming a fist between her legs. Ashley roared and slammed a backfist into Melinda's face. The two fighters got to their feet and it was Ashley's turn to attack, swinging wildly at Melinda's head and upper torso as Melinda covered up and back pedaled. Ashley moved in and clinched the brunette's upper body, proceeding to pound away with knees to the groin and lower body. Melinda counterattacked with powerful body punches but the kicks quickly took their toll and Melinda's knees wobbled a bit as Ashley shoved her backwards.

    Melinda, her temper beginning to flair, raced forward and drove a shoulder into Ashley's chest and midsection, knocking her flat on the floor and pinning her flat. Melinda quickly straddled the big blonde and pummeled her tits and face, blood spraying out from her nose and mouth. The crowd shouted for Ashley to get up.

    Rick screamed for her to get out from under the fat cow and Melinda shook her head and smirked. Ashley kicked and squirmed desperately under the barrage, when she suddenly shoved her hands into Melinda's crotch and elicited a yelp from the big brunette, unseating her and allowing the blonde to roll away, alive, but badly dazed. Melinda screeched at Britney who was standing just near to her, "That bitch pinched my clit!"

    "Go get her!!" encouraged Britney as the blonde forced herself slowly to her feet. She was hurt though and very slow and Melinda began to lumber towards her. Rick screamed frantic words of encouragement at his fighter as she used her knees to support herself and the big brunette crashed into her, tackling her to the ground face first and burying a hand between her legs.

    Ashley wailed as she flailed her legs. Another woman screamed at her to not let the fat cow keep her pinned down and again, a big back fist slamming into Melinda's head and knocking the brunette off. Melinda got to her feet just before Ashley got up to one knee, and the brunette charged the blonde, this time though she was met by a solid punch right between the legs. Melinda dropped to the floor, cluthcing her wounded womanhood and this time both women ultimately struggled to their feet at the same time. They grappled and somehow Ashley was able to get herself behind Melinda and grab her in a choke hold with extra waist support. Ashley grunted as she hoisted her equal-sized opponent up and then kneed her in an atomic drop. Melinda's eyes went wide as Ashley did it again.

    Jose's face was flushed from screaming, and he was yelling at Melinda to get away.

    The brunette didn't though and Ashley drove her rapidly forward, running her into the wall and then slamming her face into it twice.

    The crowd roared for both of the fighters as one person yelled at Jose to look at his fighter's face as she was getting her ass kicked. Melinda's nose was obviously broken as she turned to match up against Ashley. The two moved about the room and then closed the distance, swinging wildly. Melinda landed several powerful punches, spraying blood again from Ashley's face and Ashley retaliated but didn't give as good as she got.

    Suddenly Ashley lurched forward and latched onto Melinda's big udders. Melinda retaliated. Both instantly left deep red gouges on one-another's breasts each one struggling to throw the other off balance, tugging and stretching their big tits.

    "Yeah Ashley, rip her tits off!!" screamed Rick

    "C'mon Melinda, get her down again!!" screamed Jose.

    Melinda's sisters Carmen and Tina had come and were cheering on their sister to fight harder.

    Ashley suddenly dropped one of Melinda's tits and unloaded several unprotected punches to Melinda's face. Melinda was stunned. She stumbled back, losing her grip on Ashley's tits as the crowd roared. Ashley didn't stop, rocking Melinda's big torso with powerful punches, backing Melinda into the wall. Melinda's body shook violently with the punches. Her eyes were glassy. Ashley pressed in now burying her hands into Melinda's stomach and diggin in as she brought her knee up into Melinda's crotch repeatedly..

    "Holy Shit!! Melinda's getting her ass kicked by this big bitch!" screamed one of the crowd.

    "Yeah! YES! pound her! pound her Ashley, you've got her!" screamed Ric.

    Ashley slammed her shoulder into Melinda's upper body several times too.

    Jose yelled for Melinda to do something to get out of there.

    Melinda lazily looked over at Jose as she tried to fight out of the corner but Ashley was too quick and strong and was punishing the brunette severely...

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    Inactive Member Shindy's Avatar
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    Ashley leaned in to Melinda and huffed as she continued pounding the big brunette. "You're my bitch, you fat cow..."

    "Fuck you..." gasped Melinda.

    Ashley leaned in and grabbed Melinda by the tits, throwing her into the center of the room...

    "C'mon melinda, get up!" screamed her sisters.

    "Let's go Melinda, fight back!!!" Jose screamed desperately.

    Ashley raced towards the big brunette and kicked her in the side, Melinda rolled a little and fell from all fours and Ashley started brutally stomping on her. Melinda's body convulsed as she desperately tried to grab Ashley's foot, partially succeeding once before she finally got a hold of it clinging to it desperately.

    Ric screamed, "C'mon Ashley, you've got this fat cow, get her, get her!!"

    Ashley grinned as she bent down and raked her nails across Melinda's face.

    Melinda roared in pain but was able to bring a claw up into Ashley's crotch; the blonde instinctively pulling away and stumbling back slightly.

    Melinda struggled to her feet as Ashley caught her breath.

    Jose screamed at Melinda, "C'mon Melinda, fight! Get your strength and whip this bitch!" Her sisters yelled similar encouragement.

    Melinda nodded with considerable effort. She worked her way over to Ashley who waited for her, catching her own breath. The blonde waited for Melinda to throw a punch and as she did, she backed out of the way and countered with a devastating right hook that dropped Melinda to the floor. Melinda quickly got up and Ashley picked her apart with several punches. Melinda stumbled about wildly with Ashley chasing her kicking and punching.

    Melinda was hurt and like any desperate fighter she turned and retaliated, meeting Ashley head on the two grappled, falling to the floor an entangled mess. Ashley locked up Melinda's legs and began thrusting her pelvis into the brunette's pummelling her in every way she could before she ultimately slammed a head butt into Melinda's nose that left the brunette utterly dazed. Ashley got to her feet, raising her arms with an exhausted smile as Melinda lay there, the crowd roaring.

    Jose screamed for Melinda to get up as did her sistes, her youngest, Tina, in tears.

    Ric yelled for Ashley to finish her off, knock her out or something. Ashley moved in again.

    Tina pleaded from the side for Ashley not to do anything more to her sister. The blonde moved in and Melinda retaliated....

    ... Or at least she tried. As her foot whizzed about, Ashley dodged and grabbed her ankle, spreading her legs and slamming her heel into Melinda's cunt repeatedly until a sickening crack was heard and Melinda yelped and moaned, her pelvis broken.

    Ashley dragged Melinda about by her foot and then grabbed her head and brought her to her feet. Melinda sunk her claws into Ashley's tits again and Ashley did the same, this time however she readily forced Melinda back to her knees with considerable ease, where she proceeded to repeatedly punch her in the face until her eyes were both severely swollen.

    Carmen and Tina both screamed for Melinda to fight back and their big sister tried but Ashley was clearly in control. Ric was screaming with excitement.

    Jose was distraught as he watched, desperately hoping Melinda would get up. Ashely dropped Melinda and the battered fighter just collapsed.

    Jose screamed for her to get up as Ashley walked over to Ric and asked him for something. He handed her a bag and she reached in and pulled out 4 inch stilettos. She put the shoes on just as Melinda got to all fours. The big blonde maneuvered behind the brunette and kicked her right between the legs again, the brunette collapsing to the floor, wailing and sobbing. Ashley moved up to her big tits where she began to stomp on the brunette's udders with the stilettoes puncturing them viciously several times. Melinda wailed, clutching her wounded body. Carmen and Tina begged Melinda to quit. They screamed for Ashley's mercy. Jose tried to run into the fight but the onlookers held him back. Ashley jammed a heel deep into Melinda's thick ass leaving a geyser of blood gushing from her buttock.

    Melinda dragged herself towards Jose. She looked at him with desperation.

    "Puh...puh....leeese..." she gasped..."Sh-sh-shee's" she finished as another stilletto punctured her ass again. Melinda screamed, sobbing. Carmen ran over to Ric, begging him to stop the fight as Ashley hauled Melinda to her feet and kneed her in the crotch again, the brunette falling helplessly to the ground again.

    "Please Ric, " begged Carmen, "Please stop the fight, I'll do anything...that blonde cow is killing my sister."

    "Listen you little whore," Ric said, "Your sister had this coming..." a wail from Ashley interrupted him as Ashley twisted her clit viciously..."She would've killed Ashley if Ashley hadn't been the better fighter and you know it. She killed two other of my girls in the past year too. If your sister dies, then so be it."

    Carmen rubbed her big tits on Ric as she fondled his crotch..."Please..." she begged, swallowing her pride, she unzipped Ric's pants and knelt in front of him. Ric grabbed her head as she began the deed, holding it in place. A dull thudding rang out from the fight area and the crowd roared. Ashley was straddling Melinda and slamming her head into the ground. The crowd then roared again and Rick bellowed with laughter as he encouraged Carmen to take a look at what was going on before she finished...

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    Inactive Member Shindy's Avatar
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    Carmen screamed, as her younger sister dove at the big blonde. Ashley was knocked off of Melinda, who lay motionless now. The blonde quickly recovered and began beating the young girl brutally. Tina flailed wildly, landing some good kicks and punches but getting brutally battered overall. Ashley quickly ripped her clothes off trying to embarrass her and although Carmen tried to jump up to get to her sister's aid, Ric held her by her hair and shoved his throbbing organ back into her mouth. She gagged momentarily but then resumed her activity as he promised that the faster she finished him the faster he'd stop his champion from tearing apart her sisters.

    Ashley had stripped Tina naked, the youngest girl's big tits on full display. The blonde then began to toy with the young sister, smacking the crap out of her and finally pinning her down and working her pussy over with a brutal fisting. Carmen finished her task and as she did so, Ric changed his mind, deciding not to intervene. Carmen freaked, only to be held down by a number of spectators. Jose was being held similarly.

    Finally, mercifully, Ashley was done. Tina was horribly embarrassed and defeated, plus her pussy was bleeding from the brutal fist-fucking, Carmen had done her best, and Melinda was dead.

    The fight, was over.

  5. #5
    Inactive Member Bob2's Avatar
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    Thanks Shindy, I have enjoyed your stories.

  6. #6
    HB Forum Owner MikeJV's Avatar
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