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Thread: The Thalia Chronicles Part 2 Feast Day

  1. #1
    Guest Abbyfan's Avatar


    Please note, This story has previously been posted at "Deadskirts" and "Seakings FemFights"..... The Thalia Chronicles Part 2 Feast Day
    by Abbyfan

    Authors note: Women captured by the Eolian Amazons were given the opportunity to earn their freedom. Pitted against other slaves, a woman who won three individual fights would become a respected member of the Amazon Army, or would be permitted leave their encampment. The contests were non-lethal except: If a woman lost twice, her next, and any subsequent fights, WOULD be to the death. Eventually, each who chose this path would either lose her chains or her life. Thalia, our heroine, had just lost her first match.

    Trying to fall asleep the night after her unsuccessful first combat, Thalia's mind was occupied by a number of separate trains of thought, each obtaining temporary prominance..... She must ask for more physical duties to build up muscle strength.....she must be better prepared mentally for the battles that would come.... .she must be more dilligent during her training sessions......But most of all, as she told herself often....... "I still must win three fights....and must not lose another...or I'll be fighting to the death...."

    While she gently massaged her aching belly, which was punished the day before, and was now covered by purplish-brown bruises from her navel to her pubic mound, she thought of Delia, whose delicate hands had recenty brought her body so much pleasure. Her Amazon captors neither phohibited nor encouraged intimacy between female slaves (such contact with a male slave was, of course, strictly forbidden) But Thalia and most her sister slaves knew that while physical intimacy was beneficial, emotional entanglements were to be avoided at all costs; one never knew who one would have to fight. She recalled the first death match she had witnessed, between a young but homely dark haired captive, and an older, full-bodied blond, who had been lovers. Soon into the contest, the brunette had been driven to the ground flat on her back, her small shield and dagger knocked out of her hands. Her adversary's blade was poised to pierce her delicate throat, but looking down at her lover, the blond hesitated, not for long, but for long enough. Suddenly, the blond's body shuddered and a soft "Ugh" escaped her lips as her young lover, who had managed to retrieve her weapon, buried its blade into her soft, naked belly. The blond dropped her knife and looked down wide-eyed in disbelief at the handle of the knife that protruded from the pillow-like mound of her belly. She cried loudly as the brunette pulled the dagger out of her tender guts and drove it up under her sternum and into her heart. She died falling on her victorious opponent. Indecision, thought Thalia...deadly indecision. Thalia would not make the same mistake. She needed Delia. She looked forward to her touch, to her soft youthful skin, eager mouth, full young breasts and fragrant womanhood . But she wouldn't love her, or let herself be loved. This, Delia also understood.

    Her thoughts turned to her sister Cali, two years her junior. Cali had blossomed recently to full-fledged womanhood, with pleasant facial features, a dark complexion like her own, and a body generously curved. She had large firm breasts tipped by prominent nipples which jutted out magnificently from her chest. Long slim thighs, rounded feminine hips and buttocks, and a smooth, gently rounded belly completed her striking appearance. ( It was not surprising that she had been summoned by more than a few high ranking warriors to share their beds.) In a few days, Cali would have her first combat, on a feast day, during which 4 contests would be held, including two lethal fights. She worried for Cali, for her upcoming fight, and prayed that they would never have to meet in the battle circle.

    There were almost 150 women enslaved by the Eolian Amazons. Nearly 100 of them were attempting to earn their freedom through combat, all but a handful of the others being too young or old to take part. Today's training was on the use of the short sword and shield. Footwork and quickness were emphasized. Stay not let the weight of the sword control your body's movements. Move...Thrust...Parry...Turn...Feint...Thrust...Pa rry...Block...Thrust...
    Move...Slash...Block...Consntant repitition...until the swords got too heavy from the exertion. Thalia felt confident with her sword...her arms and shoulders had gotten stronger...her reflexes were sharp...she was enthusiastic. The to-the-death matches were held with a variety of weapons, and a combatant never knew until that fateful morning what weapons were to be used: Swords, spears, daggers, spiked clubs, shorter spears with wide, ugly, serrated blades, were all employed. Rarely, special spiked gloves were used, horrid-looking pieces of leather with three sharp half- inch long spikes attached. These were wrapped around the women's hands with the three spikes positioned over the knuckles, turning their fists into instruments of slow, torturous death. Sometimes the fighters were given shields, but often their only defensive weapon was their skill. Thalia could only put the possibility of death, hers or Cali's, out of her mind. She MUST succeed.

    The morning of the feast day had arrived. The entire camp, and almost all of the slaves, except the men of course, were in attendance. From her spot on the side of a slight hill, Thalia had a close-up, full view of the stone-ringed, 25 ft. wide battle circle, surrounded by a dozen Amazons. The first contest was between a young, plain- looking woman, newly captured, who Thalia did not know, but whose unusual red hair indicated she was from a distant land. She had fair skin, was of medium height, and was extremely thin, her breasts not much more than two bright red nipples, her hips and ass barely indistinguishable from those of a man. She was naked except for a white cloth rectangle at her crotch, indicating that this was her first fight. She faced an older, much heavier brunette named Gia, who had lost her first contest, as evidenced by the tiny yellow cloth at her groin. The brunette's large breasts sagged noticeably. She had fleshy hips and thighs, wide buttocks, and a soft, protruding belly, centered by a large, deep, round navel. Her face showed the hard life she lived as a slave; she was probably not nearly as old as she looked.

    . As their battle began, the skinny newcomer wasted no time; a solid kick to the cunt had the brunette crying out in shock and pain, folding forward grabbing her pussy. Her next kick crushed the side of Gia's head and sent her sprawling. The brunette managed to get to her feet and tried to keep distance between herself and her opponent, backing away as the redhead advanced towards her. When she reached the rock border and continued to retreat, one of the Amazons ringing the battle circle rammed the blunt end of her spear hard into her lower back. The stunned woman arched her back, yelled in pain, and reached behind herself with her hands. The generous mound of her belly, now thrust forward, must have seemed like an offering from the gods to the young redhead. WHUMMPPP!! The redheads fist was swallowed up by the brunette's soft belly!! TTHHUUUDDD! A second brutal punch into her big gut followed almost immediately, as a loud "uuggghhh" escaped Gia's mouth! Then an uppercut to her defenseless face brought first blood to flow as Gia sank to her knees, one hand clutching her belly, the other, closed over her mouth, blood oozing between her fingers. As the redhead approached her hurt adversary, the brunette, from her knees, fired out a punch that cracked against her opponent's pubic bone. The redhead stopped abruptly, screeched, and fell to her knees grabbing her womanhood.

    The two now faced each other less than two feet apart, on their knees, legs spread wide. Gia's heavy breasts and belly heaved as she desperately regained her wind. " Red" was still trying to press the pain from her delicate sex. The two began two rain punches at each other; defense was not considered. The thin young redhead sent punch after vicious punch into the brunette's soft, sagging breasts. Gia attacked every part of her foe's body and face. "Red" grunted as Gia's fist plowed into her flat belly, spit blood after Gia drove a fist into her mouth, and wailed in pain as an uppercut THWACKED squarely into her pussy. Both women fought courageously. The redhead's fists continued to pound Gia's breasts. Gia began concentrating on battering "Red's" face. Blood streamed from both their noses and mouths, and trickled out of Gia's nipples. A crushing, breast- busting punch from the redhead finally kept her larger opponent from returning a punch of her own. As Gia clutched desperately at her pain-wracked breasts, the redhead buried three straight punches deep into Gia's plump belly! The last of the three was planted just above the top of the yellow crotch cloth, smashing her internal sex organs. The brunette blurted out an agonizing "ooouuufff ", and folded over, clutching her gut in agony. For a moment, the redhead was too spent to take further advantage, and Gia had a few precious seconds to attempt to gather herself. As she struggled mightily to breathe, fighting through the pain, the brunette tried to stand, and as she raised a knee and planted one foot on the ground, her crotch became totally exposed. "Red's" uppercut slammed into her cloth-covered cunt with devastating force. Gia screamed. The skinny redhead's next blows, one each to the belly and breast crumpled the larger woman. As the fleshy, soft-bodied brunette fell on her side, the redhead staggered to her feel, rolled her opponent onto her back and began stomping! After the first few heels slammed into her prone body, Gia ceased to feel them. The chief judge stopped the contest as Gia barely maintained consciousness....She would recover, but a second loss meant that her next fight might cost her life.

    The day's second contest took place about an hour later. It was to "A Finish", as both fighters had already suffered two defeats.

    Milar and Nissa took their places in the battle circle. The small red cloth at each pussy was red, indicating that they had each been defeated twice, with no wins to their credit. They were armed with wooden clubs, about two feet long, fitted with five inch- long spikes. Four were placed around the widest part of the club, about two inches from the end. The fifth spike was set at the very end of the club, perpendicular to the other four. They were also given small triangular wooden shields. Thalia didn't know Milar well, but was once intimate with Nissa. She was pleasant looking, about Thalia's age, light-skinned, short and slender, with short, light brown hair. Thalia had enjoyed her body, especially the small, pert, breasts that stood high on her chest. Her hips, thighs, buttocks and belly were all slim and just slightly rounded. Thalia thought that she did not appear particularly strong. Darker, larger, taller, and more muscular, Milar seemed to be at an advantage. "Perhaps she can't fight well", thought Thalia, "she's been defeated twice, and has no victories." She had large, wide, somewhat flattened breasts and full, soft-looking belly. She had wide hips, and thick, muscular thighs and buttocks. She looked nervous.

    Because of the length of the spikes, a single killing blow, except perhaps to the throat, was rare. Both victor and vanquished would suffer this afternoon, and the first to do so was Milar. Preoccupied with Nissa's attempts to crush her skull with her club, she never saw the smaller woman's foot lash out and catch her right between her thighs! ... "AAUUWWKK!!"...She resisted the instinct to clutch herself. To drop her club and shield would mean almost certain death. Nissa followed up her advantage with a side-arm swing of the club, hitting Milar in the thigh. The dark haired woman screamed again as a spike ripped into the flesh of the side of her leg.

    It soon became evident that neither woman was skilled in the use of the club. While they crouched, giving their opponent a smaller target, their shields managed to block most of their opponent's blows that were primarily aimed at the head . Neither appeared very fast or agile, although Nissa appeared somewhat quicker of the two. Nissa tried another kick at Milar's crotch, but missed and lost her balance. On her back, she twisted her body as Milar thrust her club down at her like a spear, the spike at its end stabbing her in her side. She grunted in pain, and as Milar raied her arm to swing again, Nissa lunged forward and up with her club, driving it into Milar's soft belly. Millar doubled over slightly as a rivulet of blood began to slowly flow from her punctured belly. Nissa rose up, only to be stabbed in the breast by the spike at the end of Milar's club. Milar's next blow caught the slender woman's left shoulder and she dragged the club down Nissa's arm before she pulled it back. Nissa screamed as a long, bloody gash appeared from shoulder to elbow.

    As the two women concentrated their defensive efforts to protect their heads, faces and throats from killing strikes, their bodies became more vulnerable. Even more so as they started to tire. Nissa's breasts and shoulders began to bleed from a number of tiny wounds, as did Milar's arms, hips and thighs. Neither held any real advantage until the contest was decided when Milar's shield blocked the club that Nissa had swung at her head. The shield shattered! Milar panicked, charging at Nissa with her club high over her head. Nissa easily ducked under her wild swing, and swung her own weapon, The head of the club and two of its spikes sank deep into Milar's rounded belly. Milar "oouuffed", then screamed as Nissa dragged the club across her body, opening two inch-deep gashes from hip to hip. The stricken woman shrieked, dropped the remains of her broken shield, clutching at the bloody slashes in her belly. The slender brunette next swung her weapon upwards, viciously clubbing the larger woman's cunt mound'! The horrified brunette let out an other-worldly scream, dropped her club and, sank to her knees. A look of horror and pain swept across her face as she grabbed her savaged pussy. Nissa ended her pain and her life with two smashing blows to her head.

    Thalia, only briefly, felt sad for the fallen Milar. Cali's fight was next, after the elaborate midday feast. Thalia would not be hungry. Her young sister was to start on her road to freedom inside the battle circle.

  2. #2
    HB Forum Owner MikeJV's Avatar
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    Another Great chapter, loved the fights!


  3. #3
    Inactive Member unkins's Avatar
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    AWESOME!!! I'm really loving this saga!! [img]smile.gif[/img]

    Luv it!


  4. #4
    Senior Hostboard Member Ted Mark's Avatar
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    We should all self-publish a made-to-order BOOK of the Fight Stories from this board! Or individual members like Sega and Mr Cage should, and Abbyfan too. I have been amazed this last cupola months at the quality of wrting.

    PS: MrCage. Ahem. You know. summor. sommor soon. Yup.

  5. #5
    Guest Abbyfan's Avatar


    Mike JV, VCHICK, and TED,

    Your kind compliments are so sincerely's good to know that the enjoyment I get from creating my stories is shared by those reading them..

    And also please thank "Jessikafights", whose encouragement has been instrumantal in getting me to "post" my tales in forums such as this....


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    Inactive Member Jessikafights's Avatar
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    Thanks, Abby ... now where can I apply for my Saintship? Tee Hee!

    St Jessika does have a nice ring to it, doesn't it? ... heh, heh!

    But pleased you are sharing on this board now! [img]wink.gif[/img]


  7. #7
    Inactive Member fudge21036's Avatar
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    Re: The Thalia Chronicles Part 2 Feast Day

    sorry i didnt get to read the first part

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