"The Fighting Family Saga", part 5 - Author: David

It was a week after our last fight. I was still pretty sore in fact I could still hardly walk. I had to go back to the doctor that Saturday afternoon. My father worked in a large office and the office supervisor was having a party for the office staff at his house. Mom knew that Dad had to go and put in an appearance at the party. Since it was for the families also, Dad asked my sisters to go. Lea had plans but Becca didn?t so she went with Dad.
As with all offices there are people who don?t like each other. When Dad was getting a drink at the outdoor bar his boss had sent up, a guy named Don came up to Dad.
?I hear your son not walking so good.? He whispered to Dad.
Shocked Dad asked, ?What do you mean by that??
?Come on every one in the office has heard about the fight. Well, Ralph is my friend and I came here to beat the shit out of you.?
Not one to back down Dad asked, ?Where and when??
?Why right here and now.?
?I wouldn?t want to ruin the party.?
?We wouldn?t, in fact we would liven it up. Beside there are a lot of bets on it.?
Suddenly the boss came to them. ?You guys going to do it??
Looking around Dad saw that every one was looking at them. It may not have been a set up since Dad had known about the party for almost six weeks, but it still pissed him off.
?Let me take my daughter home.?
Don smiled, ?Mine is going to watch. Let your kid see her father get his ass kicked.
Dad motioned Becca to him and said to her, ?Honey, I going to fight this bastard. He challenged me to fight, so do you want to go home??
?No Daddy,? Becca said smiling, ?I want to see him get the stuffing knocked out of him.? Dad smiled and stripped. Both men were wearing shirt and tie, a dress code for the company parties. They took off their ties and shirt when some woman yelled, ?The pants too!?
Don smirk and started taking his slacks off, so Dad did too.
Dressed only in their undershorts the two men squared off. Within seconds they were swinging hard striking fists at each. Dad said he was happy that most of the crowd was cheering him. However my father was taking his share of hard blows. He told me he could feel his eye turning black from one of Don?s fist. He could that Don was already bleeding from a punch to his month. The two men must have been fistfighting for five full minutes when they stopped to catch their breath and access the damage to each. Don was bleeding from his mouth and nose and Dad wiped his face with his wrist and saw blood. Then they notice that no was watching them. Suddenly a scream caught their attention. Turning they saw that nearly every one was in a circle about twenty feet away from then.
They looked at each other and shrugged and walked over. In the middle of the circle rolling around on the ground were their daughters! Both teenagers were trying to gain an advantage on their rival by trying to be the one top so she could hit the other, but neither could gain an advantage.
?I going to stop this.? Dad said and started forward.
Don grabbed his shoulder and turned Dad around and caught him in the jaw with a right fist. ?Like hell you are. My daughter is going to beat your to a pulp. Come on Shelly, punch her face in!?
Dad jumped up and began swinging at Don, who began swing back. Soon people couldn?t decide which to watch, the two men beating each other to a bloody pulp or the two teenage hairpullers.
Becca and Shelly had gotten to their feet, still pulling hair. Becca blouse had been ripped revealing her blue bra while Shelly?s blouse had been ripped apart down the front revealing her black bra. While one hand of each was pulling their rivals hair the other hand was throwing punches at each other.
?We should stop them.? A woman said.
Some guy answered, ?Let the daughters fight just like their fathers!?
Both girls stopped suddenly and finished taking off their blouses and stood there in their skirts and bras. Becca charged Shelly and tackled her into the large pool.
In the meantime Dad had Don down on his and was punching his face, which was already a mess. The boss tapped Dad on his shoulder and said, ?OK it?s over.?
It took about three other guys to help him pull Dad off his beaten foe.
In the pool the girls were still fighting. Shelly tried to dunk Becca under but under the water Becca punched Shelly in her belly and then kicked her away. Shelly grabbed Becca in a bearhug and the two young women her breast to breast in a bearhug. It was a standoff until Becca headbutted Shelly. Becca went to the edge of the pool and climbed out.
She motioned to Shelly, ?Come on and fight!?
Shelly got out of the pool and both girls dripping water began to circle each other. Suddenly Shelly charged my sister who sidestepped her and when Shelly went past, Becca tripped her and jumped on the girl?s back. Grabbing Shelly?s hair, Becca pulled back and began slapping her. Shelly managed to pushed Becca away from her and both girls paused to catch their breathe. Then they grabbed each other in a bearhug. Their breasts coming together, but this wasn?t a titfight. When they saw that they couldn?t do any damage to their opponent they released each other.
?Let?s finish this b###h!? Shelly spat at my youngest sister.
?I?m waiting, girl.? Becca answered.
Both girls raised their fists. They came together in a fistfight. Shelly tried headhunting hoping to knock Becca out, but my sister ducked and weaved so that Shelly couldn?t get in a good shot. Meantime Becca went for some body punches. They had their effect has Shelly started bring her fists now to protect her body. This gave Becca the chance to go to Shelly?s pretty face. A right to the girl?s cheek and another right to her eye and Shelly began to bring her hands back up. Then Becca threw a hard right to Shelly?s breast. Then an uppercut to the chin. Shelly?s eyes glazed and her hands came down. The final fist was a right cross to the face and the teenager went to the ground.
Everyone knew it was over and crowded around the girls so that Becca couldn?t do any more. My sister turned and saw our father and she went to him as he put his arms around her.
When Dad and Becca got home my grandmothers were just leaving. Both Dad?s Mom and my mother?s Mom came back in the house when they saw the condition that Dad and Becca were in and listened to the accounts of the two fights. When the telling was over they both hug dad and Becca and said they were proud of them for winning. They then said to Mom ?We?ll see you in two weeks.?
After they left, Dad asked, ?What?s going on in two weeks??
?I hope you?re not going to angry, Honey, but when they came over they started talking their neighbors.?
I should say that my grandmothers do not live together, but both are having trouble with a couple of widowed neighbors.
?So I suggested that they fight them. Both mothers were excited when we told them about our fights, that?s why they were not shocked when you came home, so they called their neighbor and challenged them to fight. The other women both agreed and in two weeks they all coming here to fight in the backyard. However there is going to be no one else here to see them.?
Dad thought for a moment and said, ?I know they having been having a lot of trouble with those two women.? He nodded is approval to Mom.