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Thread: BlackCat vs MJ/Catwoman Final ver. 11/28

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    BlackCat vs MJ/Catwoman Final ver. 11/28

    With MUCH help from Foreshadow, we went over and rewrote my previous story. He put a lot of work into this, and Im very happy with the results. Feel free to either disregard or delete the previous version. This is actually chapter 10 in a long running arc Ive been working on. I hope you like it.



    The bottle shattered on impact with the wall, the potent liquid it contained running down the wall. Mary Jane's breathing was ragged through her clenched teeth, her eyes burning with rage at the tabloid that played across her small TV screen; yet another news report extolling the virtures of the new Diva of New York's superhero community, the voluptuous, vivacious, Black Cat. Also known as Felicia Hardy. Mary Jane's worst enemy; the woman responsible for ruining her marriage and then her life.
    It had been months since Mary Jane's last confrontation with the platinum blonde Queen Bitch, and she had lost everything. After Mary Jane's attempt at revenge backfired, Felicia turned the tables on Mary Jane a final time, shaving her head in a petty display of vengeance for her hand in a vicious confrontation with Felicia's Gotham City equivalent, Selena Kyle, the Catwoman. But the childish prank couldn't have come at a worse time for Mary Jane. Could Felicia have known that Mary Jane had a meeting with the producer of her old Soap Opera, Secret Hospital, to reprise her role on the modern remake of the series? Could she have known that this one act would be the catalyst for a series of events that would see Mary Jane lose her credibility, her place as one of the most wanted models in the industry. The bruises she could conceal, but there was no hidding a shorn skull. Rumors spread like wildfire that Mary Jane had pulled a 'Brittany' and lost her mind when her husband had suddenly left her for another, reportedly hotter, woman, and gone off the rails. Before she knew it, Mary Jane had been black listed, and younger, more ambitious, women were more than eager to take her place. Her big break and her modeling career evaporated in a matter of weeks.
    What really added insult to injury, though, was that, as the main bread winner in their relationship, Mary Jane's net worth was signifigantly more than Peter Parker's; the judge ruled in his favor during the divorce proceedings and Mary Jane lost half her savings. The honorable Joan "The Hammer" Jenkmore was notorious for her feminist views and ruling in favor of the female litigant. A lesser known fact is that Mr. Jenkmore was a avid Mary Jane fan, and had been caught by his wife pleasuring himself to one of her centerfolds. The proceedings had barely gone an hour before the obviously hostile judged ruled against Mary Jane. Peter himself had to interject and request a smaller settlement than the obscene one the judge had initially suggested. The only comfort that Mary Jane got out of this revelation was that Peter hadn't been the one to betray her.
    No job meant no money coming in, and with half of her savings gone, Mary Jane was forced to move into a low rent apartment in one of New York's seedier buroughs, and take a humiliating job as a waitress in a greasy diner again to make ends meet. Just the day before a patron; a greasy construction worker with a thick Brooklyn accent, and mustard dripping from his chin; asked, "Hey, didn't you used to be that hot model?" MJ was nearly brought to tears. Had she fallen so low that even this sad spectacle of humanity barely recognized her?
    And now here was Felicia, hanging all over Peter in his Spider-Man persona, revelling in the publics praise. Spider-Man and Black Cat, as a couple, were media darlings. Felicia loved the camera and knew how to play to the public, turning Spider-Man's negative image around with some high profile super-heroics and charity work. In fact, Felicia was presenting a check to the local FEAST center; money that had come from Mary Jane! She was using Mary Jane's own money to win the public trust. It was beyond galling; it was maddening.
    "--e just love to help out the down and out. Beyond just fighting supervillians or petty crime, it is the responsiblity of Superheroes to battle social ills as well. To make the world a better place. Spider and I recently came into some money, and decided to share our good fortune with the unfortunate. It's the least we could do. But I can't take all the credit; I'd like to thank the woman that made this generous donation possible. You know who you are, if you're watching, thank you! From the bottom of my heart" Felicia pressed her fingers into her prodigious breast as she expressed her mock gratitude to the camera, her fingers sinking into the firm flesh slightly, as she shot the camera a dazzling, white toothed smile, and a naughty, knowing wink.
    Mary Jane screamed; a deep, primal, shriek from the pit of her stomach, as she lunged across the room, grabbing the small, second hand TV, throwing it across the tiny room. She ranted and raved, tossing over furniture, breaking emptied liquor bottles, and tearing at the walls,until she finally collapsed in tears, surrounded by the shatter remains of her life.
    "I-I can't take it anymore. T-This isn't fair! I'm as p-pretty and s-sexy as she is! I-I know I'm a better person than h-her! I-I never did anything to d-deserve this. I've b-been a good girl all my life. She's a h-horrible, spiteful, b-bitch. Why is this happening to me? W-Why can't I b-beat her?", Mary Jane sobbed and snivelled, tears and snot running down her tired face.
    As she sat there quietly crying to herself, her curtains fluttered quietly into the apartment, a suddenly, cold, breeze teasingly pushing them. Unnoticed by Mary Jane, the lights flickered and then slowly dimmed; a slight hum came from the electric sockets, as the shadows shifted and creeped towards her, the picture of Felicia prancing and posing for the camera blinked out, leaving only white noise and static snow; she swore she could smell something, foul and vile. Sulpher?
    Then things really became strange...


    Chapter One - SERVED COLD

    A Few Months Later
    Felicia Hardy, known to the public as the Black Cat, slumped lazily against a huge stone gargoyle several stories above the surrounding buildings, surveying the twinkling diamonds of the New York skyline, that spread out far below her. The gothic statue was nearly as old as the city itself, and seemed out of place on the roof of a towering corporate building. Apparently some of the more overpaid executives thought they could add a little class to their cold steel monument to commerce by purchasing the granite beast from a local Church that was facing bankruptcy. Still, Felicia had grown rather attached to it. She and her lover, Spider-Man (affectionately referred to by her as alternatively 'Spider' or 'Pete') had shared not only their first kiss there but also their first intimate encounter. It was a frenzied, passionate, and somewhat acrobatic session between 2 superheroes suspended in midair by webbing. The stone gargoyle witnessed the entire thing, though both were fairly certain he would remain a silent observer (barring another Inferno). Coincidentally, unknown to either Pete or Felicia, they both used this same perch to unwind, enjoy the New York skyline, and discuss life's little travil and triumphs with their mutual stone-faced friend, who was always willing to lend a quiet and patiently listening ear.
    Tonight Felicia mostly talked about how she missed her little Spider. Peter Parker had been gone for about a week now, and would be gone for roughly three more while he helped Tony Stark resolve some issue in the Negative Zone. At least she thinks it was the Negative Zone. Hard to keep all these alternate dimensions straight; she generally tuned Peter out when he would rail on to her about quantum mechanics and infinite universe theory. He was so excitable when hanging out with eggheads like Tony Stark or Reed Richards.
    Either way while he was out working his mind she was back in New York losing hers to boredom. After the initial excitement since their reunion as a couple, a few high profile busts and charity events to endear themselves to the public and turn Peter's public image around, crime was rarely a issue. It didn't help that there was apparently some new superheroine in town hogging all the fun, foiling small time bank heists and the minor mayhem of loser wannabe D-Grade supervillians trying to make a name for themselves by ruining some rich industrialists day for crossing them, or what have you. The occasional mugger here and there weren't enough to keep her mind and body busy. She yearned for the excitement of taking on another high-profile supervillian, like a Shocker, or the Scorpion, or even that idiot Slyde; anyone more threatening than some drunk post-game soccer hooligan with a switchblade, or the neighbourhood flasher. Most of all she wanted to fight.
    The memory of her destruction of the Invisible Woman still made her wet. Pounding the flabby little breasts of that haughty, self-righteous, cunt turned her on like few other things could. Sue would never agree to a rematch though. At least not without the use of her powers. Fighting a woman who can crush buidlings with a invisible forcefield didn't appeal to Felicia; she wanted a down and dirty phyiscal duel to get her blood pumping. Even Mary Jane Watson would be a more desirable fight, but the redheaded bitch had all but fell off the map after her last and most humiliating beating at the hands of the tall, leggy, platinum blonde. Felicia let out a frustrated sigh, giving voice to her exasperation.
    "Well 'Bruce', ol' buddy, its about time I head home. Sweet of you to listen." she chirped cheerily she gave the gargoyles rough granite cheek a small peek; leaving a noticably plump red mark. The statues menacing expression was typically unchanged by this token act of affection.
    Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, Felicia caught sight of two large metallic cables whipping at her with incredibly speed. Her reflexes were at the height of human capability, but she only barely ducked the first tendril, which utterly destroyed the statue, sending chunks of stone and dust flying towards the streets below. Before she could react, the second tendril crashed violently into her stomach and sent her flying at least twenty feet across the roof. She landed and rolled several more feet, skidding across the rough surface of the roof, before coming to rest near the edge. The wind had been knocked out of her by this unwarrented surprise attack, and she was certain at least two of her ribs were broken. She collected herself and looked up just in time to see another large tendril swinging down on her position. She rolled away just in time as it crashed where her head had been a second earlier. A large piece of stone broke off and fell to the street below followed shortly by a the alarm of a car which was crushed below. The identity of Felicia's attacker was obvious to her. Two metallic tendrils grabbed Felicia's wrists and effortlessly lifted her off the ground. Two more secured her legs at the ankles. At the end of mechanical arms was a man who needed no introduction to her; Dr. Otto Octavius, more widely known by her nom de guerre, Dr. Octopus. The bulbous scientist used one of his human hands to adjust his sunglasses, a usual mannerism of his indicating he is about to go off on an overwrought supervillain monologue.
    "Ah, right where they said you'd be, and without that annoying Wallcrawler anywhere to be found. Of course someone of my intellect could easily concieve of the perfect plan to take what Spider-Man holds most dear without assistance, but dear Mother always said, 'Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, lest you be bitten, Otto.'" the arrogant Doctor said with a sneer. Despite the pain racking her entire body, Felicia wondered how many times he had rehearsed this speech he was giving before he left home tonight.
    Ignoring who 'they' were for now, Black Cat spat back, "Perfect Plan, huh? Attacking me from behind with your slinky arms? Did you have to draw yourself a blueprint to come up with that that Machiavelian scheme? At least guys like the Green Goblin bring some fireworks. Now that's class!" she said through labored breaths. Even under the best circumstances, Dr. Octopus was a extremely dangerous enemy. Still his ego had always been his weak spot, and Felicia knew how to exploit that. She had a viscious tongue before hooking up with Peter, but since their reunion she really learned from Peter, and nailed down the finer points of quipping.
    "Is it my turn to kick your ass this month? I swear time flies when you're sending fat squid themed assholes like you to prison every other week," Felicia quiped mockingly.
    Dr. Octopus would take no more. With a roar he released her left ankle and pulled that tendril back for what would be a killing blow. It whipped forward but stopped inches from Felicia's torso. The good Doctor's expression changed from anger to amusement. A wide lustful grin came across his face. The sleek metal waldo hovered a moment before it slithered down her body and began to carress the Black Cat's thigh. Felicia shuddered in disgust then winced from the pain in her ribs.
    "You won't be able to bait me that easily, you delightful little tart. Do you remember the first time we met. I left you nearly dead. Your costume was in ruins. It's an image that has stayed with me in my waking thoughts and dreams alike. A man of science is still a man afterall, and subject to the primal desires and motivations of a man."

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    Re: BlackCat vs MJ/Catwoman Final ver. 11/28

    "Yeah I remember. I also remember Spider ripping those freakish arms of yours off and leaving you in worse shape than I was in. How did it feel to give yourself a prostate exam with your own tentacle, you creepy applefaced goon?" She hoped that'd snap him back to reality, but she doubted he even heard her. He was too focused on his artificial appendage. The tendril slowly moved up her body towards her breasts and suddenly Felicia felt like a character in a pornographic japanese cartoon. The metallic arm cradled each of Felicia's magnificent breasts for a moment, lightly squeezing and weighing the heavy orbs before moving towards the zipper. The three arms restraining her pulled her in close to the Doc. So close she could smell the stink of cheap cigars and too much colonge over his sweaty musk. It clamped on to the zipper and tentatively lowered it, exposing more and more of her huge, firm, enticing, tits as it went. Beads of sweat ran down his greasy forehead; Felicia's lips curled in disgust. When Octavius' attention was as focused as it could get, Felicia slammed her unrestrained knee squarely into his small erection. She felt it buckle like a derailed train under the force. Instantly all four of his robotic arms fell to the ground lifeless. The neurological link between his brain and the tendrils was clearly interrupted. His face screwed up in silent horror as his hands shook, moving slowly towards his compacted penis, "How's that for a spot of bad luck? No wonder you leave that arm out of the count; it's not worth mentioning," Felicia mocked spitefully as the mechanical arms uncoiled, allowing her to fall gracefully to her feet.
    Now free from his clutches, Felicia took a step back from the disabled scientist and sized him up. "Take away your creepy arms and all you are is another chubby nerd with a bad haircut and no date for the prom," she taunted mockingly. Drawing way back, she put everything she had into a nasty punch directly between the helpless doctor's eyes. His sunglasses split apart and dropped, and his piglike nose disjointed and became crooked, followed shortly after by the merficully unconscious villain.
    "Typical megalomaniac. You should have just stuck to playing Dungeons and Dragons and jerking off to the Victoria's Secret catalouge, you sad blimp. Didn't you know it's bad luck to cross this Black Cat's path?" she said, quietly satisfied with herself, before grimacing at the sharp pain in her side. Her hand drifted up to her ribs, inspecting the damage. What to do with him now? Even without her injuries she wouldnt be able to carry him off to the police station. Just one of those mechanical arms weighed at least 400 pounds. And how would she get back to the apartment for that matter? No way would she be swinging home in the shape she was in. A taxi perhaps? Most cabbies won't stop for masked, costumed pedestrians in this crazy town.
    Her musings were interrupted by the slow, sarcastic, rythmn of mocking applause. Felicia spun to face her unseen audience as a figure stepped out from the shadows. Felicia's eyes widened in suprise to see her former rival Selina Kyle, dressed fully in her Catwoman costume sneering at her while she clapped insincirely. A second shadowy figure was standing behind her, still concealed in the shadows.
    "Impressive. I would have thought someone like Dr. Octopus would completely destroy second rate trash like you. Oh but I do suppose the cliche is true about it being hard to find good help these days."
    "Selena? What the hell are you doing here? What are you up to, bitch?" Felicia demanded through grit teeth, quickly realizing the set up and betrayal, "Do you really want another go at me? Last time I stopped at just beating you, this time you aren't going to be able to walk away!" Felicia threatened, pushing her pain away with a confident stand. She was badly injured, but still felt confident at her chances with Selina. Last time they fought she had only narrowly won. However she also has learned a lot since then, and knew Selina was perhaps nearing the twilight of her costumed career. Still the tall brunette was a dangerous opponent, not to be underestimated.
    "Kitten, you really don't know me do you? I'm not one of those self righteous bitches with some impossible standard of morality. Honey, I fight dirty." On that cue, the second figure stepped out from the shadows. Felicia's eyes widened in abject shock and disbelief. It was Mary Jane Watson Parker!
    Well, formerly Parker. But she wasn't the 'Little Mary-Plain' Felicia remembered from their previous encounters. For one her long, luxurious, red hair that Felicia had cut was now completely grown back, and seemed fuller and more buoyant; like flowing crimson waves cascading down her back. Secondly she was sporting a spandex costume of her own. The middle portion covering her inner legs and thighs, stomach, and chest was white while the outside borders were green with gold trim. She wore a gold half mask as well as a gold belt. The sleeves and ankles both flared out. The last and most noticable difference was her size! MJ had always been several inches shorter than Felicia, but now she stood as much as 2 inches taller, putting her over 6 feet tall. Height wasnt the only thing that increased. Her lowcut costume revealed a deep crevase of threatening cleavage that now easily matched Felicia's own prodigious rack. Felicia also estimated she had put on about 20 pounds of muscle, as her once lithe arms were now well defined and toned, similar to Felicia's own athletic physic. Her thigh and calve muscles were easily seen through her tight costume. Felicia was almost slack jawed in awe at her rivals shocking, unexpected, transformation.
    Mary Jane was tickled by the shocked look on the Black Cat's face, her enemies eyes traveling up and down Mary Jane's body, surveying and comparing, and smiled widely, her pearly white teeth glistening in the moonlight. "You look so suprised, Sweetheart. You really thought I'd walk off quietly and let a dirty cunt like you get your skanky claws into my man? Not a chance bitch. I'm back and better than ever," MJ seductively ran her fingers over her crotch, up her stomach, and finally cupping and lifting her newly massive, heavy, tits; carefully weighing the large, round, orbs and giving them a slight squeeze, "I'm a knockout, no?" she stated more than soliciting an answer from Felicia, releasing her heavy breasts and letting them bounce back to rest on her chest. Before she had had the body of a slender and lithe, if uncommonly voluptuous, super-model; but now she somehow possessed the zaftig body of a toned and athletic, if even more uncommonly voluptuous, super-heroine, and she was revelling in her newfound power before Felicia's eyes.
    "'Knocked out' is more like it. I don't know how you did it, 'Mary Plain', but you're still just a wannabe," Felicia condescendingly mocked, trying to give the appearance of being unimpressed by her rivals miraculous transformation, and regain some composure, before she was cut off by an annoyed MJ.
    "Oh, its not 'Mary Plain' anymore. I realized Peter would always judge us differently because you dress up in your little hooker outfit and go out with him at night. Now I'm going to be doing that. Haven't you heard? I'm the new girl in town, and you can call me Jackpot. As in, Peter's going to hit it when we get back together," Mary Jane put an exclaimation on her point by striking a power stance, legs spread wide, hands on her hips, and huge chest thrust out, further than Felicia remembered. Her cleavage was a deep dark pit that seemed to draw Felicia's gaze in, threatening to swallow her up. For the first time she was actually a little intimidated by someone elses breasts. Mary Jane looked more powerful and confident than she had in years, as she gave her breasts a slight shake, snapping Felicia out of her trance.
    "Spider judges us differently because I'm what he wants, and you're a useless homemaking doormat. No amount of steroids or plastic surgery or whatever it is you got going on is going to change the fundamental fact that I'm just better than you... 'Mary PLAIN'," Felicia cruelly poked at her red-headed nemesis, invoking the insulting, dismissive, nickname she'd coined strike at the vain redheads fragile self image, "And I'm definately not afraid of those plastic monsters; I'm pretty sure I still have the biggest, sexiest, guns here... you just brought me some bigger sandbags to work over," to emphasis her point, Felicia mockingly took the same pose as Mary Jane, thrusting her breasts out even further than Mary Jane's in contempt. The already lowered zipper of her leather costume parted and lowered a bit more of it's own accord as Felicia's breasts strained against their confinement, oozing menacingly over the edges of the skintight suit as if yearning to rush forward and confront the two new rivals before them. The pain in her side flaired up, a burning reminder that she was in no shape for any sort of confrontation, but Felicia couldn't help but smirk at her crimson-haired former punching bag; the smile on her face slowly turning to a frustrated frown, having not had the intimidating effect on Felicia that she had expected and craved.
    "Enough of this shit," Mary Jane spat in frustration, her smile turning into a hateful scowl. She reached behind her and produced a small backpack from which she removed a camcorder which she handed to Catwoman, who was quietly enjoying the show. "Make sure you get all of this. Since he can't be here, I want Pete to have something we can watch when he gets back. Proof that I am the better woman. We'll watch it while he's riding me hard, skank, which is about as close to him as you're ever going to get again."
    Mary Jane confidently stalked towards Felicia, her heavy breasts bouncing with threatening, malicious, intent; ready to engage her long time nemesis in what she obviously planned to be their ending battle. She had lost too much to this bitch, too many times, and after each lose and humiliation, her life become more unbearable. This time would be different. She was different now, enhanced in every way. Oh, she had paid dearly to become what she was now, but it would soon be worth it. She was taking no chances, having recruited Selena Kyle to have her back and ensure her victory. Selena was an 'Alpha Bitch' and could never abide having someone who had beaten her as a friend or contemporary. It was her idea to wait until Spider-Man was out of town and hire that psycho Octavius to soften Felicia up. She had fallen as far as she could go, and now it was time to crawl back up. She would get her modeling and acting careers back. She would get back with the man she loved. And, most importantly, she would kick this bitch's ass down to hell, if need be.
    Felicia stormed forward to met Mary Jane halfway, keeping a wary eye on Catwoman, who observed everything through the unblinking electronic eye of the camera she had trained on the two combatants. As they approached each other, both ladies moved to attack potions. They clashed, hands interlocking above their heads, massive, firm, chests slapping together, with a fleshy clap. Two gorgeous peak human women locked in combat over thirty stories above the city in an epic struggle of female competition.
    They both grunted quietly as they struggled against each other; each jockying for a dominant position over the other. Muscled tensed as they strained. Their chests banged together repeatedly, and Felicia couldn't help but noticed how much firmer MJ's tits were than in previous confrontations. Felicia had always dominated their breast battles with her superior size and density, easily overwhelming and pushing down Mary Jane's lesser rack. It was her favorite form of humiliation for the easily flustered, body conscious, and vain redhead; Mary Jane's whole life had been based around her body and her self image, being a model, and it was a psychological blow to be laid low by someone hotter and more voluptuous than herself.
    This time wouldn't be so easy. She could feel MJ's nipples hardening; lengthening and becoming turgid as they came out to meet Felicia's own sexy nips for battle. Mary Jane smiled through clenched teeth, straining with effort, as she held her own in both the test of strength and the titty war, neither of which would've been possible for her just a few weeks prior. Deciding to exploit Felicia's injured ribs, MJ drew back then slammed her chest into Felicia's. The Black Cat's impressive rack refused to yeild even a millimeter of ground to the battering breasts, so she repeated the move, this time more forceful and insistant. This time she got a grunt from the platinum blonde. MJ wasn't satisified, not by a long shot. She was beating Felicia's already weakend ribcage, not her breasts. Many long nights the redhead layed awake, agonizing over her losses to this man stealing whore, obessessing over the idea of Peter carressing and fondling Felicia's tits they way he had once done to hers; sliding his sizable cock between them, comparing their tits and telling Felicia that hers were better, while she laughed at Mary Jane. She swore vengeance and dreamt of crushing this bitch's imposing mammeries that she, and apparently Peter, were both so fond of.
    Felicia's head was spinning after being rammed for the second time by her strangely larger rival. The pain in her side was intense, and was playing tricks on her mind; she could almost swear that Mary Jane's grip was becoming stronger and her tits firmer, fuller, and more powerful with each battering ram blow. She knew her girls could stand up to it, but the rest of her body was falling prey to fatigue in the aftermath of her struggle with Doctor Octopus. It was taking all she had to keep from being overpowered and forced down by the large redhead, so she knew she had to do something drastic. Driving forward, she caught MJ by suprise and pushed her back into the brick wall surrounding the stairwell. Pulling away from MJ's hands, Felicia backed up a step, creating a small amount of room between the two.

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    Re: BlackCat vs MJ/Catwoman Final ver. 11/28

    "You want a titty war? 'Mary Plain', you could never match me, especially in that department." Felicia mocked, thrusting her tits confidently out at Mary Jane, causing them to strain and overflow from her tight, binding, leather costume. Mary Jane couldn't help but stare apprehensively into the dark, menacing, crevase between the breasts that had caused her so much pain and humiliation. The breasts that had overwhelmed and pushed down her own, three times before; more than anything, Felicia had used her breasts as the main weapon in her arsenal of sexual humiliation against Mary Jane, in the past, mocking her for being smaller. They stood as a sign of her superior feminine power over the Mary Jane of the past, and still held sway over her present; the first step to beating, truly triumphing, over Felicia, was for her breasts to flatten and engulf Felicia's tits. Felicia noticed Mary Jane's reluctance and smirked; Felicia's plan depended on MJ being so enthralled with this personal vendetta against her tits that she would focus more on defeating her chest rather than on overpowering her. If she could control the tempo of the fight, she still had a chance of turning things around.
    The ploy worked.
    "Not this time, cunt. Things are different this time. I'm different. These are different!" The redhead spit out, as if reassuring herself, thrusting her newly massive chest out in answer to the platinum blonde's challenge. The large, round, orbs similarly strained and pushed over the edges of her revealing costume, the way that Felicia's had.
    "Let's see what kind of job your surgeon did then, hag," Felicia purred confidently as she grabbed the gold ring on the front of her costume and lowered the zipper the few remaining inches, allowing her perfect breats to spill out. Mary Jane's eyes focused like a hawk on its prey. It had been awhile since she'd seen Felicia's breasts in the flesh, and they were even more intimidating and perfect than she had remembered; firm and heavy, not perfectly round, but with a slight, healthy, droop that confirmed to anyone that saw them that they were the real deal. Two gently slooping tear drops, thrusting out triumphantly from her chest, and overflowing her rib cage. They bounced slightly before settling on her chest, as Felicia gave her shoulders a slight shake for empahsis, in an attempt to disrupt Mary Jane's cool and remain in charge of this fight. Felicia was proud and confident in her perfect chest, as the heavy tits bounced off of each other; like a fighter hitting his fists together before a bout, and fully expected Mary Jane to become unnerved in by them in all their naked glory, covered by a thin sheen of sweat from her previous exertion.
    As much as she hated Felicia, she couldn't help but be in awe of her perfect, natural, breasts. Mary Jane had long been envious of Felicia's breasts; some might even say intimidated to the point of cowardice. It was understandable, given the how many times Felicia's tits had overcome hers or been at the instrument of her humiliation. Mary Jane shrunk back a bit, staggered slightly by Felicia's reveal, as her platinum blonde rival tossed her sweaty but still lusterious hair over her shoulder and smirked mockingly at her, "What's wrong, Mary Plain? Lost your nerve? I thought you were supposed to be all 'new and improved', you plastic skank," Felicia taunted, pushing her hand.
    Mary Jane caught herself, took a deep breath, retaking her stance, Mary Jane grabbed either side of her lowcut top, and confidently began to pull it in twain, ripping down the middle of the spandex material of her costume, liberating her own pair of amazing breasts. Felicia did her best not to appear impressed as she surveys the red-heads now naked tits, but could not help but be a little irked to admit to herself that whatever Mary Jane had done to herself, it wasn't plastic surgery. Mary Jane's breasts were the most incredible things Felicia had ever seen outside of a mirror. They were equally as heavy and firm as her own, and definately real. It was hard to tell, with the steady rise and fall of Mary Jane's breath causing her chest to rythmically surge out, but her breasts may have even been slightly larger than her own, set high on her chest and thrusting out imposing and confident from just a few inches below her clavicle, ""Science couldn't come up with tits this perfect, you overhyped hooker. I haven't lost anything bitch; I've gained more than you could ever know, and I'll gain even more after I finish smashing your fat, flabby sacks... Felicia 'Hardly.' As in, 'Hardly a match for my tits,' slut! " Mary Jane quipped back with her own insulting nickname this time.
    Not far from the combatants, Selena Kyle raised her head from the camera's lense to see both sets of assets with her own eyes. Selina was a beautiful woman, and no sloach herself in the bust department, but it irked her that she had to admit that she was no match for either of these beauties. Being inferior to one other woman was intolerable enough, but the possibility of a second competitor set her blood to boiling. Thankfully there werent any women like these in Gotham. Selena quietly contemplated that this partnership might be shortlived if this redheaded bitch got out of line.
    With no more words to be passed between them, the two spectacular physical specimens locked fingers and let their masses collided. Selina Kyle was snapped out her revelry by the wet clap of sweaty flesh coming together. She resumed filming the titanic struggle unfolding before her. Felicia had the better position, with the redhead pinned helplessly against the wall, but MJ was fresh, confident, and sporting an enhanced body, which more than matched her rivals. Their nipples expanded and tightened, finding each other quickly, almost as if they remembered one another from previous bouts and had their own grudge to settle. Mary Jane's breasts were now the marginally larger of the pair, and the same applied to her areolas and nipples, which slightly edged out Felicia's in size and thickness. They rubbed and pushed against each other, neither having any clear advantage early on in their mutual struggles.
    Felicia grunted with every effort, the pain in her side slowly becoming more enflamed and prominent. For the first time ever, she was fighting an uphill battle; and she didn't like it one bit. Her suffering forced Mary Jane to stifle a laugh, "HA! Not as easy against someone bigger than you is it, bitch? What's wrong? Never been on the other side of a one sided titty tussle? Why not make it easy on yourself, and just admit that I'm too much for you, 'Hardly'?" Mary Jane mocked, confidently, stepping up the smooth, sultry, gyrations of her ribcage, and tightening her grip on Felicia's hands, digging her nails into the back of her hands, causing Felicia to wince again.
    "That's such bullshit, 'Mary-Plain', and you know it. You've never been a match for me, not now, not ever, " Felicia responded, pushing back against her imposing foe, forcing her into the wall, Felicia was able to force her large, sensitive, nipples directly into the redhead's. She had hoped through technique and experience she could end this here, scoring an easy psychological victory over the body conscious ex-model; but that plan was not to be. MJ's tits may have looked soft, creamy, and inviting, but had no give to them. Both women winced with pain and exertion, working up a healthy sweat as large, firm, breasts and toned, muscular, arms strained against each other.
    Mary Jane matched Felicia thrust for thrust, their nipples lancing off of each other, sending jolts of erotic energy through each others breasts as they fenced, and cooed erotically, "Face it, 'Little Kitty', the Jackpot's hitting you! I'm stronger than you, faster than you, and even sexier than you now. You're yesterdays news, Felicia, and it's about time you got what you deserved! You're just not as hot as you think you are, and I'm going to be the one to prove it!" Felicia only grunted in response, concentrating instead on staying in the fight, and pushing through the nearly unignorable burning pain of her broken ribs.
    Several minutes of intense, physical exertion passed as they pushed, thrusted, and slid their breasts against each other, with neither combatant gaining the advantage. Felicia was becoming frustrated with her lack of progress. She was being held to a stalemate and doubted she could sustain it; Mary Jane's powerful nips felt like they were growing harder, longer, and stronger with every confident thrust against her overmatched foe, and she knew it, "You're losing it Felicia; I can feel your weak little nips starting to fail you against my big, sexy, thick ones. Just admit I'm better than you and maybe I'll kiss them and make them better for you, 'Itty-Bitty-Kitty-Cat'?" Mary Jane mocked, slyly, throwing her head back, sending her sweaty but still buoyant mass of crimson curls cascading over her shoulders, to laugh, and forcing her nipples more insistantly against Felicia's again, almost succeeding in her threat. Felicia couldn't take it if she were to actually bend before this haughty, overconfident bitch, even knowing that she couldn't last much longer in the debilitated condition she was in; Felicia decided she would have to break this stalemate, and try to end this quickly and decisively.
    Releasing MJ's hands, she quickly wrapped her arms around the big redhead and in one quick motion, violently lifted and threw her to the ground. MJ was caught completely by suprise, as she was completely focused on winning their titty tussle. She tumbled hard to the pavement, unable to react before Felicia was on her. The Black Cat quickly straddled Jackpot in a sloppy school pin, grabbed two handfuls of red hair, and proceeded to slam her head on the hard surface of the roof. MJ clumsily grabbed at her wrists and bucked wildly, to avoid being slammed again. She managed to partially sit up under the tall platinum blonde, thus preventing a repeat.
    Mary Jane managed to grab Felicia's fist before it impacted, and thrust her hips forward, unseating the blonde, twisting her body and rolling her over. Mary Jane rushed to exploit her position, attempting to pin Felicia's wrists to the ground, but Felicia was ahead of her, jerking her head up to crack against Mary Jane's nose, elliciting a shocked cry of pain. She released Felicia's wrists, her hands flying up to her throbbing nose, allowing Felicia to slither out from under her and scrambled to her feet.
    Mary Jane recovered quicker than Felicia had expected, and was also already aloft before Felicia could turn to face her. The two, beautiful, combatants breathed heavily, starring daggers at each other. Mary Jane was the first to break the silence, "What's the matter, 'Hardly'? Couldn't take the fact that my tits were going to beat yours? Had to fight dirty?"
    Felicia scoffed dismissively, "Guess we'll never know, 'Mary Plain'. The real fight is fought tooth and nail, not boob and nipple. Right now, I don't give a fuck about who's hotter; just who's stronger. And we both know how that part of the fight traditionally ends; with you on your back, and my pussy juice on your face."
    Felicia took her stance, while Mary Jane mimiced her, narrowing her eyes, "Oh, I'm one for breaking tradition, bitch. You're about to be horribly disappointed. I'm going to flatten your weak little tits tonight, one way or the other."
    Mary Jane brought her fists up and prepared to engage this bitch one last time. Felicia got into position herself, but was clearly favoring her side. MJ grinned and advanced, like a lioness that had singled out a wounded gazelle. Looking to end this in one fantastic strike, Mary Jane whipped a powerful kick directly at Felicia's face, powered by her strong, toned, calf muscles, but the blonde wasn't as helpless as she appeared. Felicia ducked below it with lightning reflexes and practiced ease and grabbed Mary Jane's ankle as it cracked the air where her head had been. Felicia essentially stood up, lifting the stray leg as she rose, dumping the bigger redhead right on her tightly muscled ass. MJ tried to regain her footing as quickly as possible, but the black leather Goddess was on her instantly. Felicia held Mary Jane down by the throat with one hand while grabbing her enlarged nipple with the other. She pinched down sharply, and pulled back as hard as she could; painfully extending MJ's nipple and titflesh away from her chest; like an overexcited child pulling toffee at the Fair; drawing a shrill cry from the prone redhead. She might have pulled Mary Jane's sensitive and turgid nipple right off if her breasts hadn't become slicked with sweat from their earlier exertions. It fumbled free from Felicia's strong grip, much to MJ's relief, which was to be short lived. Felicia's hand arched through the air to deliver a sickening slap to her face which nearly de-masked her and left a hot, red, hand print. Her ears rung and eyes watered from the powerful impact.

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    Re: BlackCat vs MJ/Catwoman Final ver. 11/28

    Mary Jane's vision cleared just in time to see Felicia cocking her fist back, ready to deliver a haymaker punch to her defenseless, pretty, supermodel face. Felicia never got the chance to unpretty the hated redheads moneymaking face, as a sharp snapping noise was followed by Felicia being jerked off her of her prone rival, giving her the time she needed to catch her breath and regain her cocky grin. She adjusted her mask and gently rubbed her stretched nipple.
    Selena had stepped in, using her famous bullwhip to ensnare Felicia's arm mid-punch and yank her off. The Black Cat stumbled backwards, unable to balance herself with Catwoman pulling her back with a snap of her strong wrist. Felicia's backwards tumble was halted when she was met with a particularly nasty kick to the stomach, courtesy of Catwoman's stilettoed heel. Her perfect ass shot out as she doubled over; the breath in her body leaving with a raspy "Ooof!". Again Selena yanked her whip and Felicia's body jerked forward like a broken marionnette, having lost her footing. This time Selena drove her knee up between her bare breasts, with some satisfaction. She was turned on more than a little to feel one of them being compacted through the heel of her knee high boot. Felicia fell on her plump,shapely, bottom, her free hand covering her aching tits defensively. She felt two strong hands entangling themselves in her hair from behind, before being painfully dragged backwards by the fully recovered red headed predator.
    "Oh I've been dreaming of this day for a long time, bitch. This is for stealing my man!" MJ snarled through her perfect teeth. She drew back and delivered a soccer style kick to Felicia's stomach. The tall blonde gasped as she was knocked on to her back.
    "This is for taking my apartment!" She stomped Felicia's stomach, heel first right above the belly button for maximum effect. Both of the Black Cat's hands reflexively went to defend her prone stomach as the air was driven violent from her; compacting the damage done to her already broken ribs.
    "This is for ruining my career!" This time she stomped huge tempting targets of Felicia's defenseless titties; eliciting a sharp cry of pain, as she ground Felicia's already sensitive and inflamed nipples under her hard heel.
    "And this is for cutting my fucking hair!" MJ finished with a well place stomp to Felicia's pussy. The Black Cat screamed in pain; slowly curling up into a fetal position, coughing in dry, ragged, wet sounding gasps, and fighting back tears. Felicia refused to cry in front of Mary Jane, no matter how back the pain might be.
    "And this..." Mary Jane said with cold intensity, as she decended on bended knee to grab a handful of Felicia's sweaty, now filthy, locks, which had lost their shine and luster from absorbing the dirty and grime of the filthy roof beneath her. She painfully and purposefully forced Felicia to sit up and face her,cocking back her fist and deliving a devestating straight right to her beautiful face, compacting her nose, rattling her teeth, and bloodying her lip, "... is for making me feel small." Mary Jane dismissively dropped Felicia back to the ground, where she lied coughing and sputtering, trying to regain her senses and keep her wits about her. She had to stay conscious and in the fight, or she was done for.
    MJ felt so fucking hot right now. She rubbed her fingers tentatively, sensually, over her steamy crotch. Even through the spandex material of her costume, she knew she was soaked, and, in fact, probably near orgasm. With a bigger smile than she'd worn in months, she stalked up upon the weakened, downed blonde. She had planned this for a long time, and had no shortage of tortures and humiliations in mind. Grabbing two handfuls of platinum blonde hair, she lifted Felicia's head once again off the ground.
    The pained, agonized, expression Felicia had plastered on her bloodied face alone made Mary Jane's nipples harden beyond anything she'd previously experienced. Positioning herself near her hated rival, she wrapped her legs around Felicia's head and applied a figure four head scissor. She flexed her newly muscled legs periodically, forcing the black masked heroine's face deeper into her crotch, and crushing her swollen face. Holding Felicia's hair firmly with one hand, she began rubbing her sensitive, bared breasts with the other; pulling, pinching, and tugging on her large, turgid, nipple insistantly. The feeling of this bitch's face pressed tightly in her crotch, the warm, ragged, breath escaping against her pussy as she fought for air, and the overall sense of dominance pushed her over the edge. "Ooooh... OOOOH! Felicia! No wonder you love this!" she cried out as she began to spasm, lightly at first then stronger and more frantically as her body was overcome with the singularly best orgasm she had ever experienced in her life. She was forced to release her headscissor, she really didn't have the composure to maintain it at the moment, as wet, sticky, fluid flooded out of her plump, puffy, mons, soaking her costumed midsection and Felicia's face. It wouldn't matter, Felicia was barely conscious at this point. There was no escape for the abused blonde as she gasped and choked for air.
    As she began to collect herself, MJ scanned the rooftop to make sure Selina was capturing this with the camera. The brunette from Gotham was setting the camera in a position where it would record the beating while leaving her free to participate.
    Crawling towards her prey, the redhead got close to Felicia's face. "It feels soooooooo good to be on the other side of this, bitch. Tell me, how does it feel to be the one who gets her face fucked, you used up whore?" the redhead whispered harshly, brushing her full red lips against Felicia's ears, pausing to give her a playful nibble. Felicia gazed up helplessly; her eyes where glazed over. She refused to give her tormentor any satisifaction, replying defiantly, "I've fucked your face, like, three times, why do you need to ask me? You could write the book on this shit, you lesbo skank."
    Felicia's ill timed reminder of her past defeats turned Mary Jane's face red with embarassement. Felicia tried to focus her eyes, her vision still blurred and playing tricks on her, "Embarassed, 'Mary-Plain'? Funny, you don't look so big now..."
    Felicia's last barb infuriated MJ, as she was revelling in her moment of ultimate triumph. She deftly swung her long, muscled, leg around and straddled the defeated blonde bimbo, dropping her firm, heartshaped ass heavily onto Felicia's stomach, elliciting an raspy gasp, "I told you I'd flatten your pitiful boobs one way or the other tonight, whore! You won't be titfucking my man with these fat sacks anymore, whore!"
    The enraged Mary Jane let lose a flurry of punches to Felicia's chest. Every blow carried the anger and fustration of the past few years of painful humiliation and stuggle. Felicia tried half heartedly to defend herself, but her hands were pulled out to the side and restrained by two strong, soft, hands. Selena had decided the time had come to get a piece of Felicia's humiliation for herself. The purple clad brunette looked down into her eyes with a cruel and condescendingly smile, while Mary Jane battered her swollen and bruising breasts around in every direction, "Strap yourself in, darling, you're in for a bumpy ride! I hope your airbags can take it," Selena laughed, relishing Felicia's tormented expression.
    Her initial rage and indignation wore off after a few minutes as Mary Jane regained her self control, and she began to strike with cruel efficiency, refining and calculating her blows for maximum effect. She aimed more at flattening them than simply punching them to the sides, using Felicia's swollen nipples to target the center of her breast. Felicia squirmed helpessly beneath the cruel red headed mistress, her breasts spilling around on her chest from side to side, as she arched her back with each blow,desperate to escape, but her efforts were futile. MJ sank her hands into her softening titflesh and squeezed as hard as she could, savoring the feeling of Felicia's firm flesh oozing through her stong fingers as she crushed the glands beneath her soft, firm, flesh. Felicia's back arched and she screamed out in pain. Long red nails dug into her breasts, drawing a small bit of blood.
    "Remember what you did to me in that warehouse? How you made me say all that shit about how much better you were? You beat the shit out of me while I was fucking tied up, helpless and unable to defend myself! Then you gave me a 'fair' fight wearing one of my bras when I could barely even stand, let alone defend myself," Mary Jane recounted through narrowed eyes, squeezing harder, crushing Felicia's turgid nipples under her palms.
    "All that's going to come back on you tonight. No more using my body to get you off. As a matter of fact I think I might just fuck you until the sun comes up. I'm the one in charge now! I'm the better, stronger, hotter woman now!" Mary Jane was alternatively kneading and squeezing Felicia's vunerable breasts, sending conflicting waves of passion and pain through her sensitive, battered and bruised, mammaries, while she rambled on, giving voice to her dementia, "Soon you'll be begging to tell me it was all untrue... that I'm the stronger and prettier super-bitch, and always have been. That Peter made a mistake when he left his hot, voluptuous wife who loved him for a skanky little sex-addict that doesn't even like him for himself, just the man he pretends to be."
    Mary Jane unclenched her talons from Felicia's beat up boobs, and began to trail them seductively over her body as she compared herself to Felicia, "Admit it Felicia. Admit that my firm ass is rounder and tighter than your flabby butt. That my hips are curvier and more shapely than your fat, dump, waist. That my legs are longer, more sculpted and sultry than your pitiful chicken legs. That my abs are stronger, more toned and sexier than your pudgy gut," Mary Jane paused in mid-rant and moaned slightly, pushing two of her fingers into her pussy through the constrictive spandex covering her swollen, steaming, mons, reveling in her dominance over her captive audience, "That my hot, sexy, pussy is wetter and tighter, and far more worthy of accepting Peter's manhood than your baggy, thick lipped, cunt. That I'm far more adept at bringing him pleasure than you are, because I know what he wants, and I care enough about him to give it to him, instead of thinking only of my own filthy needs, the way a selfish slut like you would."
    Mary Jane removed her fingers, a small, slimey, trail of fluid trailing off, which she rubbed into Felicia's hair. Selena laughed as Felicia tried to struggle, keeping her restrained. Mary Jane bent over and dangle her huge tits menacingly over Felicia's bloodied, cum soaked, face, giving her a close up look at her tanned, glistening, sweat soaked, orbs, before she continued, "Why don't you just give up the pretense, and admit to Selena, me, and most importantly yourself, that my big, full, firm, creamy, INTOXICATING, breasts put your flabby, saggy, depleted, sacks to shame. Why don't you make it easy on yourself, and beg me to kiss my powerful nipples if only I'll show you a little mercy," Mary Jane's voice trailed off, as she manuveured her menacing breasts over Felicia's face, teasingly tracing her nipples across the pretty features of Felicia's beaten face, lingering tentatively over her ruby red lips, as if waiting for Felicia to take her up on her offer of mercy.
    Felicia's tongue darted out to lick her dry, cracked, lips. She was in tremendous pain, and faced with a no win situation; salvation seemed to be hoovering teasingly above her, just one puckered lip away. She pursed her lips slightly, just barely touching Mary Jane's long, pink and puckered nipple, but quickly pulled back, biting her thick, juicy and swollen, bottom lip. As much as she hurt, she'd never give this crazy, demented, obsessive, bitch the satisfaction. She'd never conceed even the smallest bit of her dignity to this red-headed whore. She'd rather deal with the pain than lose any of her dignity to this Scarlet Bitch.
    Still, Mary Jane had felt the slight brush, and knew that Felicia was cracking. 'Just a little more...' she thought to herself with malicious glee, allowing herself a self satisfied smirk, before she yanked salvation away from Felicia. She was going to have fun finally breaking her, "You had your chance, you stubborn slut, but guess what, Felicia; it's not the time for mercy, it's time for justice! I'm going to give you what you gave me, paid back tenfold... but first let's really have some fun." Mary Jane mashed Felicia's swollen face helplessly between her huge, firm, triumphant, breasts, and shook them a little, rocking her head painfully back and forth with the impact of the heavy flesh against her throbbing face. When she finished, MJ looked up at Selina and nodded, giving her a knowing wink.
    They had talked this part over already, and both women were wet in the pants from excitement just thinking about it. Mary Jane slid off Felicia and with a little help from Selena, pulled and shook her into position on her feet. MJ slipped behind her and held her up in a full nelson, entangling her arms in Felicia's weakened appendages, and positioning her head next to Felicia's so she could taunt her while watching what was to come. Mary Jane's prodigious tits marshmellowed out as she mashed them into Felicia's aching back, her hard nipples digging into her scapula. Felicia hung limply in her arms, deprived of her strength. When she did lazily raise her head to see what was going on she instantly wished she hadn't.
    Selena had retrieved her bullwhip and eye'd her intently. Felicia's eyes went wide with terror at the thought of having her once beautiful, perfect, breasts further marred and lashed with the menacing, black, length of cured leather. Selina advanced on her slowly, cracking the whip regularly, to build the tension, smirking at Felicia, "Let's be far, darling, you know you had this coming," Her voice dripped with malicious intent.
    Suddenly red and blue strobe lights lit up the night sky from below them, and loud screetching sirens broke the still of the night. The police, alerted after Doctor Octopus' attack had spread debris all over the street below. Generally the local police would come fashionably late, hoping to avoid dealing with whatever super powered maniac that was destroying the city this week.
    "Hurry up and whip her damn it!" MJ cried out insistantly, thrusting her breasts into Felicia's sore back, and tightening her hold, forcing Felicia's face down into her own, sweaty, cleavage.

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    Re: BlackCat vs MJ/Catwoman Final ver. 11/28

    "Hon, I really don't care to spend my night behind bars trying to explain how I fit into YOUR little revenge fetish. If there's one thing I learned in Gotham, it's not to dally. We wait any longer and we are going to have a lot of cops to avoid to get out of here. I'm game for that, but are you?" Selina questioned with mock politeness, as she examined her sharp, talon like nails. She enjoyed the oppurtunity to put her partner in her place by pointing out her inexperience in dealing with the law and making impromptu getaways.
    Mary Jane contemplated this for a moment. She whipped her entire body to the side, tossing Felicia aside violently, like so much trash. "Fine. But not without the camera," she grudgingly concented.
    Mary Jane retrieved the camera and returned to tower over Felicia, who was still laid out prone and helpless on the ground. "When Pete gets back, we are going to watch this over and over while we fuck each others brains out. He's going to see that I really am better than you, first on TV, then in bed. Think on that after you hobble back to your little hidey hole tonight, bitch." MJ couldn't help herself, grabbing herself one final bit of satisfaction, she kicked Felicia one last time in the tit, letting the sharp toe of her boots linger against her nipple, before dashing to the stairwell to meet Selena, as Felicia closed her eyes and rested her head on the ground.
    Felicia struggled to her feet after a few minutes of unconciousness. Her broken ribs burned painfully. Her face was swollen and blood spurted out of her nose when she exhaled. Her chest was a bruised and swollen mess, streaked red with the blood from where Mary Jane's nails had dug in. The puffy mound of her crotch was throbbing insistantly. She stumbled towards the fire escape, her thoughts already turning towards revenge. First against her former 'friend', Selina Kyle. Then again Mary Jane Watson. Jackpot. Her enemy.
    She had come to the iron clad decision that whatever happened, the next fight would be their last.
    Mary Jane's revenge had been served cold; Felicia's would be served hot, like a fiery inferno.
    Felicia used the fire escape to avoid a confrontation with the police. The pain she was in wouldn't compare to the humiliation she'd feel if tonight were documented in a police report. No, no one could know about this, especially Peter. She touched down on the street on shaky legs, stumbling off down the alley way. She needed to weave her way through the city, avoiding as many people as possible.
    A black cat knocked over a empty trash can and ran across the alley in front of her; the irony was not lost on Felicia. That's when she felt it; Felicia was a professional thief, and trained to be aware of her surroundings; she felt something ominous and unfamiliar in the alley. Her sharp eyes darted around looking for anything that might be out of place, when she saw it.
    Ahead of her, a dark figure stood leaning against the wall. She paused; in her current condition even a common mugger would easily have his way with her. On closer inspection she realized it was just one of the many homeless people that scratched out a living in this part of the city. He was typically tattermadelion, wrapped in a filthy scarf and a patchwork trenchcoat, dirty and worn fingerless gloves warmed his boney hands. His hair was long and greasy; unwashed for years, most probably; he had a thin, drawn, face marked by a long, hawk-like nose, that matched his gaunt figure.
    He made no threatening movements and didn't bar her way; Felicia chose to ignore him if he chose to ignore her. As she attempted to slink past, he flashed her a disturbing, broken toothed, grin; his thin lips parting to reveal jagged, shark-like, teeth, that came to threatening points no human mouth could have possessed. It was a wicked smile, full of malicious intent. Despite her bloodied nose, which tainted her every intact of breath with the iron smell of her own blood, Felicia detected the faint, foul and acidic, odor of burning brimstone.
    "Looks like you had an unfortunate night, young Miss," The homeless man said in a raspy voice that seemed to come from somewhere other than his mouth; a cancerous, sickly weeze emanating from black lungs, "I do so love this part of the City. So many delicious flavors. Lust, envy, pride, and most deliousiously wraith... so much wraith! Your little altercation tonight was especially satisfying. Let us do away with any pretense, we both know few people are what they seem. Women move like Cats, men scurry like Spiders. I assume I need not postulate more?" He sprang to his feet with suprising energy, becoming animated; Felicia noticed that he wore no shoes, and despite the dampness of night, the ground was dry where he stood.
    Felicia stood stunned and bewildered; and a bit threatened. This was no vagrant; his speech and manner did not match his lowly visage, "What do you want from me?" She asked warily, a slight tremble in her voice. The gaze of his beady, sick and yellowed, little eyes held her in place; there was a slight glint in them; flashing as they caught the moonlight.
    "What could I ask for that has not already been provided me? A chance to disrupt the happiness of two young lovers? To punish a man for his good intentions by throwing his life into disarray? To rebuild a fallen star, and then destroy her fragile happiness, like so much stained glass? To freely sow chaos, and reap violence and misery? All that and more you have already served me; piping hot and with a nice kianti," His hands moved theatrically as he talked, like a Carnival barker trying to sell her on some miraculous potion; his words and actions were filled with wry and devilishly humor, "And yet I find myself not unwilling to let it all go. The flames of your rivals hatred still keep me warm on even the coldest of nights; she gave up much to gain power, you know. I wonder... what would you give for the same?" His beady eyes narrowed, as he cocked his head to the side juantily and slide up close to Felicia, questioning her.
    Felicia felt a chill run through her, from head to toe; the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end, much like those of her name sake when it felt threatened. Felicia had an inkling as to who she was talking to. She had reasoned out enough to come to the desision that making a deal or accepting help from the Mysterious Stranger would only end in disaster; or damnation. "I'm going to handle that cunt on my own. I don't know what you did to her, but it doesn't matter. That bitch is dead." Any fear she had was was pushed back and overshadowed by the intense, burning hatred she felt for Mary Jane at that moment.
    "Ah, well, consider this a gift then; from me to you. A small boon to ensure these events continue as I have ordained. To ensure all this vicious circle of violence and vengeance continues to feed me to bloating fullness; for I am a glutton and gourmet, you see, and never have I tasted a rivalry as sweet as yours and hers," he mused, bowing with flambouyant zeal, before a long, thin tongue darted out to like his lips. He continued, all pretense having fallen away, serious now, "Your 'friend's' new body is not without limits. Her power does not come from a bottomless well. There is a proverb that states nothing I give is without strings. Pride; being one of the most delicious and conceited of sins; holds influence over her; as the Moon pushes and pulls the flow and ebb of Ocean's tide. I gave her what she so desperately desired; the power that confidence brings. Take that from what you will. Now if you'll excuse me, I have other affairs to attend to. Deals to be made, and debts to collect on. Adieu, fair Lady," Without giving her a chance to reply, the odd stranger breaks into a whistle and walks off down the alley, his hollow footsteps slowly fading into the misty night. Felicia wasn't entirely sure what to make of his cryptic words, but decided she'd have they were worth investigating. A war is fought on intelligence; and this was a war Felicia intended to win.



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    Re: BlackCat vs MJ/Catwoman Final ver. 11/28

    Red & Fore? A brilliant story! As beloved a duo as Laurel and Hardy, Abbott and Costello, Butch and Sundance, Captain and Tenille, Rocky and Bullwinkle, Hansel and Gretel, Lewis and Clark, Penn and Tellar, Laverne and Shirley, Mary and Joseph, Bert and Ernie, Jack and Jill, Bonnie and Clyde, Beavis and Butthead, Bill and Hillary, Ricky and Lucy, and Romeo and Juliet combined.

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    Re: BlackCat vs MJ/Catwoman Final ver. 11/28

    You forgot Batman and Robin, Crichton and Dargo, Einstein and Rosen, Claremont and Byrne, Rosencrantz and Gildenstein, Peter Sellers and... Peter Sellers, Peanut Butter and Chocolate, etc etc. ^_^

    Seriously, though, thanks! It's all RedhotRash; the dude's a phenom, an idea machine. This stuff is effortless to him.

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    Re: BlackCat vs MJ/Catwoman Final ver. 11/28

    As long as we avoided the Peppermint Patty and Marcy comparison. Something just wasnt right with those two. Might make a good story....

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    Re: BlackCat vs MJ/Catwoman Final ver. 11/28

    This is an Outstanding effort to say the least. While I loved the original Chapter 9, this revision adds depth, detail and a little more eroticism. Collectively, you and Foreshadow did a great editing job. I know how hard it is to write a story having tried it many times so I appreciate the difficulty of having a story come together. Keep up the good work. Your story line is getting very interesting now that MJ and Black Cat are on equal footing. No doubt, BC will heal and then redeem herself when MJ least expects it and I'm sure she will plan it so that Peter is present to witness the festivities. But, before that, she must put that other Kitty in her place which may not be an easy task as witnessed by their first encouter. My suggestion is that BC get some backup soon so that she is not double or triple teamed in the future. We want nothing more than a fair fight.

  10. #10
    Senior Hostboard Member ForeShadow's Avatar
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    Re: BlackCat vs MJ/Catwoman Final ver. 11/28

    I'm a little surprised by the lack of feedback across three boards on this story, given the number of views it's gotten, and I know that CrimsonRash is as well, so I'm going to throw it out there: what did people think about this?

    Did you like it? If so, what did you like? If it wasn't your thing, what was it you didn't like? Is there anything you thought was missing? What would you like to see in future stories (not specifically characters, but actual content; more sex, more violence, more plot, less plot, more buildup, less buildup, more character development, less character development...), etc etc.

    Seriously, I'd like to get a wider range of opinions to help streamline and tailor this story to have wide appeal. The first and forthmost audience I'm trying to please is CrimsonRash, who has a specific aesthetic as the originator of this content, and secondly, myself, as I have certain things I want to see explored and developed, which is why I offered my services to him. But you always want to please a large portion of the audience as well; these stories are displayed in a public forum for wide exposure, so other peoples opinions are an important part of the process; within reason. Everyone's opinions will be carefully considered and kept in mind in future projects; but only if they're voiced.

    So, please, feel free to speak your mind, positive or negative; all critism, as long as it's constructive, is more than welcome.

    Thank you.

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