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Thread: The Event -2

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    Inactive Member Steve03's Avatar
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    The Event -2

    The Event ? pt.2
    By: C

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    Darren says,? Our next Match is between teens who have known one another since birth. They have lived next door to each other their entire lives. They are and have been classmates since 1st Grade. Madison will face Jon. Madison is 14 years old; 5?1? and weighs105 pounds.? Madison?s chestnut hair in an innocent ponytail and her bright brown eyes drench in the admiration as she goes down the aisle. She enters the Ring; acknowledges the crowd; goes to her corner and stretches. Darren continues,? Jon is: 14 years old; 5?4? and weighs 130 pounds.? Jon glares at Madison with his grey eyes as he approaches the Ring; enters the Ring and goes to his corner. Their parents watch with pride as their kids continue their own rivalry. Delores summons them both to the center of the Ring; reviews the rules and consequences; positions them and shouts,? WRESTLE!?
    Jon and Madison shake hands before getting down to business. Jon lunges at Madison. Madison steps out of the way; delivers a chop across the back of his neck. Jon lands face first on the mat. She delivers an Elbow Drop across the back of his neck. Jon writhes from the maneuver. She stands and drives a second elbow into the back of his neck. Her parents lead the cheers for their daughter while Jon?s parents look sullen. Madison administers a complete Body Stomp for several minutes until Jon?s cries become whimpers and his motions turn into involuntary twitches. Madison?s Mother shouts encouragement and advice. The Arena crowd is shocked by Madison?s quick start. Madison knows she can?t let up and must keep up the pressure. The self-defense class she has been taking stresses this point. Madison pulls the dazed boy to his feet; grabs his briefs; lifts him in the air; lets him rebound off the ropes; executing a perfect Slingshot Suplex which adds force to the maneuver. Jon slams into the mat with authority. The impact sends Jon to the edge of consciousness! Except for Jon?s initial attack; he has been on the bad end of a butt kicking. Five minutes into their Match; Madison controls the Match. Madison quickly administers a second Slingshot Suplex knocking all remaining consciousness from Jon. Jon lays motionless; spread eagled; breathing shallow; moaning softly with an erection. Madison smiles at her duel effect on Jon. Most in the Arena gets behind Madison and shout for more violence and humiliation for Jon. Madison gets caught up in the moment. She carries Jon to a corner; sits him on the middle turnbuckle; secures his arms to the top rope with her top and the top of her Second which creates many catcalls; places his legs on the middle rope exposing his vulnerable genitals and delivers a vicious knee. The crowd cheers and screams for more. Madison obliges them by sending a second knee that finds its mark. A barely conscious Jon lets out a primal scream that silences everyone in the Arena. Jon screams his submission only to be reminded by Delores that he still has his briefs on and his submission doesn?t count. He wails in agony. Madison looks like a lioness surveying her prey. She sends a 3rd knee into his balls which increases his pain and ultimate humiliation as he begs for mercy from Madison. Seeing that he is trapped, helpless and beaten; Madison decides to really punish Jon. She reaches into his briefs and applies a Genital Claw which has Jon screaming louder in volume and in pitch. Her fingernails dig deep into his ball sack as her face smile sweetly into his. Blood begins trickling down his leg as he battles impotently to escape. She kisses his forehead as she increases the pressure. Jon?s Dad cringes as memories of Madison?s Mom applying the same hold on him are burned into his brain. Gerald had fought Gloria several times and been defeated badly each time. His wife enjoys her Husband being humiliated and has turned him into quite a cocksucker. Gloria shouts instructions to her Daughter as she stares and smiles at Gerald. (Jon?s Dad) Madison removes her bloody hand from his briefs and makes Jon lick her hand clean. Many in the Arena including the Boy Scout cheering section reach orgasm at the sight of Madison?s dominance. Madison releases Jon?s wrists. Jon falls to the mat in a heap; cries loudly from the abuse; clutches himself to relieve the pain and stop the bleeding. Madison has Jon take his own briefs off; masturbate to show his submission and respect; eat his cum as his blood drips on the mat.
    Jon kisses Madison?s thong covered pussy as Delores raises Madison?s hand in victory. Madison?s Mother looks at Jon?s Dad and mouths,? LATER!? Gerald merely shakes his head knowing he will be suffering tonight while Francine (his Wife) watches as Gloria has her way. Madison leads Jon from the Ring by his bleeding cock. She leads him up the aisle and into a Punishment Room where she plans to try some techniques involving electricity her Mother suggested. Darren says,? The Winner of the Match is Madison! The Boy & Girl Scouts are tied 3-3! The next Match will begin in 30 minutes.

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    Inactive Member Steve03's Avatar
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    Re: The Event -2

    Darren says,? Our next Match is between Amber and Phil. They too have been classmates for all their school lives. Their parents have been friends for most of their lives. Their Mothers have been in our Self-Defense Class for 15 years. Both ladies are among our top competitors. It is interesting to see how their kids will faire. Representing the Girl Scouts is Amber. She is 15 years old; 5?2? and weighs 110 pounds. ?Amber struts down the aisle; kissing family and friends; enters the Ring; waves to the crowd and goes to her corner. Darren continues,? Representing the Boy Scouts is Phil. He is 15 years old; 5?5? and weighs 145 pounds.? Phil comes down the aisle glaring at Amber. His plan for her complete destruction is written on his face. Phil notices how cute she is and how sexy she looks. He enters the Ring; stares at Amber; goes to his corner and begins to stretch. His hard-on reveals his true feelings towards his opponent. Leona ? Phil?s Mother ? laments her Son?s weakness. Jacki ?Amber?s Mother ?laughs. After the last Match; the tone of the competition has taken a more serious bent. Leona fears Phil will not take Amber seriously. Jacki is confident of her Daughter?s training and focus. There is tenseness and a Real desire for carnage throughout the Arena. The competitors especially feel the pressure. Delores calls them both to the center of the Ring; reviews the rules; positions them and shouts,?WRESTLE!?
    As both teens reach into lock up in a Collar & Elbow; Phil pushes Amber into the ropes; bends her body over the top rope; keeps her immobile with his forearm while driving punch after punch into her stomach. Phil removes his forearm. Amber falls to the mat. Phil pulls Amber to his feet by her hair. Phil tosses Amber across the Ring by her hair which causes many to gasp at the brutality of the maneuver. Amber bounces off the mat twice before slamming into the turnbuckle. Phil grabs the back of Amber?s hair and slams her face several times into the turnbuckle. Amber lies moaning; head throbbing; knot developing; unable to gather her thoughts with her head slumped on the second rope. Phil pulls a shaky Amber to her feet. He delivers a chop across her throat. Amber drops to the mat. As Phil begins to pull Amber to her feet; Amber dives her fist into his package! Phil looks shocked as he drops to the mat clutching himself. He bellows in agony as he writhes on the mat. As Phil gets to his knees; Amber delivers a Spin Kick to the temple which leaves Phil lying facedown on the mat ?barely moving! Amber sits on his back; grabs the back of his head and rubs his face into the mat. Phil screams as his forehead splits. Amber pulls Phil to a corner where she slams his head several times into the 2nd turnbuckle. Amber pulls the bleeding boy to his feet; leans him against the turnbuckle and Monkey Flips him from the corner. Phil lands in the middle of the Ring. He lies moaning as his back throbs. Amber lets Phil get to his feet. He stands swaying with blood running into his eyes and down his face .Amber catches Phil with a Front Snap Kick to the groin. Phil drops to his knees. Amber follows up by grabbing his ears; slams her knee into his bleeding head several times until Phil was stunned looking blankly at nothing . Amber releases Phil?s ears. Phil falls face-first to the mat. Amber jumps in the air and delivers a Double Kneedrop to the small of Phil?s back. Sharp pain shoots up and down his spine as he releases a silent scream. Amber screams loudly while grabbing the back of his hair and slamming his face into the mat opening up the gash even more. Phil lies barely conscious; moaning; bleeding from his nose and forehead. Amber pulls Phil to his feet; surprises everyone by positioning him; lifting Phil into the air and executes an Atomic Drop. Phil?s howls of agony fill the room as he lies writhing on the mat. Everyone in the Arena applauds the maneuver. Leona shakes her head and murmurs to herself,? He?s got to learn.? Amber begins stomping Phil?s head and body for several minutes. Everyone in the Girl Scout Cheering Section cheer after each scream of pain. Amber pulls the crying, pain-racked boy to his feet. Amber pushes him into a corner; holds him firmly against the turnbuckles; kisses him deeply while driving her knee several times into his groin. Phil slides down the turnbuckle; clutching his package and crying from the intense pain. Amber pulls Phil to his feet; walks him out to the center of the Ring; positions him and executes a Piledriver. His head hits the mat with authority. All consciousness leaves the teen. Amber removes his briefs; applies a matchbook pin and begins ?jerking? him off. She points his cock at his face allowing him to shoot his cum into his face. Amber forces some of it into his mouth. Amber stands with Delores raising her hand high into the air. Everyone in the Arena stands and cheers her dominance - including Leona. The exception is the Boy Scout Cheering Section. They are very solemn as Delores revives Phil. His entire body is still consumed with pain; blood running down his face as Delores helps Phil to his knees to pay respect to the victor. Phil kisses Amber?s thong-covered pussy with cum in his eyes, nose and mouth and tears in his eyes. Amber exacerbates his humiliation by placing a glob of cum on her finger and feeding Phil to the delight of the crowd. She grabs the back of his hair and uses it like a leash. Phil gets on all fours; barks like a dog and is led around the Ring. Amber makes a couple of laps before kicking him to the mat. He writhes on the mat from the pain and humiliation. Amber pulls Phil to his feet by his hair; grabs his cock; leads him from the Ring; up the aisle clawing his cock and into a Punishment Room. By agreement between the Mothers; Phil will go home with Jacki & Amber for the weekend for further punishment. He will wear only a white Terry Cloth Robe. His clothing will become Amber?s prize. Darren says.? The Winner of the Match by sexual submission is Amber. The Girl Scouts lead 4-3.? The Girl Scout Cheering Section applauds loudly over passing the Boy Scouts. Darren continues,? There will be a 30 minute Intermission before our next Match!?

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    Re: The Event -2

    Carrie?s Mother (Jessica) & Nick?s Father (Barry) sit together to watch the Match. They have fought each other 9 times over the last 3 years. Jessica has the definite edge with 7 wins. Both are divorced and have been dating for 6 months. Their kids like the other?s parent and each other. Carrie and Nick have been secretly fucking each other for a couple of months. Jessica suspects but keeps it to herself. Carrie and Nick
    decide between themselves that the Winner of their Match will have the final say in their relationship which they both want to become more visible. Darren says,? Our 1st combatant representing the Girl Scouts is Carrie. She is: 16 years old; 5?4?; weighs 120 pounds with measurements of33B-22-33.? With deep blue eyes and glowing blonde hair; she makes her way to the Ring. She enters the Ring and goes to her corner. Carrie begins to stretch in a provocative manner which has nay in the Arena watching intently. Darren continues,? Her opponent representing the Boy Scouts Nick. He is: 16 years old; 5?6?; 140 pounds with a 7? package. ?Nick had been watching Carrie intently like everyone else and had a full boner. People laugh as he walks down the aisle. Nick blushes as he enters the Ring. His green eyes dance as he acknowledges the fans. Carrie grins at him as she notices his erection. Nick looks away and goes to his corner. Delores calls both wrestlers to the center of the Ring; reviews the rules & consequences; positions them and shouts,?WRESTLE!?
    To the surprise of everyone; they hug and kiss before circling. Nick & Carrie lock up in a Collar & Elbow. They struggle against one another trying to gain the advantage. Finally Nick pushes Carrie into a corner. Rick releases Carrie and returns to the middle of the Ring to begin again. They lock up in a second Collar & Elbow; Nick pushes into a corner again and gives her a kiss - which has her blushing - before returning to the middle of the Ring with his cock at full erection. They lock up. Carrie slips behind him; lifts him in the air in a Reverse Bear Hug and executes on Over-the Head Suplex. Nick?s head slams into mat; stunning the boy and causing pain to undulate throughout his head. Carrie pulls Nick to his feet; delivers a chop across his throat sending Nick to the mat. Nick hits the mat; gasping from the attack and looking shocked. Carrie picks Nick and sends him into ropes. As Nick richochets off the ropes; he is caught by a Clothes line which sends him back to the mat. Carrie gives Nick a complete Body Stomping which has Nick crying and bellowing in pain from the effective stomping. Nick lies on the mat trying to get his bearings when Carrie administers a Leg Drop across his throat. Nick clutches his throat and gasps for air. Carrie seems to have the better of Nick. She pulls him to his feet and administers a DDT which leaves Nick motionless. Carrie blows him a kiss; pulls Nick to his feet; Arm Drag is reversed sending Carrie into the rope. As Carrie rebounds off the ropes; she is caught by a Spin Kick which sends Carrie to the mat. Carrie lies knocked silly; staring blankly at the overhead lights; moaning from the pain and trying desperately to catch her breath. Nick easily brings Carrie to her feet by her long blonde hair. Nick sends her into the ropes a second time; catches Carrie across the throat with another Spin Kick sending her back to the mat ? barely conscious. Nick delivers a devastating Knee Drop across her neck. She lets out a squeal from the impact as her body twitches from the pain going up and down her spine. Nick lifts a pliable Carrie to her feet; sends her into the rope and apples a Sleeper as she rebounds off the ropes. Nick has Carrie in the center of the Ring. Carrie struggles to escape as Nick cinches the Sleeper in. The crowd cheers as Carrie drops to her knees and her eyes close. Her hands beat futilely against Nick?s arm. Everyone in the Arena becomes silent as Carrie loses consciousness. When it is apparent she is at the brink of unconsciousness; Nick releases the hold. Nick strips Carrie; sits on her face; gently sticks three fingers in Carrie?s pussy and begins to masturbate Carrie. Carrie?s body begins to respond as Delores bends down for a closer look. After only a couple minutes; Carrie reaches orgasm. Jessica looks at Barry and says,? It looks like I must teach Carrie myself. It also appears I must have a Match with Nick to show him who is in charge!? Suddenly ? Nick lays Carrie gently to the mat and begins to fuck her. Delores looks bemused as Nick and Carrie becomes completely distracted. Many in the Arena begin to chant as Nick reaches orgasm. He shoots a massive load into Carrie. When Nick has completed; he lies down on the mat; pulls Carrie on top of him and begins to eat the cum from her pussy. Nick likes the taste of their inter -mingled sexual fluids. Carrie has several more orgasms as Nick aggressively eats her out. The ladies in the audience appreciate Nick?s attentiveness to detail. Jessica says,? He looks like he has an experienced tongue ? like his Dad.? Jessica looks coyly at Barry. Barry looks at the floor embarrassed. Nick stands and lifts Carrie in his arms. He carries her from the Ring; up the aisle and into a Punishment Room which many suspect will be an extended lovemaking session instead of a punishment session.

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    Re: The Event -2

    Darren says, ?That last Match was unique. Nick wins the Match. The Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts are even at 4 ALL!? The spectators in the Arena cheer. Both cheering sections shout loudly for the Final Match! Darren says our Final Match is between the Scout Leaders for both groups. Although they date from time to time; neither has seen the other for 60 days. Our 1st Combatant representing the Girl Scouts is Carol. She is 37 years old; 5?7?; weighs 130 pounds with measurements of 35C -21-34. She walks down the aisle with everyone ogling her. Carol?s body is ripped; arms feminine but as hard as steel cables; legs like her arms; very little body fat and a bright contagious smile. Carol has been working out as well as taking .Self -Defense Class. Carol enters the Ring; acknowledges the fans of the Girl Scouts; goes to her corner and begins to stretch. Darren continues,? Carol?s opponent representing the Boy Scouts is Bill. He is: 37 years old; 5?11?; weighs 160 pounds with a 7? package. Bill walks down the aisle shocked; intimidated and aroused by Carol?s physical transformation. He is in good shape with very little body fat but suspects she is stronger. Bill enters the Ring; stares at a provocative stretch by Carol and goes to his corner. Everyone knows that this Match will decide the Tournament. Delores calls them out to the center of the Ring; reviews the rules and consequences; positions and shouts,?WRESTLE!?
    Both come out to do battle. They both have serious looks from concentration. Both show signs of arousal. His cock is rock hard as is Carol?s nipples. They lock up in a Collar & Elbow. Carol pushes Bill into the ropes; pushes his head over the top ropes and delivers a massive chop. Bill drops to his knees gasping for air and clutching his throat. Carol pulls Bill to his feet and delivers a second chop across his throat. Bill falls to the mat; spittle running out the corners of his mouth; gasping for any breath with his head consumed by pain. Inflicting pain upon Bill seems to make her ?wet?! She really likes him- loves him - but really enjoys watching him in pain. It has been difficult not communicating with him for the last 60 days. She is surprised over her desire to dominate him. Carol picks Bill up only to be caught with an uppercut to her pussy. Carol seems shocked by his maneuver as she drops to her knees clutching her womanhood. Bill follows -up with a right cross to her beautiful face. Carol falls to the mat in agony from the fire in her pussy and the punch to her jaw. Bill lifts Carol to her feet. She catches him with a knee to his groin. Bill drops to his knees from the blow. He howls from the pain which acts as a stimulate to Carol. Carol delivers a right-left combination which sends Bill to the mat barely conscious. Carol delivers a Double Kneedrop across his neck. Bill?s cries fill the Arena as many shout encouragement and advise to the wrestlers. Carol pulls Bill to his feet. She attempts a Suplex which he blocks. Bill Suplex Carol to the mat which causes her to arch her back from the pain. Bill delivers a Kneedrop across Carol?s face. Carol clutches her face and cries from the impact. Strangely; unexpectedly; Bill feels pleasure over hurting Carol and like Carol ? aroused! Bill pulls Carol to her feet; positions her and executes an Atomic Drop. His knee drives into Carol?s pussy sending waves of pain throughout her body. Carol lies on the mat clutching her self; writhing in pain and howling in agony. Bill grabs Carol by her hair; begins pulling her to her feet when Carol reaches into Bill?s briefs and begins mauling his package. The Arena is silent as Bill releases her hair and begins trying to loosen her grip on his cock and balls. His unearthly screams fill the room. The supporter of the Girl Scouts cheers loudly over the change of events. They shout suggestions to further punish and humiliate Bill. Blood begins to seep from his ball sack as her fingernails dig in! Blood begins trickling down his leg which brings a smile to Carol?s face and brings forth her second orgasm. A look of desperation appears on Bill?s face as Bill is unable to budge her iron grip. Carol knows the Match is hers as Bill is more intent to remove his briefs than defeat her. Carol easily prevents Bill?s feeble efforts to remove his briefs as laughs abound throughout the Arena. Carol easily forces Bill to his feet by retaining her firm grip on his bloody balls. She forces him into a corner She shoots a jab of her own that land. Carol double jabs to Bill?s head and lands a big punch to his lower abdomen. Bill gasps for breath and falls to his hands and knees. Carol then kicks him in his side as hard as she can. As her foot crashes into his side Bill; is flipped in the air and lands on his back. Carol pulls him to his feet; her first two punches send Bill back to the corner on wobbly legs. Carol shows no mercy she charges Bill. Using her forearm under his chin she holds him up as she smashes punch after punch into his belly. Carol drives her knee into Bill's lower abdomen and groin. Bill's eyes close; his arms fall to his side; the only thing holding him up is Carol?s arm under his chin. Delores backs Carol off as she revives Bill. Bill is a mess. He has two black eyes with one swollen shut; both lips are bleeding profusely; blood coming from cuts on both cheeks and his ball sack is bleeding, mangled with fingernail scrapes on his penis. As Delores helps Bill to stand; he tries to remove his briefs to submit which Carol calls ? foul! Delores tells Bill he must engage with Carol before he can remove his briefs. Bill begs Carol to let him remove his clothes and submit. Carol casts a malevolent smile and shakes her head ?NO! Bill grimaces as Carol delivers an uppercut to his stomach. Carol suddenly hip tosses Bill to the middle of the Ring; straddles him as he arches his back in pain; roughly sits down trapping his arms to his sides; traps his face between her thighs and applies a Face Claw!
    Carol braces her ?claw hand? with her other hand; digs her fingernails into Bill?s temple; the pressure on his forehead tears at the skin; pain greater than a migraine inundates his entire head as Bill?s impotent screams fill the Arena. The Girl Scout cheering Section is ecstatic while the Boy Scout Cheering Section glumly looks on as Bill writhes on the mat; crying in pain and humiliation; desperately trying to remove his briefs so his submission will count. Carol amps up the pressure. After several minutes; blood begins trickling down his face from Carol?s fingernails digging deep into Bill?s temple; massive pain bounces off the inner walls of Bill?s skull as his skin on his forehead begins separating ?creating a gash. Blood flows from the gash with eight streams of blood flowing down the sides of his head. Blood from the gash flows down his face; blinding his sight; entering his mouth causing Bill to begin choking on his own blood. Bill becomes light-headed from the loss of blood. His moans become less and less until he loses consciousness. Carol stands with her bloody raised high into the air. Carol removes Bill?s bloody briefs and holds them high in the air to the delight of everyone except the fans of the Boy Scouts. Bill lies unconscious ; bleeding profusely from Bill?s head and balls; an occasional involuntary twitch from Bill?s various muscles groups ; moaning from the pain permeating his body ; to his humiliation; despite his condition; sporting a full erection in spite of blood running off his penis due to deep fingernail marks. Carol looks down pleased at her work; straddles Bill; sits on his face and begins milking Bill?s damaged penis. Bill slowly regains consciousness but can?t prevent his response to Carol?s expert technique. To delight and fascination of all; Bill shoots his cum high into the air. His cum (blood & sexual fluid) shoots a couple of feet in the air which she feeds Bill to further humiliate him. Carol stands; straddling his defeated foe; shoots her hand high in the air in victory and moves to her corner. A stretcher is brought into the Ring by Ring Attendants; Bill is loaded on the stretcher; taken up the aisle to the Infirmary for treatment before taken to the Punishment Room. Darren says,? The Winner of the Final Match is Carol. The Winner of the Tournament is the Girl Scouts 5-4! Based on agreements between both groups ; the punishment session of Bill will be shown on various closed-circuit 72? HD monitors placed in the Ring and through-out the Arena.
    Carol goes to the Punishment Room to prepare things for the re-education of Bill. It takes a full hour for Bill to be treated to be in condition to endure an intensive punishment session. Bill is brought into the Punishment Room by two Ring Attendants. Carol takes control of Bill; thanks the Attendants and closes the door. Bill forehead; cuts on his cheeks and ball sack has numerous stitches. Both of Bill?s eyes are swollen shut. His lips are swollen with dried blood. Many bruises cover his body. Bill has a neck brace to prevent further damage. He is filled with pain-killers. There is another man in the room. The man is Carol?s younger brother. Derrick is: 32 years old; 6?3? weighs 210 pounds with a 9? package. He is dressed in only a yellow cotton bikini brief. Carol had been sparing against her brother for the last month. She has won 25% of their battles despite their size differential. Carol had won their last 3 matches. Derrick has a rock hard erection; waiting for his part to make Bill his Bitch. Derrick is not homo-sexual but enjoys making men his ?playthings? and denigrating them. Carol has had sex with Derrick since they were teenagers. They had retained their relationship during both of their 1st marriages. Carol had become addicted to his cock mastery. Her desire is to put Bill under his spell in with his scouts viewing the process which will humiliate Bill. She plans on keeping her 12? dildo in one of Bill?s orifices while her brother fills another. Derrick takes the naked man and attaches him to a ?Suspended Rack? with all areas of Bill?s body accessible and vulnerable. Carol picks up a ?cat-of-nine tails? and begins tenderizing Bill by delivering blow after blow. Bill screams the pain. Each mark creates a streak with blood running from several strikes. Derrick removes his briefs; gets behind Bill; puts some lubricant on Bill?s ass & his cock; gradually works his cock in as Derrick kisses Bill?s neck while Carol gives Bill a deep, soulful kiss. Bill responds and enters Carol as Derrick rams his cock into Bill - all 9?- ram into Bill?s prostate. Bill sighs and fucks Carol harder. Bill has forgotten he is being viewed by his Troup and their families. He likes the feel of Derrick up his ass and his cock in Carol. Bill sighs contently as Derrick passionately kisses Bill?s neck. Bill cums inside Carol. She climaxes soon afterwards. Derrick shoots a massive load into Bill?s ?pussy?. Carol lowers the ?Suspended Rack? until it is in a position where Carol climbs on top of Bill ; lowers her pussy onto his mouth and commands,? Eat Me-NOW!? Bill proceeds to eat their co-mingled sexual fluid out of her pussy. While he is doing so Derrick?s cum drips out of his ass. Derrick cleans his cock off and becomes hard a second time. When Carol is satisfied that Bill has cleaned her out; she stands and removes herself from Bill. Derrick immediately begins ?Face- Fucking? Bill. Bill chokes on Derricks cock but ?soldiers on? to properly handle Derrick?s cock. Many in the Boy Scout Section sob at the sight. Many in the Girl Scout Section cheer and laugh at the Boy Scout Leader?s humiliation. Derrick shoots another massive load of cum down Bill?s throat with some of the cum running out the corner of Bill?s mouth which Carol shovels back into his mouth. Derrick releases Bill from the Rack and leaves the room. Carol is sitting in a chair. She motions for Bill to lay across her lap. He rises off the Rack; walks to the chair; lays across Carol?s lap where she holds him down while delivering a fast and effective paddling. Bill sobs which evokes much laughter in the Arena. After she has completed the paddling; she sticks the 10? phallic ?shaped handle up his ass. She works the Dildo like a Maestro conducting a symphony. Carol makes Bill cum several times; eating his release and begging for more. She tosses him to the floor; inserts a 12? Double-sided Dildo inside herself; command Bill to insert himself on the other as she begins to fuck Bill. People in the Arena looked shocked as he goes up and down on her ?cock?. Bill goes up and down on Carol?s ?cock? with gusto causing many in the Arena to make disparaging remarks. Bill shows he likes it up the ass as he responds to Carol?s seductive talk. Carol proves she is more of a ?Cocksman? than Bill by not only controlling her reactions but Bill?s too! She brings Bill to the edge of orgasm and backs off several times causing him to beg for it which astounds many in the Arena. Carol is proving she is more man or woman than he is. Derrick re-enters the room with a sign he paces around Bill?s neck before engaging in another ?face-fucking?! While Carol is administering a humiliating fucking; her brother is administering a second prolong face-fucking. The sign ?Cocksucker? around Bill?s neck flops back and forth as he ?deep throats ?Derrick! The people in the Boy Scout section look shamed and despondent over Bill?s behavior. The people in the Girl Scout Section laugh raucously over Carol?s control. As a final humiliation; Carol attaches battery cables from a battery to Bill?s nipples as Derrick handcuffs and ankle cuffs Bill to prevent escape. Carol shocks Bill which has him peeing on the floor. She shocks him a second time which causes him to shit. Carol shocks him a 3rd time which knocks him unconscious. Everyone in the Arena cheer. The sound of approval is piped into the Punishment Room. Carol takes a bow; asks Derrick to throw Bill into her back seat and leave the cuffs.
    Carol leaves the Punishment Room to clean-up and continue her re-education of Bill.
    Darren says,? As our Final Act of the Tournament; The 100 family and friends of the Boy Scouts will surrender their attire to the 100 family and friends of the Girl Scouts and kiss their underwear-covered genitals as a sign of respect. In groups of 10; they enter the Ring. The men and boys surrender their briefs while the women and girls of the Boy Scouts surrender their bras and thongs to the victors. They kiss the genitals of the winner and return to their seats. The demoralized ?now nude ? Boy Scout friends and family walk up the aisle ?single file ; into a large room where a fire hose is turned on them ; knocking many to the floor and forced to acknowledge the superiority of the Girl Scouts. They are then escorted to the parking lot to find their vehicles and drive away.

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