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Thread: Something a little worse

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    Senior Hostboard Member Kidman's Avatar
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    Something a little worse

    First off I love the replies guys, even the nay-sayers; I totally respect his opinion and actually share some of it--that this is borderline illegal.
    My bad for not putting up some sort of warning about the underage and/or incestual activities therein. The following story does not contain any family on family stuff but again follows this borderline pedophilia material of a mixed sexfight with both parties under 18. I blame Steve03 aka C for getting me started on this based on his amazing series but really this is just fiction, I do not condone or abide such activities. Feel free to flame away without prejudice.
    Stone]Yahoo! Groups
    it would be a little more than a month until I would hear from my aunt, her previous calls for spars were within four weeks of each other so I'd give her about that if not more to let my cousin recover and maybe let her lesson sink in, he he. Until than I found out my aunt had sort of pimped me out as a seasoned fighter--I had been in the league a little over a year since right after I turned fourteen and was the scrawny punk known as Joe the Jabronie (that story forthcoming)--who was good to help break in the other new girls who were graduating from the 7th grade and into the teen mixed division.
    One girl was this little blonde stick figure, bitch looked like she might be fucking ten years old still but she was already two weeks past her thirteenth birthday and wanted to try out a few mixed matches to see if she could handle herself. Keep in mind I'm still just a punk, 16 years old, about 5'7" weighing like 160#s with scruffy brown hair and a scrawny build, some tone from just basic gym class but not like I was on any varsity squad; shit just being in the League was enough of a work out.
    The girl's mother was this cheery soccer-mom-ish type, real Miss Cleaver type with the sundress and shit, blonde hair up in a perm. I kind of took her off to the side when I saw her stick of a daughter and asked her what kind of rules did she want to go by. She looked confused and said, "well the regular league rules I guess." Clearly she had no idea what this was about, I wanted to call up my aunt and have *her* explain things to this noob but than her eyes kind of focused and she understood, tilting her head back and smiling.
    "Yes, anything goes I know," she said with this big reassuring smile, as if I didn't have to worry since her little karate kid--the girl was wearing a fucking gi with this yellow belt and shit like we were in a goddamn dojo--was going to just wipe the floor with me.
    I raised one eyebrow, she smiled again, as if to say 'silly boy there's no way you're going to get inside my little pumpkin, she's the best in her class,'of freakin nine year olds! She said, "Yes, I know, even...'other stuff,'" she was almost blushing as if this was some ridiculous game of pin the tail on a donkey with maybe some grabass, this shit wasn't no picnic. I shrugged and asked if she, her daughter, Kimmy, was going to wear tha during the match. The mom said if I didn't mind, she had undies on underneath, so it was still anything goes.
    The girl, Kimmy, is maybe 5'0" at most, she looked maybe 4'11" and probably weighed 85#s, she had her sandy blonde hair in a long ponytail and wore the white karate gi. She was practically a stick, thin arms, little legs--I would see the rest later. The mom is so goddamn chipper it drives me nuts so I can't wait to lay into her little girl and make her cry.
    This was when I realized how addicted I had become to being a Bully.
    We're fighting in their lovely little suburban home, in what looks like Kimmy's former playroom, the walls are adorned with butterfly border with the room painted baby blue like a warm spring day. We're fighting on a big blue gym mat, it looks official; I guess cuz she does her karate sparring from home. It's a nice big two-story house so they probably can afford a private tutor. This does not concern me for a moment.

    We step onto the mat, stand at either corner as we're supposed to, she starts to do a bow and than stops, I chuckle. I'm wearing my black boxer briefs and I'm not at full mast but have a bit of a chubby thinking about what I'm going to do to her. We come out, she has her hands up in some kind of a guard, circling each other. I do the whole "come n get me" hand wave, she smiles a bit, shakes her head; I hear her mom yell "good girl, don't take the bait."
    "Shutup cow," I thought in my head, "get ready to hear your baby scream."
    I come closer just within range, she lets out a "yah!" and does a little spin kick, aimed at my stomach but I jump back; she was pretty fucking quick I had to give it to her.
    I did some more mocking, doing the crane stance but I doubt she got the reference. I did some bob & weaving to see if she had an opening, her little eyes had about the same fire as my cousin.

    Finally I put my index finger, for like "gimme a sec," than backed up to my corner and started to speak very matter of factly.
    "Ma'am, is your daughter a virgin," I stretched absently in the corner as if everything was totally normal. She kind of paused than said, "Of course, my little Kimmy is top in her class, she's lost a few wrestling matches but she's won a lot more; she's even beat a couple of boys from school in these little fist fights of yours." She beamed proud and I hooked my fingers into the waist band of my briefs.
    "No, ma'am, I meant has she ever had anything like this inside her," and I dropped my drawers revealing my stiff hairy cock. I got hard thinking about what I was about to tell this house frau.
    She looked shocked and almost turned away out of some old english modesty cliche.
    "You see, lady, I don't doubt your kid can beat up some snot nosed kids but in these fights it's considered basic strategy to fuck your opponent; that's kind of how these are things are won generally."
    Her jaw hung open; I had thought it over, this bitch wasn't in this thing for the money but fore the honor of the fight or some bullshit. I don't know who turned her on to the League--probably one of her society chums since it was run by a lot of rich old fuckers who get their rocks off watching poor people beat the shit out of each other--but obviously she had no idea what she was getting herself into so I had to put it out on front street.
    "So if you want to call this off right now, be my guest, cuz otherwise this is going to end with your little princess stripped and crying with my load inside her tight pussy."
    Her mother looked horrified like I just keyed her BMW minivan meanwhile, Kimmy, had not moved a muscle, still in her defensive stance and eyes locked on me.
    The mother stammered, really rethinking this whole excercise as some flight of fancy.
    "Cuz once it starts you can't call it off, no 'time outs' or any of that shit until one person gets knocked out, taps out or makes the other person cum...or gets cummed on, sometimes even inside. Can you imagine that, lady, my dick up inside your little girl and than leaving my load in there? Is she even on birth control? Can you imagine my baby growing in there or would your socialite friends mind getting your daughter her first abortion before she even gets to high school."
    The mother's face was practically pale, "Honey...," she stammered.
    "Mommmm! I got this chump," she hissed at her mom, turning to glare at her doting mommy dearest. That was the break I was looking for as I charged across the mat and bull rushed her spearing her and getting a takedown. She folded in half and we flew way off into the wall of the room. She had made a loud Oof noise when I speared her and the impact of our bodies colliding shook the wall. She crumpled to the floor in my arms but i drug her back onto the mat by her pony tail, taking her by the gi and flinging across to my corner; by god I was going to own every strip of clothing and wear her goddamn yellow belt for a fucking headband!
    She was a total ragdoll now, just groaning; I guess her head hit pretty hard against the drywall. I didn't waste any time, ripping off her karate gi top, seeing she was wearing a tiny little yellow bra. That's when I noticed she had on a yellow schrunchy holding up her pony tail; this bitch was matching inside and out! She was practically flat, maybe a 30 or 32 A cup, just buds, but I also made short work of stripping her bra off, practically tearing it off her--I heard her mother gasp from the corner but didn't take my eyes off little karate Kimmy.
    I hoisted her up with one arm and slammed her over one knee in a gutbuster, making her whine like a puppy. I slid down her bottoms a little and spanked her on that tight butt. I shoved her off my knee and picked up the scraps of her bra, knotting it around her tiny wrists; it wrapped all the way up to her forearms like she was in some medival pair of chinese fingercuffs.

    I rolled her over onto her back, that damn yellow belt was the first thing to come off, no matter what I was leaving with that on my arm like the dude from bloodsport. I sat on kimmy's tummy, not landing hard, but just straddling her. I wanted to see if I could break that warrior inside her. I looked her square in the eyes, asking if she ever sucked a dick.
    Her mother gasped, I could see Kimmy had tears in her eyes but that fire was still there. She shook her head, I thought as much and gave her the choice, she could be a good girl and take it in the mouth or I was going to fuck her little pussy hole raw and leave a baby inside her.
    I didn't trust to stick my dick in her mouth, doubt it would fit but wanted to see if she would do it just cuz it would be admitting defeat; submission without submitting. She pinched her eyes shut and nodded. I laughed and told her to stick out her tongue; it was small and pink, I had let her off lighter than Melody but I didn't want to send a message that I wasn't going to be as soft as the other boys.

    I rubbed the head over her lips and touched her tongue to the tip, letting her flick it around, "like a lolipop," I told her. She took the head between her little lips and sucked nicely for a first timer than I saw her eyes open, there was the fire, and she tried to lunge to bite my cock but I had a handful of her ponytail and jerked it back just in time; she was clamping down on air like some kind of a zombie. I laughed, while I thought I heard her mom kind of cheer a little. She struggled against me now as I taunted her, thwacking my boner against her pretty cheeks and nose. She kept reaching back to bite my erection when I brought my left fist around and busted her right in those fiery eyes.
    Her mom yelped, as though she had been struck, as I sort of kneeled over Kimmy punching her in the face about five or six more times before I heard her mother yell for me to stop.
    "Stop? Lady I'm just gettin' warmed up. I told you this wasn't some walk in the park. Your kid knew the risks and if you want to play with the big boys, this is going to be the light treatment."
    I dropped kimmy's now bloody face, I probably messed up her nose since it didn't look like it was in the same place as when we started; her eyes and cheeks were puffy while blood covered nearly all of her mouth and chin.
    "I mean you're lucky I'm just a perv who's after what's between her legs and not some pain junkie who just enjoys the thrill of hearing the little girls scream until they pass out.
    "Those are the real sickos you need to watch out for," I talked calmly as though we were discussing Opera or The View, meanwhile I wiped her daughter's blood off my knuckles on her little girl's breasts. I gently removed the yellow belt, I had forgotten it earlier, and folded it nicely in my corner next to my briefs. I yanked down her pants showing her tiny yellow girly thong. I paused and kind of gave the mother a look like, "your little girl wears a thong, eh?" She seemed to sense my question and said that kimmy was more comfortable wearing it when she competed, like in karate I guess. This was a sight; I wonder if her instructor was diddling her, maybe that's why she liked to wear the thongs cuz her sensei liked them on her.
    Needless to say they were removed and thrown in the pile by my clothes, I had to keep the baby thong to remember this day. For the record I hadn't knocked Kimmy out, since she was still moaning and spitting blood before I rolled her over and saw her hairless sex, I didn't know if she shaved yet or just had gotten her curls down there yet--I was curious to know if she and mommy were natural blondes. I rolled her onto her side, with a arm around her throat I pulled her bloody face up to look at mommy.
    "Kimmy," I spoke loud enough for her mom to hear, "wake up I want mommy to see your face when you feel that first dick inside you."
    I felt her tense than at once plunged myself into her and could see her mother just tear up, hands go to her mouth as though she were watching a horror movie. But I guess she was since I held her daughter's face up with my hand under her chin as we were lying on the mat, in a spooning position, with my cock buried inside her daughter meanwhile kimmy's face was a bloody mess and her loud shriek filled the room than she stifled it while I slowly pulled out than rammed myself back in. She gasped and shuddered at this than I started a regular motion, banging her from behind with my arm around her throat, choking her lightly I could feel every breath and felt her moan once as I fucked her hard.

    Like last time, I probably lasted less than two minutes, but when I felt the cum start to boil I began taunting both of them--this turned me on more just thinking about it.
    I pictured a fantasy where her mom would ask me not to cum inside kimmy, she'd say she'd give me whatever I wanted. She'd offer money and I'd turn it down than she'd offer her own body, as a form of sacrifice.
    Reality isn't so melodramatic, her mom just sat there crying, bawling really, it kind of killed the mood for me, so I pulled out and rubbed out my cumshot on Kimmy's asscheek.
    This left me with a bitter taste, as mommy came running over to help kimmy up; the way they were both staring at me you'd think they were gonna pull out some kind of butcher knife to make me pay for my sins. I shrugged and paid them no mind, got my clothes, hers and mine--they made no protest since I just took her thong and belt--and whistled that nickleback song "shakin hands" as I walked out the front door. I didn't want to shower off right away, I wanted to keep this smell on my finger the rest of the day.

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    HB Forum Owner MikeJV's Avatar
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    Re: Something a little worse

    Great stuff, I haven't read your stuff in years, i kinda missed it.... a tiny bit. lol!

    I'll have to check your group some time, prob next weel, am kinda busy.

    And I'm still jazzier than you are.


  3. #3
    Senior Hostboard Member Goliadmike's Avatar
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    Re: Something a little worse

    Wow Stone...


    J/K Stone welcome back!
    I have a blog on tumblr with some catfight pics and assorted other fetishes check it out @ [url][/url]

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