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Thread: My Wife's New Passion part 3

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    Junior Hostboard Member smacknutz's Avatar
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    Post My Wife's New Passion part 3

    It had been nine months since Rob started the ?competitive? rules mixed matches back up at his club and they were now his prime moneymaker. After the bull dyke, Cynthia, got involved three months ago, four other girls had agreed to do the matches, which including my wife made a total of six. Because of the popularity I broke my prearranged agreement with my wife that she not do more than three matches a month, but we still capped it at 4. As a result of our ?kickback? agreements we were clearing a good $1,000 to $1,500 a month, but none of that mattered to Angela. She was just having fun fulfilling her fantasy of competing in those types of matches with men a lot bigger and stronger than her and was really getting off on it. I think the other girls that were participating also had a strong sexual rush. Two of the four were Cynthia?s dyke friends, and although they were smaller than she was they were just as nasty when it came to the competitive matches. The other two were women that already wrestled the ?semi-competitive? matches at the club and when they found out about the rules structure that was set up they agreed to do the competitive matches.

    It almost became like a tier system. The guys that were novices at the ?competitive? matches would usually select Becky or Elle to have a match with first because they were not quite as ?gung ho? about smashing a guys balls into oblivion like Cynthia, Kim and Colleen were. My wife kind of fell somewhere in between. Part of it was that I was cherry picking her competitors. I usually would pick guys that I knew were not completely insane and just outside the weight requirement to trigger the additional rules requirements that gave the women an added advantage. Even so my wife?s record was impressive at a staggering 20 and 4. The four ties resulted from a ruling that the match was a draw at the end of the three two minute rounds. It mattered little because unless the guy won he did not get half of the money back for the match. As an added bonus, I got the sexual turn on of watching my wife go at it hard with these guys and completely dominate them most of the time. All 20 of her wins came by ?tap out? and a lot of them ended in the first minute of the round. I had worked with my wife to improve her quickness and she was now able to land a pretty hard punch to an opponent?s bound balls right from the first whistle. It wasn?t the kind of crushing blow that would end a match right away but it weakened even the seasoned opponents she wrestled enough that she had a good advantage the rest of the match. Her signature move was her wicked ?mule? kick. She didn?t get a chance to use it often, but when she did the results were devastating.

    The last poor victim that took one was Gino, a cocky, 23 year old Italian guy, who was just beginning to get into competitive mixed matches. Unfortunately for him he won his first match against Becky when she just started and this made him even cockier. He decided he really wanted a piece of my wife and taunted her by saying he was going to beat her in 30 seconds flat. I think when my wife first saw him in his sheer tan pantyhose she was a little turned on. The guy had to have a solid eight incher and his balls looked like they were the size of meatballs. My wife started on top and spent a little too much time moving her hand over the guy?s washboard abs for my liking but when I blew the whistle she was all business. She let Gino shoot his hand back and grab her leg to execute a ?switch.? When he got behind her she backed into him and shot her head back hard into the breastbone of his chest. This caused him to loosen his grip a little and when she brought her head back forward she was able to peek between her legs to judge the distance of her targets and that?s when she let him have it.

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    Junior Hostboard Member smacknutz's Avatar
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    Post Re: My Wife's New Passion part 3

    I saw her left foot move out at an angle and then rocket up behind her to disappear between Gino?s legs. Since they were sideways to where I was I did not see the actual impact but I sure as hell heard it. The large heel on my wife?s size 10 ? sized foot just pancaked this guy?s balls, smashing them between her heel and his pelvic bone. I think my own cock grew an extra inch or two as a result. Gino stood there, still holding my wife because it took a few seconds for his brain to process the information that his balls had just been crushed flat, but then the pain hit. He let go of my wife and brought his hands down to clutch his injured organs, and emitted a low moan that sounded like OOOOOOHHHHHH. He then promptly dropped to his knees and fell to his side in a fetal position. Then the pain really hit. After a few seconds on the ground he screamed AAAAHHH, Fuck MY BALLS! My wife for her part was a little more aggressive than she usually was when she just nailed a guy. She was practically standing over his head with her hands on her hips. She looked down at him and said, ?Well, you were right about one thing asshole, the match was over in less than 30 seconds!? From where I was sitting I could see Gino gritting his teeth and biting his lower lip hard in an attempt to alleviate some of the pain. As a courtesy my wife usually gave guys that she nailed hard five minutes to recover and continue the match. At about three minutes my wife walked over to him and said, ?What?s a matter you Italian pussy? Can?t continue?? That seemed to get some activity from Gino because he let go of his balls and put his hands on the ground to try and steady himself and succeeded in getting to his knees. I could see the struggle on his face. It looked like he was sweating and a few shades lighter than his dark tan when he started the match. I looked at his pantyhosed crotch and saw a larger distended bulge than before. It looked like his balls were already swollen to the size of lemons and were probably bruising over. He managed to get to one foot and then then fully stand. He then immediately hunched over. I could see every muscle in his arms, chest, shoulders and back were strained and taut and he was breathing really heavy. My wife watched the whole ordeal with a smirk on her face. She said, ?Four and a half minutes, I am really impressed Gino.? Are you ready to continue? The guy must have been running on some real Italian pride because he dropped his hands and tried to get into some kind of standing wrestling stance after he said o.k. in a low voice. They began circling each other again. Gino looked absolutely dead on his feet while my wife was really bouncing around. She had her eyes glued to his swelling ballbag that he was feebly trying to guard. It was comical because every couple of seconds Gino would reach down and cup his swelling balls, grunt and then start moving again. My wife made some moves in and out but did not really try anything the rest of the round. My wife went to her chair and had some water while Gino limped to his corner and appeared to make a desperate effort to relieve the pain in his balls by putting an ice pack on the crotch of his pantyhose. I think he got a little relief, but very little. As he came out for the second round I could see that his balls were so swollen he had no room left in his pantyhose and were compressed in the crotch area. He limped to the middle to get on the ground to start the second round. My wife walked over to him and got down on one knee. Apparently, Gino thought he was going to pull another switch on my wife and play keep away for the second round to buy time for a further recovery. My wife had other ideas. My wife timed the whistle to start the round perfectly and as slow as Gino was moving she had time to almost completely cock her fist back before she let loose with a hard punch that landed right between the swollen mass of his ballbag. I could hear Gino shout, ?Owwww Fuck, you stupid cunt.? I think he regretted those words for at least 2-3 weeks afterward because upon hearing that my wife proceeded to latch on a reverse headscissors with her pantyhosed legs around Gino?s head and squeeze. With the solid punch to his already injured balls and his oxygen supply being cut off he was powerless to prevent my wife from snaking her hand inside his pantyhose behind his ass and getting a good handful of swollen Italian meatballs My wife moved her leg scissors down to her ankles so she could move up his back to get a good view of her handiwork. I saw her manipulating Gino?s swollen ballbag with both her hands now and then heard the familiar phrase, ?Found them.? That?s when I reflexively closed my own legs at the memory of what Cynthia did to my own balls three months ago. Cynthia must have taught my wife her ?nutbuster? move. I saw my wife position a hand on the top of each of Gino?s swollen testicles and then clamp down. Gino was bucking and trying to shake my wife off his back. He almost succeeded a few times but my wife?s strong legs and her grip kept her on. He managed to get his head free enough of her pantyhosed legs to shout out an impassioned plea at the top of his lungs, ?You?re CRUSHING THEM, PLEASE STOP!!!!? After hearing what sounded an awful lot like a grown man crying I think my wife took some pity and spat back, ?Just tap out bitch!? I don?t think Gino could tap out fast enough. At that point my wife let go of his swollen testicles and walked back to her chair. I could clearly make out the wet spot on the crotch of her pantyhose and knew she would probably go to the locker room and masturbate furiously. Gino looked very pale and appeared to be flirting with passing out. I had never seen a guy take so much punishment. The other two guys my wife mule kicked were down for the count after that and one even passed out. I put a few ice packs I had on his balls and a cool washcloth on his forehead. I left the room and told Rob that Gino would need a while. Rob smiled and said he understood what I meant.

    I didn?t see Gino leave, but the girl at the front desk, Dervette, said that he left about an hour later and was picked up by someone, perhaps his girlfriend. She also said that he could barely walk. When they went in to clean the room and mat for the next match they discovered that Gino had vomited in the trash can by the door. Later that night I joked with my wife that she was losing her ?touch? if a guy can take one of her mule kicks and still continue. My wife said that she thought the reason he was able to continue was because she did not get Gino?s balls flush with her heel but rather a part of her arches provided a little softer of a surface. We didn?t see Gino in the club for about six weeks and he didn?t have another competitive mixed match for about two months.

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