Time has a way of wearing a man down and lately my luck had been off the rent from my trailers was not really enough to pay for my bills let alone my habbits,to make things worse i'd not had any requests for my services as of late.You see i love to help women settle thier differences so to speak i provide a venue at thier request and set up what ever type of fight they want and film the events the winner gets to destroy her foe and i get money from selling tapes of the fights or from tickets that the red necks in my part of the county buy to see the brawles in person then they get to fuck the loser.Not a bad deal so long as you've got women who like to fight that is,either peace had broken out among all the females in the area or the world was coming to an end but one thing i was sure of was that i needed something to happen soon or i'd go stark raveing mad.

Well it was the first really hot day of the year and as i was sitting on the picnic table in front of my place watching some of the kids playng two cars pulled into the trailer park the first was a white caddy not new but well maintained by the look of it the following car was a buick of about the same vintage but also well kept both cars stopped and the doors opened and out came six females three from each car my radar was really humming and i knew that luck had changed for me at last.

both sets of broads were dressed up in fine thin fancy dresses sundays best as my granny used to say,i could tell that the two groups were probably mothers and daughters and i prayed for the first time in years that they weren't lost tourists.the two oldest glared at each other then started in my diectio yup i'd hit a jackpot.the two approached me and asked if i was mike i said yes and asked what they were looking for,well replied the lady from the caddy"my name is Ms. andrews and this cunt here is Ms taylor we and our daughters need some help with a little problem we need sortied out and were told you sometimes you know a little help in that area."

Sitting thier i took in both ladies they were indeed in thier suday best bright flowery dresses that went all the way down to thier ankles and both had thier hair piled high up on thier heads,turns out they were in one of those rweally strict denominatios that went to church three or so times a week the kind where everyone knows everyone elses busness.The two mothers it seems both wanted to remarry as thier previous husbands had gone along time before and not many regular joes looked at them as dateing material.Then a new fellow had moved into town and started going to thier congreation and well a few flurtatious words a couple of dates here and thier and poor sap was torn between the two ladys standing before me and even better thier daughters didn't like each other very much either so all of then had scores to settle and they'd asked around and sought me out.Heavens to bits this was going to be good.

The Andrews family was headed by lacy she was according to her 36 and with her were denna age 16 and tammy age 13 all three of them had blonde hair and green eyes and even though thier dresses hid alot i thought they were all built really well tall and slender.The Taylors were headed by marge age 38 shorter and heaver than Ms andrews with her were her daughters clair age 15 and jenny age 12 the three Taylor women were all shorter than thier Andrews foes and all three had bright red hair and fairer skin tones. me and the moms hunkerd down to settle out how and when to do this thing as dollar signs and thoughts of good pussy flashed thru my mind.